Search results for ""Author John Wiley"
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dispersion Engineering for Integrated Nanophotonics
This book shows how dispersion engineering in two dimensional dielectric photonic crystals can provide new effects for the precise control of light propagation for integrated nanophotonics.Dispersion engineering in regular and graded photonic crystals to promote anomalous refraction effects is studied from the concepts to experimental demonstration via nanofabrication considerations. Self collimation, ultra and negative refraction, second harmonic generation, mirage and invisibility effects which lead to an unprecedented control of light propagation at the (sub-)wavelength scale for the field of integrated nanophotonics are detailed and commented upon.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Damage and Design
The design of mechanical structures with improved and predictable durability cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of fatigue damage and more specifically the relationships between the microstructure of materials and their fatigue properties. Written by leading experts in the field, this book (which is complementary to Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Damage and Design, also edited by Claude Bathias and André Pineau), provides an authoritative, comprehensive and unified treatment of the mechanics and micromechanisms of fatigue in metals, polymers and composites. Each chapter is devoted to one of the major classes of materials or to different types of fatigue damage, thereby providing overall coverage of the field. The book deals with crack initiation, crack growth, low-cycle fatigue, gigacycle fatigue, shorts cracks, fatigue micromechanisms and the local approach to fatigue damage, corrosion fatigue, environmental effects and variable amplitude loadings, and will be an important and much used reference for students, practicing engineers and researchers studying fracture and fatigue in numerous areas of mechanical, structural, civil, design, nuclear, and aerospace engineering as well as materials science.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Multi-modality Cardiac Imaging: Processing and Analysis
The imaging of moving organs such as the heart, in particular, is a real challenge because of its movement. This book presents current and emerging methods developed for the acquisition of images of moving organs in the five main medical imaging modalities: conventional X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear imaging and ultrasound. The availability of dynamic image sequences allows for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of an organ’s dynamics, which is often linked to pathologies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Local Networks and the Internet: From Protocols to Interconnection
This title covers the most commonly used elements of Internet and Intranet technology and their development. It details the latest developments in research and covers new themes such as IP6, MPLS, and IS-IS routing, as well as explaining the function of standardization committees such as IETF, IEEE, and UIT. The book is illustrated with numerous examples and applications which will help the reader to place protocols in their proper context.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Fundamentals
The design of mechanical structures with improved and predictable durability cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of fatigue damage and more specifically the relationships between the microstructure of materials and their fatigue properties. Written by leading experts in the field, this book (which is complementary to Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Damage and Design, also edited by Claude Bathias and André Pineau), provides an authoritative, comprehensive and unified treatment of the mechanics and micromechanisms of fatigue in metals, polymers and composites. Each chapter is devoted to one of the major classes of materials or to different types of fatigue damage, thereby providing overall coverage of the field. The book deals with crack initiation, crack growth, low-cycle fatigue, gigacycle fatigue, shorts cracks, fatigue micromechanisms and the local approach to fatigue damage, corrosion fatigue, environmental effects and variable amplitude loadings, and will be an important and much used reference for students, practicing engineers and researchers studying fracture and fatigue in numerous areas of mechanical, structural, civil, design, nuclear, and aerospace engineering as well as materials science.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and Dimensioning of Structures: An Introduction
This book provides the main topics currently used for the calculus of structures. The reference establishes a link between the traditional approach on the strength of materials and the present finite element method, details the main aspects of practical modeling, and explores numerous case studies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electronic Communication Interception Technologies and Issues of Power
In cyberspace, data flows transit massively and freely on a planetary scale. The generalization of encryption, made necessary by the need to protect these exchanges, has resulted in states and their intelligence services forgoing listening and interception missions. The latter have had to find ways to break or circumvent this protection. This book analyzes the evolution of the means of communication and interception, as well as their implementation since the advent of the telegraph in the 19th century. It presents this sensitive subject from a technical, historical and political perspective, and answers several questions: who are the actors of interception? Who has produced the recent technologies? How are the markets for interception means organized? Are the means of protecting communications infallible? Or what forms of power do interceptions confer?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Sustainable Decision Support
