Search results for ""ELSEVIER""
Elsevier Health Sciences A Clinicians Survival Guide to Acute Medical Emergencies
Elsevier Health Sciences Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry
Elsevier Health Sciences TULUA Abdominoplasty
Elsevier Health Sciences Kidney Transplantation
Elsevier Health Sciences Understanding Pathophysiology
Elsevier Health Sciences Daniels and Worthinghams Muscle Testing
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Practice Manual for Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Elsevier Health Sciences Lehnes Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurses and Physician Assistants
Elsevier Health Sciences Netters Photographic Anatomy Companion
Elsevier Health Sciences Occupational Therapy with Aging Adults
Elsevier Health Sciences Acupuncture and Osteopathy to Treat Musculoskeletal Pain of the Extremities
Elsevier Health Sciences Andrews Diseases of the Skin
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing
Elsevier Health Sciences Grainger Allisons Diagnostic Radiology Essentials
Elsevier Health Sciences Textbook of Natural Medicine 2volume set
Elsevier Health Sciences Critical Thinking Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Judgment
Elsevier España, S.L.U. Deformaciones morfológicas de la columna vertebral tratamiento fisioterapéutico en reeducación postural global RPG
Obra que aborda el tratamiento de las deformaciones morfológicas de la columna vertebral escrita por el Prof. Philippe Souchard, creador del método de Reeducación Postural Global (RPG).Título con un enfoque eminentemente didáctico que se aprecia en los numerosos esquemas e ilustraciones de la obra. Igualmente, se incluyen un número significativo de imágenes radiológicas que ayudan al lector a identificar mejor la deformidad a tratar.Los capítulos tienen una estructura homogénea e incluyen destacados, puntos clave y conclusión para aclarar al lector cuestiones fundamentales del capítulo.Obra dirigida a fisioterapeutas, así como a hosteópatas, terapeutas manuales y otros profesionales involucrados en el tratamiento de los problemas de columna a través del Método de RPG.
Elsevier España, S.L.U. Patología y terapéutica dental. 2 Edición
Libro de texto que cubre íntegramente el plan de estudios de la asignatura del mismo nombre -patología y terapéutica dental- de carácter troncal obligatoria en el Grado de Odontología.La carga lectiva de la asignatura es muy elevada y por tanto, se imparte desglosada en dos años académicos.El director de la obra, el Prof. Javier García-Barbero, es Catedrático de Odontología de la Universidad Complutense, facultad que ha marcado la referencia para el resto de plazas españolas en los contenidos de esta asignatura. El Prof, García-Barbero ha contado con la colaboración de más de 20 profesionales pertenecientes al Departamento de Odontología Conservadora de la UCM.La obra aborda la patología dental y sus dos vertientes terapéuticas:la operatoria dental y la endodoncia; tres pilares del conocimiento odontológico inseparables. La presente edición se encuentra dividida en cuatro secciones: "Patología dental", "Operatoria dental", "Endodoncia" y "Traumatología".Cada uno de los
Elsevier España, S.L.U. Mandell Douglas y Bennett Enfermedades infecciosas Sindrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida Spanish Edition
Elsevier España, S.L.U. Sobotta. Atlas de anatomía humana. Vol 3 Cabeza cuello y neuroanatomía
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Manipulation viszeraler Gefe Osteopathie in Theorie und Praxis
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Homöopathie bei akuten Erkrankungen und Notfällen
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Trainingstherapie in der Rehabilitation
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Atlas der Palpationsanatomie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier TMS Simulation inklusive Audiospur
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Pflege konkret Neurologie Psychiatrie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Katastrophenmedizin
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Malen Erinnern Leben Themenimpulse fr die Aktivierung alter Menschen
