Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future
The 1970's and 1980's witnessed both substantial conceptual and practical interest in paratransit across Europe and North America, as well as widespread implementation of paratransit services and strategies. Subsequently, the trajectory of paratransit (also often referred to as flexible transport systems) has waned, to the point where it is frequently relegated to a very narrow niche (often related to special needs) in the spectrum of collective transport services. More recently, technological advances have made feasible new and / or improved approaches for organizing and delivering local passenger transportation. With practice, policy and research in paratransit now being impacted by these developments, a new set of possibilities is emerging. Some practitioners have forged ahead over the past decade and implemented services and organizational models that show the way forward for what is possible, sometimes without the benefit of the most advanced available technologies. This book draws on a selection of papers presented at the International Paratransit Conference in Monterey in October 2014 to capture these exciting developments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Uncertainty and Strategic Decision Making
The study of management and organization has transitioned from approaches to deal with steady state management, to approaches that can cope with unknown or unknowable futures. The strategy field has has moved from business policy, through strategic planning, onto strategic management and now grapples with dynamic contexts as the new normal. In that trend the field has seen a broad movement in research interests in corporate and competitive strategies towards an emphasis on the manager’s strategic role. Through this shift, strategy has moved from a concept of something organizations have towards something that managers do. This has happened while traditional boundaries of industries have become permeable and even melted away. Managers tasked with doing strategy have lost not just the certainty of a goal-oriented future, but also the certainty of understanding their current position. Decision-making tools have now moved from answer generators to scenario builders. When decisions can rely less on evidence and certainty, it is managers that take up the slack and fill the void. This book focuses on the challenge of making strategic decisions in conditions of uncertainty.
Emerald Publishing Limited Food Systems and Health
In recent years, the ways in which food is produced, distributed, and consumed have emerged as prominent health and social issues. With rising concern about rates of obesity, food systems have attracted the attention of state actors, leading to both innovative and controversial public health interventions, such as citywide soda bans, “veggie prescription” initiatives, and farm-to-school programs. At the same time, social movement activism has emerged focused on issues related to food and health, including movements for food justice, food safety, farm worker’s rights, and community control of land for agricultural production. Meanwhile, many individuals and families struggle to obtain food that is affordable, accessible, and meaningfully connected to their cultures. Volume 18 of Advances in Medical Sociology brings cutting-edge sociological research to bear on these multiple dimensions of food systems and their impacts on individual and population health. This volume will highlight how food systems matter for health policy, health politics, and the lived experiences and life chances of individuals and communities.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Role of Leadership in Occupational Stress
The objective of this series is to promote theory and research in the increasingly growing area of occupational stress, health and well being, and in the process, to bring together and showcase the work of the best researchers and theorists who contribute to this area. Our goal is to provide a multidisciplinary and international collection that gives a thorough and critical assessment of both knowledge and major gaps in knowledge. Volume 14 of Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being is focused on leadership. Through their actions and behaviors, leaders can positively, or negatively, influence the health, stress, and well being of their followers, and vice versa as well. This volume examines critical topics for a deeper understanding of the intersection of leadership, stress, and well being which include: a leader’s dark personality, a leader’s networks, workaholism, the role of leaders in helping employees with stress and mental health issues, followership, and a more holistic view of a leader’s life at work and away from work, and the development of leaders. The topic of this volume, Leadership, is sure to attract the attention of researchers around the globe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Symbolic Interactionist Takes on Music
Participants from Couch-Stone Symposium 2014 have transformed their presentations into elegant papers for this collection. Chapters fall into three categorical themes, largely reflecting their position in the symposium but, more importantly, reflecting a natural progression in scope of symbolic interactionist work in music: moving from observations of the individual to observation of organizations to interdisciplinary observations of music from scholars in related disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Politics of Policing: Between Force and Legitimacy