Supply chains are now more essential than ever to the functioning of our society; however their environmental and societal impacts are often subject to well-founded criticism. Transforming a supply chain to make it more sustainable and responsible often requires a considerable amount of time and resources. The aim of this book is to present a number of simple best practices that can reduce these negative impacts and make supply chains more virtuous. Sustainable Supply Chain Management is a handbook for supply chain transformation. It explores the different facets of the supply chain, from product design or procurement to logistics operations management and performance. It offers a guide to actions for sustainable supply chain transformation, providing elements of the legal framework for possible actions and tools for measuring the performance that can be achieved.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Covid-19 Crisis: From a Question of an Epidemic to a Societal Questioning, Volume 4
The threats of emerging diseases have shaken certainties about health systems, the effectiveness of governance, lifestyles and the reality of national sovereignty.The Covid-19 Crisis analyzes the global issues related to the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through investigations and reflections related to both the epidemic itself (epidemiology, computerized surveillance tools and vaccines) and to the societal issues it raises (work, innovation, religious practices, behaviors and societal models).This eclectic approach highlights scientific working methods that meet the requirements of health crises, as well as technical solutions and societal practices adapted to epidemic situations. It also presents feedback and testimonies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Altering Frontiers: Organizational Innovations in Healthcare
How can healthcare systems be transformed by reimagining their multiple silos to favor processes and practices that are more responsive to local, horizontal initiatives? Altering Frontiers analyzes numerous experiences, using a multidisciplinary approach, paying attention to certain actors, collectives and organizational arrangements.Through this work, levers are identified that promote lasting transformation: recognizing the legitimacy of the practices of many who are often "invisible"; trusting those who know their intervention territory; investing in methodological support; taking advantage of tools and procedures such as instruments for strategic and managerial discussion; and developing the capacity to absorb innovative ideas and experiences that circulate within the environment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Location-Based Marketing: Geomarketing and Geolocation
Location-based Marketing outlines the main concepts, methods and strategies for implementing spatial marketing, also known as geomarketing. With an emphasis on the value of mapping in marketing decision-making, this book demonstrates the importance of a more spatialized view of these decisions, in order to best respond to market realities whether local or international. The main techniques of geomarketing are presented along with an understanding of the spatial behavior of consumers, both outside the point of sale and in stores. The book further introduces the idea of a "geomarketing mix", which spatializes product innovations, merchandising, pricing and various aspects of promotion. Finally, the book defines what real georetailing comprises and develops the concept of mobile marketing based on geolocation techniques.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Trajectories of Genetics
As genetics becomes increasingly important in our everyday environment, misinterpretation of its scientific foundation leads to mixed feelings of hope and fear about the potential of its applications. Trajectories of Genetics uncovers the many facets of genetics - from humans to animals, plants, and the microscopic world through more than a century of scientific progress. It summarizes the evolution of ideas as the organization and functioning of genetic material has become clearer. The book analyzes how genetic information transmitted from generation to generation in nucleic acids enables the fulfillment of biological functions and the evolution of the living world. It illustrates current developments in many areas: the improvement of species of agronomic interest, an increased understanding of microbial worlds, the management of genetic pathologies and the synthesis of new forms of life.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Health Communications
ECHNOLOGICAL PROSPECTS AND SOCIAL APPLICATIONS SET Coordinated by Bruno SalguesThere are many controversies with respect to health crisis management: the search for information on symptoms, misinformation on emerging treatments, massive use of collaborative tools by healthcare professionals, deployment of applications for tracking infected patients. The Covid-19 crisis is a relevant example about the need for research in digital communications in order to understand current health info communication.After an overview of the challenges of digital healthcare, this book offers a critical look at the organizational and professional limits of ICT uses for patients, their caregivers and healthcare professionals. It analyzes the links between ICT and ethics of care, where health communication is part of a global, humanistic and emancipating care for patients and caregivers. It presents new digitized means of communicating health knowledge that reveal, thanks to the Internet, a competition between biomedical expert knowledge and experiential secular knowledge.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Inference for Piecewise-deterministic Markov Processes
