Search results for ""Author Christian""
De Gruyter Solid State Physics
This highly regarded textbook provides a general introduction to solid state physics. It covers a wide range of physical phenomena occurring in solids and discusses fundamental concepts for describing them. Traditional themes are complimented by modern topics, like low dimensional systems, strongly correlated materials, nanoscale systems and non-crystalline solids, which are gaining increasing technical and scientific importance. Helpful for exam preparation are numerous exercises in all chapters.
Classiques Garnier Sources Hagiographiques Et Proces de Canonisation: Les Circulations Textuelles Autour Du Culte Des Saints (Xvie-Xxe Siecle)
Editions Flammarion A Home in Provence: Interiors, Gardens, Inspiration
Wisdom Publications,U.S. The Lamp for Integrating the Practices (Caryamelapakapradipa): The Gradual Path of Vajrayana Buddhism
Design Studio Press Kolonie: The Forgotten Frontier
Archaeopress Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times, and Spaces in Dialogue – Volume 1: Sessions 1, 2, and 5 from the Conference Broadening Horizons 6 Held at the Freie Universität Berlin, 24–28 June 2019
Since 2007, the conferences organized under the title ‘Broadening Horizons’ have provided a regular venue for postgraduates and early career scholars in Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Three volumes present the proceedings of the 6th Broadening Horizons Conference, which took place at the Freie Universität Berlin from 24–28 June, 2019. The general theme, ‘Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times, and Spaces in Dialogue’, is aimed at encouraging communication and the development of multidisciplinary approaches to the study of material cultures and textual sources. Volume 1 contains 17 papers from Session 1: Entanglement. Material Culture and Written Sources in Dialogue; Session 2: Integrating Sciences in Historical and Archaeological Research; and Session 5: Which Continuity? Evaluating Stability, Transformation, and Change in Transitional Periods.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Change Everything: Creating an Economy for the Common Good
Is it possible for businesses to have a bottom line that is not profit and endless growth, but human dignity, justice, sustainability and democracy? Or an alternative economic model that is untainted by the greed and crises of current financial systems? Christian Felber says it is. Moreover, in Change Everything he shows us how. In this new and updated edition of the book that sparked a global movement, Christian Felber proposes a blueprint for an economics of everybody: ethical, dignified, sustainable and principled. He shows that The Economy for the Common Good is not just an idea, but has already become a broad international movement with thousands of people, companies, communities and organizations participating, developing and implementing it.
Stone Arch Books My Sister, the Sea Monster
Picture Window Books The Captain's Curse
Appalachian Mountain Club Amc's Mountain Skills Manual: The Essential Hiking and Backpacking Guide
Ten Speed Press Mushrooms of the Redwood Coast: A Comprehensive Guide to the Fungi of Coastal Northern California
The New York Review of Books, Inc Take a Girl Like You
David R. Godine Publisher Inc Ultimate Game
Capstone Press Wedges
Capstone Press Levers
Capstone Press Yogi Bear's Guide to Plants
Capstone Press Experiments with States of Matter
Raintree Count Dracula
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose-Leaf for Operations Management
JOVIS Verlag UNStudio
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) Architects Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos from the Amsterdam office UNStudio are undeniable stars on the international architectural scene. In their interdisciplinary united net of experts they promote creative and integral design processes, aiming to further the progressive path of contemporary architecture. The outcome is dynamic buildings like the Magnet Resonance Institute at the University of Utrecht or the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart; buildings of extreme conceptual and technical complexity and conviction that also offer a rare level of architectural experience. Surely one of the office’s most outstanding qualities is the fact that a sense of atmosphere and beauty is never neglected in these buildings and objects designed with such artistic fervour.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Urhebervertragsrecht: Handbuch
Schnell & Steiner 'Signore Ti Amo' 'Herr, Ich Liebe Dich' (Joh 21, 17): Zum Gedenken an Joseph Ratzinger Benedikt XVI.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Werkzeugmaschinen Fertigungssysteme 3: Mechatronische Systeme, Steuerungstechnik und Automatisierung