This volume in the series Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance edited by Mathieu Deflem addresses contemporary issues of policing with a focus on the characteristics of police power as a coercive force in society and its continued need for legitimacy in a democratic social order. The book brings scholars together to discuss a variety of important topics concerning police and policing. Developments and problems associated with police power are at the very front of current public debate. In the broader constellation of the culture of modern crime control, police institutions enjoy a privileged status. Continued developments in technology and surveillance have affected policing as have continued and new crime problems. Not least of all, of course, the legitimacy of policing has recently been questioned because of several highly-publicized incidents involving police violence. The chapters in this book provide clarification on these and related aspects of police and policing in society. This collection is valuable for students and scholars in sociology, criminology, law, political science, and public policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and Race Matter: Global Perspectives on Being a Woman
The drive for gender equality is not a recent phenomenon with the UN cited as occupying a central role for legislative change globally. Gender inequality persists in most countries and although it appears that we have a long way to go, this collection contributes to a feminist scholarship that highlights a destabilising of established patterns of behaviour and gender relations. It acknowledges the multiplicity of discrimination but locates women at the centre of a dialogue and presents key interventions in gender and race matters. For the contributors, gender serves as an analytical framework and covers the experiences of women in different global settings related to education, political activism, corporeal violence, identity, sexuality, and poverty. The use of poetry and literature provides a powerful voice for women against exclusion and recognises their contribution to society. This collection is innovative in not only relating experiential evidence but also putting forward how women are able to challenge oppression through circumventing rules, roles, obligations and prejudice through a powerful agency.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions, Decision-Making, Conflict and Cooperation
The role of emotions is important in explaining conflicts and their resolution. Witness the emotions surrounding the outbreak of wars past and current and their endings. In order to introduce the perspective of emotions as an explanatory scheme of conflict escalation and crises, a comparison to classical conceptions such as the pursuit of power or commercial and financial interests is warranted. On first glance these two explanatory schemes seem to be at opposite extremes. However, new approaches to decision-making and rationality and challenges to the traditional expected utility model make these two conceptions much more compatible. The new perspective of rank dependent expected utility and the closely related notion of utility functions, which can both represent risk averse and risk preferring attitudes in decision-making go a long way in incorporating emotions within otherwise rational choices. One can thus build models that account more easily for conflict escalations but also for conflict resolution. These theoretical considerations are investigated within empirical cases of civil wars and shown to be effective in explaining the origins but also the breakdown of conflicts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Identity and Research Relationships
Many researchers in recent years have begun to reflect on their gender identity and how this impacts on the research process and discuss how this helps build rapport with participants and creates successful or unsuccessful pieces of qualitative research. However, how does this intersect with other forms of identity, such as class, ethnicity, disability, age, sexuality? In this volume contributors explore these issues by reflecting on their own studies and research careers and address how important or unimportant gender has been in building research relationships. While the gender identity of the respondent/researcher relationship is undoubtedly important, what must also be acknowledged are the attributes which create a good fieldworker and competent social science researchers capable of understanding and engaging in different social situations and thought interaction with different participants.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles across a broad spectrum of current topics in the field of management accounting, using a variety of research methods including survey research, field tests, corporate case studies and modeling. Volume 27 exemplifies the broad scope of Advances in Management Accounting, examining a number of areas within management accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Including a Symposium on Albert O. Hirschman
The Research in the History of Economic Methodology (RHETM) 34B, includes original research from preeminent scholars in the field. RHETM is one of the oldest and most respected publications in the field, and the Vol 34B is crucial for economists, methodologists, and historians of the social sciences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Followership in Action: Cases and Commentaries
For years, leading management scholars have assumed the contribution of followers is an effect rather than a cause of an organization's success. The 25 case studies and commentaries in Followership in Action from such diverse places as Canada, France, India, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States lend further support to this argument. Followership in Action is a highly practical and scholarly book to which leadership scholars, practitioners, and students will actively turn to better understand and apply followership theory to everyday human resource development, management, and leadership contexts. It was written with administrators, coaches, consultants, executives, human resource professionals, academic professors, and support staff fully in mind. As the study of followership further escalates into the global mainstream of leadership studies, this book offers an excellent way to more proactively engage future leaders and followers in issues that they are likely to face in various organizational settings. Its business, education, and government content will appeal to academia, corporations, non-profits, and other enterprises.
