Search results for ""Author Valentina"
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Ptolemaeus Gnosticus?: Untersuchungen zur Valentinianischen Gnosis II mit einem Kommentar zu dem Brief des Ptolemaeus an Flora und seiner Kommentierung bei Epiphanius von Salamis
Im vorliegenden Band führt Christoph Markschies seine Studien zur Geschichte der "Valentinianischen Gnosis", einer der einflussreichsten Schulen der sogenannten christlichen Gnosis, fort. Während sich der erste Band von 1993 mit den Fragmenten und Überlieferungen des angeblichen Schulgründers, des stadtrömischen christlichen Theologen Valentinus (2. Jh. n.Chr.) beschäftigte, geht es in diesem zweiten Band um den ebenfalls in Rom lehrenden christlichen Theologen Ptolemaeus, der gern als zweites Schulhaupt nach dem Gründer wahrgenommen wird. Durch eine sorgfältige Analyse seines beim spätantiken Bischof Epiphanius von Salamis überlieferten Brief an die römische Matrone Flora und eines angeblich seine Lehre zusammenfassenden Referats beim kaiserzeitlichen Bischof Irenaeus von Lyon wird ein eigenständiger christlicher Denker der hohen Kaiserzeit erkennbar, der in Auseinandersetzung mit anderen Autoren seiner Zeit und Anknüpfung an sie Probleme zu lösen versuchte, die sich einem Christen stellten, der auf dem Niveau zeitgenössischer Popularphilosophie dachte. Ein ausführlicher Kommentar zum Brief und seinem Kontext samt einer Einleitung in das Referat seiner Lehren wird ergänzt durch verschiedene Untersuchungen zur Frühgeschichte der nach Valentinus benannten Richtung christlichen Denkens, die schon in der Antike der sogenannten "Erkenntnis" ("Gnosis") zugeordnet wurde. Im Ergebnis der sorgfältigen philologischen, ideen- und institutionengeschichtlichen Untersuchungen zeigt sich, dass höchstwahrscheinlich weder Valentinus noch Ptolemaeus nach dem Zeugnis ihrer erhaltenen Texte als Urheber der sogenannten Valentinianischen Gnosis in Anspruch genommen werden dürfen, sondern ihre stadtrömischen Schüler in der zweiten Hälfte des zweiten Jahrhunderts.
Johns Hopkins University Press Right Stuff, Wrong Sex: America's First Women in Space Program
On June 17, 1963, Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space. Curiously, unlike every previous milestone in the "space race," this event did not spur NASA to catch up by flying an American woman. Though there were suitable candidates-two years earlier, thirteen female pilots recruited by the private Woman in Space program had passed a strenuous physical exam and were ready for another stage of astronaut testing-American women would not escape earth's gravity for another twenty years. In Right Stuff, Wrong Sex, Margaret Weitekamp shows how the Woman in Space program-conceived by Dr. William Randolph Lovelace and funded by world-famous pilot and businesswoman Jacqueline Cochran-challenged prevailing attitudes about women's roles and capabilities. In examining the experiences of the Fellow Lady Astronaut Trainees (as the candidates called themselves), this book documents the achievements and frustrated hopes of a remarkable group of women whose desire to serve their country fell victim to hostility toward such aspirations. Drawing from archival research and interviews with participants, Weitekamp traces the rise and fall of the Woman in Space program within the context of the cold war and the thriving women's aviation culture of the 1950s. Weitekamp's study sheds light on a little-known but compelling chapter in the history of the U.S. space program and the rise of the women's movement in America.