Piecewise-deterministic Markov processes form a class of stochastic models with a sizeable scope of applications: biology, insurance, neuroscience, networks, finance... Such processes are defined by a deterministic motion punctuated by random jumps at random times, and offer simple yet challenging models to study. Nevertheless, the issue of statistical estimation of the parameters ruling the jump mechanism is far from trivial. Responding to new developments in the field as well as to current research interests and needs, Statistical inference for piecewise-deterministic Markov processes offers a detailed and comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art results. It covers a wide range of general processes as well as applied models. The present book also dwells on statistics in the context of Markov chains, since piecewise-deterministic Markov processes are characterized by an embedded Markov chain corresponding to the position of the process right after the jumps.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermal Properties Measurement of Materials
This book presents the main methods used for thermal properties measurement. It aims to be accessible to all those, specialists in heat transfer or not, who need to measure the thermal properties of a material. The objective is to allow them to choose the measurement method the best adapted to the material to be characterized, and to pass on them all the theoretical and practical information allowing implementation with the maximum of precision.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 6: Ecology
Soils are environments where a myriad of different organisms evolve, determining a series of functions which translate into ecosystem services that are essential for humanity. Improving our understanding of these organisms, their biodiversity and their interactions with each other, as well as with the environment, represents a major challenge.Soil ecology has its roots in natural history. The ecological approach focused on soils is notable for integrating, at least partially, the contributions of soil sciences (physics, chemistry, biochemistry). By renewing methods of observation and analysis (especially molecular ones) and through the development of experimental approaches and modeling, an ecology connected with other soil-based disciplines emerges and begins to influence aboveground ecology.Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 6 presents an updated vision of knowledge and research in soil ecology as a complex system from the best French specialists.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Engines: Entrepreneurs and Enterprises in a Turbulent World
In an uncertain economy where business risk is significant, the company tends to rely more on its environment than to invest, for example, in all steps of technological creation; This can be explained by the fact that investments in the acquisition (ownership) of production resources are less expensive than those implied in the formation of these resources; which also explains the attractiveness (in an open economy) of regions with abundant scientific and technical resources. To understand and analyze the innovation process in order to better design and launch new goods, services and technologies, one has to consider the creative dimension of the individual, the business and the organization in general. In new approaches to innovation, the entrepreneur and the company are analyzed through their skills, and their function of resource generation; Innovation thus becomes endogenous, gradual or radical, integrated in a complex process with many feedbacks and interactions. The innovative organization (small or large) is presented in this book as a dynamic system composed of specific and diverse skills (including those of the contractor, engineers or managers). By acquiring, combining and mobilizing these skills, the innovative agent (entrepreneur or company) can create technological resources and develop relations with its environment. Hence the importance of management in design, implementation, protection of intellectual property as well as of the development of new goods, services and technology, commercial and organizational models.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Internet of Things: Evolutions and Innovations
The development of connected, communicating objects is showing no signs of slowing down. With an increasing number of objects available on the market, the evolution of the Internet of Things is leading to more and more fields being explored via information and communication sciences. This book analyzes the ecosystem of the Internet of Things by retracing the historical and technological context of the Internet's evolution from traditional to dynamic, social and semantic, and then towards this ecosystem of connected objects. The evolution of concepts surrounding the Internet of Things is explored via real-life examples of connected objects; both those used for specific functions and for more general everyday objects. Numerous issues associated with these new technological and digital transformations in a "hyperconnected" world, as well as the impact of the massive influx of connected objects, are discussed. The crucial questions of potential intrusion into the private lives of users as well that of security are then studied.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Hyperconnectivity: Economical, Social and Environmental Challenges