Emerald Publishing Limited Airline Efficiency
An efficient air transport system is critical to countries attaining and sustaining healthy economies in an increasingly interconnected world economy. Competing successfully now means quick shipping over long distances at reasonable rates. Societies also prosper when people from different countries can travel around the world using efficient transport. This volume includes literature surveys and original empirical research examining airline efficiency in the twenty first century. Topics cover airline productivity, sources of airline efficiency, the cost and scope of operations in airline transport; airline productivity for different global regions; methodologies estimating productivity growth and efficiency. Further chapters on sources of airline efficiency examine fuel efficiency differences, efficiency in different stages of production, and the contributions of technological change, mergers, and low-cost carrier competition to efficiency. Chapters on the cost and scope of operations examine all-cargo carrier efficiency, gains from airline/high speed-rail cooperation, and airport economies of scope in passenger and freight operations.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Focus on 3D Printing for Healthcare Applications
A Focus on 3D Printing for Healthcare Applications is an indispensable collection of articles for anyone interested in additive manufacturing and prosthetics. It includes insights and examples into 3D printing for:- Biomedical prototypes- Tissue engineering- Bone scaffold manufacturing- Dental applications 3D printing has huge potential to deliver tailored healthcare solutions. Find out some of the reasons why by reading this collection.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives in Climate Change
New Perspectives in Climate Change is a unique collection of articles that represent the very highest level of scholarship in the field. The articles published in this collection identify some important topics that have established themselves as key areas of research among academics in the field. These include the following:- Climate change adaptation- Vulnerability to and mitigation of climate change- The effects of climate change on specific geographical communities. This new collection provides an unparalleled insight into the subject of climate change and will enable readers to access the most important 'thinkers' active in this arena today.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives in Employee Engagement in Human Resources
New Perspectives in Employee Engagement in Human Resources is a unique collection of articles that represent the very highest level of scholarship in the field. The articles published in this collection identify some emergent themes that have subsequently established themselves as key trends among academics in the field. These include the following:- career development- career satisfaction- employee driven innovation. This new collection provides an unparalleled insight into the areas of Human Resource Management and Organizational Development and will enable readers to access the most important 'thinkers' active in this arena today.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives in Healthcare: Impacts of Regulation, Organization, Reform and Change in the United States Health System
New Perspectives in Healthcare: Impacts of Regulation, Organization, Reform and Change in the United States Health System is a new collection of topical articles that represent the very highest level of scholarship in health care management. A mixture of original research and thought leadership pieces combine to examine the changing landscape of the US healthcare system, looking at the impact of changing structures, legislation and policies over recent years. Covering key topics such as: - the 2010 Affordable Care Act;- the impacts of Medicare and Medicaid;- mandatory public reporting;- changes in technology including electronic personal health records; and - coping with an ageing population. This unique collection also considers the impacts of changes on all health sectors including primary care, hospital and acute settings and social care organizations. This book provides researchers, professionals, managers and policy makers with an easy-to-read summary of how the US healthcare system has evolved and provides food for thought on how to prepare for the challenges of the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives in Global Environmental Disasters
New Perspectives in Global Environmental Disasters is a unique collection of articles that represent the very highest level of scholarship in the sphere of environmental management research. The articles published in this collection identify some emergent themes that have subsequently established themselves as key issues among academics in the field. These include the following:- Community-based disaster management- AHP based decision support systems- Crisis management- Emergency planning. This new collection provides an unparalleled insight into the world of disaster risk and reduction management, and will enable readers to access the most important "thinkers" active in this arena today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Lessons from the Great Recession: At the Crossroads of Sustainability and Recovery
Lessons from the Great Recession: At the Crossroads of Sustainability and Recovery examines global cases of environmental sustainability and economics in the context of nations from multi-disciplinary perspectives. The book discusses the high costs of decisions taken in response to the recent economic crises, which as a result have created a lack of investment in environmental and developmental considerations. This volume analyses the problems faced globally as economies try to build a sustainable future in the aftermath of the 'Great Recession'. The book observes concepts of sustainability in the post-recession and post-bailout world around aspects such as Fiscal / economic / social sustainability; Financial sustainability (sector risks etc.); Environmental sustainability. Chapters scrutinise the relationships between nations and supra state agencies such as the UN, EU, IMF etc. in the context of economic crises.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations 18 publishes both non-empirical and empirical articles dealing with accounting pedagogy. All articles explain how teaching methods or curricula/programs can be improved. Non-empirical papers are academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant tradeoffs or policy issues. Empirical reports exhibit sound research design and execution, and develop a thorough motivation and literature review, including references from outside the accounting field, where appropriate.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Exorbitant Burden: The Impact of the U.S. Dollar's Reserve and Global Currency Status on the U.S. Twin-Deficits