Intellect Books Data Dating: Love, Technology, Desire
What does it mean to love with technology? Does data improve our emotional interactions? The collection approaches the query with critical essays and works of new media art to look into the construction of love and its practices in the time of digitally mediated relationships. With expertise coming from recognized researchers, critics and artists in the field of media and cultural studies, it analyses relationship trends and affect cultures that have emerged from technological acceleration. Data Dating: Love, Technology and Desire is a comprehensive study of love and intimacy under digitalism that reflects on the structure of feeling(s) and libido environments in the high-tech and media-bound landscapes of contemporary technocracies. Organized around ten chapters and ten works of new media art, the collection offers an extensive critical analysis of technologized romance (and other emotional relations), as well as provides an insight into the codification, execution, deployment, and evolution of the patterns of togetherness in the so-called Tamagotchi era. The chapters engage in the problems of new material planes that have emerged from the abstraction of networked communication and dispersion of traditional notions of physicality. They close-read the templates of contemporary fantasy, fetish and eroticism, as shaped by platform capitalism, datafication, and new commodity cultures, in which self-promotion for bonding relies on the new possibilities that are coming in with new media self-mediation formats. Central to the analysis is the carbon-silicon dynamics of love’s contemporary DNA and libidinal techne – practiced in the environment where screens, interfaces, algorithms, data protocols and non-organic objects of affection and affect delineate, organize and program the trajectories of encounter, limerence and erotic pleasure. All the chapters are authored by recognized researchers in the field of love, emotion, media, technology and cultural studies, and they critically explore various aspects of love/intimacy under technocracy, approaching them with expertise the goes beyond the typical high-modernist and post-structural reading of the media-ridden life practices and environments. More importantly, the collection includes landmark works of new media art coming from prominent new media artist gathered around 'Data Dating' – new media art exhibition, curated by Valentina Peri (co-editor of the collection) and presented in Paris, Tel Aviv and London. As such, the collection proffers a unique and original critical approach – one that combines artistic practice and cultural criticism – to comment upon the transformation of human relationships and emotional standards under technological development with reference to the social change and cultural condition. The collection of essays, each accompanied by a work of media art, that provides a comprehensive insight into the construction of love and its practices in the time of digitally mediated relationships. Primary readership will be among educators, researcher and students in disciplines including cultural studies, media and communications, philosophy, sociology, psychology and gender, LGBTQ+ and sexual studies. It will be an extremely valuable resource for those in these fields. It will be of interest to other groups including art curators, online platform designers, social media content managers and designers and data specialists.
Encounter Books,USA Things in Glocca Morra
“What’s the point of being Irish anyway if you don’t think the world will break your heart?” asks Jack Kennedy. He is spellbound by a song about Ireland’s neverland of dreams: “How Are Things in Glocca Morra?” No one better knew the real JFK’s dreams and passions than Lem Billings, a prep-school roommate who made himself “sidekick everlasting.” The late Peter Collier had the great fortune to obtain oral histories from Billings himself, and they became the basis for a vivid biographical novel in Lem’s voice. On assignment with the Hearst newspapers, Jack goes with Lem to Hollywood, that neverland of dreams he loves for “the feeling that something might happen.” Things do. Communists and gangsters vie for control of the film industry. There are labor strikes, blackmail, assassinations. And there are glamorous actresses. Joseph Kennedy Sr. hovers oppressively over his son and aims to derail his romance with Valentina, survivor of an Italian prison camp and daughter of a mobster. The world breaks Jack’s heart, and he dives into politics with steely purpose. But the interlude in Hollywood sends ripples through the Kennedys’ lives. When Lem gets the news of JFK’s assassination, he instantly thinks of Val’s father—a man whose middle name is vendetta. Billings never got the answers he sought about Jack’s death. As for his intimate knowledge of the Kennedys, he remained ever discreet, but left a trove of recollections to be opened by a later generation. Channeled through Collier’s lively and imaginative prose, they illuminate shadowy corners of an extraordinary American saga.
Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture
Addressing the diverse ways in which eighteenth-century contemporaries of different nations and cultures created visual, verbal, and material representations in various media.Focused on conventions of technology, labor, and tolerance on the one hand, and on artistic intentionality on the other hand, these essays also address the implications of this past in our own research today. The first section, “Representing Humans and Technology,” opens with the late Srinivas Aravamudan’s presidential address, “From Enlightenment to Anthropocene.” This is followed by a panel of essays on labor and industry, which includes Valentina Tikoff on the overlap between welfare and the technical training of Spanish orphans for warfare; Susan Egenolf on mythological representations of industry; Susan Libby on the Encyclopédie’s mechanical representations of sugar production on the plantations; and Jon Klancher on technological manuals. The second section, “Inside the Artist’s Studio,” opens with Shearer West’s ASECS/BSECS lecture on “selfiehood” and eighteenth-century celebrity. This is followed by papers on self-promoting self-representations—by painters in Wendy Wassyng Roworth’s essay on Angelica Kauffman’s studio in Rome and Francesca Bove’s essay on George Morland’s studio; and by a self-promoting French society lady in Heather McPherson’s essay on Madame Récamier’s portraits. This section concludes with Leith Davis’s essay on representations in the contemporary press of Ireland and the Glorious Revolution. The final section addresses emerging issues in two forums. The first reconsiders issues of intentionality: participants include Stephanie Insley Hershinow, Sarah Ellenzweig, Edmund J. Goehring, Thomas Salem Manganaro, and Kathleen Lubey. The second section reconsiders issues of tolerance—and the association of Enlightenment tolerance with Voltaire during the recent Charlie Hebdo rallies in Paris. Participants include Jeffrey M. Leichman, Reginald McGinnis, Jack Iverson, Fayçal Falaky, Ourida Mostefai, and Elena Russo.
Hanser Berlin Valentinstag
Cornell University Press The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture
A pioneering, richly interdisciplinary volume, this is the first work in any language on a subject that has long attracted interest in the West and is now of consuming interest in Russia itself. The cultural ferment unleashed by the collapse of the Soviet Union reawakened interest in the study of Russian religion and spirituality. This book provides a comprehensive account of the influence of occult beliefs and doctrines on intellectual and cultural life in twentieth-century Russia. Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal's introduction delineates the characteristics of occult cosmology which distinguish it from mysticism and theology, and situates Russian occultism in historical and pan-European contexts. Contributors explore the varieties of occult thinking characteristic of prerevolutionary Russia, including Kabbala, theosophy, anthroposophy, and the fascination with Satanism. Other contributors document occultism in the cultural life of the early Soviet period, examine the surprising traces of the occult in the culture of the high Stalin era, and describe the occult revival in contemporary Russia. The volume includes bibliographical essays on Russian occult materials available outside Russia. Contributors: Mikhail Agursky, Hebrew University; Valentina Brougher, Georgetown University; Maria Carlson, University of Kansas; Robert Davis, New York Public Library; Mikhail Epstein, Emory University; Kristi Groberg, North Dakota State University; Irina Gutkin, UCLA; Michael Hagemeister, Ruhr University, Bochum; Linda Ivanits, Pennsylvania State University; Edward Kasinec, New York Public Library; Judith Deutsch Kornblatt, University of Wisconsin; Hakan Lövgren, Independent Scholar; Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, Fordham University; William F. Ryan, Warburg Institute, London; Holly Denio Stephens, University of Kansas; Anthony Vanchu, University of Texas, Austin; Renata Von Maydell, Munich University; George Young, Independent Scholar
Simon Spotlight Too Many Valentines
Cantata Learning Valentine's Day
Pogo Books Valentine's Day
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Valentine's Shapes
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Valentines With Values
Historic valentines are popular collectibles themselves and within many other types of collections including comic characters, paper items, international themes, nursery rhymes and topical themes. From hand-made to manufactured, from fancy and romantic to cute and funny, there are valentines for every personality. This book presents a wide range of styles with market values in the capitons. 600 photographs beautifully display the wide variety. It also contains a glossary.
Orion Publishing Co Lord Valentine's Castle
Set in an immense world teeming with alien races and fantastic, almost magical, machinery, Valentine, an itinerant juggler, wakes up one morning with only a vague and troubled idea of who he is. He gradually discovers, through dreams and portents, that he is in fact his namesake: Lord Valentine, the Coronal, his body and throne stolen by a usurper.Across the giant world of Majipoor, Valentine sets out on a quest to win back his throne - and discover which of his enemies has the power to vanquish him so utterly from not just his throne, but his very life . . .