The use of digital information and communication technologies would be the traces of a social acceptability of the exploitation of all data, in the context of negotiations of uses. This is the reason why the users present themselves actors and contributors of the hyperconnectivity. We would thus witness a new form of dissemination, inviting user experience and social innovations. It is thus the victory of subordination by negotiated renunciation; A new form of serving, no longer that of the 1980s, with the counters and other services, which have become uncontrolled services - excepted when the users are overcome by restrictive ergonomics, revealing too much the subordination device - which joins the prescription apparently without an injunction. The lure is at its height when users and broadcasters come together to produce the services and goods, composing the business model, until the very existence of the companies, in particular the pure players. Crowdsourcing becomes legitimate: consumers create the content, deliver the data, the basis of the service sold (in a painless way because free access most of the time, indirect financing), the providers make available and administer the service, networks , Interfaces (representing considerable costs), also reputation to attract the attention of other consumers or contributors. In these conditions, the environmental stakes are considerable, so we propose another way of considering them, not as they are dealt with - material and pollution - but according to the prism of the relational practices analyzed in this volume.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Collective Intelligence and Digital Archives: Towards Knowledge Ecosystems
Collective Intelligence and Digital Archives DIGITAL TOOLS AND USES SET Coordinated by Imad Saleh This book presents the most up-to-date research from different areas of digital archives to show how and why collective intelligence is being developed to organize and better communicate new masses of information. Current archive digitization projects produce an enormous amount of digital data (Big Data). Thanks to the proactive approach of large public institutions, this data is increasingly accessible. Despite the recent stabilization of technical and legal frameworks, the use of data has yet to be enriched by processes such as collective intelligence. By exploring the field of digital humanities, audiovisual archives, preservation of cultural heritage, crowdsourcing and the recovery of scientific archives, this book presents and analyzes concrete examples of collective intelligence for use in digital archives.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Entrepreneur: The Economic Function of Free Enterprise
This book presents the economic theories with regards to the entrepreneur of yesterday and those of more recent years, on which issue research has been developing exponentially since the last third of the 20th Century. Much of this book will be devoted to contemporary theories. This presentation of economic theories of the entrepreneur leads us to wonder about the structural development of the free enterprise system in the short and the long term. The proliferation of entrepreneurial initiatives leads in effect to a profound transformation of modes of production and work, for example under the current phenomenon of uberization economy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Traffic Management
Transport systems are facing an impossible dilemma: satisfy an increasing demand for mobility of people and goods, while decreasing their fossil-energy requirements and preserving the environment. Additionally, transport has an opportunity to evolve in a changing world, with new services, technologies but also new requirements (fast delivery, reliability, improved accessibility). The subject of traffic is organized into two separate but complementary volumes: Volume 3 on Traffic Management and Volume 4 on Traffic Safety. Traffic Management, Volume 3 of the 'Research for Innovative Transports' Set, presents a collection of updated papers from the TRA 2014 Conference, highlighting the diversity of research in this field. Theoretical chapters and practical case studies address topics such as cooperative systems, the global approach in modeling, road and railway traffic management, information systems and impact assessment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Milling Simulation: Metal Milling Mechanics, Dynamics and Clamping Principles
Reliable scheduling in cutting conditions is very important in machining processes, and this requires thorough understanding of the physical behaviors of the machining process, which cannot be achieved without understanding the underlying mechanism of the processes. The book describes the mechanics and dynamics together with the clamping principles in milling processes, and can be used as a guideline for graduate students and research engineers who wish to be effective manufacture engineers and researchers. Many books have focused on common principles, which are suitable for general machining processes, e.g., milling, turning and drilling, etc. This book specifically aims at exploring the mechanics and dynamics of milling processes. Original theoretical derivations and new observations on static cutting force models, dynamic stability models and clamping principles associated with milling processes are classified and detailed. The book is indented as a text for graduate students and machining engineers who wish to intensively learn milling mechanism and machine tool vibration.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Probabilistic Combinatorial Optimization on Graphs
This title provides a comprehensive survey over the subject of probabilistic combinatorial optimization, discussing probabilistic versions of some of the most paradigmatic combinatorial problems on graphs, such as the maximum independent set, the minimum vertex covering, the longest path and the minimum coloring. Those who possess a sound knowledge of the subject mater will find the title of great interest, but those who have only some mathematical familiarity and knowledge about complexity and approximation theory will also find it an accessible and informative read.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Systems Dependability Assessment: Modeling with Graphs and Finite State Automata
