Search results for ""exit""
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Leaving the Streets: Stories of Canadian Youth
Giving prominence to the voices of young people themselves, this study explores their attempts to exit street life-and looks at the supports and barriers that help or hinder them in this process. Youth between 16 and 24 are considered the fastest growing segment of the homeless population in Canada. While much has been written about street engagement and street culture, little attention has been paid to how youth move away from the street. From shelters and programs to mental health and drug use, this book examines the services that are available-and those that should be available-to help street youth find housing, income, and the strength needed to start a new life.
Cambridge University Press Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language Coursebook with Digital Access 2 Years
This series supports teachers and students of Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language (0510/0511/0991/0993) The much-anticipated sixth edition of our Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language Coursebook with Digital Access is here. Written by English as a second language specialist, Peter Lucantoni, this resource provides clear and accessible guidance for English reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Engaging topics, such as lifestyles and food, bring authentic English to life. Suitable for students studying the Cambridge IGCSE and IGCSE (9-1) English as a Second Language syllabuses for examination from 2024, and those seeking a course exit level of B1/B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Rare Bird Books Permanent Midnight: A Memoir
Jerry Stahl's seminal memoir of drug addiction and a career in Hollywood, Permanent Midnight is a classic along the lines of Hubert Selby, Jr.'s Last Exit to Brooklyn. Illuminating the self-loathing and self-destruction of an addict's inner life, Permanent Midnight follows Stahl through the dregs of addiction and into sobriety. In 1998, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, and Maria Bello starred in a film version of Permanent Midnight to much acclaim. Nic Sheff, author of Tweak, writes the introduction to this edition.
Avni 3. Esbarjoacció
Després d?haver-se integrat amb èxit a la seva nova escola i haver tret valuoses lliçons sobre l?ús dels seus poders, què ens té reservat l?Avni en aquest tercer volum?Aventures, riures i bones intencions que molt sovint acaben en autèntics desastres. L?univers de l?Avni s?enriqueix amb nous personatges i noves anècdotes, però sense que canviï el personatge: encara és tan llaminer i maldestre com sempre, però també igual de generós i humil. A per la nostra motxilla, sortim d?exploració amb l?Avni!
El poder de la llum
Tot sembla perdut. Però la Llum encara ha de mostrar el seu poder, i l ?amor amaga un secret.L?irresistible darrer capítol de la trilogia! El pla del senyor de la Foscor ha tingut èxit: tot Fairy Oak té por de ser traït i la Pervinca fuig. Les bessones s?han hagut de separar? L?Antiga Aliança entre Llum i Foscor s?ha trencat. Les defenses dels mags s?esfondren, la guerra està perduda. Però potser hi ha coses que no són allò que semblen.
Diari duna penjada 3. KFT Ha nascut una friqui del pop
La llista de tot el que la Nikki necessita per ser una estrella: un duel entre dives, un malentès amb les amigues i gent amb talent per donar suport a la VIPS (Very Important Pop Star), és a dir, jo! Nova edició amb format més pràctic: rústica sense solapes, perquè te?l puguis endur a tot arreu. Ara a un preu més assequible. Torna a gaudir de la sèrie de literatura juvenil amb més èxit internacional: 55 milions d?exemplars venuts a tot el món.
Pharmaceutical Press Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors (Orange Guide) 2022
The 2022 edition of Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors, known as 'The Orange Guide', is the essential reference for all manufacturers and distributors of medicines in the UK.It provides you with a single authoritative source of European and UK guidance, information and UK legislation relating to the manufacture and distribution of human medicines, active substances, and brokering medicines.The new 11th edition has been updated to incorporate changes made after the UK's exit from the European Union on the 31st January 2020
Educaula Lescanyapobres
Narcís Oller ( 1846-1930 ) va donar unes quantes obres mestres a la literatura catalana, després de segles que no passava. És l'escriptor que posa al dia la nostra novella, empeltant-la dels corrents narratius més avançats del moment, sota el mestratge del realisme i el naturalisme francesos. La Papallona ( 1882 ) va ser un èxit internacional, i amb L'Escanyapobres ( 1884 ) va reixir a treure's de sobre el llast del romanticisme. A La febre d'or ( 1890-2 ) va descriure la burgesia barcelonina, a La bogeria ( 1898 ) va tocar el tema naturalista del determinisme hereditari i a Pilar Prim ( 1906 ) fa un pas cap a la novella psicològica. Oller també va escriure diversos reculls de contes i unes Memòries literàries ( 1962, pòstumes ).
