Search results for ""Author John Wiley"
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Restaurant, A Geographical Approach: From Invention to Gourmet Tourist Destinations
This book analyzes the way in which restaurants are geographical objects that reveal locational logics and strategies, and how restaurants weave close relationships with the space in which they are located. Originating from cities, restaurants feed off the urban environment as much as they feed it ? participating in the qualification, differentiation and hierarchy of cities. Indeed, restaurants in both the city and the countryside maintain a dialogical relationship with tourism. They can be vital players in the establishment of emerging types of gourmet tourism, sometimes even constituting as gourmet tourist destinations in their own right. They participate in the establishment of necessary conditions for local development. Some restaurants are even praised as historic sites, recognized as part of the local heritage, which reinforces their localization and their identity as a gourmet tourist destination.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc World Industrialization: Shared Inventions, Competitive Innovations, and Social Dynamics
Based on the paradigms of economics and management, inspired by the history of technology and the sociology of technological change, the concepts of shared inventions and competitive innovations make it possible to analyze the industrialization of the world in a fresh and efficient way. As a new approach, shared inventions are classified in this book as a set of existing knowledge that�s often associated with the rediscovery of old techniques. Determining capitalized and collective intelligence, this knowledge and reinvention allows us to create inventions which will be shared, first in their construction, then in their use. Another new approach is that these competitive innovations are defined in World Industrialization by associations of experiences of competitively-motivated actors actors seeking to complement existing techniques by increasing their competitive power. These shared inventions and competitive innovations will also be defined by trajectories identifying their modes of creation, enabling us to overcome the peculiarities of these actions and competitions. This book also highlights four key areas in global industrialization: the emergence of machinism with the defense of Arts and Crafts from 16981760; the changes the Industrial Revolution wrought in developed nations from 17601850; the link between technology and social relations within modern companies from 18501914; and, from 1914 onwards, the birth of extended machinism, its world wars and its global crises.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Global Consumer Behavior
Globalization is a leading force for industry worldwide, especially the new technology sector. This presents both problems and opportunities in the emergence of a new type of consumer and the effects of globalization on industry in terms of culture, economics, marketing, and social issues at every scale from local to global. The main aim of the book is to enhance the reader’s knowledge – especially from a multidisciplinary perspective rather than from an individual functional perspective – of international consumer behaviour. It also explores the role of globalization in the evolving world of the new technology sector and provides an overview of the development of international consumer behavior from historical, geographical and social perspectives, while focusing on new technology products and services. Professionals, students and researchers working in the fields of new technologies and information and communication technologies (ICT) as well as specialists of marketing and management are the target audience for this book. At the same time, the book will be pitched at a level so as to also appeal to a more general readership interested in globalization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Graphs and Networks: Multilevel Modeling
This book concerns the use of graphs for the simulation and representation of transport networks. Its aim is to cover networks in both spatial analysis and urban management, together with the simulation by graph theory, a tool that makes it possible to solve various classic problems such as high-speed roads between one or more origins and destinations, the capacity of a network, etc. It will also be possible to apply these results to other applications such as personal networks and communications networks, making this book a useful reference tool for those involved in this area.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Geomarketing: Methods and Strategies in Spatial Marketing
This title describes the state of the art in all areas of spatial marketing, discussing the various constituents which make up the geography of markets. Demand varies according to location and can be measured according to revenue, the number of households, spending patterns and lifestyles. Supply is also dependent on position, because prices, services, products and available shops rely on location, while the difference between supply and demand is the rationale for the role of the trader. The book also covers the way geographic techniques help to solve marketing problems and contains chapters written by contributors with extensive experience in this field; given that it is crucial for companies to direct their marketing correctly at their target audience, this will be indispensable reading for those involved in this area.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematics for Modeling and Scientific Computing
This book provides the mathematical basis for investigating numerically equations from physics, life sciences or engineering. Tools for analysis and algorithms are confronted to a large set of relevant examples that show the difficulties and the limitations of the most naïve approaches. These examples not only provide the opportunity to put into practice mathematical statements, but modeling issues are also addressed in detail, through the mathematical perspective.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermodynamic Modeling of Solid Phases
