Search results for ""author david"
Crossway Books Media, Journalism, and Communication: A Student's Guide
Helping students think wisely about journalism, media, and communication in a digital age, this volume examines the impact of technological advances on how we process information and connect with others.
Crossway Books Crossway ESV Bible Atlas
This groundbreaking, full-color companion to the ESV Bible combines visual appeal with state-of-the-art historical and geographical resources in one user-friendly volume.
Cambridge University Press Electricity and Magnetism
For 50 years, Edward M. Purcell's classic textbook has introduced students to the world of electricity and magnetism. The third edition has been brought up to date and is now in SI units. It features hundreds of new examples, problems, and figures, and contains discussions of real-life applications. The textbook covers all the standard introductory topics, such as electrostatics, magnetism, circuits, electromagnetic waves, and electric and magnetic fields in matter. Taking a nontraditional approach, magnetism is derived as a relativistic effect. Mathematical concepts are introduced in parallel with the physics topics at hand, making the motivations clear. Macroscopic phenomena are derived rigorously from the underlying microscopic physics. With worked examples, hundreds of illustrations, and nearly 600 end-of-chapter problems and exercises, this textbook is ideal for electricity and magnetism courses. Solutions to the exercises are available for instructors at
IngramSpark Use Your Imagination
Austin Macauley Publishers A Career Carol: A Tale of Professional Nightmares and How to Navigate Them
Dover Publications Inc. Advanced Calculus
Oxford University Press Inc Working as Equals: Relational Egalitarianism and the Workplace
Are hierarchical arrangements in the workplace, including the employer-employee relationship, consistent with the ideal of relating to one another as moral equals? With this question at its core, this volume of essays by leading moral and political philosophers explores ideas about justice in the workplace, contributing to both political philosophy and business ethics. Relational egalitarians propose that the ideal of equality is primarily an ideal of social relationships and view the equality of social relationships as having priority over the distributive arrangements. Yet contemporary workplaces are characterized by hierarchical employer-employee relationships. The essays push discussions of the relational egalitarian tradition in new directions, helping to show its promise and its limits. They address pressing concerns at a time of widening inequality and rapid changes in the nature of work. The contributors explore two overarching topics. First, they consider whether the relational ideal of equality really applies to the workplace. In doing so, they explore the scope of the relational egalitarian approach and its promise for extending political philosophy beyond the institutions of the state. Second, they consider what workplace relations and workplace actors would have to be like in order to fulfill the relational egalitarian ideal. In examining these two issues, the contributors both flesh out the relational egalitarian ideal and add to our understanding of the ethical norms of the workplace. The book is an invaluable resource for those studying political philosophy and ethics, particularly relational egalitarianism. Additionally, lawyers interested in the foundations of labor law and antidiscrimination law will find it highly informative.
Pushkin Press A Life in the Making
Over the 29 years of his short life, Franz Michael Felder worked with furious productivity to better himself and the lives of those around him. From his humble origins in the Austrian village of Schoppernau, he went on to found workers' cooperatives, a political party and even a public library in his own home, while also writing many literary works. A Life in the Making is both the culmination of this extraordinary career and a chronicle of its development. It is a story of early hardship and fortitude, of Felder's relentless zeal for learning and his lifelong effort to reconcile his own expanding horizons with the enforced confines of the community he was born to. Unfolding in prose of limpid beauty, A Life in the Making becomes a deeply moving tribute to Felder's wife Nanni, and to his enduring belief in the possibility of a better world.
Ediciones Nowtilus A cubierto
Un abogado encuentra en los archivos de su antiguo bufete los informes sobre un horroroso caso de violencia doméstica. Su lectura le adentra en un alucinante mundo de locura, amor delirante y maldad psicópata.
