Search results for ""Author City"
Canongate Books The Story of Looking
In The Story of Looking, Mark Cousins takes us on a lightning-bright tour - in words and images - through how our looking selves develop over the course of a lifetime, and the ways that looking has changed over the centuries. From great works of art to holiday photos, from cityscapes to cinema, through science and history, protest and propaganda, and the refusal to look, this book illuminates how we construct as well as receive the things we see.
Amberley Publishing Lichfield A Potted History
An accessible history of Lichfield from prehistory to the present day highlighting the cityâs significant events and people.
Profile Books Ltd The Brompton: Engineering for Change
A TIMES BEST BUSINESS BOOK OF 2022 SHORTLISTED FOR A BUSINESS BOOK AWARD 'A gripping story about a great British brand' Jeremy Vine Lightweight, compact, and now, electric: the cityscape has been forever changed by the addition of the Brompton bike, with its distinctive style and clever folding design. For over forty years, the Brompton's modular design has remained virtually unchanged. It has stood not only the test of time but every financial crash since 1976, Brexit, and COVID-19, not to mention every other risk which any business faces. Where, then, did this ingenious feat of engineering come from? Who were the minds behind it? And how did a small company grow to become one of the biggest cycling brand names in the world? This is not only the first look behind the scenes at Brompton Bicycle Ltd, but a masterclass in entrepreneurship, manufacturing, and scaling a business.
Wave Books Giant Moth Perishes
With exquisite detail and humble sensibilities, Geoffrey Nutter’s sixth collection of poetry offers myriad delights in language and the imagination. In cityscapes, nature, books, and color, we find respite in the complexities of the commonplace—from clocks to teardrops to moths. The poems in Giant Moth Perishes teach us how to live in the world with curious attention. And at the heart of this daydreaming is a spectacular earnestness, firmly embedded in the idea that the landscape of poetry is limitless and wild.
Little, Brown & Company Bungo Stray Dogs Dead Apple Vol. 4
High above the streets of Yokohama, Chuuya unleashes his Corruption to face off against Shibusawa, now transformed into a dragon. The clash of skills unleashes a singularityone that threatens to envelop the entire planet. Faced with a potential apocalypse, Atsushi, Akutagawa, and Kyouka join the final battle to save the cityand the world. Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple comes to a magnificent conclusion in this final volume! past
Farrar, Straus and Giroux Poet in New York Bilingual Edition FSG Classics
Timed to coincide with the citywide celebration of Garcia Lorca in New York planned for 2013, this edition includes Garcia Lorca's letters to his family describing his feelings about America and his temporary home there, the annotated photographs that accompany those letters, a prose poem, notes, and an interpretive lecture by Garcia himself.
Amberley Publishing Cork A Potted History
An accessible history of Cork from its beginnings to the present day, following a walking trail highlighting the cityâs significant events and people.
Gingerbread House Portrait of the Son: A Tale of Love
Here is a Christian allegorical story that treats of superlatives. The richest man in the world, with the most varied and treasured art collection in existence, begets the most wonderful son who, like himself, loves and appreciates every creation they possess. They relish entering the very worlds of their seascapes, landscapes, cityscapes and even abstract forms, but, most of al, they cherish their portraits, sharing in the very lives of their subjects. Under the father’s solicitous eye, and with their motherly estate keeper’s assistance, the exceptional son grows in wisdom and stature, extending his wealth to whomever wants it. What becomes of this son? And what later becomes of the treasures when the father decides to offer his immensely vast collection at auction? What superlative will be the most superlative of all? The man who wins the auction for the Portrait of the Son is in for the surprise of his life, and the would-be bidders witness a miracle of conversion. This is the long-awaited third volume in a trilogy of The Theological Virtues--faith, hope, and love--which began with THE WEIGHT OF A MASS, A Tale of Faith, and TAKE IT TO THE QUEEN, A Tale of Hope. Printed on the front and back underflaps are theological insights into the text and art of this story for all ages, for the true protagonists are the Persons of the Holy Trinity, the seen and unseen world of Creation, and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker: Surviving the Great Fire of London
Hazel Forsyth delvesin to never-before-studied primary sources to shed light on thedramatic aftermath of the disaster and reveal the very personalstories of the people who pieced their lives together in its wake. Bydocumenting the tradesmen, from apothecaries and chandlers toshoemakers and watchmakers, Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Makertells a story of loss and resilience and illuminates how the citywe know today rose from the ashes. Beautifully illustrated withexquisite fabrics, candle snuffers and other fascinating imagesassociated with the trades of the time, we are treated to a visualfeast, an evocative reminder of life before and after the Great Fire.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd With Paulus at Stalingrad
'Through his daily involvement with them, Wilhelm Adam is able to perfectly describe the characters involved, the tensions and despair amongst them and the pressure Paulus and his staff found themselves under as the Soviet pincers closed around the men of the abandoned 6th Army. The reader is presented with the hopeless situation faced by Paulus and his staff who, aware of the looming disaster from a very early stage are constantly denied the option of a withdrawal by Hitler and left to their catastrophic fate'...Grossdeutschland Aufklrungsgruppe Colonel Wilhelm Adam, senior ADC to General Paulus, commander of the German 6th Army at Stalingrad, wrote a compelling and controversial memoir describing the German defeat, his time as a prisoner of war with Paulus, and his conversion to communism. Now, for the first time, his German text has been translated into English. His account gives an intimate insight into events at the 6th Army headquarters during the advance to Stalingrad and the protracted and devastating battle for possession of the city.In vivid detail he recalls the sharp personality clashes among the senior commanders and their intense disputes about tactics and strategy, but he also records the ordeal of the German troops trapped in the encirclement and his own role in the fighting. The extraordinary story he tells, fluently translated by Tony Le Tissier, offers a genuinely fresh perspective on the battle, and it reveals much about the prevailing attitudes and tense personal relationships of the commanders at Stalingrad and at Hitlers headquarters.
