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De Gruyter Widersprüche. Kuratorisch handeln zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Widersprüche im musealen Kontext Wie kann Kritik am Museum im Museum Folgen haben? Seit Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts verbreiten sich kritische Theorien in der Praxis institutioneller Texte und Kontexte wie Lauffeuer: Feminismus, Antirassismus, Umweltpolitiken, Institutionskritiken, Inklusionsdebatten, dekoloniale und queere Theorien sind omnipräsent – während sich strukturell jedoch nur wenig zum Besseren verändert und ein hart erarbeitetes kritisches Vokabular oft zum Label wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht dieser Band die Verhältnisse von Theorie und Praxis sowie die damit verbundenen Widersprüche im musealen Kontext: Wie kann kritische Theorie zur Praxis werden? Wie lässt sich kritisches Vokabular in institutionelles Handeln übersetzen? Die Beiträge hinterfragen große Strukturen, beschreiben und reflektieren aber auch persönliche Momente. Sechster Band der Publikationsreihe curating. ausstellungstheorie & praxis Über Widersprüche in Organisationen, Institutionen, Ausstellungen, Sammlungen, Vermittlungsstrategien etc. Mit dem künstlerischer Beitrag Safe and Sound, Aldo Giannotti, 2021
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Music For Little Mozarts: Music Lesson Book 1
McFarland & Co Inc David Lynch and the American West: Essays on Regionalism and Indigeneity in Twin Peaks and the Films
This collection convenes diverse analyses of David Lynch's newly conceived, dreamlike neo-noir representations of the American West, a first in studies of regionalism and indigeneity in his films. Twelve essays and three interviews address Lynch's image of the American West and its impact on the genre. Fans and scholars of David Lynch's work will find a study of his interpretations of the West as place and myth, spanning from his first feature film, Eraserhead (1977), through the third season of Twin Peaks in 2017. Symbols of the West in Lynch's work can be as obvious as an Odessa, Texas street sign or as subtle as the visual themes rooted in indigenous artistry. Explorations of cowboy masculinity, violence, modern frontier narratives and representations of indigeneity are all included in this collection.
Wild Nature Press Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland
University of California Press Invitation to Syriac Christianity: An Anthology
Despite their centrality to the history of Christianity in the East, Syriac Christians have generally been excluded from modern accounts of the faith. Originating from Mesopotamia, Syriac Christians quickly spread across Eurasia, from Turkey to China, developing a distinctive and influential form of Christianity that connected empires. These early Christians wrote in the language of Syriac, the lingua franca of the late ancient Middle East, and a dialect of Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Collecting key foundational Syriac texts from the second to the fourteenth centuries, this anthology provides unique access to one of the most intriguing, but least known, branches of the Christian tradition.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methodologies: A Dynamic Approach
This sourcebook is an unparalleled resource in the field of family science. It provides a comprehensive overview of both traditional and contemporary theories and methodologies to promote a greater understanding of increasingly complex family realities. It focuses on broad developments in research design and conceptualization, while also offering a historical perspective on developments in family science over time, particularly emerging theories from the past several decades. Each chapter summarizes and evaluates a major theory or methodological approach in the field, delving into its main principles; its debates and challenges; how it has evolved over time; its practical uses in policy, education, or further research; and links to other theories and methodologies. In highlighting recent research of note, chapters emphasize the potential for innovative future applications.Key areas of coverage include:· Risk and resilience, family stress, feminist, critical race, and social exchange theories.· Ambiguous loss, intersectionality, Queer, and family development theory.· Life course framework.· Biosocial theory and biomarker methods.· Symbolic interactionism.· Ethnography.· Mixed methods, participatory action research, and evaluation.
Classiques Garnier Africana: Figures de Femmes Et Formes de Pouvoir
Rowman & Littlefield Establishing and Sustaining Learning-Centered Community Colleges
Today’s most prominent thought leaders weigh in on the learning paradigm, calling for institutional change and responsibility for learning positive outcomes. This book helps leaders develop structures and processes that allow for more flexibility and creativity. Explore all facets of the learning paradigm from developing a change-receptive environment and engaging constituencies to strategic planning, governance, and more.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc There's an Owl in the Shower
John Wiley & Sons Inc Diverticular Disease
Diverticular disease first became recognised at the beginning of the 20th century and although the incidence of the disease is not known, it is considered to be a disease of the older person. This book looks at a disease that is known as a Western world disease, often called by surgeons a 'cinderella disease' as they often feel that there is little to offer the patient with uncomplicated diverticular disease. The book endeavours to give the healthcare professional a holistic view of the care and pattern of diverticular disease, and chapters may be used as stand alone chapters for those wishing to know more about stoma care, alternative treatments or food management. This book is essential reading for healthcare professionals involved in the care of patients with this disease.
