Search results for ""Author Marion"
Page Street Publishing Co. The Puppetmaster’s Apprentice
Impressed by the work of the puppetmaster and his apprentice, Tavia’s ruler, The Margrave, has ordered dozens of life-size marionette soldiers to be sent to Wolfspire Hall. When the orders for more soldiers come in with increasingly urgent deadlines, the puppetmaster’s health suffers and Pirouette, his daughter and protégé, is left to build in his stead. But there is something far more twisted brewing at Wolfspire - the Margrave’s son wants Pirouette to create an assassin. And he wants her to give it life. With Tavia teetering on the brink of war and her father dying in the dungeons, Pirouette has no choice but to accept. Racing against the rise of the next blue moon - the magic that will bring her creations to life - she can't help but wonder, is she making a masterpiece... or a monster?
Little, Brown Book Group Penelope
Meet Penelope O'Shaughnessy, Harvard freshman.Armed with her Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights poster and party conversation modelled on the repartee of Noel Coward, Penelope is ready to take her place on campus. But where are the kindred spirits who will share her passion for Morse code and Tetris? Penelope's roommates, over-achieving Emma and the sullen Lan, seem to have already got to grips with university life, and she is finding it hard to work out if the dashing but elusive Gustav matches up to her hero, Hercule Poirot.Penelope follows our heroine's progress through her first year among America's elite, as she navigates the mysteries of life, love, inappropriate tutors, marionette operation and how to kiss on both cheeks and avoid disaster.
Titan Books Ltd Harry Potter: Magical Paper Crafts
Harry Potter: Paper Crafts is a unique collection of more than 20 magical paper crafts inspired by the Harry Potter films. From DIY pop-up creations to paper-cut decorations, each craft includes clear instructions, a skill-level rating for makers of all ages, and tons of behind-the-scenes secrets from the films, from concept art to fun facts. Harry Potter: Paper Crafts features a wide range of paper-based projects that can be made from everyday materials in your home. Projects include: Howler replica, a paper wand that casts a Patronus, 3D Knight Bus that actually moves, a fluffy marionette-style puppet and the Marauder's Map.
Little, Brown Book Group Queen of the Flowers
With more than a dash of glamour and serious helpings of style, the witty and courageous Phryne Fisher returns.In 1928 St Kilda's streets hang with fairy lights. Magic shows, marionettes, tea dances, tango competitions, lifesaving demonstrations, lantern shows, and picnics on the beach are all part of the Flower Parade. And who else should be chosen to be Queen of the Flowers but the gorgeous, charming and terribly fashionable Hon Phryne Fisher? Phryne needs a new dress and a swimming costume but she also needs a lot of courage to confront her problems: a missing daughter, the return of an old lover, and a young woman found drowned at the beach at Elwood.
Satori Ediciones El cantar de Heike 2 la gran epopeya medieval japonesa
Los más poderosos clanes de samuráis, los Heike y los Genji, mantienen una encarnizada lucha por el poder en el turbulento Japón del siglo XII.La muerte del emperador Toba ha sumido a la capital en una absoluta oscuridad. Ocultos en las sombras de la corte, dos grupos enfrentados de nobles sin escrúpulos han ido tejiendo una sutil red de intrigas, traiciones y mentiras para hacerse con el poder, manejando a los hijos de Toba como meras marionetas.Pero el precio a pagar por las maquinaciones palaciegas será alto y desembocará en la más cruenta guerra civil que el país haya contemplado. Padres enfrentados a sus propios hijos y hermanos combatiendo contra hermanos. Los samuráis de los clanes Heike y Genji habrán de decidir entre la lealtad militar o los vínculos de sangre y esta difícil decisión no afectará solo al futuro de sus familias sino al destino de la nación al completo.
Abbeville Press Inc.,U.S. Tony Sarg: Genius at Play: Adventures in Illustration, Puppetry, and Popular Culture
Tony Sarg (1880–1942), an American artist born in Guatemala to a diplomatic family, first achieved professional success as an illustrator in London and New York. But in the 1920s, he gained even greater renown for his touring puppet shows based on classic tales like Alice in Wonderland and Robinson Crusoe. Fusing the time-honoured craft of traditional marionette shows with a playful modern sensibility, Sarg’s productions were foundational to American puppetry: Jim Henson can be considered a direct artistic descendant. Yet this was only one facet of Sarg’s varied accomplishments: he was also a pioneer in animated films and children’s books, and, as a longtime designer for Macy’s, he invented the gigantic balloons used in the firm’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. (He also employed one of his parade balloons in the famous Nantucket Sea Serpent hoax of 1937.) This abundantly illustrated volume, published to coincide with a major exhibition organised by the Norman Rockwell Museum, is the first to survey Tony Sarg’s protean career. It brings together imagery and artifacts from numerous public and private collections, and includes special sections on Sarg’s long association with the island of Nantucket and his influence on American puppetry. Tony Sarg: Genius at Play will be essential reading for anyone with an interest in the history of popular culture.
