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Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Impfe und herrsche: Veterinärmedizinisches Wissen und Herrschaft im kolonialen Namibia 1887–1929
Die Geschichte der kolonialen Veterinärmedizin illustriert nicht nur die Entstehung von Wissensbeständen durch die transimperiale Verflechtung mit europäischen Experten. Am Beispiel des kolonialen Namibia werden auch die Modalitäten, Folgen und Kontinuitäten der Produktion, Zirkulation und Anwendung veterinärmedizinischen Wissens im Kontext der kolonialen Herrschaftserrichtung zwischen 1887 und 1929 deutlich. Das Buch versteht sich als Beitrag zur transnationalen Verknüpfung von Wissens- und Kolonialgeschichte sowie als Anregung, etablierte kolonialhistorische Periodisierungen zu verlassen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Reinhart Koselleck als Historiker: Zu den Bedingungen möglicher Geschichten
Reinhart Koselleck (1923-2006) was one of the most important historians in Germany in the 20th century. Within the German historical scholarship since 1945 he was undoubtedly one of those who has worked most intensively in an interdisciplinary manner and is read across the entire spectrum of the humanities. He had a decisive influence on the history of the term, established the analysis of the political cult of the dead as a research area and has been involved in debates on the politics of memory since the 1990s. Above all, however, he has made innovative and pioneering contributions to the theory of history and the question of 'historical times'. The volume offers a comprehensive overview of Koselleck's entire work, the different subject areas, his way of thinking and asking. The contributions analyse Koselleck's "essayistic history" and show the peculiarity as well as the continuing potential of his historiography.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG And with the Teian lyre imitate Anacreon: The reception of Anacreon and the Carmina Anacreontea in Horace's lyric and iambic poetry
This book explores, for the first time, the influence of Anacreon and the Anacreontic tradition on Horace's Odes and Epodes. It focuses first on the original fragments of Anacreon and their reception in Horace, paying attention to the central themes of wine, love, and satire. In a second part, the possibility of conscious Horatian reception of the earliest Carmina Anacreontea (and the broader Anacreontic tradition) as distinct from the original is discussed and shown to be highly probable. This imitation of imitation can be labelled, in Gerard Genette's words, as "literature in the third degree". As a significant predecessor of Horace, Anacreon can be described as no less than the central pivot between Archilochus and Hipponax, on the one hand, and Alcaeus and Sappho, on the other. He represents the tie between Horace's iambic and lyric personae and is thus a much more encompassing predecessor than any one of the other four above-mentioned counterparts.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Verfassungswidrig!: Das KPD-Verbot im Kalten Burgerkrieg
The KPD trial from 1951 to 1956 was the largest and longest party ban proceedings in the history of the Federal Republic. At the same time, it is a key event in German-German history between 1949 and 1969 that has hitherto been completely underestimated. On the basis of state files that were previously kept under lock and key, Josef Foschepoth has succeeded in creating a groundbreaking book that is now available in its second, updated edition. It conveys a wealth of new insights into the effectiveness of National Socialism, the emergence of a new nationalism, the necessary distinction between the Cold War and the Cold Civil War and, last but not least, the question of the rule of law in the FRG.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Entdeckt, erdacht, erfunden: 20 Göttinger Geschichten von Genie und Irrtum
Göttingen, "die Stadt, die Wissen schafft", die Stadt der Nobelpreisträger. Wegweisende Erfindungen gehen auf Göttinger zurück, manche in Göttingen entwickelte Idee ist wiederum längst vergessen. Einige brachten Fortschritt und Innovation, andere Skandale und Unglück, wieder andere sollten dem Erfinder zu großem Ruhm verhelfen, scheiterten aber schon in ihrer Entstehung. Jenseits der bekannten Namen wie Gauß und Weber wirft dieses Buch die Frage auf, wie Wissen in Göttingen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen und Jahrhunderten entwickelt wurde, zu welchem Preis mancher seine Forschung vorantrieb und welche Geschichte hinter den Ideen steht. Vom ersten Göttinger Nobelpreisträger Otto Wallach, der 1910 mit seinen Forschungen den Grundstein für die Herstellung von Duft- und Aromastoffen legte, über den Nukleus der Rassenideologie bis hin zum Kokain spannt der Sammelband einen Bogen über die kuriosesten, bahnbrechendsten und verwerflichsten Ideen auf, die ihren Ursprung in Göttingen nahmen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Zur Wissenschaft des Judentums: Aus der Gelehrtenkorrespondenz Markus Branns
Markus Brann (1849–1920), der von 1891 bis zu seinem Tod das Jüdisch-Theologische Seminar in Breslau leitete, zählt zu den zentralen Akteuren der Wissenschaft des Judentums im deutschsprachigen Raum. Als Vertreter eines konservativen Judentums und einer positiv-historischen Geschichtsauffassung in der Nachfolge Zacharias Frankels machte Brann sich vor allem als langjähriger Herausgeber der Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums sowie als Initiator und Mitglied zahlreicher jüdischer wissenschaftlicher Vereine und Zirkel verdient. Die hier erstmals publizierte Auswahl aus seiner umfangreichen Gelehrtenkorrespondenz bietet einen Überblick über Diskurse, Netzwerke und Projekte der Wissenschaft des Judentums. Die Briefe spiegeln auch innerjüdische Positionierungen und die Auseinandersetzung mit der nichtjüdischen Umwelt, insbesondere mit der protestantischen Theologie, wider.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Spaliere für Silvinus: Charakterschulung in Columellas Werk über die Landwirtschaft
Gehen die Ziele, die Columella mit seiner „Res rustica“ verfolgt, über die Ausbildung des Lesers zum erfolgreichen Gutsbesitzer hinaus? Das Buch findet einen neuen Zugang zu dieser in der Forschung schon häufig behandelten Frage, indem es die Charakterschulung, die der Agronom dem Gutsbesitzer bietet, in ihrer Funktionsweise und in ihrem Anspruch untersucht. Gezeigt wird, dass die moralisierenden und naturphilosophischen Töne des Lehrwerks oftmals für Widersprüche sorgen und vage sind. Ihre Funktion ist vielmehr pragmatischer Natur, insofern sie, insbesondere durch die Steigerung des Stilniveaus im Sinne einer emotionalen Beeinflussung des Lesers, zur Vermittlung von tätigkeitsrelevanten Einstellungen wie Sorgfalt und Optimismus beitragen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religion and identity: Political conditions
The role of religious identity in social communities has gained importance in the past few years, as many questions about individual and collective identity have been brought up in the fields of science and everyday life. Religion, despite the process of secularisation, remains an important component of human identity. Increasingly, religion is also becoming an object of political influence. This volume argues that religion actually determinates various phenomena in the political sphere today.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Baseis Extra - in 16 Schritten zum Graecum: Erläuterungen und Lösungen. Apologie: Text und Ãbersetzung
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Compendium zur lateinischen Metrik: Wie lateinische Verse klingen und gelesen werden