Der Schwerpunkt des ersten Teils dieses dritten Bandes liegt auf der Auslegung mechatronischer Komponenten, insbesondere auf den zur Erzeugung hochdynamischer Antriebsbewegungen verwendeten Vorschubantrieben von Werkzeugmaschinen. Vorgestellt werden Konstruktionshilfen bei der Auswahl und Auslegung wichtiger Maschinenkomponenten, die Regelungstechnik von Vorschubantrieben sowie die zur Positionserfassung benötigten Messsysteme. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt widmet sich Prozess- und Diagnoseeinrichtungen von Fertigungsmaschinen und -anlagen. Der zweite Teil beschreibt Steuerungskonzepte einschließlich ihrer Programmiertechniken für verschiedene Anwendungsbereiche moderner Produktionssysteme. Bestandteil dieser Betrachtungen sind speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen (SPS), Numerische Steuerungen (NC) und Robotersteuerungen (RC). Im Kontext automatisierter Fertigungssysteme werden darüber hinaus die verschiedenen Ebenen der Automatisierungspyramide und die Bedeutung von Leitsystemen (MES) beschrieben. Abschließend geht der Band auf das Engineering von Maschinen und Anlagen ein. Das Kompendium „Werkzeugmaschinen Fertigungssysteme" wurde vollständig überarbeitet. Die bisher fünfbändige Reihe wird in der neuen 9. Auflage zu drei Bänden mit durchgängigen Farbabbildungen zusammengefasst.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Nachhaltige Wohnungswirtschaft in der Schweiz: Erkenntnisse aus Forschung und Praxis
Dieses Buch diskutiert die Rolle der Schweizer Wohnwirtschaft in der Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte zwischen Raum, Energie und Gesellschaft. Im Zentrum des Buches stehen angewandte quantitative Forschungsarbeiten. Diese analysieren mit großen Datensätzen die Effizienz der Ressourcenallokation von Land, Energie und Kapital. Mit diesen quantiativen, holistischen Grundlagen bricht das Buch die vorherrschenden Nachhaltigkeitssilos Wirtschaft, Ökologie und Soziales auf und gibt Anregungen zur langfristig zielführenden Gewichtung der Einzelkomponenten für Schweizer Wohnbauinvestitionen. Europäisch vergleichend wird aufgezeigt, inwiefern der Schweizer Wohnungsmarkt trotz großem Handlungsbedarf in vielerlei Hinsicht doch als nachhaltiges Vorbild dienen kann. Gastbeiträge von namhaften Schweizer Unternehmen und Ökonomen runden das Buch inhaltlich ab.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Marketing Erneuerbarer Energien: Grundlagen, Geschäftsmodelle, Fallbeispiele
Wie vermarktet man Ökostrom oder Biomethan? Was ist der richtige Preis für Erneuerbare Energien und wie gestaltet man den optimalen Einsatz von Social Media? Welche Auswirkungen haben das EEG oder die Elektromobilität auf das Grünstrom-Marketing? Funktioniert Direktvertrieb oder ist Online-Marketing der Erfolgsgarant? Antworten auf diese und viele weitere grundlegende Fragen liefert dieser Band mit Beiträgen führender Wissenschaftler und renommierter Praktiker. Erstmals beschreiben sie hier in strukturierter Form die Grundlagen der Vermarktung von Erneuerbaren Energien, führen in die gesetzlichen und marktlichen Besonderheiten ein und stellen neue Geschäftsmodelle vor. Das Buch fußt auf aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen, behandelt sämtliche für Praktiker wichtige Fragen der Vermarktung, liefert Fallbeispiele und konkrete Empfehlungen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Übersichten zur Kirchengeschichte
Übersichtlichkeit ist gefragt. Das gilt auch und insbesondere für die Kirchengeschichte. Die Übersichten zur Kirchengeschichte bieten eine Vielzahl an Hilfen, um den Überblick über 2000 Jahre Kirchengeschichte zu gewinnen und zu bewahren. Neu ist dabei die Zusammenstellung von chronologischem, geografischem und mnemotechnischem Material. Jedes der zehn Kapitel ist gleich strukturiert und enthält konzentrierte Angaben zur zeitlichen und sachlichen Abgrenzung der behandelten Epoche, zu wichtigen Jahreszahlen und theologiegeschichtlichen Inhalten. Lerntipps, Fragen zur Diskussion und Klausurthemen lenken den Blick auf das Wesentliche. Landkarten, Grafiken und chronologische Tabellen, die jeweils auf einer Doppelseite einander zugeordnet sind, verdeutlichen die wichtigen Zusammenhänge.Als Zugabe bieten die Übersichten zur Kirchengeschichte zehn komprimierte Längsschnitte zu Themen wie "Geschichte des Mönchtums" oder "Geschichte der Kirchenverfassung". Unter der Rubrik "Beliebte Verwechslungen" werden ähnlich klingende Namen und Begriffe nebeneinander gestellt und erklärt.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius: Kommentar Zum 'Somnium Scipionis'
De Gruyter Friedrichstein: Das Schloss der Grafen von Dönhoff in Ostpreußen
Schloss Friedrichstein, im frühen 18. Jahrhundert als Familiensitz der Grafen Dönhoff erbaut, war eines der prächtigsten unter den Schlössern Ostpreußens. Die zweite Auflage von Friedrichstein bietet neben neu aufgetauchten Quellen (wie etwa dem Fluchtbericht des letzten Schlossbewohners Graf Dietrich Dönhoff) und einer Überarbeitung aller Texte unter Berücksichtigung aktuellster Forschungsergebnisse, drei neue Beiträge sowie eine digitale "Auferstehung" des Schlosses im Rahmen des deutsch-polnisch-russischen Forschungsprojekts "Virtuelle Rekonstruktionen in transnationalen Forschungsumgebungen" des Marburger Herder-Instituts. Zahlreiche neue Abbildungen, darunter digitale Rekonstruktionen der Schlossanlage in ihrer heutigen Umgebung, eröffnen einen Blick auf eine beinahe verloren gegangene Architektur und Inneneinrichtung.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Rückforderung von Glücksspieleinsätzen im Internet: Überlegungen zu den so genannten "Spielerklagen"
