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Big Finish Productions Ltd Survivors - Series 8
The world has ended. The `Death' pandemic crossed continents, sparing only a fraction of the global population. The survivors are now trying to pick up the pieces and rebuild society - to create a new future. But with no cities, no laws, no technology, everyone must start over. And the worst of human nature has survived along with the best. Bandit Train by Christopher Hatherall. Society is slowly rebuilding. Abby and Jenny are transporting supplies between settlements. Craig is learning how to run the steam engines on lines cleared by Greg Preston. But there are still those who just want to take. And their train is about to come under attack. Robert by Jane Slavin. Once, Robert Malcolm had a complicated life. His wife in an institution, his girlfriend running a struggling business, he was out of the army and without a place in the world. When the Death came, it meant many things to many people. For Robert, it meant freedom. The Lost Boys by Lisa McMullin.Peter Grant is alive. He is with Robert Malcolm’s army of boy soldiers, learning to survive. Building a better future. But medic Ruth has her suspicions when she visits the camp. And Craig is about to find out what it takes to become a recruit.Village of Dust by Roland Moore. Abby, still desperate for the reunion she’s been seeking for years, now knows that Peter is part of an army. Meanwhile, Jenny realises that someone is drawing plans against her budding Federation. A war is coming, and mother and son are on different sides. This revisit and continuation of the hit 1970s BBC series has been one of producer Big Finish's most critically-acclaimed works having been short-listed in nominations for both the 2015 and 2016 BBC Audio Drama Awards. This full-cast audio drama is brought to life with eerily engrossing sound design and a brand new, cinematic music score. NOTE: Survivors contains adult material and is not suitable for younger listeners. CAST: Carolyn Seymour (Abby), Lucy Fleming (Jenny Richards), Helen Goldwyn (Ruth), George Watkins (Craig), Wendy Craig (Elsie / Celia / Dr Portman), Joel James Davison (Peter Grant), Hywel Morgan (Robert Malcolm), Gyuri Sarossy (Derek Gibb), Richard Popple (Kilby), Homer Todiwala (Scotty / Soldier), Susie Emmett (Twig), Jane Slavin (Julia / Mrs Brock), Vikash Bhai (Jesus), Isla Carter (Cayla Kenny), Eddie Eyre(Seth Pilkington), Katherine Rose Morley (Sonia Meadows), Susan Hingley (Jiao Li).
University of California Press The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Vol. V: September 1922-August 1924
The fifth volume of this monumental series chronicles what was perhaps the stormiest period in the history of Marcus Garvey and the UNIA: the aftermath of the tumultuous 1922 convention. Outside the UNIA a growing list of opponents, including the black Socialists A. Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen, and the NAACP's Robert Bagnall and William Pickens, were turning their criticism of the controversial Jamaican into a "Garvey Must Go" campaign. Meanwhile, Garvey's former UNIA ally, Rev. J. W. H. Eason-who had been impeached at the 1922 convention-was emerging as a dangerous rival. Eason was assassinated in January 1923, just as he was to testify against Garvey in the latter's mail-fraud trial. Though it may be impossible to determine if Garvey had a role in the killing, the murder generated negative publicity that did untold damage to Garvey and his organization. Throughout all this, the federal government pressed its case against Garvey and his co-defendants on mail-fraud charges stemming from irregularities in the sale of Black Star Line stock. In June 1923 a jury found Garvey guilty and he was sentenced to five years in prison. Internecine feuds wracked the movement while Garvey languished in New York City's Tombs prison, awaiting bail so that he could mount an appeal. As soon as he was released in September 1923, he turned his energy to reconsolidating the UNIA. while considering the best appeal strategy. For the UNIA Garvey resurrected an old commercial message: that economic salvation was to be found in ships. In March 1924 he reconstituted the defunct Black Star Line as the Black Cross Navigation and Trading Co. and bought a ship, the S. S. General Goethals, in time for a tour of it by convention delegates. The shipboard tour proved to be a highlight of the 1924 convention, during which UNIA leadership was stunned by the Liberian government's formal repudiation of the movement's African colonization plans. Despite the UNIA's unexpected setback in Liberia, the movement continued to spread into new places, particularly in America's southern states. Generously illustrated with photographs and facsimile documents, Volume V of The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers upholds the impeccable editorial standards of the first four volumes. Once again, a wealth of new sources collected from around the world demonstrates how vitally important Marcus Garvey and the mass movement he controlled were to Afro-American history.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Clinical Guide to Sonography: Exercises for Critical Thinking
"I really like the design and clinical focus of this book and believe that it will stimulate critical thinking among its transatlantic target audience" (Hazel Edwards, Senior Sonographer, Lister Hospital, Stevenage) Organized by clinical problem rather than by body system, Clinical Guide to Sonography enables you to quickly find information related to the symptom being reported by the patient. This unique format covers various pathologies that may be related to a patient's symptoms, and features illustrations and sonograms that demonstrate each pathology. The book is divided into five major sections: abdomen, obstetrics, gynecology, superficial structures, and a miscellaneous section to include pediatric and vascular clinical indications. Each chapter within those sections focuses on a clinical indication, and incorporates background information, a clinical scenario, discussions of pathologies and differential diagnoses, illustrations, sonograms, patient scenarios with multiple choice and case-based questions to ensure you have a solid understanding of the material. "This book covers a wide range of ultrasound examinations looking at the clinical question first." Reviewed by: Allison Harris, Clinical Co-Ordinator, City University London, Date: Oct 14 "I really like the design and clinical focus of this book and believe that it will stimulate critical thinking among its transatlantic target audience. For UK readers, though, I feel it has less appeal." Reviewed by: RAD Magazine Date: July 2014 Symptom-based presentation makes it easy for beginning and experienced sonographers to quickly find information related to the patient's symptom. Summary tables of differential diagnoses and sonographic findings provide you with a brief overview of all chapter material for quick reference. Clinical scenarios at the beginning of each chapter help you learn to apply information to the clinical setting. Case studies and discussion questions give you the opportunity to enhance your critical-thinking skills and measure your comprehension of material. Over 900 ultrasound images correlated to the pathology illustrate what you'll encounter in the clinical setting. Glossary helps you define important terminology. New chapters provide you with more complete coverage of the pathology sonographers encounter in practice. New case studies with critical-thinking questions set up realistic situations for you to use as a frame of reference. 600 updated images produced by the latest technology keep you on the cutting-edge of sonography. Instructor access to multiple-choice and image based test questions
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Perspectives in Carbonate Geology: A Tribute to the Career of Robert Nathan Ginsburg
This special publication Perspectives in Carbonate Geology is a collection of papers most of which were presented at a symposium to honor the 80th birthday of Bob Ginsburg at the meeting of Geological Society of America in Salt Lake City in 2005. The majority of the papers in this publication are connected with the study of modern carbonate sediments. Bob Ginsburg pioneered the concept of comparative sedimentology - that is using the modern to compare to and relate to and understand the ancient. These studies are concerned with Bob's areas of passion: coral reefs and sea-level; submarine cementation and formation of beach rock; surface sediments on Great Bahama Bank and other platforms; origin of ooids; coastal sediments; formation of stromatolites; impact of storms on sediments; and the formation of dolomite. The remainder of the papers apply the study of modern environments and sedimentary processes to ancient sediments. Recent other publications of the International Association of Sedimentologists SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS 40 Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Sedimentary Systems From Understanding to Prediction Edited by P. de Boer, G. Postma, K. van der Zwan, P. Burgess and P. Kukla 2008, 336 pages, 172 illustrations 39 Glacial Sedimentary Processes and Products Edited by M.J. Hambrey, P. Christoffersen, N.F. Glasser and B. Hubbard 2007, 416 pages, 181 illustrations 38 Sedimentary Processes, Environments and Basins A Tribute to Peter Friend Edited by G. Nichols, E. Williams and C. Paola 2007, 648 pages, 329 illustrations 37 Continental Margin Sedimentation From Sediment Transport to Sequence Stratigraphy Edited by C.A. Nittrouer, J.A. Austin, M.E. Field, J.H. Kravitz, J.P.M. Syvitski and P.L. Wiberg 2007, 549 pages, 178 illustrations 36 Braided Rivers Process, Deposits, Ecology and Management Edited by G.H. Sambrook Smith, J.L. Best, C.S. Bristow and G.E. Petts 2006, 390 pages, 197 illustrations 35 Fluvial Sedimentology VII Edited by M.D. Blum, S.B. Marriott and S.F. Leclair 2005, 589 pages, 319 illustrations REPRINT SERIES 4 Sandstone Diagenesis: Recent and Ancient Edited by S.D. Burley and R.H. Worden 2003, 648 pages, 223 illustrations Please see inside the book for the full list of IAS publications Cover design by Code 5 Design For information, news, and content about Wiley-Blackwell books and journals in Earth Sciences please visit
HarperCollins Focus Don't Hurt a Sasquatch: And Other Wacky-but-Real Laws in the USA and Canada
This hilarious compendium dives into the quirkiest decrees from around the country, from Alabama's ban on driving blindfolded to Delaware's restriction on selling dog hair. Every state in the country has its own set of rules, carefully designed to identify the biggest problems in its culture and correct them. Most of them are normal: don't steal, don't kill, don't go somewhere you don't belong, etc. All it takes is one weirdo to throw a wrench in that ordinary list, one unruly dude who tried to hold a salmon suspiciously or wash an alligator in a bathtub for lawmakers to step in and impose some order. What are some of these crazy laws, you ask? Take your pick: In Connecticut, it's illegal for a barber to hum a tune while clipping your hair. Thinking about buying a boat house? Think again. It's considered illegal in the state of Georgia to live on a boat for longer than a month. Pigeons get the short end of the stick in both San Francisco, California and Venice, Italy: it's against the law to feed them in public in both cities. Ready to say I do! a third time? Hopefully, you don't live in Kentucky: women are not allowed to marry thrice in the Southern state. Want to surprise your loved one with a pizza? Too bad. Sending a pie to someone without their permission can result in a $500 dollar fine in Louisiana. In Arizona, you can't feed garbage to a pig without a permit. What constitutes as garbage, though, is up to you. The list goes on. More interesting than the laws themselves are the histories behind each, which Blue Laws goes into in detail. Like, why can't you roll a boulder in Boulder, Colorado? Who decided that you couldn't catch fish with your hands in Indiana? Why are blue laws called blue laws and how did they come to mean generally weird rules (instead of their original meaning: laws dictating what citizens can and cannot do on Sundays)? In this informative and funny book, you will find out through a series of anecdotes, court cases, and illustrated pictures that break down just how and why these rules (most of which are still currently in effect) came to be. Good for history teachers, trivia nerds, or white elephant gift exchange participants, Don't Hurt a Sasquatch is a widely appealing book that will teach you more about how the world works than you ever wanted to know.