Rhythmus und Klang zu erfassen trägt wesentlich zum Verstehen und zum Genießen lateinischer Texte bei. Das "Compendium zur lateinischen Metrik" vermittelt in klarer, unterrichtstauglicher Darstellung alle wichtigen Aspekte.Es behandelt Rhythmus, Klang, Vers- und Strophengestaltung unter der generellen Fragestellung, wie lateinische Texte gelesen werden sollen. Alle wichtigen Versmaße sind mit Beispielen besprochen. Die Schulautoren sind von Catull, Ovid, Vergil und Horaz bis hin zu Properz, Plautus, Terenz und Seneca tragicus berÃ"cksichtigt. Ãbungen zur Aussprache und zur metrischen Analyse gibt es ebenso wie Anleitungen zum Lernen der wichtigsten Versmaße. Besonderer Wert wird auf Vorschläge gelegt, die von der Analyse oder vom erlernten Versschema zu aktivem Sprechen und inhaltsgerechtem Lesen fÃ"hren. Das "Compendium zur lateinischen Metrik" ist ein wichtiger Begleiter jeder LektÃ"re.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kann Ich Sie Mal Kurz Sprechen?: Impulse Fur Gute Gesprache in Der Schule
"Kann ich Sie mal kurz sprechen?" - viele Gespräche in der Schule beginnen mit dieser Frage, Gespräche mit Schëler*innen, mit Kolleg*innen, mit Eltern. Und viele Lehrkräfte reagieren mit gemischten Gefëhlen: Der Ort passt nicht, viel Zeit ist auch nicht - was kann man da schon besprechen, wie kann man da helfen?Britta Möhring und Thomas Schlëter machen Mut, sich auf diese Gespräche einzulassen, in der Kërze der Zeit und an genau dem Ort, an dem man angefragt wird. Der Fokus der Gespräche liegt nicht auf dem Problem oder den Defiziten der ratsuchenden Person, sondern auf ihren Möglichkeiten und Ressourcen. Ziel ist es, einen realitätsbezogenen ersten Handlungsschritt zu erarbeiten. Die Autoren geben in diesem Buch theoretischen Input, methodisches Handwerkszeug, Hinweise zur inneren Haltung und praxisnahe Übungen fër gute Gespräche an die Hand. Dabei werden konsequent Elemente des zielorientierten Kurzgesprächs vorgestellt und eingeëbt.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Wahrheit - Geschwindigkeit - Pluralität: Chancen und Herausforderungen durch den Buchdruck im Zeitalter der Reformation
New technologies for the transmission of information promote the exchange of information. That is a very natural statement for the 20th and 21st centuries. It goes without saying that it also applies to the 16th century and the early modern period as a whole. A well-known example of this is the improvement in printing techniques through the use of movable type. This led to the fact that new media emerged and established themselves permanently, such as the pamphlet and the "Neue Zeitung". Other already known genera such as songs and sermons acquired a new meaning in the controversies of the time due to the changed communication situation. This resulted in a variety of opportunities and challenges, because the use of this new media, such as the transformation of existing media formats and their widespread use, set in motion or promoted political, social, legal and religious change processes. The articles in the anthology want these new ones Shed light on communication forms and methods as well as the change processes for the 16th century. This is done by analyzing change and transformation processes through the use of known and the creation of new media formats, the handling of diversity of opinion and the associated plurality of interpretations of current events as well as the emergence of a new culture of debate and new attempts at order.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The History of Scientific Atheism: A Comparative Study of Czechoslovakia and Soviet Union (1954-1991)
The book analyses under what conditions was it possible to develop scientific atheism which was by the contemporaries in the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia understood not only as a branch of propaganda but as a specific scholarly discipline. It maps out not only the state of affairs before the organisational changes allowed the emergence of research but also analyses the motivation which led the historical actors to make such decision in both national contexts. One of the key findings is undoubtedly the fact that scientific atheism developed as a new type of thinking about religious phenomena within the context of Marxist-Leninist epistemological doctrine. Moreover, if the socio-political conditions were favorable, it also contributed to the rethinking of the key aspects of Marxist doctrine. The comparative analysis allows to draw conclusions about the existence of specifically Soviet and Czechoslovakian scientific atheism and questions the level of sovietisation in this context.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Fragmenta Comica: Eupolis
The series Fragmenta Comica will provide the full commentary on the fragments of the Greek comedy. The goal of the comments is, on the one hand, to tap into the generally difficult to understand texts from all possible points of view, on the other hand, where possible is to try a reconstruction of the pieces and to make a literary - historical classification of the authors.The fragments and testimonies are translated.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Capito: Schulgrammatik fÃ"r das Fach Latein
In dieser neuen, lehrwerksunabhängigen Lateingrammatik wird ausgehend vom Verb bzw. Prädikat der Weg zum Verständnis der lateinischen Sprache beschritten. Noch bevor Deklinationstabellen auswendig gelernt werden mÃ"ssen, steigt man mit CAPITo direkt in den lateinischen Satz ein. So motivieren gleich von Beginn an Sätze Ã"ber die Abenteuer des Herkules zur Auseinandersetzung mit der Grammatik. CAPITo kann schon ab der 6. Jahrgangsstufe eingesetzt werden. Ansprechende Illustrationen und ein umfangreiches Sachregister runden die Grammatik ab.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG More than a Provocation: Sexuality, Media and Theology
Sex, Media and theology a provocative mix. Reactions can vary from rejection to openness and curiosity. This volume follows the latter path: on the background of changes in contemporary sexual culture and theological developments in the reflection on sexuality, three media internet, advertising and film are analysed with respect of their representation of sexuality and their contribution to theological reflections on sex. This shows: sex in media is more than a provocation; it provides an inspiration for theological thinking about human beings, their relationships with others, and also with God.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Momente der Ergriffenheit - Begleitung werdender Eltern zwischen Medizintechnik und Selbstbestimmtheit
Momente der Ergriffenheit erleben Frauen und Paare in der Zeit vom Kinderwunsch bis zum Wochenbett. Es sind Momente der Hoffnung, Glückseligkeit, Krise, Entscheidung, Momente des Innehaltens oder des Abschiednehmens. Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Elternwerden sind sind mehr als nur physiologische übergänge, die eine medizinische Begleitung benötigen. Der umfassende Lebensübergang kann eine spirituelle Dimension erreichen, nicht nur wenn unvorhergesehene Ereignisse existenzielle Krisen auslösen. Das Buch richtet sich an alle Berufsgruppen, die in ihrer Arbeit Schwangere und werdende Eltern begleiten und in krisenhaften Situationen an ihre Grenzen stoßen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren schöpfen dank ihrer Tätigkeiten, beispielsweise in der Aus- und Fortbildung von Hebammen und Beratenden, aus ihren vielfältigen Erfahrungen. Sie bieten Anleitung zur spirituellen Begleitung bei Schwangerschaft und Geburt ebenso wie zum Erleben der eigenen spirituellen Kompetenz. Diese Kompetenz zum Einsatz zu bringen und Zugang zur eigenen Spiritualität zu finden, ist Intention des Buches. Neben wissenschaftlichen Einführungen und Erfahrungsberichten von Eltern und Begleitenden bieten neun Momente der Ergriffenheit Bildmeditationen sowie Impulse und Rituale als Inspirationen für die eigene Praxis. Das Buch ist auf vielfältige religiöse sowie transreligiöse Zugänge hin angelegt.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Making Sadza with Deaf Zimbabwean Women: A Missiological Reorientation of Practical Theological Method
