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Cornerstone I Will Find You: From the #1 bestselling creator of the hit Netflix series Fool Me Once
The new Harlan Coben blockbuster has arrived. From the # 1 author and creator of the hit Netflix drama Stay Close, a page-turning thriller that will keep you guessing until the very last page.'This thriller is one of his best yet' Sunday Express'The master of the modern thriller' Glamour'Typically clever' The Sun______________David and Cheryl Burroughs are living the dream - married, a beautiful house in the suburbs, a three year old son named Matthew - when tragedy strikes one night in the worst possible way.David awakes to find himself covered in blood, but not his own - his son's. And while he knows he did not murder his son, the overwhelming evidence against him puts him behind bars indefinitely.Five years into his imprisonment, Cheryl's sister arrives - and drops a bombshell.She's come with a photograph that a friend took on vacation at a theme park. The boy in the background seems familiar - and even though David realizes it can't be, he knows it is.It's Matthew, and he's still alive.David plans a harrowing escape from prison, determined to do what seems impossible - save his son, clear his own name, and discover the real story of what happened that devastating night.______________More love for I Will Find You ...'It's a perfect page-turner' RTÉ Guide'This is a dramatic suspenseful Coben novel... a fabulous crime novel' Press Association'Compelling... A fantastically breakneck prison break/fugitive adventure story' Observer'This rattling yarn has Netflix stamped all over it' Irish Indepdent'An enthrallingly tense read from start to finish' Heat'I Will Find You bristles with the irresistible storytelling nous that is Coben's purview' Financial Times'You'll lock yourself away so you aren't interrupted while reading!' Prima'Rightly admired for his plotting, Coben pulls off some trademark twists' Sunday Times______________Readers can't get enough of I Will Find You ...***** 'Oh my! My eyes hurt! My heart is my mouth! I'm still hyperventilating as if I ran 10K marathon. This book is extremely action packed, absolutely heart pounding and definitely one of the best books Harlan Coben created.'***** 'Harlen Coben never disappoints! I tore through this one in two days, a fast-paced story that will suck you in and leave you breathless.'***** 'Such an incredibly twisty story that I had to unravel as soon as possible! I can highly recommend I WILL FIND YOU to all mystery/thriller fans! You will love it!'***** 'This story has many twists and was very suspenseful. I couldn't hardly put it down.'
Peeters Publishers La Resistance D'Akindynos a Gregoire Palamas. Enquete Historique, Avec Traduction Et Commentaire De Quatre Traites Edites Recemment. Volume I: Traduction Des Quatre Traites De La "Refutation Du Dialogue Entre Un Orthodoxe Et Un Barlaamite"
En 1995, le Pere Juan Nadal Canellas editait dans la "Series Graeca" du "Corpus Christianorum" deux refutations, ecrites par Akindynos, d'une oeuvre celebre de Gregoire Palamas, le "Dialogue d'un Orthodoxe avec un Barlaamite". Le texte grec de la plus importante de ces Refutations, ecrite en quatre traites, occupait non moins de 408 pages. De cet enorme ensemble, le P. Nadal publie aujourd'hui une traduction francaise. Elle fait l'objet du t. I, et on notera qu'en preparant cette traduction l'auteur a pu, en plusieurs endroits, ameliorer le texte edite il y a une dizaine d'annees.Quant au t. II, il presente, pourrait-on dire, le cadre historique dans lequel les Refutations ont vu le jour. Akindynos avait succede, apprenons-nous, a Theolepte de Philadelphie comme Pere spirituel de la princesse Irene-Eulogie Choumnaina Paleologina. Devenue, encore tres jeune, veuve de l'heritier de l'empire, celle-ci portait le titre de "basilissa" et etait tres riche; toute devouee a son Pere spirituel, elle l'encourageait et l'appuyait de toutes ses forces; elle fit notamment copier ses oeuvres sur parchemin, ce qui les a sauvees. La correspondance echangee entre Akindynos et Irene-Eulogie a egalement ete conservee en partie et permet de mieux connaitre l'auteur des Refutations et les conditions dans lesquelles il a travaille. La chronologie des annees 1340 a 1345 est egalement eclairee. Apres la mort inattendue d'Andronic III en 1341, on assiste a la montee en puissance du ministre et futur empereur Jean (VI) Cantacuzene et du groupe monastique inspire par Palamas, qui avait ses faveurs. Ces moines ne craignaient pas de tenir des positions pour le moins etonnantes. De la meme facon, disaient-ils, que durant tout l'Ancien Testament, seuls les prophetes ont entrevu le mystere de l'Incarnation et que le commun du peuple aurait