Search results for ""author anne""
Bonnier Books Ltd Matilda in Scots
Matilda is the world's most famous bookworm, no thanks to her ghastly parents. Her father thinks she's a little scab. Her mother spends all afternoon playing bingo. And her headmistress, Miss Trunchbull? She's the worst of all. She's a big bully, who thinks all her pupils are rotten and locks them in the dreaded Chokey. Despite these beastly grownups trying to push her down, Matilda is an extraordinary girl with a magical mind. And she's had enough. So all the terrible adults had better watch out, because she's going to teach them a lesson they'll never forget! This translation into Scots is a timely addition to the growing number of high quality books available to children and young people to read in the wonderfully rich and expressive Scots language.
Museum of Modern Art Picasso in Fontainebleau
Square Fish Spilling Ink: A Young Writer's Handbook
Bristol University Press The Value of Industrial Relations: Contemporary Work and Employment in Britain
Published in collaboration with BUIRA, this book provides a critical review of the field of industrial relations (IR) and evaluates its future in the rapidly evolving world of work. Written by key names in IR, the book captures the significant transformations that have taken place within the field over the past decade. It traces the historical development of IR, exploring its ongoing impact on our lives. The chapters delve into various aspects, including union organization and mobilization, the influence of new technology, and the examination of intersectionality in the context of work and employment. This is an invaluable resource for academics and students of employment and industrial relations, as well as HR professionals, trade union organizations and representatives.
Taylor & Francis Inc A Guide to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (2.0)
A Guide to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (2.0) presents a comprehensive discussion of the tasks, knowledge, skill, and ability (KSA) requirements of the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework 2.0. It discusses in detail the relationship between the NICE framework and the NIST’s cybersecurity framework (CSF), showing how the NICE model specifies what the particular specialty areas of the workforce should be doing in order to ensure that the CSF’s identification, protection, defense, response, or recovery functions are being carried out properly.The authors construct a detailed picture of the proper organization and conduct of a strategic infrastructure security operation, describing how these two frameworks provide an explicit definition of the field of cybersecurity. The book is unique in that it is based on well-accepted standard recommendations rather than presumed expertise. It is the first book to align with and explain the requirements of a national-level initiative to standardize the study of information security. Moreover, it contains knowledge elements that represent the first fully validated and authoritative body of knowledge (BOK) in cybersecurity.The book is divided into two parts: The first part is comprised of three chapters that give you a comprehensive understanding of the structure and intent of the NICE model, its various elements, and their detailed contents. The second part contains seven chapters that introduce you to each knowledge area individually. Together, these parts help you build a comprehensive understanding of how to organize and execute a cybersecurity workforce definition using standard best practice.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Origami Fortune Tellers
Create 80 unique fortune tellers, a form of origami used in children’s games, with this beautifully illustrated, tear-out pad. There are fortune tellers on lots of different themes, including the circus, robots and dreams, plus blank sheets for children to invent their own games. Perfect for playing alone or with friends and family.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Emotionally Naked: A Teacher's Guide to Preventing Suicide and Recognizing Students at Risk
Discover effective strategies to help prevent youth suicide In Emotionally Naked: A Teacher's Guide to Preventing Suicide and Recognizing Students at Risk, trainer, speaker, and suicide loss survivor Anne Moss Rogers, and clinical social worker and researcher, Kimberly O'Brien, PhD, LICSW, empower middle and high school educators with the knowledge and skills to leverage their relationships with students to reduce this threat to life. The purpose of this book is not to turn teachers into therapists but given the pervasive public health problem of suicide in our youth, it's a critical conversation that all educators need to feel comfortable having. Educators will learn evidence-based concepts of suicide prevention, plus lesser known innovative strategies and small culture shifts for the classroom to facilitate connection and healthy coping strategies, the foundation of suicide prevention. Included is commentary from teachers, school psychologists, experts in youth suicidology, leaders from mental health nonprofits, program directors, and tudents. In addition, readers will find practical tips, and sample scripts, with innovative activities that can be incorporated into teaching curricula. You'll learn about: The teacher's role in suicide prevention, intervention, postvention, collaboration The different and often cryptic ways students indicate suicidality What to do/say when a student tells you they are thinking of suicide Small shifts that can create a suicide-prevention classroom/school environment How to address a class of grieving students and the empty desk syndrome Link to a download of resources, worksheets, activities, scripts, quizzes, and more Who is it for: Middle/high school teachers and educators, school counselors, nurses, psychologists, coaches, and administrators, as well as parents who wish to better understand the complex subject of youth suicide.