Presents recent developments of probabilistic assessment of systems dependability based on stochastic models, including graph theory, finite state automaton and language theory, for both dynamic and hybrid contexts.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc COBOL Software Modernization: From Principles to Implementation with the BLU AGE Method
Nowadays, billions of lines of code are in the COBOL programming language. This book is an analysis, a diagnosis, a strategy, a MDD method and a tool to transform legacy COBOL into modernized applications that comply with Internet computing, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the Cloud. It serves as a blueprint for those in charge of finding solutions to this considerable challenge.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanoscale Microwave Engineering: Optical Control of Nanodevices
This book targets new trends in microwave engineering by downscaling components and devices for industrial purposes such as miniaturization and function densification, in association with the new approach of activation by a confined optical remote control. It covers the fundamental groundwork of the structure, property, characterization methods and applications of 1D and 2D nanostructures, along with providing the necessary knowledge on atomic structure, how it relates to the material band-structure and how this in turn leads to the amazing properties of these structures. It thus provides new graduates, PhD students and post-doctorates with a resource equipping them with the knowledge to undertake their research.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrical Distribution Networks
This book describes the fundamental aspects of the new generation of electrical distribution grids, taking as its starting point the opportunities that exist for restructuring existing infrastructure. It emphasizes the incorporation of renewable energy sources into the distribution grid and the need for a technological evolution towards the implementation of smartgrids. The book is organized into two parts: the first part analyzes the integration of distributed energy sources into the distribution grid and the impact of these sources on grid operation. After a general description of the general characteristics of distribution grids and renewable energy sources, it then analyzes the economics of electrical energy distribution networks and presents the impact of these sources on grid operation. The second part of the book then analyzes the various functions which allow for safe operation of the grid and realization of the path towards real world application of smartgrids.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Power Systems and Restructuring
The development of electric power systems has been made up of incremental innovations from the end of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century. The creation of deregulated electricity markets has brought about an emerging paradigm in which the relationships between producers, power system operators and consumers have changed enormously compared to the monopolistic case. The scope of this book is to provide fundamental concepts of the physics and operation of transmission and distribution lines, which is the content of Part 1, followed by the models and tools for the description and simulation of large electrical grids for steady state and transient operation. These advanced tools allow the physics and technology of power systems to be described and the algorithms of Ybus and Zbus matrices to be built for various studies such as short-circuit studies and load flow or transient phenomena analysis. Part 3 deals with the new organization concepts in the frame of deregulated markets. In this part the restructuring of the power industry is presented where various actors interact together through market places or bilateral contracts. In addition, the operation of the power grids under this deregulated context is detailed and the relationships between power system operators and market actors (energy producers and providers, traders, etc.) is explained with several examples. The ancillary services, congestion management and grid access concepts are also described. A large number of exercises and problems disseminated throughout the book with solutions at the end enable the reader to check his understanding of the content at any time.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Phyllotaxis Models: A Tool for Evolutionary Biologists
The equations of phyllotaxis were discovered by Douady and Couder: these describe the inhibition "force" generated by an incipient primordium, preventing the initiation of other primordia in its vicinity: the method that was lacking was to take into account the distance of primordia to the meristem apex over the course of its development. With these parameters, our model integrates both biochemical "forces" (inhibition due to auxin) and mechanical forces (contact pressure). This powerful tool allows us to revisit many important notions of plant biology. For example, we model auxin concentrations at the plant apex, as well as the development of vegetative and reproductive meristems. We also explain why the whorls of monocots are trimerous and those of plants with quincuncial perianths are pentamerous. We design a geometric method for reconstructing inflorescences from their building blocks, i.e. floral meristems. We also show that phyllotaxic spirals are only the application of a general property of symmetry, the advantages of which have been exploited by natural selection.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Eco-design of Marine Infrastructures: Towards Ecologically-informed Coastal and Ocean Development
