Search results for ""author george""
Birlinn General Greenvoe
Greenvoe, the tight-knit community on the Orcadian island of Hellya, has existed unchanged for generations, but Operation Black Star requires the island for unspecified purposes and threatens the islanders’ way of life. A whole host of characters - The Skarf, failed fishermen and Marxist historian; Ivan Westray, boatman and dallier; pious creeler Samuel Whaness; drunken fishermen Bert Kerston; earth-mother Alice Voar, and meths-drinker Timmy Folster - are vividly brought to life in this sparkling mixture of prose and poetry. In the end Operation Black Star fails, but not before it has ruined the island; but the book ends on a note of hope as the islanders return to celebrate the ritual rebirth of Hellya.
Flame Tree Publishing Homage to Catalonia
A new edition with a new introduction, this is a deeply personal record of Orwell's growing despair and disillusionment with the Spanish Civil War, gathering themes he would later explore to perfection in Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. Having joined the international leftist forces in Barcelona, Orwell grew frustrated by the repressive totalitarianism of Stalin's brand of communism.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Camel Drivers: The 17th Aero Squadron in World War I
The 17th Aero Squadron flew Sopwith Camels under British command along the Western Front during the summer of 1918. This definitive work on the 17th Aero Squadron in World War I is drawn from a wide range of official and personal sources, including original squadron records (found in an attic!), numerous interviews, letters written home, and half a dozen diaries – including one kept by a German pilot flying in opposition.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Alchemy of Finance
New chapter by Soros on the secrets to his success along with a new Preface and Introduction. New Foreword by renowned economist Paul Volcker "An extraordinary . . . inside look into the decision-making process of the most successful money manager of our time. Fantastic."—The Wall Street Journal George Soros is unquestionably one of the most powerful and profitable investors in the world today. Dubbed by BusinessWeek as "the Man who Moves Markets," Soros made a fortune competing with the British pound and remains active today in the global financial community. Now, in this special edition of the classic investment book, The Alchemy of Finance, Soros presents a theoretical and practical account of current financial trends and a new paradigm by which to understand the financial market today. This edition's expanded and revised Introduction details Soros's innovative investment practices along with his views of the world and world order. He also describes a new paradigm for the "theory of reflexivity" which underlies his unique investment strategies. Filled with expert advice and valuable business lessons, The Alchemy of Finance reveals the timeless principles of an investing legend. This special edition will feature a new chapter by Soros on the secrets of his success and a new Foreword by the Honorable Paul Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve. George Soros (New York, NY) is President of Soros Fund Management and Chief Investment Advisor to Quantum Fund N.V., a $12 billion international investment fund. Besides his numerous ventures in finance, Soros is also extremely active in the worlds of education, culture, and economic aid and development through his Open Society Fund and the Soros Foundation.
HarperCollins Publishers A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
A century before A GAME OF THRONES, two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros… A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R.R. Martin’s ongoing masterwork, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. Before Tyrion Lannister and Podrick Payne there was Dunk and Egg. A young, naïve but courageous hedge knight, Ser Duncan the Tall towers above his rivals – in stature if not experience. Tagging along with him is his diminutive squire, a boy called Egg – whose true identity must be hidden from all he and Dunk encounter: for in reality he is Aegon Targaryen, and one day he will be king. Improbable heroes though they be, great destinies lie ahead for Dunk and Egg; as do powerful foes, royal intrigue, and outrageous exploits. Set in an age when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron Throne, and the memory of the last dragon has not yet passed from living memory, and featuring more than 160 illustrations by Gary Gianni, one of the finest fantasy artists of our time, this beautiful volume will transport readers to the world of the Seven Kingdoms in an age of bygone chivalry.
Imperial College Press Edward Teller Lectures: Lasers And Inertial Fusion Energy
How to achieve unlimited, safe, clean and low-cost energy by laser- or beam-driven inertial nuclear fusion has preoccupied all winners of the Edward Teller Medal since its inception in 1991. This book presents their findings, meeting discussions, and personal insights from Edward Teller himself. Expect discussion of important advances anticipated in the future such as multi-billion dollar fusion research projects (NIF), and new schemes such as the petawatt-picosecond laser-plasma interactions evoking new physics and coupling mechanisms.For the first time, laser technology of the new century is providing the very short and extremely intense energetic pulses needed for fusion energy from next generation power stations, which produce energy at cost several times lower than any other source. The long-sought dream to directly ignite frozen heavy hydrogen for controlled use is close to being realized. Years of research on plasmas and lasers carried out worldwide in highly sophisticated experiments is summarized. The coverage begins with the work of John Nuckolls and Nobel Laureate Nikolai Basov and leads to the new scheme of plasma block acceleration via the nonlinear ponderomotive force. Edward Teller Lectures is one of the first guides to these new developments.