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Criptografa sin secretos con Python
La criptografía se ha definido tradicionalmente como el arte o la ciencia que se ocupa de alterar los textos escritos con el fin de hacerlos ininteligibles areceptores no autorizados. El único objetivo de la criptografía es conseguir la confidencialidad de los mensajes.La historia de la criptografía es larga y abunda en anécdotas. El libro recorre los hitos criptográficos más importantes desde el Antiguo Egipto hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras la conclusión de esta, el rápido desarrollo teórico y los avances en computación supusieron una amenaza para los sistemas clásicos de cifrado. A mediados de los años 70, se empezó a gestar lo que sería la última revolución de la criptografía: los sistemas asimétricos.Esta obra, sin embargo, no se centra ni en la historia, ni en la teoría de la criptografía, sino en cómo programar los ordenadores para imitar elfuncionamiento de las cifras clásicas y cómo pueden romperse.Dirigida a principiantes que nunca han programado, te mo
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Microsoft Windows PowerShell
El lector que decida acceder a esta obra descubrirá que trabajar con Microsoft Windows PowerShell de una manera inmediata no es tan difícil.El desarrollo tiene un enfoque práctico intentando de esta manera que el contenido resulte lo más útil y funcional posible.Esta obra aborda soluciones gráficas y aplicables mediante consola.Asimismo, aquel que quiera entrar en un modo productivo heterogéneo encontrará respuestas gracias a las explicaciones abordadas.Todo lo que el lector puede encontrar en esta obra se resume en cinco puntos:? Trabajar con las diferentes versiones de Microsoft Windows PowerShell.? Entender Microsoft Windows PowerShell ISE.? Generación de Scripting.? Personalización de factores gráficos o seguridad del entorno.? Combinar Microsoft Windows PowerShell con soluciones gráficas de fácil puesta en producción.
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones BackTrack 5 hacking de redes inalámbricas
Desde hace un tiempo, la seguridad en las comunicaciones, en general, y en las inalámbricas, en particular, se ha convertido en un tema de continua actualidad y es un elemento crucial que cualquier administrador de red debe asumir como objetivo principal.En este libro, su autor (docente e investigador) explica cuidadosamente el abecé de las redes inalámbricas desde un punto de vista totalmente práctico, con cientos de ejemplos reales.La obra le brindará la oportunidad de ponerse en la piel de un hacker y experimentar los métodos que usaría para romper la confidencialidad de sus comunicaciones, todo ello en un entorno completamente controlado.De este modo, podrá estar preparado para afrontar cualquier intento de intrusión en su red Wi-Fi.BackTrack 5. Hacking de redes inalámbricas se perfila como un libro esencial en la biblioteca del consultor o administrador de redes. Como experto, o entusiasta, le guiará paso a paso por los diferentes modos para atacar y defenderse de las
Extramuros Edición, S.L. Dissertation sur les fivres bilieuses et histoire de lepidmie bilieuse qui rgna Lausanne en 1755
Edicions Bellaterra Arqueología analítica
Margaret K. McElderry Books Scavenger of Souls
Dearborn Real Estate Education Essentials of Real Estate Finance
Hay House The Path to Spiritual Advancement
Nordic Academic Press Knowledge Actors: Revisiting Agency in the History of Knowledge
Historical actors are as central to the history of knowledge as to all historical scholarship. Every country, every era has its biographies of eminent scientists, intellectuals, and educational reformers. Yet the theoretical currents that have left their mark on the historical and sociological studies of knowledge since the 1960s have emphasized structures over actors, collectives over individuals. By contrast, Knowledge Actors stresses the importance of historical actors and re-engages with their actions from fresh perspectives. The objective of this volume is thus to foster a larger discussion among historians of knowledge about the role of knowledge actors. Do we want individuals and networks to take centre stage in our research narratives? And if so, which ones do we want to highlight and how are we to conduct our research? What are the potential pitfalls of pursuing that actor-centric trajectory? This the third volume in a trilogy about the history of knowledge from the Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK).