Harvard University Press One-Way Street
One-Way Street is a thoroughfare unlike anything else in literature—by turns exhilarating and bewildering, requiring mental agility and a special kind of urban literacy. Presented here in a new edition with expanded notes, this genre-defying meditation on the semiotics of late-1920s Weimar culture offers a fresh opportunity to encounter Walter Benjamin at his most virtuosic and experimental, writing in a vein that anticipates later masterpieces such as “On the Concept of History” and The Arcades Project.Composed of sixty short prose pieces that vary wildly in style and theme, One-Way Street evokes a dense cityscape of shops, cafes, and apartments, alive with the hubbub of social interactions and papered over with public inscriptions of all kinds: advertisements, signs, posters, slogans. Benjamin avoids all semblance of linear narrative, enticing readers with a seemingly random sequence of aphorisms, reminiscences, jokes, off-the-cuff observations, dreamlike fantasias, serious philosophical inquiries, apparently unserious philosophical parodies, and trenchant political commentaries. Providing remarkable insight into the occluded meanings of everyday things, Benjamin time and again proves himself the unrivalled interpreter of what he called “the soul of the commodity.”Despite the diversity of its individual sections, Benjamin’s text is far from formless. Drawing on the avant-garde aesthetics of Dada, Constructivism, and Surrealism, its unusual construction implies a practice of reading that cannot be reduced to simple formulas. Still refractory, still radical, One-Way Street is a work in perpetual progress.
Chronicle Books Think Small: The Tiniest Art in the World
From the astounding to the downright unbelievable, this little volume of mind-blowingly tiny artworks showcases the talents of 24 artists from around the globe. Makers, crafters, art enthusiasts, and fans of tiny works will delight in this homage to all things infinitesimally small. Replete with more than 200 images of miniature masterpieces— including intricately carved pencil leads, fantastical dioramas floating in test tubes, ceramic vases smaller than a sixsided die, crystal cityscape shells designed for hermit crabs, and more—Think Small is sure to make a big impression.
Five Continents Editions Invisible
"Photography should not reproduce the visible; it should make the invisible visible.” - Franco Fontana Italian photographer Franco Fontana (b.1933), a pioneer of colour photography, is best known for his boldly coloured abstract landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes. This book features previously unpublished and experimental images from his archive alongside some of his best-known works. Over the 60 years of his career, Franco Fontana photographed that which cannot be seen, and was able to capture images abstracted from reality, independent of the subject portrayed. This meticulously compiled volume is dedicated to those who are approaching this artist’s practice for the first time, as well as to those who wish to go deeper into his work by exploring these previously invisible spaces which the sensitive eye of the photographer has glimpsed and translated into a unique and unprecedented image. Text in French.
Oxbow Books Interpreting Transformations of People and Landscapes in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Archaeological Approaches and Issues
In this volume of papers, deriving from two conferences held in Rome and Leicester in 2016, nineteen leading European archaeologists discuss and interpret the complex evolution of landscapes – both urban and rural – across Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (c. AD 300–700). The geographical coverage extends from Italy to the Mediterranean West through to the Rhine frontier and onto Hadrian’s Wall. Core are questions of impacts due to the socio-political, religious, military and economic transformations affecting provinces, territories and kingdoms across these often turbulent centuries: how did townscapes change and at what rate? What were the fates of villas? When do post-classical landscapes emerge and in what form? To what degree did Europe become an insecure, defended landscape? In what ways did people – cityfolk, farmers, nobility, churchmen, merchants – adapt? Do the elite remain visible and how prominent is the Church? Where and how do we see culture change through the arrival of new groups or new ideas? Do burials form a clear guide to the changing world? And how did the environment change in this period of stress – was the classical period landscape much altered through the attested depopulation and economic deterioration? And underlying much of the discussion is a consideration of the nature and quality of our source material: how good is the archaeology of these periods and how good is our current reading of the materials available? Combined, these expert studies offer valuable new analyses of people and places in a complex, challenging and crucial period in European history.