PetitGran Rafa Nadal
Rafa Nadal va néixer el 1986 a la localitat mallorquina de Manacor en una família d?esportistes. Amb tan sols quinze anys es va fer professional, als dinou ocupava el segon lloc al rànquing mundial de l?Associació Professional de Tennis (ATP) i als vint-i-dos es va convertir en número u del món. Ha guanyat vint-i-dos Gran Slam, cartò d?ells a Roland Garros, dos a Wimbledon, dos a l?Open d?Austràlia i quatre a l?US Open. La confiança en si mateix, la seva perseverança i no donar mai cap punt per perdut són algunes de les claus del seu èxit. Està considerat un dels millors tennistes de la història.
Penguin Putnam Inc Pretty Furious
#1 NYT Bestseller E. K. Johnston returns to contemporary feminist YA. This thrilling story of a small town, fierce friendships, and revenge served cold is a perfect companion to Exit, Pursued by a Bear.In the small town of Eganston, Ontario, five high school friends have had enough. They''ve experienced the worst abuse, bullying, and gaslighting their small community has to offer. But it hasn''t been all bad. They now know they can count on each other, and surviving their high school years has taught them a few things. One might even say they''ve learned some useful tactics. And this year is going to be all about using them.
Pearson Education Limited MyGrammarLab Elementary with Key and MyLab Pack
Something new has come that will change the way your students learn, practice and remember grammar. Step 1: take the diagnostic test Step 2: study the grammar in the book and online Step 3: do more practice online Step 4: take the progress test Step 5: need more practice? Go online and do the mobile exercises Step 6: take the exit test to see how much you have learnt With its learning hints and tips, immediate feedback, automatic grading, and grammar tutor videos, this course is ideal for self-study, as well as a grammar reference and practice companion to your English language course. MyGrammarLab Elementary provides grammar practice for the KET exam
Pearson Education Limited MyGrammarLab Elementary without Key and MyLab Pack
Something new has come that will change the way your students learn, practice and remember grammar. Step 1: take the diagnostic test Step 2: study the grammar in the book and online Step 3: do more practice online Step 4: take the progress test Step 5: need more practice? Go online and do the mobile exercises Step 6: take the exit test to see how much you have learnt With its learning hints and tips, immediate feedback, automatic grading, and grammar tutor videos, this course is ideal for self-study, as well as a grammar reference and practice companion to your English language course. MyGrammarLab Elementary provides grammar practice for the KET exam.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Robust Political Economy: Classical Liberalism and the Future of Public Policy
This important book offers a comprehensive defence of classical liberalism against contemporary challenges. It sets out an analytical framework of 'robust political economy' that explores the economic and political problems that arise from the phenomena of imperfect knowledge and imperfect incentives. Using this framework, the book defends the classical liberal focus on markets and the minimal state from the critiques presented by 'market failure' economics and communitarian and egalitarian variants of political theory. Mark Pennington expertly applies the lessons learned from responding to these challenges in the context of contemporary discussions surrounding the welfare state, international development, and environmental protection. Written in an accessible style, this authoritative book would be useful for both undergraduate and graduate students of political economy and public policy as a standard reference work for classical liberal analysis and a defence of its normative prescriptions. The book's distinctive approach will ensure that academic practitioners of economics and political science, political theory and public policy will also find its controversial conclusions insightful.Contents: 1. Introduction: Classical Liberalism and Robust Political Economy; Part I: Challenges to Classical Liberalism; 2. Market Failures 'Old' and 'New': The Challenge of Neo-Classical Economics; 3. Exit, Voice and Communicative Rationality: The Challenge of Communitarianism I; 4. Exit, Trust and Social Capital: The Challenge of Communitarianism II; 5. Equality and Social Justice: The Challenge of Egalitarianism; Part II: Towards the Minimal State; 6. Poverty Relief and Public Services: Welfare State or Minimal State?; 7. Institutions and International Development: Global Governance or the Minimal State?; 8. Environmental Protection: Green Leviathan or the Minimal State?; 9. Conclusion; Bibliography; Index
Green Writers Press Altar to an Erupting Sun
Rae Kelliher is a veteran environmental activist and pioneer in the death-with-dignity movement. Her husband Reggie calls her “party in a box” and “a weaver of people and movements.” Facing a diagnosis of terminal illness, Rae engages in a shocking suicide-murder, taking the life of an oil company CEO for his complicity in delaying responses to climate catastrophe. Seven years later, Rae’s friends and family gather at her Vermont farm to try to understand her violent exit and the rapid social transformations triggered by her desperate act.
