Search results for ""author christine"
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Behavior of Organic Matrix Composites: Effect of Thermo-oxidative Ageing
The book focuses on the effect of ageing (thermo-oxidation, humid ageing) on the mechanical properties of organic matrix composite materials, covering: Bibliographic issues and a detailed state-of-the-art; phenomenological and experimental issues; modelling issues and models parameter identification; illustration and interpretation of experimental tests and proposal for novel test design in the light of the model predictions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Working Postures and Movements
In most industries, musculoskeletal injuries are the most common work-related reason for employee absences. These injuries are often caused by static postures or repetitive movements that have to be maintained for many hours a day, such as intensive use of data entry devices, assembly work, parts inspection, equipment maintenance, manual materials handling, machinery operations, and vehicle operation, among others. The book addresses seating concepts, hand tool and pedal designs, foot-floor interfaces, digital human models for computer-aided design and engineering, and work organization (task duration, breaks, handling frequency) as they affect human performance and musculoskeletal injury reduction. Professionals responsible for identifying and improving conditions in the industries where such workplace injuries occur will find this volume to be a handy sourcebook, while teachers and students will find it to be a valuable reference.
University Press of America Religion and Public Life: The Legacy of Monsignor John A. Ryan
Religion and Public Life is a collection of papers delivered at a conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of the death of Msgr. John A. Ryan, who was the most prominent and influential American advocate of the Catholic social tradition in the first half of the twentieth century. He was a rare combination of scholar, priest, and political realist. Most of his career was spent in Washington, D.C., where he was both a professor at the Catholic University of America and a principal representative of the American bishops to Congress. This collection serves as a fine introduction to Ryan's thought as well as a survey of some of the more pressing current issues in the Catholic social tradition.
Little, Brown & Company Chained Soldier, Vol. 6
Schnell & Steiner Kirche Und Kolleg Der Jesuiten in Dillingen an Der Donau: Studien Zu Den Spatbarocken Bildprogrammen 'ut in Nomine Iesu Omne Genu Flectatur'
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Doing Gender - Doing Religion: Fallstudien zur Intersektionalität im frühen Judentum, Christentum und Islam
Unter dem Motto "Doing Gender - Doing Religion" greift der Sammelband die in den Sozialwissenschaften seit etwa 30 Jahren lebhaft geführte Debatte über "Intersektionalität" von Unterdrückungsstrukturen auf: Die Rolle und Situation von Frauen ist nicht ohne Berücksichtigung anderer Faktoren wie etwa ihres Status und ihrer ethnischen Herkunft zu erfassen. Genderkonstruktionen und andere Parameter bedingen einander. Für die Kulturen der Antike ist dabei - so die Grundannahme der Beiträge dieses Sammelbandes - auch die religiöse Zugehörigkeit zu berücksichtigen. Im Zentrum der hier publizierten Intersektionalitätsanalysen steht daher die Frage, wie Geschlechterrollenkonzepte und religiöse Wertvorstellungen sich gegenseitig bedingen und beeinflussen. Grundsätzlichen Überlegungen zur Intersektionalitätsanalyse stehen Fallstudien zur Seite, welche die Verwobenheit von Genderkonstruktionen in frühjüdischen, neutestamentlichen und zeitgenössischen paganen Texten sowie solchen der Alten Kirche und des frühen Islam untersuchen. Die Beiträge behandeln unter anderem die Sicht auf interkulturelle Ehen und Geschlechtermoral im frühen Judentum, Christentum und Islam, auf Sklavinnen in religiöser Rechtsbildung im frühen Judentum und Christentum oder Maskulinitätskonzepte im Paganismus und im Neuen Testament. Der Sammelband belegt, dass die Frage nach den Wechselwirkungen von Genderkonzepten und religiösen Konstruktionen höchst produktiv ist, sich aber nicht isoliert von weiteren Kategorien, insbesondere den jeweiligen Statusmarkierungen analysieren lässt. Die Beobachtungen zur Vielfalt und Variabilität religiöser Konzepte und Geschlechterrollenvorstellungen legen nicht zuletzt deren Konstruktivität offen.
