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John Wiley and Sons Ltd Science and the Garden: The Scientific Basis of Horticultural Practice
Most conventional gardening books concentrate on how and when to carry out horticultural tasks such as pruning, seed sowing and taking cuttings. Science and the Garden, Third Edition is unique in explaining in straightforward terms some of the science that underlies these practices. It is principally a book of 'Why' Why are plants green? Why do some plants only flower in the autumn? Why do lateral buds begin to grow when the terminal bud is removed by pruning? Why are some plants successful as weeds? Why does climate variability and change mean change for gardeners? But it also goes on to deal with the 'How', providing rationale behind the practical advice. The coverage is wide-ranging and comprehensive and includes: the diversity, structure, functioning and reproduction of garden plants; nomenclature and classification; genetics and plant breeding; soil properties and soil management; environmental factors affecting growth and development; methods of propagation; size and form; colour, scent and sound; climate; environmental change; protected cultivation; pest, disease and weed diversity and control; post-harvest management and storage; garden ecology and conservation; sustainable horticulture; gardens and human health and wellbeing; and gardens for science. This expanded and fully updated Third Edition of Science and the Garden includes two completely new chapters on important topics: Climate and Other Environmental Changes Health, Wellbeing and Socio-cultural Benefits Many of the other chapters have been completely re-written or extensively revised and expanded, often with new authors and/or illustrators, and the remainder have all been carefully updated and re-edited. Published in collaboration with the Royal Horticultural Society, reproduced in full colour throughout, carefully edited and beautifully produced, this new edition remains a key text for students of horticulture and will also appeal to amateur and professional gardeners wishing to know more about the fascinating science behind the plants and practices that are the everyday currency of gardening.
Southeast Missouri State University Press The People's Field
With attention to the Japanese occupation, the Korean War and its aftermath, The People’s Field reflects on the sounds, ideas and histories of the Korean peninsula. Of her selection, contest judge Jenny Yang Cropp writes, “Kwon’s manuscript contains a paradoxical experience of both movement and stillness, history and the eternal present. These poems, short and spare, carry the intensity of distillation but resist the epigrammatic as they show us a rich and complex landscape that asks for and earns reading after reading.”
PictureBox Inc World Map Room
Men visit a city. They watch aeroplanes departing and arriving at an airport. They go on board a ship and across a river. Finally they arrive at the building that is their destination. A man guides them to the world map room'. It seems they have an appointment there, although there is no description about the appointment. They see the books on the shelves and have some desultory conversation. Then they go to the courtyard and carry on the conversation. They reach a pond with a sunken ship. The guide starts to explain the ship's history. The book ends.'
Cambridge University Press Grammar in Practice 2
40 units of quick exercises with regular test sections for beginner to intermediate students. Grammar in Practice provides grammar practice in a simple and accessible format. Each book has 40 units of quick grammar exercises with regular test sections to encourage learners to revise what they have learnt. The books are small and easy to carry so learners can choose when and where they want to study. This book is suitable for students at Level 2/Elementary.
Butler Centre for Arkansas Studies They'll Do to Tie To: The Story of Hood's Arkansas Toothpicks
The 3rd Arkansas was one of the most distinguished and well-respected Confederate regiments of the Civil War. It was the only Arkansas regiment to serve the entire war in the east, where most of the major battles were fought. The men of the 3rd Arkansas acquired a reputation as tenacious fighters and were known for the long knives—“Arkansas toothpicks”—they carried.As part of Gen. John Bell Hood’s Texas Brigade, they found themselves in some of the fiercest fighting in the war in places such as the famous “sunken road” at Antietam and the Battle of Gettysburg. “They’ll Do to Tie To!” was originally published in 1959.
Tuttle Publishing North Korea Confidential: Private Markets, Fashion Trends, Prison Camps, Dissenters and Defectors
**Named one of the best books of 2015 by The Economist** Private Markets, Fashion Trends, Prison Camps, Dissenters and Defectors.North Korea is one of the most troubled societies on earth. The country's 24 million people live under a violent dictatorship led by a single family, which relentlessly pursues the development of nuclear arms, which periodically incites risky military clashes with the larger, richer, liberal South, and which forces each and every person to play a role in the "theater state" even as it pays little more than lip service to the wellbeing of the overwhelming majority. With this profoundly anachronistic system eventually failed in the 1990s, it triggered a famine that decimated the countryside and obliterated the lives of many hundreds of thousands of people. However, it also changed the lives of those who survived forever. A lawless form of marketization came to replace the iron rice bowl of work in state companies, and the Orwellian mind control of the Korean Workers' Party was replaced for many by dreams of trade and profit. A new North Korea Society was born from the horrors of the era—one that is more susceptible to outside information than ever before with the advent of k-pop and video-carrying USB sticks. This is the North Korean society that is described in this book. In seven fascinating chapters, the authors explore what life is actually like in modern North Korea today for the ordinary "man and woman on the street." They interview experts and tap a broad variety of sources to bring a startling new insider's view of North Korean society—from members of Pyongyang's ruling families to defectors from different periods and regions, to diplomats and NGOs with years of experience in the country, to cross-border traders from neighboring China, and textual accounts appearing in English, Korean and Chinese sources. The resulting stories reveal the horror as well as the innovation and humor which abound in this fascinating country.
