Search results for ""TEA""
BetterLink Press Incorporated Tea Therapy: Natural Remedies Using Traditional Chinese Medicine
Gallery Books Sweet Tea and Sympathy: A Book Club Recommendation!
Gallery Books The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
Boxer Books Dont Ever Take a TRex Out for Tea
Gibbs M. Smith Inc Egg Rolls & Sweet Tea: Asian Inspired, Southern Style
Stanford University Press Making Tea, Making Japan: Cultural Nationalism in Practice
The tea ceremony persists as one of the most evocative symbols of Japan. Originally a pastime of elite warriors in premodern society, it was later recast as an emblem of the modern Japanese state, only to be transformed again into its current incarnation, largely the hobby of middle-class housewives. How does the cultural practice of a few come to represent a nation as a whole? Although few non-Japanese scholars have peered behind the walls of a tea room, sociologist Kristin Surak came to know the inner workings of the tea world over the course of ten years of tea training. Here she offers the first comprehensive analysis of the practice that includes new material on its historical changes, a detailed excavation of its institutional organization, and a careful examination of what she terms "nation-work"—the labor that connects the national meanings of a cultural practice and the actual experience and enactment of it. She concludes by placing tea ceremony in comparative perspective, drawing on other expressions of nation-work, such as gymnastics and music, in Europe and Asia. Taking readers on a rare journey into the elusive world of tea ceremony, Surak offers an insightful account of the fundamental processes of modernity—the work of making nations.
O'Brien Press Ltd Tea for One: A Celebration of Little Things
In Tea for One, Alice Taylor celebrates the little moments that bring us joy After many busy years raising a family and running a business, Alice is now living alone – with all the challenges and pleasures that brings. From improving her painting to perfecting her garden, exploring family histories and reclaiming her mother’s art of tea-making, Alice celebrates the small acts that fill her days and make her happy.
White Star Shangri-La: Along the Tea Road to Lhasa
The legendary Chamagudao, the Tea-Horse Road, winds through dizzying mountain passes, across famed rivers like the Mekong and the Yangtze and past monasteries and meadows in a circuitous route from Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces in western China to the Tibetan capital city of Lhasa. Actually a network of roads, trails and highways, rather than one distinct route, the Chamagudao once stretched for almost 1,400 miles (2350 km) – a conduit along which the historic trade between the mighty Chinese Empire and the nomadic Tibetans linked remote villages and ethnic groups. The Chinese military needed strong horses for their wars against Mongol invaders from the north, and the fiercely religious Tibetans desired tea both for sacred rituals and sustenance. Following the Chamagudao, this book is a rare and enchanting look into the changing world of Tibet – both ancient and modern, sacred and secular, the rarefied and the gritty – before the legends and mysteries of the Tea-Horse Road disappear into the Tibetan mist.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Jewel Tea Company: Its History and Products
The Jewel Tea Company of Chicago, Illinois reached a national market for its household products through salesmen and mail order catalogs from 1901 until 1981. the company's Autumn Leaf Pattern china-featured throughout the text-was widely distributed and frequently graced dinner tables earlier this century. It is fondly remembered and sought by today's collectors. Rarely seen Autumn Leaf wares are explored along with a brilliant assortment of better known pieces. A combination of modern color and historic black and white photographs chronicle the staggering array of Jewel Tea wares including china, cookware, coffee and teapots, premium products, children's toys, and more. There is something for everyone in this impressive, photograph-filled and thoroughly researched text with price guide.
Bubble Tea té de perlas. Cocinar y comer
* El Bubble Tea (té de perlas) es una de las bebidas favoritas en Taiwán: nació en sus calles en la década de 1980, y lo especial de él es que hidrata, pero también alimenta!* Té de perlas delicioso! Con leche y perlas de tapioca, con té y perlas de fruta o a base de gelatina de fruta!* Descubra recetas, consejos y tutoriales para preparar con éxito esta refrescante bebida asiática. Deje de comprarla, prepárela!Aunque las recetas varían, la mayoría de los tés de perlas tienen una base de té (que puede tener leche o jugo de frutas) mezclada con bolitas de tapioca gomosas endulzadas con miel o jarabe de glucosa y con sabor a frutas. Estas perlas, que también pueden estar hechas de gelatina, se asientan en el fondo de la bebida y se sorben junto a la bebida con largas cañitas XXL.También puede disfrutar el té de perlas con piruletas de gofre o con bolitas de coco y fruta.