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes: Tome XVI B: 1767-1770
Vehicule Press Hope That Remains: Canadian Survivors of the Rwandan Genocide
In 1994 one of the worst genocides in human history took place in Rwanda—more than one million people were killed in 100 days. Each chapter in The Hope That Remains focuses on a Rwandan survivor and the journey to escape the violence and chaos that overtook their country. Two of the featured stories follow individuals who fled before the killing began and the events that caused them to flee. Both were then faced with the challenge of being outsiders looking in as events deteriorated and their families were slaughtered. The other eight survivors share their detailed and gripping experiences of trying to stay alive while trapped in a nation of killers. Twenty-five years after the Rwandan Genocide, the scars are still very real, and rebuilding and coping with the trauma remains an emotional struggle. Despite their horrific pasts, the survivors share feelings of hope, forgiveness, and a belief in a better future. They demonstrate the strength and courage it takes to leave behind the known to seek a better life in a new country. Their journeys to Canada contain humorous moments, thoughtful insights, and an overwhelming love and pride for the nation they now call home.
CSIRO Publishing Field Guide to the Seashores of South-Eastern Australia
The types of plants and animals that live on seashores in temperate regions are similar around the globe, but many of the individual species in south-eastern Australia are found only in this region.Field Guide to the Seashores of South-Eastern Australia features colour photographs, descriptions and ecological notes for around 240 species of the more common plants and animals found on rocky, sandy and muddy shores along the coastline from Port Lincoln, South Australia, to the Hawkesbury River, New South Wales, and Tasmania.This guide will allow beachgoers to learn interesting details about the plants and animals they come across, while also having sufficient scientific detail for natural history enthusiasts and biology students to develop their understanding of these shore ecosystems.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Didaktik der Stochastik in der Sekundarstufe I
Das Buch wendet sich vor allem an Mathematik-Lehrkräfte aller Schularten, aber auch an Lehramts-Studierende und Referendare. Praxisnah und gut lesbar geschrieben, vermittelt dieses Werk einen Einblick in die Stochastik für den Mathematikunterricht, wobei frühzeitig die Themenbereiche aus der Statistik und der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung eng miteinander verbunden werden. Die Grundstruktur des Buches orientiert sich am Wechselverhältnis von generellen theoretischen Überlegungen und konkreten unterrichtspraktischen Vorschlägen. Mit Blick auf eine konkrete Umsetzung in einem gewissen Zeitrahmen werden die Unterrichtsvorschläge nach den Doppeljahrgangsstufen 5/6, 7/8 und 9/10 strukturiert.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Methoden steuerrechtlicher Entscheidungsfindung
Die disziplinäre Identität des Steuerrechts und seiner Wissenschaft wird nicht nur durch seinen Gegenstand, sondern vor allem auch durch die Methode seiner Erschließung bestimmt. Ein sachgerechtes Verständnis dieses Teilrechtsgebietes bedingt somit auch ein anspruchsvolles Methodenverständnis, das sowohl die Herausbildung einer entsprechenden Dogmatik als auch deren Handhabung in der konkreten Entscheidungsfindung umfasst.
Yale University Press Full House: One Space, Two Shows, 307 Artists, and 400 Pieces. From the Frederic de Goldschmidt Collection
A study of two exhibitions that took place five years apart in the same building in Brussels city-centreFull House explores two exhibitions that took place five years apart in the same building in Brussels and featured over 300 contemporary art works from the renowned collection of Frédéric de Goldschmidt. The first show, Not Really Really, was organized in 2016 in a building that had only been vacated a few months before by a mental health clinic. The works were mostly sculptures made with everyday objects and played with the ambiguity of what the last occupants could have left and what the artists purposefully created. The building then underwent a long renovation, with photos included illustrating this process. The second show, Inaspettatamente (Unexpectedly), then engaged with themes such as order and disorder, time, classification, the artist’s process or his/her position in world conflicts using the prism of the famous Arte Povera artist Alighiero Boetti. Curatorial texts and images of the works both in context and in studio allow the reader to discover and appreciate both exhibitions.Distributed for MercatorfondsExhibition Schedule:Cloud Seven, Quai du commerce 7 (November 11, 2021–January 30, 2022)
University of Washington Press Small States in International Relations
Smaller nations have a special place in the international system, with a striking capacity to defy the expectations of most observers and many prominent theories of international relations. This volume of classic essays highlights the ability of small states to counter power with superior commitment, to rely on tightly knit domestic institutions with a shared ideology of social partnership, and to set agendas as entrepreneurs. The volume is organised around themes such as how and why small states defy expectations of realist approaches to the study of power; the agenda-setting capacity of smaller powers in international society and in regional governance structures such as the European Union; and how small states and representatives from these societies play the role of entrepreneurs in world politics - from the promotion of sustainable solutions to innovative humanitarian programmes and policies.