Taschen GmbH Ren Hang
Ren Hang, who took his life February 23, 2017, was an unlikely rebel. Slight of build, shy by nature, prone to fits of depression, the 29-year-old Beijing photographer was nonetheless at the forefront Chinese artists’ battle for creative freedom. Like his champion Ai Weiwei, Ren was controversial in his homeland and wildly popular in the rest of the world. He said, “I don’t really view my work as taboo, because I don’t think so much in cultural context, or political context. I don’t intentionally push boundaries, I just do what I do.” Why? Because his models, friends, and in his last years, fans, are naked, often outdoors, high in the trees or on the terrifyingly vertiginous rooftops of Beijing, stacked like building blocks, heads wrapped in octopi, body cavities sprouting phone cords and flowers, whatever entered his mind at the moment. He denied his intentions were sexual, and there is a clean detachment about even his most extreme images: the urine, the insertions, the many, many erections. In a 2013 interview VICE magazine asked, “there are a lot of dicks … do you just like dicks?” Ren responded, “It’s not just dicks I’m interested in, I like to portray every organ in a fresh, vivid and emotional way.” True though that may be, the penises Ren photographed were not just fresh and vivid, but unusually large, making one wonder just where he met his friends. In the same piece, Hang also stated, “Gender isn’t important when I’m taking pictures, it only matters to me when I’m having sex,” making him a pioneer of gender inclusiveness. Young fans still eagerly flock to his website and Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr accounts. His photographs, all produced on film, have been the subject of over 20 solo and 70 group shows in his brief six-year career, in cities as disparate as Tokyo, Athens, Paris, New York, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Vienna, and yes, even Beijing. He self-published 16 monographs, in tiny print runs, that now sell for up to $ 600. TASCHEN’s Ren Hang is his only international collection, covering his entire career, with well-loved favorites and many never-before-seen photos of men, women, Beijing, and those many, many erections. We take solace remembering Ren’s joy when he first held the book, shared by his long-time partner Jiaqi, featured on the cover.
Edition Axel Menges Landscape Architecture / Landschaftsarchitektur
If there is a plateau that continuously unites Hans Dieter Schaals numerous artistic fields of activity, a kind of fundamental level, then it is surely that of landscape architecture. Landscape motifs are as convincingly present in his stage sets as they are in his installations, his exhibition architectures, his texts, and, naturally, also his park and garden designs. Schaal has been on the track of the fascination of landscapes since the 1960s. For him, encountering the parterre or 'carpet patterns' of the baroque Herrenhäuser Gärten in Hannover was a key experience. This was followed by an intensive study of the early landscape gardens of Great Britain, the park complexes of the Romantics and the Enlightenment in Weimar, Wörlitz, and Muskau, and by studies of the garden-art ideas and philosophical implications that underpinned each of them. As a twice-over 'artist-in-residence' at the Villa Massimo in Rome, Schaal was also able to absorb the whole cosmos of Italian garden and park planning, from the Renaissance to the present day. In 1978 Schaal published his first book, Wege und Wegräume (Paths and Passages), today considered a classic. Wege und Wegräume has become required reading and an artistic leitmotif for generations of landscape designers and architects. In 1994, a further key work appeared, entitled Neue Landschaftsarchitektur/New Landscape Architecture. It proved to be among the late-20th centurys most comprehensive studies of the topic of 'landscape' in the wider sense. Above all, it prompts an existential subjective excursus into all those spheres that are inscribed into landscape beyond the professional mainstream. Schaal was subsequently able to build a large number of spectacular 'follies' and installations in gardens and parks. From 1998 to 2014 he was finally able to actually realise a whole city park, complete with artistic installations: the Wielandpark in Biberach. The complex architectonic and artistic layout of this park embodies, as it were, the distilled essence of decades of working with the bridle paths at the boundaries of landscape. Frank R. Werner studied painting, architecture and architectural history in Mainz, Hanover and Stuttgart. From 1990 to 1994 he was professor of history and theory of architecture at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, from 1994 until his retirement in 2011 he was director of the Institut für Architekturgeschichte und Architekturtheorie at the Bergische Universität in Wuppertal. Peter C. Horn studied architecture in Munich. After working for several years in his original profession in South America, he runs a studio for architectural photography in Stuttgart since 1985.
Casemate Publishers Undefeated: From Basketball to Battle: West Point's Perfect Season, 1944
In 1943 The West Point basketball team, the Cadets, had only managed a 5-10 record, and for the 1944 season coach Ed Kelleher’s hopes in reversing Army’s fortunes rested on his five starters. They consisted of three seniors – team captain “Big Ed” Christl, John “Three Star” Hennessey, and class president Bobby Faas – and two juniors, Dale Hall and Doug Kenna. At the academy, Kelleher molded his cadets into a new kind of team, and, as the new season opened in January of 1944, Kelleher’s strategy paid handsome dividends. By the end of January, West Point was 6-0; by the end of February, the team boasted a 13-0 record. Of course, during those weeks, it only took a glance at the newspaper headlines to be reminded that there were far bigger contests than intercollegiate basketball afoot in the winter of 1944. The cadets would not be able to play in the NIT or NCAA national tournaments for a likely national championship. The world was at war, and the U.S. Army needed its finest on the front line more than on the court. Just after their incredible basketball battles ended, the three seniors were about to enter other battles. Hennessey endured months of front-line fighting, battling from the waist-deep snow of Alsatian forests to the bombed-out rubble of German cities. Christl, a fearless forward observer for his field artillery battalion, made it all the way to Austria, where he would lose his life in the final week of the war in Europe. Three months later, Faas was shot down over Japan and forced to bail out over the Pacific Ocean. Coach Kelleher would die overseas on his own special assignment with the Army. In the years that followed, the Army's basketball team would never again have a chance to again play in the NCAA tournament and, in the modern era, few remember West Point's perfect 1944 season. Although West Point's home basketball court is named the Edward C. Christl Arena, and the National Invitational Tournament's trophy is named after his coach, Edward A. Kelleher, too few people fully appreciate why. But after reading Their Greatest Season, they will.
HarperCollins Publishers The End (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket’s ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ but misery and despair. You still have time to choose another international best-selling series to read. But if you insist on discovering the unpleasant adventures of the Baudelaire orphans, then proceed with caution… Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire are intelligent children. They are charming, and resourceful, and have pleasant facial features. Unfortunately, they are exceptionally unlucky. In The End, the siblings face a fearsome storm, a suspicious beverage, a herd of wild sheep, an enormous bird cage, and a truly haunting secret about the Baudelaire parents. In the tradition of great storytellers, from Dickens to Dahl, comes an exquisitely dark comedy that is both literary and irreverent, hilarious and deftly crafted. Despite their wretched contents, ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ has sold 60 million copies worldwide and been made into a Hollywood film starring Jim Carrey. And in the future things are poised to get much worse, thanks to the forthcoming Netflix series directed by Neil Patrick Harris. You have been warned. Are you unlucky enough to own all 13 adventures? The Bad Beginning The Reptile Room The Wide Window The Miserable Mill The Austere Academy The Ersatz Elevator The Vile Village The Hostile Hospital The Carnivorous Carnival The Slippery Slope The Grim Grotto The Penultimate Peril The End And what about All the Wrong Questions? In this four-book series a 13-year-old Lemony chronicles his dangerous and puzzling apprenticeship in a mysterious organisation that nobody knows anything about: ‘Who Could That Be at This Hour?’ ‘When Did you Last See Her?’ ‘Shouldn’t You Be in School?’ ‘Why is This Night Different from All Other Nights?’ Lemony Snicket was born before you were and is likely to die before you as well. He was born in a small town where the inhabitants were suspicious and prone to riot. He grew up near the sea and currently lives beneath it. Until recently, he was living somewhere else. Brett Helquist was born in Ganado, Arizona, grew up in Orem, Utah, and now lives in New York City. He earned a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Brigham Young University and has been illustrating ever since. His art has appeared in many publications, including Cricket magazine and The New York Times.
HarperCollins Publishers The Penultimate Peril (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket’s ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ but misery and despair. You still have time to choose another international best-selling series to read. But if you insist on discovering the unpleasant adventures of the Baudelaire orphans, then proceed with caution… Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire are intelligent children. They are charming, and resourceful, and have pleasant facial features. Unfortunately, they are exceptionally unlucky. In The Penultimate Peril, the siblings face a harpoon gun, a rooftop sunbathing salon, two mysterious initials, three unidentified triplets, a notorious villain, and an unsavoury curry… In the tradition of great storytellers, from Dickens to Dahl, comes an exquisitely dark comedy that is both literary and irreverent, hilarious and deftly crafted. Despite their wretched contents, ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ has sold 60 million copies worldwide and been made into a Hollywood film starring Jim Carrey. And in the future things are poised to get much worse, thanks to the forthcoming Netflix series starring Neil Patrick Harris. You have been warned. Are you unlucky enough to own all 13 adventures? The Bad Beginning The Reptile Room The Wide Window The Miserable Mill The Austere Academy The Ersatz Elevator The Vile Village The Hostile Hospital The Carnivorous Carnival The Slippery Slope The Grim Grotto The Penultimate Peril The End And what about All the Wrong Questions? In this four-book series a 13-year-old Lemony chronicles his dangerous and puzzling apprenticeship in a mysterious organisation that nobody knows anything about: ‘Who Could That Be at This Hour?’ ‘When Did you Last See Her?’ ‘Shouldn’t You Be in School?’ ‘Why is This Night Different from All Other Nights?’ Lemony Snicket was born before you were and is likely to die before you as well. He was born in a small town where the inhabitants were suspicious and prone to riot. He grew up near the sea and currently lives beneath it. Until recently, he was living somewhere else. Brett Helquist was born in Ganado, Arizona, grew up in Orem, Utah, and now lives in New York City. He earned a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Brigham Young University and has been illustrating ever since. His art has appeared in many publications, including Cricket magazine and The New York Times.
