Search results for ""Author David"
Syracuse University Press Jewish Libya: Memory and Identity in Text and Image
In June 2017, the Jews of Libya commemorated the jubilee of their complete exodus from this North African land in 1967, which began with a mass migration to Israel in 1948–49. Jews had resided in Libya since Phoenician times, seventeen centuries before their encounter with the Arab conquest in AD 644–646. Their disappearance from Libya, like most other Jewish communities in North Africa and the Middle East, led to their fragmentation across the globe as well as reconstitution in two major centers, Israel and Italy.Distinctive Libyan Jewish traditions and a broad cultural heritage have survived and prospered in different places in Israel and in Rome, Italy, where Libyan Jews are recognized for their vibrant contribution to Italian Jewry. Nevertheless, with the passage of time, memories fade among the younger generations and multiple identities begin to overshadow those inherited over the centuries. Capturing the essence of Libyan Jewish cultural heritage, this anthology aims to reawaken and preserve the memories of this community.Jewish Libya collects the work of scholars who explore the community’s history, its literature and dialect, topography and cuisine, and the difficult negotiation of trauma and memory. In shedding new light on this now-fragmented culture and society, this collection commemorates and celebrates vital elements of Libyan Jewish heritage and encourages a lively intergenerational exchange among the many Jews of Libyan origin worldwide.
Random House USA Inc Fall Down 7 Times Get Up 8: A Young Man's Voice from the Silence of Autism
Rowman & Littlefield Small Bites Big Flavor: Simple, Savory, And Sophisticated Recipes For Entertaining
This imaginative cookbook is written for the home chef who wants to expand their repertoire in creating fun and unconventional dishes whether the gathering is for two, twenty, or two hundred. Through recipes bursting with personality, award-winning Chef Eric LeVine offers truly innovative takes on tried and true favorites, such as a twisted mini chicken pot pie, an amazing mouthful of flavor. The smallest of bites showcase three main ingredients used in three different preparations, such as mushroom, ginger, and chicken used three ways. Also included are recipes for delectable mid-sized, larger, and sweet bites--even some signature cocktails! Throughout, this engaging chef includes notes to encourage the home cook to enhance and change up their meals using these recipes as a base. All the 100-plus recipes, from Artichokes Stuffed with Pork and Ricotta to Brown Sugar Bacon Cupcakes, are accompanied by stunning photographs. You'll learn how much fun food can be to prepare, present, share, and of course to eat!
Rowman & Littlefield Modern Seafood
Seafood is Nathan Outlaw's passion and he is renowned for his unique style of cooking which encourages the individual flavors of the fish and shellfish to shine through.Sourcing only sustainable fish and local produce in season, Outlaw uses his considerable talents to take cooking seafood to extraordinary heights. In this impressive debut, he shares the secrets of his unique approach to cooking and provides a glorious collection of original recipes. In the book, Nathan Outlaw offers helpful advice and tips on buying the freshest fish and shellfish in a sustainably responsible way.He then guides you through various cooking techniques including how to pan-fry, grill, roast, steam and deep-fry fish to perfection. The core of the book takes you through the individual fish and shellfish--brill, bream, sea bass, salmon, scallops, squid and so on... For each type of fish or shellfish, Outlaw suggests the best cooking method and how to match the fish with sauces and accompaniments to create your own exquisite dishes. The recipes range from everyday quick meals to make at home for friends and family, to his signature restaurant dishes perfect for elegant dinner parties. Also included is a helpful photographic guide to preparing different types of fish and shellfish that details how to clean, bone and fillet seafood. Photographed on location in Cornwall, England, this sumptuous cookbook is a feast for ones eyes as well as ones palate.
Rowman & Littlefield Religion and Politics in America: A Conversation
As religiously grounded moral arguments have become ever more influential factors in the national debate-particularly reinforced by recent presidential elections and the creation of the faith-based initiative office in the White House-journalists' ignorance about theological convictions has often worked to distort the public discourse on important policy issues. Pope John Paul II's pronouncements on stem-cell research, the constitutional controversies regarding faith-based initiatives, the emerging participation of Muslims in American life-issues like these require political journalists in print and broadcast media to cover religious contexts that many admit they are ill-equipped to understand. Put differently, these news events reflect subtle theological nuances and deep faith commitments that shape the activities of religious believers in the public square. Inasmuch as a faith tradition is an active or significant participant in the public arena, journalists will need to better understand the theological sources and religious convictions that motivate this political activity. The current national discourse has brought faith and its relationship to public policy to the forefront of our daily news. Since 1999, the Ethics and Public Policy Center, through the generosity of the Pew Charitable Trusts, has hosted six conferences for national journalists to help raise the level of their reporting by increasing their understanding of religion, religious communities, and the religious convictions that inform the political activity of devout believers. This book contains the presentations and conversations that grew out of those conferences.