Capstone Global Library Ltd The Creature Collection
On a field trip, two friends discover a hidden door that leads into an ancient library. Strange snarls echo in the maze of shelves. Just as the pair searches for the exit, they come face-to-face with the collection's keeper, the Archivist! This rogue librarian gathers tales of the world's oldest, most terrifying creatures. Now she's releasing the legendary monsters to take care of the intruders. Can the powerful Librarian swoop in to help the friends escape? Experience the Library of Doom like never before in this gripping, full-colour graphic novel!
Contes de bona nit per a nenes rebels 2
Contes de bona nit per a nenes rebels 2 reuneix cent noves històries de dones extraordinàries de tot el món. Des de Beyoncé, passant per JK Rowling, fins a Madonna; des Rigoberta Menchú passant per Nefertiti fins Isadora Duncan, retratades per les 70 illustradores més importants de tot el món.Després de l?èxit i el fenomen creat pel primer llibre a tot el món, la selecció d?històries d?aquest segon volumha estat realitzada amb les aportacions de la gran comunitat de lectors i lectores que #RebelGirls ha creat.
Oxford University Press Immigration Law Handbook
The Immigration Law Handbook has established itself as the gold standard in the field and has become an invaluable resource for immigration practitioners including Asylum and Immigration Tribunal judges, barristers, solicitors, and caseworkers working in immigration, asylum, and human rights law. In this new edition, all sections have been updated to reflect the various changes to the immigration rules since 2018, especially as a result of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. Most notable is the inclusion of the Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Act 2020 which made provision to end rights to free movement of people under EU law and to repeal other EU law relating to immigration. Three new Statutory Instruments set the transitional and saving provisions to which the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2016 are now subject. Four more new Statutory Instruments are also included: The Immigration (Guidance on Detention of Vulnerable Persons) Regulations 2018 and three relating to Brexit: The Immigration (European Economic Area Nationals)(EU Exit) Order 2019; Immigration (Citizens' Rights Appeals) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020; and The Citizens' Rights (Frontier Workers) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020. The Immigration Rules have been subject to 22 statements of changes since the last edition, some of which are significant. This edition captures all changes in the Immigration Rules up to and including those coming into force in July 2021. The Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, the Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (Immigration and Asylum) Rules 2014 and the Tribunal Procedure (Upper Tribunal) Rules 2008 all include amendments made in response to circumstances arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Procedure Rules and Practice Directions section has been expanded to include practice statements and brought up to date with the latest rules and guidelines. Finally, the European Materials section has been streamlined to include just the two most relevant, relating to free movement and workers' rights. Coverage of recent new legislation sits alongside existing important legislation to maintain the strengths of the handbook as a reference tool whilst providing the reader with up-to-date access to all new developments in a single volume. Useful links to online materials are provided to guide readers towards supplementary information.