HarperCollins Publishers The Ersatz Elevator (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket’s ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ but misery and despair. You still have time to choose another international best-selling series to read. But if you insist on discovering the unpleasant adventures of the Baudelaire orphans, then proceed with caution… Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire are intelligent children. They are charming, and resourceful, and have pleasant facial features. Unfortunately, they are exceptionally unlucky. In The Ersatz Elevatorthe siblings face a darkened staircase, a red herring, friends in a dire situation, three mysterious initials, a liar with an evil scheme, a secret passageway and parsley soda. In the tradition of great storytellers, from Dickens to Dahl, comes an exquisitely dark comedy that is both literary and irreverent, hilarious and deftly crafted. Despite their wretched contents, ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ has sold 60 million copies worldwide and been made into a Hollywood film starring Jim Carrey. And in the future things are poised to get much worse, thanks to the forthcoming Netflix series starring Neil Patrick Harris. You have been warned. Are you unlucky enough to own all 13 adventures? The Bad Beginning The Reptile Room The Wide Window The Miserable Mill The Austere Academy The Ersatz Elevator The Vile Village The Hostile Hospital The Carnivorous Carnival The Slippery Slope The Grim Grotto The Penultimate Peril The End And what about All The Wrong Questions? In this four-book series a 13-year-old Lemony chronicles his dangerous and puzzling apprenticeship in a mysterious organisation that nobody knows anything about: ‘Who Could That Be at This Hour?’ ‘When Did you Last See Her?’ ‘Shouldn’t You Be in School?’ ‘Why is This Night Different from All Other Nights?’ Lemony Snicket was born before you were and is likely to die before you as well. He was born in a small town where the inhabitants were suspicious and prone to riot. He grew up near the sea and currently lives beneath it. Until recently, he was living somewhere else. Brett Helquist was born in Ganado, Arizona, grew up in Orem, Utah, and now lives in New York City. He earned a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Brigham Young University and has been illustrating ever since. His art has appeared in many publications, including Cricket magazine and The New York Times.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Russia
Lonely Planet: The world’s leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Russia is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Brush up on your Soviet and imperial history in Moscow and St Petersburg, explore European Russia and its gingerbread cottages and golden domes, or lose yourself in the wilds of Siberia and the east -all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Russia and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet’s Russia Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, art, literature, music, architecture, performing arts, landscape, wildlife, environment, religion, Russia today Covers Moscow, St Petersburg, the Golden Ring, Kaliningrad, the Urals, Volga, Sochi, Caucasus, Siberia, the Russian Far East, and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet Russia, our most comprehensive guide to Russia, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less travelled. Looking for a guide focused on Moscow or St Petersburg? Check out Lonely Planet’s Moscow and St Petersburg guides for a comprehensive look at all these cities have to offer; or Pocket Moscow & St Petersburg for a handy-sized guide focused on the can’t-miss sights for a quick trip. Travelling further afield? Check out Lonely Planet’s Trans-Siberian Railway, focused on the can’t-miss sights for a trip of a lifetime, or Eastern Europe, for extensive coverage of the whole region. About Lonely Planet: Since 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel media company with guidebooks to every destination, an award-winning website, mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet covers must-see spots but also enables curious travellers to get off beaten paths to understand more of the culture of the places in which they find themselves.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Oman, UAE & Arabian Peninsula
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet's Oman, UAE & the Arabian Peninsula is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Feel the desert's allure in Oman's Sharqiya Sands, dine at the top of the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, in Dubai, and see faith expressed in the masterpieces of the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha - all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Oman, UAE & the Arabian Peninsula and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet's Oman, UAE & the Arabian Peninsula: Full-colour images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights provide a richer, more rewarding travel experience - covering history, art, food, sport, politics Covers Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Oman, UAE & the Arabian Peninsula is our most comprehensive guide to Oman, UAE & the Arabian Peninsula, and is perfect for discovering popular and off-the-beaten path experiences. Looking for more comprehensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's Dubai & Abu Dhabi for an in-depth look at all these cities have to offer. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company and the world's number one travel guidebook brand, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, video, 14 languages, nine international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Cyprus
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Cyprus is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. While away an evening in Kyrenia's idyllic Old Harbour, explore the ruins of ancient cities, and get out, on or under, the waters surrounding the island's beautiful beaches, all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Cyprus and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet Cyprus Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - landscapes, food, history, local customs Over 35 maps Covers Larnaka, Troodos Mountains, Pafos, Nicosia and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet Cyprus, our most comprehensive guide to Cyprus, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less travelled. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet Greece, Lonely Planet Greek Islands, and Lonely Planet Turkey. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company and the world's number one travel guidebook brand, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, video, 14 languages, 12 international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. Lonely Planet enables the curious to experience the world fully and to truly get to the heart of the places they find themselves, near or far from home. TripAdvisor Travelers' Choice Awards 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 winner in Favorite Travel Guide category 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Earth Knowledge Genius!: A Quiz Encyclopedia to Boost Your Brain
Put your knowledge about Planet Earth to the test with this brilliant quiz book for kids!Introducing Earth Knowledge Genius! - a brand new quiz book jam-packed with over 60 topics including mountains, deserts, extreme weather, natural wonders and so much more!Can you find the Himalayas and the Andes mountain ranges on the map? Can you spot the difference between the flags of Australia and New Zealand? Can you pinpoint the Red Sea, Black Sea and the Dead Sea on a map? If the answer is no, then this may be the book for you! Take on this brain-busting challenge about our amazing planet!So what are you waiting for? Challenge yourself and explore: -"Reference" spreads to introduce all 60 topics and give all the essential info-"Quiz" pages, packed with pictures to pore over, put your knowledge to the test-"Test Yourself" panel lists what you're looking for across three levels of difficulty - starter, challenger, and genius -A fun fact with every image gives a clue -Answers appear upside down on the pageAs you hop from one continent to the next, you will not only learn more about our fascinating world, but also have fun in this brilliantly entertaining quiz book for kids and the whole family to enjoy. From capital cities to amazing animals, finding flags and wild weather, you can explore pages jam-packed with eye-popping pictures - and if you don't know where each natural wonder is located, then you can use the handy "Test Yourself" panels to list what you're looking for!With three levels of difficulty, the challenge gets harder as you work your way from Starter, to Challenger, and finally the truly tricky Genius category! If you need it, there's a fun fact with every picture to give a helpful clue.A must-have volume for children aged 9-12 with a thirst for knowledge and discovery, as well as parents and teachers looking for ways to make learning fun and engaging, this awe-inspiring quiz book will keep kids, and the whole family entertained and engaged time and time again. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop there? Perfectly complementing Earth Knowledge Genius! why not put your general knowledge to the test with General Knowledge Genius! and explore the animal world in its entirety with Animal Knowledge Genius!Learning has never been more fun!
Heartwood Publishing Algarve Marco Polo Pocket Travel Guide - with pull out map
Marco Polo Pocket Guide Algarve: the Travel Guide with Insider Tips Explore the Algarve with this handy, pocket-sized, authoritative guide, packed with Insider Tips. Discover boutique hotels, authentic restaurants, the region's trendiest places, and get tips on shopping and what to do on a limited budget. There are plenty of ideas for travel with kids, and a summary of all the festivals and events that take place in this southern area of Portugal. Let Marco Polo show you all this wonderful region has to offer... Glorious, clear sea, fresh air, azure skies, heavenly beaches, natural bays, sheltered coves, rocky cliffs, islands and a subtropical climate: this southern tip of Portugal ticks all the boxes for a picture-perfect holiday. Let Marco Polo Algarve guide you around this beautiful region. Your Marco Polo Algarve Pocket Guide includes: Insider Tips - we show you the hidden gems and little known secrets that offer a real insight into the region from clifftop walks, to dolphin watching to a romantic night in a windmill. Best of - find the best things to do for free, the best 'only in' the Algarve experiences, the best things to do if it rains and the best places to relax and spoil yourself. Sightseeing - all of the top sights are organised by area so you can easily plan your trip. Discovery Tours - 4 specially tailored tours that will get you to the heart of the Algarve. Experience the region's beaches and cliffs, the most beautiful cities, harbours and even an old merchant's route. Algarve in full-colour - Marco Polo Pocket Guide Algarve includes full-colour photos throughout the guide bringing the region to life offering you a real taste of what you can see and enjoy on your trip. Get in the holiday mood - before even leaving home, get in to the holiday mood with Marco Polo's spotify playlist featuring songs related to the travel destination along with the best apps, blogs, film and book recommendations Pull-out map - we've included a handy, pull-out map so you can pop the guide in your bag for a full-on sightseeing day or head out with just the map to enjoy your Discovery Tour. Useful Portuguese phrases - the essential words and phrases are included to help you get by. Trust Marco Polo Pocket Guide Algarve to show you around this fabulous region. The comprehensive coverage and unique insights will ensure you experience everything the Algarve has to offer and more. The special tips, personal insights and unusual experiences will help you make the most of your trip - just arrive and enjoy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Comparative Urbanism: Tactics for Global Urban Studies
COMPARATIVE URBANISM ‘Comparative Urbanism fully transforms the scope and purpose of urban studies today, distilling innovative conceptual and methodological tools. The theoretical and empirical scope is astounding, enlightening, emboldening. Robinson peels away conceptual labels that have anointed some cities as paradigmatic and left others as mere copies. She recalibrates overly used theoretical perspectives, resurrects forgotten ones long in need of a dusting off, and brings to the fore those often marginalised. Robinson’s approach radically re-distributes who speaks for the urban, and which urban conditions shape our theoretical understandings. With Comparative Urbanism in our hands, we can start the practice of urban studies anywhere and be relevant to any number of elsewheres.’ Jane M. Jacobs, Professor of Urban Studies, Yale-NUS College, Singapore ‘How to think the multiplicity of urban realities at the same time, across different times and rhythmic arrangements; how to move with the emergences and stand-stills, with conceptualisations that do justice to all things gathered under the name of the urban. How to imagine comparatively amongst differences that remain different, individualised outcomes, but yet exist in-common. No book has so carefully conducted a specifically urban philosophy on these matters, capable of beginning and ending anywhere.’ AbdouMaliq Simone, Senior Research Fellow, Urban Institute, University of Sheffield The rapid pace and changing nature of twenty-first century urbanisation as well as the diversity of global urban experiences calls for new theories and new methodologies in urban studies. In Comparative Urbanism: Tactics for Global Urban Studies, Jennifer Robinson proposes grounds for reformatting comparative urban practice and offers a wide range of tactics for researching global urban experiences. The focus is on inventing new concepts as well as revising existing approaches. Inspired by postcolonial and decolonial critiques of urban studies she advocates for an experimental comparative urbanism, open to learning from different urban experiences and to expanding conversations amongst urban scholars across the globe. The book features a wealth of examples of comparative urban research, concerned with many dimensions of urban life. A range of theoretical and philosophical approaches ground an understanding of the radical revisability and emergent nature of concepts of the urban. Advanced students, urbanists and scholars will be prompted to compose comparisons which trace the interconnected and relational character of the urban, and to think with the variety of urban experiences and urbanisation processes across the globe, to produce the new insights the twenty-first century urban world demands.
National Geographic Maps Canada Central: Travel Maps International Adventure Map
National Geographic's Canada Central Adventure Map is designed to meet the needs of adventure travelers with its durability and detailed, accurate information. The map includes the locations of cities and towns with a user-friendly index, a clearly marked road network complete with distances and designations for roads/highways, plus secondary routes for those seeking to explore off the beaten path for destinations between Alberta and Ontario. Adventure Maps differ from a traditional road map because of the specialty content they include. Each map contains hundreds of diverse and unique recreational, ecological, cultural, and historic destinations - outside of the major tourist hubs. Whether you are staying in the Polar Bear capital of the world on Hudson Bay, visiting Ontario's award-winning wine region, or sitting beside a campfire in Algonquin Provincial Park, National Geographic Adventure Maps are the perfect companion to a guidebook, yet far easier to pack!On side one, explore the diverse landscape of Manitoba, bordered by Ontario to the east, the arctic coastline of the Nunavut Territory to the north, and North Dakota and Minnesota in the south. Saskatchewan, where you are never far from lake or river recreational opportunities, lies directly to the west, bordered by the Prairie province of Alberta and Montana. The adventure continues on side two, heading to the extreme north with the untouched Labrador Peninsula and Inuit culture of Nunavut. Cross the James Bay to explore the many provincial parks of Ontario, or journey south to the maple hills and lakes of the Algonquin Upland. The Canada Central Adventure Map is printed in the United States on a durable synthetic paper, making it waterproof, tear-resistant, and capable of withstanding the rigors of international travel. The map is two-sided and is folded to a packable size of 235 x 108 mm; unfolded size is 965 x 660 mm. Travel Tip! Due to the synthetic sheet that Adventure Maps are printed on, you can easily fold the map to a discreet size, showing just the area you're interested in. Key Features:* Waterproof and tear-resistant* Designed and printed in the U. S. A.* Detailed topography with clearly labeled natural features* Major road networks* Hundreds of points of interest, including the location of provincial parks, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and ski areas.* Thousands of place names with a detailed index* Important travel aids including airports, rail lines, and other infrastructure* Latitude/Longitude and UTM grids along with a compass rose and scale bars for accurate navigation with compass or GPSNet proceeds from the sale of this map go to support the nonprofit mission of the National Geographic Society.
