Search results for ""Author John Wiley"
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc UNESCO Global Geoparks: Tension Between Territorial Development and Heritage Enhancement
Recently, UNESCO has gradually started to recognize world geoparks ? territorial spaces with a geological heritage of international importance. This classification presents real challenges. Development strategies must align with the recommendations advocated by various non-governmental organizations. It is also necessary to involve the local actors, both in the preparation of application forms and in the implementation of a management plan that is suitable for sustainable global development. Managing the tensions and asymmetries that exist between the different groups of actors (politicians, managers, scientists, representatives of local populations) constitutes another major issue. It is in this context and through various case studies that this book questions the aims of the UNESCO global geoparks ? in terms of heritage inventory and conservation, the participation of local populations, the local development of a territory and its enhancement through heritage interpretation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Biology and Mathematics: History and Challenges
To formalize the dynamics of living things is to search for invariants in a system that contains an irreducible aspect of “fuzziness”, because biological processes are characterized by their large statistical variability, and strong dependence on temporal and environmental factors. What is essential is the identification of what remains stable in a “living being” that is highly fluctuating. The use of mathematics is not limited to the use of calculating tools to simulate and predict results. It also allows us to adopt a way of thinking that is founded on concepts and hypotheses, leading to their discussion and validation. Instruments of mathematical intelligibility and coherence have gradually “fashioned” the view we now have of biological systems. Teaching and research, fundamental or applied, are now dependent on this new order known as Integrative Biology or Systems Biology.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Production System: Eco-development versus Sustainable Development
Wealth is no longer just an ability to live well in a world shaped by human activities. It is also an ability to push back or defer the limits of a world in biological and climatic closure. This book examines the theoretical conflicts and the power plays which often oppose the socio-political and technical-financial practices of recognition of what intervenes in the production of this wealth i.e. of what has value. It lays down the principles of a contributory modeling method, allowing debates around the concept of development; the building of scenarios; the negotiation of their implementation; and a cross-sectoral reading of their social, ecological and economic costs. This method, called Dynamic Modeling of Cost Systems, is based on a territorial communication device which articulates political, contractual and accounting innovations using deliberative and normative digital tools. It combines different local representations of value, in order to approach wealth through an integrated analysis of micro-, meso- and macro- issues.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Private Equity Firms: Their Role in the Formation of Strategic Alliances
This work analyzes the role of private equity firms (SCIs) in forming strategic alliances in the French private equity market. The subject is important because the formation of alliances and, more generally, the networking of SMEs, could be an alternative to the lack of medium-sized companies in France. For French SCIs, which are increasingly in a competitive situation, assistance in forming alliances for their holdings may represent a new activity and be a source of competitive advantage. The work is positioned transversally, touching the areas of corporate governance, entrepreneurial finance and strategy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications: Workshops of the INTEROP-ESA International Conference (EI2N, WSI, ISIDI, and IEHENA2005)
This book features four workshops from the INTEROP-ESA international conference, organized by the INTEROP NoE (Interoperability Research for Networked Enterprises Applications and Software Network of Excellence). It highlights key topics related to interoperability of enterprise applications and software. The workshops are related to the conference topics and will enable researchers to explore new research ideas for the future.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multimedia Multicast on the Internet
This book examines multicast technology and will be a key text for undergraduate engineering students and master students in networks and telecoms. However, it will be equally useful for a wide range of professionals in this research field. Multicast routing was introduced with the advent of multiparty applications (for example, videoconferencing on the Internet) and collaborative work (for example, distributed simulations). It is related to the concept of group communication, a technique introduced to reduce communication costs. The various problems of multicast routing on the Internet are examined in detail. They include: group membership management, quality of service, reliability, safety, scalability and transport. Throughout the text, several protocols are introduced in order to analyze, compare and cover the various aspects of multicast routing.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Instrumentation and Measurement