Silvana Wael Shawky: Crusades and Other Stories
This book brings together Wael Shawky's most accomplished and mature series, Cabaret Crusades and Al Araba Al Madfuna, for the first time. Today, the relationship between art and politics is more crucial than ever, and the volume Crusades and Other Stories is significant for its production of knowledge, new perspectives, and reflection through shared sensibilities about our contemporary time of unrest and uncertainty. Wael Shawky works with an original visual language in video, drawing, and performance that draws on histories of oral storytelling and recreation. In so doing, Shawky opens a foundational debate that explores the construction of history universally to look at how narratives of the past are controlled and rewritten in order to define present and future understandings of the world. Adopting a vocabulary of theatre and cinema, and mixing forms of aesthetics and production, Wael Shawky's films are performances of the reconstruction of well-known and sometimes disputed tales, myths, and legends that interrogate human histories as creative spectacle. Child actors in the series Al Araba Al Madfuna and hand-crafted marionettes in the Cabaret Crusades trilogy intentionally exaggerate the meaning of the roles they play in a statement on the theatricality of existence. Text in English and Arabic.
The Crowood Press Ltd Making Almost Instant Puppets
This wonderful book is packed with a range of quick, inexpensive ways to make the main types of puppet using objects that are spare, scrap, recycled or easily accessible. With imagination and creative flair, it explains the principles and techniques that can transform a plastic bottle into a hippopotamus hand puppet or a few cardboard rolls into a dancing marionette. Alongside the practical information, it also gives staging advice so that your puppets can perform as living and believable characters. This is truly a book that will bring the magical world of puppet theatre within reach of everyone, whatever their time or resource limits.
Barefoot Books Ltd Earth Song
A brand new Barefoot Singalong about the earth's orbit!The earth circles round the sun each year. Past days, weeks, and months, our birthdays we cheer, growing taller, faster, smarter, wiser. The earth circles round the sun each year. What creates the seasons? How does day turn to night? Learn how the sun and moon create earth's seasonal and daily cycles in this uplifting, musical exploration of the beautiful planet we call home. Written and sung by Susan Reed (Over in the Meadow and Up, Up, Up) and illustrated by Mariona Cabassa (Whatever Comes Tomorrow, Barefoot Books Water, and A Gift for Amma), the calming music and vibrant illustrations help children understand our place in the universe. Includes a QR code to original audio and animation Endnotes dive more into STEAM topics such as seasons, stars, the moon and more Teaches kids about earth's orbit in a fun, accessible way
Saturnalia Books Xing
XING is about fraught crossings: East versus West, doubt versus belief, conformity versus individuality, the external world versus the internal one. These haunting, startling poems re-cast the world as we think we know it into playfully offbeat and idiosyncratic new molds. Using an array of idiosyncratic voices-an answering machine, a Sixties sanitation worker, a post-war refugee, a marionette, and the head and body of a mannequin, to name just a few-Kuan reinvents the speaker's voice as an entity that is unfixed, fragmented, peripatetic, and endlessly pleasurable to hear.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Injectable Fillers in Aesthetic Medicine
This book offers an excellent and comprehensive overview on the clinical use of fillers in aesthetic medicine that will assist both novice and advanced practitioners. Based on an evidence-based perspective, the book opens by describing the most common fillers, with information on their characteristics, efficacy and safety. The main part of the book then explains how to use fillers for the most frequent facial indications, such as the glabella, nasolabial folds, infraorbital hollow, nose, cheeks, lips and marionette lines. This new edition also includes chapters on extrafacial indications and treatment planning. All specific aesthetic procedures for the facial and extrafacial areas are described step by step, with the emphasis on a hands-on approach that highlights important do’s and don’ts. The book concludes with chapters on how to deal with adverse reactions and how to combine fillers with other aesthetic procedures, ranging from botulinum toxin A to plastic surgery.
Museum of Glass: International Center for Contemporary Art Complementary Contrasts: The Glass and Steel Structures of Albert Paley
Complementary Contrasts: The Glass and Steel Sculptures of Albert Paley highlights the significance of glass in the work of the celebrated sculptor Albert Paley. Though best known for his large-scale metal sculptures, Paley has incorporated glass in many works for over a decade. After beginning his career as a jewelry maker, Paley soon transitioned to furniture and freestanding sculpture. In the 1970s, Paley delved into large, site-specific works that blurred the line between sculpture and architecture. Despite disparity in size, Paley’s collective artworks display a synergy of forms and philosophy, favoring natural curves and lines that defy their rigid materials. In 1999 Paley was invited to Pilchuck Glass School to collaborate with artist Dante Marioni. His experience utilizing fire to manipulate metal translated naturally into his glass design and allowed him to embrace the new material with ease. Since this initial introduction, Paley has collaborated with a number of glass artists and created over a hundred sculptures incorporating glass. The first book to focus on Paley’s glass and steel sculpture, Complementary Contrasts includes approximately forty new sculptures created at the Museum of Glass in collaboration with Seattle-based glass sculptor Martin Blank. These sculptures will be supported by earlier works from Paley’s personal collection. Thirty works on paper that illuminate Paley’s process of incorporating glass in his sculpture are also illustrated. Collectively, the objects in this publication demonstrate a culmination of Paley’s talents as a sculptor.
Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana, S.A. (EDHASA) Los bandos de Castilla o El caballero del cisne
Durante el reinado de Juan II, Ramiro de Linares, hijo único del conde de Pimentel y vasallo del rey de Aragón, se enfrenta en untorneo a don Pelayo de Luna, hijo de Álvaro de Luna, condestable de Castilla, por los amores de Blanca de Castromerín. Estetriángulo amoroso sitúa el inicio de una novela en la que la rivalidad, la lucha, el enfrentamiento y el odio serán los ejesfundamentales del relato. Dos hombres que aman a una misma mujer, pero cuyo comportamiento es desde el principio hasta elfin antagónico. Y, al cabo de la historia, el caballero de Olmedo, el rey Juan II que se convierte en una marioneta en manos de don Álvaro de Luna, quien por sus villanías morirá ejecutado en 1453, y un largo etcétera de personajes y acontecimientos.Publicada por primera vez en Valencia en 1830, ya declaraba en el prólogo Ramón López Soler su gran admiración por Walter Scott y Lord Byron, a través de cuyas lecturas consigue tramar la que es la primera gran novela histórica en le
HarperCollins There Is a Rio Grande in Heaven
Ruben Reyes Jr. is a wonder. — Héctor TobarThese are stories to treasure and ponder, long after the last page has been turned. —Xochitl GonzalezAn electrifying debut story collection about Central American identity that spans past, present, and future worlds to reveal what happens when your life is no longer your own.An ordinary man wakes one morning to discover he’s a famous reggaetón star. An aging abuela slowly morphs into a marionette puppet. A struggling academic discovers the horrifying cost of becoming a Self-Made Man.In There Is a Rio Grande in Heaven, Ruben Reyes Jr. conjures strange dreamlike worlds to explore what we would do if we woke up one morning and our lives were unrecognizable. Boundaries between the past, present, and future are blurred. Menacing technology and unchecked bureaucracy cut through everyday life with unca
Yale University Press Alma W. Thomas: Everything Is Beautiful
A sweeping retrospective of Alma W. Thomas’s wide-reaching artistic practice that sheds new light on her singular search for beauty Achieving fame in 1972 as the first Black woman to mount a solo show at the Whitney Museum of American Art, Alma W. Thomas (1891–1978) is known for her large abstract paintings filled with irregular patterns of bright colors. This insightful reassessment of Thomas’s life and work reveals her complex and deliberate artistic existence before, during, and after the years of commercial and critical success, and describes how her innovative palette and loose application of paint grew out of a long study of color theory. Essays trace Thomas’s journey from semirural Georgia to international recognition and situate her work within the context of the Washington Color School and creative communities connected to Howard University. Featuring rarely seen theatrical designs, sculpture, family photographs, watercolors, and marionettes, this volume demonstrates how Thomas’s pursuit of beauty extended to every facet of her life—from her exuberant abstractions to the conscientious construction of her own persona through community service, teaching, and gardening. Published in association with The Columbus Museum and the Chrysler Museum of ArtExhibition Schedule:Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA (July 9–October 3, 2021) The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC (October 30, 2021–January 23, 2022) Frist Art Museum, Nashville (February 25–June 5, 2022) The Columbus Museum, GA (July 1–September 25, 2022)
Los 47 ronin
La venganza de los 47 " ronin " (samuráis huérfanos de su señor y, por tanto, desplazados del orden social) es sin duda una de las historias más famosas y populares de la cultura japonesa. Recrea un acontecimiento histórico: la sangrienta venganza consumada en 1702 por 47 de estos samuráis para reivindicar el honor de su señor, caído en desgracia y forzado al " seppuku " o suicidio ritual por la avaricia de un poderoso funcionario del gobierno. Este inesperado suceso conmovió al pueblo llano del Japón del período Edo, que no tardó en convertirlo en motivo de novelas y piezas teatrales con las que expresar de forma simbólica su oposición al régimen militar de los Tokugawa. Obra concebida para el " joruri " o teatro de marionetas, representada y celebrada hasta el día de hoy, " El tesoro de los leales vasallos " encarna la culminación de todo cuanto se escribió en esos años en torno al caso. En su acción, que avanza inexorable, brilla la obsesión por el honor y la venganza que alimentaba
Narcea, S.A. de Ediciones Expresin comunicacin y discapacidad modelos p