Harvest House Publishers,U.S. Walking in Power, Love, and Discipline: 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus
By solidifying readers' conviction of the Bible's truth, this study helps build solid, personal relationships with God. Today's believers will be strengthened by crucial Paul's instructions in the areas of deeds, morality, leadership, and attitude.
Princeton University Press Wildlife of the Galápagos: Second Edition
Since its first publication more than a decade ago, Wildlife of the Galapagos has become the definitive, classic field guide to the natural splendors of this amazing part of the world. Now fully updated, this essential and comprehensive guide has been expanded to include the more than 400 commonly seen birds, mammals, reptiles, invertebrates, and plants, and other coastal and marine life of this wondrous archipelago. Over 650 stunning color photographs, maps, and drawings are accompanied by accessible, descriptive text. This new edition includes information about all the common fish of the region and Spanish names are featured for the first time. There is also a revised section that discusses the islands' history, climate, geology, and conservation, with the most current details on visitor sites. This is the perfect portable companion for all nature enthusiasts interested in the astounding Galapagos. * Covers 400+ commonly seen species, including birds, mammals, reptiles, invertebrates, and plants, and other coastal and marine life* Illustrated with over 650 color photographs, maps, and drawings* Includes maps of visitor sites* Written by wildlife experts with extensive knowledge of the area* Includes information on the history, climate, geology, and conservation of the islands
Penguin Putnam Inc Good Dogs in Bad Sweaters
Penguin Putnam Inc Good Dogs on a Bad Day
Vintage Espanol El Diario de Anne Frank (novela gráfica) / Anne Frank's Dairy: The Graphic Adaptation
University of California Press Procession: The Art of Norman Lewis
This beautifully illustrated catalogue accompanies the first major museum retrospective of the painter Norman Lewis (1909-1979). Lewis was the sole African American artist of his generation who became committed to issues of abstraction at the start of his career and continued to explore them over its entire trajectory. His art derived inspiration from music (jazz and classical) and nature (seasonal change, plant forms, the sea). Also central to his work were the dramatic confrontations of the civil rights movement, in which he was an active participant among the New York art scene. Bridging the Harlem Renaissance, Abstract Expressionism, and beyond, Lewis is a crucial figure in American abstraction whose reinsertion into the discourse further opens the field for recognition of the contributions of artists of color. Bringing much-needed attention to Lewis's output and significance in the history of American art, Procession is a milestone in Lewis scholarship and a vital resource for future study of the artist and abstraction in his period. Published in association with Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Exhibition dates: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia: November 13, 2015-April 3, 2016 Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth: June 4-August 21, 2016 Chicago Cultural Center: September 17, 2016-January 8, 2017
Little, Brown Spark Drop Acid: The Surprising New Science of Uric Acid--The Key to Losing Weight, Controlling Blood Sugar, and Achieving Extraordinary Health
Penguin Putnam Inc Diary of a Void: A Novel
Pearson Education (US) CERT Resilience Management Model (CERT-RMM): A Maturity Model for Managing Operational Resilience
CERT® Resilience Management Model (CERT-RMM) is an innovative and transformative way to manage operational resilience in complex, risk-evolving environments. CERT-RMM distills years of research into best practices for managing the security and survivability of people, information, technology, and facilities. It integrates these best practices into a unified, capability-focused maturity model that encompasses security, business continuity, and IT operations. By using CERT-RMM, organizations can escape silo-driven approaches to managing operational risk and align to achieve strategic resilience management goals. This book both introduces CERT-RMM and presents the model in its entirety. It begins with essential background for all professionals, whether they have previously used process improvement models or not. Next, it explains CERT-RMM’s Generic Goals and Practices and discusses various approaches for using the model. Short essays by a number of contributors illustrate how CERT-RMM can be applied for different purposes or can be used to improve an existing program. Finally, the book provides a complete baseline understanding of all 26 process areas included in CERT-RMM. Part One summarizes the value of a process improvement approach to managing resilience, explains CERT-RMM’s conventions and core principles, describes the model architecturally, and shows how it supports relationships tightly linked to your objectives. Part Two focuses on using CERT-RMM to establish a foundation for sustaining operational resilience management processes in complex environments where risks rapidly emerge and change. Part Three details all 26 CERT-RMM process areas, from asset definition through vulnerability resolution. For each, complete descriptions of goals and practices are presented, with realistic examples. Part Four contains appendices, including Targeted Improvement Roadmaps, a glossary, and other reference materials. This book will be valuable to anyone seeking to improve the mission assurance of high-value services, including leaders of large enterprise or organizational units, security or business continuity specialists, managers of large IT operations, and those using methodologies such as ISO 27000, COBIT, ITIL, or CMMI.