Ara Llibres Per tu mentiré sobre com ens vam conèixer Tot el que necessites saber per sobreviure a la cerca de la parella on line
Un llibre pràctic, directe, senzill i molt amè, fruit de l?experiència i la curiositat de l?autora. Amb testimonis i casos reals; exemples, indicacions i contraindicacions; sense fórmules màgiques, sense receptes infallibles. La millor porta d?entrada al món de les webs de cites. Quin tipus de gent trobaré? I si em veu algú que em coneix? I si només trobo gent que busca sexe fàcil? Què diré al meu perfil i quina foto hi posaré? I si ningú contesta el meu anunci? I què faig si ens trobem, no m?agrada i em tira els trastos? I si m?agrada massa? La primera guia amb totes les claus, els consells i els trucs perquè la teva aventura on line esdevingui un èxit ben real.
Fordham University Press Emergency Relief Operations
Early Warning Systems: From Surveillance to Risk Assessment to Action Ted R. Gurr and Barbara Harff Initial Response to Complex Emergencies and Natural Disasters Ed Tsui Evidence-Based Health Assessment Process in Complex Emergencies Frederick M. Burkle, Jr., M.D. Concern Worldwide's Approach to Water and Sanitation and Shelter Needs in Emergencies Tom Arnold Internal Displacement: A Challenge of Peace, Security, and Nationbuilding Francis M. Deng Protection Strategies in Humanitarian Interventions Gerald R. Martone Issues of Power and Gender in Complex Emergencies Judy A. Benjamin Clinical Aspects of Malnutrition Kevin M. Cahill, M.D. Military-NGO Interaction Timothy Cross An Introduction to NGO Field Security Randolph Martin Resolutions, Mandates, Aims, Missions, and Exit Strategies Larry Hollingworth The Transition from Conflict to Peace Richard Ryscavage, S.J.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Swing Trading: Power Strategies to Cut Risk and Boost Profits
This essential guide to a trading strategy offers a viable (and profitable) alternative to both day-trading and the buy-and-hold mentality. Swing Trading presents the methods that allow busy people to hold positions for as long as a week to a month and then exit with a handsome profit. Where day traders execute many trades for nickels and dimes, swing traders take larger positions and make few moves for more substantial returns. This resource focuses on how you can achieve success and reap the rewards of this unique and profitable trading method. You'll find step-by-step guidance and valuable tips on free online tools you can use to apply the swing trading method and substantially grow your portfolio. Order your copy today.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Understanding Markov Chains: Examples and Applications
This book provides an undergraduate-level introduction to discrete and continuous-time Markov chains and their applications, with a particular focus on the first step analysis technique and its applications to average hitting times and ruin probabilities. It also discusses classical topics such as recurrence and transience, stationary and limiting distributions, as well as branching processes. It first examines in detail two important examples (gambling processes and random walks) before presenting the general theory itself in the subsequent chapters. It also provides an introduction to discrete-time martingales and their relation to ruin probabilities and mean exit times, together with a chapter on spatial Poisson processes. The concepts presented are illustrated by examples, 138 exercises and 9 problems with their solutions.
Ara Llibres Hi ha cap animal de mengi vespes
"Dades fascinants que mai vas imaginar que voldires saber". Daily Mirror "Un llibre que mostra un món més increïble que la ficció". The Independent "Ideal per llegir al lavabo". Irish Independent "Estimulant". The observer Enginyoses, esotèriques, imagintaives, de vegades inquietants i sempre inesperades, les preguntes i respostes dels lectors d'arreu del món de la revista New Scientist són del tot fascinants. Cada setmana, els complicats trencaclosques de la vida quotidiana continuen generant explicacions sàvies, estranyes i fins i tot esbojarrades amb un èxit sense precedents. Hi ha cap animal que mengi vespes? reuneix, per primera vegada, el millor de la collita. Amb espurnes d'intelligència, coniexements i curiositat científica, aquest impressionant recull és una obra irresistible per a tots els interessats en el món que ens envolta.