Vendome Press Rowdy Meadow: House–Land–Art
Fordham University Press Power of Gentleness: Meditations on the Risk of Living
Gentleness is an enigma. Taken up in a double movement of welcoming and giving, it appears on the threshold of passages signed off by birth and death. Because it has its degrees of intensity, because it is a symbolic force, and because it has a transformative ability over things and beings, it is a power. The simplicity of gentleness is misleading. It is an active passivity that may become an extraordinary force of symbolic resistance and, as such, become central to both ethics and politics. Gentleness is a force of secret life-giving transformation linked to what the ancients called potentiality. In our day, gentleness is sold to us under its related form of diluted mawkishness. By infantilizing it our era denies it. This is how we try to overcome the high demands of its subtlety—no longer by fighting it, but by enfeebling it. Language itself is therefore perverted: what our society intends to give the human beings that it crushes “gently,” it does in the name of the highest values: happiness, truth, security. From listening to those who come to me and confide their despair, I have heard it expressed in every lived experience. I have felt its force of resistance and its intangible magic. In mediating its relation to the world, it appears that its intelligence carries life, saves and amplifies it.
Edinburgh University Press Theories of Memory: A Reader
Theories of Memory provides a comprehensive introduction to the rapidly expanding field of memory studies. It is a resource through which students will be able both to broaden their knowledge of contemporary theoretical perspectives and trace the development of ideas about memory from the classical period to the present. The Reader is organised into three parts: *Part I, Beginnings, is historical in scope. Its three sections, Classical and Early Modern Ideas of Memory; Enlightenment and Romantic Memory, and Memory and Late Modernity lay out the key psychological, rhetorical, and cultural concepts of memory in the work of a range of thinkers from Plato to Walter Benjamin. *Part II, Positionings, identifies three major perspectives through which memory has been defined and debated more recently: Collective Memory; Jewish Memory Discourse; and Trauma. *Part III, Identities, examines the key role of memory in contemporary constructions of identity under the headings Gender; Race/Nation; and Diaspora.The general introduction sets out the significance of the field of memory studies while the accessible introductions to the nine sections also include suggestions for further reading in the area. Features *Offers a comprehensive introduction to the rapidly expanding field of memory studies *Both theorizes and historicizes the concept of memory for students of literature and culture *Foregrounds the importance of memory in contemporary theory *Provides a thorough survey of theories of memory from the classical period to the present *Edited by a team with a distinct range of expertise as well as experience of teaching theories of memory to graduate students
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sociology for Social Workers
The second edition of this major textbook clearly shows how sociology can inform professional social work practice in the twenty-first century. It provides an easy-to-follow, jargon-free introduction to sociology for social work students, with crucial links to practice across a comprehensive range of topics. The need for an appreciation of the insights sociology has to offer about our world and our actions within it has been underlined by recent reforms to social work education, and the new edition furthers its commitments to this goal. The book shows how sociology is an exciting and relevant topic to social work with a variety of service user groups, and supports and extends students’ learning through carefully designed pedagogical features. Richly illustrated with evidence and examples, the book uses engaging case studies to demonstrate the relevance of sociology to everyday practice. The new edition has been fully updated to explore contemporary issues for social workers, locating these in the context of global changes and strengthening its application of sociological theories to social work practice. Sociology for Social Workers will continue to be an invaluable teaching and learning resource that takes seriously sociology’s capacity to contribute to positive social work practice.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sociology for Social Workers
The second edition of this major textbook clearly shows how sociology can inform professional social work practice in the twenty-first century. It provides an easy-to-follow, jargon-free introduction to sociology for social work students, with crucial links to practice across a comprehensive range of topics. The need for an appreciation of the insights sociology has to offer about our world and our actions within it has been underlined by recent reforms to social work education, and the new edition furthers its commitments to this goal. The book shows how sociology is an exciting and relevant topic to social work with a variety of service user groups, and supports and extends students’ learning through carefully designed pedagogical features. Richly illustrated with evidence and examples, the book uses engaging case studies to demonstrate the relevance of sociology to everyday practice. The new edition has been fully updated to explore contemporary issues for social workers, locating these in the context of global changes and strengthening its application of sociological theories to social work practice. Sociology for Social Workers will continue to be an invaluable teaching and learning resource that takes seriously sociology’s capacity to contribute to positive social work practice.
