Search results for ""author julia""
Stanford University Press Toward the Critique of Violence: A Critical Edition
Marking the centenary of Walter Benjamin's immensely influential essay, "Toward the Critique of Violence," this critical edition presents readers with an altogether new, fully annotated translation of a work that is widely recognized as a classic of modern political theory. The volume includes twenty-one notes and fragments by Benjamin along with passages from all of the contemporaneous texts to which his essay refers. Readers thus encounter for the first time in English provocative arguments about law and violence advanced by Hermann Cohen, Kurt Hiller, Erich Unger, and Emil Lederer. A new translation of selections from Georges Sorel's Reflections on Violence further illuminates Benjamin's critical program. The volume also includes, for the first time in any language, a bibliography Benjamin drafted for the expansion of the essay and the development of a corresponding philosophy of law. An extensive introduction and afterword provide additional context. With its challenging argument concerning violence, law, and justice—which addresses such topical matters as police violence, the death penalty, and the ambiguous force of religion—Benjamin's work is as important today as it was upon its publication in Weimar Germany a century ago.
Indiana University Press Hölderlin's Hymn "Remembrance"
Martin Heidegger's 1941–1942 lecture course on Friedrich Hölderlin's hymn, "Remembrance," delivered immediately following his confrontation with Nietzsche, lays out a detailed plan for the interpretation of Hölderlin's poetry in which remembrance is a central concern. With its emphasis on the "free use of the national" and the "holy of the fatherland," the course marks an important progression in Heidegger's political thought. In addition to its startlingly innovative analyses of greeting, the festive, and the dream, the text provides Heidegger's fullest elaboration of the structure of commemorative thinking in relationship to time and the possibility of an "other beginning." This English translation by William McNeill and Julia Ireland completes the series of Heidegger's major lecture courses on Hölderlin.
The University of Chicago Press Floridoro: A Chivalric Romance
The first original chivalric poem written by an Italian woman, Floridoro imbues a strong feminist ethos into a hypermasculine genre. Dotted with the usual characteristics—dark forests, illusory palaces, enchanted islands, seductive sorceresses—Floridoro is the story of the two greatest knights of a bygone age: the handsome Floridoro, who risks everything for love, and the beautiful Risamante, who helps women in distress while on a quest for her inheritance. Throughout, Moderata Fonte (1555–92) vehemently defends women’s capacity to rival male prowess in traditionally male-dominated spheres. And her open criticism of women’s lack of education is echoed in the plights of various female characters who must depend on unreliable men. First published in 1581, Floridoro remains a vivacious and inventive narrative by a singular poet.
HarperCollins Publishers Cambridge IGCSE™ English Student’s Book (Collins Cambridge IGCSE™)
The third edition of the Collins Cambridge IGCSE® English Student Book covers in depth every skill and topic in the Cambridge IGCSE® and IGCSE® (9–1) First Language English syllabuses (0500 and 0990), showing students how to make progress. This Student Book supports the syllabuses for first examination in 2020. Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International EducationFirst teaching: September 2018 First examination: June 2020 This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education. Revised and updated to support the 2020 syllabus and examination formats. Show students how to progress with a clear Student Book structure that moves from building key reading, writing and technical skills to applying these skills to specific question types and coursework tasks. Help students to make progress with regular ‘Check your progress’ checklists and annotated sample answers to exemplify how to do well. Prepare students for examination success with sample questions at the end of each chapter and two complete practice papers at the end of the book. Detailed guidance and annotated sample answers in the Teacher Guide help you and your classes to make the most of the practice examination papers in the Student Book. Build confidence in speaking and listening with clear guidance, activities and exemplification of the presentation and discussion tasks. Save time on planning and preparation with expert support from Julia Burchell, an experienced examiner and trainer.