Pebble Books Valentine's Day
Creative Paperbacks Valentine's Day
Amicus Ink Valentine's Day
HarperCollins Publishers Inc It's Valentine's Day
Little, Brown & Company Yappy Valentine's Day!
Celebrate Valentine's Day with this fetching valentine "from the dog" that lets adorable pups do the talking with silly puns, canine antics, and sweet holiday sentiments.This holiday board book will have little ones howling with laughter as dogs offer silly and sweet sentiments for their favourite hoomans. Photos and illustrations show dogs professing affections and participating in Valentine's Day-related shenanigans. The canines bring flowers (dug up from the yard), offer kisses (the slobbery kind), and generally "treat" their humans to the very best behaviour they can muster. Written as a valentine from the dog, this charming board book trots out plenty of puns, sweet sentiments, and adorable pups. It's a perfect gift for little ones and and their animal-loving grownups.
Open Road Media Science & Fantasy Lord Valentines Castle
Penguin USA Happy Valentine's Day, Corduroy!
Kids Can Press Franklin's Valentines
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Valentine's Day Jitters
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Valentine's Day Jitters
HarperCollins Publishers Breaking The Nurse's No-Dating Rule / Her Secret Valentine's Baby: Breaking the Nurse's No-Dating Rule / Her Secret Valentine's Baby (Mills & Boon Medical)
Can he tear down her barriers? Nurse Julia has a life plan—and dreamy Dr Boone Richards isn’t in it. Adamant that history won’t repeat itself, she’s set herself a list of rules. Number one is absolutely no dating! But the rulebook’s soon thrown out of the window by their overwhelming attraction… Discovering her past and Boone’s are tainted with the same brush could bring them even closer. If Julia can open her heart and let him in… Two anti-romantics…one baby bombshell! Heartbroken registrar Sadie is done with romance. An anti-Valentine’s party is ideal—especially when she meets dashing fellow commitment-phobe Roman. They spend an electrifying night together, strictly no strings attached! But one year later Roman reappears as a locum surgeon. Still troubled by a tragic loss, he’s not looking to settle down…until Sadie reveals a secret. She’s had a little girl—and Roman’s the father!
Pebble Books Valentine's Day
Capstone Global Library Ltd Valentines Day
Valentine's Day is about celebrating love. Around the world, people show their affection for others on this special day. Some people exchange cards or paper hearts. Others give chocolate pigs or other treats. Readers will discover how a shared holiday can have multiple traditions and be celebrated in all sorts of ways.
Hi Jinx Press The Valentine's Day Cookbook
Simon & Schuster A Valentine's Surprise
Loewe Verlag GmbH Schönen Valentinstag Jim
North Star Editions Holidays: Valentine's Day
This book introduces readers to the history, meaning, traditions, and celebrations of Valentine’s Day. Vivid photographs and easy-to-read text aid comprehension for early readers. Features include a table of contents, an infographic, fun facts, Making Connections questions, a glossary, and an index. QR Codes in the book give readers access to book-specific resources to further their learning.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Babys First Valentines Day
Avery Hill Publishing Limited Zebedee And The Valentines
Zebedee and The Valentines have just played the gig of their lives. The seven people watching them agree. With a big battle of the bands approaching, lead singer Zebedee and his motley crew of punks seem ready to blow up. But when the Devil is booking your gigs and the competition is fierce, was it ever really going to be that easy? It may take a tragedy for Zebedee to turn his self-centered attitude around. The debut graphic novel from incredible new creator Abs Bailey, Zebedee and The Valentines is a psychedelic tale of betrayal, tragedy and triumph told through the lens of the 80s, and with amps turned up to 11.
Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) My Bloody Valentines Loveless
This epoch-making record of the late '80s effortlessly combines dense swathes of guitar noise and dance music. This turned out to be their last record, guitarist and studio maestro Kevin Shields having set their standards so high it was impossible to surpass them. Shields is now playing with Primal Scream.