This title presents the general principles of instrumentation processes. It explains the theoretical analysis of physical phenomena used by standard sensors and transducers to transform a physical value into an electrical signal. The pre-processing of these signals through electronic circuits – amplification, signal filtering and analog-to-digital conversion – is then detailed, in order to provide useful basic information. Attention is then given to general complex systems. Topics covered include instrumentation and measurement chains, sensor modeling, digital signal processing and diagnostic methods and the concept of smart sensors, as well as microsystem design and applications. Numerous industrial examples punctuate the discussion, setting the subjects covered in the book in their practical context.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Experimental Mechanics of Solids and Structures
From the characterization of materials to accelerated life testing, experimentation with solids and structures is present in all stages of the design of mechanical devices. Sometimes only an experimental model can bring the necessary elements for understanding, the physics under study just being too complex for an efficient numerical model. This book presents the classical tools in the experimental approach to mechanical engineering, as well as the methods that have revolutionized the field over the past 20 years: photomechanics, signal processing, statistical data analysis, design of experiments, uncertainty analysis, etc. Experimental Mechanics of Solids and Structures also replaces mechanical testing in a larger context: firstly, that of the experimental model, with its own hypotheses; then that of the knowledge acquisition process, which is structured and robust; finally, that of a reliable analysis of the results obtained, in a context where uncertainty could be important.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Electronics 1: Combinational Logic Circuits
The omnipresence of electronic devices in our everyday lives has been accompanied by the downscaling of chip feature sizes and the ever increasing complexity of digital circuits. This book is devoted to the analysis and design of digital circuits, where the signal can assume only two possible logic levels. It deals with the basic principles and concepts of digital electronics. It addresses all aspects of combinational logic and provides a detailed understanding of logic gates that are the basic components in the implementation of circuits used to perform functions and operations of Boolean algebra. Combinational logic circuits are characterized by outputs that depend only on the actual input values. Efficient techniques to derive logic equations are proposed together with methods of analysis and synthesis of combinational logic circuits. Each chapter is well structured and is supplemented by a selection of solved exercises covering logic design practices.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc VoLTE and ViLTE: Voice and Conversational Video Services over the 4G Mobile Network
This book presents the architecture of two networks that make up the backbone of the telephone service VoLTE and video service ViLTE. The 4G mobile network makes it possible to construct bearers through which IP packets, containing either telephone signals (SIP, SDP) or voice or video media (RTP stream), are transported. The IMS network performs the processing of the telephone signal to provide VoLTE and ViLTE services, including call routing and the provision of additional services. Different procedures are described: the set-up and termination of a session, interconnection with third-party networks, roaming and intra-system handover. The inter-system handover PS-CS is a special case that occurs when the mobile loses 4G network coverage over the course of a session. The e-SRVCC mechanism enables continuity of the service during the switch of the telephone communication to the 2G or 3G networks. The SMS service for short messages, which is a special telephone service in itself, is provided by two structures, one relying on the IMS network, and a second on the CSFB functionality.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Belief and Misbelief Asymmetry on the Internet
This book discusses the media, beliefs, the news, the Internet, etc. but it should not be seen as yet another critique of the media system, exploring with indignant fascination the idea of a machination against truth set up to serve a society of domination. These kinds of theories, whether they pertain to conspiracy theories or, more subtly, to a self-styled "critical" way of thinking, have always seemed to be the expression of a form of intellectual puerility. This is not to say that attempts at manipulating opinions do not occur, or that our world is free from compromised principles, or indeed corruption; far from it, but none of this is the key issue. In fact, reality can somehow be even more unsettling than those myths, however sophisticated they may be, that envisage the media system hand-in-hand with industry, science, and so forth, all in agreement so as to lead the "people" away from the truth. It is more unsettling because the processes described in this book and that allow falsehood and dubiousness to take hold of the public sphere are boosted by the development of IT, the workings of our minds, and the very nature of democracy. And finally, it is more unsettling because we are all responsible for what is going to happen to us.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Phase Modeling Tools: Applications to Gases
This book is part of a set of books which offers advanced students successive characterization tool phases, the study of all types of phase (liquid, gas and solid, pure or multi-component), process engineering, chemical and electrochemical equilibria, and the properties of surfaces and phases of small sizes. Macroscopic and microscopic models are in turn covered with a constant correlation between the two scales. Particular attention has been given to the rigor of mathematical developments.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Radio-Frequency Human Exposure Assessment: From Deterministic to Stochastic Methods