Rowman & Littlefield Different Paths, Different Summits: A Model for Religious Pluralism
In a world where religious pluralism is a necessity of modern life, diverse religions exist for the diverse people populating the earth. Theologically, how do people of different faiths find liberation in their separate gods simultaneously? Stephen Kaplan answers this question with his new book, Different Paths, Different Summits. He presents a model for religious pluralism that does not fall victim to the criticisms of pluralist models. Religious positions do not need to be transcended in order for varying faiths to be both honored and liberating simultaneously. Kaplan skillfully depicts three different realties, a theistic ultimate reality, a monistic ultimate reality, and a process non-dualism, along with their beliefs. His model allows for each to exit simultaneously, mutually interpenetrating and distinct.
Edinburgh University Press The Political Theology of Schelling
Saitya Brata Das rigorously examines Schelling's theologico-political works and sets his thought against his more dominant contemporary, Hegel. Das argues that Schelling inaugurates a new thinking outside of Occidental metaphysics, by a paradoxical manner of exit, which prepares for the post-metaphysical philosophy of Martin Heidegger, Franz Rosenzweig and Jacques Derrida. This new reflection, outside of the Universal world-historical politics of modernity, is achieved by re-thinking religion as eschatology. Intervening in contemporary debates on post-secularism and the return to religion, Das shows that religion, in an essential sense, always opens up infinitude from the heart of finitude, to an irreducible outside of the profane order of worldly hegemonies. Religion here assumes a negative political theology of exception without sovereign power.
Harriman House Publishing Winning Spread Betting Strategies
From the author of the best seller 'The Financial Spread Betting Handbook' comes a book about constructing winning spread betting strategies. Seven strategies are presented covering all types of market; up, down and sideways. Key ingredients for each strategy include overall market direction, entry and exit techniques and bet size determination. The strategies are used on a wide range of instruments including stocks, commodities and currencies, and trade duration tends to be in weeks. Examples of each strategy are fully illustrated with charts and commentary - there are over 150 charts in this book, taking the reader step by step through strategy implementation.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Corporate Venturing: Enterprise 02.04
Fast track route to growing your business through the entrepreneurial management of new ventures Covers the key areas of corporate venturing from identifying the main options to setting objectives, and from aligning the interests of corporate investors and entrepreneurs to maximising your return on exit Examples and lessons from some of the world's most enterprising corporate ventures, including Intel, Sun, Eisai and Cambridge Technology Partners. Plus ideas from the smartest thinkers and practitioners in corporate venture investment, including Josh Lerner, Fergal Mullen, Will Schmidt and John Wall Includes a glossary of key concepts and a comprehensive resources guide
Cognella, Inc Product Design and Development Handbook: An Innovative, Entrepreneurial, and Structured Approach for Engineering Capstone and Industry Projects
Product Design and Development Handbook: An Innovative, Entrepreneurial, and Structured Approach for Engineering Capstone and Industry Projects enables engineering students and practicing engineers to conduct successful product design and development projects.The text uses the Phased Product Development (PPD) process, which was developed by the authors and features two key elements: mini milestones that keep project design and development teams on schedule and within budget; and the use of phase exit checklists that ensure the team demonstrates evidence of meeting all Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and entrepreneurial mindset (EM) outcomes. The book is divided into 44 modules that align with a two-semester capstone product development course or can be tailored to support a one-semester course. Each module includes pre- and post-class session assignments that break the development process into mini-milestones. An example project—the design and development of a travel iron—is provided to help teams understand how the information in the text can be applied to an actual project. In addition to covering design, this handbook also addresses the important tasks of manufacturing, developing, and validating an engineering prototype. It integrates product engineering into the overall commercialization process. The attributes of "thinking like an engineer" and meeting the sponsor's expectations are emphasized throughout the book and paired with industry examples. The role of the engineering team in the overall product development effort is addressed using the Goldsmith Commercialization Model. The entrepreneurial mindset is integrated into each development phase and the Arizona State University (ASU) Fulton Schools of Engineering (FSE) EM@FSE 2.0 indicators are included in the phase exit checklists. Product Design and Development Handbook is applicable to single discipline, multi-discipline, and trans-discipline team-based product design and development projects and programs. Though the handbook uses mechanical engineering projects as a baseline, it can support all engineering disciplines.