Las aptitudes intelectuales -como ha demostrado Torrance- tienen poco que ver con las creativas. Sobre este presupuesto se apoya un libro que demuestra con la experiencia que se puede confiar en las posibilidades de expresión y comunicación de las personas mayores discapacitadas.Para ello ofrece una estrategia de trabajo basada en intervenciones "a la medida" adaptadas a las diversas necesidades, huyendo de las generalizaciones e imprecisiones en que tantas veces ha caído la enseñanza.Ofrece un planteamiento muy bien articulado donde la actividad plástica y figurativa, las estrategias de lenguaje, el trabajo en grupos, la expresión con títeres y marionetas (construidos por los propios alumnos), el dibujo y la pintura, el modelado, el grabado, la decoración y la imagen animada por la palabra se entrelazan para salir al paso de las distintas situaciones que van planteando el hecho de la diversidad y la integración.Es un excelente apoyo para el profesorado, ya que cada modelo
La escuela de los dictadores
Erich Kästner fue uno de los pocos autores literarios alemanes que vivieron el exilio interior por voluntad propia. Durante doce años se le prohibió escribir y publicar, no solo en Alemania, sino que los tentáculos del régimen nazi extendieron su prohibición a otros países.En " La Escuela de los Dictadores " , un pequeño equipo de personas, comandadas por un ingenioso catedrático con ínfulas, se hace con el poder omnímodo, pretendiendo supervisar y dirigir toda la actividad del pueblo, pero también la de los políticos, de manera que el presidente de esa dictadura imaginaria sea la perfecta marioneta que obedezca a todos los movimientos previstos por los " manejantes " profesionales. Una advertencia para el futuro, ante ese teatro que siempre puede volver a convertirse en un cruel teatro del mundo.
El asesino de Alfas 1
Los perceptores corrientes tienen uno de los cinco sentidos desarrollados al máximo, pero los Alfas disfrutan de un control total sobre sus percepciones. Excelentes guerreros, con una visión que les permite atravesar paredes, un olfato y un oído que los hace percibir a sus enemigos a kilómetros de distancia, y un gusto que los convierte en excelentes envenenadores, los Alfas son lo perceptores mas poderosos y, por eso, reclaman a los más débiles para formar sus familias y mover los hilos del mundo de los humanos como si fuesen simples marionetas. Nos situamos en Málaga, después de años huyendo con su tío, Kate, una alfa libre que no forma parte de ninguna familia, será reclamada por Óliver y se convertirá en una Galán contra su voluntad. Deseando encontrar la manera de volver junto a su tío, Kate fingirá adaptarse a la familia mientras los Alfas de Málaga sufren los ataques de un poderoso perceptor que los está aniquilando.
WW Norton & Co Backroads & Byways of Wisconsin
Experience Wisconsin in all its glory—beautiful lakes, gorgeous parks, delicious cheese, and happy people This updated edition of Backroads & Byways of Wisconsin is the ultimate guide to exploring the beauty of the Badger State on the most scenic alternative routes Wisconsin has to offer. Kevin Revolinski is your native expert, leading you to the best homegrown products and charming locales available. Accompanied by handy maps and detailed travel instructions, readers will find thoughtful, reliable recommendations for what to do, where to stay, and where to eat. Drives include: Cheese Country The Great River Road The Lake Michigan Shoreline Hayward and the Land of the Lumberjacks The Waterfalls of Marionette County
19pornografialibros inutiles
Según Luz Pichel, una de las cosas más bonitas que le regaló la poesía fue traducir a Lupe Gómez. Y para Lupe Gómez en castellano Pornografía resuena como la sombra de un tambor.Este libro se publicó en gallego por primera vez en 1995, cuando la autora tenía 23 años, en una autoedición considerada mítica que excitó la sensibilidad y el imaginario de toda una generación. Ahora, traducido por primera vez al castellano, continúa siendo una poesía plena de energía y de mordiente acrobacia, dueña de una sonoridad impúdica. Poemas frágiles y punzantes que, conforme se leen, van generando sutiles cortocircuitos.La poesía surge en mí como una urgencia natural. Sale libre, como un chaparrón, como una fiesta. La poesía está debajo de los mineros y los borrachos, donde las niñas suspiran. Allí tengo un cajón donde meterme y destrozar el camino. Romper la creación, imaginarnos dioses en vez de aspirar a ser marionetas que circulan correctamente por las calles. Lupe Gómez
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Santa Fe Reflections
250 glorious, colorful images reflect Santa Fe's year-round appeal in a fresh look at this historic and modern destination. See the city streets where monuments and architecture recall the past. Outside of town, mountains, trails, chapels, and fields of flowers beckon your exploration. Visit many summer festivals that celebrate the cultures that mix in the region and rodeos that continue the activities of cowboys and Old West life here. Many artists now call Santa Fe their hometown, because the stimulating region and active markets invigorate their work. Meet Zozobra, a jovial 50-foot-tall marionette, at Las Fiestas de Santa Fe in early September. The useful Resources section includes contact information for many of the museums, festivals, activities, and recreation areas of Santa Fe. This book is a wonderful introduction as well as a souvenir to Santa Fe's many charms, and will be a guide and a keepsake to visitors and locals alike.