Many economists and experts interpret the U.S. twin-deficits, the twin-wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the 2008 Great Recession that escalated the US debt to vertiginous altitudes" as the signs of time that the dollar is now set to repeat the history of the British Pound. But is really the role of the dollar" as a global currency and an international reserve asset" actually rewarded the United States with an exorbitant privilege? This book focuses on the opposite end of exorbitant privilege spectrum: the exorbitant burden the cost the very dollar reserve status impacts on the U.S. economy through the twin deficits. This economic and political science work is a rigorous quantitative analysis that demonstrates that although it is a privilege and a benefit for the US to have its currency, the dollar, as the leading world reserve currency, the privilege also proves to be a very significant economic and security burden imposed on the nation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Community Management of Urban Open Spaces in Developing Economies
Dr. Bharati Mohapatra examines the social, functional, physical and emotional aspects of neighborhood Open Space and the attitude of people for community participation in managing the Open Space, as well as development of a framework for community participation by integrating the social, psychological and spatial attributes. The key interlinked parameters examined are: Place Use (Functional content), Place Quality (Spatial content), Place Attachment (Emotional content), Place Management (Environmental Behavior) and Levels of Participation. The book presents both qualitative studies and quantitative methods and techniques of analyzing the social and spatial parameters. Mohapatra shows how her work can be applied to formulate environmental management strategies, and location-specific issues and complexities in the people-park relationship can be addressed. Suggestions and recommendations based on the findings for effective planning and sustainable management of neighborhood open space are presented.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond the UN Global Compact: Institutions and regulations
This book offers African, Asian, Latin American, European, and North American perspectives on institutions and regulations promoting sustainable economic growth in the post-2015 development agenda in areas such as environment, labour, risk management, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, and innovation. The chapters address sustainability issues at the firm, national, regional and international levels from a multidisciplinary perspective. The chapters of this volume address the challenge of enhancing economic competitiveness of the supply side economies while pushing a sustainable development agenda. This work addresses the existing inequalities, environmental degradation, and economic/financial instability under current dynamics of international and domestic power relations in order to meet the set objectives for the post-2015 era. This volume advances the perspectives on the non-compulsory alternative to markets regulations, the United Nations Global Compact, explored in the previous volume 'The UN Global Compact: Fair Competition and Environmental and Labour Justice in International Markets' vol. 16.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mastering Digital Transformation: Towards a Smarter Society, Economy, City and Nation
The information and communication technology revolution offers the promise of transforming economies and societies, and the risks of missing on a powerful techno-economic revolution and wasting scarce resources without much developmental impact. Some countries have mastered the process of digital transformation, and continue to realize substantial economic benefits. Others made substantial investments in the ICT infrastructure, with marginal impact. What makes for these differences among countries? Nagy Hanna presents a systematic approach to integrate ICT into development policies and programs across sectors of economy and society. This book bridges the current disconnect between the ICT specialists and their development counterparts in various sectors so as to harness the ongoing ICT revolution to maximize development impact and minimize downside risks. Posing a holistic and strategic framework that draws on lessons learned across all sectors to guide national leaders and development practitioners interested in moving from vision to action, it is an important work for researchers and students of ICT who aim to pursue innovative, inclusive and sustainable development paradigms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainability after Rio
It is now 20 years since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, better known as the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro. An important achievement of the conference was an agreement on the Climate Change Convention which in turn led to the Kyoto Protocol. Another was agreement to 'not carry out any activities on the lands of indigenous peoples that would cause environmental degradation or that would be culturally inappropriate'. Recently we have seen an updated and revised conference in Rio where the same issues were again discussed. Since then ideas about sustainability have changed considerably and to some extent they have merged with ideas about corporate social responsibility and about governance, determined by the economic and political fortunes of the actors involved. It is now time therefore to re-examine the concept of sustainability in the aftermath of this conference and to consider what issues are now considered pertinent around the world. This book therefore takes different positions concerning different aspects of this vital topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Foundations of Inclusive Education Research
This volume focuses on inquiry into inclusive education from the perspective of scholarly influences in the field of practice and research. A group of key international researchers in the field of inclusive education have each contributed a chapter about a piece of scholarship they believe has influenced inquiry in the field, as a whole.