This book offers an insight into how to create aesthetically pleasing, environmentally integrated, multi-functional developments in the ocean or on the coastline.Eco-design of Marine Infrastructures provides practical and realistic solutions for delivering projects that strive to minimize negative environmental impacts.Using case studies and examples, this book presents a toolkit of options, allowing decision makers and planners to see what is possible and to make informed choices about the risks and benefits of eco-design. It is intended for researchers, engineers, students and decision makers, or anyone who is curious to see how nature can be integrated into development.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Building Information Modeling for a Smart and Sustainable Urban Space
Urban spaces are being called upon to develop a capacity for resilience and sustainability in order to meet the major challenges they face. To achieve such a goal, a practical development framework must be implemented in order to take advantage of the technological innovations that characterize the field of construction and urban engineering. Today, multi-scale BIM is bringing about significant changes that are redefining the paradigms of urban management. It facilitates simulations of the sustainability of urban spaces with respect to several criteria; most notably relating to energy, the economy and the environment. Building Information Modeling for a Smart and Sustainable Urban Space proposes a theoretical and practical framework for implementing BIM models for the creation of sustainable and intelligent urban spaces. It addresses the issues of acquisition, modeling, interoperability, and BIM and GIS integration for the production of BIM models. Case studies are presented, providing a practical dimension that demonstrates the production process of the urban model and its contribution to multiscale simulations, particularly in real estate evaluation and urban renewal.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Engineering Renewal 1: Background and Training
Process engineering emerged at the beginning of the 20th Century and has become an essential scientific discipline for the matter and energy processing industries. Its success is incontrovertible, with the exponential increase in techniques and innovations. Rapid advances in new technologies such as artificial intelligence, as well as current societal needs sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy, the environment are developments that must be taken into account in industrial renewal. Process Engineering Renewal 1 the first volume of three focuses on training, demonstrating the need for innovation in order for the field to have a framework that is sustainable, in a highly changeable world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Engineering Renewal 2: Research
Process engineering emerged at the beginning of the 20th Century and has become an essential scientific discipline for the matter and energy processing industries. Its success is incontrovertible, with the exponential increase in techniques and innovations. Rapid advances in new technologies such as artificial intelligence, as well as current societal needs sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy, the environment are developments that must be taken into account in industrial renewal. Process Engineering Renewal 2 focuses on research in process engineering, which is partly overshadowed by the sciences that contribute to its development. The external constraints of this interface science must be seen in relation to conservation, sustainable development, global warming, etc., which are linked to current success and the difficulty of taking risks in research.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Movement Equations 5: Dynamics of a Set of Solids
The final volume in the Non-deformable Solid Mechanics set, Movement Equations 5 deals with the dynamics of sets of solids. This volume provides the appropriate mathematical tools (torsor calculus and matrix calculus) to obtain and solve the equations of motion for a chain of solids. These equations are then used to acquire the information necessary for the design of mechanical systems. Also examined are the vibratory behavior of continuous (deformable) systems, rigid and deformable solids, and sets of several solids. The book concludes with a study of the response of an excited system as a function of the excitation frequency. Accompanied by detailed examples, this book is aimed primarily at students, but would also serve as a valuable support for working engineers and teacher-researchers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Metrology in Industry: The Key for Quality
Metrology is an integral part of the structure of today’s world: navigation and telecommunications require highly accurate time and frequency standards; human health and safety relies on authoritative measurements in diagnosis and treatment, as does food production and trade; global climate studies also depend on reliable and consistent data. Moreover, international trade practices increasingly require institutions to display demonstrated conformity to written standards and specifications. As such, having relevant and reliable results of measurements and tests in compliance with mutually recognised standards can be a technical, commercial and statutory necessity for a company. This book, the results of a working group from the French College of Metrology and featuring chapters written by a range of experts from a variety of European countries, gives a comprehensive and international treatment of the subject. Academics involved in metrology as well as people involved in the metrology capacities of companies and institutions will find this book of great interest.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Duplex Stainless Steels