Missiological calls for self-theologizing among faith communities present the field of practical theology with a challenge to develop methodological approaches that address the complexities of cross-cultural, practical theological research. Although a variety of approaches can be considered critical correlative practical theology, existing methods are often built on assumptions that limit their use in subaltern contexts. Kirk VanGilder addresses these concerns by analyzing existing theological methodologies with sustained attention to a community of Deaf Zimbabwean women struggling to develop their own agency in relation to child rearing practices. He explores a variety of theological approaches from practical theology, mission oriented theologians, theology among Deaf communities, and African women's theology in relationship to the challenges presented by subaltern communities such as Deaf Zimbabwean women. Rather than frame a comprehensive methodology, VanGilder proposes attitudes and guideposts to reorient practical theological researchers who wish to engender self-theologizing agency in subaltern communities.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG In Between: The Holy Beyond Modern Dichotomies
Thanks to the recent "return to religion", the holy has become a relevant issue in public debate, as is suggested by concepts such as "re-sacralization" and "re-enchantment". Holy war and religiously motivated terrorist attacks, the fascination in popular culture for subjects such as the Holy Grail (as in Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code), new spiritual longings both within and outside institutional religion - all testify to the new religious climate. This situation calls for a reassessment of both classical and new theories about the holy. Espen Dahl offers a theoretical account of the holy. Central to its approach is the idea that the holy cannot be reduced to one stable essence, but is fundamentally composite and takes place "in between". This means that the typical modern dichotomies between the holy and the profane, the pure and the impure, the pious and the violent, cannot be drawn as sharply as scholars once did. Instead, the manifestation of the holy takes place in the interstice between those spheres. Such a position is not strong - it attests to the weakness of the holy. Through a critical dialogue with the most influential recent contributions, various theories and responses to them are presented on the basis of the book's overall perspective. Espen Dahl deals with various theoretical perspectives, corresponding to the numerous dimensions of the holy. Phenomenology plays the principal role, because it offers the best means to preserve the experiential dimensions which are essential to the holy. From this perspective, the book discusses theories from religious science, theology, philosophy, and psychology.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religion: Immediate Experience and the Mediacy of Research: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Objectives, Concepts and Methodology of Empirical Research in Religion
The volume focuses on the fundamental problem of the fundamental tension between experience and empirical science, which has been central to modern religious research since the classic approaches of Friedrich Schleiermacher and William James: How can religious experience that is lived directly be theoretically described and critically classified so that it does not follow the conceptual reconstruction lost in the way of analysis? The twelve articles in this English-language volume deal with this question in an interdisciplinary discussion. Attempts to answer questions are presented by leading international representatives of the respective discipline, which convincingly bring in the specialist perspectives from theology, philosophy of religion, cultural anthropology and empirical social research. This also brings to bear the breadth of religious experience from ecclesiastically and culturally diverse contexts in Europe, North America and Africa.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Der gekreuzigte Triumphator: Eine motivkritische Studie zum Markusevangelium
Eine Vielzahl von Erzähldetails des Markusevangeliums lassen sich bei näherem Hinsehen als chiffrierte Referenzen, d.h. als bewusst vage gehaltene Anspielungen, auf das Ritual des römischen Triumphzugs lesen. Diese Allusionen entwerfen für die Erzählfigur des markinischen Jesus vor dem Hintergrund des Triumphzugs eine Doppelrolle: Im Geschick der Gestalt Jesus werden sowohl die Figur des siegreichen Triumphators wie die des im Triumphzug hinzurichtenden königlichen Gefangenen sichtbar. Auf diese Weise entsteht für die Erstleserinnen und -leser des Markusevangeliums das irritierende Konzept eines gekreuzigten Triumphators. Bilder von Hoheit und Niedrigkeit, Sieg und Niederlage, Tod und Leben überlagern sich. Und gerade im scheinbaren Scheitern am Kreuz sollen die Leser einen Triumphator entdecken: eine christologische Herausforderung erster Güte.In seiner Studie identifiziert und untersucht Markus Lau diese markinischen Allusionen auf das Ritual des römischen Triumphzugs unter Rekurs auf ein breites exegetisches Methodenspektrum und interpretiert diese Anspielungen im Blick auf ihre literarische Funktionalität. Das Phänomen der uneindeutigen Anspielung wird dabei literaturwissenschaftlich und wissenschaftstheoretisch reflektiert, um die Plausibilität der Behauptung chiffrierter Referenzen im exegetischen Diskurs nachzuweisen. Eine kulturgeschichtlich ausgerichtete und ritualtheoretisch fundierte Darstellung des römischen Triumphzugs liefert die Basis, um die Allusionen auf den Triumphzug im Markustext zu entdecken, die in der Passionsgeschichte ihren inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt haben, sich aber auch im Rahmen einer erneuten Lektüre des Evangeliums, auf die der Text angesichts seines offenen Endes geradezu angelegt ist, im literarischen 'Galiläa' des Markus und auf dem Weg nach 'Jerusalem' entdecken lassen. Kritik an einer staatstragenden rituellen Institution des Imperium Romanum zuüben, ist dabei nur eine Funktion der Anspielungen. Sie transportieren zugleich eine herausfordernde christologische Botschaft und konturieren das markinische Verständnis von Jesusnachfolge.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Christentumsverständnis Wilhelm Boussets: Evangelische Theologie im Spannungsfeld von Historismus und Rationalismus