Penguin Young Readers Group Valentines Day Mad Libs
Capstone Press Valentine's Day Drawing Treat!
Our World of Books Count to Sleep Valentine's Day
HarperCollins Publishers Inc My Baby Loves Valentine's Day
The perfect Valentine's gift for your baby or toddler! In My Baby Loves Valentine's Day, celebrate all the lovely things that Baby discovers about Valentine's Day:Baby loves hearts made of paper and lace. Baby loves kisses and a loving embrace.Baby loves pretty red roses...Celebrate all the lovely things Baby discovers about Valentine's Day!This board book, the perfect gift for a new baby, features rhythmic poetry from Jabari Asim and adorable art from Tara Nicole Whitaker.
Cornell University Press The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture
A pioneering, richly interdisciplinary volume, this is the first work in any language on a subject that has long attracted interest in the West and is now of consuming interest in Russia itself. The cultural ferment unleashed by the collapse of the Soviet Union reawakened interest in the study of Russian religion and spirituality. This book provides a comprehensive account of the influence of occult beliefs and doctrines on intellectual and cultural life in twentieth-century Russia. Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal's introduction delineates the characteristics of occult cosmology which distinguish it from mysticism and theology, and situates Russian occultism in historical and pan-European contexts. Contributors explore the varieties of occult thinking characteristic of prerevolutionary Russia, including Kabbala, theosophy, anthroposophy, and the fascination with Satanism. Other contributors document occultism in the cultural life of the early Soviet period, examine the surprising traces of the occult in the culture of the high Stalin era, and describe the occult revival in contemporary Russia. The volume includes bibliographical essays on Russian occult materials available outside Russia. Contributors: Mikhail Agursky, Hebrew University; Valentina Brougher, Georgetown University; Maria Carlson, University of Kansas; Robert Davis, New York Public Library; Mikhail Epstein, Emory University; Kristi Groberg, North Dakota State University; Irina Gutkin, UCLA; Michael Hagemeister, Ruhr University, Bochum; Linda Ivanits, Pennsylvania State University; Edward Kasinec, New York Public Library; Judith Deutsch Kornblatt, University of Wisconsin; Hakan Lövgren, Independent Scholar; Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, Fordham University; William F. Ryan, Warburg Institute, London; Holly Denio Stephens, University of Kansas; Anthony Vanchu, University of Texas, Austin; Renata Von Maydell, Munich University; George Young, Independent Scholar
Lerner Publishing Group Dino-Valentine's Day
Simon & Schuster Valentine's Day Secret
Bess and George are fighting - and Nancy's caught in the middle! It's Valentine's Day, but things are not all hearts and flowers for Nancy! While she and her best friends, Bess and George, are making their own stuffed animals at Farmer Fran's Barnyard Buddies, someone slips a mean valentine into Bess' animal's pocket. What's worse than a mean valentine? Bess thinks it came from George! Now the two are in their worst fight ever - and Nancy's caught in the middle! How can she sew Bess and George's friendship - not to mention the Clue Crew - back together?
America Through Time Valentine's Day Traditions in Boston
Penguin Putnam Inc Corduroy's Valentine's Day
Child's Play International Ltd Valentine's Guest House
When a tiger comes to stay at Valentine's guest house, the human visitors all check out in a rush. Luckily, the hotel soon starts to fill again - but with a very different collection of residents, all with new and differing needs. Elsie and Valentine make lots of changes to accommodate the new guests, and a very popular, accessible and unusual guest house results! A beautiful debut picture book about diversity, inclusivity and empowerment.