HarperCollins Publishers Cambridge IGCSE™ English Workbook (Collins Cambridge IGCSE™)
This brand-new Workbook helps students to consolidate their learning, with further practice activities and language support to accompany each chapter of the Student Book. This Workbook supports the syllabuses for Cambridge IGCSE® and IGCSE® (9–1) First Language English (0500 and 0990) for first examination in 2020. Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International EducationLevel & Subject: IGCSE First Language English (0500), IGCSE (9–1) First Language English (0990)First teaching: September 2018 First examination: June 2020 This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education. Set homework easily or offer extra support where needed with a clear correspondence between the Workbook and Student Book. Following the skills-building chapter structure of Student Book, the Workbook provides additional practice of the fundamental reading, writing and speaking and listening skills, covering teaching points in more depth and with more scaffolding where appropriate. Practice tasks for all the exam-question styles help students to build their writing stamina and fluency for all the writing forms and purposes required by the syllabus. The write-in format means students can review and revisit their learning, providing a useful reference for revision. Explanations and activities have been designed to be used by students working individually, without teacher support, if desired.
HarperCollins Publishers Worm Looks for Lunch: Band 05/Green (Collins Big Cat)
Worm is fed up with earth for lunch and wants something more exciting. He tries eating grass, bark and even a leaf on the advice of various animal friends – and almost becomes lunch himself when a hungry bird appears! Green/ Band 5 books offer early readers patterned language and varied characters. Text type – Playscript. Instructions for putting on the play are on pages 22 and 23 to encourage children to discuss the script. Curriculum links – Science: Plants and animals in the local environment. This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
Walther Koenig Laura Owens & Vincent van Gogh
Transcript Verlag (Dis)Orienting Media and Narrative Mazes
(Dis)Orientation appears to be a phenomenon that is connected to media in numerous respects: today, finding your way in the world often means finding your way with the help of as well as within media, which in turn creates new virtual realms of (dis)orientation. This book deals with recent media technologies and structures (navigation devices, databases, transmediality) and unconventional narrative patterns (narrative complexity, plot twists, non-linearity), using the ambivalent concept of (dis)orientation as a shared focus to analyse various phenomena of contemporary media, thereby raising overarching questions about current mediascapes.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Personnes déplacées et guerre froide en Allemagne occupée
Au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des millions d’étrangers se trouvent sur le sol allemand : anciens travailleurs forcés, rescapés des camps nazis ou déracinés aux profils multiples. La plupart d’entre eux sont rapatriés après la capitulation allemande, mais presque un million de personnes déplacées (Displaced Persons – DPs), effrayés par l’antisémitisme à l’Est de l’Europe, ou redoutant la montée des régimes communistes, refusent de rentrer dans leur patrie. C’est donc dans les trois zones occidentales de l’Allemagne occupée, exsangue et traversée par des flux incessants, que les DPs vivent pendant plusieurs mois ou années. Leur histoire est multiple et ils en sont à la fois les objets et les acteurs. Cet ouvrage, rassemblant des contributions en trois langues (français, anglais, allemand), croise les perspectives entre histoire politique et internationale, histoire des migrations, analyses culturelles et études des représentations. Il permet de saisir les interactions entre les décisions internationales, les impératifs des pays d’origine des DPs mais aussi ceux des pays d’immigration, les réalités de l’Allemagne occupée et les besoins et espérances des DPs eux-mêmes. Entre sortie du conflit mondial et début de guerre froide se nouent autour des DPs les grandes problématiques politiques et humaines qui forgent l’histoire des déplacements et du refuge. In the aftermath of the Second World War, millions of foreign civilians found themselves in the German territory. Among them, there were former forced laborers, survivors from the Nazi camps, many uprooted migrants who had all experienced the war in different ways. Most of them were repatriated after the German capitulation. However, almost one million of these «Displaced Persons» (DPs) refused to go back to their homeland. They were scarred by anti-Semitic violence, or by the rise of communist regimes in Eastern Europe. For a few months, even a few years, they remained mostly in the Western zones of occupied Germany, facing the harsh post-war conditions of defeated Germany. DPs became both targets and actors of global politics dealing with the refugee problem. This book puts together articles in three languages (French, English, and German). The contributions reveal the DPs’ history from different points of view. They rely on the history of international relations at the end of the war and of the various states involved in the DP question, as well as on social and cultural studies. The diversity of methodological