HarperCollins Publishers Turtle's Party In The Clouds: Band 06/Orange (Collins Big Cat)
Turtle wanted to go to the party in the clouds, but how would she get there without wings? She had an idea, but, unfortunately, things didn’t go quite according to plan. Orange/ Band 6 books offer varied text and characters, with action sustained over several pages. Text type - A traditional tale. A story map on pages 22-23 allows children to look back at Turtle’s changing emotions along her journey.
Dave Burgess Consulting The Esports Education Playbook: Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming
Archaeopress Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Antonine Wall – A World Heritage Site: Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Der Antoninus Wall
The Antonine Wall lay at the very extremity of the Roman world. For a generation, in the middle of the second century AD, it was the north-west frontier of the Roman empire. Furthermore, it was one of only three “artificial” frontiers along the European boundaries of the empire: the other two are Hadrian’s Wall and the German Limes. Although the Antonine Wall fits into the general pattern of Roman frontiers, in many ways it was the most developed frontier in Europe, with certain distinct characteristics. Perhaps of greatest significance is the survival of the collection of Roman military sculpture, the Distance Slabs. These record the lengths constructed by each legion and their relationship to the labour camps allow further conclusions to be made about the work of constructing the Antonine Wall.
Springer Publishing Co Inc Clinical Medicine for Physician Assistants
Elsevier Health Sciences Dermatopathology
Offering a unique combination of expert online lectures, vast image collections both in print and online, and an easy-to-use print atlas, Dermatopathology, 3rd Edition, helps you master the complexities of this challenging and fast-changing subspecialty. Dr. Elston and his colleagues make dermatopathology easier to understand, leading you to efficient, accurate diagnoses of the most important common dermatologic findings seen in practice. Covers the essentials of dermatopathology using an enjoyable, easily understood approach and a consistent chapter template that includes key points and pearls. Features 27 lectures and 2,000 high-quality slides online - more than 8 hours of targeted teaching that take you through the must-know elements of each topic in a dynamic, engaging manner. Offers extensive, visually stunning image atlases both in print and online, including an extensive infectious disease atlas with 2,500 slides, a soft tissue tumor atlas with 300 images, a lymphoma atlas, and more. Includes abundant high-resolution histopathology examples with labels and pointers highlighting key aspects of each slide, providing additional clarity. The text has been expanded by over 70 pages in print, with over 130 new images, and 50 newer entities ranging from cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy to EBV+ mucocutaneous ulcer. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Award Publications Ltd Phantom Horse
Dr Ludwig Reichert Die Inschriften Des Landkreises Northeim
V&R unipress GmbH Celan-Referenzen: Prozesse einer Traditionsbildung in der Moderne
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Das Linearbandkeramische Graberfeld Von Kleinhadersdorf
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Krems-Hundssteig. Mammutjager Der Eiszeit: Ein Nutzungsareal Palaolithischer Jager- Und Sammler(innen) VOR 41000-27000 Jahren
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Handbuch Dialogorientierter Religionsunterricht: Grundlagen, Materialien Und Methoden Fur Integrierte Schulsysteme
Bohlau Verlag Europäische Bild- und Buchkultur im 13. Jahrhundert
Braun Publishing AG Architecture for Health
Cottage Door Press Dinos Love Donuts
Capstone Press Sonia Sotomayor
Capstone Press Afghanistan (Countries)
Capstone Press Canada
Changing Lives Press Educating Marston: A Mother and Son's Journey Through Autism
Everyone experiences happiness and sorrow, anger, joy, fear, surprise, loneliness. Kids on the spectrum feel just as deeply, but they often sound different, have more issues with confidence, and they don’t know what comes after “hi,” making their ability to focus and succeed in social situations hard. With Marston, I’d start every morning believing today was the day he was going to look into my eyes and really want me. He’d reach for me, smile for the first time. Walk. He’d say, “Mama,” “Daddy,” or even “ball.” By 1998, when he turned three, I’d uttered that same old prayer a thousand times, and I was more determined than ever to shatter the glass wall that separated my son from the rest of the world. Autism wasn’t widely talked about back then, and Facebook (networking) didn’t exist. Eric and I were on our own. This memoir is our journey of educating Marston through programs like The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, Vision Therapy, the Tomatis® Method, Marion Blank’s approach to reading, hypotherapy, balloon dancing, and the list goes on…until we discovered stem cell replacement therapy. Love, faith, hard work, and teamwork have taught Marston how to strike up a