Norvik Press Barbara
Barbara, originally written in Danish, was the only novel by the Faroese author Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen (1900–1938), and yet it quickly achieved international best-seller status and is still one of the best-loved twentieth century classics in Danish and Faroese literature. On the face of it, Barbara is a straightforward historical novel in the mode of many a so-called 'romance'. It contains a story of passion in an exotic setting with overtones of semi-piracy; there is a powerful erotic element, an outsider who breaks up a marriage, and a built-in inevitability resulting from Barbara's own psychological make-up. She stands as one of the most complex female characters in modern Scandinavian literature: beautiful, passionate, innocent, devoted, amoral and uncomprehending of her own tragedy. Jørgen-Frantz Jacobsen portrays her with a fascinated devotion.
Historical Images Ltd Bradshaw's Railway Map Central Europe 1913
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Living Dead: A masterpiece of zombie horror
A work of horror genius from the Godfather of zombie film-making, George A. Romero, and celebrated writer Daniel Kraus . . .It begins with one body. A pair of medical examiners find themselves facing a dead man who won't stay dead. It spreads quickly. In a Midwestern trailer park, an African American teenage girl and a Muslim immigrant battle newly-risen friends and family.On a US aircraft carrier, living sailors hide from dead ones while a fanatic preaches the gospel of a new religion of death. At a cable news station, a surviving anchor keeps broadcasting, not knowing if anyone is watching, while his undead colleagues try to devour him.In DC, an autistic federal employee charts the outbreak, preserving data for a future that may never come.Everywhere, people are targeted by both the living and the dead.We think we know how this story ends. We. Are. Wrong.'A horror landmark, a work of gory genius.' JOE HILL, author of NOS4A2'A monumental achievement.' ADAM NEVILL, author of The Ritual'Like a lost Romero classic.' CLIVE BARKER, author of Hellraiser'A sprawling, timely, scary epic.' PAUL TREMBLAY, author of The Cabin at the End of the World
Nordica Libros El Diario de un Don Nadie
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Fördern und Fordern: Effektive Fuhrung mit sicherer Basis
Werden Sie zu einer großartigen Führungskraft und entfesseln Sie das eigene besondere Potenzial sowie das Ihrer Leute und des Unternehmens! Wie das geht? Mit der „Führung mit sicherer Basis“ (Secure Base Leadership). Bauen Sie Vertrauen auf und konzentrieren Sie sich auf die Unterstützung von Engagement und das Schaffen innovationsfördernder Konditionen im Unternehmen. Verbinden Sie den Aspekt von „sich kümmern“ mit dem Aspekt von „etwas wagen“. Somit verringern Sie die Sorgen und Ängste Ihrer Mitarbeiter und steigern das gesunde Risiko. Das Ergebnis sind herausragende Leistungen. Das Buch von Kohlrieser, Goldsworthy und Coombe zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie zu einer solchen außergewöhnlichen Führungskraft werden können – egal wo Sie arbeiten, mit wem Sie arbeiten, wie groß Ihr Budget ist oder wie viel Unterstützung Sie bekommen. Jeder kann bestimmte Fähigkeiten entwickeln und einen Weg finden, nachhaltige Ergebnisse durch inspirierende Beziehungen zu erreichen. Sie auch!
