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Select Books Inc Take Me with You
During the spring of my fourteenth year, I ran away from home. On a cold night in early February, I disappeared into a Kansas snowstorm. My family lived outside Kansas City. For much of our time together, Dad preached at Edwardsville Christian Church. We lived in the parsonage, a two-bedroom box just south of the railroad tracks separating the white and black parts of town. As the Civil Rights movement heated up, Mom crossed the tracks whenever she could. For that, and for other indiscernible reasons, Dad beat her. My story begins during America's Civil Rights movement, a time when my family fell apart and my future became a struggle between parents and ways of life. Much of my struggle took place within my father's house. In running away, I found a new life. But I wasn't alone. My journey also marked a rebirth for mom and for Jefferson Jackson, the black Baptist preacher who became my father and who raised me. Together, we lived in hiding and in poverty. From that beginning, I've risen to the highest levels of international charity, serving as senior vice president of World Vision U.S. and vice president of PATH before joining Global Impact as CEO. Take Me with You delivers a first-person narrative of a boy who found his future by running away. My childhood and escape from abuse has influenced my present work and driven a personal inspiration to leave a lasting mark on humanity. Today, as the CEO and President of Global Impact, I've made a career of trying to stop cycles of abuse, racism, and inequality. I'm the sum of my story, this memoir rooted in love, faith, and moral courage. Take Me with You is one boy's story about choosing love, forgiveness, and the charity within--and about choosing to be positive. Take Me with You is a call to action to help those in need, especially children. As the statistics reveal, there is an alarming need both in the United States and throughout the world: * In 2013, 14.7 million children under the age of 18 were in poverty in the America * More than one in three African American children live in food-insecure households * Today, nearly 18,000 children under age 5 will die of mostly preventable causes, such as diarrhea, malaria, and pneumonia. This translates to more than 6.5 million per year * Globally, nearly half of under five deaths are attributable to undernutrition * Globally, 51 million under-five-year-olds were wasted (malnourished) and 17 million were severely wasted in 2013 * 4 in 10 children fail to meet minimum learning standards worldwide * Each year, between 2000 through the present, there have been at least 10 million children under age 18 who had lost either one or both parents to AIDS * In 2013, 4 in 5 deaths due to malaria were in children under five I hope that my story will inspire you and encourage you to do whatever you can to change a life for the better. All children--whether in the United States or in third-world countries--deserve to have a fighting chance in life. You have the choice to live your life in a way that will change another person's life for the better, and maybe transform your own along the way. Go ahead, make your mark.
John Wiley & Sons Inc High Frequency Techniques: An Introduction to RF and Microwave Design and Computer Simulation
This textbook is an introduction to microwave engineering. The scope of this book extends from topics for a first course in electrical engineering, in which impedances are analyzed using complex numbers, through the introduction of transmission lines that are analyzed using the Smith Chart, and on to graduate level subjects, such as equivalent circuits for obstacles in hollow waveguides, analyzed using Green’s Functions. This book is a virtual encyclopedia of circuit design methods. Despite the complexity, topics are presented in a conversational manner for ease of comprehension. The book is not only an excellent text at the undergraduate and graduate levels, but is as well a detailed reference for the practicing engineer. Consider how well informed an engineer will be who has become familiar with these topics as treated in High Frequency Techniques: (in order of presentation) Brief history of wireless (radio) and the Morse codeU.S. Radio Frequency AllocationsIntroduction to vectorsAC analysis and why complex numbers and impedance are usedCircuit and antenna reciprocityDecibel measureMaximum power transferSkin effectComputer simulation and optimization of networksLC matching of one impedance to anotherCoupled ResonatorsUniform transmission lines for propagationVSWR, return Loss and mismatch errorThe Telegrapher Equations (derived)Phase and Group VelocitiesThe Impedance Transformation Equation for lines (derived)Fano's and Bode's matching limitsThe Smith Chart (derived)Slotted Line impedance measurementConstant Q circles on the Smith ChartApproximating a transmission line with lumped L's and C'sABCD, Z, Y and Scattering matrix analysis methods for circuitsStatistical Design and Yield Analysis of productsElectromagnetic FieldsGauss's LawVector Dot Product, Divergence and CurlStatic Potential and GradientAmpere's Law and Vector CurlMaxwell's Equations and their visualizationThe LaplacianRectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinatesSkin EffectThe Wave EquationThe Helmholtz EquationsPlane Propagating WavesRayleigh FadingCircular (elliptic) PolarizationPoynting's TheoremEM fields on Transmission LinesCalculating the impedance of coaxial linesCalculating and visualizing the fields in waveguidesPropagation constants and waveguide modesThe Taylor Series ExpansionFourier Series and Green's FunctionsHigher order modes and how to suppress themVector Potential and Retarded PotentialsWire and aperture antennasRadio propagation and path lossElectromagnetic computer simulation of structuresDirectional couplersThe Rat Race HybridEven and Odd Mode Analysis applied to the backward wave couplerNetwork analyzer impedance and transmission measurementsTwo-port Scattering Parameters (s matrix)The Hybrid Ring couplerThe Wilkinson power dividerFilter design: Butterworth, Maximally flat & Tchebyscheff responsesFilter QDiplexer, Bandpass and Elliptic filtersRichard's Transformation & Kuroda’s IdentitiesMumford's transmission line stub filtersTransistor Amplifier Design: gain, biasing, stability, and conjugate matchingNoise in systems, noise figure of an amplifier cascadeAmplifier non-linearity, and spurious free dynamic rangeStatistical Design and Yield Analysis