Guilford Publications Your Defiant Child, Second Edition: Eight Steps to Better Behavior
Discover a way to end constant power struggles with your defiant, oppositional, impossible 5- to 12-year-old, with the help of leading child psychologist Russell A. Barkley. Dr. Barkley's approach is research based, practical, and doable--and leads to lasting behavior change. Vivid, realistic stories illustrate what the techniques look like in action. Step by step, learn how you can:*Harness the power of positive attention and praise.*Use rewards and incentives effectively.*Stay calm and consistent--even on the worst of days.*Establish a time-out system that works.*Target behavioral issues at home, in school, and in public places.Thoroughly revised to include the latest resources and 15 years' worth of research advances, the second edition also reflects Dr. Barkley's ongoing experiences with parents and kids. Helpful questionnaires and forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size.Mental health professionals, see also the related title, Defiant Children, Third Edition: A Clinician's Manual for Assessment and Parent Training. For a teen focus, see also Defiant Teens, Second Edition (for professionals), and Your Defiant Teen, Second Edition (for parents), by Russell A. Barkley and Arthur L. Robin.Winner-- Parents' Choice Approved Award
John Wiley & Sons Inc Turning on Learning: Five Approaches for Multicultural Teaching Plans for Race, Class, Gender and Disability
With a wealth of ready-to-use lesson plans for grade levels K-12 covering a variety of subject areas, "Turning on Learning, Fifth Edition" shows students how to apply the principles of multicultural education in the classroom. This practical, lesson-based companion to Sleeter and Grant’s "Making Choices for Multicultural Education:Five Approaches to Race, Class and Gender" features additional lesson plans and new resource material, along with updates of existing lesson plans.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Swearingen's All-in-One Nursing Care Planning Resource: Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric-Mental Health
With more than 100 evidence-based, customizable care plans, Swearingen's All-in-One Nursing Care Planning Resource: Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Maternity, and Psychiatric-Mental Health is an easy-to-use, curriculum-wide reference to guide the development of patient-centered nursing care plans. The only nursing care planning reference book that covers all four core clinical areas, it features care plans for medical-surgical, maternity/OB, pediatrics, and psychiatric?mental health to help you learn to care for patients in any setting. The interprofessional patient problems focus teaches you how to communicate patient problems using the standard terminology of the health professions rather than in nursing-specific language. Safety icons highlight assessments and interventions that focus on safety measures supported by national patient safety standards and goals. Care plans have been updated throughout to reflect the latest evidence-based treatment guidelines and protocols. Care plan components are now labeled as appropriate with the six cognitive skills identified in the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) to help you identify, develop, and implement the clinical judgment skills needed for success on the Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN) and in clinical practice. With new care plans on Infection, Breastfeeding, and Delirium, a clear, focused approach, an easy-to-use format, and straightforward rationales, this one book will meet your care planning needs throughout your entire nursing program and into clinical practice! UNIQUE! Care plans cover all four major clinical areas: medical-surgical, OB/maternity, pediatrics, and psychiatric-mental health nursing. UNIQUE! Colorful design makes the book more user friendly and includes color-coded tabs and improved cross-referencing and navigation aids for faster information retrieval. UNIQUE! Updated care plan focused on support of LGBTQ+ patients ensures sensitive, professional nursing care. Consistent format for each care plan facilitates more efficient planning, with headings for Overview/Pathophysiology, Health Care Setting, and more. Interprofessional patient problems focus equips users to communicate with other health professionals in the interprofessional language of patient problems, rather than in the nursing-specific language of nursing diagnosis. Safety icons highlight assessments and interventions that focus on safety measures supported by national patient safety standards and goals. Patient problems are prioritized in order of importance and physiologic patient needs are