Elsevier Health Sciences CommunityPublic Health Nursing Online for CommunityPublic Health Nursing Practice User Guide Access Code and Textbook Package
Elsevier Health Sciences Equine Dermatology
Diagnose, treat, and manage equine skin disorders with the most comprehensive reference available! With 900 full-color photos, Equine Dermatology covers skin diseases ranging from those that merely annoy the horse to others that interfere with the horse's ability to function in riding, working, or show. Thorough coverage includes essential basics and practical diagnostic methods, therapies, and specific abnormalities and defects. The book describes the structure and function of the skin, and discusses disorders including bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral, protozoal, allergic, immune-mediated, endocrine, metabolic, and nutritional diseases. It also covers congenital and hereditary defects, pigmentation abnormalities, keratinization defects, environmental skin diseases, and skin tumors. Written by renowned equine dermatologists Danny Scott and Bill Miller, this all-inclusive resource covers the latest dermatologic topics and the newest therapies. Current, comprehensive coverage includes every known equine dermatosis. An emphasis on differential diagnosis includes key differentials and breed predilections for each disease, especially helpful when you have only a specimen and an incomplete history to work with. A consistent format makes it easy to locate information on each skin disorder, including a clinical description, its cause and pathogenesis, clinical features, clinical management, diagnosis, treatment, and any zoonotic aspects. Expert authors Danny W. Scott, DVM, and William H. Miller, Jr., VMD, offer years of knowledge, experience, and their vast image collections. Diagnostic tables in each chapter provide a quick reference for identifying lesions and disorders. An extensive list of references at the end of each chapter includes recommendations for further reading. New coverage of dermatologic conditions includes the latest topics and emerging disorders such as chronic progressive lymphedema, herpesvirus-2-associated dermatitis, salmonella-associated dermatoses, and nodular auricular chondropathy. Updated Diagnostic Methods chapter covers multiple methods of developing a differential diagnosis list based on breed, lesion type, patterns, and location. A focus on common clinical problems highlights the conditions most likely to be seen in practice. Almost 1,000 full-color photos of skin disorders make it easy to distinguish clinical characteristics and variations of normal and abnormal for accurate diagnosis and therapy.
Elsevier Health Sciences Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy, Volume 3, The Dog and Cat
If you are looking for a book that presents a unique photographic record of dissections showing the topographical anatomy of the dog and cat: this is the atlas for you! Part of a comprehensive 3-volume set that also covers Ruminants (Volume 1) and The Horse (Volume 2), the Color Atlas of the Dog and Cat takes a complete look at virtually every aspect of veterinary anatomy. With this book you will be able to see the position and relationships of bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and viscera that go to make up each region of the body and each organ system. Rich with full-color photographs and drawings of dissections prepared specifically for these texts, each book in the series illustrates regional surface features photographed before dissection, then gives high-quality complementary photographs of articulated skeletons. Accessibly and systematically structured with each chapter is devoted to a specific body region Important features of regional and topographical anatomy presented in full color photos of detailed dissections Detailed color line drawings clarify the relationships of relevant structures Website offers drag and drop quizzes and the chance to test yourself with mcqs Informative captions give additional information necessary for proper interpretation of the images Presents anatomy in a clinical context
Elsevier Health Sciences Sobotta Dissection Atlas: Bilingual Edition.