Alma Books Ltd The Operas of Monteverdi
Monteverdi’s 1607 version of the legend of Orpheus is arguably the first masterpiece of opera. Composed for the court of Mantua, where Monteverdi was employed, it is very different from his two other surviving operas, which he wrote more than thirty years later to entertain Venetian audiences in the first public opera houses. Orfeo was long considered untranslatable, because the text is so closely tied to the music, and the Venetian librettos owe some of their brilliance to Spanish Golden Age theatre. This opera guide is an opportunity to read all three of Monteverdi’s stage works together, in Anne Ridler’s graceful translations. Contents: Operas contained in this volume: Orfeo, Il ritorno di Ulisse in patria, L’incoronazione di Poppea; Monteverdi, Opera and History, lain Fenlon; On Translating Opera, Anne Ridler; PART ONE: Mantua; A masterpiece for a Court, John Whenham; Music Examples; ‘Orfeo’: Favola in musica by Alessandro Striggio the Younger; Orfeo: English singing version by Anne Ridler; PART TWO: Venice; Musical Theatre in Venice, Paolo Fabbri; The Spanish Contribution to the Birth of Opera, Jack Sage; Monteverdi Returns to his Homeland, Tim Carter; Musical Examples; ll ritorno d’Ulisse in patria: Dramma in musica by Giacomo Badoaro; The Return of Ulysses: English singing version by Anne Ridler; Public Vice, Private Virtue, lain Fenlon and Peter Miller; Musical Examples; L’incoronazione di Poppea: Opera musicale by Giovanni Francesco Busenello; The Coronation of Poppea: English singing version by Anne Ridler
Elsevier Science & Technology Neurocognitive Development: Normative Development: Volume 173
This is one of a two-volume work on neurocognitive development, focusing separately on normative and non-normative development. The normative volume focuses on neurology, biology, genetics, and psychology of normative cognitive development. It covers the development of intellectual abilities, visual perception, motor function, language, memory, attention, executive function, social cognition, learning abilities, and affect and behavior. The book identifies when and how these functions develop, the genetics and neurophysiology of their operation, and their evaluation and assessment in clinical practice. This book will serve as a comprehensive reference to researchers in cognitive development in neuroscience, psychology, and medicine, as well as to clinicians and allied health professionals focused on developmental disabilities (child neurologists, pediatric neuropsychologists, child psychiatrists, speech and language therapists, and occupational therapists.)
Elsevier Science & Technology Neurocognitive Development: Disorders and Disabilities: Volume 174
This is one volume of a two-volume work on neurocognitive development, focusing separately on normative and non-normative development. The disorders and disabilities volume focuses on disorders of intellectual abilities, language, learning memory as well as psychiatric developmental disorders. The developmental aspects of neurological diseases in children is also covered. Chapters discuss when and how these disorders develop, the genetics and neurophysiology of their operation, and their evaluation and assessment in clinical practice. Assessment, treatment, and long-term outcome are provided as well as advances in methods and tools for assessment. This book will serve as a comprehensive reference to researchers in cognitive development in neuroscience, psychology, and medicine, as well as to clinicians and allied health professionals focused on developmental disabilities (child neurologists, pediatric neuropsychologists, child psychiatrists, speech and language therapists, and occupational therapists.)
Yale University Press Yves Zurstrassen: Free. 2009–2019
The recent work of Belgian abstract artist Yves Zurstrassen is explored in depth in this handsome volume, designed in close collaboration with the artist himself The decade of work produced between 2010 and 2019 by Belgian abstract painter Yves Zurstrassen (b. 1956) is the focus of this beautifully designed and illustrated book. Although he originally studied graphic art, Zurstrassen was inspired by Abstract Expressionists such as Jackson Pollock and Willem de Kooning to pursue painting. The book’s essays delve into the artist’s process and offer a critical analysis of the work. Also included are a detailed biography and insightful, informal conversations with the artist. Featuring full-page illustrations of Zurstrassen’s recent work, the book situates the artist both within abstract art and the broader context of contemporary painting.Distributed for MercatorfondsExhibition Schedule:Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels (September 1–December 31, 2019)
Columbia University Press The Psychiatric Society
Analyzes the American mental health care system and its relationship with society and government."