Oxford University Press Inc Drifting through Samsara: Tacit Conversion and Disengagement in Goenka's Vipassana Movement
In Drifting Through Samsara, Masoumeh Rahmani provides a fieldwork-based study of Goenka's Vipassana meditation movement in New Zealand. This group is distinguished by its refusal to identify as Buddhist and by a rich rhetorical repertoire for repackaging Theravada Buddhist teachings in pseudo-scientific and secular language. Drawing from qualitative research, the book examines the way the movement's discourse shapes unique processes and narratives of conversion and disengagement. Rahmani argues that conversion to this movement is tacit and paradoxically results in the members' rejection of religious labels and categories including conversion. Tracing the linguistic changes associated with the process of conversion and increased commitment, she outlines three main disengagement pathways: (1) pragmatic leaving, (2) disaffiliation, and (3) deconversion. Pragmatic leavers are individuals who were disengaged prior to developing a commitment. Rahmani argues that the language of these leavers is characterised by pragmatisms, dualistic discourse, and ambivalence, and their post-disengagement involves an active gravitation towards practices with easily accomplished goals. Disaffiliates and deconverts are individuals who disengaged after years of intense commitment to the movement. One of the distinguishing features of disaffiliation narratives is self-doubt resulting from the movement's ambiguous discourse regarding progress. For these people post-disengagement often involves the retrospective adoption of Buddhist identity. Rahmani finds that as a consequence of its linguistic strategies, deconversion is a rare exit pattern from this movement. In general, however, the themes and characteristics of both disaffiliation and deconversion fit the contours of exit from other traditions, even though conversion was tacit in the first place. The book thus questions the normative participant recruitment approach in conversion studies and argues that a simple reliance on the informants' identification with or rejection of religious labels fails to encompass the tonalities of conversion in the contemporary spiritual landscape.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Continuous Semi-Markov Processes
This title considers the special of random processes known as semi-Markov processes. These possess the Markov property with respect to any intrinsic Markov time such as the first exit time from an open set or a finite iteration of these times. The class of semi-Markov processes includes strong Markov processes, Lévy and Smith stepped semi-Markov processes, and some other subclasses. Extensive coverage is devoted to non-Markovian semi-Markov processes with continuous trajectories and, in particular, to semi-Markov diffusion processes. Readers looking to enrich their knowledge on Markov processes will find this book a valuable resource.
Andersen Press Ltd The Great Dog Bottom Swap: 10th Anniversary Edition
The day has arrived for the Dogs' Summer Ball. It's so high class, that each dog must remove their bottom before they are allowed inside the hall. But in the middle of all the frivolity something unexpected happens and the dogs have to make a hasty exit... with or without the correct bottom! 'Big, clever, funny' SUNDAY TELEGRAPH 'It's maybe my all time favourite kids' book' DAWN O'PORTER 'Unmissable!' BOOKSELLER Celebrating its 10th year in publication, this unmissable and hilarious picture book has been shortlisted for the Sheffield Book Award, the Best Children's Illustrated Book Award and the Roald Dahl Funny Prize.
labutxaca Notícia de Catalunya nosaltres els catalans
Notícia de Catalunya (Nosaltres els catalans) va ser el llibre editat en català més venut durant les festes de Nadal de lany 1954. Aquest èxit demostra que va ser una publicació oportuna i, sobretot, insòlita: era la primera obra de la postguerra editada legalment en català que reflexionava sobre la catalanitat.Allò que va impulsar a Jaume Vicens Vives a escriure un llibre daquestes característiques va ser la voluntat doferir una visió del passat collectiu i les característiques del tarannà i la psicologia dels catalans a partir de la història, adreçada a un públic molt ampli, no exclusivament català, sinó també espanyol.