Springer Verlag, Singapore Report on China Smart Education 2022: Digital Transformation of Chinese Education Towards Smart Education
This book aims to reflect the digital transformation of Chinese education toward smart education comprehensively and accurately. It is the first systematic summary of the progress of smart education in China. The book believes that smart education is a new education form in the digital era and is essentially distinct from education forms in the industrial era. This new education form is innovative in five dimensions. First is the new core concept. Smart education is not only a concrete action concerning people’s well-being, but also a vital strategy concerning national plans. Through technology empowerment and data drive, it empowers educational reform in all aspects, systematically constructs a new relationship between education and society, provides suitable education for each learner, and makes the aptitude-based teaching that we have been dreaming of for thousands of years a reality. For the first time in history, smart education helps to reach the full alignment between individual development and societal development. Second is the new system structure. Smart education will break through the boundaries of school education, drive the diversified combination of various education types, resources, and elements, promote the collaboration of school, family, and society in education, and build a high-quality, individualized lifelong learning system that is available for anyone anywhere anytime. Third is the new teaching paradigm. Smart education will integrate physical, social, and digital spaces to create new learning scenarios and promote human–technology integration, and cultivate cross-grade, cross-class, and cross-discipline learning communities across time and space to organically combine large-scale education with individualized cultivation. Fourth is the new educational content. Smart education will focus on developing all-round education, establishing digital knowledge graphs based on systematic logics of knowledge points, and innovating content presentation methods to make learning a wonderful experience and help learners develop higher-order thinking skills, comprehensive innovation capability, and lifelong learning ability. Fifth is the new education governance. With data governance at the core and digital intelligence technology as the driver, smart education will boost the holistic reengineering of education administration and business processes and enhance the modernization of the education governance system and governance capacity. This book is intended for teachers, education administrators, education policymakers, education researchers, and parents concerned about education innovation and development, as well as people from all walks of life who have aspirations for the education industry. It can also serve as a reference for international organizations and education research institutions of all countries to promote the joint exploration of the development path of smart education and create a better future for the world’s mutual development through educational reform.
Prototype Publishing Ltd. PROTOTYPE 4
The fourth instalment of Prototype’s annual anthology: a space for new work, open to all and free from formal guidelines or restrictions. Poetry, prose, visual work and experiments in between.Including contributions by ajw, Sascha Akhtar, Chiara Ambrosio, Charlie Baylis, Jack Barker-Clark, Natalie Linh Bolderston, Jo Burns, Nancy Campbell, J. R. Carpenter, Joe Carrick-Varty, Robert Casselton Clark, Rory Cook, Emily Cooper, Kate Crowcroft, Eve Esfandiari-Denney, Alisha Dietzman, Edward Doegar, Nathan Dragon, Laura Elliott, Alan Fielden, Clare Fisher, Livia Franchini, Jay Gao, Honor Gareth Gavin, Emily Hasler, Grace Henes, Martha Kapos, Annie Katchinska, Victoria Manifold, Samra Mayanja, Jessa Mockridge, Helen Palmer, Yannis Ritsos (trans. Paul Merchant), Rochelle Roberts, Kimberly Reyes, fred spoliar, Scott Thurston, Hao Guang Tse, Ralf Webb, Sam Weselowski, Chrissy Williams and Xuela Zhang.
Paizo Publishing, LLC Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Underground City Multi-Pack
Be they complex fortified settlements built ages ago by long-gone ancients or more recent creations still populated by a vibrant society, underground cities present an unusual and complex adventuring environment. This four-sided Flip-Mat collection provides four huge panels of underground city environments and providing a diverse set of subterranean urban battlefields suitable for any fantasy RPG campaign. This line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use and captivatingly detailed fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. The next time your players delve into the deepest chambers carved within the planet's crust, these maps have you covered. With Pathifnder Flip-Mat: Darklands Dangers Multi-Pack, you'll be ready the next time your players delve into the depths of the world! This set includes two flip mats, each measuring 24" x 30" unfolded, and 8" x 10" folded. A Flip-Mat's coated surface can handle any dry erase, wet erase, or even permanent marker. Usable by experienced GMs and novices alike, Pathfinder Flip-Mats fit perfectly into any Game Master's arsenal!