Oxford University Press Key Ideas in Teaching Mathematics: Research-based guidance for ages 9-19
Big ideas in the mathematics curriculum for older school students, especially those that are hard to learn and hard to teach, are covered in this book. It will be a first port of call for research about teaching big ideas for students from 9-19 and also has implications for a wider range of students. These are the ideas that really matter, that students get stuck on, and that can be obstacles to future learning. It shows how students learn, why they sometimes get things wrong, and the strengths and pitfalls of various teaching approaches. Contemporary high-profile topics like modelling are included. The authors are experienced teachers, researchers and mathematics educators, and many teachers and researchers have been involved in the thinking behind this book, funded by the Nuffield Foundation. An associated website, hosted by the Nuffield Foundation, summarises the key messages in the book and connects them to examples of classroom tasks that address important learning issues about particular mathematical ideas.
Transcript Verlag ReClaiming Participation: Technology - Mediation - Collectivity
This volume unravels the debates on the "Participation Age": Instead of perpetuating visions of social "all-inclusion" or the "digital divide", the collection reclaims collectivity as an effect of technological and historical conditions. Thinking of participation both as promise and duty, the contributions analyse the attractions and impositions connected to the socio-technical formation of collectivities. The constraints of participation are addressed by focusing on the mutual shaping of user practices and technological environments. It is hence a relational thinking that allows specifying the manifold interconnections of technology, practices and discourses.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften MIMOS 2017: Ursina Lardi
Ob auf der Theaterbühne oder der Kinoleinwand: Ursina Lardi vermag mit radikaler künstlerischer Aneignung das Wesen ihrer Figuren zu enthüllen. Mit Texten von namhaften Wegbegleitern und Einzelanalysen würdigt dieser Band eine eindrucksvolle Schauspielerinnenkarriere. Sur la scène comme sur l’écran, Ursina Lardi parvient, grâce à une approche artistique exigeante, à s’approprier l’essence des personnages qu’elle habite. Cet ouvrage réunit des interventions d’artistes exceptionnels, compagnons de route, et des analyses spécialisées pour célébrer cette carrière d’actrice impressionnante. In scena come sullo schermo: grazie a un approccio radicale, Ursina Lardi riesce a cogliere l’essenza dei personaggi che interpreta. Il presente volume illustra, tramite analisi particolareggiate e i contributi di compagni di viaggio d’eccezione, lo straordinario percorso artistico di quest’attrice. Whether on stage or on screen, Ursina Lardi manages to reveal the essence of her characters by means of a radical artistic approach. The present volume, with contributions from well-known associates as well as individual analyses, pays homage to the impressive career of this actress.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Media Graduates at Work: Irish Narratives on Policy, Education and Industry
This book systematically examines various factors that shape graduates’ entry into media work, which include the state and its policies, industrial and organizational practices and cultures, and media education. However, the book does not take a typical political economic or even media industries approach to this exploration. Rather, it innovatively traces how these forces are operationalized to shape media work from the perspective of the graduates, their educators and their employers. These varying perspectives are analyzed to see how graduates experience the outcomes of policy, education and industry cultures. The book examines the impact that policy, education and industry have in redefining what media work means for parts of industry that are responsible for cultivating new entrants into the creative industries.
Editions Norma Vincent Dubourg
"Abandoned, forgotten form is reborn in the arms of an all-embracing nature, an envelope within which the origin of the human being, of a society gives us a sensibility, a presence of a fertility." - Vincent Dubourg A graduate of the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, Vincent Dubourg is a designer and a plastic artist. In 2004, he caught the eye of Julien Lombrail, founder of the Carpenters Workshop Gallery, where he has been exhibiting since 2006. Present at major salons and shows - the Pavillon des Arts et du Design, Paris; Design Miami Basel - he has received many public commissions from institutions such as Galeries Lafayette, Swarovski, Vienna, the musée de la chasse et de la nature, Paris, and the Sketch restaurant in London, among others. Vincent says that he feeds himself on the capitals like Paris and New York, which he regularly visits, and digests them in his isolated studio in the Creuse department in France. There, he questions contemporary furniture through the prism of nature and the five elements, like a perfect control of metal. With him, buffet, table and chairs become hallucinatory objects shifting between sculpture and functional furniture. A major exhibit will be devoted to him at the Carpenters Workshop Gallery in New York in late 2017. Solo Show, Carpenters Workshop Gallery, New York, November 2017.