Nowadays approximately 6 billion people use a mobile phone and they now take a central position within our daily lives. The 1990s saw a tremendous increase in the use of wireless systems and the democratization of this means of communication. To allow the communication of millions of phones, computers and, more recently, tablets to be connected, millions of access points and base station antennas have been extensively deployed. Small cells and the Internet of Things with the billions of connected objects will reinforce this trend. This growing use of wireless communications has been accompanied by a perception of risk to the public from exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic field (EMF). To address this concern, biomedical research has been conducted. It has also been important to develop and improve dosimetry methods and protocols that could be used to evaluate EMF exposure and check compliance with health limits. To achieve this, much effort has was made in the 1990s and 2000s. Experimental and numerical methods, including statistical methods, have been developed. This book provides an overview and description of the basic and advanced methods that have been developed for human RF exposure assessment. It covers experimental, numerical, deterministic and stochastic methods.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Competitive Quality and Innovation
The aim of this book is to present new quality practices adapted to the specifics of innovation processes in order to increase their chances of success while also facilitating support of the creators who are often put off by the constraints of traditional quality management methods. These practices are applied in businesses of all sizes who do not want to broadcast on this subject as they are at the center of the factors that make them competitive. These quality approaches, which are specific to each innovation process, rest on a common methodological platform that is at the core of this book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Real-time Systems Scheduling 2: Focuses
Real-time systems are used in a wide range of applications, including control, sensing, multimedia, etc. Scheduling is a central problem for these computing/communication systems since it is responsible for software execution in a timely manner. This book, the second of two volumes on the subject, brings together knowledge on specific topics and discusses the recent advances for some of them. It addresses foundations as well as the latest advances and findings in real-time scheduling, giving comprehensive references to important papers, but the chapters are short and not overloaded with confusing details. Coverage includes scheduling approaches for networks and for energy autonomous systems. Other sophisticated issues, such as feedback control scheduling and probabilistic scheduling, are also addressed. This book can serve as a textbook for courses on the topic in bachelor's degrees and in more advanced master's degree programs. It also provides a reference for computer scientists and engineers involved in the design or the development of Cyber-Physical Systems which require up-to-date real-time scheduling solutions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Flows and Chemical Reactions in an Electromagnetic Field
This book - a sequel of previous publications Flows and Chemical Reactions, Chemical Reactions Flows in Homogeneous Mixtures and Chemical Reactions and Flows in Heterogeneous Mixtures - is devoted to flows with chemical reactions in the electromagnetic field. The first part, entitled basic equations, consists of four chapters. The first chapter provides an overview of the equations of electromagnetism in Minkowski spacetime. This presentation is extended to balance equations, first in homogeneous media unpolarized in the second chapter and homogeneous fluid medium polarized in the third chapter. Chapter four is devoted to heterogeneous media in the presence of electromagnetic field. Balance equations at interfaces therein. The second part of this volume is entitled applications. It also includes four chapters. Chapter five provides a study of the action of fields on fire. Chapter six deals with a typical application for the Peltier effect, chapter seven is devoted to metal-plasma interaction, especially in the Langmuir probe and finally Chapter Eight deals with the propulsion Hall effect. Are given in appendix supplements the laws of balance with electromagnetic field and described the methodology for establishing one-dimensional equations for flow comprising active walls as is the case in some Hall effect thrusters.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Heat Transfer in Polymer Composite Materials: Forming Processes
This book addresses general information, good practices and examples about thermo-physical properties, thermo-kinetic and thermo-mechanical couplings, instrumentation in thermal science, thermal optimization and infrared radiation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ultra Low Power Electronics and Adiabatic Solutions
The improvement of energy efficiency in electronics and computing systems is currently central to information and communication technology design; low-cost cooling, autonomous portable systems and functioning on recovered energy all need to be continuously improved to allow modern technology to compute more while consuming less. This book presents the basic principles of the origins and limits of heat dissipation in electronic systems. Mechanisms of energy dissipation, the physical foundations for understanding CMOS components and sophisticated optimization techniques are explored in the first half of the book, before an introduction to reversible and quantum computing. Adiabatic computing and nano-relay technology are then explored as new solutions to achieving improvements in heat creation and energy consumption, particularly in renewed consideration of circuit architecture and component technology. Concepts inspired by recent research into energy efficiency are brought together in this book, providing an introduction to new approaches and technologies which are required to keep pace with the rapid evolution of electronics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Software Networks: Virtualization, SDN, 5G and Security