Ahorcado, un thriller vertiginoso donde el asesinato es una obra de arte.Dieciocho meses después del caso Ragdoll un asesino siembra el terror a ambos lados del Atlántico.En el puente de Brooklyn, Nueva York, aparece un cadáver colgando con la palabra ANZUELO grabada en el pecho.Poco después, como si un asesino imitador anduviera suelto, se descubre en Londres un cuerpo con la palabra MARIONETA marcada en el torso.Han pasado dieciocho meses desde los crímenes de Ragdoll, y la detective Emily Baxter de la policía británica viaja a los Estados Unidos para colaborar con los agentes especiales de la CIA y el FBI encargados del caso.Mientras aparecen nuevas víctimas en escenarios cada vez más teatrales y macabros, los agentes deben identificar quién está moviendo los hilos y atrapar a un asesino que no tiene nada que perder.Los lectores y la crítica opinan:Súper emocionante, como una buena película de suspense!Lovely Books<
Ingenuo salvaje elimpedimenta
Arthur Machin es hijo de un simple minero y no espera salir de la ciudad industrial del norte de Inglaterra en la que nació, un agujero de frustración y aburrimiento, pero su vida cambia cuando el equipo local de rugby lo ficha para la Liga Nacional inglesa. De la noche a la mañana, todo el mundo conoce su nombre, se codea con los hombres más poderosos de la zona y puede comprar todo lo que se le antoje. Sin embargo, Arthur no tarda en darse cuenta de que la popularidad no implica necesariamente la felicidad. Mientras va incomodando cada vez más a las clases altas, que no suelen admitir a nadie de origen humilde en sus selectos círculos, Machin trata infructuosamente de hallar cariño en la señora Hammond, su casera, y demostrarse a sí mismo que es algo más que una torpe marioneta de la sociedad, incapaz de hacer nada salvo regodearse en su propia fama.Una triunfal oda a la Inglaterra rugbística de los sesenta que habría firmado el mismísimo Alan Sillitoe: un mundo metálico de mugre
Ulysses Press Born To Pun
The Ultimate Collection of Punny WordplayMake every day funny punny with this massive book of over 1,400 puns. Perfect for word nerds, class clowns, and dads everywhere, never miss an opportunity to deliver a groan-inducing, yet hilarious one-liner. - The pliers said to the wrench, ''Get a grip. You''re losing it! ''- The marionette''s cardiologist warned him to change his lifestyle because he was too high-strung. - When the President''s family picnic was hit by a cold hard rain, the band struck up ''Hail to The Chief''. - Q: How do vampires like their stakes? A: Rare. - Do dealers in Las Vegas casinos walk with a shuffle? - The young ear of corn was considered a rising star in the Marine Corps; he quickly rose to the rank of kernel.
Insight Editions Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio: A Timeless Tale Told Anew
Discover the secrets of Oscar-winning director Guillermo del Toro’s stop-motion masterpiece Pinocchio through stunning unseen art and incisive commentary from the filmmaker and his collaborators.Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro reinvents Carlo Collodi's classic tale of the wooden marionette who is magically brought to life in order to mend the heart of a grieving woodcarver named Geppetto. This whimsical, stop-motion film directed by Guillermo del Toro and Mark Gustafson follows the mischievous and disobedient adventures of Pinocchio in his pursuit of a place in the world. Illustrated with stunning visuals, this deluxe volume follows the remarkable creative journey that brought Pinocchio to the screen, from del Toro’s early ideas for the adaptation, through to character design, puppet building, and the meticulous animation process. Featuring interviews with del Toro and a wide range of the film’s key creatives, this is the definitive story behind the birth of a brand-new Pinocchio. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS: Includes exclusive interviews with Oscar-winning director Guillermo del Toro and his cast and crew. ORIGINAL CONCEPT ART: Features a wealth of electrifying character and location art, storyboards, and other visuals used to conceptualize the film. GO BEHIND-THE-SCENES: Filled with behind-the-scenes images and information about the entire filmmaking process, including the creation of the remarkable puppets and sets that were hand-crafted for the film. PERFECT GIFT: The perfect gift for fans of Guillermo del Toro, animation, and film.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Whimsical Elegance: The Costumed Cat Dolls of Helen Cohen
Doll artist, Helen Cohen, has created a cat fancy in Whimsical Elegance like no other! A self-taught doll maker and passionate costume and fashion aficionada for over forty years, she has made and sold numerous dolls, many of them during her twenty-two years as owner of The Doll Lady, a shop in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Bringing fresh approaches to the creation of each figure, 20 of her miniature dolls were displayed in a custom-made dollhouse at the White House in 1981. Sophisticated and adult dolls in human proportions are shown in this collection, but with a twist – CAT faces grace the pages along with a primary emphasis on historical fashion, representative of the 1500s through 1920. Each figure is unique, reflecting 31 variations on a theme. She focuses on her skill and experience in working with a wide variety of fabrics and generously imparts and shares helpful tips. The artistic color photographs by David Gehosky bring to life and into sharp focus her dazzling details, exuberant adornments, and embellishments, in concert with amazing fabrics on beautiful cat dolls. This exciting Cohen collection displays theatrical qualities, designed to offer a treasure trove of ideas and inspiration for anyone who enjoys costuming for dolls, puppets, marionettes, stuffed animals, or people.