Harvard University Press The Inman Diary: A Public and Private Confession
Between 1919 and his death by suicide in 1963, Arthur Crew Inman wrote what is surely one of the fullest diaries ever kept by any American. Convinced that his bid for immortality required complete candor, he held nothing back. This abridgment of the original 155 volumes is at once autobiography, social chronicle, and an apologia addressed to unborn readers.Into this fascinating record Inman poured memories of a privileged Atlanta childhood, disastrous prep-school years, a nervous collapse in college followed by a bizarre life of self-diagnosed invalidism. Confined to a darkened room in his Boston apartment, he lived vicariously: through newspaper advertisements he hired “talkers” to tell him the stories of their lives, and he wove their strange histories into the diary. Young women in particular fascinated him. He studied their moods, bought them clothes, fondled them, and counseled them on their love affairs. His marriage in 1923 to Evelyn Yates, the heroine of the diary, survived a series of melodramatic episodes. While reflecting on national politics, waifs and revolutions, Inman speaks directly about his fears, compulsions, fantasies, and nightmares, coaxing the reader into intimacy with him. Despite his shocking self-disclosures he emerges as an oddly impressive figure.This compelling work is many things: a case history of a deeply troubled man; the story of a transplanted and self-conscious southerner; a historical overview of Boston illuminated with striking cityscapes; an odd sort of American social history. But chiefly it is, as Inman himself came to see, a gigantic nonfiction novel, a new literary form. As it moves inexorably toward a powerful denouement, The Inman Diary is an addictive narrative.
National Geographic Maps Prague
CityDestinationMaps blend urban guidebook information with easy to read street maps, complete with 3D buildings. The maps are printed on waterproof, tear-resistant material that's lightweight yet very durable - idea for travel. Double-sided with beautiful photos and detailed travel information, this Prague map includes an inset map of the castle district, Charles bridge, Prague region and metro lines. An extensive index and information about points of interest in Prague is also featured.
Princeton University Press The Poetess Counts to 100 and Bows Out: Selected Poems by Ana Enriqueta Terán
Ana Enriqueta Teran is arguably Venezuela's finest poet. Celebrated throughout the Spanish-speaking world, she is almost unknown among anglophones. Until now only a handful of her poems have been translated into English, giving at best a diluted impression of a uniquely intense imagination. This bilingual edition reveals the power and beauty of this poet's Spanish poems through English versions of corresponding force. It invites readers to enter Teran's world--a world at once strongly Venezuelan and universally human, imbued with great beauty, sardonic humor, pitiless compassion, lucid wisdom, and joyful affirmation. Selected from several volumes of Teran's work, these poems span half a century of composition and show an extraordinary range in both form and substance. Some are written in closed forms, some in free verse. Some are carefully evocative representations of the landscapes and cityscapes that have nourished the poet's intelligence and imagination. Others are dramatic character studies. All are infused with Teran's rare sensibility and realized through language that manages to be at once graceful, urgent, and explosive. This volume is a treasure for all lovers of poetry. Deal Struck with Happiness How much sweetness to make right the night and this clutch of anemones near thin smooth consoling stones, stones havens of southern weather. Of a woman who watches Cepheids quaver among lightbursting mangroves. Of a woman who offers cats-eyes and clematis only, Islands, for the sake of setting right her deal struck with happiness.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Taschen nähen für Dummies
16 Taschenmodelle für jede Gelegenheit zum Selbstnähen Taschen sind nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch ein Accessoire und modisches Statement. Da ist es von Vorteil, wenn man sich seine Taschen nach den eigenen Wünschen nähen kann. Petra Daniels zeigt Ihnen zuerst Schritt für Schritt die Basistechniken und erläutert das wichtigste Zubehör. Das Erlernte können Sie dann gleich an einer Henkeltasche mit einfachem Schnitt ausprobieren oder als Fortgeschrittene zu Projekten mit höherem Schwierigkeitsgrad übergehen. Bei den vielen Taschenmodellen ist für jeden Anlass etwas dabei: Von der legeren Schultertasche über die modische Clutch und den prak - tischen Cityshopper bis zur eleganten Abendtasche – hier bleiben keine Wünsche offen.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Gone Tomorrow: (Jack Reacher 13)
Featuring Jack Reacher, hero of the new blockbuster movie starring Tom Cruise, as he faces his most implacable enemy yet.Suicide bombers are easy to spot.They give out all kinds of tell-tale signs.There are twelve things to look for.No one who has worked in law enforcement will ever forget them.New York City.The subway, two o'clock in the morning.Jack Reacher studies his fellow passengers.Four are OK.The fifth isn't.The train brakes for Grand Central Station.Will Reacher intervene, and save lives?Or is he wrong?Will his intervention cost lives - including his own?
Running Press,U.S. Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms Poster Book
Teleport yourself to the Forgotten Realms of Dungeons & Dragons with these licensed art posters!* OFFICIALLY LICENSED: An authentic Dungeons & Dragons product* HIGH QUALITY POSTERS: Gorgeous 8x10-inch full-color posters featuring 12 cityscapes from the Forgotten Realms * READY TO HANG: Easy removable sheets come ready to hang in your home, office, or anywhere* PERFECT GIFT FOR THE D&D FAN: Share and show-off your love for Dungeons & Dragons with these unique postersDungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and the dragon ampersand, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. 2022 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved.
