Search results for ""Schwabe""
Schwabe Verlag Gmbh Deutsche Versnovellistik Des 13. Bis 15. Jahrhunderts
Schwabe Verlag Gmbh Deutsche Versnovellistik Des 13. Bis 15. Jahrhunderts
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Deutsche Versnovellistik Des 13. Bis 15. Jahrhunderts: Band 1.1
Schwabe Verlag Basel Aufbruch durch Apokalypse
Schwabe Verlag Basel Mensch werden
Schwabe Verlag Basel Gegen Reinhold bist Du ein Verächter Kants ...
Schwabe Verlag Basel Comment dire Dieu à un enfant de rue de Kinshasa
Schwabe Verlag Basel Der Büechlihau bei Füllinsdorf
Schwabe Verlag Basel Zürcher Denkmalpflege. 24. Bericht 20172018
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Basel: Eine Liebeserklarung
Schwabe Verlag Basel Wunder. Ich nehme das Wort nicht leichtfertig in den Mund
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Gewolbebau Der Spatgotik in Graubunden 1450-1525
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Notationskunde 13. Und 14. Jahrhundert: Teilband a Und B
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Verzettelte Wortwelten: Worterbuchmanuskript Und Entstehungsgeschichte Von Sprengs Glossarium
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Narrenworte Spricht Der Narr: Sprichworter in Erasmus' Lob Der Torheit
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Philosophie
Schwabe Verlag Basel Untertan Staatsbürger Mensch
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Latein Lernen Wie in Der Antike: Latein-Lehrbucher Aus Der Antike
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Das Marienleben Des Kartausers Philipp Von Seitz: Aus Dem Mittelhochdeutschen Zeilengetreu Ubersetzt Und Kommentiert Von Eduard Glauser
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Hoppes Nibelungen: Zur Kritik Der Asthetischen Aneignung Vormoderner Literatur
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Augen-Blicke Des Schreibens: Zur Poetik Des Visuellen in Der Schreibszene Robert Walsers
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Rassismussensible Beratung und Therapie von geflüchteten Menschen: Handlungs- und Interventionsmöglichkeiten
Refugees are people like you and me. But they require specific, sensitive counseling and psychotherapy, because racism-related dynamics have extreme psychological consequences for those affected. In this book Katja Schwabe and Eben Louw outline the concept of racism-sensitive counseling and psychotherapy for refugees. They explain what racism-related dynamics there are and what psychological consequences are associated with them for those affected. The focus is on fundamental considerations about an anti-racist attitude and practice culture as well as interventions developed from them and possible guidelines that represent a practice-oriented orientation for psychosocial counseling and psychotherapeutic fields of action. The book offers practitioners a wide range of approaches and a reflection aid for advisory or therapeutic action in specific situations.
Cornell University Press Moving Memory: Remembering Palestine in Postdictatorship Chile
Moving Memory is an ethnography of remembrance in the field of tension between post-dictatorship Chile and occupied Palestine that offers new insights into memory politics as a globally resurgent and increasingly transnational phenomenon. It tells a largely untold story of a Palestinian diaspora: how a predominantly Christian, conservative, and wealthy elite has come to form the backbone of a diasporic community to which the Palestinian struggle remains a central mobilizing force. Schwabe explores how Palestinian diaspora politics play into larger attempts to obscure the recent Chilean past and its consequences, all the while working to counter Zionist efforts to negate and erase Palestinian existence. Despite considerable efforts to contain them, memories move. They travel across porous and ever-changing geographical and socio-political boundaries, reconfiguring realities in the process. In exploring the paradoxes of remembering and forgetting between Palestine and Chile as intertwining nodes in the complex field of global memory politics, the book demarcates the limits and possibilities of forging solidarity at the fault lines of memory.
Cornell University Press Moving Memory: Remembering Palestine in Postdictatorship Chile
Moving Memory is an ethnography of remembrance in the field of tension between post-dictatorship Chile and occupied Palestine that offers new insights into memory politics as a globally resurgent and increasingly transnational phenomenon. It tells a largely untold story of a Palestinian diaspora: how a predominantly Christian, conservative, and wealthy elite has come to form the backbone of a diasporic community to which the Palestinian struggle remains a central mobilizing force. Schwabe explores how Palestinian diaspora politics play into larger attempts to obscure the recent Chilean past and its consequences, all the while working to counter Zionist efforts to negate and erase Palestinian existence. Despite considerable efforts to contain them, memories move. They travel across porous and ever-changing geographical and socio-political boundaries, reconfiguring realities in the process. In exploring the paradoxes of remembering and forgetting between Palestine and Chile as intertwining nodes in the complex field of global memory politics, the book demarcates the limits and possibilities of forging solidarity at the fault lines of memory.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Water Economics