Vor den deutschen Zivilgerichten klagen zunehmend Spieler, die vor der weiteren Liberalisierung des Glücksspielrechts im Jahr 2021 an Glücksspielen im Internet teilgenommen haben. Sie fordern von Unternehmen, die solche Glücksspiele anbieten, die Rückzahlung geleisteter Spieleinsätze. Diese so genannten "Spielerklagen" waren bisher unterschiedlich erfolgreich. Die deutschen Gerichte sind sich zwar weitgehend einig, dass die Spielverträge wegen Verstoßes gegen die bisherigen Glücksspielstaatsverträge nach § 134 BGB unwirksam sind, obwohl die Glücksspielaufsicht bewusst das bisherige Glücksspielverbot im Internet nicht durchgesetzt hat. Vielmehr hat die staatliche Aufsicht Verstöße der Unternehmen geduldet, wenn sich die Unternehmen an bestimmte Vorgaben der Behörden halten, um zu verhindern, dass Spieler auf ein gänzlich unreguliertes Angebot ausweichen. Uneinigkeit besteht aber, ob etwaige bereicherungsrechtliche Ansprüche nach § 817 Satz 2 BGB gesperrt sind. Dagegen haben die Gerichte deliktische Schadensersatzansprüche der Spieler bisher nur vereinzelt bejaht. Auch die Verjährung etwaiger Ansprüche wirft Fragen auf. Zu diesen privatrechtlichen Aspekten der Spielerklagen, die bisher noch nicht umfassend diskutiert wurden, nehmen die Beiträge dieses Bandes Stellung.
De Gruyter Paul Tillich in Dresden
De Gruyter Methoden Zur Erforschung Grammatischer Strukturen in Historischen Quellen: Vom Einzelfall Zum System
De Gruyter Pädiatrische Pneumologie
Birkhauser Architectural Atmospheres: On the Experience and Politics of Architecture
Architecture is increasingly understood to be a sensual, spatial experience, which means that the experience of buildings and spatial constellations is also a perception of atmospheres that are rated as positive or negative. Architects, planners, investors, and politicians must produce effects such as these according to intersubjective and communicable criteria, and not intuitively or randomly.Architectural Atmospheres addresses the growing awareness of the atmospheric dimension of architecture and provides a current, programmatic discussion of this topic. What possibilities does this approach open to architecture, what value does this knowledge have? Three essays and a conversation lead a cross-discipline discussion on the impact of architecture, and contribute to the debate first initiated by Peter Zumthor. The texts are accompanied by thirty-five color images that capture architectural moods in a variety of ways.Gernot Böhme is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Darmstadt Technical University and Director of the Institute for Practical Philosophy, e.V., Ipph, in Darmstadt, Germany.Christian Borch is Professor of Political Sociology at the Department of Management, Politics, and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.Olafur Eliasson is a Danish-Icelandic artist. Eliasson incessantly explores our modes of perceiving. His work spans photography, installation, sculpture, and film.Juhani Pallasmaa is one of Finland's most distinguished architects and architectural thinkers.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Chances and Risks in Construction Management and Economics: A Systemic Approach to Dealing with Models and Uncertainties
The book outlines the processes of calculating and critically reviewing construction costs and times for clients and contractors in different project phases. Any project or structural analysis should yield accurate information on times, costs, and prices. The related database is more or less uncertain depending on project complexity and the circumstances of work performance. It is thus recommended to use ranges of key input parameters. This approach consistently considers uncertainties within a holistic project view, thus enhancing the plausibility and validity of specific values. Only the integration of probabilistic methods will allow for calculating and graphically representing the chance/risk ratio as a crucial project variable ultimately influencing the entire business. This book examines the systemic modeling and consideration of uncertainties when determining construction costs and times, and life-cycle costs. It contains detailed descriptions of other decision-making processes, including project preparation and planning (developer calculation, soil survey, cost estimate), work preparation (costing, pricing, construction time evaluation, resource identification, comparison of construction methods, bid analysis, contract award), and project execution (site logistics, construction method selection, construction process planning, work coordination, sourcing, determination of additional costs, trend analyses), as well as for project portfolio management as a tool relevant to all phases.