patterns allows for a broad comprehension of this singular story at different scales, from the international debates and tensions to the needs and the hopes of the DPs themselves, in the social and political context of post-war occupied Germany. As the end of the war led to the Cold War, the DP question raised most of the political and humanitarian issues that would continue to interfere with the management of population displacements and refugees until the present day. Am Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges befanden sich einige Millionen Ausländer auf deutschem Boden: ehemalige Zwangsarbeiter, Überlebende der NS-Lager und andere entwurzelte Personen. Die meisten von ihnen kehrten nach der deutschen Kapitulation in ihre Heimat zurück; zurück blieben hingegen fast eine Million Displaced Persons (DPs), die den Antisemitismus in Osteuropa oder den Aufstieg der kommunistischen Regime in diesen Ländern fürchteten, so dass sie sich weigerten, in ihre Ursprungsländer zurückzukehren. Sie fanden sich schließlich für mehrere Monate oder gar Jahre in den drei westdeutschen Besatzungszonen wieder, die von den Kriegsfolgen gezeichnet waren und mehrere Millionen von Flüchtlingen aufnehmen mussten. Ihre Geschichte ist vielfältig; bisweilen wird
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Transition or Transformation?: Helping young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder set out on a hopeful road towards their adult lives
Young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) can often find the step into adulthood and independence more difficult than their neurotypical peers, particularly where employment is concerned. The authors show, however, that with the right guidance and a positive attitude in schools, young people with ASDs can be every bit as happy and successful as those who are not on the spectrum.The book describes a programme developed over a number of years by teachers at a school for young people with ASDs, which successfully enabled autistic pupils to achieve their full potential. The authors explain in detail the challenges faced by the young people at the school, and show how, encouraged by a culture of optimism and hopefulness, the programme developed their confidence and skills, with the result that many of them are now in employment. The book also provides an in-depth exploration of a multitude of styles and techniques for building relationships. Concluding with a reflection on leadership and organisational culture, the authors demonstrate that if the approach is adopted by an entire school and not just a handful of teachers, it really can work.This inspiring and innovative book will be a must for educators at every level, psychologists, academics, and anybody else interested in a positive educational approach that will enable young people with ASDs to get the most out of life.
Dancing Foxes Press Upgrade Available
Technological evolution and obsolescence on Earth and in outer space, in a new project by artist Julia Christensen This volume documents an ongoing investigation by artist Julia Christensen (born 1976) into how our relentless "upgrade culture"—the perceived notion that we need to constantly upgrade our electronics to remain relevant—fundamentally impacts our experience of time. In a personal narrative interspersed with related interdisciplinary artwork and conversations with experts from different fields (other artists, archivists, academics), Christensen takes readers along a path from the international "e-waste" industry to institutional archives, eventually leading her to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). At JPL, Christensen began a dialog with a group of exo-planetary scientists, engineers and machine learning experts to develop long-lived space mission concepts that include an update of the Voyager spacecrafts’ 1977 "Golden Record," to be embedded on a hypothetical future interstellar spacecraft. She and the scientists are designing an artwork generated by an extraterrestrial system that tells a distinctly new story of life on Earth. In taking on this challenge, Christensen—a female pioneer redefining the intersection of art, technology, and outer space—must envision an artwork for an evolving, autonomously-upgrading spaceship headed toward a potentially habitable planet in another star system. Her years-long investigation into upgrade culture leads to design concepts that potentially transcend technological obsolescence altogether.
Deep Vellum Publishing Motherfield: Poems & Belarusian Protest Diary
A poetry collection where personal is inevitably political and ecological, Motherfield is a poet’s insistence on self-determination in authoritarian, patriarchal Belarus. Julia Cimafiejeva was born in an area of rural Belarus that became a Chernobyl zone when she was a child. The book opens with a poet’s diary that records the course of violence unfolding in Belarus since the 2020 presidential election. It paints an intimate portrait of the poet’s struggle with fear, despair, and guilt as she goes to protests, escapes police, longs for readership, learns about the detention of family and friends, and ultimately chooses life in exile. But can she really escape the contaminated farmlands of her youth and her impure Belarusian mother tongue? Can she really escape the radiation of her motherfield? This is the first collection of Julia Cimafiejeva’s poetry in English, prepared by a team of co-translators and poets Valzhyna Mort and Hanif Abdurraqib.