Wet Nose Publishing Ltd Dog Friendly Tea Room & Cafe Walks: Lake District
This attractive and cleverly structured guidebook gives dog walkers access to the finest dog walks in the Lake District. The cafes and tea rooms have been chosen on the basis that dogs are allowed inside thus ensuring the enjoyment of both dog and owner, whatever the weather. With clear information, an introduction for each walk, and simple, easy-to-read maps, this beautiful book will appeal to all who want to venture out into the countryside with their dogs. The walks are for all levels of fitness and abilities and having no stiles ensures a hassle free walk for both dog and owner. Areas included are: Keswick, Glenridding, Pooley Bridge, Grasmere, Hawkshead, Coniston, Ambleside, and Windermere. Both authors are experienced walkers, qualified in mountain leadership and countryside management.With clear information, an introduction for each walk, and simple, easy-to-read maps, this beautiful book will appeal to all who want to venture out into the countryside with their dogs. The walks are for all levels of fitness and abilities and having no stiles ensures a hassle free walk for both dog and owner. Areas included are: Keswick, Glenridding, Pooley Bridge, Grasmere, Hawkshead, Coniston, Ambleside, and Windermere. Both authors are experienced walkers, qualified in mountain leadership and countryside management.
Atheneum Books A Cuban Girls Guide to Tea and Tomorrow
Tyndale House Publishers Sweet Tea Secrets from the Deep-Fried South
Little Tiger Press Group Don't Take a T-Rex Out For Tea
Life is full of dos and don’ts You may choose to ignore, But do that at your peril If you meet a dinosaur! Discover how to deal with dinos in this playful, prehistoric pop-up book, full of “T-rexcellent” advice to tickle your funny bones! With hilarious text and a lovable cast of pop-up dinosaurs! Little ones will adore the clever pop-ups on each page as well as the witty, silly text. This is the perfect book to encourage your child to read along to.
Vendome Press Teatime with Ladurée: The Art of Taking Tea
CABI Publishing Protective Effects of Tea on Human Health
Bringing together the latest research from leading experts, this book provides an indispensable reference on the health benefits of drinking tea. It examines the general health giving properties of tea before moving on to a detailed review of the evidence for the beneficial effects of tea on specific ailments including cancer, the common cold, renal disease, cardiovascular disease, antiviral influenza, arthritis, lung and pulmonary ailments, aging, oral health, and dementia. The book concludes by challenging misconceptions of the effects of tea.
Ohio University Press A Necessary Luxury: Tea in Victorian England
Tea drinking in Victorian England was a pervasive activity that, when seen through the lens of a century’s perspective, presents a unique overview of Victorian culture. Tea was a necessity and a luxury; it was seen as masculine as well as feminine; it symbolized the exotic and the domestic; and it represented both moderation and excess. Tea was flexible enough to accommodate and to mark subtle differences in social status, to mediate these differences between individuals, and to serve as a shared cultural symbol within England. In A Necessary Luxury: Tea in Victorian England, Julie E. Fromer analyzes tea histories, advertisements, and nine Victorian novels, including Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Wuthering Heights, and Portrait of a Lady. Fromer demonstrates how tea functions within the literature as an arbiter of taste and middle-class respectability, aiding in the determination of class status and moral position. She reveals the way in which social identity and character are inextricably connected in Victorian ideology as seen through the ritual of tea. Drawing from the fields of literary studies, cultural studies, history, and anthropology, A Necessary Luxury offers in-depth analysis of both visual and textual representations of the commodity and the ritual that was tea in nineteenth-century England.