Brepols N.V. Ptolemy's Science of the Stars in the Middle Ages
Hendrickson Publishers Inc Disability in Mission
Alfaguara Si! Somos Latinos: Yes! We Are Latinos
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Insights and Innovations in Community Mental Health: Ten Erich Lindemann Mamorial Lectures
The 10 essays in this book represent innovations in thinking and practice in community mental health. They cover work with the communities of the bereaved, the aged, those in the criminal justice system, the moderately ill, ethnic groups, and the poor.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Abu Ghraib: The Politics of Torture
Penguin Putnam Inc The Cat Who Lived With Anne Frank
When Mouschi the cat goes with his boy, Peter, to a secret annex, he meets a girl named Anne. Bright, kind and loving, Anne dreams of freedom and of becoming a writer whose words change the world. But Mouschi, along with Anne and her family and friends, must stay hidden, hoping for the war to end and for a better future. Told from the perspective of the cat who actually lived with Anne Frank in the famous Amsterdam annex, this poignant book paints a picture of a young girl who wistfully dreams of a better life for herself and her friends, tentatively wonders what mark she might leave on the world, and, above all, adamantly believes in the goodness of people. Accompanied by beautiful, vivid art, this book is a perfect introduction to a serious topic for younger readers, especially at a time when respect and inclusion are so important.
McGraw-Hill Education Loose-Leaf for Essentials of Negotiation
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physics, Volume 2
In the newly revised Twelfth Edition of Physics: Volume 2, an accomplished team of physicists and educators delivers an accessible and rigorous approach to the skills students need to succeed in physics education. Readers will learn to understand foundational physics concepts, solve common physics problems, and see real-world applications of the included concepts to assist in retention and learning. The text includes Check Your Understanding questions, Math Skills boxes, multi-concept problems, and worked examples. The second volume of a two-volume set, Volume 2 explores ideas and concepts like the reflection, refraction, and wave-particle duality of light. Throughout, students knowledge is tested with concept and calculation problems and team exercises that focus on cooperation and learning.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physics, Volume 1
A book to help students understand physics concepts and the role the science plays in their lives This text has been written to engage students in the subject of physics and promote their understanding of key concepts. The loose leaf volume of Physics, 11th Edition, Volume 1, is designed to support student success. It opens by discussing kinematics, forces, dynamics, and work and energy. It also provides students with the concepts related to impulse and momentum as wells rotational kinematic and dynamics. An exploration of principles, laws and theories in the text includes: Newton's laws of motion, the ideal gas law and kinetic theory, and the principle of linear superposition and interference phenomena. Students also learn about electric forces, fields, circuits and potential energy. The concept of light is explored in relation to reflection, refraction, and the wave nature of light. The text's final chapters look at the nature of the atom, nuclear physics and nuclear energy. Each chapter of the book comes with a concept summary to reinforce what has been presented. Students also expand learning through solving problems, team problems, and concept/calculations problems.
Centre for Strategic & International Studies,U.S. Asian Defense Spending, 2000-2011
Rowman & Littlefield Structure, Culture, and History: Recent Issues in Social Theory
Offers the newest research developments and theory in the re-emerging field of structural analysis. The first section provides an overview and appraisal of the history and future of structural analysis. Subsequent sections focus on culture, historical processes, and macro-micro level interactions. The book's synthetic essays take a variety of forms dealing with structural levels of analysis, agency and structure, multidimensional views of social structure, and theory integration.
University of New Mexico Press New Mexican Folk Music/Cancionero del Folklor Nuevomexicano: Treasures of a People/El Tesoro del Pueblo
Cipriano Frederico Vigil is the most important performer of traditional Nuevomexicano folk music in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This bilingual panoramic book presents the songs that are his life’s work, spanning half a century of listening, playing, composing, and singing ritual, social, and dance music.New Mexican Folk Music includes much traditional material that has never been seen before or studied by scholars or students. Renowned as a composer, Vigil works in traditional genres such as the romance, the décima, the cuando, and corrido. Like the Mexican group Los Folkloristas with which he apprenticed in the late 1970s, his goal has been to research and master local styles, to introduce new listeners to traditional music, and to build on tradition by creating new compositions that address contemporary social themes.An audio CD accompanies this comprehensive study on the work and music of Cipriano Frederico Vigil.