Die vorliegende Untersuchung widmet sich dem vergleichsweise wenig erforschten Werk des Gießener Neutestamentlers Wilhelm Bousset. Als Mitglied der sogenannten Religionsgeschichtlichen Schule gerät Bousset zumeist als Vertreter einer dem Leitparadigma Historismus verpflichteten Theologie in den Blick. Jan Höffker zeigt, dass Bousset ein Akteur war, der an vielfältigen theologischen Diskursen partizipierte. Die historische Frage nach der Entstehung des Urchristentums bestimmte zwar zeitlebens sein Schaffen, späterhin aber wurde diese um die religionsphilosophische Frage nach der Vernünftigkeit der Religion erweitert. Denn dem Theologen Bousset standen gerade die geltungstheoretischen Folgelasten seines historischen Arbeitens, die sein Neufriesianismus wieder einhegen sollte, bildhaft vor Augen. Die Krise der zeitgenössischen Theologie erkannte Bousset sodann im Aufgehen der liberalen Theologie in Historismus und Psychologismus. Die Lebensdienlichkeit der Theologie sah er damit gefährdet und arbeitete ganz konkret in Ferienkursen einem Auseinanderfallen von Theologie und gelebter Religion im Kreise der Gebildeten entgegen. Wilhelm Bousset wird so als ein Theologe gezeichnet, der die unterschiedlichen Anliegen des Historismus und des Rationalismus miteinander zu vermitteln suchte, damit die Theologie auch unter den Bedingungen der Moderne ihrer eigentlichen Aufgabe nachkommen konnte: nämlich die reflexive Zurüstung der aller Reflexion vorgängigen Religion.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Bekennen und Bekenntnis im Kontext der Wittenberger Reformation
Von den drei großen Konfessionen entwickelte nur das Luthertum verbindliche Bekenntnisse, die die Lehre normativ formulierten. Oft wurde der große Rang, der dem Bekennen im Luthertum zukam, in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur mit einem besonderen Drang zur Lehrnormierung verbunden. Dieser Befund gab Anlass zu einem Arbeitsgespräch, das Oktober 2015 in der Forschungsbibliothek Gotha stattfand. Der vorliegende Aufsatzband vereint die meisten dort gehaltenen Beiträge. In der »Blütezeit der Bekenntnisproduktion« (Wolf Dieter Hauschild) zwischen 1549 und 1580 entstanden zahlreiche Bekenntnistexte mit äußerst vielfältigen Funktionen. Es ging nicht einfach nur darum, seinen Glauben zu bekennen, sondern es mussten oft auch religions- oder bündnispolitische Aspekte beim Abfassen und Durchsetzen eines Bekenntnisses beachtet werden. Für das frühneuzeitliche Luthertum hatten die Bekenntnisse, die im Konkordienbuch von 1580 versammelt waren, zumindest der Theorie nach den Rang einer norma normata. Ihre Bedeutung leitete sich von der Heiligen Schrift ab und bestimmte zugleich als Rahmen die theologische Lehrbildung. Im Zuge der Aufklärung veränderte sich dieses Bild jedoch drastisch. Die Geltung der lutherischen Bekenntnisse war im 19. Jahrhundert nicht mehr selbstverständlich. In der theologischen Reaktion auf die aufklärerische Dogmenkritik traten die Bekenntnisschriften oft als neue Lehrgesetze wieder in Geltung.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Living with Risk and Danger: Studies in Interdisciplinary Systematic Theology
The contemporary world is marked by a sense of vulnerability not seen since the end of the Cold War. Climate change, migration, and political instability make people feel the inherent vulnerability of human life. Concepts of "risk" and "danger" are as relevant now as ever before for illuminating contemporary life. Yet, what changes in human lives if one interprets existence with "risk" and "danger" from the perspective of Christian faith? Does the Christian symbol system offer orientation for human lives in a time of crisis? Exploring the work of leading contemporary thinkers, Danish theologian Mikkel Gabriel Christoffersen develops a rich and varied account of Christian doctrine that enables human beings to live with risk and danger, in all vulnerability, with gratitude, courage and care for others. Christoffersen develops an interdisciplinary approach that allows him to draw upon sociological and anthropological reflections on life lived whilst facing risks and dangers. He brings these findings into conversation with Scandinavian, Anglo-American, and German theologians of risk. The result of his endeavor is a Trinitarian theology of risk that explores the extent to which one can consider the cross of Christ a risk of the incarnation rather than its very purpose. Focusing on vital existential questions makes Christoffersen's considerations vibrant and relevant to scholars and lay-people with an open-minded, intellectual interest in contemporary Christian theology.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Matthias Flacius Illyricus: Biographische Kontexte, theologische Wirkungen, historische Rezeption
Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge nehmen den in Labin (Kroatien) geborenen Matthias Flacius Illyricus unter vier Schwerpunkten in den Blick. Der erste widmet sich Flacius als Wanderer zwischen den Welten, der sich in verschiedenen städtischen und territorialen, politischen und konfessionellen Zusammenhängen zu behaupten hatte. Im Zentrum steht die Frage danach, welchen Einfluss die jeweiligen kulturellen und sozialen Kontexte auf seine geistige und theologische Entwicklung ausübten, welche Exilserfahrung er machte und wie sich dies auf seine Einstellung zu Heimat und Heimatlosigkeit auswirkte. Der zweite Schwerpunkt beleuchtet Flacius als Kämpfer für die Wahrheit. Die Beiträge versuchen sein Ringen um die theologische Wahrheit als Strukturelement seines Denkens herauszuarbeiten. Dies konnte durchaus konfessionell übergreifende Relevanz erhalten, wie sie sich zum Beispiel in Flacius großen historischen und hermeneutischen Werken zeigt. Dabei wird deutlich, dass man Flacius nicht auf den Streittheologen und stets polarisierenden Gelehrten des strengen Luthertums reduzieren kann. Vielmehr rückt in den Vordergrund, wie Flacius Eintreten für die Wahrheit zugleich ein leitendes Element für sein Geschichtsverständnis und die Art seiner Geschichtsschreibung wurde, für das Konzept der Zeugenschaft und für eine spezifische Hermeneutik. Der dritte Schwerpunkt widmet sich Flacius in seinen Netzwerken. Hier werden bisher kaum beachtete Korrespondenzen mit anderen Gelehrten betrachtet. Es geht um die Kontakte des Flacius in die Schweiz und nach Italien, sowie um die Gelehrtenkorrespondenzen nach Polen und Ostpreußen als Beispiele aus einem viel breiteren europäischen Korrespondenznetzwerk. Der vierte Zugang hat die Rezeption und von Flacius ausgehende gruppenbildende Wirkungen zum Gegenstand. Dabei rückt Österreich als Ort von Asyl und Exil in den Blick, an den sich die Flacianer, das heißt die Anhänger und engagierten Verfechter des Erbsündenverständnisses des Flacius, nach zahlreichen Ausweisungen aus dem Reich zurückzogen. Aber auch das Erbe der Flacianer in anderen europäischen Räumen mit Schwerpunkt Slowenien und Kroatien ist zu beachten. Ob es zu der Ausprägung eines Flacianismus im Sinne einer Konfession mit Bekenntnischarakter und konfessionsspezifischen Elementen kam, wird ebenso diskutiert wie die Flacius-Biographik des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Protestant Majorities and Minorities in Early Modern Europe: Confessional Boundaries and Contested Identities
The contributors to this volume examine the complex and dynamic role that Protestant majorities and minorities played in shaping the Reformations of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In doing so, it offers an important perspective on the range of intellectual, social, economic, political, theological and ecclesiological factors that governed intra- and inter-confessional encounter in the early modern period. While the principal focus is on the situation of different Protestant majority and minority groups, many of the contributions also engage the relation of Protestants and Catholics, with a number also considering early modern Christian dialogue with Muslims and Jews.The volume is organised into five sections, which together provide a comprehensive picture of Protestant majorities and minorities. The first section explores intellectual trajectories, especially those which promoted confessional unity or sought to break down confessional boundaries. The second section, taking the neglected Spanish Reformation as an important case-study, examines the clandestine aspect of minority activities and the efforts of majorities to control and suppress them. The third section pursues a similar theme but examines it through the lens of Flemish and Walloon Reformed refugee communities in Germany and the Netherlands, demonstrating the way in which confessional factors could lead to the integration or exclusion of minorities. The fourth section examines marginal or peripheral Reformations, whether geographically or doctrinally understood, focussing on attempts to implement reform in the shadow of the Ottoman Empire. Finally, the fifth section looks at confessional identity and otherness as a principal theme of majority and minority relations, providing both theoretical and practical frameworks for its evaluation.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Sacrality and Materiality: Locating Intersections