This book offers advanced students, in 7 volumes, successively characterization tools phases, the study of all types of phase, liquid, gas and solid, pure or multi-component, process engineering, chemical and electrochemical equilibria, the properties of surfaces and phases of small sizes. Macroscopic and microscopic models are in turn covered with a constant correlation between the two scales. Particular attention is given to the rigor of mathematical developments. This book focuses on solid phases.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metaheuristics for Logistics
This book describes the main classical combinatorial problems that can be encountered when designing a logistics network or driving a supply chain. It shows how these problems can be tackled by metaheuristics, both separately and using an integrated approach. A huge number of techniques, from the simplest to the most advanced ones, are given for helping the reader to implement efficient solutions that meet its needs. A lot of books have been written about metaheuristics (methods for solving hard optimization problems) and supply chain management (the field in which we find a huge number of combinatorial optimization problems) in the last decades. So, the main reason of this book is to describe how these methods can be implemented for this class of problems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Decision-Making and the Information System
The purpose of this book is to question the relationships involved in decision making and the systems designed to support it: decision support systems (DSS). The focus is on how these systems are engineered; to stop and think about the questions to be asked throughout the engineering process and, in particular, about the impact designers’ choices have on these systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Beyond-CMOS Nanodevices 2
This book offers a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in innovative Beyond-CMOS nanodevices for developing novel functionalities, logic and memories dedicated to researchers, engineers and students. The book will particularly focus on the interest of nanostructures and nanodevices (nanowires, small slope switches, 2D layers, nanostructured materials, etc.) for advanced More than Moore (RF-nanosensors-energy harvesters, on-chip electronic cooling, etc.) and Beyond-CMOS logic and memories applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Chinese Cybersecurity and Defense
Cyberdefense has become, over the past five years, a major issue on the international scene. China, by the place it occupies, is the subject of attention: it is observed, criticized, and designated by many states as a major player in the global cyber-insecurity. The United States is building their cyberdefense strategy against what they call the "Chinese threat." It is therefore important to better understand today's challenges related to cyber dimension in regard of the rise of China.Contributions from international researchers provide cross perspectives on China, its strategies and policies for cybersecurity and cyberdefense. These issues have now gained major strategic dimension: Is Cyberspace changing the scene of international relations? How China does apprehend cybersecurity and cyberdefense? What are the issues, challenges? What is the role of China in the global cyberspace?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Biomaterials
Discovered in the 20th century, biomaterials have contributed to many of the incredible scientific and technological advancements made in recent decades. This book introduces and details the tenets of biomaterials, their relevance in a various fields, practical applications of their products, and potential advancements of the years to come. A comprehensive resource, the text covers the reasons that certain properties of biomaterials contribute to specific applications, and students and researchers will appreciate this exhaustive textbook.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Discrete Event Systems in Dioid Algebra and Conventional Algebra
This book concerns the use of dioid algebra as (max, +) algebra to treat the synchronization of tasks expressed by the maximum of the ends of the tasks conditioning the beginning of another task – a criterion of linear programming. A classical example is the departure time of a train which should wait for the arrival of other trains in order to allow for the changeover of passengers. The content focuses on the modeling of a class of dynamic systems usually called “discrete event systems” where the timing of the events is crucial. Events are viewed as sudden changes in a process which is, essentially, a man-made system, such as automated manufacturing lines or transportation systems. Its main advantage is its formalism which allows us to clearly describe complex notions and the possibilities to transpose theoretical results between dioids and practical applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Artificial Materials
This book addresses artificial materials including photonic crystals (PC) and metamaterials (MM). The first part is devoted to design concepts: negative permeability and permittivity for negative refraction, periodic structures, transformation optics. The second part concerns PC and MM in stop band regime: from cavities, guides to high impedance surfaces. Abnormal refraction, less than one and negative, in PC and MM are studied in a third part, addressing super-focusing and cloaking. Applications for telecommunications, lasers and imaging systems are also explored.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Audiovisual Archives