Rizzoli International Publications Michael S. Smith: Kitchens & Baths
The newest book from acclaimed designer Michael S. Smith showcases his exceptional take on kitchens and baths, the busiest yet most personal rooms in a home. Legendary designer Michael S. Smith has stories to tell about kitchens and bathrooms-those he has designed himself, and those that inspire him. In this fascinating and inspirational book, Smith, who has his own line of kitchen and bath fixtures for Kohler, explains how these rooms define a house. Kitchens and bathrooms are among the most expensive and labor-intensive rooms to design. But they are also opposites, the most public and private zones of a house. In three in-depth case studies and dozens of supporting examples, Smith discusses his design process for these rooms, from big-picture issues such as the social engineering of the kitchen’s layout to details large and small, including the importance of choosing the right cabinet, which can be a crystallization of the architecture of the house, as well as countertops, fixtures, floors, hardware, and more.Also including a sampling of dressing rooms and breakfast rooms, along with a comprehensive resource section, this is a uniquely sophisticated take on a subject of perennial interest.
Penguin Putnam Inc Save the...Blue Whales
Blue whales have swum and sprayed their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become blue whale experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!Did you know that the tongue of blue whale can weigh as much as an elephant? How about that blue whales’ songs can be louder than the engine of a jet plane? Or that, with the right equipment, you can hear a blue whale’s heartbeat two miles away?Perfect for all animal lovers—and blue whale fans in particular—this book is filled with all the facts you need to know to become a blue whale expert! Where are blue whales found? What's it like to be a blue whale? Why are blue whales endangered, and who has been working hard to save them? Read this book and find out how you can help save the blue whales!Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun blue whale facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save blue whales from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Penguin Putnam Inc Save the...Polar Bears
Polar bears have swum and lumbered their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become polar bear experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!Did you know that a polar bear's fur looks white only because it reflects the light around it, and that its skin is jet-black underneath? How about that a polar bear can swim constantly for days at a time? Or that male polar bears can weigh as much as ten men?Perfect for all animal lovers—and polar bear fans in particular—this book is filled with all the facts you need to know to become a polar bear expert! Where are polar bears found? What's it like to be a polar bear? Why are polar bears endangered, and who has been working hard to save them? Read this book and find out how you can help save the polar bears!Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun polar bear facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save polar bears from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Clarion Books Iris and Walter: The School Play
Square Fish Piper Reed, Clubhouse Queen
Hirmer Verlag Gerald Clarke: Falling Rock
This survey brings together three decades of work by contemporary Native American artistGerald Clarke (Cahuilla). Utilizing wit and humor to expose historical and present-day injustice, Clarke brings a decolonial perspective to urgent cultural and political issues facing our world. Gerald Clarke is an artist, university professor, Cahuillatribal leader, cowboy, and Indian (the artist’s preferred identity). Combining various media in his sculptures, paintings, works on paper, videos, performances, and installations, Clarke derives artistic inspiration from his cultural heritage, expressing traditional ideas in contemporary forms that are both poetic and politically urgent. Clarke’s artistic output resonates with histories of assemblage, pop, and conceptual art produced by both Native and non-native artists. This amply illustrated catalogue introduces Clarke’s work at a moment when it is profoundly necessary.