Christian theology traditionally regards the sacramental as the polar opposite of the profane. The polarity is a memorial of contemporary desacralisation, profanisation, and sacralisation that stands as a portal to the story of modern reality. In our liminal space, we neither de-sacralise our environs nor re-sacralise the world. The lines are blurred and our perception of spirituality is neither immanent nor transcendent. While words fail to articulate the condition, stories are told and tales of experiences come together to form new theoretical nets, systems and categories. The conference volume, Sacrality and Materiality: Locating Intersections seeks to reply to the questions: Where does the sacred intersect with the material? What happens when they meet? First, however, does the sacral even exist? Would it be more productive to ignite sacramental discourse at the intersections of a new matrix? Historically, materiality is other than spirituality -- an intersection of the two is an intangible event of the intellect and spirit. We must engage a bipolar setting in the context of its own history in order to speak about the unspeakable. Despite that spirituality and materiality refuse to assume the categories assigned to the initial polarities of sacrality and profanity, the volume addresses the constrictions. Sacral materialism and sacral spiritualism both exist in their own right, and Christian theology has more to offer than polarities. The sacral is the meeting point for the fission of thought. Is the sacramental a topos for telling a postmodern story of spiritual experience? Is Evangelical sacramental theology relevant? Does theological talk about holy materiality belong in denominational and inter-religious dialogue?
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Calvin and the Independence of the Church
Herman Speelman deals with a central question in the intellectual history of the sixteenth century: to what extent can Calvin be regarded as responsible for the tendency in Calvinism or, broader, in Reformed Protestantism, to form a church which has its own ecclesiastical organization and office bearers? So far, claiming a great deal of independence for the church has been considered an important aspect of Calvin's legacy. In this line of reasoning, it is assumed that Calvin was a strong opponent of the church as a state organization that did not have its own governing body and power of excommunication. To better understand this issue, we first examine the position of the church within the city-state of Bern. Secondly, we direct our attention to the manner in which Calvin gave form to ecclesiastical life in Geneva. Next we deal with the church in France, and finally, we examine the influence of Calvin and French Calvinism on the organization of the Reformed church in The Netherlands in the 1570s.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Transregional Reformations: Crossing Borders in Early Modern Europe
This volume invites scholars of the Catholic and Protestant Reformations to incorporate recent advances in transnational and transregional history into their own field of research, as it seeks to unravel how cross-border movements shaped reformations in early modern Europe. Covering a geographical space that ranges from Scandinavia to Spain and from England to Hungary, the chapters in this volume apply a transregional perspective to a vast array of topics, such as the history of theological discussion, knowledge transfer, pastoral care, visual allegory, ecclesiastical organization, confessional relations, religious exile, and university politics.The volume starts by showing in a first part how transfer and exchange beyond territorial circumscriptions or proto-national identifications shaped many sixteenth-century reformations. The second part of this volume is devoted to the acceleration of cultural transfer that resulted from the newly-invented printing press, by translation as well as transmission of texts and images. The third and final part of this volume examines the importance of mobility and migration in causing transregional reformations. Focusing on the process of 'crossing borders' in peripheries and borderlands, all chapters contribute to the de-centering of religious reform in early modern Europe. Rather than princes and urban governments steering religion, the early modern reformations emerge as events shaped by authors and translators, publishers and booksellers, students and professors, exiles and refugees, and clergy and (female) members of religious orders crossing borders in Europe, a continent composed of fractured states and regions.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Edmond Richer and the Renewal of Conciliarism in the 17th century
In 1611 Edmond Richer, the syndic of the Faculty of Theology of Paris, published a short but incisive defence of the conciliarist doctrine under the title De ecclesiastica et politica potestate. He claimed that this doctrine had been almost uninterruptedly followed by the University of the Paris since the time of the Council of Constance in the early 15th century. Within two years, at least six Latin, French or bilingual editions of the treatise saw the light as well as an English and a Dutch translation. The book was condemned at a meeting of the French bishops in March 1612 and its author was dismissed from his position of syndic of the Faculty of Theology a few months later. He withdrew from public life but remained influential. He continued to write in defence of the conciliarist doctrine and the so-called liberties of the Gallican Church until his death in 1631. He vehemently opposed Cardinal Bellarmine's doctrine of the indirect power of popes in temporal matters but never subscribed to the doctrine of the divine power of kings. Most of his books were published posthumously.Philippe Denis retraces Edmond Richer's career and examines his ecclesiological and political thinking. Without taking all the syndic's opinions at face value, this volume commits itself to taking seriously Richer's declared intention, which was to vindicate the teaching of the School of Paris and that of Jean Gerson in particular. Philippe Denis places the heated, sometimes aggressive, debates between Richer and his adversaries in the context of a double progression: that of the doctrine of an absolute monarchy, a form of government which had been developing since the troubles of the League, and that of the Ultramontane ideas, often disputed but supported with growing vigour, in France and elsewhere, in the context of the reception of the Council of Trent.Philippe Denis presents the English translation of his book originally published in French (Editions du Cerf in Paris, 2014).