The goal of this book is to describe new concepts for Internet next generation. This architecture is based on virtual networking using Cloud and datacenters facilities. Main problems concern 1) the placement of virtual resources for opening a new network on the fly, and 2) the urbanisation of virtual resource implemented on physical network equipment. This architecture deals with mechanisms capable of controlling automatically the placement of all virtual resources within the physical network. In this book, we describe how to create and delete virtual networks on the fly. Indeed, the system is able to create any new network with any kind of resource (e.g., virtual switch, virtual routers, virtual LSRs, virtual optical path, virtual firewall, virtual SIP-based servers, virtual devices, virtual servers, virtual access points, and so on). We will show how this architecture is compatible with new advances in SDN (Software Defined Networking), new high-speed transport protocol like TRILL (Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links) and LISP (Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol), NGN, IMS, Wi-Fi new generation, and 4G/5G networks. Finally, we introduce the Cloud of security and the virtualisation of secure elements (smartcard) that should definitely transform how to secure the Internet.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc New Telecom Networks: Enterprises and Security
Nowadays, the Internet has become an irreplaceable tool, feeding us information about new innovations and the evolution of the markets relating to all human activities. What the Internet lacks, though, is a guiding narrative thread, which is crucial to understand the evolution from old technologies into the technologies available today, and to benefit from the commentary which could elucidate that process of evolution. In spite of its inherent richness, no encyclopedia can constitute the one and only referential information source. The actors involved also have the right to be heard: all those who have devoted their working lives to the collective effort of edifying networks can, of course, present their personal views about the evolution of the world of telecommunications, and thus provide invaluable testimony to companies in this area who can make use of it. It is that approach which is adopted in this book. Whilst the primary objective of this book is to encourage SMEs to use digital technologies, and help them to organize with that goal in mind, it has proved necessary to describe the transformations currently under way in the field of networks, and to outline the efforts to obtain a competitive edge in terms of clerical applications, compare the various techniques that are available for high data rate communications, and touch upon the advent of the "Internet of Things", cloud computing and various new multimedia technologies. All in all, this book should help companies – particularly SMEs – to garner overall information about the current movement in the area of networking, and assist them in putting in place and managing their own communications systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Marine Coastal and Water Pollutions: Oil Spill Studies
Identifying efficient solutions to protect coastal regions from marine pollution requires expertise from a range of specialties and strategic approaches. This book gathers information on the impact of oil spills at a coastal level from different experts' points of view, identifying synergies between domains such as mathematics, numerical modeling, mechanics, biology, economics and law. The collaborative research presented here is based on the 4th International Workshop on Anti-Pollution and Marine Coastal Water Pollution, held in La Rochelle, France at the Engineering School EIGSI, in April 2012. The areas addressed include: materials and structures (fluid-structure and capture interaction, cable and membrane equations, optimization); coastal hydrodynamics (computational fluid dynamics, numerical analysis of shallow water equations, analytical and numerical derivatives); biological impacts (biology, multivariate analysis, indicators); and economics and law (compensation costs, insurance coverage, coastal vulnerability).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Specification Development
Everything engineers need to know about mechanical vibration and one authoritative reference work! This fully updated and revised 3rd edition addresses the entire field of mechanical vibration and shock as one of the most important types of load and stress applied to structures, machines and components in the real world. Examples include everything from the regular and predictable loads applied to turbines, motors or helicopters by the spinning of their constituent parts to the ability of buildings to withstand damage from wind loads or explosions, and the need for cars to maintain structural integrity in the event of a crash. There are detailed examinations of underlying theory, models developed for specific applications, performance of materials under test conditions and in real-world settings, and case studies and discussions of how the relationships between these affect design for actual products. Invaluable to engineers specializing in mechanical, aeronautical, civil, electrical and transportation engineering, this reference work, in five volumes is a crucial resource for the solution of shock and vibration problems. This volume focuses on specification development in accordance with the principle of tailoring. Extreme response and the fatigue damage spectra are defined for each type of stress (sinusoidal vibration, swept sine, shock, random vibration, etc.). The process for establishing a specification from the life cycle profile of equipment which will be subject to these types of stresses is then detailed. The analysis takes into account the uncertainty factor, designed to cover uncertainties related to the real-world environment and mechanical strength, and the test factor, which takes account of the number of tests performed to demonstrate the resistance of the equipment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanics and Uncertainty