Allen & Unwin Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis Handbook: Roadmap to good health
A long, healthy, happy life is possible after a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Around the world, thousands of people are living active and fulfilling lives on the Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis Program.The Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis Handbook explains what MS is, and outlines the scientifically credible and evidence-based 7 step self-management program originally devised by Professor George Jelinek. It covers all aspects of living on the program, from first diagnosis to later life, with chapters from medical specialists and other experts on choosing your healthcare team, improving resilience, work, pregnancy and progressive MS. The book taps into the wealth of knowledge and experience in the community of people following the Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis Program, with personal stories from across the world.If you have recently been diagnosed with MS, if you have been living with MS for years, or if you have a family member with MS, the Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis Handbook is your best companion. It is also an invaluable resource for doctors treating people with MS.'If you or someone that you love is impacted by MS this book is a must-read.' - Dr Aaron Boster, The Boster Center for Multiple Sclerosis, Columbus, Ohio'This highly recommended book highlights the importance of a holistic approach to MS management.' - Professor Richard Nicholas, Imperial College London'Overcoming MS is now the essential mainstay of MS management, before or alongside drug therapy, offering the best chance of a full and healthy life for people with MS.' - Dr Peter Silbert, Clinical Professor of Neurology, University of Western Australia Medical School
The New York Review of Books, Inc Confusion
Autonomedia Returning to Reims
Ivan R Dee, Inc Poems for the People
Seventy-three poems from Sandburg's early years in Chicago, almost all of them never before in print. They show him as a critic of fast-changing conditions in urban America; a walker in the city; a sensitive poet born to immigrant parents. These poems are a reminder of why we revere Sandburg as an authentic American voice. Edited with an Introduction by George and Willene Hendrick, Sandburg's most accomplished interpreters. An absolutely exhilarating read...a genuine literary event, a virtual rediscovery of an American treasure. —Michael Van Walleghen
Broadview Press Ltd Felix Holt
When William Blackwood, George Eliot’s publisher, first saw the manuscript of Felix Holt in 1866 he could not contain his enthusiasm; in a letter to a friend he described the novel as “a perfect marvel. The time is 1832 just after the passing of the Reform Bill, and surely such a...series of pictures of English Life, manners, and conversation never was drawn. You see and hear the people speaking. Every individual character stands out a distinct figure.”A political radical and a child of the working class, Felix has lost faith in a political system in which candidates never represent the interests of the working class. Harold Transome, the cynical son of wealthy Tory landowners, embraces radical politics for very different reasons. Both Harold and Felix vie for the affections of Esther Lyon, and she must weigh her feelings for them with the social and material goals she has set for herself. Their personal drama unfolds against the broad canvas of social and political upheaval of 1830s England.This edition is based on the text of the first edition of the novel published in three volumes in 1866, and includes a full introduction, a wide range of appendices including reviews, as well as Eliot’s “Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt”; “The Legal Plot of Felix Holt”; and a chronology of Eliot’s life and career.
Hal Leonard Corporation The Beatles: Drum Play-Along Volume 15
Alfred Music I Got Rhythm: Conductor Score & Parts
Simon & Schuster Audio The Survivor
Mitchell-Innes & Nash George Segal: Bronze
In the late 1960s, George Segal began “double-casting” his work--taking a second cast from inside the mold of the original cast. This process brought finer detail to the surface and was part of his evolution to a more naturalizing image. When, in the 1980s, he began making bronze work for outdoor installation, he continued this double-casting technique and all his bronzes were made from finished plasters. As Carroll Janis writes in the introduction, “Segal's plaster sculpture presents an existential situation; the surrogate figure, more fagile and removed from reality when set next to the real object. The bronzes appear to reverse this idea by asserting the strength and permanence of the human figure within the surrounding environment.”
The New York Review of Books, Inc Exploits and Adventures of Brigadier Gerard
WW Norton & Co Diaries
This groundbreaking volume, never before published in the United States, at last introduces the interior life of George Orwell, the writer who defined twentieth-century political thought. Written as individual books throughout his career, the eleven surviving diaries collected here record Orwell’s youthful travels among miners and itinerant laborers, the fearsome rise of totalitarianism, the horrific drama of World War II, and the feverish composition of his great masterpieces Animal Farm and 1984 (which have now sold more copies than any two books by any other twentieth-century author). Personal entries cover the tragic death of his first wife and Orwell’s own decline as he battled tuberculosis. Exhibiting great brilliance of prose and composition, these treasured dispatches, edited by the world’s leading Orwell scholar, exhibit “the seeds of famous passages to come” (New Statesman) and amount to a volume as penetrating as the autobiography he would never write.
Baker Publishing Group unChristian – What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity...and Why It Matters
Christianity has an image problem. Christians are supposed to represent Christ to the world. But according to the latest report card, something has gone terribly wrong. Using descriptions like "hypocritical," "insensitive," and "judgmental," young Americans share an impression of Christians that's nothing short of . . . unChristian. Groundbreaking research into the perceptions of people aged 16-29 reveals that Christians have taken several giant steps backward in one of their most important assignments. The surprising details of the study, commissioned by the Fermi Project and conducted by The Barna Group, are presented with uncompromising honesty in unChristian. Find out why these negative perceptions exist, learn how to reverse them in a Christlike manner, and discover practical examples of how Christians can positively contribute to culture. Now available in trade paper.