Scribe Publications Nina: a story of Nina Simone
A BIG ISSUE BOOK OF THE YEAR This illuminating and defining biography from bestselling author Traci N. Todd, with illustrations from award-winner Christian Robinson, tells the story of Eunice Waymon, who grew up to become Nina Simone — and shares her bold, defiant, and exultant legacy with a new generation. With passion and unparalleled skill, Traci N. Todd and Christian Robinson bring this iconic singer’s story to young readers and their families. Meet young Eunice, who sang before she could talk, and journey with her from the piano stool she shared with her father in her childhood home, to the bars and concert halls where she became the one and only Nina Simone. Learn about how Nina’s voice started out rich and sweet but grew to a thunderous roar as the Civil Rights Movement gained steam. Witness this artist in all her brilliance, singing in protest against racial inequality and discrimination. With rhythmic prose and masterful images, Nina perfectly demonstrates the relationship between art and activism. An essential addition to every young reader’s library.
Influx Press Foreign Passion: La Pasion Extrajanera: 2016
In 2011 Cristian Aliaga, journalist, academic, and one of Argentina's foremost contemporary poets, left Patagonia to take a journey through the UK and continental Europe. Aliaga travelled to places that exist and do not exist: former mining communities, destroyed in the 1980s; identikit towns with their franchise high streets; run-down suburban railway stations; and the open spaces of the Yorkshire moors. He visited sites of conflict, like the Falls Road in Belfast, places of poetic significance, including Dylan Thomas's house and the centres of "Western" culture that those from the edge of the world are told to admire. So long the object of foreign gazes or described by others, this was the chance for Patagonia to talk back to the centre. The stories that he tells inspire and devastate, reflecting our cultures back to us from a different perspective.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on International Conflict and Security Law: Jus ad Bellum, Jus in Bello and Jus post Bellum
This innovative Research Handbook brings together leading international law scholars from around the world to discuss and highlight the contemporary debate regarding issues of conflict prevention and the legality of resorting to the use of armed force through to those arising during an armed conflict and in the phase between conflict and peace.The Handbook covers key conceptual topics drawn from across the three areas of jus ad bellum, jus in bello and jus post bellum. The subject matter of the included chapters range from conflict prevention through to reparation and compensation, via coverage of issues such as disarmament, the role of the Security Council, self-defense, humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect, targets, war crimes, private military contractors, peacekeeping, and the protection of human rights.Being the first to examine topics under these areas in one volume, the book will be of interest to scholars, academics, postgraduate and research students as well as government lawyers from various disciplinary backgrounds looking for a contemporary grounding in issues under the broad theme of international conflict and security law.Contributors: C. Bell, R. Cryer, C. De Cock, C. Gray, V. Hadzi-Vidanovic, M. Happold, C. Henderson, K. Hulme, D. Kritsiotis, C. Lehnardt, K. Manusama, M. Milanovic, M.E. O'Connell, A. Orakhelashvili, N. Ronzitti, T. Ruys, M. Sossai, N. Tsagourias, D. Turns, N.D. White, R. Wilde
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Climate and Trade Policy: Bottom-up Approaches Towards Global Agreement
The difficulty of achieving and implementing a global climate change agreement has stimulated a wide range of policy proposals designed to favour the participation of a large number of countries in a global cooperative effort to control greenhouse gas emissions. This significant book analyses the viability of controlling climate change through a set of regional or sub-global climate agreements rather than via a global treaty.The authors argue that the principal challenge in devising a truly global architecture is in providing sufficient incentives for all party participation whilst also ensuring compliance, which raises global governance issues. The main purpose of this study is not to trace in detail the process of negotiation and implementation of international regimes, but rather to evaluate whether a series of regional or sub-global agreements is more likely to achieve climate change control than a global agreement attempted from the outset. From a political science perspective, the focus centres on institution building and governance. From an economic perspective it concentrates on incentives used to encourage participation in a global and non-fragmented agreement. Lessons from EU integration and actual global and regional trade agreements are employed in order to analyse the future prospects of climate change negotiations.The focus on climate change and more generally the management of environmental and resource problems will make this book essential reading for participants, observers and analysts of the public policy process as it concerns climate change and more generally the management of environmental and resource problems. In addition the rich combination of international relations theory and economic literature with findings from the policy process will appeal to both general readers and the academic community.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Firms, Governments and Climate Policy: Incentive-based Policies for Long-term Climate Change
The Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the majority of industrialised countries is the first small step on the way to an effective climate policy. In the long-term, climate policy will call for greater GHG reductions and the full participation of the global community. The five integrated chapters of this book review theoretical findings and empirical evidence in the search for the right incentives which could induce firms and governments to undertake GHG abatement measures.This book analyses the policy mixes that provide the best possible incentives for firms and governments to act on climate change and sign up to international climate agreements. In doing so, the authors address a multitude of related issues including the linkages between flexible mechanisms and voluntary agreements; regulation and taxation; the opportunities and barriers of the Kyoto Protocol for industry; and the incentives for firms to undertake climate-related R&D and investments. As well as illustrating the environmental benefits and cost-effectiveness of alternative policy mixes in reducing GHG emissions, the authors also offer sensible policy prescriptions for increasing the numbers of countries that ratify and implement climate agreements.Environmental and resource economists, environmental scientists, climate analysts and policymakers should all read this book which offers an authoritative contribution to what is arguably the most critical contemporary environmental policy issue.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for International Entrepreneurship
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. Addressing the intersection between the fields of international business and entrepreneurship, this topical Research Agenda wholly encapsulates the multi-dimensional nature of international entrepreneurship. It provides essential insight into themes for future research alongside their practical implications. This crucial Research Agenda proposes a fully up-to-date definition for international entrepreneurship, discussing how particular new ventures may be effective in assessing factors such as the abilities of firms to collaborate and solve problems. Authors offer significant insight into contemporary topics within the study of international entrepreneurship, including the effects of digital technology on market strategy and post-pandemic entrepreneurial undertakings. Those studying international business, marketing and entrepreneurship will find this Research Agenda to be hugely beneficial. Due to its use of exemplar cases, entrepreneurs of new business ventures will benefit from its practical applicability.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on International Conflict and Security Law: Jus ad Bellum, Jus in Bello and Jus post Bellum
This innovative Research Handbook brings together leading international law scholars from around the world to discuss and highlight the contemporary debate regarding issues of conflict prevention and the legality of resorting to the use of armed force through to those arising during an armed conflict and in the phase between conflict and peace.The Handbook covers key conceptual topics drawn from across the three areas of jus ad bellum, jus in bello and jus post bellum. The subject matter of the included chapters range from conflict prevention through to reparation and compensation, via coverage of issues such as disarmament, the role of the Security Council, self-defense, humanitarian intervention and the responsibility to protect, targets, war crimes, private military contractors, peacekeeping, and the protection of human rights.Being the first to examine topics under these areas in one volume, the book will be of interest to scholars, academics, postgraduate and research students as well as government lawyers from various disciplinary backgrounds looking for a contemporary grounding in issues under the broad theme of international conflict and security law.Contributors: C. Bell, R. Cryer, C. De Cock, C. Gray, V. Hadzi-Vidanovic, M. Happold, C. Henderson, K. Hulme, D. Kritsiotis, C. Lehnardt, K. Manusama, M. Milanovic, M.E. O'Connell, A. Orakhelashvili, N. Ronzitti, T. Ruys, M. Sossai, N. Tsagourias, D. Turns, N.D. White, R. Wilde
Wharton Digital Press The Innovation Tournament Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Exceptional Solutions to Any Challenge
What new products or services should you launch next year? How can you improve the productivity of a paint line? What should you name your new venture? How can you decrease patient waiting times? How can you improve the customer experience? Pretty much any creative problem-solving task can be framed as seeking a new match between solution and need, from operational process improvements to creating strategies to foster organic growth. Innovation tournaments aim to find a match that is not just good, but exceptional. Leveraging more than two decades of experience organizing innovation tournaments in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street, from Buenos Aires to Kuwait City, Shanghai to Moscow, and with many Fortune 500 companies, two renowned researchers, entrepreneurs, and the foremost experts on innovation tournaments offer a template that you can use to generate winning ideas that will drive great outcomes—whatever your challenges, whatever your business. In The Innovation Tournament Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Exceptional Solutions to Any Challenge, Wharton professors Christian Terwiesch and Karl T. Ulrich offer an engaging, often humorous, and always actionable guide to help you learn: --How to frame and articulate your specific innovation challenge --How to decide on the right format, structure, and strategic direction for your own innovation tournament --How to maximize the quality of the opportunities that will compete --How to select the very best ideas --How to develop those ideas into real-world opportunities --How to use tournaments to foster a culture of innovation Fast-reading and filled with real-world successes, The Innovation Tournament Handbook is a comprehensive roadmap to finding a new match between a solution and a need that is not merely good, but exceptional.