Today, huge quantities of digital audiovisual resources are already available – everywhere and at any time – through Web portals, online archives and libraries, and video blogs. One central question with respect to this huge amount of audiovisual data is how they can be used in specific (social, pedagogical, etc.) contexts and what are their potential interest for target groups (communities, professionals, students, researchers, etc.). This book examines the question of the (creative) exploitation of digital audiovisual archives from a theoretical, methodological, technical and practical point of view, especially in three main directions of work: - The repurposing and republishing of existing audiovisual data. - The building of community-centric audiovisual archives. - The use of digital social media and Web 2 technology for the diffusion and sharing of audiovisual content. This book presents a series of concrete examples of creative uses of digital audiovisual corpora for education, research and cultural heritage preservation and valorization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Human-Computer Interactions in Transport
The human-computer interactions are more and more present in our everyday life, and lead to many conceptual and methodological problems for the designers and evaluators of interactive systems. This book is about Human-Computer Interaction in Transport domain, in which the traveler becomes a user of information systems, particularly before and during the travel(s). This book will focus on traveler information and personalized systems, using a human-centered design approach.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Signal and Image Multiresolution Analysis
Multiresolution analysis using the wavelet transform has received considerable attention in recent years by researchers in various fields. It is a powerful tool for efficiently representing signals and images at multiple levels of detail with many inherent advantages, including compression, level-of-detail display, progressive transmission, level-of-detail editing, filtering, modeling, fractals and multifractals, etc. This book aims to provide a simple formalization and new clarity on multiresolution analysis, rendering accessible obscure techniques, and merging, unifying or completing the technique with encoding, feature extraction, compressive sensing, multifractal analysis and texture analysis. It is aimed at industrial engineers, medical researchers, university lab attendants, lecturer-researchers and researchers from various specializations. It is also intended to contribute to the studies of graduate students in engineering, particularly in the fields of medical imaging, intelligent instrumentation, telecommunications, and signal and image processing. Given the diversity of the problems posed and addressed, this book paves the way for the development of new research themes, such as brain–computer interface (BCI), compressive sensing, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), tissue characterization (bones, skin, etc.) and the analysis of complex phenomena in general. Throughout the chapters, informative illustrations assist the uninitiated reader in better conceptualizing certain concepts, taking the form of numerous figures and recent applications in biomedical engineering, communication, multimedia, finance, etc.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy
The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human development? Combining a deep knowledge of humanities and social sciences as well as a real familiarity with computer science issues, this book explains the collaborative construction of a global hypercortex coordinated by a computable metalanguage. By recognizing fully the symbolic and social nature of human cognition, we could transform our current opaque global brain into a reflexive collective intelligence.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Materials for Sustainable Civil Engineering
This book provides an inventory of organic materials and products, the major components of all civil engineering projects, in terms of their scientific and technical background, including the regulations that cover their use and their predicted useful life. Such materials include: bitumen on the roads; geotextiles for retaining walls; membranes for bridges; tunnel and reservoir waterproofing; paint binders to protect metallic and concrete structures or to realize road markings; injection resins; gluing products; concrete admixtures; and composite materials. The presentation is based on a physicochemical approach, which is essential if these products are to be considered as part of sustainable development: as such, those studying or working in these fields will find this an invaluable source of information.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Business Intelligence: The Effectiveness of Strategic Intelligence and its Impact on the Performance of Organizations
Effective Strategic Intelligence (SI) is vital for organizations in an international context of instability, complexity and intense competition. Following a long process of qualitative, quantitative and empirical research next to SI experts and large companies, this book proposes a way to improve SI and its impact on the performance of an organization. From an exploration, description and evaluation model of SI, a measurement tool in two parts, for the producer and the user of SI, has been built. For all kind of firms and all advancement levels of SI, it allows the construction of a control panel which can be used to pilot SI and its impact on the performance of an organization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multiscale Modeling of Heterogenous Materials: From Microstructure to Macro-Scale Properties
A material's various proprieties is based on its microscopic and nanoscale structures. This book provides an overview of recent advances in computational methods for linking phenomena in systems that span large ranges of time and spatial scales. Particular attention is given to predicting macroscopic properties based on subscale behaviors. Given the book’s extensive coverage of multi-scale methods for modeling both metallic and geologic materials, it will be an invaluable reading for graduate students, scientists, and practitioners alike.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wave Propagation in Fluids: Models and Numerical Techniques