Science is a quest for certainty, but lack of certainty is the driving force behind all of its endeavors. This book, specifically, examines the uncertainty of technological and industrial science. Uncertainty and Mechanics studies the concepts of mechanical design in an uncertain setting and explains engineering techniques for inventing cost-effective products. Though it references practical applications, this is a book about ideas and potential advances in mechanical science.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metamaterials and Wave Control
Since the concept was first proposed at the end of the 20th Century, metamaterials have been the subject of much research and discussion throughout the wave community. More than 10 years later, the number of related published articles is increasing significantly. On the one hand, this success can be attributed to dreams of new physical objects which are the consequences of the singular properties of metamaterials. Among them, we can consider the examples of perfect lensing and invisibility cloaking. On other hand, metamaterials also provide new tools for the design of well-known wave functions such as antennas for electromagnetic waves. The goal of this book is to propose an overview of the concept of metamaterials as a perspective on a new practical tool for wave study and engineering. This includes both the electromagnetic spectrum, from microwave to optics, and the field of acoustic waves. Contents 1. Overview of Microwave and Optical Metamaterial Technologies, Didier Lippens. 2. MetaLines: Transmission Line Approach for the Design of Metamaterial Devices, Bruno Sauviac. 3. Metamaterials for Non-Radiative Microwave Functions and Antennas, Divitha Seetharamdoo and Bruno Sauviac. 4. Toward New Prospects for Electromagnetic Compatibility, Divitha Seetharamdoo. 5. Dissipative Loss in Resonant Metamaterials, Philippe Tassin, Thomas Koschny, and Costas M. Soukoulis. 6. Transformation Optics and Antennas, André de Lustrac, Shah Nawaz Burokur and Paul-Henri Tichit. 7. Metamaterials for Control of Surface Electromagnetic and Liquid Waves, Sébastien Guenneau, Mohamed Farhat, Muamer Kadic, Stefan Enoch and Romain Quidant. 8. Classical Analog of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency, Philippe Tassin, Thomas Koschny and Costas M. Soukoulis.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Diversity and Non-integer Differentiation for System Dynamics
Based on a structured approach to diversity, notably inspired by various forms of diversity of natural origins, Diversity and Non-integer Derivation Applied to System Dynamics provides a study framework to the introduction of the non-integer derivative as a modeling tool. Modeling tools that highlight unsuspected dynamical performances (notably damping performances) in an "integer" approach of mechanics and automation are also included. Written to enable a two-tier reading, this is an essential resource for scientists, researchers, and industrial engineers interested in this subject area. Table of Contents:1. From Diversity to Unexpected DynamicPerformance.2. The Robustness of Damping.3. Fractional Differentiation and its Memory.4. CRONE Suspension Idea.5. CRONE Control Idea
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Green Networking
This book focuses on green networking, which is an important topic for the scientific community composed of engineers, academics, researchers and industrialists working in the networking field. Reducing the environmental impact of the communications infrastructure has become essential with the ever increasing cost of energy and the need for reducing global CO2 emissions to protect our environment.Recent advances and future directions in green networking are presented in this book, including energy efficient networks (wired networks, wireless networks, mobile networks), adaptive networks (cognitive radio networks, green autonomic networking), green terminals, and industrial research into green networking (smart city, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanics of Dislocation Fields
Accompanying the present trend of engineering systems aimed at size reduction and design at microscopic/nanoscopic length scales, Mechanics of Dislocation Fields describes the self-organization of dislocation ensembles at small length scales and its consequences on the overall mechanical behavior of crystalline bodies. The account of the fundamental interactions between the dislocations and other microscopic crystal defects is based on the use of smooth field quantities and powerful tools from the mathematical theory of partial differential equations. The resulting theory is able to describe the emergence of dislocation microstructures and their evolution along complex loading paths. Scale transitions are performed between the properties of the dislocation ensembles and the mechanical behavior of the body. Several variants of this overall scheme are examined which focus on dislocation cores, electromechanical interactions of dislocations with electric charges in dielectric materials, the intermittency and scale-invariance of dislocation activity, grain-to-grain interactions in polycrystals, size effects on mechanical behavior and path dependence of strain hardening.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc UCITS Handbook
The goal of this Handbook on UCITS is to provide a one-stop source for investors and asset managers, service providers, students, researchers, and practitioners to learn the necessary knowledge and analytical skills they need when setting up, managing and monitoring a UCITS fund. This handbook intends to introduce systematically recent developments in different areas of UCITS through a multi-disciplinary approach. The coverage is broad and thorough with a balance of theory and applications. Each chapter covering a special aspect of UCITS is edited by leading experts and practitioners in the area and covers state-of-the-art methods and theory of the selected topic. The purpose of this UCITS handbook is to provide, in a clear format, a summary of the main aspects of each discipline that UCITS involves. Contents 1. Setting up a UCITS Fund, Jerome Wigny and Celine Wilmet. 2. UCITS Management Companies, Jerome Wigny and Celine Wilmet. 3. Risk Management in the Context of UCITS IV, Thierry López and Benjamin Gauthier. 4. Counterparty, Issuer and Concentration Risk Management for UCITS funds, Romain Berry. 5. UCITS – The Investment Limits, Andrew P. White. 6. UCITS Distribution, Mark Evans. 7. The UCITS Management Company and Delegation, Killian Buckley and Ciara O’Sullivan. 8. UCITS Taxation, Andre Pesch. 9. Alternative UCITS, Christian Szylar.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Assembly Language Programming: ARM Cortex-M3