Simon & Schuster Ltd You Love Me: The highly anticipated sequel to You and Hidden Bodies (YOU series Book 3)
*** PRE-ORDER THE NEXT THRILLING INSTALMENT IN THE SERIES BEHIND THE HIT NETFLIX SHOW – FOR YOU AND ONLY YOU IS OUT IN PAPERBACK SPRING 2024 ***‘Crazy, sexy, cool: Caroline Kepnes gets better – and Joe Goldberg gets worse – with every book’ ERIN KELLY'Caroline Kepnes writes with such malevolent energy, such dark grace and such ink-black humour. An utterly unique character and an utterly unique writer, in a marriage made somewhere between heaven and hell’ RICHARD OSMAN 'Fiendish, fast-paced, and very funny' PAULA HAWKINS'Another dark, thrilling, and blackly hilarious adventure from everyone's favourite murderer' CLAIRE MCGOWAN 'I absolutely loved it. It’s completely addictive, razor-sharp writing from Kepnes. Internet creeping at its most darkly humorous. Joe’s back, and this time it’s definitely real love' CATHERINE STEADMAN‘Caroline Kepnes must be some kind of storytelling sorcerer. How else can Joe Goldberg — stalker, creep, multiple-murderer, blamer of everyone else but himself, a “long overdue book, the one you never thought was coming” — be such an entertaining narrator? Even Tom Ripley, Patricia Highsmith’s famously amoral character (a clear inspiration for Kepnes), could be enjoyed at a third-person remove, unlike the in-your-face immediacy of Joe’s blinkered perspective . . . brilliant’ New York TimesJOE GOLDBERG IS BACK. AND HE'S GOING TO START A FAMILY – EVEN IF IT KILLS HIM . . . Joe Goldberg is done with cities, done with the muck and the posers, done with Love. Now, he's saying hello to nature, to simple pleasures on a cosy island in the Pacific Northwest. For the first time in a long time, he can just breathe. He gets a job at the local library – he does know a thing or two about books – and that's where he meets her: Mary Kay DiMarco. Librarian. Joe won't meddle, he will not obsess. He'll win her the old fashioned way . . . by providing a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand. Over time, they'll both heal their wounds and begin their happily ever after in this sleepy town. The trouble is . . . Mary Kay already has a life. She's a mother. She's a friend. She's . . . busy. True love can only triumph if both people are willing to make room for the real thing. Joe cleared his decks. He's ready. And hopefully, with his encouragement and undying support, Mary Kay will do the right thing and make room for him.
Orion Publishing Co The Quantum Thief: The epic hard SF heist thriller for fans of THE MATRIX and NEUROMANCER
The solar system's greatest thief is wanted for murder. To prove his innocence, he needs to pull off a heist even he thought was impossible . . .The Quantum Thief is a dazzling hard SF novel set in the solar system of the far future - a heist novel peopled by bizarre post-humans but powered by very human motives of betrayal, revenge and jealousy. It is a stunning debut.Jean le Flambeur is a post-human criminal, mind burglar, confidence artist and trickster. His origins are shrouded in mystery, but his exploits are known throughout the Heterarchy - from breaking into the vast Zeusbrains of the Inner System to steal their thoughts, to stealing rare Earth antiques from the aristocrats of the Moving Cities of Mars. Except that Jean made one mistake. Now he is condemned to play endless variations of a game-theoretic riddle in the vast virtual jail of the Axelrod Archons - the Dilemma Prison - against countless copies of himself. Jean's routine of death, defection and cooperation is upset by the arrival of Mieli and her spidership, Perhonen. She offers him a chance to win back his freedom and the powers of his old self - in exchange for finishing the one heist he never quite managed . . .Readers have been gripped by THE QUANTUM THIEF:'I am very surprised and delighted by this novel . . . this monolith of story, this dire-light, this cutting of an epic gordian knot has got to be one of the classics of literature'- Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I enjoyed the hell out of this and am eating up the rest of the series without hesitation' - Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I cannot emphasize how much I love and appreciate the depth and complexity that [The Quantum Thief] realizes. Rajaniemi has crafted a hard science masterpiece that sets up a wonderful series' - Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'This really is one of my all time favourite High Concept SciFi novels. It's an unrelenting stream of far out tech and cultural experimentation taken to extremes.' - Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Complex & yet compulsively readable . . . The Quantum Thief is one of the most innovative debut novels I've ever read!' - Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I really don't remember last time when I was excited in such way by a book . . . surely the best debut in this genre for a long time' - Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DK Eyewitness Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.Explore the historic streets of Tallinn's Old Town, look out for bears and elk in Guaja National Park or marvel at the imposing Trakai Island Castle: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with this indispensable travel guide.Inside DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania:- Over 30 colour maps help you navigate with ease- Simple layout makes it easy to find the information you need- Comprehensive tours and itineraries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, designed for every interest and budget- Illustrations and floorplans show in detail the Niguliste Church, Kadriorg Park, the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum, Rundale Palace, Vilnius Cathedral, the Church of Sts Peter and Paul, Trakai Island Castle and more- Colour photographs of vibrant cities, historic churches and castles, pretty rural towns, spectacular architecture, serene countryside, scenic coastline and more- Detailed chapters, with area maps, cover Tallinn, Western Estonia, Eastern Estonia, Riga, Western Latvia, Eastern Latvia, Vilnius, Central Lithuania and Western Lithuania - Historical and cultural context gives you a richer travel experience: learn about the history, religion, music and culture of these three fascinating countries- Essential travel tips: our expert choices of where to stay, eat, shop and sightsee, plus useful phrases, and transport, visa and health information DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is a detailed, easy-to-use guide designed to help you get the most from your visit to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.DK Eyewitness: winner of the Top Guidebook Series in the Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards 2017. "No other guide whets your appetite quite like this one" - The IndependentPlanning a longer trip around eastern and central Europe? Try our DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Eastern and Central Europe.About DK Eyewitness Travel: DK's highly visual Eyewitness guides show you what others only tell you, with easy-to-read maps, tips, and tours to inform and enrich your holiday. DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. And No Birds Sing
Originally published in 1931, this memoir is an unflinching look at the life experience of a woman struggling with identity and isolation. In harrowing yet lyrical prose, Pauline Leader assails her poverty and Jewish heritage and longs to fit in with her "American" peers. Born in 1908, she describes her home life as the daughter of Polish immigrants who run a butcher's market and boarding houses in a small New England town. Frequent beatings and sinister remarks issued by her parents puncture her childhood. At the age of 12, following a long illness, Leader becomes deaf yet another stigma to bear. As a young adult she journeys to New York City where she struggles to find work in factories and sweatshops and seeks social acceptance among the artists and prostitutes of Greenwich Village. For a time she is held in a reformatory for "wayward" girls. Her strong will and fierce independence are often thwarted by severe self-doubt, but through it all, she finds solace through her writing. A new scholarly introduction provides a modern framework for understanding Leader and her times. She persevered and became a published poet and novelist, often drawing on the experiences offered up here. Compelling and evocative, And No Birds Sing deftly reveals a complex, intelligent spirit toiling in a brutal world. From the book: I insisted to myself that I could still hear. I heard in my mind the sounds of streams as I passed them. I knew the sound the river made, that river that I had known always, the river by the marble house. In my mind the river washed with a low intimate sound. I had no need to hear as the people heard. True intimacy needs no ears. I knew the sound of birds; I heard them as they hopped about. I knew the sound of words also. It was words that I most intensely heard. I had not always the river and the birds they appeared far away at times. I did not always want river and birds, but I always wanted words, and I always had them. I would have been terribly lonely without them. With them always in my mind, I could not be truly lonely. I played with them; I set them to music; I achieved endless variations with them. They were never weary, as other things could sometimes be weary.
Canelo It Was You: The Must-Read Romantic Comedy
When life falls apart, friendship will keep you togetherAlice Waites has been happily single for almost two years.When her close friends in The Short Book Group gently question her current distinct lack of interest in men, she accepts that maybe it is time to deal with the past and open herself up to new possibilities.Oh yes, the time has come to go dating again.However, things soon unravel for Alice as she uncovers the secret heartache and hopes of those around her. And her most surprising discovery is the life-changing truth which she has kept hidden, even from herself…Perfect for readers of Milly Johnson, Jojo Moyes or Mhairi McFarlane, It Was You is the fast, funny and touching story of one woman’s journey towards love.Praise for Reading Upside Down by Jo Platt‘Brilliant brilliant brilliant – what a brilliant book, thoroughly recommended!’ Joe‘I really enjoyed this book and it genuinely made me laugh out loud… I loved it and can't wait to read more from this great writer!’ Juliet‘So good I've given it another spin.’ Nicholas ‘I loved everything about this gem of a novel, and was hooked from the very first page.’ KA Clarke‘I simply loved this book. Jo's effortless comedy had me laughing out loud on numerous occasions. It's as dry as a stick and a welcome change from some of the more traditional chicklit novels.’ K Jones‘Charming, hilarious and very enjoyable! So easy to read yet fast paced, you'll not want to put it down. Definitely recommended!’ Charlie‘I loved this book. Very funny with a few twists and warm moments! Highly recommended if you love a light uplifting (and very funny) read.’ SarahJo Platt was born in Liverpool in 1968 and, via the extremely winding route of rural Wiltshire, London, Seattle and St Albans, she is now happily settled in Bristol with her husband and two daughters. She studied English at King's College London before going on to work in the City for ten years. In 2000 she escaped into motherhood and part-time employment, first as an assistant teacher in a Seattle pre-school and then was a Bristol-based secretary to her husband.