This comprehensive Handbook explores the role that economics plays in water resource use, management, and policy. The contributors cover a continuum of topics that individually and jointly represent the state of the art of water economics.Leading scholars demonstrate ways in which economic theory, tools, and analyses have been used to address a variety of water-related issues over the years and, subsequently, to create better-informed policy and management decisions. Acknowledging and building upon the seminal research related to water economics, this book offers a current and provocative exploration of a variety of topics, including: the role of institutions in developing sound water policy and water sustainability extraction, production, and use of surface water, groundwater, and recycled water, including the conjunctive use of these resources the use of water in industrial, residential, agricultural, and hydropower sectors as well as for the environment and ecosystems the role of experimental economics; methods to address climate change effects and adaptation; developments in the field of nonmarket valuation; approaches to nonpoint source pollution control and salinity pollution; issues related to water in the developing world; water and economic growth; and management of international water. The Handbook of Water Economics will prove to be an enlightening, thought-provoking, and practical read for PhD students, researchers in water economics and management, water-related agency staff, and professionals interested in water-related economic issues at the local, state, national, and international levels.Contributors: E. Ansink, K.A. Baerenklau, E.B. Barbier, R. Bark, H. Bejarano, K. Burnett, R.T. Carson, J. Connor, O.G. Dávila, A. Dinar, D.P. Dupont, B. Franklin, R.Q. Grafton, K. Hansen, F. Hernández-Sancho, H. Houba, B.H. Hurd, W.K. Jaeger, P.-O. Johansson, S. Kaplan, V. Kerry Smith, K.C. Knapp, P. Koundouri, B. Kriström, A. Loch, M. Molinos-Senante, S.K. Pattanayak, S. Pongkijvorasin, S. Renzetti, J. Roumasset, K. Schwabe, J. Shortle, V.K.Smith, D. Squires, Y. Tsur, C.A. Wada, J. Wang, F.A. Ward, S.A. Wheeler, D. Whittington, M.-Q. (Kent) Zhao, D. Zilberman
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Water Economics
This comprehensive Handbook explores the role that economics plays in water resource use, management, and policy. The contributors cover a continuum of topics that individually and jointly represent the state of the art of water economics.Leading scholars demonstrate ways in which economic theory, tools, and analyses have been used to address a variety of water-related issues over the years and, subsequently, to create better-informed policy and management decisions. Acknowledging and building upon the seminal research related to water economics, this book offers a current and provocative exploration of a variety of topics, including: the role of institutions in developing sound water policy and water sustainability extraction, production, and use of surface water, groundwater, and recycled water, including the conjunctive use of these resources the use of water in industrial, residential, agricultural, and hydropower sectors as well as for the environment and ecosystems the role of experimental economics; methods to address climate change effects and adaptation; developments in the field of nonmarket valuation; approaches to nonpoint source pollution control and salinity pollution; issues related to water in the developing world; water and economic growth; and management of international water. The Handbook of Water Economics will prove to be an enlightening, thought-provoking, and practical read for PhD students, researchers in water economics and management, water-related agency staff, and professionals interested in water-related economic issues at the local, state, national, and international levels.Contributors: E. Ansink, K.A. Baerenklau, E.B. Barbier, R. Bark, H. Bejarano, K. Burnett, R.T. Carson, J. Connor, O.G. Dávila, A. Dinar, D.P. Dupont, B. Franklin, R.Q. Grafton, K. Hansen, F. Hernández-Sancho, H. Houba, B.H. Hurd, W.K. Jaeger, P.-O. Johansson, S. Kaplan, V. Kerry Smith, K.C. Knapp, P. Koundouri, B. Kriström, A. Loch, M. Molinos-Senante, S.K. Pattanayak, S. Pongkijvorasin, S. Renzetti, J. Roumasset, K. Schwabe, J. Shortle, V.K.Smith, D. Squires, Y. Tsur, C.A. Wada, J. Wang, F.A. Ward, S.A. Wheeler, D. Whittington, M.-Q. (Kent) Zhao, D. Zilberman
University of New Orleans Press De-Centering History Education: Creating Knowledge of Global Entanglements
Muster-Schmidt Verlag Jean Monnet
Juventa Verlag GmbH Das Scheitern von pädagogischen Projekten zudem eine etwas andere Geschichte der Sozialpädagogik
Boorberg, R. Verlag Schuldrecht I
Boorberg, R. Verlag Strafrecht Besonderer Teil 1
Juventa Verlag GmbH Eskalation und DeEskalation in Einrichtungen der Jugendhilfe Konstruktiver Umgang mit Aggression und Gewalt in Arbeitsfeldern der Jugendhilfe
Bergverlag Rother SeilbahnWanderungen Allgu mit Auerfern Tannheimer Tal und Kleinwalsertal 51 Touren Mit GPSTracks
Boorberg, R. Verlag Staatsrecht II
Boorberg, R. Verlag Schuldrecht II
Alianza Editorial La cena equivocada Alianza Literaria Al Spanish Edition
Septiembre de 1943, una columna blindada alemana cruza la localidad albanesa de Gjirokaster. Va al mando el coronel Fritz von Schwabe. Una partida de guerrilleros abre fuego contra la avanzadilla, como réplica los alemanes toman rehenes. El doctor Gurameto cree reconocer en Schwabe a un antiguo compañero de estudios en Alemania y le invita a cenar siguiendo la tradicional hospitalidad balcánica. Durante la cena, aprovecha para pedirle que libere a los rehenes, incluido al farmacéutico judío. Pasan diez años, los comunistas controlan el poder. La paranoia estalinista de los complots contra el socialismo llega a Gjirokaster. Las torturas y las ejecuciones están a la orden del día. La liberación de los rehenes, incluido el judío, lograda por Gurameto en aquella cena se convierte en objeto de sospecha. Gurameto pasa súbitamente de héroe a traidor. Ayudó a sus vecinos o se vendió a los nazis? La situación se va a complicar durante el absurdo proceso cuando se descubre que en aquella velada
Juventa Verlag GmbH Alltag und Fachlichkeit in stationren Erziehungshilfen Erkenntnisse aus dem Modellprojekt Qualittsagentur Heimerziehung
Boorberg, R. Verlag Strafrecht
Boorberg, R. Verlag Handels und Gesellschaftsrecht
Boorberg, R. Verlag Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht und Verwaltungsprozessrecht
Boorberg, R. Verlag Arbeitsrecht
V&R unipress GmbH Kinder und Jugendliche als Patienten: Eine gesprächsanalytische Studie zum subjektiven Krankheitserleben junger Anfallspatienten in pädiatrischen Sprechstunden
Dpunkt.Verlag GmbH Canon EOS R5 Das Handbuch zur Kamera
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH ErlebnisWanderungen in und um Oberstdorf