WW Norton & Co Bleak House: A Norton Critical Edition
Study of the genesis of the novel is facilitated by the reproduction of Dickens’ working plans and, for the first time, by some thousands of meticulous textual notes. "Backgrounds" offers all of Dickens’ correspondence about Bleak House as well as contextual materials that document the Victorian controversy over pollution, a theme central to the novel, and present contemporary attitudes toward the government, the courts, and the police, to enhance the setting of the story. Also featured are several hundred annotations which fully elucidate for today’s readers the allusions and topical references in this remarkably allusive Victorian masterpiece. Especially helpful is a clear exposition of the nature of law procedures in the Court of Chancery, which is crucial to an understanding of the central action of the story. "Critical essays" reprinted here include interpretations by G. K. Chesterton, J. Hillis Miller, George Ford, A. O. J. Cockshut, W. J. Harvey, H. M. Daleski, and Ian Ousby.
Pearson Education (US) Thomas' Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Single Variable with Second-Order Differential Equations
Penguin Putnam Inc We Beat the Street: How a Friendship Pact Led to Success
Taylor & Francis Ltd Network Performance Modeling and Simulation
Focuses on the argument that performance modelling and simulation has become a central issue in computer science and engineering, in part due to its applications to the structures comprising the internet. Dealing primarily with theory, tools, and techniques related to communications systems, it provides tutorials and surveys and relates new important research results. Each chapter provides background information, describes and analyses important work done in the field, and provides important direction to the reader on future work and further readings. The topics covered include traffic models for ATM networks, simulation environments, analytical methods, interprocessor communications and an evaluation of process architectures.
Springer International Publishing AG Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics and Engineering: 7th International Workshop, ENGAGE 2022, Virtual Event, September 12, 2022, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the Workshop Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics and Engineering, ENGAGE 2022, held in conjunction with Computer Graphics International conference, CGI 2022, which took place virtually, in September 2022. The 10 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 12 submissions. The workshop focused specifically on important aspects of geometric algebra including algebraic foundations, digitized transformations, orientation, conic fitting, protein modelling, digital twinning, and multidimensional signal processing.
UEA Publishing Project Secrets & Lives: UEA Creative Writing Anthology Non-Fiction: 2020
Secrets and Lives offers thirteen strikingly diverse explorations of memory - its dangers and its possibilites. Its subjects range from a kidnapped woman trapped on the Isle of Skye in the 18th century to a young man in Mumbai dealing with the death of his parents. Its settings range from Vietnam and Australia to Essex, Sussex and Norfolk, its sources from folk songs and old diaries to television and Twitter. And the secrets it reveals demonstrate the endless capacity of creative nonfiction to illuminate our world in all its aspects, familiar and unfamiliar.
Verso Books The Origin of German Tragic Drama
The Origin of German Tragic Drama is Walter Benjamin's most sustained and original work. It begins with a general theoretical introduction on the nature of the baroque art of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, concentrating on the peculiar stage-form of royal martyr dramas called Trauerspiel. Benjamin also comments on the engravings of Durer and the theatre of Calderon and Shakespeare. Baroque tragedy, he argues, was distinguished from classical tragedy by its shift from myth into history. Georg Lukacs, an opponent of Benjamin's aesthetics, singled out The Origin of German Tragic Drama as one of the main sources of literary modernism in the twentieth century.
Kogan Page Ltd The Future Home in the 5G Era: Next Generation Strategies for Hyper-connected Living
The Future Home in the 5G Era looks at new hyper-connected home environments in which devices and apps will work together seamlessly to respond to and anticipate customers' needs, all with maximum security and privacy. Enabled by 5G, AI, and other new technologies such as eSim and edge computing, the Future Home's powerful service ecosystems will be a quantum leap from today's fragmented smart home technology, effectively extending the boundaries of the home even beyond the traditional bounds of the physical, to ultimately make consumers feel 'at home' anywhere. This will create tremendous opportunities for businesses including communication service providers (CSPs), device manufacturers and app developers, as well as those providing services in diverse sectors such as entertainment, health and social care, education, retail, and more. The Future Home in the 5G Era combines original research from Accenture with practical insights and examples, showing how intelligently orchestrated Future Homes can yield economic success for businesses. Written by leaders of strategy and technology consultancy at Accenture, the authors have vast industry experience leading major units of Fortune 500 companies and start-ups. This book looks at how businesses, especially CSPs, can overcome the challenges and capture the multi-billion-dollar Future Home market by putting strategic emphasis on excellent customer experiences, developing new business models, and turning their organizations into competitively agile platform-based innovators. For business leaders in any sector relevant to the Future Home, this book is an indispensable and value-creating guide.