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Theology as the Science of God: Herman Bavincks Wetenschappelijke Theology for the Modern World
The revival of Calvinism in the nineteenth-century Netherlands entailed the neo-Calvinist movement. With Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck became a brand name of neo-Calvinism. Nonetheless, not until the first decade of the twenty-first century was scholarly interest in Bavincks work increasing. The conventional two Bavincks model used to read his work for much of the twentieth century argues that some contradictory and irreconcilable themes do exist in Bavincks system, which makes Bavinck a self-contradictory thinker. This dualistic reading characterised most of Bavinck scholars in the second half of the twentieth century. Since James Eglintons new reading of Bavincks organic motif, the conventional model became untenable, and scholars are seeking for a reunited Herman Bavinck. Bavinck as a holistic theologian has become the industry standard of Bavinck studies. Ximian Xu aims on the one hand to maintain one Bavinck, on the other hand, and more importantly, to fill in a notable gap in Bavinck scholarship that is, no single work hitherto has focused on Bavincks idea of theology as the wetenschap (science) of God. This study demonstrates that the idea of scientific (wetenschappelijke) theology furnishes the meta-paradigm and cardinal model that incorporates the fundamental characteristics and themes of Bavincks dogmatic system. Moreover, it argues that Bavincks scientific theology makes an attempt to engage with the other sciences. Given this, Bavincks scientific theology is relevant today. That is, Bavincks theological insights can be deployed to advance theologys engagement with the other sciences in contemporary secular universities.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Textvorlage von Augustins Adnotationes in Iob: Studien zur Erstfassung von Hieronymus Hiob-Übersetzung iuxta Graecos
Hieronymus Hiob-Übersetzung iuxta Graecos liegt in vier Fassungen vor. Die Erstfassung O. bildet die Textvorlage für Augustins Adnotationes in Iob, wird dort aber nur in Auswahl kommentiert. Der Codex Turonensis 18 (11. Jh.) enthält eine vollständige von Hieronymus revidierte Fassung T. Weitere abweichende Fassungen finden sich im Sangallensis 11 (8. Jh.) und Bodleianus Auct. E. infra 1 (12. Jh.), hier S. und B. genannt.Gerd Dietrich Warns analysiert zunächst die Textgeschichte der Übersetzung iuxta Graecos: S. wird als erste, große Revision von O. erwiesen, während T. auf eine zweite Revision zurückgeht. In B. liegt eine spätere Konflation aus O. und T. vor, vielleicht eine frühe Edition.Die Unterschiede zwischen den Fassungen O., S. und T. deuten darauf hin, dass Hieronymus in S. sein erstes Übersetzungskonzept änderte. In O. wollte er in Überbietung von Origenes Hexapla aus mehreren griechischen und hebräischen Textvorlagen eine vorbildliche lateinische Hiob-Version schaffen. In S. entschied er sich für einen doppelgleisigen Kurs: Er begann mit einer Neuübersetzung des Alten Testamentes iuxta Hebraeos: außerdem arbeitete er als Pendant dazu seine Erstfassung O. in S. so um, dass sie eindeutiger zu einer Hiob-Übersetzung iuxta Graecos wurde. Verglichen mit S. erscheint T. als Ausgabe letzter Hand. Warns gelingt es, in ausgewählten patristischen Texten weitere Spuren der Erstfassung O. zu identifizieren. Ein wesentliches Kriterium sind die nur in O. nachweisbaren Doppelübersetzungen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Performances of Ancient Jewish Letters: From Elephantine to MMT
This ambitious and engaging book sets itself the task of combining a wide range of approaches to cast new light on the form and function of several ancient Jewish letters in a variety of languages. The focus of The Performance of Ancient Jewish Lettersis on applying a new emerging field of performance theory to texts and arguing that letters and other documents were not just read in silence, as is normal today, but were performed, especially when they were addressed to a community. A distinctive feature of this book consists of being one of the first to apply the approach of performance criticism to ancient Jewish letters. Previous treatments of ancient letters have not given enough consideration to their oral context; however, this book prompts the reader to listen sympathetically with the audience. The Performance focuses close attention on the ways in which the engagement of the audience during the performance of a text might be read from traces present in the text itself. This book invites the audience to hear a fresh reading of a family letter from Hermopolis, concerning ugly tunics and castor oil; festal letters, about issues surrounding the celebration of Passover, Purim and Hanukkah; a diaspora letter on how to live in a foreign land; and also an official letter concerning the building of the Jerusalem temple. These letters will help us understand a text from the Dead Sea Scrolls, namely, MMT. Marvin L. Miller argues for the centrality of performance in the life of Jews of the Second Temple period, an area of study that has been traditionally neglected. The Performanceadvances the fields of orality and epistolography and supplements other scholars works in those fields.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Calvin and Luther: The Continuing Relationship
The reforms begun by Luther and Calvin became two of the largest and most influential movements to arise in the sixteenth century, but frequently, these two movements are seen and defined as polar opposites ones theology is Reformed or Lutheran, one is a member of a Reformed or Lutheran congregation. Historically, these were two very separate movements but more remains to be understood that can best be analyzed in the context of the other.Just as surely as the historical question of the boundaries between Calvin and Luther, or Lutheranism and Calvinism must be answered with a resounding yes, the ongoing doctrinal questions offer a different picture. In the more systematic doctrinal articles, an argument is forwarded that the broad confessional continuity between Luther and Calvin on the soteriological theme of union with Christ offers still-unexplored avenues to both deeper understandings of soteriology. Through such articles, we begin to see the possibility of a rapprochement between Calvin and Luther as sources, though not as historical figures. But that insight allows the conversation to extend, and bear far greater fruit. Contributors are, J.T. Billings, Ch. Helmer , H.P. Jürgens, S.C. Karant-Nunn, R. Kolb, Th.F. Latini, G.S. Pak, J. Watt, T.J. Wengert, P. Westermeyer, and D.M. Whitford.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Ironic Calvinism of Daniel Kalaj (d. 1681): A Study in the History and Theology of the Polish-Lithuanian Reformation
Daniel Kalaj (d.1681) was a Polish Reformer of Hungarian background, born in Little Poland (Malopolska) and trained in Franeker, Friesland, under some of the most brilliant Reformed theologians of seventeenth-century Europe, such as Cocceius and Cloppenburgh. Kalaj's ministry in the Reformed Church of Little Poland was abruptly interrupted when Catholic authorities wrongly accused him of spreading then-outlawed Arianism, calling him a "Calvinoarian." Kalaj became the first Polish Protestant minister to receive a sentence of capital punishment as a result of the new anti-toleration law issued in 1658 against Arians, under the false pretext of military treason during the Second Northern War (1655-1660). He escaped the axe by fleeing to Lithuania (and later to Gdansk), where he wrote his best-known work "A Friendly Dialogue between an Evangelical Minister and a Roman Catholic Priest". The "Friendly Dialogue" is both: Kalaj's own personal defense and a compendium to Polish Reformed doctrine, and has a strongly irenic disposition. In contrast with many Reformed thinkers of his day, Kalaj is capable of communicating Reformed doctrine in a friendly and peaceful manner. He places special emphasis on the unity of the catholic church, as expressed in his statement that "the three churches Roman, and Lutheran, and Reformed are all part of one true church before God," while at the same time attempting to retain his Reformed orthodoxy.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Social Inequality in the World of the Text: The Significance of Ritual and Social Distinctions in the Hebrew Bible