Duplex Stainless Steels (DSSs) are chromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron alloys that are usually in proportions optimized for equalizing the volume fractions of austenite and ferrite. Due to their ferritic-austenitic microstructure, they possess a higher mechanical strength and a better corrosion resistance than standard austenitic steels. This type of steel is now increasing its application and market field due to its very good properties and relatively low cost. This book is a review of the most recent progress achieved in the last 10 years on microstructure, corrosion resistance and mechanical strength properties, as well as applications, due to the development of new grades. Special attention will be given to fatigue and fracture behavior and to proposed models to account for mechanical behavior. Each subject will be developed in chapters written by experts recognized around the international industrial and scientific communities. The use of duplex stainless steels has grown rapidly in the last 10 years, particularly in the oil and gas industry, chemical tankers, pulp and paper as well as the chemical industry. In all these examples, topics like welding, corrosion resistance and mechanical strength properties (mainly in the fatigue domain) are crucial. Therefore, the update of welding and corrosion properties and the introduction of topics like texture effects, fatigue and fracture strength properties, and mechanical behavior modeling give this book specific focus and character.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Financial Information and Brand Value: Reflections, Challenges and Limitations
The brand is the company�s most important asset. In their financial statements, companies are faced with a lack of accounting recognition for the brands they have created, and value recognition for the brands they have acquired. This book studies the nature, characteristics and determinants of brand information published in companies� annual and financial reports. It presents case studies on the methods of evaluating and developing brands, and analyzes annual reports published by listed companies, whose brands appear in international rankings. It reflects on the inadequacy of information and disclosed data to demonstrate the value of brands and the need to ensure that more reliable and relevant financial information is available to investors. Financial Information and Brand Value goes beyond the simple application of conceptual frameworks in order for the reader to master the practices related to brand valuation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Energy
The major topical and societal issues of energy transition and environmental conservation have benefited from the contribution of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Nanomaterials, including carbon-based newcomers, have helped to improve in particular the performance of energy storage and conversion devices. Some of these nanomaterials, including fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, nanodiamonds and carbon dots, were discovered well before the 2000s. Others are more recent, including graphene (the leading material of the 21st century) as well as many mineral materials developed at the nano scale: atomic clusters, metal or semiconductor nanoparticles, two-dimensional inorganic materials, metal-organic frameworks (MOF) and luminescent quantum dots. All of these are involved in the realization of devices for energy purposes. Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Energy provides a critical analysis of the latest work in the fields of batteries, photovoltaics, fuel cells and catalysis as well as lighting, with the advent of light-emitting diodes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Food and Health: Actor Strategies in Information and Communication
Food is a major health issue; the links between diet and health are dominant in nutrition discourse and practice. Food and Health: Actor Strategies in Information and Communication identifies the informational practices of nutrition professionals and consumers to study the structural elements of food and health. It analyzes the communication strategies of actors and the dissemination and use of information related to both food for health and health through food. The book considers nutrition from the point of view of public policies, educational organizations, preventive measures, consumers and patients.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Signal Integrity: From High-Speed to Radiofrequency Applications
This book presents the necessary concepts for the design and testing of radiofrequency and high-speed circuits. Signal and propagation theory is presented for the various circuit levels, from the chip to the PCB. The co-existence of high-speed wideband signals of radiofrequency signals and supply circuits is developed in order to provide design rules for engineers and Masters-level students. The subjects covered include: interconnections and signal integrity; spectral analysis techniques for high-speed signals; design techniques for signal integrity; the transmission-line concept; methods for temporal analysis and techniques for frequency domain analysis for connectics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Laser Metrology in Fluid Mechanics: Granulometry, Temperature and Concentration Measurements
In fluid mechanics, non-intrusive measurements are fundamental in order to improve knowledge of the behavior and main physical phenomena of flows in order to further validate codes.The principles and characteristics of the different techniques available in laser metrology are described in detail in this book.Velocity, temperature and concentration measurements by spectroscopic techniques based on light scattered by molecules are achieved by different techniques: laser-induced fluorescence, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering using lasers and parametric sources, and absorption spectroscopy by tunable laser diodes, which are generally better suited for high velocity flows. The size determination of particles by optical means, a technique mainly applied in two-phase flows, is the subject of another chapter, along with a description of the principles of light scattering.For each technique the basic principles are given, as well as optical devices and data processing. A final chapter reminds the reader of the main safety precautions to be taken when using powerful lasers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Erosion of Geomaterials