Lantern Publishing Ltd The Care Process: Assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation in healthcare
An accessible introductory textbook that covers the four stages of the care process. The Care Process is an accessible textbook for nursing, health and social care students that covers the fundamental principles and practice of the care process. Using clear explanations, scenarios, activities, and an overarching case study that runs through every chapter, the book will help you to understand the four stages of the care process – Assessment, Planning, Implementation, and Review and Evaluation. You will learn: How communication underpins all stages of the care process and how to develop your own communication skills. How to use decision-making models and tools in the care process. How, why and when to use different tools and approaches in assessing service users’ needs. How to apply the principles of care planning to your practice. How to ensure that the care you provide is person-centred and holistic. How to evaluate care interventions and how review and evaluation can assure the quality of care. An Appendix provides a detailed mapping of the new NMC standards of proficiency for registered nurses against each chapter. This concise and practical book will help you to understand the care process and to incorporate the skills and techniques you have learnt into your own care practice. Essentials is a series of accessible, introductory textbooks for students in nursing, health and social care. New and forthcoming titles in the series: The Care Process Communication Skills Leadership Learning Disabilities Mental Health Promoting Health and Wellbeing Study Skills
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Serious Play: A Evaluation of Arts Activities in Pupil Referral Units and Learning Support Units
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Analyse du travail et géographie sociale: Des outils pour agir
Distributed Art Publishers Jimmy DeSana: Submission
The first comprehensive book on the surreal, queer and humorous photographic art of Jimmy DeSana, a central figure in New York’s art and music scenes of the 1970s and ’80s This is the first overview of the work of Jimmy DeSana, a pioneering yet underrecognized figure in New York’s downtown art, music and film scenes during the 1970s and 1980s. The book situates DeSana’s work and life within the countercultural and queer contexts in the American South as well as New York, through his involvement in mail art, punk and No Wave music and film, and artist collectives and publications. DeSana’s first major project was 101 Nudes, made in Atlanta during the city’s gay liberation movement. After moving to New York in 1973, DeSana became immersed in queer networks, collaborating with General Idea and Ray Johnson on zines and mail art, and documenting the genderqueer street performances of Stephen Varble. By the mid-1970s, DeSana was a fixture in New York’s No Wave music and film scenes, serving as portraitist for much of the period’s central figures and producing album covers for Talking Heads, James Chance and others. His book Submission, made with William S. Burroughs, humorously staged scenes out of a S&M manual that explored the body as object and the performance of desire. DeSana was also an early adopter of color photography, creating his best-known series, Suburban, in the late 1970s and early 1980s. This body of work explores relationships between gender, sexuality and consumer capitalism in often humorous, surreal ways. After DeSana became sick as a result of contracting HIV, he turned to abstraction, using experimental photographic techniques to continue to push against photographic norms.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Literature in English: How Students & Teachers in Singapore Secondary Schools Deal with the Subject
Te Papa Press Hei Taonga Ma Nga Uri Whakatipu: Treasures for the Rising Generation: The Dominion Museum Ethnological Expeditions 1919-1923
A landmark book about four remarkable museum expeditions that contributed to a recovery of Maori society. From 1919 to 1923, at Sir Apirana Ngata's initiative, a team from the Dominion Museum travelled to tribal areas across Te Ika-a-Maui The North Island to record tikanga Maori (ancestral practices) that Ngata feared might be disappearing. These ethnographic expeditions, the first in the world to be inspired and guided by indigenous leaders, used cutting-edge technologies that included cinematic film and wax cylinders to record fishing techniques, art forms (weaving, kowhaiwhai, kapa haka and moteatea), ancestral rituals and everyday life in the communities they visited. The team visited the 1919 Hui Aroha in Gisborne, the 1920 welcome to the Prince of Wales in Rotorua, and communities along the Whanganui River (1921) and in Tairawhiti (1923). Medical doctor-soldier-ethnographer Te Rangihiroa (Sir Peter Buck), the expedition's photographer and film-maker James McDonald, the ethnologist Elsdon Best and Turnbull Librarian Johannes Andersen recorded a wealth of material. This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of these expeditions, and the determination of early twentieth century Maori leaders, including Ngata, Te Rangihiroa, James Carroll, and those in the communities they visited, to pass on ancestral tikanga 'hei taonga mo nga uri whakatipu' as treasures for a rising generation.