Holiday House Inc A Picture Book of Cesar Chavez
University of Virginia Press Papers of James Madison, Volume 3: 1 March 1823–24 February 1826
During the period around volume 3 of the Retirement Series, James Madison remained largely at Montpelier, except for occasional visits to neighbors and attendance at ceremonial dinners and semiannual meetings of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia. Madison’s correspondence in this period was wide-ranging and included replies to requests for advice from President James Monroe. His exchange of letters with Thomas Jefferson dealt primarily with the construction and financing of the university and the search for professors. In addition to responding to the host of individuals who sent him books and pamphlets and requested letters of introduction and recommendation to political office, Madison also engaged with such eminent men as Richard Rush, James Barbour, Henry Clay, Mathew Carey, Edward Livingston, and George Hay. In these letters he offers his opinion on constitutional issues, reiterates his support for strict separation between church and state, and expresses his views on the tariff, political parties, the common law, and public education. Finally, his private letters deal with daily life at Montpelier and the management of the plantation. Access to people, places, and events is facilitated by detailed annotation and a comprehensive index.
Rowman & Littlefield Loss of Biodiversity
Loss of Biodiversity introduces readers to the important concepts for understanding the environmental challenges and consequences of the declining diversity of life on the planet. Contributions from scientists, and academics in the social sciences and humanities provide readers with an initial "tool kit" for understanding the concepts central to their disciplinary perspective and the multi-dimensional aspects of the loss of biodiversity.
Rowman & Littlefield The Return of Science: Evolution, History, and Theory
Social scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians have adapted evolutionary theory for use in a variety of disciplines for several decades, but until now historians have lagged behind. In The Return of Science, several distinguished historians join prominent scholars from a wide range of disciplines to debate the applications of evolutionary theory to cultural, social, economic, and political phenomena. The contributors offer original theoretical approaches and deal with issues such as the benefits, limits, and dangers of using evolutionary theory in the social sciences, the problem of defining units of evolution, the use of mathematics in historical study, and the appropriateness of chaos theory in historical study. Originally published as part of the journal History and Theory, these revised and updated essays are a valuable resource for historiographers.
Princeton University Press The Maine Woods
Henry D. Thoreau traveled to the backwoods of Maine in 1846, 1853, and 1857. Originally published in 1864, and published now with a new introduction by Paul Theroux, this volume is a powerful telling of those journeys through a rugged and largely unspoiled land. It presents Thoreau's fullest account of the wilderness. The Maine Woods is classic Thoreau: a personal story of exterior and interior discoveries in a natural setting--all conveyed in taut, masterly prose. Thoreau's evocative renderings of the life of the primitive forest--its mountains, waterways, fauna, flora, and inhabitants--are timeless and valuable on their own. But his impassioned protest against the despoilment of nature in the name of commerce and sport, which even by the 1850s threatened to deprive Americans of the "tonic of wildness," makes The Maine Woods an especially vital book for our own time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biofouling Methods
Biofouling Methods provides a “cook book” for both established workers and those new to the field. The methods included in this important new book range from tried and tested techniques to those at the cutting edge, encompassing the full diversity of this multidisciplinary field. The book covers methods for microbial and macrofouling, coatings and biocides, and ranges from methods for fundamental studies to methods relevant for industrial applications. There is an emphasis on answering questions and each chapter provides technical methods and problem-solving hints and tips. Bringing together a wealth of international contributions and edited by three internationally known and respected experts in the subject Biofouling Methods is the essential methodology reference in the field for all those working in the antifouling industry including those involved in formulation of antifouling products such as paints and other coatings. Aquatic biologists, ecologists, environmental scientists and lawyers, marine engineers, aquaculture personnel, chemists, and medical researchers will all find much of interest within this book. All universities and research establishments where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies of this important work on their shelves.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Data Integrity: The Evolution from Passive Protection to Active Management
How to plan your future strategy for efficient, cost-saving data management Businesses have historically treated data protection as an afterthought, as simply making an occasional copy of data that could be used in the future. Today, this attitude is changing rapidly. The ever-increasing amount of data, along with the emphasis on continuous availability, necessitates changes in the approach to data integrity, which results in management and protection becoming much more closely aligned. Digital Data Integrity throws light on the data integrity landscape of the future. It provides the reader with a brief overview of the historical methods and subsequent evolution of data protection. The text shows how the whole subject of data integrity is changing and describes and positions many of the new, enhanced, more intelligent protection technologies and methods. Digital Data Integrity: Takes a unique, forward look at data protection and management, highlighting the paradigm shift from simple backup and recovery to total data management. Details recent developments in compliance regulations in an accessible manner. Covers enhanced protection technologies such as advanced intelligent synthetic backups, data reduction methods, and data growth – online protection using continuous data protection. Explains data life cycle management and data storage, using management, quality of service products and tools to achieve better data management, intelligent allocation of storage, and compliance with regulations. Contains information on quality control, looking at SLA (Service Level Agreements), protection by business unit and billing/charge back. Unique insight into hot topics such as next generation bare metal recovery and true system provisioning. This invaluable text will provide system administrators, and database administrators, as well as senior IT managers and decision makers with a thorough understanding of data management and protection. With contributions from Ray Schafer and Paul Mayer.