WW Norton & Co 25 Bicycle Tours in Savannah and the Carolina Low Country: From Hilton Head to the Okefenokee
Giant oaks draped with Spanish moss, wrought-iron-clad mansions, lush plantations, vistas of marsh and ocean, and miles and miles of flat, well-kept roadwayall combine to make the coastal lowlands of Georgia and South Carolina one of the best bicycle-touring spots in the nation. Jane and Buddy Kahn guide cyclists through the region's most rewarding land- and cityscapes. Visit Savannah's graceful squares; the mysterious Okefenokee Swamp; the sunny Golden Isles of Georgia; and the Carolina Low Country, rich with history and warm with hospitality. For this new second edition the Kahns have added one bonus tour, for a total of 26. Tours range in length from 6 to 60 miles, offering something for cyclists of all abilities. Each tour includes a detailed map, mile-by-mile directions, and information on natural and historic points of interest you'll see along the way. 3 new tours in this edition. 25 black and white photographs 26 maps. The first edition of this book was titled 25 Bicycle Tours in Coastal Georgia and the Carolina Low Country.
Hatje Cantz Rainer Fetting: Blumen &
Rainer Fetting achieved international recognition with the “New Wild Ones” in the early 1980s. With its elements of Expressionist painting, his art formed in opposition to the conventions of Abstract and Conceptual Art toward the end of the 1970s is highly topical again today. Fetting’s painting is a significant precursor for the “queer” discourses on gender, identity, the individual, and power that not only shape the works of younger generations in our globalized art world but also current mainstream debates. His “expressive” portraits, cityscapes, and landscapes as well as the still lifes and flower paintings on which this publication focuses capture psychosocial energies that are evident in every painterly decision he makes. Works from four decades are presented here, some of them unpublished, early drawn studies and paintings from the time Fetting was commuting between New York and Berlin the 1980s and 1990s in addition to recent paintings, works on paper, and sculptures. The illustrated book is published in conjunction with the exhibition in the spaces of the Miettinen Collection in Berlin.
Rizzoli International Publications Prospect.5 New Orleans: Yesterday we said tomorrow
Prospect New Orleans is a citywide contemporary art triennial that was conceived in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Emphasising collaborative partnerships and site-specificity, Prospect presents artwork by local, national, and international artists in both traditional and highly unexpected environments. In the third iteration of this major exhibition, star curators Naima Keith and Diana Nawi bring together 51 artists to engage New Orleans as context as they reconsider the concept of history, both global and local. Through many artistic strategies, architectural interventions, and public activations, the exhibition explores current social and political conditions that ask for a reconsideration of the past. The accompanying catalogue a rich collection of contributions from curators, poets, artists, and cultural critics considers several key themes that animate the ambitious artist projects: landscape and the natural world; history and haunting; ritual and performance; intimacy, life, and death.
University of Illinois Press Aesthetics and Technology in Building: The Twenty-First-Century Edition
The UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The Pirelli skyscraper in Milan. The Palazetto dello Sport in Rome. The "soaring beauty" of Pier Luigi Nervi's visionary designs and buildings changed cityscapes in the twentieth century. His uncanny ingenuity with reinforced concrete, combined with a gift for practical problem solving, revolutionized the use of open internal space in structures like arenas and concert halls. Aesthetics and Technology in Building: The Twenty-First-Century Edition introduces Nervi's ideas about architecture and engineering to a new generation of students and admirers. More than 200 photographs, details, drawings, and plans show how Nervi put his ideas into practice. Expanding on the seminal 1961 Norton Lectures at Harvard, Nervi analyzes various functional and construction problems. He also explains how precast and cast-in-place concrete can answer demands for economy, technical and functional soundness, and aesthetic perfection. Throughout, he uses his major projects to show how these now-iconic buildings emerged from structural truths and far-sighted construction processes. This new edition features dozens of added images, a new introduction, and essays by Joseph Abram, Roberto Einaudi, Alberto Bologna, Gabriele Neri, and Hans-Christian Schink on Nervi's life, work, and legacy.
Nightboat Books SPEECH
Comfortable neither with the self who is made entirely through autonomy or genealogy, SPEECH tracks the western-world idea of freedom, asking whether the person who believes they can say and write whatever they want is more free or less aware of the nature of free speech as a right everywhere. Formally, SPEECH invokes the action of walking and weaving: enjambed lines that accrue, building pages vertically through repetition of sound, syntax, and metrical patterning. In the book, a woman walks, threading her way through a cityscape that overlays west and east, here and there, past and present, self and other, creating a place and person neither and both.
Graphic Arts Books Oregon: Portrait of a State
The diversity of ocean beaches and high desert, majestic mountains and lush valleys, and---of course, the scenic Columbia River Gorge are what makes Oregon both unique and beloved. Rich Schafer's magnificent images convey familiar scenes and evocative places from all across the Beaver State, including the undulating wheat fields of Central Oregon, the crystallline blue waters of Crater Lake National Park, colorful expanses of wildflowers in the Cascade Range, and the dramatic beauty of Multnomah Falls. From Cannon Beach to the Wallowa Mountains, from the hillside orchards of the Hood River Valley to the volcanic monoliths along the Oregon coast, from Portland and Eugene's cityscapes to Eastern Oregon's isolated grandeur, the splendor of this state is captured in this inspiring book.