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Animation for Russian Conversation
Sancio Books Sanctifying the Spirit
Pearson Education Limited Text: Building Skills in English 11-14 Teacher Guide 3
This Teacher Guide supports the Student Book 3, Levels 5+ and includes: * medium term plans for each unit to help you plan schemes of work. * a fully customiasble CD-ROM so you can tailor your resources to the exact needs of your students. * worksheets to support the activities in the Student Book. * the teacher guide resources are also available electronically through LiveText.
National Center for Youth Issues Wilma Jean the Worry Machine Activity and Idea Book
Gecko Press Detective Gordon: A Complicated Case
The detective lay in bed with his eyes closed. But he couldn’t sleep. He was thinking. He always thought best in bed. Especially with his eyes closed. Something is going on in the forest: one of the animals is saying nasty things about the other forest creatures. But no one dares make a statement to the police. Who is the culprit? Detective Gordon and his assistant Buffy must investigate! But this is a complicated case. The two police officers split the workload: Buffy questions the suspects, while Gordon stays in bed to think. Once the investigation is over, Detective Gordon plans to go fishing and eat all the cakes he wants to. And maybe then Buffy will be appointed Police Chief! But that won’t happen unless this case can be solved…
Gecko Press Detective Gordon: The First Case
A brilliant detective story by one of Sweden's top children's writers and illustrated in full colour throughout. A book to read alone or aloud! A perfect case for the famous Detective Gordon, chief of police and chief of detectives in the forest. Unfortunately, solving this crime means standing in the snow and waiting for a long time . . . If only he had an assistant - someone small, fast, and clever.
Aperture Kristine Potter: Dark Waters
Dark Waters, Kristine Potter’s second monograph, continues her engagement with the American landscape as a palimpsest for cultural ideologies. In this dark and brooding series, Potter reflects on the Southern Gothic landscape as evoked in the popular imagination of “murder ballads” from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her seductive, richly detailed black-and-white images channel the setting and characters of these songs, capturing the landscape of the American South, and creating a series of evocative portraits that stand in for the oft-unnamed women at the center of their stories. In the American murder ballad, which has taken on cult appeal and continue to be rerecorded even to this day, the riverscape is frequently the stage of crimes as described in their lyrics. Places like Murder Creek, Bloody Fork, and Deadman’s Pond are haunted by both the victim and perpetrator of violence in the world Potter conjures, reflecting the casual and popular glamorization of violence against women that remains prevalent in today’s cultural landscape. As Potter notes, “I see a through line of violent exhibitionism from those early murder ballads, to the Wild West shows, to the contemporary landscape of cinema and television. Culturally, we seem to require it.” Dark Waters both evokes and exorcises the sense of threat and foreboding that women often grapple with as they move through the world. Author Rebecca Bengal contributes an evocative short story that underscores the sense of anxiety and foreboding that Potter infuses into each of her images; a deliciously compelling, if chilling, combination. Copublished by Aperture with Images Vevey and The Momentary
Graffeg Limited Cynan a'r Sêr
Graffeg Limited Cynan a'r Enfys
Graffeg Limited Cynan a'r Sioe Haf
Amberley Publishing Great Torrington & District Through Time
Great Torrington, or Cheping Torrington as it was once known (Chipping being the old name for market) was a considerable town, even in medieval times. It grew steadily from its agricultural roots through an industrial phase and was at the centre of road, canal and railway links. In Victorian times it had mills for corn, sawmills, grist mills and tucking mills, lime kilns and a glove-making factory, which employed 1,000 people, mostly in their own homes. Then there was a fell mongers and skivers works for curing the chamois leather to supply the glove factory. In the twentieth century a giant milk and butter processing plant and glass works were built here. One of Devon's largest land owners, the Rolles, made their home here in the grandest house in North Devon, Stevenstone, and they still live in the area at Heanton Satchville. Further back in history, the town was the scene of a bloody battle during the Civil War, and must be the only town in England to have had its church accidentally blown up by gunpowder kegs when over 200 prisoners locked up inside killed. Many artefacts from Torrington's colourful past can still be found here: the castle walls, built first in the thirteenth century. The remains of the canal, built without act of Parliament by John Rolle, in 1823, has been preserved by the Torrington Commoners and makes an attractive walk alongside the River Torridge. Then there was an early narrow gauge railway built to bring china clay from the pits at Peters Marland to be distributed to the china companies in the Midlands.