Princeton University Press Suburbs under Siege: Race, Space, and Audacious Judges
In Suburbs under Siege Charles Haar argues passionately that all people--rich or poor, black or white--have a constitutional right to live in the suburbs and that a socially responsible judiciary should vigorously uphold that right. For various reasons, American courts have generally failed to question local zoning regulations that trap the urban poor in the squalor of inner cities, away from decent housing and jobs in the suburbs. No U.S. Supreme Court case, for instance, has confronted exclusionary zoning rules, as Brown v. Board of Education once attacked school segregation. Instead, judges at all levels have most often reinforced the residential segregation that may well destroy American society. In this provocative book on the landmark Mount Laurel cases, Haar shows how the N.J. state judiciary broke out of this pattern of judicial behavior. These courageous, innovative judges attracted nationwide attention by challenging the forces of affluence that ruled the suburbs (and the legislature) of their state. Furthermore, they based their reasoning on the N.J. state constitution in order to protect their rulings from invalidation by the U.S. Supreme Court. In the early 1970s, when the cases began, the plaintiffs, Ethel Lawrence and her daughter Thomasene, were barely making ends meet in the Philadelphia suburb of Mount Laurel, a town where their African-American ancestors had lived for seven generations. The Lawrences' dream was to live in a Mount Laurel garden apartment planned by a grassroots reform group as affordable housing: in their way stood a typical minimum acreage zoning ordinance. The eventual court victory of the Lawrences and their young public interest attorneys inspired other N.J. suits and a process of remediation that continues to this day, as judges, experts (special masters), the state legislature, and other citizens work to carry out the Mount Laurel principles. Haar's book is a bold attack on conventional doctrines of the separation of powers limitations on the judicial branch and a plea that judges across the country assume their proper responsibilities for fair housing before it is too late. Originally published in 1996. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Orion Publishing Co Black Cherry Blues
The third highly acclaimed novel in the Dave Robicheaux series, and winner of the Edgar award.Personal tragedy has left Dave Robicheaux close to the edge. Battling against his old addiction to alcohol and haunted nightly by vivid dreams and visitations, Dave finds his only tranquillity at home with his young ward Alafair. But even this fragile peace is shattered by the arrival of Dixie Lee Pugh who brings with him a brutal trail of murder and violence. Robicheaux reluctantly agrees to help out his old friend but becomes more involved than he bargained for when he finds himself suspect Number One in the series of bloody killings. Forced to leave his home, Robicheaux's precarious existence reaches breaking point when Alafair's life is threatened.Praise for one of the great American crime writers, James Lee Burke:'James Lee Burke is the heavyweight champ, a great American novelist whose work, taken individually or as a whole, is unsurpassed.' Michael Connelly'A gorgeous prose stylist.' Stephen King'Richly deserves to be described now as one of the finest crime writers America has ever produced.' Daily MailFans of Dennis Lehane, Michael Connelly and Don Winslow will love James Lee Burke: Dave Robicheaux Series1. The Neon Rain 2. Heaven's Prisoners 3. Black Cherry Blues 4. A Morning for Flamingos 5. A Stained White Radiance 6. In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead 7. Dixie City Jam 8. Burning Angel 9. Cadillac Jukebox 10. Sunset Limited 11. Purple Cane Road 12. Jolie Blon's Bounce 13. Last Car to Elysian Fields 14. Crusader's Cross 15. Pegasus Descending 16. The Tin Roof Blowdown 17. Swan Peak 18. The Glass Rainbow 19. Creole Belle 20. Light of the World 21. Robicheaux Hackberry Holland Series1. Lay Down My Sword and Shield 2. Rain Gods 3. Feast Day of Fools 4. House of the Rising SunBilly Bob Holland Series1. Cimarron Rose 2. Heartwood 3. Bitterroot 4. In The Moon of Red Ponies * Each James Lee Burke novel can be read as a standalone or in series order *
Orion Publishing Co Swan Peak
'With its trademark mix of brutality and poetry, Swan Peak is a brilliant piece of work from an American master.' ObserverAfter the devastating events recounted in THE TIN ROOF BLOWDOWN, Dave Robicheaux and his ex-partner in Homicide, Clete Purcel, head for the mountains and trout streams of Montana for some much-needed healing. However, while Montana might seem an unspoilt paradise peopled by men and women from an earlier, more innocent time in American history, Dave and Clete soon find that there are plenty of serpents in the garden too. The deaths of a couple of hikers suggest a perverted serial killer may be at work, while an escaped jailbird and his former tormentor are locked in a savage dance of revenge that is ultimately connected to the fortunes of a wealthy oil family hiding a terrible secret ...Praise for one of the great American crime writers, James Lee Burke:'James Lee Burke is the heavyweight champ, a great American novelist whose work, taken individually or as a whole, is unsurpassed.' Michael Connelly'A gorgeous prose stylist.' Stephen King'Richly deserves to be described now as one of the finest crime writers America has ever produced.' Daily MailFans of Dennis Lehane, Michael Connelly and Don Winslow will love James Lee Burke: Dave Robicheaux Series1. The Neon Rain 2. Heaven's Prisoners 3. Black Cherry Blues 4. A Morning for Flamingos 5. A Stained White Radiance 6. In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead 7. Dixie City Jam 8. Burning Angel 9. Cadillac Jukebox 10. Sunset Limited 11. Purple Cane Road 12. Jolie Blon's Bounce 13. Last Car to Elysian Fields 14. Crusader's Cross 15. Pegasus Descending 16. The Tin Roof Blowdown 17. Swan Peak 18. The Glass Rainbow 19. Creole Belle 20. Light of the World 21. Robicheaux Hackberry Holland Series1. Lay Down My Sword and Shield 2. Rain Gods 3. Feast Day of Fools 4. House of the Rising SunBilly Bob Holland Series1. Cimarron Rose 2. Heartwood 3. Bitterroot 4. In The Moon of Red Ponies * Each James Lee Burke novel can be read as a standalone or in series order *
WW Norton & Co Black Folk: The Roots of the Black Working Class
There have been countless books, articles, and televised reports in recent years about the almost mythic “white working class,” a tide of commentary that has obscured the labor, and even the very existence, of entire groups of working people, including everyday Black workers. In this brilliant corrective, Black Folk, acclaimed historian Blair LM Kelley restores the Black working class to the center of the American story. Spanning two hundred years—from one of Kelley’s earliest known ancestors, an enslaved blacksmith, to the essential workers of the Covid-19 pandemic—Black Folk highlights the lives of the laundresses, Pullman porters, domestic maids, and postal workers who established the Black working class as a force in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Taking jobs white people didn’t want and confined to segregated neighborhoods, Black workers found community in intimate spaces, from stoops on city streets to the backyards of washerwomen, where multiple generations labored from dawn to dusk, talking and laughing in a space free of white supervision and largely beyond white knowledge. As millions of Black people left the violence of the American South for the promise of a better life in the North and West, these networks of resistance and joy sustained early arrivals and newcomers alike and laid the groundwork for organizing for better jobs, better pay, and equal rights. As her narrative moves from Georgia to Philadelphia, Florida to Chicago, Texas to Oakland, Kelley treats Black workers not just as laborers, or members of a class, or activists, but as people whose daily experiences mattered—to themselves, to their communities, and to a nation that denied that basic fact. Through affecting portraits of her great-grandfather, a sharecropper named Solicitor, and her grandmother, Brunell, who worked for more than a decade as a domestic maid, Kelley captures, in intimate detail, how generation after generation of labor was required to improve, and at times maintain, her family’s status. Yet her family, like so many others, was always animated by a vision of a better future. The church yards, factory floors, railcars, and postal sorting facilities where Black people worked were sites of possibility, and, as Kelley suggests, Amazon package processing centers, supermarkets, and nursing homes can be the same today. With the resurgence of labor activism in our own time, Black Folk presents a stirring history of our possible future.
Elsevier Health Sciences An Introduction to Medical Terminology for Health Care: A Self-Teaching Package
An Introduction to Medical Terminology for Health Care is designed to introduce medical terms to readers who have little or no prior knowledge of the language of medicine. The latest edition of this hugely popular volume retains its effective approach to learning medical terminology by breaking words into their component parts and applying knowledge through exercises and examples from patient care. Throughout the book, information is organised into friendly, accessible, learning modules which are presented in a helpful, template format. Abundant fill-in exercises and helpful diagrams also aid the process of analysing and learning medical terms. In this latest fifth edition, Andy Hutton has brought the book completely up-to-date by with the addition of new exercises and more information on common pathological conditions, medical procedures and laboratory tests. Each unit now includes a comprehensive list of associated words that are often used in combination with specific medical terms in patient records and medical publications. An Introduction to Medical Terminology for Health Care is suitable for medical secretaries and clerical staff - particularly those on AMSPAR courses, foundation level nursing and allied health students, CMA (AAMA) candidates and anyone undertaking the SQA National Progression Award in administration for medical receptionists and secretaries. A self-directed learning package that requires no previous knowledge of medical terminology New design with icons to direct the reader and facilitate the learning process Case Histories help put the words into a 'real life' context Over 120 clear images enable students to associate medical terms with human anatomy and medical equipment Self-assessment modules allow readers to test their knowledge of the meaning of word components and their association with a disease, anatomical feature or medical specialty Simple, non-technical descriptions of pathological conditions, symptoms, laboratory tests, medical instruments and clinical procedures Numerous fill-in word exercises to ensure fast and effective learning Comprehensive abbreviation lists and a glossary A valuable resource for readers taking the City and Guilds (AMSPAR) exams or CMA (AAMA) exams in medical terminology Fresh design and updated artwork program gives added appeal to the volume Each unit contains a list of common associated words often used in conjunction with specific medical terms in patient records and medical publications More information on pathological conditions, laboratory tests and clinical procedures Self-assessment exercises on medical specialties Revised lists of common abbreviations associated with each speciality
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Border Crossings: A Journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway
An illustrated travelogue that brilliantly captures artist and illustrator Emma Fick’s epic train journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway—from Beijing through Mongolia to Moscow—including more than 200 watercolor illustrations and handwritten text that includes cultural and historical information as well as invaluable travel tips.In May 2015, on a trip through the Baltics and Scandinavia, artist and illustrator Emma Fick and her boyfriend (now husband) Helvio discovered a worn copy of the Trans-Siberian Handbook at a secondhand shop in Helsinki. Many travelers from around the globe had used the guide to journey on the longest train ride in the world. Emma and Helvio took their find as a sign to embark on their own adventure on the legendary railway that has captured the imaginations and curiosities of many travelers and explorers since its construction a century ago.A year and a half later, with Trans-Siberian Handbook in hand, they boarded the train in Beijing. Their odyssey was just beginning.Border Crossings is the chronicle of their unforgettable 26-day, 8-city journey across Asia to Moscow. Emma offers a concise history of the railway and in vivid, visual language, takes you across a vast landscape of rural villages and bustling urban centers, through open food markets brimming with delicacies and a snowy mountain wilderness dotted with clusters of gers—nomadic homes. Emma’s detailed observations and lush descriptions, accompanied by detailed colorful illustrations, bring this remarkable journey of discovery and adventure—the landscapes, food, people and cultures—to life. Experience drinking salty milk tea, eating shoe sole cake (fried cakes shaped like shoe soles piled high and topped with milk curds and hard candies), and riding camels in Mongolia. In Russia, wander through a snow-draped countryside filled with stands of birch trees, explore the wonders of freshwater Lake Baikal—the source of omul, a ubiquitous and beloved fish delicacy—go ice fishing, and take a self-guided tour of Moscow. With its hand-drawn maps, its wealth of illustrations of every aspect of the experience—from sleeping quarters on a train to the highlights of a monastery or the details of a memorable meal, Border Crossings is an invitation to experience new destinations and cultures first-hand—to travel the Trans-Siberian Railway as never before, whether you’re a nomad looking for a new vacation destination, an armchair traveler, or just culturally curious.