This volume consists of fifteen of the author's essays, including two that have never been published before. The essays date to the last decade and a half, and all reflect in some manner the author's ongoing interest in literary operations of classification and their social implications, particularly the production of distinctions which create social inequality in the world of the text, and have the potential to generate hierarchical social relationships in contexts where biblical texts might have had an impact on real people. In these essays, the author explores themes such as gender, sexuality, purity and pollution, sanctification, death and afterlife, foreignness, and disability with particular attention to the roles distinctions such as honored/shamed, feminine/masculine, mourning/rejoicing, unclean/clean, alien/native play in creating and perpetuating social differences in texts. Rites of status change such as circumcision, shaving, purification, burial or disinterment, sanctification and profanation of holiness are a focus of interest in a number of these essays, reflecting the author's on going interest in the textual representation of ritual. Most of the essays examine texts in their historical setting, but several also engage the early history of the interpretation of biblical texts, including the phenomenon of inner biblical exegesis. The essays are divided into five sections: Rites and Social Status; Gender and Sexuality; Disability; Holiness, Purity, the Alien; Death, Burial, Afterlife and their Metaphorical Uses. The author introduces each of the sections, contextualizing each essay in his larger scholarly project, reflecting on its development and reception and, in some cases, responding to his critics.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG All the Wisdom of the East: Studies in Near Eastern Archaeology and History in Honor of Eliezer D Oren
All the Wisdom of the East is a tribute to Professor Eliezer D. Oren, a multi-faceted archaeologist of the Levant and its cultural connections with the Aegean, renowned student of the Negev and Northern Sinai, and founder of the Archaeological Division in the Department of Bible, Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva. The book includes an appreciation of the honoree and a list of his numerous publications.Thirty-nine scholars, colleagues and former students from Israel, Europe, the United States of America and New Zealand have contributed original studies in English (22), German (1) and Hebrew (5) to this volume. The spectrum of their papers covers various fields and periods, from pre-history to the Roman Period, from Egypt to the Aegean and the Western Mediterranean, from pottery to art, epigraphy and history. The book thus offers a wealth of knowledge and information of importance to anyone interested in the Ancient Near East.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Garments of the Gods: Vol. 2: Texts
This volume offers the transliteration, translation, and selected copies of over 600 administrative documents on the textile industry in the Ebabbar temple at Neo-Babylonian Sippar. The documents are mostly divided in accordance with the former discussion presented in OBO 218. The aim of the new publication is to enlarge the data base for future studies and to create the possibility of checking and discussing the observations made in the first volume. Indices provide the names of garments and fabrics, and the paleography will allow the reader easy comparison when identifying new texts in the future.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Who is Like Yahweh?: A Study of Divine Metaphors in the Book of Micah
Recent theology has seen a renewed vigour in debates about the nature and character of God. Juan Cruz turns to one of the prophetic books in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Micah, to consider the metaphors it uses to portray the God of Israel and what they reveal about the deity. The book of Micah contains two dominant types of metaphor for Yahweh, namely the legal metaphors in 1:216 and 6:116 and the pastoral metaphors in 2:1213, 4:67, 5:14a and 7:1420. The former type of metaphors presents Yahweh in a courtroom setting, where he accuses his people of their sins, brings a lawsuit against them, and pronounces their judgement. The pastoral metaphors, on the other hand, describe Yahweh as the shepherd of his people, primarily concerned with the restoration and well-being of Israel. The two sets of metaphors therefore respectively present Yahweh in a positive and a negative light. Drawing on insights from philosophy and literary studies, and making particular use of the theories of Benjamin Harshav, Juan Cruz explores the divine metaphors by analysing the arguments they make within their respective literary units and in the context of the whole book, as well as the significant tensions that develop between the metaphors. The volume provides helpful tools to analyse metaphors for God, which may be also used for analysis of non-divine metaphors, and should contribute to our theological understanding of God in the Hebrew Bible, most especially in the book of Micah, a book whose title bears the meaning, "Who is like Yahweh?".
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Isaianic Denkschrift and a Socio-Cultural Crisis in Yehud: A Rereading of Isaiah 6:1-9:6[7]
This study of the Isaianic Denkschrift (Isaiah 6:1-9:6) is both a traditional and an innovative one. It defends the integrity of the Denkschrift, yet on grounds wholly other than those outlined by the early proponents of the unity of the composition. The present work is founded on an inquiry into the ideological matrix of the composition on one hand and, on the other, on the understanding of the activity of mantic (prophetic) figures in the Near East during the early first millennium BCE that has emerged in recent scholarship. The presentation of Yahweh as a royal character in the Denkschrift is interpreted as an integral part of the symbolic universe promoted by the composition. Several levels of social discourse of the Denkschrift are identified: the author(s) is simultaneously engaged in the creation of Judaean autonomous cultural identity, in polemical activity with the rival Yahwist community (the North, or Samaria) and in the safeguarding of the privileged position of the former Babylonian exiles among the community of Jerusalem and Judah. Two interrelated hypotheses are developed in the book: regarding the historical milieu in which the Denkschrift was composed and regarding the place of the composition in the formation of First Isaiah. As for the first, Prokhorov proposes that the early second-temple community of Yehud matches the profile of a society whose problems the Denkschrift is addressing and reflecting. As for the second, the author maintains the view that the Denkschrift marks one of the final stages of the creation of First Isaiah whose original nucleus consisted of the Hezekiah narrative (now found in chapters 36-39 of Isaiah), which, in turn, modified the respective Deuteronomistic material.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Hebrew Bible / Old Testament. III: From Modernism to Post-Modernism. Part I: The Nineteenth Century - a Century of Modernism and Historicism: Part 1: The Nineteenth Century - a Century of Modernism and Historicism
The long and complex history of reception and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament through the ages, described in the HBOT Project, is in the penultimate part volume three pursued to the nineteenth century's special situation with its new methods and problems. Due to an increased historical knowledge in many fields and an expanding cultural context, the phenomenon of history became the object of an as yet unsurpassed fascination; history was the new key concept partly in form of a historicism. With regard to biblical studies in general and the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament in particular a decisive historical-critical approach came into focus, which generated tension between this new method and the traditional scriptural interpretation of the Church and in turn also relatively severe controversies between opposing fronts.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG From Qumran to Aleppo: A Discussion with Emanuel Tov about the Textual History of Jewish Scriptures in Honour of his 65th Birthday