Oxford University Press Oxford AQA Psychology A Level: Year 2
Written by the highly experienced author-examiner team of Simon Green, Rob Lewis and Julia Willerton, this popular series has been extensively revised to provide authoritative, accurate and comprehensive coverage of the 2015 specification. This bookwill help you to develop core psychology skills and encourage you to become a competent researcher and independent learner.
Cambridge University Press GCSE Mathematics for OCR Higher Student Book
A new series of bespoke, full-coverage resources developed for the 2015 GCSE Mathematics qualifications. Endorsed for the OCR J560 GCSE Mathematics Higher tier specification for first teaching from 2015, this Student Book provides full coverage of the new GCSE Mathematics qualification. With a strong focus on developing problem-solving skills, reasoning and fluency, it helps students understand concepts, apply techniques, solve problems, reason, interpret and communicate mathematically. Written by experienced teachers, it also includes a solid breadth and depth of quality questions set in a variety of contexts. GCSE Mathematics Online - an enhanced digital resource incorporating progression tracking - is also available, as well as Problem-solving Books, Homework Books and a free Teacher's Resource.
Cambridge University Press GCSE Mathematics for Edexcel Higher Student Book
A new series of bespoke, full-coverage resources developed for the 2015 GCSE Mathematics qualifications. Endorsed for the Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Higher tier specification for first teaching from 2015, this Student Book provides full coverage of the new GCSE Mathematics qualification. With a strong focus on developing problem-solving skills, reasoning and fluency, it helps students understand concepts, apply techniques, solve problems, reason, interpret and communicate mathematically. Written by experienced teachers, it also includes a solid breadth and depth of quality questions set in a variety of contexts. GCSE Mathematics Online - an enhanced digital resource incorporating progression tracking - is also available, as well as a free Teacher's Resource, Problem-solving Books and Homework Books.
Yale University Press Poetry Reader for Russian Learners
Through the poetry of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russian authors, including Pushkin and Akhmatova, Poetry Reader for Russian Learners helps upper-beginner, intermediate, and advanced Russian students refine their language skills. Poems are coded by level of difficulty. The text facilitates students’ interaction with authentic texts by means of a complete set of learning tools, including biographical sketches of each poet, stress marks, annotations, exercises, questions for discussion, and a glossary. An ancillary Web site containing audio files for all poems can be found below.