Bradt Travel Guides Venezuela The Bradt Travel Guide Bradt Travel Guides
IntroductionPart One: General InformationBackground InformationGeography, Climate, Fauna and flora, History, Government and politics, Economy, The people, Language, Religion, Education, Culture, Sport, Natural historyPractical InformationWhen to visit, Highlights and itineraries, Tour operators, Red tape, Embassies and consulates, Getting there and away, Health, Safety, What to take, Money and budgeting, Getting around, Accommodation, Eating and drinking, Public holidays and festivals, Shopping, Arts and entertainment, Photography, Media and communications, Solo traveller's, Business, Cultural dos and don'ts, Giving something backNational parksEnvironmental NGOs, Birding and special interest sportsPart Two: The GuideCaracasMaiquetía airport, Getting around, Exploring Caracas by metro, Where to stay, Where to eat, What to do, Shopping, Money, Security, Communications, Visiting El Avila mountain, Beyond the cityCentral Coast and Colonia TovarThe central coast, La Guaira, historic port, M
Hirmer Verlag New York 60s
Born in Munich, Sepp Werkmeister has over the course of the last decades made a name for himself as one of Germany’s leading jazz photographers. He created insightful black-and-white portraits of all of the greats, from Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald to Oscar Peterson and Miles Davis in Munich, New York and at international festivals. His New York cityscapes of the 1960s and 1970s, which provide fascinating insights into the everyday life of the American metropolis, have remained entirely unknown, however. Werkmeister captured the entire panorama of New York’s urban society using his Rolleiflex camera: the rubbish, the stranded and the homeless on the one hand, and the rich and fashionably dressed inhabitants on the other hand. This publication presents more than 120 pictures from the photographer’s archive.
Skira China: Travels Between the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers
Poetic photographs of landscapes, cityscapes, monuments and ruins together with a great diversity of people and costumes offer the reader a compelling insight into this fascinating country. A visual travelogue and a cultural portrait of a changing China. Features Beijing, Shanghai, the Yangtse River, Dali, Shangri-la, Sechuaun, Leshan and the Yellow River.
Rowman & Littlefield Essential Survival Gear: A Pro’s Guide to Your Most Practical and Portable Survival Kit
Disasters strike every day, but despite the best laid plans you may find yourself in one with only the clothes on your back and without a well packed first-aid kit. In Essential Survival Gear, J. Morgan Ayres explains in detail what you need to have when a dire emergency occurs, wherever you are, whoever you are. Ayres—a former Green Beret, martial arts master, and wilderness and urban survivalist—explains his four-layer concept (clothing, day bag, backpack, basic equipment and luxuries) and profiles and provides photos of a broad range of gear, with recommendations on what works best in what scenario—from cityscapes to wilderness and everywhere in between—and how to use it.
Rowman & Littlefield Japan's Past, Japan's Future: One Historian's Odyssey
'Win or lose— What matter? We fight for freedom of spirit.' Thus writes Ienaga Saburo, preeminent Japanese historian and courageous plaintiff in three lawsuits (1965D1997) against the government seeking to end Ministry of Education OcertificationO of textbooks, which even today constrains discussion of Japan's actions in China and elsewhere in the Pacific. The cases arose specifically from government censorship of Ienaga's forthright textbook accounts of the Pacific War and of such controversial events as the Nanjing massacre. The questions he has forced into the public arena are central both to the nature of Japanese democracy and to issues of war and memory. They have shaped Japanese politics and frictions with its Asian neighbors and with the United States for half a century. Spanning Japan's watershed twentieth century, this compelling autobiography traces Ienaga's childhood, education, wartime experience, academic career, and the two major battles that occupied his later years. One was the fight against the relocation of Tokyo University of Education to a new Oresearch cityO outside Tokyo; the other was the fight against Ocertification.O Neither battle ended in victory for Ienaga, but as he eloquently expresses in the short poem above, defeat did not make them any less worth fighting. Minear provides a masterly introduction of the man and his times and brings the story to the present with excerpts from Ienaga's court testimony and recent interviews. Illustrated with photos and textbook extracts, this volume brings to life the experience and intellectual odyssey of one of the leading shapers of contemporary Japan. It will be widely read and used by Japan specialists as well as all scholars and general readers concerned with issues of academic freedom and war and peace.
WW Norton & Co 25 Mountain Bike Tours in the Hudson Valley
Few areas have more to offer the mountain biker than the Hudson Valley, with its scenic beauty, intriguing history, and abundance of trails, organizations, and facilities created expressly for fat tire devotees. Kick's selection of 25 tours is as diverse as their settings. They range from Lake George to Yonkers, from family outings to challenging peak climbs, from rail trails to canal towpaths to heritage bikeways. Each tour description includes complete directions, a comprehensive map, a list of bike shops nearby, and a wealth of details about the land and cityscapes. Written with sensitivity to the Hudson Valley's tradition of outdoor stewardship, 25 Mountain Bike Tours in the Hudson Valley will tell you how and where to get the most from your mountain bikeall closer to home than you may think. 26 maps, appendix.