University of Washington Press Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic
Puer tea has been grown for centuries in the “Six Great Tea Mountains” of Yunnan Province, and in imperial China it was a prized commodity, traded to Tibet by horse or mule caravan via the so-called Tea Horse Road and presented as tribute to the emperor in Beijing. In the 1990s, as the tea’s noble lineage and unique process of aging and fermentation were rediscovered, it achieved cult status both in China and internationally. The tea became a favorite among urban connoisseurs who analyzed it in language comparable to that used in wine appreciation and paid skyrocketing prices. In 2007, however, local events and the international economic crisis caused the Puer market to collapse. Puer Tea traces the rise, climax, and crash of this phenomenon. With ethnographic attention to the spaces in which Puer tea is harvested, processed, traded, and consumed, anthropologist Jinghong Zhang constructs a vivid account of the transformation of a cottage handicraft into a major industry—with predictable risks and unexpected consequences. Watch the associated videos at
HarperCollins Publishers The National Trust Book of Afternoon Tea
From cucumber sandwiches to jam and scones, this comprehensive cookery book from the National Trust is chock full of recipes that go perfectly with a nice cup of tea. From cucumber sandwiches to jam and scones, this comprehensive cookery book from the National Trust is chock full of recipes that go perfectly with a cup of tea. Afternoon tea is the quintessential British ritual. And with over 100 tearooms across the country, the National Trust knows a thing or two about it. This gift-sized guide has delicious recipes for savory and sweet treats, whether you’re looking for a lively party, the last word in elegance or a hearty winter tea by the fire. From sandwiches and tarts to cakes, scones, macaroons and preserves – some are classic, some have a twist, such as cucumber sandwiches with minted cream cheese, toasted farmhouse bread with anchovy butter, the classic Victoria sponge, brandysnaps or scones. Plus there’s everything you need to know to brew the perfect pot of tea (not to mention the odd cocktail and bowl of punch). Food historian Laura Mason also includes some fascinating and amusing historical recipes that reveal how afternoon tea was taken in times gone by and the origins of some of our beloved dishes.
Harcourt Children's Books Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea
Old Mr. Putter has much to do. In the morning he eats his muffin. Then he works in his garden until teatime, when he enjoys his cup of tea. In the evening he has lots of wonderful stories to tell. The problem is, Mr. Putter is lonely. There is no one to share his muffins, drink tea with him, enjoy the flowers in his garden, or listen to his stories. What Mr. Putter needs is a friend - and he finds one at the animal shelter. Now Mr. Putter has Tabby, the old yellow cat, who loves muffins, tea and flowers, and purrs while Mr. Putter tells his stories. What a happy pair!
History Press Historic Taverns and Tea Rooms of Maine
Hachette Australia The Tea Ladies of St Jude's Hospital
Schirner Verlag Tea for Two die Göttin und du
Maverick Arts Publishing Rory the Tea-Rex: (Green Early Reader)
Oni Press,US The Tea Dragon Society Slipcase Box Set
The History Press Ltd A Warwickshire Childhood: 'No Cakes for Tea'
This collection of memories follows a Warwickshire girl as she grows up during an era of huge transformation in Britain. Written to reflect her childhood impression of the world around her, this memoir reminds readers of the realities of everyday life in a bygone era. Illustrated with charming family photographs, this is a memoir which creates a vivid picture of day-to-day life in Nuneaton in the 1920s and '30s, including time spent in school, family holidays and the changes in the town itself. It also provides a youthful insight into the turbulent decades between the two world wars. This delightful book will evoke nostalgic memories in those who recall growing up in this era, and for children of the present day it provides a unique recollection of growing up in a different age.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Tea Stilton 1. El código del dragón
Qué ocultan los sótanos de la Universidad de Ratford? Quién ha raptado a Hans Ratonilo? Un misterio que sólo podía resolver el Club de Tea!
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Tea Stilton 6. Aventura en Nueva York
El club de Tea vuela a Nueva York, donde hacen nuevos amigos, Nicky participa en la maratón y, además, deben resolver un nuevo caso: quién es el misterioso Fénix que amenaza a la familia de Pamela?