Oxford University Press OCR A Level Psychology AS and Year 1
Please note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: OCR Level: A Level and AS Subject: Psychology First teaching: September 2015 First exams: June 2016 Written by a team of leading psychology authors and examiners, OCR A Level Psychology: AS and Year 1 Second Edition has been updated to precisely match the new OCR Psychology specifications, covering both AS and the first year of A Level. This Student Book has been endorsed by OCR and offers thorough preparation for exams, with knowledge covered in the right depth and dedicated exam support, including practice questions and examiner commentaries. There are new sections comparing paired case studies, and a new feature to develop maths skills. Stretch and challenge activities, helpful In brief summaries and weblinks, all within a highly readable page design, help to bring learning and teaching of this fascinating subject to life. An OCR A Level Psychology Year 2 Student Book is also available.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Greatest Stories: Oxford Level 20: Great Expectations
From the moment that he meets an escaped convict in a dark and lonely graveyard, Pip's life becomes a myriad of unanswered questions.What is Miss Havisham's hidden secret? Why is the beautiful Estella so cruel? Who is his mysterious benefactor? This fabulous interpretation introduces children to some of Dickens' best-known characters, bound together with haunting illustrations. TreeTops Greatest Stories offers children some of the worlds best-loved tales in a collection of timeless classics. Top children's authors and talented illustrators work together to bring to life our literary heritage for a new generation, engaging and delighting children. The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book. Each book contains inside cover notes to help children explore the content, supporting their reading development. Teaching notes on Oxford Owl offer cross-curricular links and activities to support guided reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Oxford University Press Read with Oxford: Stage 4: Julia Donaldson's Songbirds: Clare and the Fair and Other Stories
With a focus on building phonics skills, this collection includes six fun stories with colourful illustrations. It is ideal for children who are gaining more reading confidence. Find out what Clare does at the Fair, what happens at Tara's Party and how Jack meets the Giants! Tips for reading together explain the letter patterns that each story focuses on and identify any words children may find tricky, helping you to get the most out of the collection. Former Children's Laureate and author of The Gruffalo, Julia Donaldson, has captivated children all over the world with her lively and engaging stories. Songbirds is a phonics programme carefully created by Julia to support children who are learning to read and is used in schools to inspire a love of reading. There are eight Songbirds story collections for you to enjoy. Featuring much-loved characters, great authors, engaging storylines and fun activities, Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence. Find practical advice, free eBooks and fun activities to help your child progress on Let's get them flying!
Penguin Books Ltd The Real Story of Ah-Q and Other Tales of China: The Complete Fiction of Lu Xun
Lu Xun (Lu Hsun) is arguably the greatest writer of modern China, and is considered by many to be the founder of modern Chinese literature. Lu Xun's stories both indict outdated Chinese traditions and embrace China's cultural richness and individuality. This volume presents brand-new translations by Julia Lovell of all of Lu Xun's stories, including 'The Real Story of Ah-Q', 'Diary of a Madman', 'A Comedy of Ducks', 'The Divorce' and 'A Public Example', among others. With an afterword by Yiyun Li.
Little, Brown Book Group The Lady Most Likely: A Novel in Three Parts
Three of the brightest stars of Regency romance invite you to a party at the country home of the Honourable Marquess of Finchley . . . If you loved Bridgerton, this is a party you won't want to miss! Hugh Dunne, the Earl of Briarly, needs a wife - so his sister hands him a list of the very best young ladies on the market. And then, because he refuses to tear himself away from the stables where he trains Arabian racehorses, she invites all those ladies to a house party, along with some other bachelors, of course.So who will Hugh choose? The Botticelli-esque, enchanting Gwendolyn? The outspoken, delightful Katherine? If he doesn't work fast, he'll lose those ladies to his closest friends, and then where will he look for a wife? Perhaps, just perhaps, toward a lady who's not on a market at all, and would require a great deal of persuading . . .Step into the glittering world of Regency and prepare to have your hearts warmed by Julia Quinn, Eloisa James and Connie Brockway . . .Find out why readers everywhere are falling in love with Julia Quinn's irresistible romance books 'A veritable treat' Daily Mail'Light, pacy and full of feisty heroines' Guardian on the Bridgerton series'Julia Quinn's Bridgerton books take all of the classic tropes we know and love . . . and gives them a thoroughly modern twist. I can't focus on anything else' Stylist'Quinn is a master of historical romance' Entertainment Weekly
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Motivation und Emotion: Allgemeine Psychologie für Bachelor
Dieser Band des vierbändigen Werks zur allgemeinen Psychologie deckt die Module Motivation und Emotion ab. Behandelt werden die Themen Leistungs-, Anschluss- und Machtmotivation, Zielsetzungstheorien, Forschungsmethoden, Emotionsregulation und Emotionsentwicklung sowie kulturelle Aspekte. Prüfungsrelevante Themen sind mit Fallbeispielen, Studienboxen, Abbildungen, Definitionen, Lernzielen und Kontrollfragen lerngerecht aufbereitet. Die begleitende Website enthält Lerntools für Studierende, Materialien für Dozenten sowie kostenlose mp3-Hörbeiträge.