This book aims to deliver significant scientific progress on the problem of the erosion of geomaterials, focusing on the mechanical/physical aspect. The chapters oscillate between a phenomenological outlook that is well grounded in experiments, and an approach that can offer a modeling framework.The basic mechanisms of internal and surface erosion are tackled one-by-one: filtration, suffusion, contact erosion, concentrated leak erosion, sediment and wind transport, bedload transport. These erosion mechanisms comprise both hydraulic structures (dams, dikes) and natural environments (wind, river, coastal).In this book, physicists and mechanicians share with the reader their most recent findings in their field work and study, while at the same time maintaining an accessible format. This compendium provides a well-documented information resource, and above all, a tool for approaching the issue of erosion of geomaterials in an up-to-date fashion for students, researchers and practitioners alike.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Tree-based Graph Partitioning Constraint
Combinatorial problems based on graph partitioning enable us to mathematically represent and model many practical applications. Mission planning and the routing problems occurring in logistics perfectly illustrate two such examples. Nevertheless, these problems are not based on the same partitioning pattern: generally, patterns like cycles, paths, or trees are distinguished. Moreover, the practical applications are often not limited to theoretical problems like the Hamiltonian path problem, or K-node disjoint path problems. Indeed, they usually combine the graph partitioning problem with several restrictions related to the topology of nodes and arcs. The diversity of implied constraints in real-life applications is a practical limit to the resolution of such problems by approaches considering the partitioning problem independently from each additional restriction. This book focuses on constraint satisfaction problems related to tree partitioning problems enriched by several additional constraints that restrict the possible partitions topology. On the one hand, this title focuses on the structural properties of tree partitioning constraints. On the other hand, it is dedicated to the interactions between the tree partitioning problem and classical restrictions (such as precedence relations or incomparability relations between nodes) involved in practical applications. Precisely, Tree-based Graph Partitioning Constraint shows how to globally take into account several restrictions within one single tree partitioning constraint. Another interesting aspect of this book is related to the implementation of such a constraint. In the context of graph-based global constraints, the book illustrates how a fully dynamic management of data structures makes the runtime of filtering algorithms independent of the graph density.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ad Hoc Networks: Routing, Qos and Optimization
This work presents ad hoc networks and their characteristics. It explains a new protocol of routing with QoS as well as its implementation in a network simulator and compares it with the existing protocols. The book discusses the principle of the load balancing, treats the approaches of optimization of energy, and proposes a new approach with an analytical model that gives a better performance.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Control Methods for Electrical Machines
The type of control system used for electrical machines depends on the use (nature of the load, operating states, etc.) to which the machine will be put. The precise type of use determines the control laws which apply. Mechanics are also very important, because they affect performance. Another factor of essential importance in industrial applications is operating safety. Finally, the problem of how to control a number of different machines, whose interactions and outputs must be coordinated, is addressed and solutions are presented. These and other issues are addressed here by a range of expert contributors, each of whom are specialists in their particular field. This book is primarily aimed at those involved in complex systems design, but engineers in a range of related fields such as electrical engineering, instrumentation and control, and industrial engineering, will also find this a useful source of information.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Spatial Management of Risks
Spatial analysis is an increasingly important tool for detecting and preventing numerous risk and crisis phenomena such as floods in a geographical area. This book concentrates on examples of prevention but also gives crisis control advice and practical case studies. Some chapters address urban applications in which vulnerabilities are concentrated in area; others address more rural areas with more scattered phenomena.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Image Processing
Computer-aided automatic processing of images requires the control of a series of operations, which this book analyzes. Knowing the statistical properties of images, sampling them to reduce the observable world to a series of discrete values, restoring images in order to correct degradations – all these operations are explained here, together with the mathematical tools they require. Topics covered include fractal representation, mathematical morphology, wavelet representations and the detection and description of contours and shapes.