trouve inacceptables les verites qu'a revelees le Nouveau Testament, ainsi auusi aujourd'hui certaines verites sont revelees a certaines personnes par la grace de l'Esprit, verites inconnues du Nouveau Testament. Les Palamites pretendaient aussi, notamment, voir la gloire essentielle de Dieu avec les yeux de leur corps "transformes par l'Esprit-Saint". Palamas ne redoutait pas d'employer le meme mot de "divinite" pour designer des realites fort differentes; on en arrivait ainsi a parler de divinites multiples. De telles positions eveillerent la resistance de plusieurs intellectuels, qui voyaient bien a quel point le mouvement rompait, au moins dans l'expression, avec la tradition. Akindynos fut de ceux qui denoncerent rapidement le danger. Mais parmi ceux qui attaquerent les moines, il y eut aussi Barlaam, un Calabrais qui, ne fut-ce que par ses origines, apparaissait comme lie a la Latinite; ceci ne fit surement pas de bien au parti des antipalamites. La lutte fut rude; il y eut des bagarres, des emprisonnements. Elle se termina, en 1351, par le triomphe complet des palamites, mais, chose etonnante, on constate qu'apres sa nomination au siege archiepiscopal de Thessalonique (1349), Palamas, en tant que pasteur, ne semble plus jamais avoir fait allusion aux idees qu'il avait promues auparavant et qui avaient cause tant de debats et tant de malheurs.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. CII - Including Papers Presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference, Cardiff, 5-7 September 2018
This volume contains fifteen papers presented at the seventh British Patristics Conference, held in Cardiff (Wales, UK) from 5 to 7 September 2018. The theme of the conference was Religion in Late Antiquity. The papers address topics such as transformation and innovation, interrelations between religions, and between religions and other areas of culture: philosophy, education, politics and science. Some deal with aspects of the pre-history of religion in late antiquity, others with the reception of late-antique religion in later periods of history. Consequently, alongside papers that treat more ‘traditional’ topics of Patristic Studies there are papers applying approaches and methodologies such as identity formation and reception theory. The volume thus offers a cross section of topics related to religion in late antiquity from the second to the thirteenth century and reflects the current state of research in this wide field. The papers are grouped in four sections, I. Ancient Philosophy, Early Christianity and Judaism; II. Christianity in its Cultural Context from the Second to the Fourth Century; III. Augustine and His Age; IV. The End of Antiquity and Beyond. Part I contains papers by Ilaria Ramelli, who compares pagan and Christians concepts of the ‘Logos/Nous One-Many’ in pagan and Christian philosophers of the second to fourth century, David Lloyd Dusenbury, who explores the concept of the World City in the thought of Nemesius of Emesa, and Susanna Towers, who compares the ‘Demoness’ found in eastern Manichaean texts with the pre-Rabbinic Jewish concept of Yetzer Hara. Part II begins with a paper by Josef Lössl on the juxtaposition of Greek and Barbarian Paideia in Tatian’s Ad Graecos. This is followed by a new discussion of the Cento attributed to Faltona Betitia Proba, in which Nicholas Baker-Brian situates the work firmly in the reign of Julian the Apostate and understands its criticism of Constantius II in this context. A third paper, by Zachary Esterson, compares the oeuvres of Victorinus of Pettau and Fortunatianus of Aquileia. A fourth, by James Wellington, offers a new, ontological, reading of Gregory of Nyssa’s refutation of slavery in In Ecclesiasten Homiliae IV; and in a final piece entitled ‘A Tale of Two Councils’, Sara Parvis compares the two Councils of Constantinople of 360 and 381. With Augustine, Part III moves from the fourth to the fifth century. In it, Philip Brown shows how Augustine’s sixth tractate on John contains an emerging ‘theology of friendship’. Georgiana Huian explores notions of ‘Deification’ in Sermo 23B (Mainz 13) also known as ‘Sermo Dolbeau 6’. Math Osseforth studies an example of intertextuality in the Confessions, the Vergilian concept of the Underworld. Marcin Wysocki compares strategies of survival in apocalyptic times in late-antique letter collections (Paulinus of Nola, Augustine, Jerome). Part IV contains papers from ‘the end of antiquity and beyond’. Georgios Siskos writes on Maximus the Confessor’s critique of Monothelitism, Michael Muthreich on an excerpt of Epistle VIII of the Dionysian corpus in Syriac, Helen Dayton on Nikitas Stithatos main work, 300 Kephalaia, and Andrej Kutarna on Theosis in John of Damascus and Thomas Aquinas.