Whittles Publishing The Ring Ouzel: A View from the North York Moors
Using vivid extracts from field notebooks and profusely illustrated with photographs as well as paintings and sketches by wildlife artist Jonathan Pomroy, the reader is transported to the beautiful North York Moors National Park. We can share in the excitement as the first Ring Ouzels of the year return from their winter quarters in North Africa, witness their courtship displays, the establishment of territories and the female ouzel painstakingly building her nest and laying eggs. This is followed by the monitoring of the hatching and fledging of chicks and the levels of predation - noted in order better to understand the productivity and sustainability of this vulnerable and isolated population. To hear the song of the Ring Ouzel carrying for a surprising distance across the high moorland in the early morning is one of the many delights of upland Britain. The authors have recorded and analysed both simple and complex songs in their study area and, following comparison with recordings from Scotland, Derbyshire and the Yorkshire Dales, have confirmed the suspected presence of local dialects. Crucially this book is much more than a remarkable record of twenty years' fieldwork as it builds on earlier research elsewhere and relates local findings to the results of other current studies in England, Wales and Scotland. The contraction in distribution and number of Ring Ouzels breeding in Britain, the work of the Ring Ouzel Study Group, the introduction of conservation measures and the potential impact of climate change are all described. Attention is drawn to the first indications of Ring Ouzel decline in Switzerland. As a migrant, the Ring Ouzel faces additional pressures and problems on passage and conditions in their wintering areas in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco are described. The importance of Britain as a stop-over and refuelling area for Fennoscandian birds on passage in Spring and Autumn is stressed. There is still much to learn and the early attempts to track Ring Ouzels on migration from Scotland to North Africa and back are described. This milestone publication brings the Ring Ouzel into sharp focus for the first time.
Kagero Oficyna Wydawnicza Junkers Ju 87 D, G
Ju 87 D (Dora) is another version of this popular dive bomber. Despite the weak armor and less sufficient performance, the Stukas were still produced due to the lack of a successor. However, the plane underwent some modifications that allowed it to be used for a variety of tasks. Ju 87 D had a more efficient water and oil cooling system, a more aerodynamic fuselage and modified crew cabin that was more spacious and better thought out. Dora was driven by one of the two Junkers’ engines: Jumo 211 J-1 with 1420 hp or Jumo 211 P with 1500 hp. Fuel tanks were increased up to the capacity of 1370 l, which allowed to achieve an average flight length of 2 hours and 15 minutes. In the case of using external drop-tanks, the flight time increased to 4 hours. In relation to the Ju 87 B version D could carry much bigger load of bombs. It was a jump from 500 to about 1200 kg of bombs, and with minimum amount of fuel and for short-distance missions, the aircraft could carry up as much as 1800 kg of bombs. Individual variants – from D-1 to D-4 – differed in the used armor and equipment: D-2 – was planned for tropical operations, D-3 – was planned for night (D-3 N) or tropical missions (D-3/trop), D-4 – torpedo-bomber version.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Circuit Boards: Mach 1 GHz
A unique, practical approach to the design of high-speed digital circuit boards The demand for ever-faster digital circuit designs is beginning to render the circuit theory used by engineers ineffective. Digital Circuit Boards presents an alternative to the circuit theory approach, emphasizing energy flow rather than just signal interconnection to explain logic circuit behavior. The book shows how treating design in terms of transmission lines will ensure that the logic will function, addressing both storage and movement of electrical energy on these lines. It covers transmission lines in all forms to illustrate how trace geometry defines where the signals can travel, then goes on to examine transmission lines as energy sources, the true nature of decoupling, types of resonances, ground bounce, cross talk, and more. Providing designers with the tools they need to lay out digital circuit boards for fast logic and to get designs working the first time around, Digital Circuit Boards: Reviews in simple terms the basic physics necessary to understand fast logic design Debunks the idea that electrical conductors carry power and signals, showing that signal travels in the spaces, not the traces, of circuit boards Explains logic circuit behavior through real-time analysis involving the fields and waves that carry signal and energy Provides new information on how ground/power planes work Outlines a software program for solving energy flow in complex networks
Amberley Publishing C-130 Hercules in the RAF
From its introduction in the mid-1960s, when the first aircraft were delivered, through the various humanitarian missions, the Falkland Islands conflict and operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, right up to the introduction of the J version, the Lockheed C-130 Hercules continues to give outstanding service with the RAF and with an expected retirement date of 2030, this would total a service career lasting for a staggering sixty-four years of continuous operations. Designed with an internal hold the same size and dimensions as the American railroad boxcar, the Lockheed C-130 Hercules could carry a wide variety of cargo over distances of up to 2,950 miles. It offered a great improvement over the eclectic mix of its predecessors, the Blackburn Beverley, Handley Page Hastings and Armstrong Whitworth Argosy, all of which continued to provide support, albeit in a secondary role, within RAF Transport Command once the Hercules was introduced to service. This gave an advanced leap in transport capabilities that the RAF had never had at its disposal until the Hercules joined the active inventory. This book tells the full story of one of the most important aircraft in RAF service over the last fifty years. A workhorse that is also astonishingly adaptable for a range of specialised operations, the Hercules is capable of carrying troops as well as vehicles, moving men from one location to another in peacetime training or inserting special forces teams on clandestine operations in time of war.
WW Norton & Co A Labyrinth of Kingdoms: 10,000 Miles through Islamic Africa
In 1840 Heinrich Barth joined a small British expedition into unexplored regions of Islamic North and Central Africa. One by one his companions died, but he carried on alone, eventually reaching the fabled city of gold, Timbuktu. His five-and-a-half-year, 10,000-mile trek ranks among the greatest journeys in the annals of exploration, and his discoveries are considered indispensable by modern scholars of Africa. In this historical adventure, the first book about Barth in English, Kemper goes a long way toward rescuing this fascinating figure from obscurity.