Smith Street Books Bubble Tea: Make your own at home
The ultimate book of bubble tea. Learn how to perfect the beloved Asian drink at home with Bubble Tea. This delicious, colourful book features 22 bubble tea recipes, from brown sugar, matcha and jasmine and lime to grass jelly and coconut milk, pomegranate, and grenadine and pandan jelly. With a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to making your own tapioca pearls, easy-to-follow recipes for all the flavors imaginable, plus all the basics, this book will leave you never wanting store-bought bubble tea again!
Chronicle Books Oh Snap Dill with It Tea Towels
With this deliciously witty pair of tea towels, home cooks can dill with messes in a snap or simply display and appreciate the lovely illustrations.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Tea Stilton 18. Tras la pista del tulipán negro
Las chicas del Club de Tea van a Holanda para investigar una misteriosa desaparición, mientras una roedora maquina en la sombra para robar una preciada flor
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd Leaf Tea: Infusions, Cold Brews, Sodas, Frappés and More
Unravel the history, sample the flavours, and experience the amazing versatility of the world's favourite brew and all its health-giving properties. Tea expert Timothy d’Offay starts with the very basics with a section on water and tea tools to make brewing easier. Then, as well as traditional ways of making tea, he explores new brewing methods such as ‘Flow Brew’, which involves brewing one tea through another to create an infusion, and ‘Ambient Tea’, a way of making tea pair better with food. There is a ‘Cold Brew’ chapter as well as one for delicious sparkling teas, called ‘Kitchen Colas’, which you can make in the comfort of your own home with tea and a few other natural ingredients. ‘Fresh Fruit Tea Quarters’ are another new innovation, combining tea and fresh fruit juice to create a refreshing soft drink. In Leaf Tea there will be recipes to make the most of matcha and the other stoneground teas now available so you can learn to make tasty ‘Somersault’ drinks – frappes, milkshakes and ice creams. So turn on your kettle, tune into tea culture and drop those tasteless tea bags for some of the best leaf tea experiences you can have.
Estrella Polar Un bon embolic a Nova York Tea Stilton 6
Les Tea Sisters volen a Nova York cap a una aventura extraràtica. A la brillant metròpoli coneixen un munt de nous amics i la Nicky farà realitat el seu somni, participar a la gran Marató de Nova York. Però un nou cas les espera: qui és el misteriós Fènix que amenaça la família de la Pamela?
CABI Publishing Health Benefits of Green Tea: An Evidence-based Approach
This book provides evidence to support the health-promoting components of green tea for human health. It explores the significance of green tea and its catechins represented by epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), demonstrating their beneficial effects on diseases including cancer, obesity, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, hepatitis, and neurodegenerative diseases. The present status of human studies and avenues for future research are discussed. It is written by a team of experts from across the globe and makes significant Japanese findings available to international researchers. It is an essential resource for researchers interested in the biochemistry and pharmacology of green tea, and functional foods and beverages.
Tea Rooms. Ed. 10 Aniversario Mujeres obreras
Corren los años treinta en Madrid y las trabajadoras de un distinguido salón de té cercano a la Puerta del Sol ajustan sus uniformes para comenzar una nueva y fatigosa jornada laboral. Antonia es la más veterana de todas, aunque nunca nadie le ha reconocido su competencia. A la pequeña Marta la miseria la ha vuelto decidida y osada. Paca, treintañera y beata, pasa sus horas de ocio en un convento cercano a su casa, y Laurita, la ahijada del dueño, se tiene por una chica moderna. El jornal de tres pesetas no les da para vivir a ninguna, pero todas callan, no vaya a ser? Están acostumbradas a callar: frente al jefe, frente al marido, frente al padre. A callar sus deseos con la adormidera de la religión. Únicamente Matilde tiene ese espíritu revoltoso que tanto reclama la narradora cuando consigue colarse entre la cháchara jovial de las chicas.Luisa Carnés, la gran autora invisible de la Generación del 27, escribió esta portentosa novela social rompiendo los esquemas narrativos de la
Hachette Australia The Tea Ladies of St Jude's Hospital
LICENSED MERHANDISE Harry Potter Hedwig Tea For One Set