included to help users focus on the most important assessments and interventions. Detailed rationales for each nursing intervention help users apply concepts to specific patient situations in clinical practice. NEW and UNIQUE! Care plan components are now labeled as appropriate with the six cognitive skills identified in the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (CJMM) to help students identify, develop, and implement the clinical judgment skills needed for success on the Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN) and in clinical practice. NEW! Additional care plans on Infection, Delirium, and Breastfeeding. UPDATED! Content throughout reflects the latest evidence-based treatment guidelines and national and international treatment protocols.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Comportement mécanique des composites à matrice organique: Vieillissement thermo-oxydant
Nova Science Publishers Inc Challenging Thinking About Teaching & Learning
Alfred Music Classroom Music for Little Mozarts -- Deluxe Curriculum Kit, Bk 1: Book, CD & Accessories
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Dualismus, Dämonologie und diabolische Figuren: Religionshistorische Beobachtungen und theologische Reflexionen
Dualistische Weltdeutungen und dämonische oder diabolische Figuren begegnen in frühjüdischen und urchristlichen Texten in großer Zahl und Vielfalt. Der vorliegende Band untersucht den Hintergrund und die Entstehung dieser Vorstellungen im antiken Judentum und erläutert neutestamentliche Überlieferungen im Horizont ihrer frühjüdischen Kontexte. Besondere Beachtung findet dabei die Frage nach den Ursprüngen des Bösen und seiner Überwindung, nach der Stellung eschatologischer Gegenspieler und der Funktion von Dämonen. Textliche Schwerpunkte sind die Schriftrollen von Qumran und andere frühjüdische Texte sowie die Jesusüberlieferung. Abschließend reflektieren vier Beiträge den Stellenwert dämonologischer Vorstellungen in der heutigen theologischen Reflexion und die Möglichkeiten eines praktisch-theologischen Umgangs mit ihnen. Mit Beiträgen von:Michael Becker, Stefan Beyerle, John J. Collins, Craig A. Evans, Philipp David, Jan Dochhorn, Jörg Frey, Monika E. Götte, Christian Grappe, Theresa Heilig, Albert Hogeterp, Esther Marie Joas, Jutta Leonhardt-Balzer, Enno Edzard Popkes, Hartmut Rosenau, Maike Schult, Eibert Tigchelaar
Fordham University Press Working Alternatives: American and Catholic Experiments in Work and Economy
Working Alternatives explores economic life from a humanistic and multidisciplinary perspective, with a particular eye on religions’ implications in practices of work, management, supply, production, remuneration, and exchange. Its contributors draw upon historical, ethical, business, and theological conversations considering the sources of economic sustainability and justice. The essays in this book—from scholars of business, religious ethics, and history—offer readers practical understanding and analytical leverage over these pressing issues. Modern Catholic social teaching—a 125-year-old effort to apply Christian thinking about the implications of faith for social, political, and economic circumstances—provides the key springboard for these discussions. Contributors: Gerald J. Beyer, Alison Collis Greene, Kathleen Holscher, Michael Naughton, Michael Pirson, Nicholas Rademacher, Vincent Stanley, Sandra Sullivan-Dunbar, Kirsten Swinth, Sandra Waddock
Cambridge University Press Suicide Prevention: Stahl's Handbooks
The current suicide public health crisis and advances in clinical practice have increased the need for clear, evidence-informed guidance on suicide prevention in healthcare. This clinical suicide prevention handbook is an essential resource for mental health and primary care professionals, and any practitioner aiming to ensure their practice is up-to-date, patient-centred and consistent with the most current standards of care. Starting with a summary of the science and public health model of suicide, the book offers quick tips for suicide screening, risk assessment, interventions, and follow-up communication. It discusses medicolegal risk management, how health systems can prevent suicide and provides highly specialized guidance for clinicians following the loss of a patient to suicide. Focused sections include incorporating social media into care plans, telemedicine, issues related to culture and race/ethnicity, and working with specific populations. It introduces an integrated, prevention-oriented approach to suicide prevention, incorporating realistic supports, foreseeable changes, and strategies.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Pop! Lit For Kids (Set 5)
Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.