Flame Tree Publishing Robots & Artificial Intelligence Short Stories
"Flame Tree Publishing continues to publish excellent fiction with their Gothic Fantasy series of anthologies offering themed compendiums of both classic and modern fiction. By doing so, the series lets readers note similarity, differences and trends of subgenres over time." - Kirkus The promise and the threat of technology, of humankind replaced by its own mechanical creation has long enticed the SF and fantasy imagination. This fabulous mix of new and established writing brings together the top talents of today with classic and essential authors, including L. Frank Baum, Ambrose Bierce, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Jerome K. Jerome and more. New, contemporary and notable writers featured are: Roan Clay, George Cotronis, Deborah L. Davitt, Jeff Deck, Christopher M. Geeson, Bruce Golden, Rob Hartzell, Nathaniel Hosford, Rachael K. Jones, Rich Larson, Monte Lin, Trixie Nisbet, Chloie Piveral, David Sklar, Claire Allegra Sorrenson, Sara L. Uckelman, Holly Lyn Walrath, Nemma Wollenfang, and Eleanor R. Wood.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Evidence-Based Healthcare Chaplaincy: A Research Reader
Research literacy is now a requirement for Board-Certified chaplains in the US and a growing field in the UK. This reader gives an overview and introduction to the field of healthcare chaplaincy research. The 21 carefully chosen articles in this book illustrate techniques critical to chaplaincy research: case studies; qualitative research; cross-sectional and longitudinal quantitative research, and randomized clinical trials. The selected articles also address wide-ranging topics in chaplaincy research for a comprehensive overview of the field.To help readers engage with the research, each article includes a discussion guide highlighting crucial content, as well as important background information and implications for further research. This book is the perfect primary text for healthcare chaplaincy research courses, bringing together key articles from peer-reviewed journals in one student-friendly format.
Titan Books Ltd Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension Book 2
The most epic Doctor Who event ever, as every incarnation of the Doctor - and friends and enemies old and new - unites to push back the threat of the Void: the empty space between universes that has inexplicably become sentient... and hungry!The most epic Doctor Who event ever, as every incarnation of the Doctor - and friends and enemies old and new - unites to push back the threat of the Void: the empty space between universes that has inexplicably become sentient... and hungry!In this second of two volumes collecting 2017's giant Doctor Who crossover event, the lives of the Twelfth Doctor and the Tenth Doctor collide in the most unexpected way, as their TARDISes become fused... and the whole of humanity seems turned against them! Only by linking together all of the Doctor's lives - and delving deep into the horror of the Void - do the Doctors stand any chance of uncovering the mystery at its heart... and of saving the known universe from total annihilation! But what they find at the center of the Universe That Never Was will prove the most shocking discovery of all...Plus - discover what River Song and the Fourth Doctor have been up to during this mega-event, and how they played a part in its unexpected resolution!It's unmissable, beyond-epic entertainment, and essential reading for any Doctor Who fan!