ARM designs the cores of microcontrollers which equip most "embedded systems" based on 32-bit processors. Cortex M3 is one of these designs, recently developed by ARM with microcontroller applications in mind. To conceive a particularly optimized piece of software (as is often the case in the world of embedded systems) it is often necessary to know how to program in an assembly language. This book explains the basics of programming in an assembly language, while being based on the architecture of Cortex M3 in detail and developing many examples. It is written for people who have never programmed in an assembly language and is thus didactic and progresses step by step by defining the concepts necessary to acquiring a good understanding of these techniques.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Software Testing
The testing market is growing at a fast pace and ISTQB certifications are being increasingly requested, with more than 180,000 persons currently certified throughout the world. The ISTQB Foundations level syllabus was updated in 2011, and this book provides detailed course study material including a glossary and sample questions to help adequately prepare for the certification exam.The fundamental aspects of testing are approached, as is testing in the lifecycles from Waterfall to Agile and iterative lifecycles. Static testing, such as reviews and static analysis, and their benefits are examined as well as techniques such as Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, Decision Table Testing, State Transitions and use cases, along with selected white box testing techniques. Test management, test progress monitoring, risk analysis and incident management are covered, as are the methods for successfully introducing tools in an organization. Contents 1. Fundamentals of Testing.2. Testing Throughout the Software Life Cycle.3. Static Techniques (FL 3.0).4. Test Design Techniques (FL 4.0).5. Test Management (FL 5.0).6. Tools support for Testing (FL 6.0).7. Mock Exam.8. Templates and Models.9. Answers to the Questions.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ferroelectric Dielectrics Integrated on Silicon
This book describes up-to-date technology applied to high-K materials for More Than Moore applications, i.e. microsystems applied to microelectronics core technologies. After detailing the basic thermodynamic theory applied to high-K dielectrics thin films including extrinsic effects, this book emphasizes the specificity of thin films. Deposition and patterning technologies are then presented. A whole chapter is dedicated to the major role played in the field by X-Ray Diffraction characterization, and other characterization techniques are also described such as Radio frequency characterization. An in-depth study of the influence of leakage currents is performed together with reliability discussion. Three applicative chapters cover integrated capacitors, variables capacitors and ferroelectric memories. The final chapter deals with a reasonably new research field, multiferroic thin films.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc IP, Ethernet and MPLS Networks: Resource and Fault Management
This book summarizes the key Quality of Service technologies deployed in telecommunications networks: Ethernet, IP, and MPLS. The QoS of the network is made up of two parts: fault and resource management. Network operation quality is among the functions to be fulfilled in order to offer QoS to the end user. It is characterized by four parameters: packet loss, delay, jitter or the variation of delay over time, and availability. Resource management employs mechanisms that enable the first three parameters to be guaranteed or optimized. Fault management aims to ensure continuity of service.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering
The book aims at providing to master and PhD students the basic knowledge in fluid mechanics for chemical engineers. Applications to mixing and reaction and to mechanical separation processes are addressed. The first part of the book presents the principles of fluid mechanics used by chemical engineers, with a focus on global theorems for describing the behavior of hydraulic systems. The second part deals with turbulence and its application for stirring, mixing and chemical reaction. The third part addresses mechanical separation processes by considering the dynamics of particles in a flow and the processes of filtration, fluidization and centrifugation. The mechanics of granular media is finally discussed.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Spectral Analysis: Parametric, Non-Parametric and Advanced Methods
Digital Spectral Analysis provides a single source that offers complete coverage of the spectral analysis domain. This self-contained work includes details on advanced topics that are usually presented in scattered sources throughout the literature. The theoretical principles necessary for the understanding of spectral analysis are discussed in the first four chapters: fundamentals, digital signal processing, estimation in spectral analysis, and time-series models. An entire chapter is devoted to the non-parametric methods most widely used in industry. High resolution methods are detailed in a further four chapters: spectral analysis by stationary time series modeling, minimum variance, and subspace-based estimators. Finally, advanced concepts are the core of the last four chapters: spectral analysis of non-stationary random signals, space time adaptive processing: irregularly sampled data processing, particle filtering and tracking of varying sinusoids. Suitable for students, engineers working in industry, and academics at any level, this book provides a rare complete overview of the spectral analysis domain.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Asynchronous Machines with Variable Speed