Canelo The Christmas Tea Shop: An uplifting, Cornish festive romance
There’s nothing a good cup of tea can’t fix… even a hopeless love lifeFran Gandolfini can’t help taking in strays; with four dogs, five cats and two bearded dragons, she refuses to give up on a creature in need. The only thing Fran has given up on, in fact, is her love life.Moving from the city to Penhallow Sands to work in the Tea Shop, Ethan Clarke hopes he’s made the right choice for his daughter, Tilly. His past means he struggles to trust people, but Fran might be the one person capable of changing that.Until a life-changing secret that Fran’s keeping for a friend causes a rift between them. Fran can’t tell Ethan the truth, but she hates lying to him more. It’ll take a Christmas miracle to set things right…A heartwarming Christmas romance set in Cornwall and perfect for fans of Holly Martin, Phillipa Ashley and Sue Moorcroft.Praise for The Christmas Tea Shop ‘Perfect Christmas read. Full of love, laughter and Christmas feelings. Gets you in the mood for the holidays! Such a fun read! Fall in love with Fran, Holly, Ethan, Tillie and many more as you read this book.’ 5* Reader review‘I found this book to be a delightful, romantic love story involving Fran, who has given up on her love life, and Ethan a single father. If you’re looking for a lift-your-spirit Christmas story, then I recommend this book to you.’ Reader review‘A thoroughly enjoyable and laugh-out-loud book!’ Reader review‘What a super third novel in the Cornish Hearts series this is! Introducing new characters, this expands on the feel-good nature of the previous two books and with a gorgeous Christmas setting, love just sparkles all the way through. With some wonderful, magical moments this is a delicious read, with everything you could possibly want in a festive rom-com and perfectly timed to set you up for your own sparkling Christmastime, and absolutely earning a full five shining stars!’ 5* Reader review‘This was a lovely, heartwarming story that captures the essence of life in a small community, focusing on the importance of family and friends supporting one another.’ Reader review‘A sweet romantic festive tale of new love, yummy food and misunderstandings. Get cosy and be prepared not to move until the end. Loved it.’ 5* Reader review
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet USA Planning Map
From Lonely Planet, the world's leading travel guide publisher Durable and waterproof, with a handy slipcase and an easy-fold format, Lonely Planet USA Planning Map is your conveniently-sized passport to traveling with ease. Get more from your map and your trip with images and information about top country attractions, itinerary suggestions, a transport guide, planning information, themed lists and practical travel tips. With this easy-to-use, full colour navigation tool in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of the USA, so begin your journey now! Durable and waterproof Easy-fold format and convenient size Handy slipcase Full colour and easy-to-use Before-you-go info Beautiful imagery Tailored itineraries Can't-miss regional highlights Detailed town index Transport planner Themed lists Covers New York City, Washington, DC, Boston, New England, Walt Disney World, Miami, The Everglades, New Orleans, Nashville, Blue Ridge Parkway, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon National Park, Austin & San Antonio, Los Angeles, Pacific Coast Highways, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Yellowstone National Park, Rocky Mountains, Route 66, Great Lakes Check out Lonely Planet USA, our most comprehensive guidebook to the country, covering the top sights and most authentic off-beat experiences. Or check out Lonely Planet Best of USA, a handy-sized guide focused on the can't-miss experiences for a quick trip. About Lonely Planet: Since 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel media company with guidebooks to every destination, an award-winning website, mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet covers must-see spots but also enables curious travellers to get off beaten paths to understand more of the culture of the places in which they find themselves. The world awaits! Lonely Planet guides have won the TripAdvisor Traveler's Choice Award in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times
HarperCollins Publishers The Wide Window (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Dear reader, There is nothing to be found in Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events but misery and despair. You still have time to choose another international best-selling series to read. But if you insist on discovering the unpleasant adventures of the Baudelaire orphans, then proceed with caution… Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire are intelligent children. They are charming, and resourceful, and have pleasant facial features. Unfortunately, they are exceptionally unlucky. In The Wide Window the siblings encounter a hurricane, a signalling device, hungry leaches, cold cucumber soup, a horrible villain and a doll named Pretty Penny. In the tradition of great storytellers, from Dickens to Dahl, comes an exquisitely dark comedy that is both literary and irreverent, hilarious and deftly crafted. Despite their wretched contents, A Series of Unfortunate Events has sold 60 million copies worldwide and been made into a Hollywood film starring Jim Carrey. And in the future things are poised to get much worse, thanks to the forthcoming Netflix series directed by Barry Sonnenfeld. You have been warned. Are you unlucky enough to own all 13 adventures? The Bad Beginning The Reptile Room The Wide Window The Miserable Mill The Austere Academy The Ersatz Elevator The Vile Village The Hostile Hospital The Carnivorous Carnival The Slippery Slope The Grim Grotto The Penultimate Peril The End And what about All The Wrong Questions? In this four-book series a 13-year-old Lemony chronicles his dangerous and puzzling apprenticeship in a mysterious organisation that nobody knows anything about: ‘Who Could That Be at This Hour?’ ‘When Did you Last See Her?’ ‘Shouldn’t You Be in School?’ ‘Why is This Night Different from All Other Nights?’ Lemony Snicket was born before you were and is likely to die before you as well. He was born in a small town where the inhabitants were suspicious and prone to riot. He grew up near the sea and currently lives beneath it. Until recently, he was living somewhere else. Brett Helquist was born in Ganado, Arizona, grew up in Orem, Utah, and now lives in New York City. He earned a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Brigham Young University and has been illustrating ever since. His art has appeared in many publications, including Cricket magazine and The New York Times.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Don't Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You
‘Williams’s memoir is as flinty, earthy and plain-spoken as her songs’ New York Times ‘The often hilarious, occasionally harrowing Don’t Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is a bracingly candid chronicle of a sui generis character plotting a ramshackle but ultimately triumphant trajectory’ Wall Street Journal ‘An engaging read and beautifully written’ MOJO The beloved and iconic singer-songwriter and three-time Grammy winner opens up about her traumatic childhood in the Deep South, her years of being overlooked in the music industry, and the stories that inspired her enduring songs. Lucinda Williams’s rise to fame was anything but easy. Raised in a working-class family in the Deep South, she moved from town to town each time her father—a poet, a textbook salesman, a professor, a lover of parties—got a new job, totalling twelve different places by the time she was 18. Her mother suffered from severe mental illness and was in and out of hospitals. And when Williams was about a year old she had to have an emergency tracheotomy—an inauspicious start for a singing career. But she was also born a fighter, and she would develop a voice that has captivated millions. Lucinda Williams takes readers through the events that shaped her music—from performing for family friends in her living room to singing at local high schools and colleges, to recording her first album and headlining a sold-out show at Radio City Music Hall. She reveals the inspirations for her unforgettable lyrics, including the doomed love affairs with ‘poets on motorcycles’, and the gothic Southern landscapes of the many different towns of her youth. Williams spent years working at health food stores and record stores during the day so she could play her music at night, and faced record companies who told her that her music was ‘too unfinished’, ‘too country for rock and too rock for country’, and criticism that she didn’t have the right voice for radio or TV. But her fighting spirit persevered, leading to a hard-won success that spans 17 Grammy nominations and a legacy as one of the greatest and most influential songwriters of our time. Raw, intimate and honest, Don’t Tell Anybody the Secrets I Told You is an evocative reflection on an extraordinary woman’s life journey.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd RHS How to Create your Garden: Ideas and Advice for Transforming your Outdoor Space
"Creating a garden doesn't need to be complicated." This is the promise from Adam Frost, BBC Gardeners' World presenter and winner of multiple Chelsea Flower Show gold medals.Create your dream garden with a practical, uncomplicated approach to gardening that suits your lifestyle, personality, and budget!Whether you have a small garden in the city or have hundreds of acres in the countryside, you can create an idyllic garden in whatever setting you choose with this gardening guide.This clear and practical gardening book will show you how to easily design a garden that reflects your practical needs, lifestyle, budget, personality, soil, and climate. Here's what you'll find inside:- Work through Q&A sessions, build mood boards and plant lists, and develop the essential skills to design, plot, and shape your space- Step-by-step photography shows you the techniques you need to build your garden - all the hard-landscaping skills you might need, such as building a brick wall, laying paving or decking, or installing fencing or a water feature- You are shown how those skills can be applied to different garden projects, from creating a seating area to building a simple water feature. You can mix and match projects according to your available space, tailor them to your climate and soil type, and gradually build your perfect garden, bit by bit- A month-by-month guide shows you how to enjoy your garden space and checklists helps you with easy garden maintenance and developmentDesigning your garden shouldn't be a daunting task. This gardening book will help you understand your space so you can create something that works for you - your time constraints, your budget, your family requirements, the sort of plants you like, and the effect you want to achieve.Following a practical, no-nonsense approach, this gardening guide strips away complex design concepts and focuses on your needs to help you find your own garden style, even if you're clueless about where to start. Discover simple garden design ideas that work equally well for a complete garden makeover or an elegant but low-maintenance garden. Create your perfect garden without breaking the bank, with an easy-to-follow planting guide that is perfect for beginner and seasoned gardeners alike.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Die wilde Stadt: Stadtwildnis als Ideal, Leistungsträger und Konzept für die Gestaltung von Stadtnatur
Ein städtisches Leben ohne Wildnis ist denkbar, aber nicht erstrebenswert!Stadtwildnis wagen! Das bedeutet ungeplanter Natur im städtischen Leben einen Platz bieten.Die meisten Stadtbewohner wissen heute gar nicht mehr, was Wildnis eigentlich ist, sind aber gleichzeitig von Wildtieren und –pflanzen fasziniert. Wir haben ein tief verwurzeltes Bedürfnis, etwas über das uns umgebende Leben, die Arten und Artenvielfalt zu erfahren, um zu verstehen, wie wir dies auch in die Städte holen können. Trotzdem haben wir keine konkrete Vorstellung wie wilde Stadtnatur integriert in eine grüne Infrastruktur aussehen kann.Dieses Lehrbuch zur wilden Stadt untersucht Stadtwildnis, ihre Erscheinungsformen, ihre Wahrnehmung durch Stadtbewohner und Naturschützer und begreift Wildnis als Chance und Herausforderung. Dabei stellt es Biodiversität und Naturerlebnis in den Mittelpunkt. Es beantwortet wichtige aktuelle Fragen zu den ökologischen und soziokulturellen Grundlagen von Stadtwildnis, zu ihrer Struktur, zum ökologischen Leistungsvermögen, zum Verhalten gegenüber Wildnis und zum Schutz von wilder Natur in der Stadt. Das Buch erklärt, was Stadtwildnis ist, warum sie Lebensraum von wilden Pflanzen und Tieren ist, wie die Bewohner der Stadt mit ihr zusammenleben können und warum Wildnis ein wertvoller Bestandteil einer blauen und grünen urbanen Infrastruktur sein kann.Theorien und Erkenntnisse der Stadtentwicklung und Ökologie werden mit praktischen Anwendungen in der Stadtplanung zum Thema Stadtwildnis verbunden und mit vielen Fallstudien und weltweiten Beispielen veranschaulicht. Die großen Potenziale von Stadtwildnis werden im Detail aufgezeigt. Um Stadtwildnis nicht zum Problem werden zu lassen, bedarf es eines zielgerichteten, an die besonderen Bedingungen wilder Stadtnatur angepassten Wildnis-Managements, das Naturschutz wie Naturgestaltung gleichermaßen einschließt und dabei immer den Bezug zu den Stadtbewohnern im Auge behält.Ein Lehrbuch, das besonders Studierende und Lehrende der Fächer Stadt- und Raumplanung, Ökologie, Biologie, Landschaftsarchitektur, Landschaftspflege, Geographie und Sozialwissenschaften anspricht und darüber hinaus auch fächerübergreifende Studiengänge wie Smart Cities und Naturmanagement sowie Praktiker der Stadtgestaltung und -entwicklung und des Naturschutzes bedient.