Kohlhammer Einfuhrung in Die Grundschulpadagogik
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Rethinking Feminist Theories for Social Work Practice
Feminist social work has clear goals to expose and critically analyse gendered power as a dynamic, historic, and structural concept embedded in our world, and to mobilise and take social action to challenge that power. This is integral to a commitment to the core values of the social work profession, which include a commitment to human rights, social justice and professional integrity. This edited collection brings a range of academic and practitioner scholarship to centre feminist theories, values and knowledge as they apply to social work practice, theory and education. It engages with feminist thinking to re-emphasise and refocus the centrality of gender and its intersections with other axes of identities such as social class, race, disability, sexuality and age, for understanding and analysing social work practice. This collection is a timely reminder of what feminist inquiry has to offer social work to successfully address contemporary challenges and is applicable to practitioners, scholars, educators, students and other key care professionals and policy makers.
Owlet Press The Brownest Mouse in Town
Pay a visit to the Polka Dot Pet Shop...where every pet is marvellous, magical and unique. Every pet that is, except a plain, brown mouse who doesn't feel special at all and longs to fit in. This heartfelt story of self-acceptance teaches young readers not to judge by appearances and to believe in their abilities, even if they aren't the loudest, boldest or most popular. With a bold art style and inclusive illustrations featuring a diverse communityit features a simple rhyming style that young readers will love. Celebrates smaller domestic pets, not usually featured in picture books like hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, fish and even snails.This book was selected by Save The Children, for their 2020 #savewithstories campaign read by Sienna Miller.
Owlet Press Where Are You Little Tooth Fairy?
A lift-the-flap adventure to find the little Tooth Fairy!
New Harbinger Publications A Clinician's Guide to Treating OCD: The Most Effective CBT Approaches for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
As a clinician, you know how difficult it can be to treat clients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) using a one-size-fits-all approach. This powerful and evidence-based guide offers a variety of customizable treatment strategies-made simple and practical-for helping clients with OCD.Written by a psychologist and expert in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD Made Simple combines powerful, evidence-based therapies to help you create a concise and customizable treatment plan. The methods including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP), inference-based therapy (IBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)-are presented in an easy-to-follow format, incorporate the newest research, and offer a wide range of skills for helping OCD clients.The standalone treatment protocols outlined in each chapter represent a specific model and procedure for addressing the mechanisms underlying the OCD. In addition, you'll find worksheets and online resources to help you create individualized treatment programs to best suit your clients needs.If you're looking for a simple, customizable approach to treating clients with OCD, this book has everything you need to get started.
PublicAffairs,U.S. Keeping At It: The Quest for Sound Money and Good Government
As chairman of the Federal Reserve (1979-1987), Paul Volcker slayed the inflation dragon that was consuming the American economy and restored the world's faith in central bankers. That extraordinary feat was just one pivotal episode in a decades-long career serving six presidents.Told with wit, humour, and down-to-earth erudition, the narrative of Volcker's career illuminates the changes that have taken place in American life, government, and the economy since World War II. He vibrantly illustrates the crises he managed alongside the world's leading politicians, central bankers, and financiers. Yet he first found his model for competent and ethical governance in his father, the town manager of Teaneck, NJ, who instilled Volcker's dedication to absolute integrity and his "three verities" of stable prices, sound finance, and good government.
Scholastic US Karen's School Picture
Edinburgh University Press Health Inequalities and Global Justice
Global justice and human rights is perhaps the hottest topic in political science today. This series of monographs and edited collections publishes groundbreaking work on key topics in this increasingly popular field, such as democracy, gender, legal justice, poverty, human rights, environmental justice and just war theory. It will be essential reading for theorists working in politics, international relations, law, philosophy and beyond.
Elsevier Health Sciences Myles Survival Guide to Midwifery
New edition of the hugely popular Survival Guide to Midwifery, originally created in response to student requests for quality-assured, 'dip into' information designed for use in the clinical environment. The latest edition is fully updated throughout and has new authorship from the UK and Australia. Helpful bullet point style allows rapid access to essential information Useful revision guide for examinations and assessments Contains common abbreviations, medications, drug calculations, glossary of common terms, and normal values Thoroughly revised to reflect key developments in current midwifery practice Now includes further reading and useful website addresses