Chicago Review Press Oddball Iowa: A Guide to Some Really Strange Places
This zany travel guide presents a more peculiar state than the Iowa Tourism Office might like out-of-towners to imagine. Leaving out the traditional scenic trips to the Mississippi River bluffs and the Amana Colonies, this guide will take the adventurous traveler to the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk, the home of the "Lonely Goat Herder" marionettes from The Sound of Music, and the world's largest Cheeto. To enhance the experience of this unusual side of Iowa, the guide includes facts about numerous events in Iowa's history, such as Ozzy Osbourne's infamous bat-biting incident and Jesse James's first moving-train robbery. Iowa is depicted as the birthplace of the Roto-Rooter, the Delicious apple, the electronic computer, the reinforced concrete bridge, and the Eskimo pie. The accompanying photographs and maps will direct travelers to other fun vacation spots and attractions, including the butter sculptures at the Iowa State Fair, the annual National Skillet Throw, the Hobo Convention and Museum, the Ice Cream Capital of the World, and the National Balloon Museum.
Nocturna Ediciones El zorro y otras historias
Tres novelas cortas que D. H. Lawrence escribió entre 1920 y 1921. En la primera de ellas, La mariquita, un conde y oficial alemán se encuentra hospitalizado en Inglaterra al borde de la muerte por su participación en la Primera Guerra Mundial. De carácter siniestro y misterioso, pronto empieza a recibir las visitas de una joven que, aunque repelida por su oscuridad, no puede dejar de verle. En la segunda, El muñeco del capitán, una pintora y marionetista crea un títere de su amante tan fiel que, cuando la mujer de este lo descubre en su tienda, trata por todos los medios de conseguirlo. Por último, en El zorro, historia en la que se basó la primera película de Mark Rydell, dos mujeres que viven aisladas en una pequeña granja abren un día la puerta para toparse con un joven soldado británico que resulta ser tan astuto como un zorro. A partir de ese momento, la relación entre ambas da un vuelco que culminará en un final inesperado.
Titan Books Ltd The Migration
When I was younger I didn't know a thing about death. I thought it meant stillness, a body gone limp. A marionette with its strings cut. Death was like a long vacation - a going away. Storms and flooding are worsening around the world, and a mysterious immune disorder has begun to afflict the young. Sophie Perella is about to begin her senior year of high school in Toronto when her little sister, Kira, is diagnosed. Their parents' marriage falters under the strain, and Sophie's mother takes the girls to Oxford, England, to live with their Aunt Irene. An Oxford University professor and historical epidemiologist obsessed with relics of the Black Death, Irene works with a centre that specializes in treating people with the illness. She is a friend to Sophie, and offers a window into a strange and ancient history of human plague and recovery. Sophie just wants to understand what's happening now; but as mortality rates climb, and reports emerge of bodily tremors in the deceased, it becomes clear there is nothing normal about this condition - and that the dead aren't staying dead. When Kira succumbs, Sophie faces an unimaginable choice: let go of the sister she knows, or take action to embrace something terrifying and new. Tender and chilling, unsettling and hopeful, The Migration is a story of a young woman's dawning awareness of mortality and the power of the human heart to thrive in cataclysmic circumstances.
DC Comics Doomsday Clock: The Complete Collection
As the Doomsday Clock ticks toward midnight, the DC Universe will encounter its greatest threat: Dr. Manhattan. But nothing is hidden from Manhattan, and the secrets of the past, present, and future will leave ramifications on our heroes' lives forever. NOTHING EVER REALLY ENDS The world of Watchmen collides with the DC Universe in Doomsday Clock, from Geoff Johns and Gary Frank, the critically acclaimed team behind Shazam!: Origins and Batman: Earth One. Seven years after the events of? Watchmen, Adrian?Veidt?has been exposed as the murderer of millions. Now a fugitive, he has come up with a new plan to?redeem himself in the eyes of?the world. The first step?? Finding ?Dr. Manhattan. Alongside a new Rorschach and the? never-before-seen ?Mime and Marionette, he? follows Manhattan s trail to? the DC Universe, which is? on the brink of collapse? as? international tensions push the Doomsday Clock? ever closer to midnight. Is this all Dr. Manhattan s? doing?? Spinning out of Watchmen, DC Universe: Rebirth, ?and ?Batman/The Flash: The Button, Doomsday Clock rewrites the ?past, present,?and future of the DC Universe and it? all ?starts here!? Collects Doomsday Clock?#1-12.?