Ovid Technologies Barash, Cullen y Stoelting. Fundamentos de anestesia clínica
Fundamentos de anestesia clínica atesora cerca de 30 años de experiencia en la enseñanza de la anestesiología como parte de la serie Anestesia Clínica. Fundada inicialmente por el doctor Paul G. Barash, esta obra presenta, en un formato amigable y de fácil lectura, los fundamentos de ciencias básicas en anestesiología y su aplicación dentro de entornos clínicos específicos. El contenido de esta 2.ª edición sigue organizado en cuatro secciones. La primera es una introducción al ejercicio de la especialidad; en la segunda parte se abordan los fundamentos de anatomía, fisiología, farmacología y tecnología que influyen en la anestesia; los capítulos que abarcan la tercera sección cubren los aspectos clínicos de la anestesia, como evaluación preoperatoria, anestesia en padecimientos específicos, manejo del dolor y tratamiento postoperatorio, entre otros temas; la última sección incluye apéndices, protocolos, guías, y elementos de uso y referencia frecuentes. En una era de constante cambio, esta obra responde a los tres principales desafíos de la educación médica: estar informado con respecto a los últimos avances y descubrimientos biomédicos y biopsicosociales, hacer uso de esa información de manera rentable y en beneficio del paciente, y transmitir el conocimiento por medio de métodos de enseñanza atractivos para las nuevas generaciones que incluyan el uso de herramientas digitales y que faciliten el dominio del conocimiento.
Hebrew Union College Press,U.S. The Body: Lived, Cultured, Adorned: Essays on Dress and the Body in the Bible and Ancient Near East in Honor of Nili S. Fox
The clothed and adorned body has been at the forefront of Nili S. Fox's scholarship. In her hallmark approach, she draws on theoretical models from anthropology and archaeology, and locates the text within its native cultural environment in conversation with ancient Near Eastern literary and iconographic sources. This volume is a tribute to her, a collection of essays on dress and the body with original research by Fox's students. With the field of dress now garnering the attention of biblical and Ancient Near Eastern scholars alike, this book adds to the growing literature on the topic, demonstrating ways in which both dress and the body communicate cultural and religious beliefs and practices. The body's lived experience is the topic of section one, the body lived. The body and the social construction of identity is discussed in section two, the body cultured, while section three, the body adorned, analyzes the performative nature of dress in the biblical text.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Behavior of Organic Matrix Composites: Effect of Thermo-oxidative Ageing
The book focuses on the effect of ageing (thermo-oxidation, humid ageing) on the mechanical properties of organic matrix composite materials, covering: Bibliographic issues and a detailed state-of-the-art; phenomenological and experimental issues; modelling issues and models parameter identification; illustration and interpretation of experimental tests and proposal for novel test design in the light of the model predictions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Working Postures and Movements
In most industries, musculoskeletal injuries are the most common work-related reason for employee absences. These injuries are often caused by static postures or repetitive movements that have to be maintained for many hours a day, such as intensive use of data entry devices, assembly work, parts inspection, equipment maintenance, manual materials handling, machinery operations, and vehicle operation, among others. The book addresses seating concepts, hand tool and pedal designs, foot-floor interfaces, digital human models for computer-aided design and engineering, and work organization (task duration, breaks, handling frequency) as they affect human performance and musculoskeletal injury reduction. Professionals responsible for identifying and improving conditions in the industries where such workplace injuries occur will find this volume to be a handy sourcebook, while teachers and students will find it to be a valuable reference.
University Press of America Religion and Public Life: The Legacy of Monsignor John A. Ryan
Religion and Public Life is a collection of papers delivered at a conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of the death of Msgr. John A. Ryan, who was the most prominent and influential American advocate of the Catholic social tradition in the first half of the twentieth century. He was a rare combination of scholar, priest, and political realist. Most of his career was spent in Washington, D.C., where he was both a professor at the Catholic University of America and a principal representative of the American bishops to Congress. This collection serves as a fine introduction to Ryan's thought as well as a survey of some of the more pressing current issues in the Catholic social tradition.