This book presents the physical principles of wave propagation in fluid mechanics and hydraulics. The mathematical techniques that allow the behavior of the waves to be analyzed are presented, along with existing numerical methods for the simulation of wave propagation. Particular attention is paid to discontinuous flows, such as steep fronts and shock waves, and their mathematical treatment. A number of practical examples are taken from various areas fluid mechanics and hydraulics, such as contaminant transport, the motion of immiscible hydrocarbons in aquifers, river flow, pipe transients and gas dynamics. Finite difference methods and finite volume methods are analyzed and applied to practical situations, with particular attention being given to their advantages and disadvantages. Application exercises are given at the end of each chapter, enabling readers to test their understanding of the subject.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Two-dimensional Signal Analysis
This title sets out to show that 2-D signal analysis has its own role to play alongside signal processing and image processing. Concentrating its coverage on those 2-D signals coming from physical sensors (such as radars and sonars), the discussion explores a 2-D spectral approach but develops the modeling of 2-D signals and proposes several data-oriented analysis techniques for dealing with them. Coverage is also given to potential future developments in this area.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc An Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
This book recalls the basics required for an understanding of the nanoworld (quantum physics, molecular biology, micro and nanoelectronics) and gives examples of applications in various fields: materials, energy, devices, data management and life sciences. It is clearly shown how the nanoworld is at the crossing point of knowledge and innovation. Written by an expert who spent a large part of his professional life in the field, the title also gives a general insight into the evolution of nanosciences and nanotechnologies. The reader is thus provided with an introduction to this complex area with different "tracks" for further personal comprehension and reflection. This guided and illustrated tour also reveals the importance of the nanoworld in everyday life.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Autonomic Networks
As the Internet becomes larger and larger, and consequently more difficult to control and to manage, telecommunication operators, manufacturers and companies require tools to perform management and control tasks. A large number of tools coming from different areas have been proposed, but these are not sufficient to handle an evolving and dynamic environment. This book presents and explains all the techniques which integrate a certain level of intelligence (through intelligent software agents for example) in order to represent knowledge, take appropriate decisions, communicate with other entities and achieve a self-managing network.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Flows
This title provides the fundamental bases for developing turbulence models on rational grounds. The main different methods of approach are considered, ranging from statistical modelling at various degrees of complexity to numerical simulations of turbulence. Each of these various methods has its own specific performances and limitations, which appear to be complementary rather than competitive. After a discussion of the basic concepts, mathematical tools and methods for closure, the book considers second order closure models. Emphasis is placed upon this approach because it embodies potentials for clarifying numerous problems in turbulent shear flows. Simpler, generally older models are then presented as simplified versions of the more general second order models. The influence of extra physical parameters is also considered. Finally, the book concludes by examining large Eddy numerical simulations methods. Given the book’s comprehensive coverage, those involved in the theoretical or practical study of turbulence problems in fluids will find this a useful and informative read.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Traditional FunctionalDiscrete Methods for the Problems of Mathematical Physics
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Analog Devices and Circuits 2
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematics and Philosophy 2: Graphs, Orders, Infinites and Philosophy
From Pythagoreans to Hegel, and beyond, this book gives a brief overview of the history of the notion of graphs and introduces the main concepts of graph theory in order to apply them to philosophy. In addition, this book presents how philosophers can use various mathematical notions of order. Throughout the book, philosophical operations and concepts are defined through examining questions relating the two kinds of known infinities – discrete and continuous – and how Woodin's approach can influence elements of philosophy. We also examine how mathematics can help a philosopher to discover the elements of stability which will help to build an image of the world, even if various approaches (for example, negative theology) generally cannot be valid. Finally, we briefly consider the possibilities of weakening formal thought represented by fuzziness and neutrosophic graphs. In a nutshell, this book expresses the importance of graphs when representing ideas and communicating them clearly with others.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Asymptomatic Osseous Variations of the Postcranial Human Skeleton
Since ancient times, asymptomatic bone variations have been studied in many different disciplines. In radiology, for example, they enable the differentiation of the typical from the anomalous, but in biological anthropology they are especially useful in answering questions about humans and their diachronic and synchronic variability. This book provides an easily accessible presentation of the osseous variations of the postcranial skeleton (from the spine to the feet), which are sometimes poorly understood by the scientific community. These variations are examined one by one, with definitions, population frequencies and complete illustrations given for each. Asymptomatic Osseous Variations of the Postcranial Human Skeleton is intended as a comprehensive reference manual for further research on these types of skeletal variations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Inclusive Territories 2