Stanford University Press Wave Forms: A Natural Syntax for Rhythmic Languages
In this daring book, the author proposes that artistic and literary forms can be understood as modulations of wave forms in the physical world. By the phrase "natural syntax," he means that physical nature enters human communication literally by way of a transmitting wave frequency. This premise addresses a central question about symbolism in this century: How are our ideas symbolically related to physical reality? The author outlines a theory of communication in which nature is not reached by reference to an object; rather, nature is part of the message known only tacitly as the wavy carrier of a sign or signal. One doesn't refer to nature, even though one might be aiming to; one refers with nature as carrier vehicle. The author demonstrates that a natural language of transmission has an inherent physical syntax of patterned wave forms, which can also be described as certain "laws of form"—a phrase used by D'Arcy Thompson, L. L. Whyte, Noam Chomsky, and Stephen Jay Gould. He describes a syntax inherent in natural languages that derives from the rhythmic form of a propelling wave. Instead of the "laws" of a wave's form, however, the author speaks of its elements of rhythmic composition, because "rythmos" means "wave" in Greek and because "composition" describes the creative process across the arts. In pursuing a philosophy of rhythmic composition, the author draws on cognitive science and semiotics. But he chiefly employs symmetry theory to describe the forms of art, and especially the patterns of poetry, as structures built upon the natural syntax of wave forms. Natural syntax, it turns out, follows a fascinating group of symmetry transformations that derive from wave forms.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Movements: An Anthropological Reader
Social Movements: An Anthropological Reader expands on standard studies of social movements by offering a collection of writings that is exclusively anthropological in nature and global in its focus-thereby serving as an invaluable tool for instructors and students alike. Based on fieldwork carried out on four continents - North America, South America, Africa, and Asia - and in 14 countries Includes articles that address problems ranging from global health and the spread of diseases; loss of control over basic resources such as water and fuel; militarization; to the repression of indigenous peoples and of women Offers solutions formulated by local peoples
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Movements: An Anthropological Reader
Social Movements: An Anthropological Reader expands on standard studies of social movements by offering a collection of writings that is exclusively anthropological in nature and global in its focus-thereby serving as an invaluable tool for instructors and students alike. Based on fieldwork carried out on four continents - North America, South America, Africa, and Asia - and in 14 countries Includes articles that address problems ranging from global health and the spread of diseases; loss of control over basic resources such as water and fuel; militarization; to the repression of indigenous peoples and of women Offers solutions formulated by local peoples
WW Norton & Co Mr. Nogginbody Gets a Hammer
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. After snagging his toe, Mr Nogginbody visits his local hardware shop in search of solutions. Armed with a shiny new hammer, he successfully fixes the nail protruding from his floor. But the satisfaction of his first repair carries him away and he figures that anything resembling a nail—from a lamp switch to a fire hydrant—can be fixed with a good whack. The results are predictably and theatrically disastrous until Mr Nogginbody arrives at a gentle awakening and recognises that not everything is a nail.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Telephony
From the reviews of the Second Edition . "The book stresses how systems operate and the rationale behind their design, rather than presenting rigorous analytical formulations . [It provides] the practicality and breadth essential to mastering the concepts of modern communications systems." -Telecommunication Journal In this expanded new edition of his bestselling book, telephony expert John Bellamy continues to provide telecommunications engineers with practical, comprehensive coverage of all aspects of digital telephone systems, while addressing the rapid changes the field has seen in recent years. Bellamy discusses the near-complete conversion to digital technology in telephone networks worldwide, examines both existing and emerging technologies, and explores the intricacies of carrying voice over data networks as well as the use of telephone networks for carrying data for Internet access. He emphasizes system design, implementation, and application, but also correlates the practice to communications theory. With 30 percent new material, Digital Telephony, Third Edition features: * Clear explanations on how to overcome problems associated with the replacement of old analog technology with new digital technology * A new chapter on digital mobile telephone technology * New material on how, data networks support voice communication * A new chapter on digital subscriber access technologies * More than 300 graphs illustrating concepts * Examples from the U.S. network as well as ITU public telephone networks
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Law of Fundraising: 2019 Cumulative Supplement
Untangle the web of fundraising regulations, with the latest updates for 2019 The Law of Fundraising is the definitive reference by the field's most respected authority, and the only book to tackle the increasingly complex maze of federal and state fundraising regulations. Updated to cover the latest changes to fundraising law for 2019, this book includes new coverage of donor-advised funds, international fundraising, and the IRS's charitable spending initiative alongside updates on Form 990, political fundraising, and more. Both state and federal regulations are covered with an emphasis on administrative, tax, and constitutional law, alongside expert discussion on compliance issues, trends, and upcoming legislation. Accessible language aids in conceptual understanding, while extensive tables of cases, IRS rulings and pronouncements, checklists, and sample forms facilitate correct application. The companion website features additional tables, appendices, IRS guidelines, and other useful documents, providing attorneys, accountants, and nonprofit professionals with a rich toolkit for ensuring compliance. With all topics pertaining to finance under increasing federal scrutiny, laws surrounding fundraising are becoming increasingly difficult to parse. Mistakes can impact the nonprofit's bottom line, so keeping up-to-date is crucial; this book provides a comprehensive reference to the latest developments, along with expert forecasting of what is to come. Understand the latest state and federal laws surrounding fundraising activities Learn how the law governs Internet fundraising and other emerging issues Get up to date on the new rules surrounding donor-advised funds and international fundraising Examine prospective laws, regulatory trends, and how new rules impact fundraising professionals Fundraising is critical to the nonprofit's ability to carry out their mission, yet the regulatory tangle at both the state and federal level can be a nightmare to navigate. The Law of Fundraising streamlines compliance with the latest legal developments and invaluable tools for application.