Ara Llibres Paraula de vestidor
Després de l?èxit de Paraula de Pep, parla el vestidor del Barça. Paraula de vestidor és l?únic llibre que recull la filosofia del millor equip del món, en boca dels seus protagonistes: els jugadors. L?esforç, la solidaritat, la senzillesa, la responsabilitat, el respecte, l?alegria, la superació, el compromís: tots els valors que han convertit un grup de joves esportistes d?elit en un model a seguir, en el futbol i en la vida. Amb els secrets i les anècdotes del programa Hat Trick Barça de TV3.Edició de Xavier Torres i Santi PadróFotografies de Jordi Cotrina
Hodder Education Caribbean Primary Mathematics Book 4 6th edition
Make teaching and learning mathematics relevant and enjoyable with the best-known Primary mathematics series in the Caribbean updated and revised for the 21st Century by practising teachers, with a new focus on self-directed learning, problem -solving and raising standards. - Ensure all requirements of primary schools in all Caribbean territories from kindergarten to primary school exit examination level are covered. - Engage students and make maths more relevant with real-life situations used throughout the book, including the front cover, showing Mathematics in action.- Reinforce knowledge and encourage progression with Assessment Bank, available separately to compliment the topics covered in this series.- Encourage students to understand and build their own learning with all key skills and concepts clearly introduced in sequence, demonstrating links between mathematical strands and other curriculum subjects.
Hodder Education Caribbean Primary Mathematics Book 3 6th edition
Make teaching and learning mathematics relevant and enjoyable with the best-known Primary mathematics series in the Caribbean updated and revised for the 21st Century by practising teachers, with a new focus on self-directed learning, problem -solving and raising standards.- Ensure all requirements of primary schools in all Caribbean territories from kindergarten to primary school exit examination level are covered. - Engage students and make maths more relevant with real-life situations used throughout the book, including the front cover, showing Mathematics in action.- Reinforce knowledge and encourage progression with Assessment Bank, available separately to compliment the topics covered in this series.- Encourage students to understand and build their own learning with all key skills and concepts clearly introduced in sequence, demonstrating links between mathematical strands and other curriculum subjects.
Hodder Education Caribbean Primary Mathematics Kindergarten 6th edition: 6th edition
Make teaching and learning mathematics relevant and enjoyable with the best-known Primary mathematics series in the Caribbean updated and revised for the 21st Century by practising teachers, with a new focus on self-directed learning, problem-solving and raising standards. - Ensure all requirements of primary schools in all Caribbean territories from kindergarten to primary school exit examination level are covered. - Engage students and make maths more relevant with real-life situations used throughout the book, including the front cover, showing Mathematics in action.- Reinforce knowledge and encourage progression with Assessment Bank, available separately to compliment the topics covered in this series.- Encourage students to understand and build their own learning with all key skills and concepts clearly introduced in sequence, demonstrating links between mathematical strands and other curriculum subjects.
Pluto Press Into the Long War: Oxford Research Group International Security Report 2006
Iraq stands on the edge of civil war. As sectarian killings escalate, and troops become more deeply entrenched, is there any prospect of an exit strategy? Into the Long War examines events in Iraq since May 2005 and how they impact on other countries including Afghanistan, Iran and the wider Middle East. Bringing together the extensive analysis of the renowned Oxford Research Group, the book charts a tumultuous period in the conflict, including a wider international perspective on the terrorist attacks in London and Sharm al Sheik, and an assessment of how US public opinion has changed as the war drags on. Rogers offers a clear and compelling account of an invasion that was meant to take a matter of weeks - and that now threatens to engulf an entire region for many years to come.
Jacaranda Books Art Music Ltd Thinner Than Skin
"Smart, fierce, and poignant: perhaps the most exciting novel yet by this very talented writer." Mohsin Hamid, author of Exit West and The Reluctant FundamentalistA Young Pakistani photographer and his American born Pakistani-German lover travel from California to Pakistan in an attempt to exorcize their pasts, in order to build their shared future. Up in the glaciers of Northern Pakistan, a tragedy at a mountain lake entwines the fates of the two lovers with the people they encounter there: Miryam, a nomad, travelling with her family into the mountains to escape persecution, and Irfan, haunted by ghosts and hoping that the mountains may offer him a reprieve from his troubles. An expansive look at the intersection of cultures and what happens at those intersections, Thinner Than Skin is a powerful and moving read.