Museum of Fine Arts,Boston Photography: MFA Highlights
This latest volume in the MFA Highlights series showcases over 100 stunning photographs from the museum's collection. An extensive introductory essay traces the aesthetic and technical history of photography as an art form, from the early days of the camera obscura through the invention of the daguerreotype and calotype and into the present digital age. In the selection of objects that compose the body of this beautifully designed volume, careful juxtapositions emphasize the graphic qualities of the photos, and extended captions compare and contrast images from different times and places, underscoring shared techniques, sensibilities or subjects. A wide range of photographers--from early experimenters such as Eugène Cuvelier, Charles Marville and Anna Atkins to modern giants Alfred Stieglitz, Ansel Adams and Edward Weston, as well as contemporary practitioners such as James Nachtwey, Hiroshi Sugimoto and Loretta Lux--are represented by portraits and figure studies, city scenes and still lifes, landscapes and seascapes.
Manchester University Press A History of the Royal College of Nursing 1916–90: A Voice for Nurses
This is the history of one of the largest nursing organizations in the world and one of the largest professional associations of women. The Royal College of Nursing began as a small professional association in 1916. Its work included nurses’ education, professional policy and labour relations. It considers the history of nursing from political, social and economic points of view and sheds light on both gender relations and the position of women in the work place in Britain since 1916. The themes include the struggle to achieve professional status for nurses, the radicalization of nurses from the 1960s, the effect of immigration on nursing as a work force, gender relations within the profession and between nurses, their employers and other health professionals.This book will appeal to anyone interested in nursing studies, gender history and labour history.
Pearson Education Limited Science Bug Pupil Book Year 2
Part of the Science Bug toolkit, the pupil books provide: interesting and unusual science facts exciting ideas for research opportunities for further independent study clear diagrams and photos to support children's understanding fun skills pages focussing on building children's Working Scientifically skills. Series Editor: Anne Goldsworthy Authors: Debbie Eccles, Deborah Herridge and Tanya Shields
Readerlink Distribution Services, LLC Selected Works of the Bronte Sisters
Stanford University Press Of Hospitality
These two lectures by Jacques Derrida, "Foreigner Question" and "Step of Hospitality/No Hospitality," derive from a series of seminars on "hospitality" conducted by Derrida in Paris, January 1996. His seminars, in France and in America, have become something of an institution over the years, the place where he presents the ongoing evolution of his thought in a remarkable combination of thoroughly mapped-out positions, sketches of new material, and exchanges with students and interlocutors. As has become a pattern in Derrida's recent work, the form of this presentation is a self-conscious enactment of its content. The book consists of two texts on facing pages. "Invitation" by Anne Dufourmantelle appears on the left (an invitation that of course originates in a response), clarifying and inflecting Derrida's "response" on the right. The interaction between them not only enacts the "hospitality" under discussion, but preserves something of the rhythms of teaching. The volume also characteristically combines careful readings of canonical texts and philosophical topics with attention to the most salient events in the contemporary world, using "hospitality" as a means of rethinking a range of political and ethical situations. "Hospitality" is viewed as a question of what arrives at the borders, in the initial surprise of contact with an other, a stranger, a foreigner. For example, Antigone is revisited in light of the question of impossible mourning; Oedipus at Colonus is read via concerns that also apply to teletechnology; the trial of Socrates is brought into conjunction with the televised funeral of François Mitterrand.
Harvard University Press The Works of Anne Bradstreet
Anne Bradstreet was one of our earliest feminists and the first true poet in the American colonies. This collection of her extant poetry and prose, scrupulously edited by Jeannine Hensley, has long been the standard edition of Bradstreet’s work. Hensley’s introduction sketches the poet’s life, and Adrienne Rich’s foreword offers a sensitive critique of Bradstreet as a person and as a writer. The John Harvard Library edition includes a chronology of Bradstreet’s life and an updated bibliography.