Canelo The Girl at Change Alley: A captivating Victorian saga of lies and redemption
A fallen woman. An opportunity for redemption. But at what cost?Sheffield, 1867. It’s the height of a long-running and violent campaign known as the Outrages, where murderous acts are carried out on behalf of a rogue union leader.Louisa Leigh, a former maid-of-all-work, is trapped into prostitution and desperate for money to escape. She befriends Ginny Hinchcliffe, a young widow who will do whatever it takes to break free from a life of servitude to her in-laws. The two women become entangled with Joe Crookes, henchman to the man responsible for the Outrages. Joe is looking for a way out even if that means betraying those closest to him.With a single act, Louisa’s freedom would be paid for. But it’s not just her life on the line, and she’ll need to decide if she can live with the choices she’s about to make…A sensationally compelling and gritty saga, for fans of Emma Hornby, Libby Ashworth and Kitty Neale.Praise for Joanne Clague‘A powerful and absorbing story. Her passion for the era shines through.’ Emma Hornby‘A fabulous new saga author!’ AnneMarie Brear‘Combines real people and fictional characters in a story both tragic and inspiring.’ Libby Ashworth‘Terrific characters and an exciting storyline kept me turning the pages, eager to find out what happened next.’ Lesley Eames‘The Ragged Valley delivers a captivating insight into a part of Sheffield history long forgotten. An authentic story with motivating characters.’ Sylvia Broady ‘Written with passion and attention to detail, Clague leaves no stone unturned… a must read for saga fans.’ Andie Newton, USA Today bestselling author of The Girls from the Beach ‘A compelling story… The Girl at Change Alley is a must-read for all historical fiction readers.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘A fabulous book that draws you into the story from the very first chapter. The characters Louisa and Ginny were wonderful… you really wanted it to end well for them.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review ‘This is a total five stars for me… historical fiction at its best.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘I adored this book. These characters are so real that when the unthinkable happens… it's truly gut-wrenching.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘It had me hooked from the first page. The writing is gorgeous and the characters instantly come alive. It’s a wonderful romance with a lot of heart. A beautifully written book that I highly recommend for lovers of saga, romance or historical novels.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review
WW Norton & Co The Open Empire: A History of China to 1800
The Open Empire takes an integrative, thematic approach to early Chinese history, using the concept of the “open empire” to highlight the dynamic, porous nature of China’s past. Hansen builds her chronological narrative on a rich variety of archeological and literary sources to flesh out the details of daily life, family relations, and social hierarchies. In the Second Edition, the narrative has been updated with findings from recent scholarship and streamlined throughout to highlight the main themes. A new chapter on the Qing Empire, 1600–1800, carries the story of the “open empire” up to the birth of modern China.
ACA Publishing Limited China’s New Strategies for Governing the Country
To say that China is a nation in transition is both a statement of the obvious and also a massive understatement. In the last 30 years, this country of 1.4 billion people has experienced annual economic growth of 10% or more, which has brought it to the forefront of the world’s trading nations. It has seen great shifts of population – over half its citizens now live in cities compared with just one-fifth before the reform process began – and huge changes to its social and legal structures. It has industrialized and modernized faster than any society has ever attempted before.China now looks forward to an era of consolidating that position and of evolving all of its political, legal, social and environmental structures to carry progress forward to 2020 and beyond.In eight chapters, the authors of this book describe how the Communist Party of China (CPC) led by General Secretary Xi Jinping intends to guide the country on its continuing path to greater prosperity. The chapters explore: China’s economy and the steps needed to make it fit for the years ahead; the ongoing processes of reform and opening up; the rule of law in the specific context of Chinese society; and evolution of China’s political systems. There are chapters on the subject of the people’s livelihood, and on ecological matters; and on the shape of its industry, the adoption of new technologies, and recognition of a coming shift in the balance of manufacturing and service sectorsThe book highlights the fact that China’s progress to date has not been in any way accidental, but has been the outcome of planned process, dating back to the late 1970s and the beginning of reform and opening up. Recognising that continued double-digit growth will not be sustainable going forward, the CPC has formulated plans to shape and adjust the systems needed to govern China in the new conditions; goals such as doubling the size of the economy from 2000 to 2020 remain in place as do other themes that run throughout the text; for example, furthering socialism with Chinese characteristics, and achieving prosperity for all of the Chinese population. The book concludes that the overall forces of reform apply equally to the CPC itself, and considers how the party must always exercise strict self-governance to fit it for the task of governing China as it approaches the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party in 2021.
Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV, Personal Size Large Print Reference Bible, Vintage Series, Black Leathersoft, Red Letter, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version
Crafted to be an easy-to-carry large print Bible with cross references allowing this Bible to be an ideal choice to take with you wherever you go. This edition is published in large KJV Comfort Print type, which was designed exclusively for Thomas Nelson to be the most readable at any size.Enjoy the unmatched beauty of the King James Version combined with the readability of Thomas Nelson’s KJV Comfort Print® typeface, all in a Bible that’s a convenient size to take anywhere. Plus, you’ll also have essential study resources, including over 42,000 cross references, a concordance and more.In 1611 the King James Bible was published and authorized by the monarch of England and Scotland. Today, more than 400 years since its initial publication, the KJV is considered one of the most influential and beautiful works of the English language and continues to be the favorite translation for millions of Christians worldwide.Features include: The presentation page is a special place to personalize the special gift by recording a memory or note Book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Extensive end-of-page cross references allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Translation notes provide a look into the thinking of the translators with alternative translations that could have been used and textual notes about manuscript variations Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements Miracles and parables of Jesus provide a quick reference to important events in the life of Christ Two satin ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Gilded page edges help protect the edge of the page and provide a polished look Durable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding so the Bible will lay flat in your hand or on a desk Reading plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Full-color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Easy-to-read 10-point KJV Comfort Print ® The Vintage Series reflects Thomas Nelson's centuries of publishing with distinguished cover designs that give witness to the majesty of God's Word and the KJV legacy.