Amsterdam University Press European Women's Letter-writing from the 11th to the 20th Centuries
This book reveals the importance of personal letters in the history of European women between the year 1000 and the advent of the telephone. It explores the changing ways that women used correspondence for self-expression and political mobilization over this period, enabling them to navigate the myriad gendered restrictions that limited women’s engagement in the world. Whether written from the medieval cloister, or the renaissance court, or the artisan’s workshop, or the drawing room, letters crossed geographical and social distance and were mobile in ways that women themselves could not always be. Women wrote to govern, to argue, to plead, and to demand. They also wrote to express love and intimacy, and in so doing, to explain and to understand themselves. This book argues that the personal letter was a crucial place for European women’s self-fashioning, and that exploring the history of their letters offers a profound insight into their subjectivity and agency over time.
Librum Publishers & Editors LLC Ausflug in Die Vergangenheit - Archaologische Streifzuge Durchs Baselbiet
McKlein Media GmbH & Co. KG Rallying 2023: Moving Moments
Spector Books Days of Blood, Days of Fire
Hauser & Wirth Charles Gaines: Palm Trees and Other Works
Hatje Cantz Zen Lefort: Indian Land
Since 2016, French documentary photographer Zen Lefort has gone on road trips from Arizona to New Mexico, crossed Utah, Colorado, and South Dakota. Living with and documenting the life of Native Americans, he witnessed the largest gathering in Native American history: the Standing Rock protests against a Dakota pipeline project—a demonstration of resistance in both a defence of Indigenous sovereignty and cultural preservation. His series Indian Land is a sensitive and honest engagement with the lives of North America’s indigenous peoples today. Members of the Navajo and Lakota tribes relate their story to Lefort, and paint a picture of indigenous life in the reservation, their persisting rituals, and their contemporary culture. Thus, the volume draws a portrait that bears traces of a violent history and tells of political struggles by unequal means.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Jakob Bernoulli: Bd. 5: Differentialgeometrie
This volume contains the work of the great Swiss mathematician on differential geometry, a field marked by some of his greatest achievements. Between 1690 and 1700, Jacob Bernoulli published twelve treatises in the scientific journal Acta Eruditorum on the use of infinitesimal methods to answer geometrical questions. Preparatory notes for most of these papers and on many other themes are found in Bernoulli's scientific diary Meditationes, from which twentynine texts are published here for the first time. Among the curves considered are the isochrones (lines of constant descent), the parabolic spiral, the loxodrome, the cycloid, the tractrix, and the logarithmic spiral (Bernoulli's spira mirabilis, which also adorns his tombstone). The description of these curves by differential equations and by geometrical constructions, their rectification and quadrature, and the determination of their evolutes and caustics offered Bernoulli and his colleagues a range of challenging problems, many of them relevant for mechanical or optical applications. The French mathematician André Weil, who lived in the United States until his recent death, has greatly influenced 20th century mathematics, among other things, as a founding member of the Bourbaki group. For many years he has pursued intensive studies of the history of mathematics, especially number theory and algebraic geometry. Weil's introduction to this volume places Jacob Bernoulli's contribution to differential geometry in a line of development from Descartes, Huygens and Barrow through Newton's und Leibniz's epochal innovations right up to the codification of the subject by Euler. Martin Mattmüller, secretary of the Bernoulli Edition at Basel, edited the source text. His commentaries consider particular topics in differential geometry with reference to their historical context at the end of the 17th century.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Daniel Bernoulli: Band 1: Medizin und Physiologie, Mathematische Jugendschriften, Positionsastronomie
The works from Daniel Bernoulli's youth contained in this first volume of his Collected Works bear witness above all of his versatility; they deal with subjects as different as physiology, formal logic, mathematical analysis, hydrodynamics and positional astronomy. Daniel Bernoulli's contacts with Italian scientists gave rise to several controversies. The present volume documents both sides in each of these debates, which culminated with the publication of Bernoulli's first book Exercitationes mathe- maticae in 1724. The discussions with the renowned mathematician Jacopo Riccati on second-order differential equations and on the Newtonian theory of the out-flow of fluids from vessels deserve particular interest. A third group of texts goes back to the time Bernoulli spent at the newly- founded Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, where he had been appointed in 1725. There he worked out two more contributions to physiological research - on muscle movement and on the blind spot in the human eye - as well as his only paper in positional astronomy. This last work - suggested by a prize question of the Paris Académie des Sciences - became the occasion for a vehement conflict; the present volume documents these "Zänkereien" (squabbles) and also reproduces three competing treatises. To complete the documentation of Daniel Bernoulli's work on physiology, the volume also includes his academic ceremonial speech De Vita of 1737, where he sketches for the first time the circulation of the work done by the human heart, and its elaboration by Bernoulli's student Daniel Passavant.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Rabbinic Study Circles: Aspects of Jewish Learning in its Late Antique Context