Ergon Verlag Passed Around by a Crescent: Wine Poetry in the Literary Traditions of the Islamic World
Universitatsverlag Winter Der Ungehorte Markus: Predigten Ausserhalb Der Perikopenreihe. Eine Homiletische Festschrift Zum 60. Geburtstag Von Helmut Schwier
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Agypten Und Levante XXX / Egypt and the Levant XXX: Jubilaumsausgabe - 30 Jahre Agypten Und Levante / Anniversary Edition - 30 Years of Egypt and the Levant: International Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Lutheran Dualities: Guidance for Preaching the Gospel
Classiques Garnier Le Format Court: Recits d'Aujourd'hui
Classiques Garnier Le Format Court: Recits d'Aujourd'hui
Encounter Books,USA The Challenge of Modernizing Islam: Reformers Speak Out and the Obstacles They Face
Verlag Herder Synodalitat in Der Katholischen Kirche: Die Studie Der Internationalen Theologischen Kommission Im Diskurs
Kohlhammer Therapeutische Empfehlungen Fur Menschen Mit Demenz: Selbsterhaltungstherapie (Set) Im Krankenhaus
Jessica Kingsley Publishers What You Really Want to Know About Life with Dementia: Real stories and expert advice for family, friends and people with dementia
A family-led vision of what carers of people with dementia need and want to know. Supporting families and carers in their day-to-day life with dementia, this unique resource combines real stories from families with expert responses and advice for specific issues and concerns.This resource is based on the real stories and real questions brought to the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline, peer support groups and clinical networks. Including questions around diagnosis, peer support, balancing risks, care transitions and end of life planning, the chapters are devised to support you, and give you the tools to live better, when dementia enters your life.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Life Sciences, Information Sciences
Developed from presentations given at the Cerisy SVSI (Sciences de la vie, sciences de l’information) conference held in 2016, this book presents a broad overview of thought and research at the intersection of life sciences and information sciences. The contributors to this edited volume explore life and information on an equal footing, with each considered as crucial to the other. In the first part of the book, the relation of life and information in the functioning of genes, at both the phylogenetic and ontogenetic levels, is articulated and the common understanding of DNA as code is problematized from a range of perspectives. The second part of the book homes in on the algorithmic nature of information, questioning the fit between life and automaton and the accompanying division between individualization and invariance. Consisting of both philosophical speculation and ethological research, the explorations in this book are a timely intervention into prevailing understandings of the relation between information and life.
New Harbinger Publications Stop Walking on Eggshells for Parents: How to Help Your Child (of Any Age) with Borderline Personality Disorder Without Losing Yourself
Based on the self-help classic, Stop Walking on Eggshells, this essential guide offers powerful skills and strategies for parenting a child of any age with borderline personality disorder (BPD)-without sacrificing their family or themselves.If you have a child with BPD, you are all-too-aware of the behavioral and emotional issues that are linked to this disorder-including rages, self-harm, sexual acting out, substance abuse, suicidal behaviors, physical and emotional attacks, and more. Traditional parenting strategies that work on other kids just don't work with a borderline child. But you shouldn't lose hope. The good news is that there are parenting strategies that do work.With this comprehensive resource, you will learn all about borderline personality disorder, how it shows up in children, adolescents, and your adult children, how to obtain proper treatment, and how to manage your child's condition at home. You'll find proven-effective strategies to help you communicate and improve your relationship with your child of any age, and, as a result, improve your own life as a parent and an individual. You'll also find real stories and advice from parents who have also experienced raising a child with BPD.Most importantly, you'll learn how to maintain boundaries and validate your child while also meeting your own needs. Whether your child is 5 or 25, this book offers tools to help you and your family thrive.
Cottage Door Press Dinos Love Diggers: Construction Lift-A-Flap
Little, Brown & Company The Very Fairy Princess: Graduation Girl!
The end of the school year is here, and Very Fairy Princess Gerry is getting ready to graduate! She always loves a celebration, but can't help but feel a little sad as she empties her cubby, takes down her art projects, and says goodbye to her class pet, Houdini the hamster. She's also a little nervous about leaving Miss Pym... what if her new teacher doesn't let Gerry wear her wings and crown? Change can be hard, even for a fairy princess! Thankfully, she realizes that new things can bring their own sparkle.From the mother-daughter team of Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton comes another delightful story in the #1 New York Times best-selling Very Fairy Princess series.
Amsterdam University Press Landscape and Earth in Early Modernity: Picturing Unruly Nature
Early modern views of nature and the earth upended the depiction of land. Landscape emerged as a site of artistic exploration at a time when environments and ecologies were reshaped and transformed. This volume historicizes the contingency of an ever-changing elemental world, reframing and reimagining landscape as a mediating space in the interplay between the natural and the artificial, the real and the imaginary, the internal and the external. The lens of the “unruly” reveals the latent landscapes that undergirded their conception, the elemental resources that resurfaced from the bowels of the earth, the staged topographies that unsettled the boundaries between nature and technology, and the fragile ecologies that undermined the status quo of human environs. Landscape and Earth in Early Modernity: Picturing Unruly Nature argues for an art history attentive to the vicissitudes of circumstance and attributes the regrounding of representation during a transitional age to the unquiet landscape.