Liverpool University Press Kabbalah and Jewish Modernity
Something crucial and quite unprecedented happened to kabbalah in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Though it had previously been considered a highly secretive and esoteric tradition, its practitioners began to spread its doctrines throughout the Jewish world with missionary zeal. Their goal was ambitious: no less than the remodelling of the religious and ethical attitudes of the entire Jewish population, a reformation of Judaism. Few aspects of Jewish life and religious practice were not changed as a result of the spread of kabbalah. These innovations originated mainly in the city of Safed in Galilee. They were introduced by kabbalistic adepts, but would not have gained broad acceptance if they had not made sense to people in terms of their everyday lives. The kabbalistic corpus that emerged should thus be interpreted not just as the elaboration of a secretive literary tradition, but as a response to the needs of Jewish society in its manifest historical context. In addition, Roni Weinstein argues, these kabbalistic innovations were partly a response to changes in the Catholic world-view, revealing an intimate link with Counter-Reformation Catholicism that is explored here for the first time. The religious and political changes taking place in contemporary Ottoman settings also contributed to these changes. The effect of these developments on Jewish culture was nothing short of revolutionary, deeply affecting people’s lives at the time and also laying the foundations for change in future generations. Yet they were not presented as revolutionary: the early modern kabbalists understood that they would only succeed in spreading their message if they presented their doctrines as the natural continuation of what went before. Weinstein’s sociological reading of mystical texts encompasses a number of methodological innovations, including the need to consider the impact of the non-Jewish environment in the fashioning of Jewish texts. He sees the emergence of ‘Jewish modernity’ as the result of developments that were intrinsically Jewish rather than as a response to outside influences during the Enlightenment; controversially, he therefore places its origins in the Mediterranean world of the late sixteenth century rather than in eighteenth-century Berlin. His argument is based on a wide range of Jewish sources—including theological tracts, kabbalistic and ethical literature, hagiographies, mystical diaries, halakhic rulings and responsa, and community and confraternal regulations—as well as the testimonies non-Jewish travellers, and Catholic religious literature. This stimulating new reading of the development of kabbalistic texts and practices opens a new chapter in the understanding of Jewish modernity. The Hebrew edition of this book was awarded the Goren-Gottstein Prize for the Best Book in Jewish Thought 2010–2012.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Modern Socio-Technical Perspectives on Privacy
This open access book provides researchers and professionals with a foundational understanding of online privacy as well as insight into the socio-technical privacy issues that are most pertinent to modern information systems, covering several modern topics (e.g., privacy in social media, IoT) and underexplored areas (e.g., privacy accessibility, privacy for vulnerable populations, cross-cultural privacy). The book is structured in four parts, which follow after an introduction to privacy on both a technical and social level: Privacy Theory and Methods covers a range of theoretical lenses through which one can view the concept of privacy. The chapters in this part relate to modern privacy phenomena, thus emphasizing its relevance to our digital, networked lives. Next, Domains covers a number of areas in which privacy concerns and implications are particularly salient, including among others social media, healthcare, smart cities, wearable IT, and trackers. The Audiences section then highlights audiences that have traditionally been ignored when creating privacy-preserving experiences: people from other (non-Western) cultures, people with accessibility needs, adolescents, and people who are underrepresented in terms of their race, class, gender or sexual identity, religion or some combination. Finally, the chapters in Moving Forward outline approaches to privacy that move beyond one-size-fits-all solutions, explore ethical considerations, and describe the regulatory landscape that governs privacy through laws and policies. Perhaps even more so than the other chapters in this book, these chapters are forward-looking by using current personalized, ethical and legal approaches as a starting point for re-conceptualizations of privacy to serve the modern technological landscape. The book’s primary goal is to inform IT students, researchers, and professionals about both the fundamentals of online privacy and the issues that are most pertinent to modern information systems. Lecturers or teachers can assign (parts of) the book for a “professional issues” course. IT professionals may select chapters covering domains and audiences relevant to their field of work, as well as the Moving Forward chapters that cover ethical and legal aspects. Academics who are interested in studying privacy or privacy-related topics will find a broad introduction in both technical and social aspects.
Baen Books Monster Hunter Bloodlines
In a business like monster hunting, it's all about setting priorities. The chaos god Asag has been quiet since the destruction of the City of Monsters, but Monster Hunter International knows that he is still out there somewhere—plotting, waiting for his chance to unravel reality. When Owen and the MHI team discover that one of Isaac Newton's Ward Stones is being auctioned off by Reptoids who live deep beneath Atlanta, they decide to steal the magical superweapon and use it to destroy Asag once and for all. But before the stone can be handed off, it is stolen by a mysterious thief with ties to MHI and the Vatican's Secret Guard. It's a race against time, the Secret Guard, a spectral bounty hunter, and a whole bunch of monsters to acquire the Ward Stone and use it against Asag. For as dangerous as the chaos god is, there is something much older—and infinitely more evil—awakening deep in the jungles of South America. About Monster Hunter Guardian: “Once you open the cover, be prepared for an evening to disappear like a werewolf with a portal ring.”—New York Journal of Books About Larry Correia and the Monster Hunter International series: “[E]verything I like in fantasy: intense action scenes, evil in horrifying array, good struggling against the darkness, and most of all people—gorgeously flawed human beings faced with horrible moral choices that force them to question and change and grow.” —Jim Butcher “[A] no-holds-barred all-out page turner that is part science fiction, part horror, and an absolute blast to read.” — “If you love monsters and action, you’ll love this book. If you love guns, you’ll love this book. If you love fantasy, and especially horror fantasy, you’ll love this book.” — “A gun person who likes science fiction—or, heck, anyone who likes science fiction—will enjoy [these books] . . . The plotting is excellent, and Correia makes you care about the characters . . . I read both books without putting them down except for work . . . so whaddaya waitin’ for? Go and buy some . . . for yourself and for stocking stuffers.” —Massad Ayoob “This lighthearted, testosterone-soaked sequel to 2009's Monster Hunter International will delight fans of action horror with elaborate weaponry, hand-to-hand combat, disgusting monsters, and an endless stream of blood and body parts.” —Publishers Weekly on Monster Hunter Vendetta
Ianthe Press Limited Bringing Heaven to Earth: Silver Jewellery and Ornament in the Late Qing Dynasty
The prowess of Chinese creative abilities in the decorative arts in the 19th and early 20th centuries was well known globally, but, while much has been written about Chinese textiles and on the influence of the East on European styles of the time, the story of the influence of Western formats and tastes on the manufacture of Chinese jewellery in the period has, amazingly, never been told. In examining 50 objects of exatraordinary quality from an important private North American collection, this book seeks to redress the situation and reveal the splendour of silver and silver-gilt jewellery of the late Qing dynasty. An ancient and sophisticated culture, the Chinese – who have since records begun made up about a quarter of world’s population – had almost everything they could need or want within their own borders … except for silver. The metal had long cultural, commercial and governmental associations but had to be imported largely from South America, after both national and Japanese reserves were quickly exhausted by huge Chinese demand. Beginning in the mid 19th century – where the story told here begins – after two successive defeats in the Opium Wars, sixteen treaty ports were established on coastal and inland cities, enabling Western merchants freer movement and trade with the Chinese. The 50 pieces of jewellery and ornament presented here have been beautifully photographed and carefully documented. In superb unrestored condition, the objects incorporate exotic materials like tiger-shark teeth, teak wood, amber, precious and semi-precious stones from India and Sri Lanka, enamel, as well as finely carved and pierced nephrite, jadeite and lapis lazuli. Daoist imagery and motifs dominate but with the inclusion of some surprising Buddhist imagery as well. Though not from the imperial collection of the Qing, these exquisite pieces were seemingly commissioned and worn by prosperous members of the society from all over the vast country. The differences in manufacture, even in this varied sample of 50 items, is striking. Their appeal is more than just aesthetic, and their design and decoration speak of the social, religious, economic and political climate of their time. Questions regarding the sale and consumption of these object are discussed, and changing local and foreign tastes in the wake of the fall of the Qing dynasty and the establishment of the Republican period are also addressed.
George F. Thompson Violins and Hope: From the Holocaust to Symphony Hall
Amnon Weinstein, an Israeli master luthier (violin maker), began a project more than years ago that may be one of the most creative, effective, and magnificent approaches to education on the topic of the Holocaust. Trained by three of the most revered Cremona, Italian luthiers of the twentieth century, Weinstein’s vision was to restore violins that survived the concentration camps and the ghettos, even when their owners often did not. To date, more than seventy violins have been restored to their highest playable condition. Following restoration, these hauntingly beautiful instruments have been used in performances by symphonies in Berlin, Cleveland, Istanbul, London, Quebec, Paris, San Francisco, and many other cities across the world. Purposefully, Weinstein makes certain that young musicians as well as members of some of the world’s most famed orchestras perform on them to packed concert halls. In doing so, it’s as if the past owners of the instruments return to fill the listener-observer’s mind and body.In Violins and Hope, Daniel Levin has made the most compelling and beautiful series of photographs documenting Weinstein’s collection of violins, his workshop in Tel Aviv, and his processes for restoration. This book is not a document of place, as much as it is a document of the ethereal. For what Weinstein has done with these lost violins has been to transform tragic loss into triumph in the most inciteful and powerful way imaginable. The care that Levin has taken to hone in on the idiosyncrasies of Amnon’s workshop, and his uncanny ability to celebrate the beauty of light, is nothing short of remarkable.The book’s foreword is written by arguably the most well-suited individual anywhere. Born in Austria, Franz Welser-Möst is one of the most acclaimed conductors of the twenty-first century. He has been Music Director of the Cleveland Orchestra since 2002, and, under his direction, The Cleveland, as it has been fondly named by The New York Times, has had twenty international tours, with shimmering reviews. All too aware of his ancestry, Welser-Möst takes on our mutual history as no one else could. And the book concludes with Levin’s interview with Assi Weinstein, Amnon’s wife, who talks about the Violins of Hope project and its enduring legacy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Comparative Urbanism: Tactics for Global Urban Studies
COMPARATIVE URBANISM ‘Comparative Urbanism fully transforms the scope and purpose of urban studies today, distilling innovative conceptual and methodological tools. The theoretical and empirical scope is astounding, enlightening, emboldening. Robinson peels away conceptual labels that have anointed some cities as paradigmatic and left others as mere copies. She recalibrates overly used theoretical perspectives, resurrects forgotten ones long in need of a dusting off, and brings to the fore those often marginalised. Robinson’s approach radically re-distributes who speaks for the urban, and which urban conditions shape our theoretical understandings. With Comparative Urbanism in our hands, we can start the practice of urban studies anywhere and be relevant to any number of elsewheres.’ Jane M. Jacobs, Professor of Urban Studies, Yale-NUS College, Singapore ‘How to think the multiplicity of urban realities at the same time, across different times and rhythmic arrangements; how to move with the emergences and stand-stills, with conceptualisations that do justice to all things gathered under the name of the urban. How to imagine comparatively amongst differences that remain different, individualised outcomes, but yet exist in-common. No book has so carefully conducted a specifically urban philosophy on these matters, capable of beginning and ending anywhere.’ AbdouMaliq Simone, Senior Research Fellow, Urban Institute, University of Sheffield The rapid pace and changing nature of twenty-first century urbanisation as well as the diversity of global urban experiences calls for new theories and new methodologies in urban studies. In Comparative Urbanism: Tactics for Global Urban Studies, Jennifer Robinson proposes grounds for reformatting comparative urban practice and offers a wide range of tactics for researching global urban experiences. The focus is on inventing new concepts as well as revising existing approaches. Inspired by postcolonial and decolonial critiques of urban studies she advocates for an experimental comparative urbanism, open to learning from different urban experiences and to expanding conversations amongst urban scholars across the globe. The book features a wealth of examples of comparative urban research, concerned with many dimensions of urban life. A range of theoretical and philosophical approaches ground an understanding of the radical revisability and emergent nature of concepts of the urban. Advanced students, urbanists and scholars will be prompted to compose comparisons which trace the interconnected and relational character of the urban, and to think with the variety of urban experiences and urbanisation processes across the globe, to produce the new insights the twenty-first century urban world demands.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DK Eyewitness Thailand's Beaches and Islands