Little, Brown Book Group The Secret Life Of Secrets: How Our Inner Worlds Shape Well-being, Relationships, and Who We Are
'If you've ever wondered why we keep secrets and what motivates us to spill them, look no further' Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think AgainAn eye-opening look at why we keep the secrets we keep, how to better understand and cope with them, and when (and how) we should bring them to light.Think of a secret that you're keeping from others. It shouldn't take long. Psychologist Michael Slepian finds that, on average, we are keeping as many as thirteen secrets at any given time. His research, involving more than 50,000 participants from around the world, shows that we most frequently keep secrets about lies we've told, ambitions, addictions, mental health challenges, hidden relationships and financial struggles.Our secrets can weigh heavily upon us. Yet the burden of secrecy rarely stems from the work it takes to keep a secret hidden. Rather, the weight of our secrets comes from carrying them alone. Whether we are motivated to protect our reputation, a relationship, a loved one's feelings, or some personal or professional goal, one thing is clear: holding back some part of our inner world is often lonely and isolating. But it doesn't have to be. Filled with fresh insight into one of the most universal - yet least understood - aspects of human behaviour, The Secret Life of Secrets sheds fascinating new light on questions like: At what age do children develop the cognitive capacity for secrecy? Do all secrets come with the same mental load? How can we reconcile our secrets with our human desires to relate, connect and be known? When should we confess and to whom? And can keeping certain types of secrets actually enhance our well-being? Drawing on over a decade of original research, this book reveals the surprising ways in which secrets pervade our lives, and offers science-based strategies that make them easier to live with. The result is a rare window into the inner workings of our minds, our relationships and our sense of who we are.
Little, Brown Book Group The Secret Life Of Secrets: How Our Inner Worlds Shape Well-being, Relationships, and Who We Are
'If you've ever wondered why we keep secrets and what motivates us to spill them, look no further' Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think AgainAn eye-opening look at why we keep the secrets we keep, how to better understand and cope with them, and when (and how) we should bring them to light.Think of a secret that you're keeping from others. It shouldn't take long. Psychologist Michael Slepian finds that, on average, we are keeping as many as thirteen secrets at any given time. His research, involving more than 50,000 participants from around the world, shows that we most frequently keep secrets about lies we've told, ambitions, addictions, mental health challenges, hidden relationships and financial struggles.Our secrets can weigh heavily upon us. Yet the burden of secrecy rarely stems from the work it takes to keep a secret hidden. Rather, the weight of our secrets comes from carrying them alone. Whether we are motivated to protect our reputation, a relationship, a loved one's feelings, or some personal or professional goal, one thing is clear: holding back some part of our inner world is often lonely and isolating. But it doesn't have to be. Filled with fresh insight into one of the most universal - yet least understood - aspects of human behaviour, The Secret Life of Secrets sheds fascinating new light on questions like: At what age do children develop the cognitive capacity for secrecy? Do all secrets come with the same mental load? How can we reconcile our secrets with our human desires to relate, connect and be known? When should we confess and to whom? And can keeping certain types of secrets actually enhance our well-being? Drawing on over a decade of original research, this book reveals the surprising ways in which secrets pervade our lives, and offers science-based strategies that make them easier to live with. The result is a rare window into the inner workings of our minds, our relationships and our sense of who we are.
Penguin Putnam Inc North Pole Ninjas: MISSION: Christmas!
You may not know that Santa has a team of special elves, selected for their ability to perform top-secret missions that are all about helping, giving, caring, and listening. Anyone who receives this book is called upon to help carry out those missions with a bit of stealth and an open heart. The gorgeously illustrated picture book retells the legend of the North Pole Ninjas for new recruits. Complete with 50 secret tasks for new recruits this holiday season, this is the perfect antidote to worrying about whether you’ve been naughty or nice.
HarperCollins Publishers Macbeth: Band 18/Pearl (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level I’m Conn, and I work in Macbeth’s castle. I fetch and I carry, and I see everything. Sometimes I see things I shouldn’t; things so dreadful I’ll never forget them. Pearl/Band 18 books offer fluent readers a complex, substantial text with challenging themes to facilitate sustained comprehension, bridging the gap between a reading programme and longer chapter books. Text type: Curriculum links:
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Modern Knives in Combat
Knives and military – a topic that interests not just knife collectors and historians. Today many knife manufacturers advertise that their products are used by military forces and special units. With the aid of authentic photos, this book documents for the first time which knives, bayonets and tools are actually carried in action by the soldiers – U.S. Marines and other troops from different countries. The unique photographs that illustrate the book were taken in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Balkans. Dietmar Pohl provides a detailed description of each of the eighty knives that appear in the book, along with technical specs and background information.