Intellect Books Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices
Explores cities of exile from different perspectives and presents different methods and sources for exile and urban studies. The essays are written by internationally recognized scholars, and contain a wide range of themes including mapping, oral history, queerness, photography. This book will make a significant contribution to the theory and methodology of research on historical exile, cities and modernities, as well as present multidisciplinary exile research from an urban perspective. With a blend of case studies, and theoretical approaches, it interweaves histories of modernism and exile in different urban environments and focuses on historical dislocations in the first half of the twentieth century, when artistic and urban movements constituted themselves in global exchange. Although this book takes a historical perspective, it is written with an awareness of current flight movements and will make a significant contribution to the theory and methodology of research on exile. The knowledge of previous historical exile experiences is important for the understanding of contemporary flight movements: after all, these are not singular phenomena. For migration movements in the first half of the 20th century and for those of today, it is equally possible to speak of urban centres of attraction for refugees: Today, Berlin is a European metropolis of exile; in the 1930s and 1940s, Paris, Prague, London, New York, Istanbul and Shanghai were destinations for refugees. With contributions from Maddalena Alvi, Ekaterina Aygün, Claudia Cendales Paredes, Julia Eichenberg, Margit Franz, Nils Grosch, Mareike Hetschold, Louis Kaplan, Laura Karp Lugo, Katya Knyazeva, Merve Köksal, Rachel Lee, Chris McConville, Anna Messner, Alexis Nuselovici, Robert Pascoe, Valentina Pino Reyes, Helene Roth, Valeria Sánchez Michel, Marine Schütz, Seza Sinanlar Uslu, Felicitas Söhner, Mareike Schwarz, Marina Sorokina, Xin Tong, Diana Wechsler, Jessica Williams Stark and Federico Vitelli.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Happy Valentine's Day, Mouse!
University of Notre Dame Press Dante's "Vita Nova": A Collaborative Reading
This original volume proposes a novel way of reading Dante’s Vita nova, exemplified in a rich diversity of scholarly approaches to the text. This groundbreaking volume represents the fruit of a two-year-long series of international seminars aimed at developing a fresh way of reading Dante’s Vita nova. By analyzing each of its forty-two chapters individually, focus is concentrated on the Vita nova in its textual and historical context rather than on its relationship to the Divine Comedy. This decoupling has freed the contributors to draw attention to various important literary features of the text, including its rich and complex polysemy, as well as its structural fluidity. The volume likewise offers insights into Dante’s social environment, his relationships with other poets, and Dante’s evolving vision of his poetry’s scope. Using a variety of critical methodologies and hermeneutical approaches, this volume offers scholars an opportunity to reread the Vita nova in a renewed context and from a diversity of literary, cultural, and ideological perspectives. Contributors: Zygmunt G. Barański, Heather Webb, Claire E. Honess, Brian F. Richardson, Ruth Chester, Federica Pich, Matthew Treherne, Catherine Keen, Jennifer Rushworth, Daragh O’Connell, Sophie V. Fuller, Giulia Gaimari, Emily Kate Price, Manuele Gragnolati, Elena Lombardi, Francesca Southerden, Rebecca Bowen, Nicolò Crisafi, Lachlan Hughes, Franco Costantini, David Bowe, Tristan Kay, Filippo Gianferrari, Simon Gilson, Rebekah Locke, Luca Lombardo, Peter Dent, George Ferzoco, Paola Nasti, Marco Grimaldi, David G. Lummus, Helena Phillips-Robins, Aistė Kiltinavičiūtė, Alessia Carrai, Ryan Pepin, Valentina Mele, Katherine Powlesland, Federica Coluzzi, K. P. Clarke, Nicolò Maldina, Theodore J. Cachey Jr., Chiara Sbordoni, Lorenzo Dell’Oso, and Anne C. Leone.
Worthy Publishing The Story of Valentine's Day
Schiffer Publishing Ltd One Hundred Years of Valentines
One Hundred Years of Valentines is a photographic essay. This book, a must for the collector or dealer, showcases over 450 valentine's cards from the late 1800s up until 1998. This comprehensive book includes: the Depression, dimensional, Art Deco, transportation, artist signed, honey comb paper puff, novelty, etc., along with an extensive glossary of valentine terms, the "Second Top 10 Most Asked Questions," and a Usage Guide. Valuable information helps collectors/dealers identify and evaluate their cards.