Oxford University Press Inc Between Crime and War: Hybrid Legal Frameworks for Asymmetric Conflict
The threat posed by the recent rise of transnational non-state armed groups does not fit easily within either of the two basic paradigms for state responses to violence. The civilian paradigm focuses on the interception of demonstrable immediate threats to the safety of others. The military paradigm focuses on threats posed by collective actors who pose a danger to the state's ability to maintain basic social order and, at times, the very existence of the state. While the United States has responded to the threat posed by non-state armed groups by using tools from both paradigms, it has placed substantially more emphasis on the military paradigm than have other states. While several reasons may contribute to this approach, one may be the assumption that a state must use each set of tools strictly according in accordance with the principles that underlie each paradigm. Implicit in this assumption may be the sense that the only alternative to the civilian paradigm is the unqualified military one. The chapters in this book suggest, however that we need not see the options as confined to this binary choice. It may be profitable to consider borrowing elements from each paradigm on some occasions to act more expansively than the conventional civilian paradigm allows, but less expansively than the conventional military paradigm would permit. At the same time, the mixing of the categories comes with its own ethical and legal risks that should be scrutinized.
Pearson Education (US) Workbook for Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Zehn Theorien zur Natur des Menschen: Konfuzianismus, Hinduismus, Bibel, Platon, Aristoteles, Kant, Marx, Freud, Sartre, Evolutionstheorien
Welche Erklärungs- und Handlungsmöglichkeiten für ein glückliches Leben bieten uns die philosophische Vernunft und die religiöse Weltsicht? Zehn Theorien aus Philosophie und Religion führen in die elementaren Fragen unseres Lebens ein. Anschaulich präsentiert der Band zentrale Ideen der großen Denker: u. a. Platon, Aristoteles, Kant, Marx, Freud und Sartre. Zudem werden Vorstellungen aus Judentum, Christentum, Hinduismus und Konfuzianismus beleuchtet. Spannende und gut lesbare Einführung, gerade auch für Philosophie-Anfänger.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Essentials of Blood Product Management in Anesthesia Practice
This comprehensive book is written to inform and improve outcomes of patients in need of blood management during surgical procedures. Information is presented in an accessible format, allowing for immediate use in clinical practice.Beginning with an overview of the history of blood transfusions, early chapters present the foundational information needed to comprehend information in later chapters. Nuanced procedures, drugs, and techniques are covered, including new biologicals to assist clotting and blood substitutes. Further discussions focus on potential complications seen in blood transfusions, such as diseases of the coagulation system, pathogen transmissions, and acute lung injuries. Chapters also examine the complexities of treating specific demographics, of which include the geriatric patient and patients suffering from substance abuse. Essentials of Blood Product Management in Anesthesia Practice is an invaluable guide for anesthesiologists, surgeons, trauma physicians, and solid organ transplant providers.