Cottage Door Press Will You Be My Sunshine
Rowman & Littlefield There's No Crying in Newsrooms: What Women Have Learned about What It Takes to Lead
There’s No Crying in Newsrooms tells the stories of remarkable women who broke through barrier after barrier at media organizations around the country over the past four decades. They started out as editorial assistants, fact checkers and news secretaries and ended up running multi-million-dollar news operations that determine a large part of what Americans read, view and think about the world. These women, who were calling in news stories while in labor and parking babies under their desks, never imagined that 40 years later young women entering the news business would face many of the same battles they did – only with far less willingness to put up and shut up.The female pioneers featured in this book have many lessons to teach about what it takes to succeed in media or any other male-dominated organization, and their message is more important now than ever before. Including stories and data from 2020—a year of unprecedented turmoil from a worldwide pandemic, rampant social upheaval, and divisive political battles—the updated edition of this chronicle of courage serves as both inspiration and impetus to continue the fight for equity and advancement in the media industry.
MacMillan Audio The Villa
Birkhauser WerteWandel: Prozesse, Strategien und Konflikte in der gebauten Umwelt
Within the architectural design, planning, and construction processes, new valuations and revaluations are constantly taking place. Every decision is made based on existing reference values, even if the respective action is future-oriented and geared towards the creation of the new. At the same time, the preservation or further development of building structures is based on traditional thought patterns and continuously internalized value systems. This means that values are never static, even in building, but are subject to a process. This interdisciplinary volume focuses on processes of value appropriation, value internalization, and value formation. These processes are illustrated using selected examples from the history of building and planning from modern times to the present.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Middle English Lyrics: New Readings of Short Poems
A collection attesting to the richness and lasting appeal of these short forms of Middle English verse. The body of short Middle English poems conventionally known as lyrics is characterized by wonderful variety. Taking many different forms, and covering an enormous number of subjects, these poems have proved at once attractive andchallenging for modern readers and scholars. This collection of essays explores a range of Middle English lyrics from the thirteenth to the early sixteenth century, both religious and secular in flavour. It directs attention to the intrinsic qualities of these short poems and at the same time explores their capacity to illuminate important aspects of medieval cultural practice and production: forms of piety, contemporary conditions and events, the historyof feelings and emotions, and the relationships of image, song, performance and speech to the written word. The issues covered in the essays include editing lyrics; lyric manuscripts; affect; visuality; mouvance and transformation; and the relationships between words, music and speech. A particularly distinctive feature of the collection is that most of the essays take as a point of departure a specific lyric whose particularities are explored within wider-ranging critical argument.
Bonnier Books Ltd The Shetland Gruffalo's Bairn: The Gruffalo's Child in Shetland Scots
Da Gruffalo said dat nae gruffalo sudIvver set fit i da mirky wid.But ee nicht o snaa da Gruffalo's Bairn nivver leets whit her faider is telt her an tippers oot inta da caald. Eftir aa, der no sicca thing as da Muckle Mean Moose ... is dere?In 2015, following on from the huge success of James Robertson's Scots translation of The Gruffalo, Itchy Coo published four dialect versions: the Orkney, Shetland, Doric and Dundee Gruffalos have all proved immensely popular as celebrations of the Scots language's astonishing regional diversity.Laureen Johnson's Shetlandic version of The Gruffalo is now followed by Christine De Luca's The Shetland Gruffalo's Bairn. A cautionary tale about what happens when a small Gruffalo leaves the comfort of its cave and sets off into the dark wood on a wintry night, this is sure to be another big hit in Shetland and with Shetlandic speakers wherever they bide.