The University of Chicago Press Falling in Love with Statues: Artificial Humans from Pygmalion to the Present
If, as a child, you conducted conversations with beloved dolls, or if, as an adult, you have entered virtual worlds inhabited by digital humans who inspire devotion in real people, you have participated in one of humanity's most potent yet least explored traditions. Falling in love (and out of love) with statues, George L. Hersey reveals, has helped us since antiquity to understand, improve, and empower ourselves.Hersey's history of statue love begins in Cyprus, home of the legendary sculptor Pygmalion, who famously grew enamored of his own creation. Examining the island's prehistoric images of Aphrodite - the love goddess who brought Pygmalion's sculpture to life - Hersey traces the origins of statue love back to the Cypriot followers who adored her terra-cotta likenesses. He goes on to explore ideas about human replicas in the works of Empedocles, Aristotle, Lucretius, and Ovid, whose definitive account of the Pygmalion myth introduced the notion that statues have the potential to induce physical responses in their viewers. Finding avatars of Ovid's living image in everything from pagan idols and early Christian statuary to eighteenth-century painting to modern action figures and marionettes, Hersey concludes by investigating the concern that these automata will eventually replace humans.In the process, he narrates a powerful history of artificial life at a moment when - with the development of robot soldiers, ever-more-sophisticated genetic engineering, and a continually expanding digital universe - it seems more real than ever.
University of Washington Press Preston Singletary: Echoes, Fire, and Shadows
For nearly two decades, Preston Singletary has straddled two unique cultures, melding his Tlingit ancestry with the dynamism of the Studio Glass Movement. In the process, he has created an extraordinarily distinctive and powerful body of work that depicts cultural and historical images in richly detailed, beautifully hued glass. Singletary has translated the visual vocabulary of patterns, narratives, and systems of Native woodcarving and painted art into glass, a material historically associated with Native peoples through an extensive network of trading routes. Singletary entered the world of glassblowing as an assistant, mastering the techniques of the European tradition as he worked alongside Seattle-area artists such as Benjamin Moore and Dante Marioni. He also had opportunities to learn the secrets of the Venetian glass masters while working with Italian legends Lino Tagliapietra and Pino Signoretto. The Northwest Native icons, supernatural beings, transformative themes, animal spirits, shamanism, and basketry design of Singletary's Tlingit heritage are manifested in his work, creating a unique whole that resonates on many levels and reveals a new artistic direction. This mid-career retrospective of his work includes contributions by Melissa G. Post, Steven Clay Brown, and Walter Porter, as well as a DVD of Singletary working in his studio. Preston Singletary's works are in museum collections around the world, including the National Museum of the American Indian; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Seattle Art Museum; Corning Museum of Glass; Mint Museum of Art; the Heard Museum; and the Handelsbanken (Stockholm, Sweden).
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Adventures of Pinocchio (MinaLima Edition): (Ilustrated with Interactive Elements)
The enduring children’s tale The Adventures of Pinocchio, retold for a new generation in this spectacular full-color deluxe gift edition, packed with beautiful artwork and seven interactive features created by the award-winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise, MinaLima.Originally published in 1883, The Adventures of Pinocchio is one of the best known and beloved children’s classics. Written by Italian political satirist Carlo Collodi, it is the story of Geppetto, a poor puppeteer who uses an enchanted piece of wood to carve a marionette boy he calls Pinocchio. The impish Pinocchio does not want to be a puppet; he yearns to become a real boy. Soon, his curiosity, mischievousness, and naivete lead him away from his father’s shop and into a series of perilous encounters with vicious puppet masters, cunning animals, and other magical characters. Along this perilous journey, the magical puppet learns how much turmoil, heart, and hard work it takes to become a “real boy.” With a nose that grows larger with each lie he tells, Pinocchio has become an enduring icon in children’s literature, and now his story is brilliantly reimagined in this stunning gift edition. The Adventures of Pinocchio includes specially commissioned artwork and exclusive interactive features, including: A Pinocchio puppet with clothing Additional finger puppets A small theatre for a puppet show A court deck with Pinocchio behind sliding bars A fold out shark revealing Pinocchio and Geppetto inside This wondrous edition will enchant readers of every age an become a treasured keepsake passed down for generations.