Terra Uitgeverij Casper Faassen
“With his technique, Casper refers to the theme ‘Vanitas’ that was often used in 17th-century painting: symbols that represent the transience of earthly existence. This places Casper in a long line of painters who have passed on inspiration from one generation to the next.” —Meta Knol, director Museum De Lakenhal Beauty is central to the artworks of Dutch visual artist Casper Faassen. He has developed a unique visual language through the combination of photography, paint, and the application of craquelure to his canvases. He builds them up from multiple transparent layers, creating a distance between subject and viewer, highlighting the contrast between beauty and apparent decay. This first overview of his photographic work includes his Asia series, dancers from the Dutch National Ballet series, cityscapes, and still lifes in the style of Morandi.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Small things: A novel
In this haunting tale of love and learning, the existential chaos of a life ravaged by circumstance takes on a rhythm of its own, one bound by loss and loneliness, but also an intelligent awareness of self. Sometimes melancholy, sometimes brutal, occasionally funny and infuriating, a journalist-comrade-lover caught up in the shade and shadow of politics and social injustice faces treachery and betrayal on every level. Set against the backdrop of a cityscape that taunts and tantalises, this is where love fails and passion wanes, “where suffering has no meaning”, where an individual escapes death only to find himself confronted with choices wrought by remorse and retribution, by conscience and character. And yet, with all trauma, there is a distinct musicality to the lyrical unpacking that follows a string of small things …
Xarpa Books Jadezko dragoia
Kaixo!Txano dut izena, eta anaia biki bat dut: Oscar.Badakizu non hasten den istorio hau?Txinako urrutiko monasterio batean. Han, jadezko dragoi bitxi batek eta hari buruzko kondairak mendeak zeramatzaten soto ilun batean ahaztuta.Behin, lurrikara gogor batek astindu zuen Txinako inguru hura, eta erreskate-taldekoak monasteriora iritsi zirenean, osorik aurkitu zuten, mirariz, dragoia.Patuak hala nahita, Twin Cityra iritsi zen halako batean dragoia, eta guk, nahi gabe, 800 urteko misterio baten erdian aurkitu genuen geure burua.Abentura hau bizitzera gurekin etorri nahi?
New Directions Publishing Corporation Simple Eyes & Other Poems
The running theme in Michael McClure’s Simple Eyes & Other Poems is: looking at the world directly. The results are often as disquieting as they are illuminating, whether he directs his unblinking gaze on the American cityscape, the landscapes of Mexico and Kenya, or the mind’s own terrain. In the long title poem, “Simple Eyes (Fields),” the stanzas on the Persian Gulf War bloom out of images of all wars the poet has known––”the spiritual wars, the napalm and cordite and nuclear wars, and the war against nature”––and become a kind of spiritual autobiography. At the heart of the poetry is McClure’s return to the ancient concept of agnosia, the idea of knowing through unknowing, as a way of living in desperate times, in which deep human or humane feelings have almost become outlaw. Simple Eyes is an outspoken poet’s statement, unsentimental, yet with mind and eye quickened by love.
PublicAffairs,U.S. Home Now: How 6000 Refugees Transformed an American Town
Over the past 15 years, the town of Lewiston, Maine-once a booming mill town that had fallen on harder times - has improbably become one of the most Islamic towns in America. Some 6000 Somali immigrants have settled there, drastically changing the makeup of a town of 36,000 people in total. Lewiston now has the third highest per capita Muslim population of any U.S. cityCynthia Anderson tells the story of this fractious yet resilient town and how it is thriving in a new era. With empathy and honesty, she delivers a dramatic portrait of a community grappling with change, while humanising one of the most defining political issues in America today. Her reporting takes the reader deep into the lives of both immigrants and lifelong Mainers to tell the story of America's relationship to Islam, and deliver an honest refutation of the idea that we'd be better off without change.Read more
University of Regina Press Concrete
A fascinating history of the carbon footprint of our concrete world—from ancient Roman architecture to urban cityscapes—and the trouble it spells for sustainability amidst rapid climate change. For readers of The Sixth Extinction and The Uninhabitable Earth , Concrete explores the history of a material that has been central to architecture and design for thousands of years—and what its future looks like in a world experiencing rapid climate change. Imagine a world without concrete: there'd be no skyscrapers, no grand irrigation projects, no out of season vegetables, no highways. There would be a shortage of electricity, more mud in some places, more solitude in others. But because of the fossil fuels and other resources required to make concrete, there also would also be less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and less dramatic climate change. In Concrete: From Ancient Origins to a Problematic Future , Mary Soderstrom tells the story of concrete's surprising past, ext
Octopus Publishing Group Landscape Photographer of the Year: Collection 16
'See the UK at its most earth-shatteringly beautiful' The Mail on Sunday'Britain at its best' The Telegraph Foreword by Ray MearsFrom rural countryside to striking urban cityscapes, discover the best of British landscapes from the latest edition of the Landscape Photography of the Year competition. Now in its 15th year, this highly prestigious annual showcase was devised by award-winning photographer, Charlie Waite, and attracts thousands of visitors each year to its Central London exhibition. This edition features winning and highly commended entries across a range of categories.'From rolling hills to electrifying night skies, the Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards celebrate extraordinary urban, rural and coastal scenes from around the UK.' The Sunday Times'If you needed any convincing how beautiful this country can be, take a look at the winners of the annual Landscape Photographer of the Year awards' Time Out