This handbook deals with the asynchronous machine in its close environment. It was born from a reflection on this electromagnetic converter whose integration in industrial environments takes a wide part. Previously this type of motor operated at fixed speed, from now on it has been integrated more and more in processes at variable speed. For this reason it seemed useful, or necessary, to write a handbook on the various aspects from the motor in itself, via the control and while finishing by the diagnosis aspect. Indeed, an asynchronous motor is used nowadays in industry where variation speed and reliability are necessary. We must know permanently for the sensitive systems, the state of process and to inform the operator of the appearance of any anomaly and its severity.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Silicon Technologies: Ion Implantation and Thermal Treatment
The main purpose of this book is to remind new engineers in silicon foundry, the fundamental physical and chemical rules in major Front end treatments: oxidation, epitaxy, ion implantation and impurities diffusion.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematics for Informatics and Computer Science
How many ways do exist to mix different ingredients, how many chances to win a gambling game, how many possible paths going from one place to another in a network ? To this kind of questions Mathematics applied to computer gives a stimulating and exhaustive answer. This text, presented in three parts (Combinatorics, Probability, Graphs) addresses all those who wish to acquire basic or advanced knowledge in combinatorial theories. It is actually also used as a textbook. Basic and advanced theoretical elements are presented through simple applications like the Sudoku game, search engine algorithm and other easy to grasp applications. Through the progression from simple to complex, the teacher acquires knowledge of the state of the art of combinatorial theory. The non conventional simultaneous presentation of algorithms, programs and theory permits a powerful mixture of theory and practice. All in all, the originality of this approach gives a refreshing view on combinatorial theory.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Geography
Sustainable Geography recalls the system and laws of geographical space production, tackles the hardcore of geography and presents models and organizations through a regional analysis and the dynamics of territorial structures and methods. The book also describes the general idea of discontinuities, trenches, the anti-dialectical and redivision-uniformity in the globalization and addresses the Transnational Urban Systems and Urban Network in Europe.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Passive RF Integrated Circuits: Modeling, Characterization and Measurement
This book, written by recognized experts in the field, is intended for designers of RF or microwave passive integrated circuits. It describes methods used for modeling passive circuits using the most common numerical analysis techniques (the method of moments, finite element methods, FDTD, TLM), and pays particular attention to propagation phenomena. Interconnections and packaging modeling are included, as well as an original method for multi-scale circuit modeling. Characterization and measurement methods in the time and frequency domains are the subject of two very detailed chapters. Measurement errors using Vector Network Analyzer (VNA ) and appropriate corrections are detailed and the divergences between all the various parameters S, Z, Y, h, T, ABCD are given. Time domain reflectometry and its use are also covered in detail.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc LED for Lighting Applications
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are no longer confined to use in commercial signage and have now moved firmly, and with unquestioned advantages, into the field of commercial and domestic lighting. This development was prompted in the late 1980s by the invention of the blue LED, a wavelength that had previously been missing from the available LED spectrum and which opened the way to providing white light. Since that point, LED performance (including energy efficiency) has improved dramatically, and now compares with the performance of fluorescent lights - and there remain further performance improvements yet to be delivered. The book begins with the principles of LED lighting, then focuses on issues and challenges. Chapters are devoted to key steps in LED manufacturing: substrate, epitaxy, process and packaging. Photoelectric characterization of LEDs, Lighting with LEDs and the imposition of a certain level of color quality, are the subject of later chapters, and finally there is a detailed discussion of the emergence of OLEDs, or organic LEDs, which have specific capabilities of immediate interest and importance in this field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Plastic Forming Processes
Plastics may undergo an industrial treatment for many reasons including strength, chemical inertness, biodegradability, and heat resistance. Providing an overview of the various treatments utilized in the plastics industry, this title examines the numerous treatments in use as well as the differences in treatments based on the type of plastic and the type of component being treated.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Optimisation in Signal and Image Processing