D Giles Ltd Eating with Uncle Sam: Recipes and Historical Bites from the National Archives
President John F. Kennedy's favourite fish chowder and First Lady Laura Bush's guacamole are among nearly 200 dishes chosen from the National Archives of the United States in this book of historical and modern-day recipes. This unique collection of recipes from the records of the U.S. Federal Government also includes dishes from U.S. school lunch programs, government-sponsored radio shows, and war-time recipes meant to conserve wheat, sugar, and meat. This book, inspired by the exhibition What's Cooking, Uncle Sam? The Government's Effect on the American Diet at the National Archives Experience in Washington, DC, also provides historical tidbits from the presidential files, including the transcript of President George H.W. Bush's speech in which he expressed his hatred of broccoli, and a description of the hotdog parties hosted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Creative Cities
With the publication of The Rise of the Creative Class by Richard Florida in 2002, the 'creative city' became the new hot topic among urban policy makers, planners and economists. Florida has developed one of three path-breaking theories about the relationship between creative individuals and urban environments. The economist Ake E. Andersson and the psychologist Dean Simonton are the other members of this 'creative troika'. In the Handbook of Creative Cities, Florida, Andersson and Simonton appear in the same volume for the first time. The expert contributors in this timely Handbook extend their insights with a varied set of theoretical and empirical tools. The diversity of the contributions reflect the multidisciplinary nature of creative city theorizing, which encompasses urban economics, economic geography, social psychology, urban sociology, and urban planning. The stated policy implications are equally diverse, ranging from libertarian to social democratic visions of our shared creative and urban future. Being truly international in its scope, this major Handbook will be particularly useful for policy makers that are involved in urban development, academics in urban economics, economic geography, urban sociology, social psychology, and urban planning, as well as graduate and advanced undergraduate students across the social sciences and in business.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Financial Innovation in Retail and Corporate Banking
This valuable book discusses in detail, through a blend of theory and empirical research, the processes of innovation and the diffusion of new financial instruments. The contributors explore theoretical issues such as the relationship between financial innovation and market structure and the legal protection of financial innovation. They examine various topics on retail banking, from payment services and procedures, trading online, internet banking and profitability of retail banking to microfinance. This comprehensive book also focuses on innovation in corporate banking, such as credit derivatives and their implications for the relationship between banks and markets in financial systems.This book will be invaluable to postgraduate students, researchers and academics with an interest in economics and finance and financial innovation in particular.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Anti-Environmentalism
This thought-provoking Handbook provides a theoretical overview of the wide variety of anti-environmentalisms and offers an integrative research agenda for future research on the topic. Probing the ways in which groups have organized to oppose environmental movements and pro-environmental policies in recent decades, it examines those involved in these countermovements and studies their motivations and support systems.International contributors investigate the ways in which anti-environmentalism differs across regions and by the nature of the issue, alongside unique coverage of the critiques of environmental movements coming from sources that are not anti-environmental. This Handbook explores core topics in the field, including contestation over climate change, wind power, mining, forestry, food sovereignty, oil and gas pipelines and population issues. Chapters also analyse our understanding of countermovements, the effect of public opinion on environmental policy, and original empirical case studies from North America, Oceania, Europe and Asia.Taking a multidisciplinary approach, the Handbook of Anti-Environmentalism will be a key resource for scholars and students of environmental politics and policy, environmental sociology, environmental governance and social movements.
CABI Publishing Managing Microorganisms
A significant portion of basic and applied life science research requires microorganisms as study specimens. Managing Microorganisms aims to be the standard reference for anyone who works with microorganisms, primarily bacteria and fungi. It is applicable to researchers who maintain their own collections of strains, and those who use one of the many public service culture collections. The book includes coverage of: · methods of preservation and characterization for different groups of microorganisms; · best practice guidelines for culture collection management; · how to protect investment in research with microorganisms; · where to source authenticated microorganisms; · how to store, handle and distribute microorganisms effectively and safely; · the factors to consider in designing a sustainable business plan for a culture collection; · the consideration of health and safety issues, and the wider regulatory environment. Managing Microorganisms is an essential reference for anyone working with microorganisms and culture collections. In addition, it will be of great use for academic researchers and students in applied life sciences, especially those who are involved in sourcing and maintaining reference strains, whilst it also will provide a useful guide for consultants, biotechnologists and other members of bioindustry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Continuous Auditing: Theory and Application
Continuous auditing is a novel emerging technology in academia and practice. The concept of continuous auditing was conceived over two decades ago in academia and we are now at a junction where the auditing profession recognizes the implement-ability and value of a continuous audit. The book’s purpose is twofold. First, the book aims to provide academics and practitioners with a compilation of select continuous auditing design science research that can be used as a springboard to future research and development. Second, the book aims to provide readers with an understand of the underlying theoretical concepts of a continuous audit, ideas on how continuous audit can be applied in practice, and what has and has not worked in research.