The textual findings of Qumran and the Codex Aleppo mark two turning points in the textual history of the Hebrew Bible. The textual history of this collection of Jewish writings is at the centre of the scientific life of Emanuel Tov, whom the University honored with an international symposium discussing his theses on the occasion of his 65th birthday Emanuel Tov's textual history research and one of his own works on the subject. Contributed by Emanuel Tov, Armin Lange, Josef M. Oesch, Friedrich V. Reiterer, Hermann-Josef Stipp, Hanna Tervanotko, Kevin Trompelt and József Zengellér.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG From Movement to Inheritance: Hidden Assets from the Treasury of Hungarian Reformation
This book does not only deal with the history, but also with the effects of the Reformation over the mentality, education and scientifical research among Hungarians during the last five centuries. The spirit of the Reformation has not only been a church-forming factor, but also a force of nation-building and salvation. This volume includes 17 studies of Hungarian Reformed theologians presented at a conference in November 2016. The main goal was to give an overview of the most recent research results in history and theology regarding Reformation and its effects over society and mentality among Hungarians. The contributors come from various Hungarian theological universities from the Carpathian basin, thus the book is an overview of their research topics and results. The City Cluj-Napoca was, became and remained an important center of the Reformation, as significant events took place in its surroundings as well. The Faculty of Reformed Theology of the Babeș-Bolyai University and the Protestant Theological Institute has always functioned in an environment, where the challenges of multi-confessionalism and multiethnicity are also present beside interdisciplinarity.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Liederkunde zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch: Heft 25
Die Liederkunde bietet hymnologisch und theologisch fundierte Kommentare zu Text und Musik von verschiedenen Liedern aus dem Evangelischen Gesangbuch. In Heft 25 werden diese Lieder aus dem Evangelischen Gesangbuch kommentiert:EG 204 Herr Christ, dein bin ich eigenEG 217 Herr Jesu Christe, mein getreuer HirteEG 227 Dank sei dir, Vater, fÃ"r das ewge LebenEG 229 Kommt mit Gaben und LobgesangEG 245 Preis, Lob und Dank sei Gott dem HerrenEG 265 Nun singe Lob, du ChristenheitEG 296 Ich heb mein Augen sehnlich aufEG 298 Wenn der Herr einst die GefangnenEG 316/317 Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der EhrenEG 324 Ich singe dir mit Herz und MundEG 350 Christi Blut und GerechtigkeitEG 358 Es kennt der Herr sie SeinenEG 388 O Durchbrecher aller BandeEG 416 O Herr, mach mich zu einem Werkzeug deines FriedensEG 424 Deine Hände, groÃ
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Sich Irritieren Lassen: Fremdheit Und Befremden in Der Arbeit Mit Gefluchteten Menschen
Eine Begegnung zweier Menschen ist immer auch die Begegnung zweier Fremder - zwischen Irritation, Neugier und Abwehr. Doch was ist fremd und was löst in uns Befremden aus Anhand der Arbeit mit Geflüchteten geht das Buch den vielen Aspekten der Fremdheit nach und entwirft Strategien im Umgang mit ihr. In der Begegnung und Arbeit mit geflüchteten Menschen gerät das Thema Fremdheit (auch ungewollt) schnell in den Blick. Es prallen Lebensentwürfe in großer Vielfalt aufeinander, verschieden geprägtes Rollenhandeln oder divergierende Partnerschaftskonzepte geraten miteinander in Konflikt. Doch Martin Merbach macht deutlich: Die Fremdheit liegt nicht nur im Gegenüber - sie steckt schon in uns selbst. Er fragt: Was genau ist uns eigentlich fremd Was wehren wir ab, was lassen wir zu, was löst in uns Befremden aus Zum Verständnis dieser Prozesse bedarf es einer tieferen Einsicht in das Fremde an sich - als Aspekt des Unbewussten, als Baustein in unserer eigenen Entwicklung. Indem das Buch diese Grundlagen im Hinblick auf die Arbeit mit Geflüchteten beleuchtet, reflektiert es das Befremden in der Arbeitsbeziehung und entwirft Strategien, wie Fachkräfte und Ehrenamtliche damit umgehen können.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Leben. Lieben. Arbeiten: systemisch beraten: Konflikthafte Entscheidungen in Planung und Politik im Dialog begleiten
Wenn es um die Beeinträchtigung von Gesundheit, Natur oder das persönliche Lebensumfeld geht, melden sich Menschen oft lautstark zu Wort. Entscheidend ist dann der Dialog - auf lokaler, regionaler und nationaler Ebene.Über Konflikte im öffentlichen Raum entscheiden Politik, Verwaltung und Gerichte. Damit der Weg bis zur Entscheidung keine verbrannte Erde hinterlässt, ist Dialog wichtig. Drei "Dialogbegleiter" im öffentlichen Raum geben in diesem Band Einblicke in ihre Praxis - im Dorf, in der Region und auf nationaler Ebene. Sie beschreiben, welche Konfliktdynamiken und systemische Lösungsansätze bei öffentlichen Konflikten beachtet werden sollten. Sie stellen ihre Werkzeuge vor, reflektieren ihre Haltung und benennen offene Fragen, denn Beteiligung bedeutet nicht, dass nur die Lautesten zu Wort kommen, es muss möglichst allen Beteiligten und allen Perspektiven Raum gegeben werden, um gemeinsam eine gute Lösung zu finden. Politik und alle andere Beteiligten mëssen die Belange und Argumente der Gegenseite genauso kennen wie die gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen, dann kann man auch mit Entscheidungen leben, die anders sind, als man es sich erhofft hat.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Moral Economies
s there a moral economy of capitalism? The term moral economy was coined in pre-capitalist times and does not refer to economy as we know it today. It was only in the nineteenth century that economy came to mean the production and circulation of goods and services. At the same time, the term started to be used in an explicitly critical tone: references to moral economy were normally critical of modern forms of economy, which were purportedly lacking in morals. In our times, too, the morality of capitalism is often the topic of debate and controversy. Moral Economies engages in these debates. Using historical case studies from the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries the book discusses the degree to which economic actions and decisions were permeated with moral, good-vs-bad classifications. Moreover it shows how strongly antiquitys concept of embedded economy is still powerful in modernity. The model for this was often the private household, in which moral, social, and economic behavior patterns were intertwined. The do-it-yourself movement of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries was still oriented towards this model, thereby criticizing capitalism on moral grounds.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Versuchung Der Schonen Form: Spannungen in Erbauungs-konzepten Des Mittelalters
The question of tensions in medieval 'edification' concepts leads to far-reaching problem dimensions in the historical pragmatics and aesthetics of religious art. The anthology demonstrates from an interdisciplinary perspective how important it is for the reconstruction of building in the Middle Ages to relate the history of words and concepts, the history of processes and functions to one another in a differentiated manner. Instead of starting from the semantics of modern times, the edification reduced to inwardness, discursive simplicity and pure positivity, the present volume aims at ambivalent semantization strategies with which very differentiated concepts of edification are designed and implemented in the Middle Ages. Their historical conciseness can only be revealed if the tension between metaphor and concept is taken into account for the edification semantics, and for the edification poetics the competition between different aesthetic calculations.