Apple Academic Press Inc. Leveraging Lean in the Emergency Department: Creating a Cost Effective, Standardized, High Quality, Patient-Focused Operation
This book is part of a series of titles that are a spin-off of the Shingo Prize-winning book Leveraging Lean in Healthcare: Transforming Your Enterprise into a High Quality Patient Care Delivery System. Each book in the series focuses on a specific aspect of healthcare that has demonstrated significant process and quality improvements after a Lean implementation.Emergency departments have become notorious for long wait times and questionable quality of care. By adopting Lean manufacturing concepts, hospitals can turn the emergency department into a valuable service for the hospital and the community it serves.Leveraging Lean in the Emergency Department: Creating a Cost Effective, Standardized, High Quality, Patient-Focused Operation supplies a functional understanding of Lean emergency department processes and quality improvement techniques. It is ideal for healthcare executives, leaders, process improvement team members, and inquisitive frontline workers who want to implement and leverage Lean.Supplying detailed descriptions of Lean tools and methodologies, the book identifies powerful Lean solutions specific to the needs of the emergency department. The first section provides an overview of Lean concepts, tools, methodologies, and applications.The second section focuses on the application of Lean in the emergency department within the confines of the hospital or clinic. Presenting numerous examples, stories, case studies, and lessons learned, it examines the normal operation of each area in emergency departments and highlights the areas where typical problems occur.Next, the book walks readers through various Lean initiatives and demonstrates how Lean tools and concepts have been used to achieve lasting improvements to processes and quality of care. It also supplies actionable blueprints that readers can duplicate or modify for use in their own institutions. Illustrating leadership’s role in achieving departmental goals, this book will provide you with a well-rounded understanding of how Lean can be applied to achieve significant improvements throughout the entire continuum of care.
Hodder Education OCR A Level Computer Science
Exam Board: OCRLevel: A-levelSubject: Computer ScienceFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2016Develop confident students with our expert authors: their insight and guidance will ensure a thorough understanding of OCR A Level computer science, with challenging tasks and activities to test essential analytical and problem-solving skills. - Endorsed by OCR for use with the OCR AS and A Level Computer Science specification and written by a trusted and experienced author team, OCR Computer Science for A Level:- Builds students' understanding of the core topics and computing skills required by the course units - Computing Systems, Algorithms and Problem Solving, and Programming Project - with detailed topic coverage, case studies and regular questions to measure understanding - Develops a problem-solving approach based on computational thinking required at both AS and A Level - thought-provoking practice questions at the end of each chapter gives opportunities to probe more deeply into key topics- Incorporates full coverage of the skills and knowledge demanded by the examined units, with exercises to help students understand the assessment objectives and advice and examples to support them through the practical element of the course.
Bristol University Press Transnational Social Work: Opportunities and Challenges of a Global Profession
This unique book provides an international comparison of labour markets, migrant professionals and immigration policies, and their interaction in relation to social work. Case studies based on the latest research from the UK, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and Australia allow readers to make critical comparisons and gain understanding of the global nature of the social work profession. Detailed analysis covers the opportunities and challenges presented by labour market mobility, the implications for social justice and discussion of the experiences and perceptions of transnational social workers. Essential reading for social work educators, academics and professionals, this book will also inform the development of relevant policy, professional, and educational responses to the phenomenon of transnational social work mobility.
Marvel Comics Hulk: Maestro By Peter David Omnibus
Taylor & Francis Ltd Archaeologies of Rock Art: South American Perspectives
Rock art in South America is as diverse as the continent itself. In this vast territory, different peoples produced engravings, paintings, and massive earthworks, from the Atacama to the Amazon. These marks on the landscape were made by all different kinds of peoples, from some of the earliest hunter-gatherers in the continent, to the very complex societies within the Inca Empire. This book brings together the work of specialists from throughout the continent, addressing this diversity, as well as the variety of approaches that the Archaeology of rock art has taken in South America. Constructed of eleven thought-provoking chapters and arranged in three thematic sections, the book presents different theoretical approaches that are currently being used to understand the roles rock art played in prehistoric communities. The editors have skillfully crafted a book that presents the contribution the study of South American rock art can offer to the global research of this materiality, both theoretically and methodologically. This book will interest a broad range of scholars researching in archaeology, anthropology, history of art, heritage and conservation, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students who will find interesting case studies showcasing the diverse ways in which rock art can be approached. Despite its focus on South America, the book is intended as a contribution towards the global study of rock art.
Duke University Press In the Name of Osama Bin Laden: Global Terrorism and the Bin Laden Brotherhood
“A must read for all who continue to grapple with the twin legacy of hatred and hope from September 11. . . “*International terrorism expert Roland Jacquard’s In the Name of Osama bin Laden presents a dramatic portrait of the world's most wanted terrorist and his extensive brotherhood--the network of people who operate “in his name.” Published originally in France the very week of September 11, as events in the United States shook the world, the book has become an international bestseller. Jacquard details how bin Laden became an international emblem of fundamentalist, pan-Islamic, anti-U.S. fervor and the leader of a brotherhood so passionate that devotees who have never met him will act autonomously in his name. The author explains the global character of bin Laden’s organization, elaborating the extent of his sphere of influence in Europe and Asia. Jacquard reveals the construction of bin Laden’s networks—including a profile of his inner circle—and their collaboration with overlapping webs of banking, drug trafficking, religious, and terrorist organizations. He considers the brotherhood’s access to biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons and warns that, with or without bin Laden, this global terrorist force will remain a threat.Now in English, this edition has been substantially updated in light of recent world events and expanded to include previously unpublished materials, featuring a new introduction and afterword. New documents include an April 2001 interview by the author with bin Laden; a September 24 proclamation by bin Laden to Muslims in Pakistan; and a key page from Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri’s book justifying eternal jihad, which was smuggled out of Afghanistan in October 2001.