Emerald Publishing Limited 50 Years after Deinstitutionalization: Mental Illness in Contemporary Communities
Throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s, a revolution in mental health policy and practice known as deinstitutionalization occurred in Europe and the US. This movement was catalyzed by criticisms of psychiatric institutions and resulted in the release of thousands of people with serious mental illness from long-term care facilities into the community. It is acknowledged that these reforms held great promise, but have had numerous unintended negative consequences. Moreover, deinstitutionalization has strained the resources and reach of community-based mental health treatment systems, spilling into other institutions such as criminal justice and education. Volume 17 of Advances in Medical Sociology will examine deinstitutionalization’s legacies approximately 50 years after reintegration began, turning a critical lens toward contemporary problems and solutions related to mental illness in countries where reform occurred. This volume will highlight pressing issues around mental health treatment, social and health policy, and the lived experiences of people and families coping with mental illness that were or continue to be significantly influenced by deinstitutionalization reforms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Resource Allocation Problems in Supply Chains
Resource Allocation (RA) involves the distribution and utilization of available resources in the system. Because resource availability is usually scarce and expensive, it becomes important to find optimal solutions to such problems. Thus RA problems represent an important class of problems faced by mathematical programmers. This book focuses on development of models and heuristics for six new and complex sub-classes of RA problems in Supply Chain (SC) networks, focusing on bi-objectives, dynamic input data, and multiple performance measures based allocation and integrated allocation, and routing with complex constraints. It considers six set of variants of the RA problems normally encountered in practice but have not yet been studied. These variants of the classical RA are complex and pertaining to both manufacturing and service industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Measurement of Poverty, Deprivation, and Social Exclusion
The papers in Measurement of Poverty, Deprivation, and Social Exclusion represent the most current research on poverty, deprivation, and income mobility. They illustrate the multidimensionality of poverty that is difficult to capture in any one measure. The volume presents state-of-the-art research that is relevant to poverty academics globally. The papers use a variety of methods that measure the persistence of poverty over time and cover numerous countries and circumstances. A selection of papers focus on single countries while others include comparisons of countries. The volume begins with a set of papers that examine particular groups that are most vulnerable to poverty and deprivation in a variety of places. These include measuring the persistence of poverty of immigrant children in Scandinavian countries. Finally the volume concludes with papers that analyze the relationships of two or more measures together to further elucidate what we know if we have only one measure of poverty.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Corporate Governance
Advances in Financial Economics, volume 18, will present research on corporate governance both in the US and globally. Papers will deal with the role played by boards of directors, internal organization design and governance mechanisms, franchise agreements, the effect of regulation and policy, the market for corporate control, and strategic alliances. The volume will aim at providing a deeper understanding of corporate governance practices, trends, innovations and challenges using international data.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism in Russia: A Management Handbook
Russia, the largest country in the world, has untapped tourism potential. Historic and cultural resources, natural attractions, and business opportunities attract a growing number of visitors to this fast-growing country. The book will appeal to a broad base of students, professors, and practitioners. It addresses tourism as a system, provides essentials of management and marketing, discusses tourism planning and impact management, and proposes strategies and recommendations to improve Russia as an international destination. It is also unique in its approach: it has been written by a group of collaborating authors as part of an EU-funded project that created links between tourism academics from Russia and the European Union. Each chapter was co-written by an international mix of contributors who have worked together on tourism and Russia for two years. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. It reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Emerald Publishing Limited Analytical Gains of Geopolitical Economy