Monacelli Press The Authentic Garden: Naturalistic and Contemporary Landscape Design
A survey of thirty well-conceived and beautiful contemporary landscapes and gardens in which design is driven first and foremost by ecologically appropriate plant selection. In contemporary American garden design, beauty for beauty’s sake is making a comeback. The sixty gardens featured here trace current planting trends across the country, showcasing the best designs of recent years from the verdant Pacific Northwest to the tailored Eastern Seaboard, as well as prairies in Denver and Texas and exquisitely detailed private gardens in the Southwest that create a sense of lushness even while working exclusively within the vocabulary of cactuses and succulents. Plants are used to reinforce meaningful content, ecological strategies, and, most importantly, to create immersive and emotional experiences. As the movements of architectural, naturalistic, meadow, matrix, graphic, and ecological planting design have been adopted in such notable incarnations as the High Line in New York and Citygarden in St. Louis, they have rekindled interest in using plants that suit a given site’s ecology - and in letting plants, rather than hardscape elements, lead design. Residential as well as public gardens are featured, and all are united by an immediately perceptible, intelligent selection of plants that create an enthralling, memorable, and fitting sense of place: this is what makes a garden truly authentic. Over 250 full-color images reveal gardens created by the top American firms working today, including Andrea Cochran, Jack deLashmet, Doyle Herman, Elysian Landscapes, Gustafson Guthrie Nichol, Hoerr Schaudt, Ron Lutsko, Steve Martino, Nelson Byrd Woltz, Nievera Williams, Oehme van Sweden, OLIN, Raymond Jungles, Christine Ten Eyck, Bernard Trainor, and Michael Vergason, as well as beautiful gems of gardens by lesser known regional firms. Detail as well as overview images of gardens throughout the seasons and abundant plant identifications make this volume a valuable reference for all home gardeners as well as landscape design professionals interested in tracing the themes prevalent in contemporary American gardens.
University of Illinois Press Body and Soul: Jazz and Blues in American Film, 1927-63
The minstrel show and striptease played an indelible role in early mass culture and influenced the popular culture that followed. Peter Stanfield focuses on Hollywood to explore this phenomenon. The movies used blackface minstrelsy to represent an emerging urban American theatrical history while American film at the end of the studio era used the image of the burlesque dancer and stripper to represent urban decay. Stanfield considers the representation of American urban life in jazz, blues, ballads, and sin-songs and the ways film studios exploited this range of so-called scandalous music. Stanfield’s analyses of standards like "Frankie and Johnny” and "St. Louis Blues” stand beside original thinking on blackface minstrelsy in early sound movies, racial representation and censorship, torch singers and torch songs, burlesque and strippers, the noir cityscape, the Hollywood Left, and hot jazz.
Abrams Iggy Peck's Big Project Book for Amazing Architects
Creativity meets curiosity and critical thinking in Iggy Peck’s Big Project Book for Amazing Architects, the new hands-on STEM project book from the #1 New York Times bestselling team behind Iggy Peck, Architect; Rosie Revere, Engineer; and Ada Twist, Scientist. Iggy Peck has one passion: building. His parents are proud of his fabulous creations, though they’re sometimes surprised by his materials—who could forget the tower he built of dirty diapers? This empowering workbook book features art and the characters from the picture book Iggy Peck, Architect, and it will inspire young readers with activities of all kinds.Iggy Peck takes readers through more than forty exciting STEM and design projects, from drafting and doodling to building and blueprints. Aspiring architects and young dreamers will get a sense of the unique mix of science, technology, and art skills used to create lasting structures. Packed with the same quirky humor and gorgeous illustrations that made Iggy Peck, Architect a favorite with kids, parents, and educators, the project book will appeal to fans who crave more from Miss Lila Greer’s clever class. In this interactive activity book, kids will have the chance to: Imagine a brand-new cityscape Invent energy-saving gizmos Design a dwelling on Mars Draw a gargoyle Build a bridge out of marshmallows and spaghetti And much more! Iggy Peck, Rosie Revere, and Ada Twist have earned their places among the most beloved children’s book characters, and they have inspired countless kids and adults to follow their dreams and passions. In Iggy Peck’s Big Project Book for Amazing Architects, the follow-up to Rosie Revere’s Big Project Book for Bold Engineers, kids will continue their STEM education and strengthen their spatial reasoning skills. Old fans and new readers alike will find inspiration and encouragement from everyone’s favorite precocious young architect, Iggy Peck.
Editions du Chene Post Truth: A love letter to Los Angeles through the lens of a pastel postmodernism
George Byrne’s photography depicts the gritty urbanism of Los Angeles in sublime otherworldliness. Arriving a decade ago, the Australian artist was immediately enthralled by the sprawling cityscape of L.A., mesmerised by the way the sunlight transformed it, into two-dimensional, almost painterly abstractions. In his Post Truth series (2015–22), Byrne reassembles his photos of the urban landscape into striking, ascetic collages of colour and geometric fragments, creating a postmodernist oasis in the metropolis. By masterfully harnessing the malleability of the photographic medium, the photographer situates his work in the space between real and imagined. Byrne’s compositions evoke associations with Miami Beach’s Art Deco, the Memphis Group’s designs, as well as the painting of David Hockney or Ed Ruscha, and at the same time tap into the aesthetics of today’s visual culture played out on Instagram.