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Towards Process Safety 4.0 in the Factory of the Future
The rapid development of new technologies in the industry of the future implies a major evolution in the industrial safety measures needed to be met, such as societal requirements. Towards Process Safety 4.0 in the Factory of the Future presents the concept of Safety 4.0 from the point of view of process safety, occupational safety and health, as well as systems’ cyber security. Numerous examples illustrate the different approaches of the identified methods and techniques of Safety 4.0. Their concepts, paradigms, structural bases, couplings, complexities and flaws are systematically analyzed. This comprehensive approach to Safety 4.0 is aimed at the wide variety of actors working in the industry of the future.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Observers of the Aurora Borealis in Europe: Journey into the Learned World of the Enlightenment
The spectacular reappearance of the aurora borealis at the beginning of the 18th century, often observed simultaneously from different observatories in Europe, mobilized and federated a large community of astronomers on a European scale. It encouraged them to communicate the results of their observations and, in compiling exhaustive catalogs of information, has helped to establish a system of the aurora borealis that can be further studied in the future, according to the experimental method inherited from the previous century. This book is dedicated to some of the main aurora observers in Europe and to the human, institutional and philosophical context in which they evolved in the first half of the 18th century. Its reading should be seen as a retrospective journey through the scholarly world of the Enlightenment, during which the same scholars are frequently encountered and reencountered, yet each time in different contexts, or from different angles, with the aim of compiling an account of the swarming of ideas and encounters that constituted the development of experimental science in this pivotal period.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digitalization of Work: New Spaces and New Working Times
Digitalization of Work brings together researchers and international experts whose work and practices are based on a variety of disciplines such as work and organizational psychology, social psychology, ergonomics, communication and information sciences, and management sciences. This book closely examines the challenges associated with recent or emerging ways of working related to the digitalization of work. It acts as a directory of contributions that enrich recent thought and approaches to the deployment and accompaniment of the ways in which work is organized, including practices and environments likely to gain relevance in coming years (remote working and management, coworking for salaried employees, flexible office spaces, working from home and nomadism).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Biosphere Reserves and Sustainable Development Goals 1
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects, Volume 3: Behavior and Design of Project Foundations and Eurocode Validation
Geotechnical engineering is now a fundamental component of construction projects. The third volume of this book is its backbone, dedicated to foundations for civil and industrial construction projects. Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects 3 first presents the basic theoretical principles and rules governing the designing and validation of foundations; shallow, semi-deep and deep, then presents real foundation projects with a detailed comparison of the approaches and methods of calculating foundations in relation to the reference systems and rules in force, closely compared to and validated by the Eurocodes. The third chapter presents examples of foundation projects, covering high-side building rafts, strip footings, piles and embankments, enriched by an unprecedented level of experience in the field of foundations for civil and industrial construction projects. It ends with examples of damage to foundations and practical appendices. Each chapter of this third volume is illustrated with photographs and measurements of construction sites and is built on both theory and experience in the field of foundations as a whole. The result is a combination of geotechnical expertise and lessons learned from experience, both of which are highly valuable in the field of applied geotechnics for construction projects.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Collective Phenomena in Plasmas and Elsewhere: Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Approaches
The Universe is made up of systems consisting of a very large number of particles interacting in a very complex way. When studying these systems, a precise microscopic approach is unattainable. In practice, the best strategy is one that is able to “distinguish” between superfluous information and the information needed to make predictions about the evolution of the system. There are two main competing approaches: kinetic and hydrodynamic. Collective Phenomena in Plasmas and Elsewhere presents an overview of the theoretical bases of these kinetic and hydrodynamic approaches, but also discusses their limitations, the links between them and their extension to quantum mechanics and relativity. These methods were born in part out of the study of plasmas, but they also have more universal applications. A general framework for these approaches is outlined, followed by some applications in plasmas, gravitation, Bose–Einstein condensates and dark matter. Particular emphasis is placed on the analogies that can be made between all these different systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Favela Tours: Building Otherness in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro
For a long time, favelas were a source of fear for tourists visiting Rio de Janeiro. Now that they are more appealing, some have become popular tourist destinations even though they are still regarded as an "off the beaten track" activity. Favela Tours analyzes the factors behind the emergence of tourism in the favelas, places of otherness and authenticity for visitors who come mainly from Western Europe and North America. Based on ethnography of those involved in these practices (guides, residents and tourists), this book describes how the local and global forces are converging to make favelas part of the western tourism system: a mechanism for fabricating and assimilating otherness.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Information Organization of the Universe and Living Things: Generation of Space, Quantum and Molecular Elements, Coactive Generation of Living Organisms and Multiagent Model
The universe is considered an expansive informational field subjected to a general organizational law. The organization of the deployment results in the emergence of an autonomous organization of spatial and material elements endowed with permanence, which are generated on an informational substratum where an organizational law is exercised at all scales. The initial action of a generating informational element produces a quantity of basic informational elements that multiply to form other informational elements that will either be neutral, constituting the basic spatial elements, or active, forming quantum elements.The neutral basic elements will form the space by a continuous aggregation and will represent the substrate of the informational links, allowing the active informational elements to communicate, in order to aggregate and organize themselves.Every active element is immersed in an informational envelope, allowing it to continue its organization through constructive communications. The organizational law engages the active quantum elements to aggregate and produce new and more complex quantum elements, then molecular elements, massive elements, suns and planets. Gravity will then be the force of attraction exerted by the informational envelopes of the aggregates depending on their mass, to develop them by acquisition of new aggregates.The organizational communication of the informational envelopes of all of the physical material elements on Earth will enable the organization of living things, with reproduction managed by communications between the informational envelopes of the elements, realizing a continuous and powerful evolution.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Product Maturity 1: Theoretical Principles and Industrial Applications
Every parent is concerned when a child is slow to become a mature adult. This is also true for any product designer, regardless of their industry sector. For a product to be mature, it must have an expected level of reliability from the moment it is put into service, and must maintain this level throughout its industrial use.While there have been theoretical and practical advances in reliability from the 1960s to the end of the 1990s, to take into account the effect of maintenance, the maturity of a product is often only partially addressed.Product Maturity 1 fills this gap as much as possible; a difficult exercise given that maturity is a transverse activity in the engineering sciences; it must be present throughout the lifecycle of a product.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Smart Grids and Buildings for Energy and Societal Transition
This book presents interdisciplinary approaches to help buildings, electrical energy networks and their users contribute to the energy and societal transition. Smart Grids and Buildings for Energy and Societal Transition examines the technologies, uses and imaginaries involved in implementing smart buildings and smart grids. Production and consumption forecasts, modeling of stakeholder involvement and self-consumption within a renewable energy community exploiting blockchain technology are examples developed with a view to fostering the emergence of smart grids. The potential of smart buildings, taking into account user comfort while increasing energy efficiency, is identified. Full-scale demonstrators are used to test the proposed solutions, and to ensure that users take full advantage of the potential for electrical flexibility.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Cindynics, The Science of Danger: A Wake-up Call
This book offers a new perspective to uncover the keys to accident and disaster avoidance. Created with a working group, it presents research and understanding on the root causes of disasters. Indeed, beyond technical failures, human beings are at the heart of organizations and, through the exchange of data and information, influential relationships inevitably emerge such as conflicts of interest and cooperation.With examples selected from multiple accidents and disasters, this book demonstrates that analyzing the causal chain that leads to an accident is not sufficient if we wish to truly understand it. The role of operational and managerial actors and the complexities they generate are also explored.Cindynics, The Science of Danger helps readers develop their ability to identify gaps, deficits, dissonances, disjunctions, degenerations and blockages, which are the real dangers in inevitably evolving activity situations. With an easily-understandable approach, this book offers new perspectives in several fields (health, crisis management and conflict resolution).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Resilience: Persistence and Change in Landscape Forms