Hedwig Teapot and Cup.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Secret Service of Tea and Treason
Graffeg Limited Celestine and the Hare: Honey for Tea
HarperCollins Publishers More Blood, More Sweat and Another Cup of Tea
The sequel to the bestselling memoir Blood, Sweat & Tea. Tom Reynolds is an ambulance worker. On any given day he can be attacked by strangers, sworn at by motorists, puked on, covered in blood and other much more unpleasant substances. He could help to deliver a baby in the morning and witness the last moments of a dying man in the afternoon. He deals with road accidents, knife attacks, domestic violence, drug overdoses, neglect and suffering. And you think you’re having a bad day at work? Tom blogs about his experiences at the end of each shift. His Random Acts of Reality website has a huge following with over 30,000 visitors every day. He is an internet legend and a remarkable writer. His first book, Blood, Sweat & Tea came out of nowhere to be a surprise bestseller in 2006. Readers were stunned by the stories he had to tell and impressed by the sheer quality of his writing. Critics who sneer at blogs-to-books have never read this one. More Blood, More Sweat and Another Cup of Tea charts the past two years of Tom’s life as an ambulance worker. He is tired, he is frustrated and he is more pissed off than ever but he still manages to capture the more moving, heartwarming and inspirational moments alongside the chaos.
Little, Brown Book Group A Brief History of Tea: Addiction, Exploitation, and Empire
'Absorbing and sometimes shocking' - Literary Review'A masterful historical study' - The Good Book GuideBehind the wholesome image of the world's most popular drink lies a strangely murky and often violent past. From its first discovery to the present day, this is an extraordinary story of a great world obsession.When tea began to be imported into the West from China in the seventeenth century, its high price and heavy taxes made it an immediate target for smuggling and dispute at every level, culminating in international incidents like the notorious Boston Tea Party. In China itself the British financed their tea dealings by the ruthless imposition of the opium trade. Intrepid British tea planters soon began flocking to India, Ceylon and Africa, setting up huge plantations; often workers were bought and sold like slaves.Roy Moxham's account of this extraordinary history begins with his own sojourn in Africa, managing 500 acres of tea and a thousand-strong workforce. His experiences inform the book and led him to investigate the early history of tea - and the results of his researches reflect little credit on the British Empire, while often revealing a fascinating world story.
Destino Infantil & Juvenil La noche del eclipse Tea Stilton Encanto Spanish Edition
Tuttle Publishing Book of Tea: Beauty, Simplicity and the Zen Aesthetic
Written over a century ago when Japan was abandoning its rich traditions to embrace the hysteria of colonization, this classic written by Okakura Kakuzo helped preserve the masterpieces of Japanese art and culture by illuminating the spirit of the Japanese Tea Masters. The Book of Tea doesn't focus on the Tea Ceremony itself, but the Zen Buddhist thought behind it known as the Way of Tea or Chado. Kakuzo teaches us to listen to the language of flowers as well as the language of art. His considerable charm is as apparent today as it was one hundred years ago as he introduces us to the aesthetic and culture of Japan. This edition has a new foreword by Andrew Juniper who runs the Wabi-Sabi Art Gallery in West Sussex, England and an introduction by Liza Dalby, the first American woman to be fully trained as a geisha in the 70's.
Barbour Publishing Daily Devotional Bible King James Version Tangerine Tea Time
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. April & Mae and the Tea Party: The Sunday Book
Crooked Lane Books In Cold Chamomile: A Tea and a Read Mystery
The Conrad Press When Robert Burns Came to Tea and other poems
In this second collection of poetry, Bridget Nolan explores the human experience in some unexpected ways. Her ability to stir emotions provokes thought, triggers laughter and occasions tears. From the comical title poem ‘When Robert Burns came to Tea’ to the heartbreaking ‘Why would I Imagine?’ Bridget presents a collection of stories in poetic form. In her varied style, she conveys a myriad thoughts and feelings: the joy of love; the pain of a continuing sense of loss; the embarrassment of a hospital visit and the comfort of the natural world are all woven into the narrative of this diverse collection. This anthology celebrates the human condition in all its shades of dark and light.