Harvey Map Services Ltd The Great Trossachs Path: and the Great Trossachs Forest
The Great Trossachs Path and Great Trossachs Forest is a 30 mile (48km) long distance path from Callander to Inversnaid linking together three of Scotland's Great Trails : the West Highland Way, the Rob Roy Way and the Three Lochs Way. It is therefore a fantastic long distance walk on its own or can be extended by connecting to one of the existing Great Trails. The path is suitable for walkers and cyclists. As it passes by five different lochs, numerous ferry, steamship and kayak opportunities can also add to your experience. XT40 New generation of tough polyethylene maps. The HARVEY series of Long Distance Route maps is an established success. Now the advanced technology used in the creation of our best-selling British Mountain Maps is also applied to the route maps. These maps are a leap forward in technical excellence. They are tough, durable, light, and 100% waterproof virtually indestructible in normal use. They are light to carry, and compact not the great bulky package you get with a laminated map. The map is detailed, with the route clearly marked. It also contains general information and useful telephone numbers to assist with planning. A full key is also included. Main points at a glance: Detailed, clear and easy to read, printed on tough 100% waterproof, tearproof paper, light to carry less than half the weight of a laminated map. Good value whole route on one map, information on accommodation and services. Great value at £7.95
Flame Tree Publishing Frida Kahlo Set of 3 Standard Notebooks
A collection of three A5, foiled notebooks with alternating lined and blank pages. Each notebook has a different beautiful design: With a sturdy cover and rounded corners, they are perfect to be carried everywhere! One of the most iconic artists of the 20th century, Frida Kahlo’s bold, carefully crafted visual identity is in many respects an extension of her art, celebrating her Mexican heritage and countercultural ideals while defying traditional notions of female beauty. Striking and bursting with colour, her portraits resonate as much today as ever. Flame Tree: The Art of Fine Gifts.
Headline Publishing Group A Place for Us: An unputdownable tale of families and keeping secrets by the SUNDAY TIMES bestseller
Don't miss the STUNNING new novel from Sunday Times bestselling author, Harriet Evans - THE BELOVED GIRLS is available to buy now!'The day Martha Winter decided to tear apart her family began like any other day ...''A brilliantly written story that will stay with you long after the last page' Fabulous Magazine, Sun on SundayThe Sunday Times Top Five Bestseller A Place For Us by Harriet Evans is a book you'll dive into, featuring a family you'll fall in love with . . . and never want to leave. If you devour Rosamunde Pilcher and Maeve Binchy and have discovered Jojo Moyes, you'll be thrilled to add Harriet Evans to your collection of favourite authors.The house has soft, purple wisteria twining around the door. You step inside. The hall is cool after the hot summer's day. The welcome is kind, and always warm. Yet something makes you suspect life here can't be as perfect as it seems. After all, the brightest smile can hide the darkest secret. But wouldn't you pay any price to have a glorious place like this? Welcome to Winterfold. Martha Winter's family is finally coming home.READERS LOVE HARRIET EVANS.Praise for Harriet Evans and A Place For Us: 'A fabulously gripping story' Prima'Atmospheric and descriptive, Evans creates a tangible world full of tragedy and hardship, love and redemption, with a satisfying conclusion. Hugely enjoyable' Psychologies'I was blissfully carried away by this intelligent (she's as good as the great Rosamunde Pilcher), classy and superbly executed family saga' Saga'A really superior modern saga, with utterly true to life characters' Sunday Mirror'Harriet Evans has superbly captured the complexities and emotions of her characters' My Reading Corner'Explosive, emotional and completely addictive' Bookaholic Confessions'Had me hooked until the last page ... this is an accomplished piece of writing' Shaz's Book Blog'A cleverly written, engrossing story, full of secrets and lies' Laura's Little Book Blog'Extremely gripping and mysterious throughout' CosmoChicklitan'The novel has a wonderful cast of characters' Candy's Bookcase'Completely mind blowing, insanely gripping' This Chick Reads'Brilliant. I had tears in my eyes' On My Bookshelf'I simply can't wait to read more' Emma Louise'A compelling, engaging, beautifully written and truly fascinating novel' Bookaholic Confessions'So poignant that you are completely absorbed by the book and the Winter family, captivated by their story' Chloe's Chick Lit ReviewsOnce you have fallen in love with the Winters of A Place For Us, discover the bewitching rituals of the Hunter family in Harriet Evans's breathtaking novel The Beloved Girls . . .
Indiana University Press The Culture of Mental Illness and Psychiatric Practice in Africa
In many African countries, mental health issues, including the burden of serious mental illness and trauma, have not been adequately addressed. These essays shed light on the treatment of common and chronic mental disorders, including mental illness and treatment in the current climate of economic and political instability, access to health care, access to medicines, and the impact of HIV-AIDS and other chronic illness on mental health. While problems are rampant and carry real and devastating consequences, this volume promotes an understanding of the African mental health landscape in service of reform.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Agrarian Change, Gender and Land Rights
Leading feminist scholars provide searching treatment of the long-neglected subject of gender and access to land in various regions around the world. A searching treatment of gender and access to land around the world. Includes contributions by leading feminist scholars in the field. Combines theoretical reflections with concrete case studies. Covers diverse regions, including sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, South Asia and Central Asia. Several articles are based on original and extensive field research carried out over the past two years in, for example, South Africa, Uzbekistan and Brazil.
Cambridge University Press Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics Core and Extended Digital Teacher's Resource - Individual User Licence Access Card (5 Years' Access)
Feel fully supported in teaching Cambridge IGCSE™ Mathematics with our digital teacher's resource, aligned to our Core and Extended coursebook. The resource includes comprehensive guidance such as advice on teaching strategies, lesson plan templates, teaching notes, homework ideas, PowerPoint presentations and answers to our coursebook and practice book activities. Knowledge Check, our digital formative assessment tool, helps teachers identify potential student misconceptions and understand whether learners are ready for certain topics, providing targeted teaching ideas that can be carried out with a class.