The articulation between persistence and change is relevant to a great number of different disciplines. It is particularly central to the study of urban and rural forms in many different fields of research, in geography, archaeology, architecture and history. Resilience puts forward the idea that we can no longer be truly satisfied with the common approaches used to study the dynamics of landscapes, such as the palimpsest approach, the regressive method and the semiological analysis amongst others, because they are based on the separation between the past and the present, which itself stems from the differentiation between nature and society. This book combines spatio-temporalities, as described in archeogeography, with concepts that have been developed in the field of ecological resilience, such as panarchy and the adaptive cycle. Thus revived, the morphological analysis in this work considers landscapes as complex resilient adaptive systems. The permanence observed in landscapes is no longer presented as the endurance of inherited forms, but as the result of a dynamic that is fed by this constant dialogue between persistence and change. Thus, resilience is here decisively on the side of dynamics rather than that of resistance.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials Applied to Chemical Sensors and Biosensors
The key social issues of health, medicine, the environment, food and safety cannot be addressed without the support of chemical sensors and biosensors, whose performance is constantly improving in terms of reliability and cost, particularly in the production of autonomous devices connected to the Internet. Obtaining high-intensity transduction signals arising from the interaction of an analyte and a sensor, enabling the identification and dosage of a given compound, requires the selection of suitable physical measurement methods and the creation of structures that react specifically to different types of analyte. Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials Applied to Chemical Sensors and Biosensors details recent advances in the field of sensor design using carbon-based nanomaterials (graphene, carbon nanotubes, carbon quantum dots, etc.) and inorganic nanomaterials (metallic nanoparticles, nanocrystals, transition metal dichalcogenides, etc.), as well as a variety of ph
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nuclear Physics 1: Nuclear Deexcitations, Spontaneous Nuclear Reactions
This book presents the foundations of nuclear physics, covering several themes that range from subatomic particles to stars. Also described in this book are experimental facts relating to the discovery of the electron, positron, proton, neutron and neutrino. The general properties of nuclei and the various nuclear de-excitation processes based on the nucleon layer model are studied in greater depth. This book addresses the conservation laws of angular momentum and parity, the multipolar transition probabilities E and M, gamma de-excitation, internal conversion and nucleon emission de-excitation processes. The fundamental properties of α and β disintegrations, electron capture, radioactive filiations, and Bateman equations are also examined. Nuclear Physics 1 is intended for high school physics teachers, students, research teachers and science historians specializing in nuclear physics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc NG-RAN and 5G-NR: 5G Radio Access Network and Radio Interface
NG-RAN and 5G-NR describes the deployment of 5G NSA (non standalone 5G) and 5G-SA (standalone 5G). 5G-NSA deals with radio access entities. For the 5G-NSA mode, dual MR DC connectivity is based on radio measurements, allowing the master 4G base station MeNB to add or remove a secondary 5G node SgNB.This book describes the architecture of the NG radio access network and the 5G-NR radio interface according to the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) specifications. The overall architecture of the NG-RAN, including the NG, Xn and F1 interfaces and their interaction with the radio interface, are also described. The 5G-NR physical layer is mainly connected by implementing antennas, which improves transmission capacity. 5G-SA deals with the 5G Core network.In the 5G-SA model, the mobile is attached to the 5G Core network through NG-RAN. The book explains radio procedure, from switching on a device to establishing a data connection, and how this connection is maintained even if mobility is involved for both 5G-SA and 5G-NSA deployment. NG-RAN and 5G-NR is devoted to the radio access network, but mobile registration, establishment procedures and re-establishment procedures are also explained.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Towards a Political Education Through Environmental Issues
The growing field of political education through environmental issues is organized around processes, which reach beyond the formal ones found in academic disciplines and national curricula into informal processes (such as social mobilization) and nonformal processes (such as those found in various international educational recommendations). Using theoretical approaches from the fields of political philosophy and the social sciences, this book develops a simultaneously conceptual and analytical framework for the political in educational content involving environmental issues. This framework is then used to empirically analyze educational content on sustainable development formulated by UNESCO, as well as the Tunisian curriculum. The theoretical and empirical studies carried out in this book lead to proposed curriculum tags for political education through environmental issues, with the intent of opening this field to inclusion in the didactics of curriculum research.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Care in Technology
Today, it is widely recognized that in order to meet environmental challenges, it will not simply be enough to make our lifestyles �greener�; also critical is putting an end to the modern conception of the human as �master and possessor� of nature. However, to bear fruit, this change in anthropology must also be accompanied by a revision in our conception of technology. Since the Enlightenment and the development of industrialization, technology no longer seems to be subject to the guiding principles set by the Greeks: prudence and the search for the right measure in all, which leads to the care of beings and the world. Care in Technology analyzes the historical changes that have led technology to become an unthinkable part of care, and care an unthinkable part of technology. It also establishes the conditions for care to once again become a regulatory principle of the activity of engineers who design technology.