Sidestone Press Océan, céramiques et îles dans l’ouest de la France: Approche archéométrique des relations paléo-économiques des populations insulaires du Néolithique à l’Antiquité
Ce livre est consacré à la recherche sur le développement de la production et des échanges céramiques entre le continent et les îles de Bretagne, du Néolithique à la période gallo-romaine. L’analyse archéométrique de la céramique est utilisée pour explorer le développement des réseaux de communication: la circulation des personnes et des produits entre les îles et le continent. Ces îles produisaient-elles leur propre poterie ou étaient-elles dépendantes de la production continentale?En déterminant si la poterie a été produite ou importée localement, il est possible d’identifier les degrés variables de connexion ou d’isolement avec des réseaux plus larges. Plusieurs méthodes d’analyse ont été utilisées pour examiner 368 tessons de poterie provenant de 25 sites. Des observations macroscopiques ont été effectuées afin de documenter les traitements de surface, ainsi que l’examen microscopique de coupes céramiques minces pour l’identification de la composition minéralogique de l’argile et pour déterminer ses origines géologiques et géographiques. Ces techniques ont été complétées par des analyses chimiques: SEM-EDS, XR-D et P-XRF.Enfin, une nouvelle approche méthodologique a été utilisée pour la provenance des argiles: l’analyse LA-ICP-MS. Cette méthode est basée sur des comparaisons chimiques des inclusions minérales dans les pâtes céramiques avec les mêmes types de minéraux dans les roches mères. Elle permet de déterminer plus précisément les origines des argiles, surtout lorsque les pâtes n’offrent pas d’éléments caractéristiques qui permettent de les distinguer des autres productions.La longue portée chronologique de cette étude nous permet de documenter l’évolution des caractéristiques céramiques et les lieux changeants de l’approvisionnement en argile et de la production de poterie. Les résultats de cette recherche apportent de nouvelles preuves de l’occupation préhistorique des îles bretonnes.English AbstractSea, ceramics and islands in western France: archaeometric approach to paleo-economic relations of island populations from the Neolithic to AntiquityThis book is about research on the development of ceramic production and exchange between the mainland and islands of Brittany from the Neolithic to the Gallo-Roman period. Archaeometric analysis of ceramics is used to explore the development of communication networks: the movement of people and of products between the islands and the mainland.Did these islands produce their own pottery or were they dependent on mainland production? By determining whether pottery was locally produced or imported, it is possible to identify the changing degrees of connection with, or isolation from, wider networks.Several analytical methods have been employed to examine 368 sherds of pottery from 25 sites. Macroscopic observations were made in order to document surface treatments, as well as microscopic examination of ceramic thin sections for the identification of the mineralogical composition of the clay, and to determine its geological and geographic origins. These techniques have been complemented with chemical analyses: SEM-EDS, XR-D and P-XRF. Finally, a new methodological approach has been used to provenance the clays: LA-ICP-MS analysis. This method is based on chemical comparisons of the mineral inclusions in the ceramic pastes with the same mineral types in the parent rocks. It can determine more precisely the origins of clays, especially when the pastes do not offer characteristic elements that allow them to be distinguished from other productions.The long chronological scope of this study allows us to document the evolution of ceramic characteristics and the changing locations of clay supply and pottery production. The results of this research provide new evidence about the prehistoric occupation of the islands of Brittany.