De Gruyter Gender Differences in Technology and Innovation Management: Insights from Experimental Research
Even though the number of working women has steadily increased over the last few years, women are still significantly under-represented in STEM activities (i.e. mathematics, informatics, science and technology). In order to eliminate this under-representation, numerous education policies and corporate initiatives, particularly in the recent past, have been aimed at increasing women's enthusiasm for STEM activities and professions. According to the latest surveys, however, it is clear that these efforts have not yet led to the desired success. Compared to their male counterparts, women continue to do fewer STEM activities. One possible reason for this is that relatively little is yet known about the concrete impact of the above education policies on working with innovation and technology: What are the gender differences between women and men? Is it enough to recognize these differences, or should these differences ideally not only be recognized, but also treated appropriately or even encouraged? This anthology deals with current topics in technology and innovation management against the background of these and other gender-relevant aspects. Empirical analyses and experiments in collaboration with companies from various sectors provide a sound scientific basis on which new results and findings are presented: How do women and men deal with creativity and competition? How are technologies applied and how can differences in access to technology be deduced? Answers to these and other questions help decision-makers in politics and business to proactively use the differences between women and men to motivate women to work in the STEM field and to strengthen them by acknowledging existing differences.
Transcript Verlag Practices of Speculation – Modeling, Embodiment, Figuration
This volume offers innovative ways to think about speculation at a time when anticipation of catastrophe in an apocalyptic mode is the order of the day and shapes public discourse on a global scale. It maps an interdisciplinary field of investigation: the chapters interrogate hegemonic ways of shaping the present through investments in the future, while also looking at speculative practices that reveal transformative potential. The twelve contributions explore concrete instances of envisioning the open unknown and affirmative speculative potentials in history, literature, comics, computer games, mold research, ecosystem science and artistic practice.
Editions Norma Playground: Le design des sneakers
Basketball shoe, tennis shoe, trainer or sneaker, regardless of the name, they have influenced the way we live, and the way we dress, since the early 20th century. Worn by millions of people the world over, sneakers have, in just a few decades, become a mass-market product that transcends gender, age, and social and cultural background. But how did a simple sports shoe make the leap from the pitch to become a genuine fashion accessory or even a piece of art? With over 600 pairs, films, archive documents, photos and personal accounts, this book presents all the facets of this iconic object, from its success with New York breakdancers to the cutting-edge technological research that goes on with that. Text in English and French.
Manchester University Press Histories of Nursing Practice
How did skilled nursing practice develop to become an essential part of the modern health system? This book provides some important answers to this question. It traces the history and development of nursing practice in Europe and North America, exploring two broad categories of nursing work: the ‘hands-on’ clinical work of nurses in hospitals and the work of nurses in public health, which involved health screening, health education and public health crisis management. The book contains rich case studies of nursing practice across diverse settings in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As well as examining ‘what nurses did’, it explores the significance and meaning of nursing work, for nurses themselves, their patients and their communities, and examines developments in practice against a backdrop of social, cultural, political and economic drivers and constraints.This book will be of interest to academics and clinical nurses alike. It is also an ideal textbook for undergraduate nursing programmes, providing students with rich accounts of the history of their own disciplinary practice.
Springer International Publishing AG Advances in Second/Foreign Language Acquisition
This book includes studies that employ a variety of research techniques from diverse fields targeting a better understanding of the second language (L2)/foreign language (FL) acquisition process including issues of heritage language (HL) learning. Specifically, the chapters discuss matters such as speech perception and production patterns in a second/foreign language, factors that facilitate second language acquisition, acquisition of heritage languages, teaching of a second/foreign language, and acquisition of second/foreign language grammatical and other structures, among others. The investigation of L2/FL and HLs is of paramount importance for updating the existing theories in the field and maximizing learning outcomes for the sake of effective communication, cultivation of intercultural understanding, career advancement, and personal development. The book is of interest to a wide range of disciplinary audiences, including linguists, psychologists, educators, and social scientists.
Owlet Press The Christmas Next Door
A heart-warming rhyming story about the realities behind a typical family Christmas; reminding us how easy it is to get caught up in material things, through the true to life and tear-inducing experiences of ‘the family next door’. Grandad helps his family get through their challenges in the run up to the big day, from Lily’s meltdown in her school nativity, to cremated turkey on Christmas morning! His special gift (a message from Grandma) helps the family remember her and reminds them that Christmas should be about togetherness.