Pearson Education Limited Science Bug Pupil Book Year 5
Part of the Science Bug toolkit, the pupil books provide: interesting and unusual science facts exciting ideas for research opportunities for further independent study clear diagrams and photos to support children's understanding fun skills pages focussing on building children's Working Scientifically skills. Series Editor: Anne Goldsworthy Authors: Debbie Eccles, Deborah Herridge and Tanya Shields
Indiana University Press From "Euthanasia" to Sobibor: An SS Officer's Photo Collection
The mass murder of the European Jews by Nazi Germany went hand in hand with the destruction of evidence attesting to this genocide. As Holocaust survivor Jules Schelvis puts it, "[v]ery few documents relating to Sobibor and the other death camps" remain. With its rich photographic imagery, the collection featured in From "Euthanasia" to Sobibor: An SS Officer's Photo Collection sheds new light on the Holocaust and other key aspects of Nazi extermination policy. The materials were compiled by Johann Niemann, an SS officer whose earlier participation in the Nazi "euthanasia" murders made him second-in-command at Sobibor and the first to get killed in the prisoner uprising of October 13, 1943. These documents allow crucial insights into the making of mass murderers, the evolution of the "final solution," and its consequences for the victims. As prevalent as the perpetrator perspective is in Niemann's collection, From "Euthanasia" to Sobibor offers a welcome corrective by complementing his images and documents with testimonies of Sobibor survivors, many of which also available in the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) archives. With its compilation of unique primary sources and skillful explication, From "Euthanasia" to Sobibor addresses under-researched aspects of Nazi mass violence beyond the Holocaust and offers a rich resource for researching and teaching.
Canterbury Press Norwich Ancient and Modern: Hymns and Songs for Refreshing worship
The world’s most famous hymn book has undergone a complete revision and now offers the broadest ever range of traditional hymns and the best from today’s composers and hymn/song writers. 150 years since its first publication and after sales of 170 million copies, this brand new edition contains over 840 items, ranging from the Psalms to John Bell, Bernadette Farrell and Stuart Townend. The guiding principles behind this collection are: • congregational singability • biblical and theological richness • musical excellence • liturgical versatility • relevance to today’s worship styles and to today’s concerns New features include added provision for all the seasons of the Church year, new items for carol services and other popular occasions where the repertoire is in need of refreshing, more choices for all-age worship, fresh translations of some ancient hymnody, beautiful new tunes, short songs and chants – alleluias, kyries, blessings etc. and music from the world church. A full range of indexes (including biblical and thematic) and a helpful guide to choosing hymns for every occasion will help to make Ancient & Modern the premier hymn collection of choice. This is the Melody edition.
Graffeg Limited Wonders of the Celtic Deep
Trafalgar Square Anne Kursinski's Riding and Jumping Clinic: A Step-by-Step Course for Winning in the Hunter and Jumper Rings (Revised)
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.0px Helvetica} Olympian Anne Kursinski’s acclaimed book on riding horses over fences delivers on-target counsel and the kind of sophisticated, quality instruction you can only get in top stables around the world. Let this medal-winning international competitor show you 'how it’s done' with step-by-step descriptions of 20 exercises to improve your position, your 'feel', and your overall understanding of how to confidently and successfully master a jump course. Throughout, explanations are clarified with hundreds of illuminating photographs, completely reshot in full colour for this new edition. Inside, you’ll find a top-notch education in basic flatwork and jumping, including bending, adjusting stride length, moving laterally, riding straight lines and curves, jumping without stirrups, and flying changes. You’ll also learn advanced flatwork and jumping, with lessons in flexion and collection, counter-canter, half-pass, ways to perfect distances and count strides, and tips for riding different kinds of combinations, bigger jumps, and natural fences. In addition, this revised edition includes a new chapter on riding derby-style courses. Now with all new colour photographs!