Otago University Press The Conch Trumpet
Calling to the scattered tribes of contemporary New Zealand, The Conch Trumpet sounds the signal to listen close, critically, and "in alert reverie." David Eggleton’s reach of references, the marriage of high and low, the grasp of popular and classical allusion, his eye both for cultural trash and epiphanic beauty, make it seem as if here Shakespeare shakes down in the Pacific. There are dazzling compressions of history; astonishing paens to harbours, mountains, lakes, and rivers; wrenchingly dark, satirical critiques of contemporary politics, solipsism, narcissism, the apolitical, and the corporate, with a teeming vocabulary to match. And often too a sense of the imperative, grounding reality of the phenomenal world—the thisness of things: cloud whispers brush daylight’s ear, fern question marks form a bush encore, forlorn heat swings cobbed in webs. In this latest collection, David Eggleton is court jester, philosopher, lyricist, and a kind of male Cassandra, roving warningly from primeval swampland to gritty cityscape to the information and disinformation cybercloud.
Lonely Planet Global Limited A Spotters Guide to Film and TV Locations
Discover the ultimate collection of film and TV locations with the next instalment in Lonely Planet's Spotter's Guide series. Featuring locations from more than 100 of the most iconic scenes ever committed to film, we'll show you where incredible moments from Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Thelma & Louise, Game of Thrones and many more favourites were shot. Whether you're sat in the dark of your local cinema, or curled up on the sofa, each film has the rare ability to transport you to amazing destinations around the globe. Inside this book, you'll be able to explore the real-life locations for some of the most famous productions of all time, filmed in countries including Canada, Australia, Jordan, Croatia, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Tunisia and India. Many of these locations effortlessly played themselves, while others were disguised as hostile, alien deserts, futuristic cityscapes, or Jedi hideaways. While a film's job is make you forget you'r
Edinburgh University Press Hong Kong Neo-Noir
The first comprehensive collection on the subject of Hong Kong neo-noir cinemaThe first comprehensive collection on Hong Kong neo-noir cinema, this book examines the way Hong Kong has developed its own unique version of noir since the late 1940s, while drawing upon and enriching global neo-noir cinemas. With a range of contributions from established and emerging scholars, this book illuminates the origins of Hong Kong neo-noir, its styles and contemporary manifestations, and its connection to mainland China before and after the 1997 Handover.Case studies include classics such as 'The Wild, Wild Rose' (1960) and more recent films like 'Full Alert' (1997), 'Exiled' (2007) and 'Shinjuku Incident' (2008). It provides a fresh look at the careers of iconic figures Johnnie To, Jackie Chan and Fruit Chan. By examining the films of emigre Shanghai directors, the cool women killers, the hybrids and noir cityscapes, 'Hong Kong Neo-Noir' explores the complex connections between a vibrant cinema and global noir.ContributorsAdam Bingham, Edge Hill UniversityJinhee Choi, King's College LondonDavid Desser, University of IllinoisKenneth E. Hall, East Tennessee State UniversityLaw Kar, Hong Kong Film ArchiveKwai-Cheung Lo, Hong Kong Baptist UniversityGina Marchetti, University of Hong KongLisa Odham Stokes, Seminole State College in Central FloridaJulian Stringer, University of NottinghamKristof Van den Troost, Chinese University of Hong KongTony Williams, Southern Illinois University, CarbondaleEsther C. M. Yau, University of Hong Kong
Scholastic The Snowman and the Robin (HB & JKT)
A gentle story of winter magic from national treasure Michael Foreman. On a chilly evening in a London park, a plucky little robin strikes up a conversation with a snowman. Together they embark on a night-time adventure exploring the streets of London. From the snowy guards at Buckingham Palace, to the dazzling Christmas lights in Piccadilly Circus, to the majestic London Eye slowly revolving over the Thames, the snowman sees how wonderful the world is - even if he only has a short time to experience it. Michael Foreman OBE has established himself as one of the most beloved picture book creators in the UK over his 60-year career. A stunning hardcover jacketed edition featuring shiny red type on the cover, a gift that lasts a lifetime. The gorgeously painted cityscapes throughout the book capture the magic of London at night. A tale of wintertime wonder and wisdom, perfect for fans of Charles Mackesy, Raymond Briggs, and Chris Van Allsburg!
The University of Chicago Press Terror and Wonder: Architecture in a Tumultuous Age
For nearly twenty years now, Blair Kamin of the Chicago Tribune has explored how architecture captures our imagination and engages our deepest emotions. A winner of the Pulitzer Prize for criticism and writer of the widely read Cityscapes blog, Kamin treats his subjects not only as works of art but also as symbols of the cultural and political forces that inspire them. "Terror and Wonder" gathers the best of Kamin's writings from the past decade along with new reflections on an era framed by the destruction of the World Trade Center and the opening of the world's tallest skyscraper. A prominent cast of players - including Santiago Calatrava, Frank Gehry, Helmut Jahn, Daniel Libeskind, Barack Obama, Renzo Piano, and Donald Trump - fills the pages of this eye-opening look at the astounding and extraordinary ways that architecture mirrors our values - and shapes our everyday lives.