This work advances geopolitical economy as a new approach to understanding the evolution of the capitalist world order and its 21st century form of multipolarity. Neither can be explained by recently dominant approaches such as U.S. hegemony or globalization: they treat the world economy as a seamless whole in which either no state matters or only one does. Today's BRICs and emerging economies are only the latest instances of state-led or combined development. Such development has a long history of repeatedly challenging the unevenness of capitalism and the international division of labour it created. It is this dialectic of uneven and combined development, not markets or imperialism, which has spread productive capacity around the world. It also ensured that the hegemony of the UK would end and attempts to create that of the US would peter out into multipolarity. Part two of this book paves the way, advancing Geopolitical Economy as a new approach to the study of international relations and international political economy. Following on from the theoretical limitations exposed in Part I, in this volume the analytical limitations are explored.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainability Disclosure: State of the Art and New Directions
This volume presents the evolutionary path of Corporate Social Disclosure (CSD), or sustainability disclosure, which is the set of tools and information that companies have to produce in order to be accountable to their stakeholders. Particular emphasis is given to the Integrated Reporting (IR), the most recent proposal about CSD, with the aim to identify key practical implications for companies and present performance measurement and control frameworks. The issues discussed in the book are of interest for both academics and practitioners, involved in researching, designing and managing sustainability performance measurement and communication systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theoretical Engagements in Geopolitical Economy
This work advances geopolitical economy as a new approach to understanding the evolution of the capitalist world order and its 21st century form of multipolarity. Neither can be explained by recently dominant approaches such as 'U.S. hegemony' or 'globalization': they treat the world economy as a seamless whole in which either no state matters or only one does. Today's 'BRICs' and 'emerging economies' are only the latest instances of state-led or combined development. Such development has a long history of repeatedly challenging the unevenness of capitalism and the international division of labour it created. It is this dialectic of uneven and combined development, not markets or imperialism, which has spread productive capacity around the world. It also ensured that the 'hegemony' of the UK would end and attempts to create that of the US would peter out into multipolarity. This two part volume paves the way, advancing Geopolitical Economy as a new approach to the study of international relations and international political economy. They expose the theoretical limitations of the latter in Part I and the analytical limitations in Part II.
Emerald Publishing Limited Discussions on Sensitive Issues
It is important that early educators view sensitive topics not as problems, but as subjects that are part of our global society. Early educators need to engage children in conversations in which to consider and share diverse perspectives. Early educators also should examine their own experiences when addressing these serious issues. This volume contains chapters that invite conversations about sensitive issues to help educators, children and families use real-life experiences to construct knowledge about their world and other people.
Emerald Publishing Limited Accessible Instructional Design
The Advances in Special Education Technology series is designed to focus international attention on applications of technology for individuals with disabilities. Outstanding researchers from around the world will contribute chapters synthesizing the research evidence on specific types of technology applications that improve access, engagement, and learning outcomes of diverse learners. The scope of contributions will cover subfields known as assistive technology, instructional design, instructional technology, online learning, personalized learning, and universal design for learning and will encompass both formal and informal learning settings across the lifespan. Instructional designers often fail to consider issues of accessibility when creating educational materials. As a result, students with disabilities frequently encounter physical, sensory, or cognitive barriers that prevent them from accessing, engaging, and succeeding in learning activities. This volume will examine issues of accessibility and how designers can improve the quality of educational materials by embedding supports that anticipate the special learning needs of diverse learners.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
Advances in Taxation publishes relevant, high-quality manuscripts from around the world addressing problems arising from federal, state, local and international taxation. The series uses a wide variety of research methods, including archival, experimental, survey, qualitative and legal approaches to address the problems and issues associated with taxation. Volume 22 of Advances in Taxation continues this approach to taxation, looking at issues concerning challenges in tax administration, taxpayer decisions, ethical issues in taxation, and college savings plans.