Taking account of a wide range of literary evidence and the most recent scholarship on the nature of education in Rabbinic Judaism of late antiquity, these studies examine new and varied aspects of the scriptural and intellectual infrastructure of the educational ethos, the tension between oral tradition and literary practice, and the central role of the rabbinic sage as pedagogical innovator and model. They also study the underlying influence of social and economic factors, the evolution of teaching techniques and frameworks, and the formative role of both midrashic mentality and mythopoetic currents. With an eye on the broader contexts of Greco-Roman culture and emergent Christianity, these essays follow the development of rabbinic ideas and institutions from the first centuries of the Common Era in Palestine through the flowering of centers of learning centuries later in Babylonia.
Birkhauser Schnitte: Konstruktion und Raum
Springer International Publishing AG EcoMechatronics: Challenges for Evolution, Development and Sustainability
This book showcases how EcoMechatronics can increase sustainability within engineering and manufacturing. It brings together material from experts in core mechatronics technologies, discussing the challenges related to moving towards more environmentally friendly methods, and presenting numerous case studies and examples of EcoMechatronics oriented applications. The book begins with an introduction to EcoMechatronics in the context of sustainability, before covering core conceptual, technical and design issues associated with EcoMechatronics. It then offers a series of case studies and examples of EcoMechatronics oriented applications and finally, a consideration of the educational issues associated with moving to a new generation of environmentally oriented mechatronic engineers. EcoMechatronics will be of interest to practicing engineers, researchers, system developers. and graduate students in the field of mechatronics and environmental engineering.
Familius LLC Lit for Little Hands: Pride and Prejudice
"To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love." —Pride and Prejudice, Jane AustenFilled with interactive wheels and pull-tabs and lavishly illustrated, Lit for Little Hands: Pride and Prejudice is an unprecedented kid's introduction to Jane Austen's beloved classic novel. Unlike many board books that tackle the classics, Lit for Little Hands tells the actual story in simple, engaging prose. Gorgeous pastoral illustrations transport the reader to the fields and estates of Lizzy's England, while tons of interactive elements invite kids to spin the dancers at the ball, care for Jane, open a shocking letter, and more! Austen fans will be delighted by the book's attention to detail and clever use of original dialog. And the book's use of super-sturdy board means everyone can enjoy this tale of wit and romance over . . . and over . . . and over again!
British Small Animal Veterinary Association BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Endoscopy and Endosurgery
Edinburgh University Press New Scotland, New Society?: Are Social and Political Ties Fragmenting?
New Scotland, New Society asks a series of vital questions regarding the attitudes and behaviour of the Scots. Are the ties that bind people to each other and to the democratic system fragmenting? Do people no longer trust each other? How do people relate to each other in terms of social trust? How do they relate to social institutions such as the family and systems of morality? Is constitutional reform restoring that trust? Drawing on the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey and its predecessors, the overall aim of the book is to provide an independent account of public opinion in post-devolution Scotland. Chapters will cover a range of contemporary debates. Attitudes to key issues such as co-habitation, teenage pregnancy, religion, sexuality, abortion, and racial prejudice will be explored. The capacity of Scotland's new political institutions to restore trust will be questioned, and the links between the trust which people have in each other and the trust they have in their institutions will be tested.These attitudes will be set in context over time and also in comparison with the rest of the UK, to see how attitudes have developed, and whether Scottish attitudes are distinctive. Much of the public debate in Scotland in recent years has been about constitutional and political change. This book moves beyond these issues to look at their social basis. It asks whether popular attitudes might actually be even more fundamental than the undoubtedly important constitutional upheaval that Scotland has recently experienced.