University Press of Florida Pathways to Complexity: A View from the Maya Lowlands
Pathways to Complexity synthesizes a wealth of new archaeological data to illuminate the origins of Maya civilization and the rise of Classic Maya culture. In this volume, prominent Maya scholars argue that the development of social, religious, and economic complexity began during the Middle Preclassic period (1000–300 B.C.), hundreds of years earlier than previously thought.Contributors reveal that villages were present in parts of the lowlands by 1000 B.C., challenging the prevailing models estimating when civilization took root in the area. Combining recent discoveries from the northern lowlands—an area often neglected in other volumes—and the southern lowlands, the collection then traces the emergence of sociopolitical inequality and complexity in all parts of the Yucatan peninsula over the course of the Middle Preclassic period. They show that communities evolved in different ways due to influences such as geographical location, ceramic exchange, shell ornament production, agricultural strategy, religious ritual, ideology, and social rankings. These varied pathways to complexity developed over half a millennium and culminated in the institution of kingship by the Late Preclassic period.Presenting exciting work on a dynamic and poorly understood time period, Pathways to Complexity demonstrates the importance of a broad, comparative approach to understanding Preclassic Maya civilization and will serve as a foundation for future research and interpretation. Contributors: M. Kathryn Brown | George Bey III | Tara Bond-Freeman | Fernando Robles Castellanos | Tomas Gallareta Negron | E. Wyllys Andrews V | Anthony Andrews | David S. Anderson | Lauren Sullivan | Jaime J. Awe | James F. Garber | Mary Jane Acuña | William Saturno | Bobbi Hohmann | Terry Powis | Paul Healy | Richard Hansen | Donald W. Forsyth | David Freidel | Barbara Arroyo | Richard E. W. Adams
University of Toronto Press Health and Canadian Society: Sociological Perspectives
Health and Canadian Society provides a comprehensive overview of social and political issues in health and health care in Canada. This third edition features contributions not only from sociologists but also from researchers and practitioners in disciplines ranging from history to medicine. Ninety-five per cent of the contributions are new to this edition. Recognized as the standard textbook on the sociology of health in Canada, Health and Canadian Society is an essential reference for sociologists, health care providers, and health administrators.
Random House USA Inc A Lion Called Christian: The True Story of the Remarkable Bond Between Two Friends and a Lion
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Managing Activities: A Competence Approach to Supervisory Management
Looking at the operations of an organization, Managing Activities examines the different types of organizations in both the public and private sectors. It then considers the internal relationships between operations, marketing, personnel, etc. within organizations.
Penguin USA ChupaCarter
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Milk and Dairy Products in Human Nutrition: Production, Composition and Health
Milk is nature’s most complete food, and dairy products are considered to be the most nutritious foods of all. The traditional view of the role of milk has been greatly expanded in recent years beyond the horizon of nutritional subsistence of infants: it is now recognized to be more than a source of nutrients for the healthy growth of children and nourishment of adult humans. Alongside its major proteins (casein and whey), milk contains biologically active compounds, which have important physiological and biochemical functions and significant impacts upon human metabolism, nutrition and health. Many of these compounds have been proven to have beneficial effects on human nutrition and health. This comprehensive reference is the first to address such a wide range of topics related to milk production and human health, including: mammary secretion, production, sanitation, quality standards and chemistry, as well as nutrition, milk allergies, lactose intolerance, and the bioactive and therapeutic compounds found in milk. In addition to cow’s milk, the book also covers the milk of non-bovine dairy species which is of economic importance around the world. The Editors have assembled a team of internationally renowned experts to contribute to this exhaustive volume which will be essential reading for dairy scientists, nutritionists, food scientists, allergy specialists and health professionals.