Emerald Publishing Limited Food Security in a Food Abundant World: An Individual Country Perspective
Food insecurity can result from various events. When food is abundant, the entitlement to food is limited by endowments, the ability to trade, and potential transfers from family or the government. This volume utilizes a country and regional perspective to examine food insecurity. We consider the interaction between income and the share of household expenditures on food. The epidemiological risk assessment approach to food security issues is utilized as a function of agricultural and production, food distribution, and health policies. The interdependence of food security and climate change is examined. Overall trends in economic growth and poverty reduction, constraints and bottlenecks in agricultural productivity growth, regional trade agreements, and other influential policies are reviewed and discussed. We also consider food security as related to food consumption patterns and obesity. The role of income diversification as well as the impact of Farmer School Fields on food security are examined. The impact of inheritance and transfer entitlements is examined as we consider the role of remittances as well as 'ganyu' or casual labor in determining food security.
Emerald Publishing Limited Terrorism and Counterterrorism Today
This volume contains chapters dealing with a variety of issues related to terrorism and counterterrorism and the study thereof, especially in relation to crime, criminal justice, law, and social control. The book gathers chapters involving a variety of issues and multiple theoretical approaches and methodological orientations. The topics include, amongst others, lone-wolf terrorism, the policing of terrorism, radicalization, suicide terrorism, torture, and counterterrorism policies. The themes of the book remain timely some 15 years after the events of September 11 2001 as evinced from the manifold continuing terrorism-related issues around the world today. This collection will be useful to students and scholars in sociology, criminology, law, political science, and public policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Thinking in Austrian Political Economy
The theme of this volume is 'New Thinking in Austrian Political Economy'. It includes original research by scholars working within Austrian political economy. The contributors draw on insights from Austrian economics that shed new light on a range of relevant topics including: the role of culture in economic action, the political economy of post-disaster recovery, class structure, decentralized political orders, drones, institutional change, macroeconomics, and superstition and norms. Each chapter discusses the relevance of Austrian political economy for understanding the topic under analysis and discusses areas for future exploration and research. The volume captures the relevance of Austrian political economy for scholarship on a wide array of topics and its potential as an active and open-ended research program. Scholars working in the areas of Austrian economics, heterodox economics, constitutional political economy, cultural studies, political science, public choice, sociology, and public policy will find the volume of interest.
Emerald Publishing Limited The School to Prison Pipeline: The Role of Culture and Discipline in School
This edited volume focuses on the role that school climate and disciplinary practices have on the educational and social experiences of students of color. Drawing from quantitative, qualitative, and theoretical studies, it brings to bear a number of topics such as racialized school experiences; criminology, discursive deviance and punishment and carceral studies; urban studies; school administration and leadership; and, a number of critical theorist frameworks. Practical insights are offered to assist administrators, teachers, school counsellors, and other school and non-school based professionals on how to address not only disparities in school discipline, but also create and promote an inclusive, affirming positive school culture and climate. With applications in disciplinary studies and criminology, leadership studies, critical race theory and other critical frameworks, this volume is a valuable resource advancing new theoretical concepts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Organizational Change and Development
Research in Organizational Change and Development (ROCD) brings forth the latest scholarly work and practice in the fields of organization development and organizational change. The objectives are to highlight the latest advances in thought, ideally supported by research and practice. The series is a resource for scholars who are interested in well-integrated reviews of the literature, advances in research methods, and ideas about practice that open new ways of working with organizations to create more successful and sustainable approaches to change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This series publishes original monograph length conceptual papers, written by exceptional scholars, designed to promote theory and research on cutting edge substantive and methodological issues in the field of human resources management. Volume 33 of Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (RPHRM) contains six papers on salient issues in the field of human resources management, thus continuing in the tradition of the series to develop a more informed understanding of this field. The subject matter in this volume covers myriad areas: employee maintenance, the resignation process, ethics in human resources management, diversity climate, occupational safety, and organizational justice. These papers, written by some of the finest scholars in the field, represent seminal scholarly advances and illustrate the interdisciplinary character of human resources management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leading Small and Mid-Sized Urban School Districts
The majority of the research in the US public education system has been conducted in large urban areas that do not reflect the majority of urban systems. The categorization of the size of districts does not capture the organizational diversity and complexity of school systems, including at-risk students and other demographic variables. The implications are that policy, preparation, research and funding are adversely skewed by an overrepresentation of research in urban districts that do not reflect the majority. This edited collection explores the ways in which small to mid-sized school districts influence leadership preparation, leadership practice, and accountability and assessment. With contributions from respected specialists, the volume addresses topics such as coaching, poverty, leadership preparation programs, accountability and assessment, English Language Learners, district leadership, and organizational learning and trust.