Präparieren? Sobotta Präparieratlas! - Angepasst an die 24. Auflage Die Anatomie steht an, der Anatomie-Atlas und das Präparier-Besteck sind gekauft, das universitätseigene Präparierskript ist zur Hand - und ab gehts in den Präpariersaal. Aber halt - meinen teuren Atlas möchte ich nicht mitnehmen in den Präpariersaal, nur woher bekomme ich gute Abbildungen, die mir erklären, was ich am Körperspender wo genau sehe? Hier hilft der Sobotta Präparieratlas weiter! In diesem handlichen Atlas sind alle für das Präparieren wichtigen Sobotta-Abbildungen zusammengestellt, überaus realisitätsnah, besonders detailliert wo nötig und zu speziellen Themen um echte Leichenfotos ergänzt. Das Präparierskript der Uni liefert die Anleitungen, der Sobotta Präparieratlas die Abbildungen dazu. Damit der gute Atlas zu Hause bleiben kann! Bilinguale Ausgabe Deutsch-Englisch mit lateinischer Nomenklatur The dissection course is due? Then the new Dissection Atlas is a must-have! This convenient hands-on atlas compiles all essential anatomic images necessary for successful dissection. Spiral binding and firm, wipeable pages make the Dissection Atlas the ideal companion for the dissection lab - combinable with all other atlases or lecture notes. Particularly detailed and realistic images make it easy to clearly recognise anatomic structures and, therefore, to master the real situation in the dissection lab. Ideally equipped for dissection class: Step by step:All body areas are bundled by chapter following the order in your course Layer by layer:Successive images allow effortless understanding of every single step in the dissection process For those who already study with the Sobotta Atlas: The chapter division is consistent with that of our three-volume Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy which facilitates consulting your books for reinforced learning. In addition, the original image numbers from the Sobotta Atlas are provided with each image - retrieval guaranteed! Bilingual Edition German - English with Latin Nomenclature
Elsevier Health Sciences Crash Course 1000 SBAs and EMQs for Medical Finals
Crash Course - your effective every-day study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have the essential information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success. This volume includes well over 1000 SBAs and EMQs for Medical Finals, which have been divided into 16 commonly tested areas of medicine, surgery and sub-specialities, allowing for thorough and efficient revision by specialty. Questions have been completely rewritten and updated to reflect current clinical guidelines. Every question includes a clear answer as well as an extended explanation for each answer option, to enable you to quickly understand your strengths and weaknesses and to learn effectively from any mistakes. All information has been thoroughly checked and quality assured by expert Faculty Advisers, so you can be confident it is fully accurate and that questions most closely match current exam formats and topic coverage. This (print) volume also comes with BONUS access to the complete, enhanced eBook - this allows you to read as a 'regular', downloadable eBook, as well as to test yourself via the interactive-quiz function. Whether you need to get out of a fix or aim for a distinction Crash Course is for you! Provides whole exam coverage in one place - saves valuable revision time Quality assured by leading Faculty Advisors - ensures complete accuracy of information Completely updated questions matching the latest exam formats - confirm your understanding and improve exam technique fast Detailed answer explanations, including rationales why incorrect answers are wrong Updated to the latest clinical guidelines
Elsevier Health Sciences Workbook for Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology
Elsevier Health Sciences Workbook for Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Cases in Ocular Oncology
Elsevier Health Sciences Elseviers 2025 Intravenous Medications
Elsevier Health Sciences Physical Diagnosis of Pain
Elsevier Health Sciences Introduction to Radiologic Technology
Elsevier Health Sciences Elseviers Veterinary Assisting Textbook
Elsevier Health Sciences The Developing Human
Elsevier Health Sciences Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions
Elsevier Health Sciences Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology
Elsevier Health Sciences Basic Geriatric Nursing - Binder Ready
Elsevier Health Sciences Kinns the Administrative Medical Assistant Text and Study Guide Package
Elsevier Health Sciences Medical Terminology Anatomy for Coding
Elsevier Health Sciences Cases in Adult Congenital Heart Disease - Expert Consult: Online and Print: Atlas
Cases in Adult Congenital Heart Disease, by Michael Gatzoulis et al., is a new, one-of-a-kind cardiology reference designed to help you effectively manage challenging congenital conditions in adults through comprehensive visual guidance. Leading experts present 85 cases-ranging from the simple to the complex, supplemented by abundant images-which enable you to diagnose these cases from a real-life, clinical perspective. A companion website at featuring full text and images and supplemented by a library of dynamic imaging clips allows you to access this unique resource in another convenient way. Features 85 cases encompassing a full range of congenital heart disease problems-from the simple to the complex-that provide a better understanding of these conditions from a real-life, clinical perspective. Presents examples of multiple imaging modalities (including chest radiography, echocardiography, CT, MR, and angiography) clearly depict the clinical manifestations of congenital defects and provide you with the best views available of these conditions. Includes a companion website at featuring the full text fully searchable online and images and supplemented by a library of dynamic imaging clips allows you to access this unique resource in another convenient way. Offers guidance on the assessment of congenital heart disease during pregnancy equips you with essential knowledge in addressing the needs of this growing patient population.
Elsevier Health Sciences Operative Techniques Spine Surgery