This book describes the optimization methods most commonly encountered in signal and image processing: artificial evolution and Parisian approach; wavelets and fractals; information criteria; training and quadratic programming; Bayesian formalism; probabilistic modeling; Markovian approach; hidden Markov models; and metaheuristics (genetic algorithms, ant colony algorithms, cross-entropy, particle swarm optimization, estimation of distribution algorithms, and artificial immune systems).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Components: Mechanical Tests and Behavioral Laws
The mechanical tests presented in this book are essential for determining the basic properties of the materials used. Areas covered include elasticity, tensile and compression tests, hardness, endurance tests and dynamic tests.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Disaster Management
Disaster Management embarks on a comprehensive exploration of proactive approaches to confronting the ever-growing challenges posed by natural and man-made disasters. Drawing on a wealth of interdisciplinary research and practical expertise, this book delves into the core principles of disaster management, offering a roadmap for communities, governments and organizations to enhance their preparedness and mitigation strategies. From risk assessment and early warning systems, to community engagement and infrastructure resilience, each chapter provides actionable insights and case studies that illuminate the path towards building robust resilience frameworks. With a keen focus on adaptability and innovation, this book equips readers with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of today's dynamic world, fostering a culture of preparedness that can mitigate the impact of disasters and safeguard lives and livelihoods.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Cognitive Aids to Support Health Professionals
Providing healthcare professionals with cognitive aids, whether a simple checklist or an information system, improves patient care and reduces information-processing constraints for caregivers. However, to achieve these objectives, these aids must be adaptable and ergonomic. Cognitive Aids to Support Healthcare Professionals offers an unprecedented presentation of the different forms of cognitive aids, as well as an analysis of these aids as gateways for channelling resources to support mental activity and a general framework to simply model cognitive aids as Turing machines. Throughout this book, healthcare professionals, executives, hospital managers, healthcare engineers, ergonomists and trainers will find ergonomic advice on the choice or design of cognitive aids, and also, more generally, on the roles that cognitive aids play in activities.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Biomedical Devices and Sensors
Monitoring the human body is a key element of digital health science. Low-cost sensors derived from smartphones or smartwatches may give the impression that sensors are readily available; however, to date, very few of them are actually medical devices. Designing medical devices requires us to undertake a specific approach demanding special skills, as it concerns the integrity of the human body. The process is tightly framed by state regulations in order to ensure compliance with quality assessment, risk management and medical ethics requirements. This book aims to give biomedical students an overview on medical devices design. It firstly gives a historical and economical approach, then develops key elements in medical device design with reference to EU and US regulations, and finally describes sensors for the human body. The clinical approach is presented as the central element in medical device qualification and this offers a perspective on the use of numerical
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Algae in Agrobiology: Realities and Perspectives
Algae, macroalgae and microalgae can be valuable biological resources in a new, more environmentally friendly form of agriculture known as agrobiology. Indeed, the biological properties associated with algae are frequently relevant for agricultural and zootechnical purposes. It is this aspect that is behind the current popularity of algae in the development of new agricultural practices that are related to plant and animal production, which are referred to as agrobiology. Algae in Agrobiology offers a current and forward-looking account of algae use: in agriculture and in the sector of land and marine animal production, as algal extracts and molecules in the form of fertilizers or biostimulants for crops with agronomic interest, and as algal compounds in the area of plant and animal health. This book is based on advances in biochemical and agronomic research in order to explain the conventional practices associated with the use of algae in agriculture and livestock breeding. These advances make it possible to establish possible uses for marine algal resources in the agriculture of the future.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Analog Devices and Circuits 1: Analog Devices
At the end of the Second World War, a new technological trend was born: integrated electronics. This trend relied on the enormous rise of integrable electronic devices. Analog Devices and Circuits is composed of two volumes: the first deals with analog components, and the second with associated analog circuits. The goal here is not to create an overly comprehensive analysis, but rather to break it down into smaller sections, thus highlighting the complexity and breadth of the field. This first volume, after a brief history, describes the two main devices, namely bipolar transistors and MOS, with particular importance given to the modeling aspect. In doing so, we deal with new devices dedicated to radio frequency, which touches on nanoelectronics. We will also address some of the notions related to quantum mechanics. Finally, Monte Carlo methods, by essence statistics, will be introduced, which have become more and more important since the middle of the twentieth century. The second volume deals with the circuits that "use" the analog components that were introduced in Volume 1. Here, a particular emphasis is placed on the main circuit: the operational amplifier.