Other Press LLC The Blumkin Project: A Biographical Novel
Papercutz Brina The Cat #2: City Cat
Taylor & Francis Inc Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques and Applications
An authoritative collection of research papers and surveys, Emerging Wireless Networks: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications explores recent developments in next-generation wireless networks (NGWNs) and mobile broadband networks technologies, including 4G (LTE, WiMAX), 3G (UMTS, HSPA), WiFi, mobile ad hoc networks, mesh networks, and wireless sensor networks. Focusing on improving the performance of wireless networks and provisioning better quality of service and quality of experience for users, it reports on the standards of different emerging wireless networks, applications, and service frameworks.The book begins by appraising the management challenges in emerging wireless networks. It examines the state-of-the-art in mobility management for IP-based mobile networks, at both the network and link layers. Proposing an integrated network architecture design for NGWNs—including wireless local, metropolitan, and wide area networks—it analyzes WLAN/3G network convergence and advanced mobility features based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture. It highlights the challenges and issues related to mobile virtual private networks, and also: Examines the emerging mobile broadband wireless standards such as IEEE 802.16 and LTE Introduces a mechanism that provides service continuity to end-users in self-organizing IP Multimedia Subsystem environments Considers the challenges, solutions, and services of vehicular communication networks Unveils a new transmission paradigm (network coding) to improve the performance of the transmission control protocol. The book presents a novel distributed scheme based on the stochastic optimization formulation of the network selection problem for heterogeneous wireless networks by using cognitive radio networks concepts. Describing the issues and schemes for network selection and congestion avoidance in multi-access networks, it supplies you with a clear perspective of where the technology is headed and where future opportunities might be found for mobile broadband technologies.
Capstone Global Library Ltd My Sister, the Sea Monster
Hector Gilligan and his little sister, Cressy, can’t wait for the fancy-dress party at the new local waterpark. Hector plans to go as the Jellyfish Joker while Cressy dresses up as the famous Crabzilla. But after the Gilligan family returns home, Cressy acts strangely. When they try to take off her costume they can’t - because it’s the real Crabzilla! How did they manage to bring home a giant-sized crab? And where is Hector’s little sister?
The History Press Ltd The Dying Days of the Third Reich: German Accounts from World War II
It has taken seventy years for the accounts of ordinary German soldiers during the Second World War to be made widely available to an English-speaking audience. This is hardly surprising given that interest in these important documents has only recently surfaced in Germany, where a long process of coming to terms with the past, or Vergangenheitsbewältigung, has taken place. Unlike other historical depictions of the fall of the Third Reich, Dying Days of the Third Reich presents the authentic voices of those German soldiers who fought on the front line. Throughout we are witness to the kind of bravery, ingenuity and, ultimately, fear that we are so familiar with from the many Allied accounts of this time. Their sense of confusion and terror is palpable as Nazi Germany finally collapses in May 1945, with soldiers fleeing to the American victors instead of the Russians in the hope of obtaining better treatments as a prisoner of war. This collection of first-hand accounts includes the stories of German soldiers fighting the Red Army on the Eastern Front; of Horst Messer, who served on the last East Prussian panzer tank but was captured and spent four years in Russian captivity at Riga; Hans Obermeier, who recounts his capture on the Czech front and escape from Siberia; and a moving account of an anonymous Wehrmacht soldier in Slovakia given orders to execute Russian prisoners.