Wits University Press A Long Way Home: Migrant worker worlds 1800–2014
In no other society in the world have urbanisation and industrialisation been as comprehensively based on migrant labour as in South Africa. Rather than focusing on the well-documented narrative of displacement and oppression, A Long Way Home captures the humanity, agency and creative modes of self-expression of the millions of workers who helped to build and shape modern South Africa.The book spans a three-hundred-year history beginning with the exportation of slave labour from Mozambique in the eighteenth century and ending with the strikes and tensions on the platinum belt in recent years. It shows not only the age-old mobility of African migrants across the continent but also, with the growing demand for labour in the mining industry, the importation of Chinese slaves. The essays and visual materials traverse homesteads, chiefdoms and mining hostels in their portrayal of migrant workers’ and their families’ attempts to maintain contact across large distances and uphold their rural customs, traditions and rituals in new spaces and locations. Together, they provide multiple perspectives on the lived experience of migrant labourers and celebrate their extraordinary journeys. A Long Way Home was conceived during the planning of an art exhibition entitled ‘Ngezinyawo: Migrant Journeys’ at the Wits Art Museum. The interdisciplinary nature of the contributions and the extraordinary collection of images selected to complement and expand on the text make this a unique collection.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environment, Land Use and Urban Policy
This comprehensive collection of previously published material traces the development of thought and research on land use and urban policy over the past 100 years.Through carefully selected readings, Environment, Land Use and Urban Policy charts the evolution of modern urban planning, the development of public health and the survival of the city. Key papers on planning theory and modelling form the heart of the collection together with the debates over rationality, the scientific method, social organization, Marxism and the politics of planning.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Social Work with Troubled Families: A Critical Introduction
A critical introduction to the Troubled Families Programme (TFP), this book explores the roots, significance and effectiveness of troubled family approaches in social work. An important strand of government social policy, the TFP gives rise to a number of ethical and political questions about assertive outreach, choice, use of power and eliding the structural inequalities which, it is often argued, largely account for the difficulties troubled families face. Social Work with Troubled Families: A Critical Introduction debates these issues, offers an examination of the systemic framework which underpins it and looks at the initiative in a broader context. This interdisciplinary study will be an important resource for social workers, social work students, practice educators and academics for its examination of practice methods. As an exploration of social policy it will appeal to social scientists and to policy makers along with those who seek to influence them.
Panini Publishing Ltd Guardians Team-up Vol. 2
CABI Publishing Biopesticides: Pest Management and Regulation
Biological controls that utilize natural predation, parasitism or other natural mechanisms, is an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical pesticides. Chemical pesticide methods are becoming less readily available due to increasing resistance problems and the prohibition of some substances. This book addresses the challenges of insufficient information and imperfectly understood regulatory processes in using biopesticides. It takes an interdisciplinary approach providing internationally comparative analyses on the registration of biopesticides and debates future biopesticide practices.
CABI Publishing Alternative Systems for Poultry: Health, Welfare and Productivity
Recent interest in how poultry are housed and managed in order to ensure profitability, sustainability, and good levels of animal welfare, are challenging issues that commercial poultry keepers face, particularly where legislation is bringing about legal requirements for housing. This book compares and contrasts alternative housing with conventional and traditional systems for commercial poultry (laying hens, meat chickens, turkeys, waterfowl and gamebirds) with regards to welfare, disease, health, nutrition, sustainability and genotype-environment interaction.
CABI Publishing Realizing Africa's Rice Promise
*Includes contributions from the key scientists working in the area *Provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research as well as making recommendations for how best to deal with future challenges *Has a wide and varied scope – covering policy, genetic diversity and improvement, sustainable productivity enhancement, innovations and value chains
CABI Publishing Agrobiodiversity Management for Food Security: a Critical Review
Agrobiodiversity provides most of our food through our interaction with crops and domestic animals. Future global food security is firmly anchored in sound, science-based management of agrobiodiversity. This book presents key concepts of agrobiodiversity management, critically reviewing important current and emerging issues including agricultural development, crop introduction, practical diversity in farming systems, impact of modern crop varieties and GM crops, conservation, climate change, food sovereignty and policies. It also addresses claims and misinformation in the subject based on sound scientific principles.