Manchester University Press Contemporary Chaucer Across the Centuries
This unique and exciting collection, inspired by the scholarship of literary critic Stephanie Trigg, offers cutting-edge responses to the writings of Geoffrey Chaucer for the current critical moment. The chapters are linked by the organic and naturally occurring affinities that emerge from Trigg's ongoing legacy; containing diverse methodological approaches and themes, they engage with Chaucer through ecocriticism, medieval literary and historical criticism, and medievalism. The contributors, trailblazing international specialists in their respective fields, honour Trigg's distinctive and energetic mode of enquiry (the symptomatic long history) and intellectual contribution to the humanities. At the same time, their approaches exemplify shifting trends in Chaucer scholarship. Like Chaucer's pilgrims, these scholars speak to and alongside each other, but their essays are also attentive to 'hearing Chaucer speak' then, now and in the future.
Penguin Books Ltd The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition
Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl is an inspiring and tragic account of an ordinary life lived in extraordinary circumstances that has enthralled readers for generations. This Penguin Classics edition is edited by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler, translated by Susan Massotty, and includes an introduction by Elie Wiesel, author of Night.'June, 1942: I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.'In Amsterdam, in the summer of 1942, the Nazis forced teenager Anne Frank and her family into hiding. For over two years, they, another family and a German dentist lived in a 'secret annexe', fearing discovery. All that time, Anne kept a diary. Since its publication in 1947, Anne Frank's diary has been read by tens of millions of people. This Definitive Edition restores substantial material omitted from the original edition, giving us a deeper insight into Anne Frank's world. Her curiosity about her emerging sexuality, the conflicts with her mother, her passion for Peter, a boy whose family hid with hers, and her acute portraits of her fellow prisoners reveal Anne as more human, more vulnerable and more vital than ever.'One of the greatest books of the twentieth century'Guardian'A modern classic'Julia Neuberger, The Times
Oxford University Press Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life
Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life responds to the key needs of lecturers and their students by placing a clear central narrative, carefully-structured active learning, and confidence with quantitative concepts and scientific enquiry central to its approach. Written by a team of dedicated and passionate academics, and shaped by feedback from over 55 institutions, its straightforward narrative, reinforced by key concept overview videos for every chapter, communicate key ideas clearly: the right information is provided at the right time, and at the right depth. Its pause and think features, self-check quizzes, and graded end of chapter questions, augmented by flashcards of key terms, directly support active learning. The combination of narrative text and learning features promote a rich, active learning experience: read, watch, and do. Its combination of Quantitative Toolkits, Scientific Process panels, and the Life and its Exploration chapters provide more insight and support than any other general biology text; they prepare students to engage with this quantitative and experimental discipline with confidence, and set them on a path for success throughout their future studies. With coverage that spans the full scale of biological science - from molecule to ecosystem - and with an approach that fully supports flexible, self-paced learning, Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life will set you on a path towards a deeper understanding of the key concepts in biology, and a greater appreciation of biology as a dynamic experimental science. Digital formats and resources Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The enhanced ebook is enriched with features that offer extra learning support: - Key concepts videos support students from the start of every chapter and as they make their way through every Module. - Self-check questions at the end of each chapter section give students quick and formative feedback, building their confidence and comprehension as they study and revise. - Quantitative skills video screencasts help students to master the foundational skills required by this discipline. - Interactive figures give students the control they need to step through, and gain mastery over, key concepts. - Per-chapter flashcard glossaries help students to recall the key terms and concepts on which further study can be built.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Greatest Stories: Oxford Level 16: Sixteen Sisters
Three classic English fairy tales from the collection of Joseph Jacobs, beautifully retold and illustrated. Twelve princesses share a love of dancing, to their father's despair. Will anyone be able to uncover their secret night-time escapades? Sisters may be related, but they certainly aren't always alike; Drusilla and Isidora are like chalk and cheese, and receive very different enchantments in the story Diamonds and Toads. Snow White and Rose Red tells of two sisters whose beloved bear turns out to be something quite different ... TreeTops Greatest Stories offers children some of the worlds best-loved tales in a collection of timeless classics. Top children's authors and talented illustrators work together to bring to life our literary heritage for a new generation, engaging and delighting children. The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book. Each book contains inside cover notes to help children explore the content, supporting their reading development. Teaching notes on Oxford Owl offer cross-curricular links and activities to support guided reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Aarhus University Press Smakkerup Huse: A Late Mesolithic Coastal Site in Northwest Zealand, Denmark
Classiques Garnier Voltairomania: L'Avocat Jean-Henri Marchand Face a Voltaire