Bonnier Books Ltd Da Trow: The Troll in Shetland Scots
Dey wir eence a trow at baed anunder a brig.(Maist trows bide in hadds anunder hills.)Aboot da sam time, fram apo da far haaf,dey wir some pirates dat baed apon a ship.(Dat's whaar pirates is meant ta bide.)Trows is supposed ta aet goats (dey say!)But nae goats ivver cam tipperin owre dis trow's peerie brig.Sae he ot fish instead.So begins this hilarious tale of the adventures of a bunch of incompetent pirates who can't cook, and a crabbit auld troll (in Shetland, where they live in great abundance, trolls are known as trows) who can. Their lives seem very far apart: the troll, whose favourite dish is goat, tries and fails to eat the creatures crossing various bridges he hides under; the pirates, who like to eat fish, try and fail to find buried treasure.
Bonnier Books Ltd The Glasgow Gruffalo: The Gruffalo in Glaswegian
"A gallus moose taen a daunerthrough a scary big wood.A fox clocked the moosean the moose looked good."Moan intae the scary big wood an funnoot whit the score wiz, when the wee gallus moose squared uptae an auld owl, a sleekit snake an a ginormous gruffalo...Everybody loves The Gruffalo and now you can enjoy this children's classic for the very first time in Glaswegian! Translated by Elaine C. Smith and published by Itchy Coo, this new edition of The Gruffalo will delight both children and adults alike.Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler's The Gruffalo has become a bestselling phenomenon across the world. This award-winning rhyming story of a mouse and a monster is now a modern classic, and will enchant children for years to come.
Gecko Press To the Ice
An epic story set in a polar wilderness that blurs realism and imagination—fully illustrated for newly independent readers. Ida, Max and Jack go to the creek one winter’s day. They play on an ice floe then find themselves floating away—all the way to the polar ice, with just a box, a branch and some sandwiches. “You probably don’t think it’s true, and we didn’t either, not even while it was happening...” They find an old hut, meet penguins, see extraordinary things and, after testing their resources in this dramatic land of ice and snow, come home safe at the end of the day. “What shall we say about where we’ve been?” asked Max. “Tell the truth,” I said. “We don’t know.” To the Ice is a beautifully produced chapter book, perfect for imaginative readers and re-readers, ready to be captivated by a real-life make-believe adventure. The kind of adventure that will stay in a child’s imagination for the rest of their lives. Translated from the Swedish edition by Julia Marshall.
Cottage Door Press ¿Tú Serás Mi Rayito de Sol?
Edinburgh University Press Refocus: the Films of Lucrecia Martel
Collects critical essays on the influential Argentine director Lucrecia Martel
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Pediatric Drug Development
Most medicines have never been adequately tested for safety and efficacy in pediatric populations and preterm, infants and children are particularly vulnerable to adverse drug reactions.Pediatric Drug Development: Concepts and Applications, Second Edition, addresses the unique challenges in conducting effective drug research and development in pediatric populations.This new edition covers the legal and ethical issues of consent and assent, the additional legal and safety protections for children, and the appropriate methods of surveillance and assessment for children of varying ages and maturity, particularly for patient reported outcomes. It includes new developments in biomarkers and surrogate endpoints, developmental pharmacology and other novel aspects of global pediatric drug development. It also encompasses the new regulatory initiatives across EU, US and ROW designed to encourage improved access to safe and effective medicines for children globally.From an international team of expert contributors Pediatric Drug Development: Concepts and Applications is the practical guide to all aspects of the research and development of safe and effective medicines for children.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Museum of Islamic Art: The Guide
A guide to the best of the collections at the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar. With flagship architecture by I. M. Pei, an interior designed by J.-M. Wilmotte, and one of the world’s finest collections of its type, the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar, is a dazzling showcase of the artistic achievements of the Islamic world. The collection represents the highest expression of artistic culture, covering lands from Spain to Central Asia and India, and ranging in date from the early Islamic period to the nineteenth century, including metalwork, miniatures, carpets, calligraphy and ceramics. Published to coincide with the re-opening of the museum galleries, this guide brilliantly conveys the quality and significance of the Museum of Islamic Art collection, presenting key objects with explanatory texts from the museum curatorial team.