CABI Publishing Microbiological Methods for Assessing Soil Quality
This book provides a selection of microbiological methods which are applicable or already applied in regional or national soil quality monitoring programmes. An overview is given of approaches to monitoring, evaluating and managing soil quality (Part I), followed by a selection of methods which are described in sufficient detail to use the book as a practical handbook in the laboratory (Part II). Finally a census is given of the main methods used in over 30 European laboratories. The book is aimed at different levels: soil scientists, technicians, policy makers, land managers and students.
CABI Publishing Greenhouse Gas Sinks
Bringing together leading researchers from around the world this book reviews how vegetation and soils act as naturally occurring buffers which use up the gases responsible for global warming and the greenhouse effect. It provides in-depth information on the importance of these sinks, how they may respond to increased greenhouse gas emissions, how we can protect them and how they can help us mitigate climate change.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Arthurian Literature XXVIII: Blood, Sex, Malory: Essays on the Morte Darthur
Sex, blood, and gender have diverse associations in the Malorian tradition, yet their inter-relatedness and intersections are comparatively understudied. This present collection of essays is intended to go some way toward remedying the need for a sustained examination of blood ties, kinship, gender, and sexuality, and the prominence of these themes in Malory's work. They concentrate in particular upon the analyses of sexuality and sexual activity (and itslack or erasure) and the significance of blood (and blood-shedding) in the Morte Darthur, as well as the interconnections with gender (biological sex) and familial ("blood") relations in the Morte, its sources and its later reworkings. The result is a wide-ranging investigation into related but distinctive thematic preoccupations, including the national and kinship affiliations of Malorian knights, sibling relationships, deviant sexuality, and blood-spilling in martial and intimate contexts. Contributors: Christina Francis, Megan G. Leitch, Helen Phillips, Carolyne Larrington, Lydia A. Fletcher, Kate McClune, Sally Mapstone, Caitlyn Schwartz, Maria SachikoCecire, Anna Caughey, Catherine LaFarge
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Rights, Risk and Restraint-Free Care of Older People: Person-Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care
The restraint of older people is a pressing issue for health and social care practice. This book provides health and social care professionals with an authoritative reading resource on the ethics and use of restraint.The book provides an overview of the different forms of restraint, the conditions under which they are used, and their implications for the health and wellbeing of older people. Practical approaches to minimising are then explored, underlining the importance of person-centred care. Innovative programmes and approaches to reducing the use of restraint from around the world are described and assessed, and case studies are drawn upon to highlight practice challenges and their effective resolutions. The perspectives of older people and their carers and families, as well as of professionals, commissioners and regulators of health and social care, are also taken into account. The contributors are drawn from an international range of health and social care settings, as well as from the academic world. This in-depth volume will help health and social care professionals better understand the complex issues that surround the use of restraint, support practice that puts older people at the centre of decision-making about their care, and enable services to provide safer and more appropriate care.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Regulation and Competitive Advantage: A Study of Packaging Waste in the European Supply Chain
This study focuses in detail on the environmental compliance/competitiveness relationship with respect to the regulation of packaging waste. An important and innovative feature of the study is its emphasis on backward and forward linkages. An entire supply chain is considered: packaging manufacturers and suppliers, food processors and the food retail sector, to study the competitive effects of environmental standards on manufacturing companies and the vertical links and supply responses. A variety of regulatory regimes is represented by including within the study companies from Germany, Italy, the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. While it is of note that the relatively strong regulation in Germany has indeed had effects on company behaviour, there is no evidence that environmental regulations hindered companies from achieving competitive performance.Analyses consider: the response of individual firms to different levels of regulation; the cost of compliance; impact on employment; the influence of the supply chain on environmental and competitive performance; the importance of firm size and ownership; and the impact of regulation on competitiveness, and firm competitiveness on the efficiency of adjustment to regulation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Governing Complexity in Times of Turbulence
This book provides an understanding of how public organizations adapt to and manage situations characterized by fluidity, ambiguity, complexity and unclear technologies, thus exploring public governance in times of turbulence. An impressive selection of scholars present their research on governance in turbulent times and explore how public organizations adapt flexibly in turbulent situations. The editors introduce a diverse analytical toolkit contributing not only to an understanding of the role of complexity in public governance, but also suggesting how organizational formats may serve as usable design tools available to decision-makers in the pursuit of sustainable and responsible governance. Chapters explore a variety of topics and cases including artificial intelligence, antimicrobial resistance and sexuality education. Providing a broad coverage of empirical cases and a global outlook, this book will be an excellent read for scholars and practitioners in political science and public administration, as well as policy makers with interests in governance, leadership and citizen engagement.