Emerald Publishing Limited Patrimonial Capitalism and Empire
There is today a new interest in empires past and present. Scholars seek fresh ways of understanding a form of power far older than the modern nation state. Others see empire, not long ago assumed to be a mode of governance on the way out, as having a surprising new lease on life, and want to better understand the reasons why. This volume focuses on the interconnected formations of patrimonialism, colonialism/empire and capitalism. Leading scholars analyze patrimonial politics in empires in regions throughout the world, including the United States, Latin America, China, South Africa, North Africa, West Africa, India, Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The articles show that patrimonial practices, which often form the backbone of empire, are present throughout history, including in global capitalist modernity. This volume will appeal to students of politics, and to a multidisciplinary scholarly audience in political sociology; historical social science; history; social theory, and area studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustaining Competitive Advantage via Business Intelligence, Knowledge Management, and System Dynamics
Volume 22 includes two main chapters in both Part A and B. It appears in two parts because all chapters offer great depth in coverage of core issues senior executives must address for long-term survival of the firm: business intelligence, knowledge management, and understanding of the systems dynamics of interfirm behavior. In the first main chapter of Part A Azizah Ahmad demonstrates that high-performing firms must achieve useful on-going business intelligence (BI). Ahmad shows how plans are designed and implemented for viable BI operations. The main contribution of the study is the identification of the firm's internal resources of BI governance that influences successful BI deployment. In the second chapter Md Nuruzzaman shows how country risk, different political actions from the government, and bureaucratic behavior influence the activities in industry supply-chains in emerging markets. The outcomes of the study are useful for various stakeholders of the Bangladeshi RMG industry sector ranging from the government to various private organizations. The applications of this study are extendable through further adaptation in other industries and various geographic contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Elites on Trial
In 2008, the world entered a new period of turmoil. Financial markets collapsed, banks and other financial institutions went in to crisis; credit dried up, consumption reduced and firms started to cut back and reduce investment in the light of uncertainty. Unemployment increased and welfare payments increased. States that borrowed to save their banks and to maintain their spending found the financial markets and the international institutions condemning their profligacy and urging austerity policies. This book is concerned with what happens when elites are challenged by such a crisis; in our terms, elites are 'on trial' firstly for their role in the past and shaping the context for the crisis, secondly in terms of how they responded to the crisis and finally in terms of what role they are playing in the aftermath. Can they reestablish their legitimacy or will they fail this trial and find themselves replaced by other groups with different objectives? This collection draws together a variety of studies and approaches to these issues from a group of international authors which helps us understand 'elites on trial' in the contemporary period.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles across a broad spectrum of current topics in the field of management accounting, using a variety of research methods including survey research, field tests, corporate case studies and modeling. Volume 25 exemplifies the broad scope of Advances in Management Accounting, examining a number of key areas in management accounting.