Outline Press Ltd Throwing Frisbees At The Sun: A Book About Beck
At a time in rock and pop history where most things in music have been done before, few artists have proved as restlessly innovative over the past two decades as Beck. Since bursting onto the scene in 1994 with 'Loser', he has zigzagged his way across the contemporary music landscape, consistently remaining one step ahead of expectations and doing things his own way: shape-shifting from indie icon to pop crooner, from folk hobo to Latino-rap hipster, and dabbling in country metal, blues and rock along the way, balancing big-budget chart highs with lower-key, introspective acoustic albums. Beck hails from a family tree rich in music and performance art, which has filtered into his music, videos, and live work. Early shows included spoken word sections, songs made up on the spot, and stage clearances using his leaf-blower. His enthusiasm for the experimental has not diminished with age. In the 21st century, he founded the Record Club, which brought together disparate artists to record cover versions of whole albums in a single day for release online. Then he took a troupe of doppelganger marionettes out on tour and made the brave decision to release Song Reader as a hardcover set of sheet music, challenging buyers to record and play their own versions of his new songs. Throwing Frisbees at the Sun is the first serious study of Beck's life and work for more than a decade. Drawing on new interviews with friends, family, collaborators, producers, and band-members, Rob Jovanovic has fashioned a carefully crafted, career-spanning retrospective befitting the many twists and turns of this intriguing performer's path through life and music.
Intersentia Ltd Boundaries of Information Property
This book is the result of a long-term comparative research project on intellectual property, with topics ranging from patents to copyright, examined across 16 jurisdictions. It does not aim at commenting on current policy issues. The country reports unearth the culturally, morally and historically imprinted thought patterns across Europe which underpin current discussions on the appropriation of information, and which do not change quickly. The research results question the common narratives of the distinctiveness of private and public law, of contracts and property, and of morality and the law. The point of departure is the public good character of information, with the focus being on public interests pursued when assigning information as property. The 14 selected cases, based on recent, and in some cases futuristic when the project began in 2001, scenarios, aim to identify how boundaries to information property emerge, the areas of law that are applied and the principles that are followed in order to balance the conflicting interests at stake. The issues discussed revolve around well-known interfaces such as IP and competition law, monetary interests versus personal interests in human genome data, individual freedoms-to-operate versus collective action models as found in basic research or ‘creative commons’. The book shows how some national discussions appear similar on the surface, in terms of resorting to parallel principles, but subsequent domestic policy answers vary greatly. Even legislation which aims at harmonisation may result into more diversity. Inversely, we found legal institutions applied which install contrasting legal rules which however aim at exactly the same behavioural change. The national reports in Part III are complemented by comparative analyses by the editors, whilst the chapters in Part II are dedicated to an analysis of the submissions from a theoretical point of view, departing from the editors’ own research interests. The chapter in Part I describes the overall ‘Common Core’ research method, which splits the national reports into operative, descriptive and metalegal formants. Boundaries of Information Property is aimed at researchers in IP and practitioners interested in the foundational theory of their subject. It is an inspiring read for those interested in the deeper structures of regulating information. With a foreword by Sjef van Erp (em. University of Maastricht) and contributions by Christine Godt (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg), Geertrui Van Overwalle (University of Leuven), Lucie Guibault (Dalhousie University), Deryck Beyleveld (University of Durham), Mike Adcock (University of Durham), Ramūnas Birštonas (Vilnius University), Maja Bogataj Jančič (Intellectual Property Institute, Ljubljana), Konstantinos Christodoulou (University of Athens), Teresa Franquet Sugrañes (University Rovira i Virgili), Pablo Garrido Pérez (University of Barcelona), Christophe Geiger (Luiss Guido Carli University), Silvia Gómez Trinidad (University of Barcelona), Mariona Gual Dalmau (University of Barcelona), Aleksei Kelli (University of Tartu), Tomaž Keresteš (University of Maribor), Maja Lubarda (Lawyer, Ljubljana), Thomas Margoni (University of Leuven), Jan Mates (Attorney-at-Law, Prague), Maureen O’Sullivan (NUI Galway), Andrea Pradi (University of Trento), Martina Repas (University of Maribor), Giorgio Resta (University of Rome 3), Ole-Andreas Rognstad (University of Oslo), Cristina Roy Pérez (University of Barcelona), Jens Schovsbo (University of Copenhagen), Agnes Schreiner (University of Amsterdam), Simone Schroff (Plymouth University), Tobias Schulte in den Bäumen (Hapag-Llyod, Hamburg), Simona Štrancar (University of Maribor), Tomasz Targosz (Jagiellonian University), Elżbieta Traple (Jagiellonian University), and Gabriele Venskaityte (European Commission, Brussels).
Random House Children's Books Marios Big Adventure Nintendo and Illumination present The Super Mario Bros. Movie