Kogan Page Ltd Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace
Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace is the ideal textbook for anyone studying CIPD L&D qualifications and apprenticeships at Level 3 or Level 5, as well as for practitioners new to an L&D role. This book covers what is required of an L&D professional and how to meet and exceed these expectations, how to align L&D activity with organisational strategy and, crucially, how to identify learning needs and design effective L&D practice. This new edition of Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace has been fully updated, reflecting the new CIPD Profession Map, and now has dedicated chapters on the different approaches to learning delivery, including face-to-face training and facilitation, technology-based learning, coaching, mentoring and social and collaborative learning. There is also expert guidance on learner engagement including insights from neuroscience and psychology, as well as advice on evaluating the impact of L&D. With case studies, activities and examples throughout, this new edition is an indispensable guide for students and new practitioners alike. Online supporting resources include lecture slides, annotated web links and self-test questions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of the Circular Economy
This crucial Handbook investigates an urgent area for policy-makers, academia and industries alike: the circular economy. International experts on the subject bring together the latest thinking on this critical global issue.Providing a comprehensive overview of the mechanisms and consequences of the circular economy, as well as its limitations, it raises important questions concerning how the world should proceed when non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels and minerals, are being depleted and the environment is struggling to cope with the waste and emissions of unsustainable production and consumption systems. Contributors explore a broad range of themes, such as new sustainable production and consumption systems, new design requirements, recycling systems, new business models and the social impacts of the circular economy, while also consolidating the many ways in which the topic has been dealt with in research, business and policy-making.Shedding light on a concept that has become increasingly relevant during the last decade, the Handbook of the Circular Economy is essential reading for students, academics and policy-makers trying to make sense of the plethora of ways in which the term has been applied and interpreted.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Wellbeing, Happiness and the Environment
This topical and engaging Handbook brings together cutting edge research on the relationship between happiness and the natural environment. With interdisciplinary contributions from top scholars, it explores the role of happiness research as a new approach to environmental social science, illustrating the critical links between human wellbeing, happiness and the environment. Addressing key environmental issues that impact happiness, the book examines: climate change and extreme weather events, air pollution, noise, odour, access to green space, and the importance of green lifestyles. This wide range of environmental concerns is analysed through the lens of differing cultural backgrounds, exploring the importance of different forms of human interaction with the environment globally, as well as its effects. Environmental economics and sociology scholars will find the key case studies discussed particularly useful in assessing different cultural, political and regional approaches to the topic. It will also be an interesting read for policy-makers looking to better understand how the environment affects human happiness and wellbeing. Contributors include: M. Ahmadiani, M. Berlemann, F. Brereton, L. Bruni, X. Chen, C.A. Coral-Guerrero, S. Ferreira, H. Folmer, B.S. Frey, D. Fujiwara, F. García-Quero, I. Gramatki, J. Guardiola, P. Howley, B.A. Jones, K. Kagohashi, S. Kant, K. Keohane, C. Krekel, K. Laffan, R. Lawton, A. Levinson, G. MacKerron, D. Maddison, S. Managi, M. Moro, S. Mourato, A. Oswald, J. Regner, K. Rehdanz, H. Ren, T. Ruckelshauß, J. Tang, T. Tsurumi, J. Tutt, R. Veenhoven, I. Vertinsky, H. Welsch, X. Zhang, X. Zhang, B. Zheng
Flame Tree Publishing Yoga: Relaxation, Postures, Daily Routines
Yoga is a popular physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that originated in ancient India. Various traditions of yoga can be found in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, and in recent years Western culture has embraced yoga’s power of simplicity, stillness and mental poise. This accessible new book focuses on a series of exercises, body motions and self-disciplines that offer the benefits of yoga to everyone. Featuring specially commissioned practical photography, step-by-step instruction, and an introduction to the entire scope of the system of yoga.