Poetry Book Society Poetry Book Society Winter 2018 Bulletin
This edition features pieces by both selectors and poets for the PBS Choice The Perseverance by Raymond Antrobus, recommendations Selected Poems by Kathleen Jamie, The Weather in Normal by Carrie Etter, The Healing Next Time by Roy McFarlane, and The Triumph of Cancer by Chris McCabe. The Special Commendation is The Coming of the Little Green Man. The Recommended Translation is David Constantine's translation of the works of Friedrich Holderlin. The Pamphlet Choice is The Republic of Motherhood by Liz Berry, and the Wild Card is Rabbit by Sophie Robinson. The remainder of the Bulletin is packed with poetry excerpts and eighteen short reviews of other upcoming titles
Kagero Oficyna Wydawnicza Nakajima B5n Kate. B5n1,B5n2
The Nakajima B5N prototype, designated B5N1 (in Allied reported name: Kate), was flown in January 1937. The first serial aircraft carried the designation Model 98 Model 11. The machines were tested in combat in China. In December 1939, another serial version entered the production marked as B5N2 Model 12. The aircraft was equipped with a Nakajima Sakae engine with a smaller frontal diameter and increased power. This improved plane’s performance. Initially, a hydraulic wing tip folding mechanism was used, but after a short time it was replaced with a manual one, which was more reliable.
Kodansha America, Inc Princess Jellyfish 2
Two very different worlds collide in this hit manga series by Akiko Higashimura! Tsukimi Kurashita has a strange fascination with jellyfish. She's loved them from a young age and has carried that love with her to her new life in the big city of Tokyo. There, she resides in Amamizukan, a safe-haven for girl geeks - the last place she'd expect to meet a fashionable socialite! There's much more to this woman than her trendy clothes, though. Their odd encounter is only the beginning of a new and unexpected path for Tsukimi and her friends.
The University of Chicago Press Foraging for Survival: Yearling Baboons in Africa
This text presents the results of a research project carried out on foraging behaviour among African baboons and its consequences for survival and reproduction. Detailed data is provided on the feeding habits of each baboon, with an analysis of its nutrient intake. These figures are then compared with those in optimum diets. The most striking result of this study is that the baboon's subsequent survival and reproductive success could be accurately predicted from what they had eaten as yearlings. The animals with energy intakes closest to the optimum and protein intakes furthest above their requirements were most likely to survive to adulthood and to successfully produce offspring.
University of Pennsylvania Press Venice, a Personal View
Poised in delicate, often hazardous balance with the liquid natural world the fabric of the man-made city rises out of the water and is reflected in it. The earth of Venice, a tissue of alluvial silt, is upheld and given form by a vast subterranean endoskeleton of wooden pilings supporting buildings of splendor with their feet in the mud. The air of Venice carries both heat and swells from North Africa's deserts and envelops life like liquid gauze. And fire, the most volatile of the four elements, has both destroyed and redrawn swaths of the city and fed the industry and commerce of a trading nation.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Using Corpora in Discourse Analysis
How can you carry out discourse analysis using corpus linguistics? What research questions should I ask? Which methods should you use and when? What is a collocational network or a key cluster? Introducing the major techniques, methods and tools for corpus-assisted analysis of discourse, this book answers these questions and more, showing readers how to best use corpora in their analyses of discourse. Using carefully tailored case studies, each chapter is devoted to a central technique, including frequency, concordancing and keywords, going step by step through the process of applying different analytical procedures. Introducing a wide range of different corpora, from holiday brochures to political debates, the book considers the key debates and latest advances in the field. Fully revised and updated, this new edition includes: - A new chapter on how to conduct research projects in corpus-based discourse analysis - Completely rewritten chapters on collocation and advanced techniques, using a corpus of jihadist propaganda texts and covering topics such as social media and visual analysis - Coverage of major tools, including CQPweb, AntConc, Sketch Engine and #LancsBox - Discussion of newer techniques including the derivation of lockwords and the comparison of multiple data sets for diachronic analysis With exercises, discussion questions and suggested further readings in each chapter, this book is an excellent guide to using corpus linguistics techniques to carry out discourse analysis.
Flame Tree Publishing Angela Harding Wildlife Set of 3 Standard Notebooks
A collection of three A5, foiled notebooks with alternating lined and blank pages. Each notebook has a different beautiful design from Angela Harding. With a sturdy cover and rounded corners, they are perfect to be carried everywhere!Angela Harding is a fine art painter and illustrator based in Rutland, UK. She specialises in lino prints and her work is inspired by British birds and countryside. ls in 1935 and her last Moomin book was published in 1970; but her stories live on and continue to be adapted and enjoyed by many generations.Flame Tree: The Art of Fine Gifts.
Royal Society of Chemistry Synthetic Methods in Organic Electronic and Photonic Materials: A Practical Guide
With the development of courses on materials synthesis and the need to carry out specific chemical transformations in the laboratory, good practical advice will be needed for those requiring more detail on conjugated materials synthesis. The purpose of this book is to give researchers and students an introduction and reference that efficiently provides general information for each important synthetic method category and a number of examples from the literature to convey practically important variations. It is useful as an outline for advanced organic and materials science courses as well as a good introduction and desk reference for new and experienced researchers in the field.
Stone Bridge Press What I Wish My Christian Friends Knew about Judaism
"From the Sabbath to circumcision, from Hanukkah to the Holocaust, from bar mitzvah to bagel, how do Jewish religion, history, holidays, lifestyles, and culture make Jews different, and why is that difference so distinctive that we carry it from birth to the grave?" This accessible introduction to Judaism and Jewish life is especially for Christian readers interested in the deep connections and distinct differences between their faith and Judaism, but it is also for Jews looking for ways to understand their religion--and explain it to others. First released in 2002 and now in an updated edition.