The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring this fascinating region.Wander around Old Phuket Town, laze on the palm-fringed beaches of Ko Samui or discover the lively nightlife of Pattaya: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of Thailand's beaches and islands with this indispensable travel guide.Inside DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Thailand's Beaches and Islands:- Over 20 colour maps help you navigate with ease- Simple layout makes it easy to find the information you need- Comprehensive tours and itineraries of Thailand's Beaches and Islands, designed for every interest and budget- Illustrations and floorplans show in detail the Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaeo, Wat Pho, Dusit Park, Jim Thompson House and Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan - Colour photographs of stunning beaches, paradise islands, spectacular landscapes, bustling cities, charming towns, dazzling temples, historic buildings and more- Detailed chapters, with area maps, cover Bangkok, Eastern Seaboard, Upper Western Gulf Coast, Lower Western Gulf Coast, Upper Andaman Coast, Lower Andaman Coast and the Deep South- Historical and cultural context gives you a richer travel experience: learn about Thailand's history, way of life, culture, wildlife, ecosystems, religion, art, architecture, beaches and more- Essential travel tips: our expert choices of where to stay, eat, shop and sightsee, plus useful phrases, and transport, visa and health information DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Thailand's Beaches and Islands is a detailed, easy-to-use guide designed to help you get the most from your visit to Thailand's Beaches and Islands.DK Eyewitness: winner of the Top Guidebook Series in the Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards 2017. "No other guide whets your appetite quite like this one" - The IndependentPlanning a longer trip around Thailand? Try our DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Thailand.About DK Eyewitness Travel: DK's highly visual Eyewitness guides show you what others only tell you, with easy-to-read maps, tips, and tours to inform and enrich your holiday. DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Trans-Siberian Railway
Lonely Planet: The world’s leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet Trans-Siberian Railway is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Gaze through the window at the unfurling landscape as you pass, glimpse Lake Baikal, Russia’s sacred sea, or gawk at Moscow’s Kremlin at one end of your journey and Beijing’s Forbidden City at the other end -all with your trusted travel companion. Begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet Trans-Siberian Railway Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience – the history of the railway, history of Siberian travel, Russian culture & cuisine, Mongolian culture & cuisine, Chinese culture & cuisine, landscapes & wildlife Covers Moscow, St Petersburg, Beijing, the Trans-Siberian, Trans-Mongolian, Trans-Manchurian and Baikal-Amur Mainline routes and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet Trans-Siberian Railway, our most comprehensive guide to the Trans-Siberian Railway, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less travelled. Looking for a guide focused on Russia or China? Check out Lonely Planet’s Russia or China for a comprehensive look at all that these countries have to offer. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company and the world’s number one travel guidebook brand, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we’ve printed over 145 million guidebooks and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You’ll also find our content online, on mobile, video and in 14 languages, 12 international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Our World in Pictures: Countries, Cultures, People & Places
Packed with more than 1,000 incredible images and full of fascinating facts, this beautiful children's book takes you on an exciting round-the-globe tour, with a stopover in every nation on every continent!Did you know that Cuba's national sport is baseball, one of the most popular sports in the US? And that kids in both Japan and Chile have earthquake drills on their school schedule? Find out about anything from the spookily vibrant Day of the Dead parade in Mexico and the beautiful springtime cherry blossom displays of Japan, to blueberry-picking in Sweden and India's space programme. Discover the countries of the world - explore their geography, wildlife, traditions, and arts, in this picture-packed children's book. Every country profile is full of photos, and each nation has a full-colour map detailing its main cities, landscape features, and borders, and exactly where in the world they are, in this engaging encyclopedia for children aged 9-12. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they explore:-Striking and detailed diagrams, drawings and illustrations on every page -A highly visual approach to learning -Ideal combination of colourful diagrams with infographic text boxesThis captivating kids encyclopedia tackles our weird and wonderful world continent by content, with informative profiles for each of the 196 nations of the world and striking illustrations, photographs and diagrams featured throughout provide an optimum visual learning experience for both children and adults alike, accompanied by an array of fun facts from around the globe!This world encyclopedia includes at-a-glance panels that provide a quick reference to all the stats, making this engaging encyclopedia for kids an ideal combination of colourful diagrams and infographic text boxes with easy-to-read accessible text for readers aged 9-12, yet can be enjoyed by the entire family, making this enthralling children's encyclopedia a beautiful and educational gift that can be passed down generations.Learn all about the world one picture at a time!If you like Countries of the World, then why not complete the collection? Part of the highly-visual Our World In Pictures series, avid readers can dive into the world of dinosaurs with The Dinosaur Book, become a vehicle virtuoso with Cars, Trains, Ships and Planes and explore the incredible animal kingdom with Animal Book.
Salamander Street Limited Breaking into Song: Why You Shouldn't Hate Musicals
“This book is a fascinating cri de coeur and made me question everything I think about musicals” Alan Cumming A book for those who can’t stand musicals, those who love them, and every theatregoer, academic, practitioner and student in between. Breaking Into Song explores theatre’s most divisive genre, and asks the fundamental questions: What makes a musical? Why are they so polarising? And why have we allowed a form so full of possibility to become so repetitive and restrictive? Through a series of essays, London-based director, dramaturg and musical theatre specialist Adam Lenson asks what audiences can do to stay open minded and what creatives can do to make new musicals better. Examining both sides of the divide, he explores how those who both love and hate musicals can expand the possibilities of this misunderstood medium. Dive in and discover the political foundations of the form, the difficulties in pinning down exactly what it is, the connections between musicals, video games, opera and comic books, and why a musical is, actually, a lot like a poopy baby. “A passionate and cogently argued call to arms and a very enjoyable read” Lyn Gardner “This book is really brilliant. If you care about/enjoy/work in/struggle with/want to understand/have concerns for the state of musical theatre, it is essential reading. Hugely recommended” Howard Goodall “I would advise anyone who… hates musicals… to read this book” Musical Theatre Review “Bold, inclusive and willing to adapt, Adam Lenson’s blueprint for musical theatre above all looks at sustainability.” The Reviews Hub Contents: Breaking Into Song The Wound On Hating Musicals Cash Machines Musicals and Comic Books Superpowers Musicals are Political Poopy Babies When Words Are No Longer Enough Collaboration Time and Memory Photocopying a Photocopy I’m Not a Genre, Not Yet a Medium Expertise What’s The Point? Definitions Audiences Musicals and Video Games Can Musicals Ever Be Cool? The Triangle Tiny Bowls Musicals and Opera Digging vs Telescopes The Musical Cardboard Cities Musicals Cost Too Much Autobiography Opposites Build it and They Will Come What’s in a Name? Replicas Stacks Making Space
John Wiley & Sons Inc Busting Loose From the Money Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Changing the Rules of a Game You Can't Win
Real people, real transformations! "Absolutely amazing! It completely shifts your paradigm for life. One of the most wonderful things about it is that the results are immediate. My whole perception and relationship to money has undergone a major, substantial change." —Chris Attwood, writer and teacher, California "I've spent most of my life trying to figure out what's true and what's real. I have to say I now have a clear glimpse into what it really is." —Tom Hill, Colorado "Before Busting Loose from The Money Game, I was very unhappy and frustrated in my life. I was driven to find more ways to make money. I changed jobs, cities, countries, went back to school, read books. Financially, the stress was causing anxiety attacks and migraines so severe I stayed in bed. The joy I feel now is priceless. Money is there when I need it, in the amount that's needed, no matter what occurs (car repairs, unplanned trips, etc.). It's absolutely amazing!" —Suresh Thakoor, Texas "As a retired professor on a fixed and limited income, I always lived from a tight budget and felt compressed by it-especially at the end of the year. I don't use a budget anymore and have opened up new streams of income that were always closed to me in the past." —Howard Rovics, Connecticut "It opened a whole new dimension for me and shifted my perspective on life completely. I especially love how practical it is. The application is so simple, so effective . . . and fun!" —Doris Kahle, Hagen, Germany "I'd had a lot of success in the corporate arena, made a ridiculous amount of money and lost a ridiculous amount of money. But I was caught in a cycle of making it, losing it. I needed to break that cycle-for myself and my family-and this gave me the keys to do that. Busting Loose from The Money Game opened a window I had no clue even existed. This is very cutting-edge, a revolutionary approach to unwrapping yourself from limitations. If you're not satisfied with where you are financially and you're concerned about your future, get this book!" —Ben Coleman, Texas
Hodder & Stoughton Last One at the Party: An intriguing post-apocalyptic survivor's tale full of dark humour and wit
Fleabag meets I Am Legend in this extraordinary novel of one woman's survival in the face of the end of the world . . . December 2023. The human race has fought a deadly virus and lost. The only things left from the world before are burning cities and rotting corpses.But in London, one woman is still alive.Although she may be completely unprepared for her new existence, as someone who has spent her life trying to fit in, being alone is surprisingly liberating.Determined to discover if she really is the last survivor on earth, she sets off on an extraordinary adventure, with only an abandoned golden retriever named Lucky for company.Maybe she'll find a better life or maybe she'll die along the way. But whatever happens, the end of everything will be her new beginning.***'A riotous, black-humoured tonic' Independent'A masterpiece of modern fiction' Sophie Cousens'Fresh, frank, funny' Elizabeth Kay'Brilliant. Creepy, witty, laugh-out-loud and shudder-inducing' Harriet Walker'Harrowing, unflinching and uplifting' Jennifer Saint'Original, brutal, funny and hugely addictive!' Emma Cooper***A 5 star read!' I LOVED this book. I scurried through it in one sitting, couldn't stop reading it for the life of me. Then at the end I cried because it was over' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'It reads like a dream . . . with every single word perfectly plotted to create a story like no other. Sometimes I laughed, sometimes I cried, but I always related and I never wanted it to end' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'From the very first page of this book I knew it was going to be a winner . . . This is a story of strength, determination and self discovery' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'If I could have made a list of all the things that I'd want an apocalypse novel to include, this book would check off every single box' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐'Terrifying, appalling, gory, explicit, laugh out loud funny and practically every other known emotion. This book has it all' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Taylor & Francis Inc Bloodstain Pattern Analysis with an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction
Objective establishment of the truth is the goal of any good crime scene investigator. This demands a consideration of all evidence available using proven scientific methodologies to establish objective snapshots of the crime. The majority of forensic disciplines shed light on the “who” of a crime, bloodstain pattern analysis is one of the most important disciplines to address “what” happened. Understanding the discipline, its underlying scientific basis, and how best to apply this knowledge is crucial in the investigator’s quest for the truth. Internationally known experts in crime scene analysis, Tom Bevel and Ross M. Gardner explore bloodstain pattern analysis in depth, explaining what it is, how it is used, and the practical methodologies employed to achieve defensible results. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis with an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction, Third Edition: Presents a specific and detailed taxonomy of bloodstain pattern characteristics Offers a full-color fold-out Decision Map to guide analysts through the classification process Uses full-color photos and diagrams to illustrate concepts Describes the theory, principles, and methodology for crime scene reconstruction Details proven, applicable scientific methodologies Emphasizes observable and reproducible results to mitigate accusations of subjectivity in evidence and testimony Provides more than 60% new or significantly revised information Offering practical advice and tips for novices and experienced professionals, this book employs clear, lucid, and reasoned scientific arguments to provide the tools to guide and focus any investigative effort. Captain Tom Bevel is a 27-year veteran of the Oklahoma City Police Department, retiring in 1996 as Commander of the Homicide, Robbery, Missing Persons, and Unsolved Homicide units. He is held in high esteem as a qualified expert in crime scene reconstruction and bloodstain pattern analysis in state, federal, and foreign courts. His knowledge and expertise as a crime scene consultant has been sought after in 45 US states and 11 foreign countries. He owns a forensic education and consulting company in his home state of Oklahoma. Ross M. Gardner retired as a Command Sergeant Major and Special Agent in 1999 after serving a total of 24 years in US Army law enforcement. Certified by the International Association for Identification as a Senior Crime Analyst for the past 16 years, Gardner is an active instructor and consultant throughout the United States in crime scene analysis, bloodstain pattern analysis, and crime scene investigation.