Waldorf Early Childhood Association North America A Day Full of Song: Work Songs from a Waldorf Kindergarten
Forty-two original songs in the mood of the fifth, created for a range of activities in the kindergarten day.Karen Lonsky offers forty-two original songs in the mood of the fifth created for a range of activities in the kindergarten day, from grinding grain and raking leaves, to washing hands and cleaning, to story time and birthday celebrations. They form a delightful and healing way to carry children through the day. Charmingly illustrated with pencil drawings by Victoria Sander.A companion CD, with vocal and instrumental versions of all the songs, is available separately.
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Best Garden Plants for British Columbia
This handy guide is ideal for your next trip to the garden centre or nursery; small enough to carry but packed with the best plant varieties available for your garden. You'll find recommendations for annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, vines, roses, bulbs, and herbs, and ornamental grasses. This book combines beautiful photography with comprehensive information on selecting and caring for plants: · habitat, height and spread · information on soil, light and water · tips on how to best to use the plant in your garden · recommended species for the various regions of British Columbia.
Cuento de Luz SL Cyparissus: That which dies is never forgotten; that which is forgotten, dies
In Cyparissus there is a little dog who gets lost in a park, a sleeping rabbit, a horse up in the clouds, and a bird setting off on a long, long journey. In Cyparissus there is Irene playing jump rope, George looking up at the sky, Molly who has bad dreams, and Danny carrying a backpack full of T-shirts. In Cyparissus there are four winds and a tree--the tallest tree in the whole city--and it's crying...Lexile Level 940L Guided Reading Level P
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Giggle Time - Establishing the Social Connection: A Program to Develop the Communication Skills of Children with Autism
Giggle Time is a step-by-step program for parents, teachers and other professionals to help develop the non-verbal, verbal and social reciprocity skills of children with autism. It describes in accessible detail how to communicate with children with autism and gives clear instructions on "how to" techniques for developing language skills. Specifically addressing developmental delays, Giggle Time helps to lay the necessary framework for future language growth by turning the actions the child initiates into interactions with meaning. This is a user-friendly guide, packed full of fun and child-centered exercises that can be carried out at home or in the classroom.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Netter's Moving AnatoME: An Interactive Guide to Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Students and practitioners in the health sciences face a universal paradox: while preparing to be a caregiver to others, it's easy to lose sight of one's own health and well-being. Netter's Moving AnatoME: An Interactive Guide to Musculoskeletal Anatomy helps you meet and overcome this challenge in a highly personal, uniquely effective way. This movement-based, interactive resource encourages you to approach anatomy by moving while you learn, with expert guidance from online videos designed exclusively for students of anatomy. Both fun and functional, this experiential learning approach jump starts your personal commitment to self-care, wellness, and work-life balance by integrating academic material with real-life application. Study anatomy as it relates to your own moving body: Understand the range of motion as you move your joints, notice the contours of muscles and bones under your skin, and feel muscles stretch between proximal and distal attachments-bringing anatomy education to life as you explore your own Moving AnatoME. Approach the study of musculoskeletal anatomy from a mindful perspective-that of your own body movements as you learn from the print material and more than 40 videos online. Benefit from a quick overview of structure and function, tips for personal and patient care, Practice What You Preach boxes, and Clinical Correlation boxes that link anatomy concepts to clinical presentation, physical exam, surgery, and related clinical situations. Make the most of your study time by strengthening your anatomy comprehension and moving in the direction of increased physical awareness, self-care, and overall wellbeing. Explore each region of your body joint by joint, assimilating knowledge through personal yoga and Pilates exercises that demonstrate the anatomy of each region. Learn from authors, wellness educators, and yoga/Pilates instructors Dr. Stephanie Marango and Dr. Carrie McCulloch-physicians who are committed to bridging the gaps between movement and medicine. Relax and have fun as you prepare and study for the challenging task of learning musculoskeletal anatomy, and gain practical tips for building healthy habits along your personal continuum of self-care. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Outcomes of Longer-Term Psychoanalytic Treatment
Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytical psychotherapy remain unparalleled sources of insight into the unconscious determinants and dimensions of psychological suffering. However, there is a worldwide debate as to the most appropriate ways in which to carry out research into psychopathology and treatment, which remains true to the essence of the discipline. This volume presents the rationales, methods and findings of some of the main empirical studies. The methodological and scientific problems, as well as some sophisticated solutions, are illustrated with concrete research examples. The distinguished contributors to this volume share the common aim of bridging the gap between practising therapists and researchers.
Princeton University Press Handbook of Meta-analysis in Ecology and Evolution
Meta-analysis is a powerful statistical methodology for synthesizing research evidence across independent studies. This is the first comprehensive handbook of meta-analysis written specifically for ecologists and evolutionary biologists, and it provides an invaluable introduction for beginners as well as an up-to-date guide for experienced meta-analysts. The chapters, written by renowned experts, walk readers through every step of meta-analysis, from problem formulation to the presentation of the results. The handbook identifies both the advantages of using meta-analysis for research synthesis and the potential pitfalls and limitations of meta-analysis (including when it should not be used). Different approaches to carrying out a meta-analysis are described, and include moment and least-square, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian approaches, all illustrated using worked examples based on real biological datasets. This one-of-a-kind resource is uniquely tailored to the biological sciences, and will provide an invaluable text for practitioners from graduate students and senior scientists to policymakers in conservation and environmental management. * Walks you through every step of carrying out a meta-analysis in ecology and evolutionary biology, from problem formulation to result presentation * Brings together experts from a broad range of fields * Shows how to avoid, minimize, or resolve pitfalls such as missing data, publication bias, varying data quality, nonindependence of observations, and phylogenetic dependencies among species * Helps you choose the right software * Draws on numerous examples based on real biological datasets