Teachers' College Press Everybody's Classroom: Differentiating for the Shared and Unique Needs of Diverse Students
Most people are keenly aware that every student is different and that today's classrooms challenge educators to build safe and successful learning communities comprising students whose races, languages, cultures, experiences, assets, and dreams vary greatly. This book offers K–12 teachers both the foundations for differentiating their instruction and the means to maximize learning opportunities by getting to know students beyond the labels and stereotypes that often accompany them into the classroom. Tomlinson shows how to use "Highways and Exit ramps" to reach the whole class, with "highway" content and "exit ramps" to specialize needs. Chapters offer numerous recommendations for modifying environments, activities, and assessments; for helping teachers move forward in their instructional planning; and for helping each learner grow academically. Everybody's Classroom extends Tomlinson's previous work by looking more deeply at specific student populations to help educators create classrooms that are more inclusive than ever before. Chapters cover successful differentiation for English learners; students experiencing poverty; students with different ethnic, cultural, religious, and gender orientations; and students with diverse identified special needs. Book Features: Provides a framework for understanding the scope of differentiation, as opposed to seeing it as a prescribed set of instructional strategies. Shows how to recognize common student needs that cut across student labels, from gifted to traumatized. Offers suggestions for teacher actions based on observation of students and student work. Classroom examples and helpful tables, charts, and graphics.
Jacaranda Books Art Music Ltd Thinner Than Skin
"Smart, fierce, and poignant: perhaps the most exciting novel yet by this very talented writer." Mohsin Hamid, author of Exit West and The Reluctant FundamentalistA Young Pakistani photographer and his American born Pakistani-German lover travel from California to Pakistan in an attempt to exorcize their pasts, in order to build their shared future. Up in the glaciers of Northern Pakistan, a tragedy at a mountain lake entwines the fates of the two lovers with the people they encounter there: Miryam, a nomad, travelling with her family into the mountains to escape persecution, and Irfan, haunted by ghosts and hoping that the mountains may offer him a reprieve from his troubles. An expansive look at the intersection of cultures and what happens at those intersections, Thinner Than Skin is a powerful and moving read.
Princeton University Press Luxury Fever: Weighing the Cost of Excess
The turn of the twenty-first century witnessed a spectacular rise in gross consumption. With the super-rich setting the pace, everyone spent furiously in a desperate attempt to keep up. As cars and houses grew larger and more expensive, the costs were enormous--not only monetarily but also socially. Consumers spent more time at work and less time with their family and friends; they saved less money and borrowed more. In this book, Robert Frank presents the first comprehensive and accessible account of these financial choices. Frank uses scientific evidence to demonstrate how these spending patterns have not made us happier or healthier. Luxury Fever offers an exit from the rat race, suggesting ways to curb the culture of excess and restore true value to our lives.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd After Lockdown: A Metamorphosis
After the harrowing experience of the pandemic and lockdown, both states and individuals have been searching for ways to exit the crisis, many hoping to return as soon as possible to ‘the world as it was before the pandemic’. But there is another way to learn the lessons of this ordeal: as inhabitants of the earth, we may not be able to exit lockdown so easily after all, since the global health crisis is embedded in another larger and more serious crisis – that brought about by the New Climate Regime. Learning to live in lockdown might be an opportunity to be seized: a dress-rehearsal for the climate mutation, an opportunity to understand at last where we – inhabitants of the earth – live, what kind of place ‘earth’ is and how we will be able to orient ourselves and exist in this world in the years to come. We might finally be able to explore the land in which we live, together with all other living beings, begin to understand the true nature of the climate mutation we are living through and discover what kind of freedom is possible – a freedom differently situated and differently understood. In this sequel to his bestselling book Down to Earth, Bruno Latour provides a compass for this necessary re-orientation of our lives, outlining the metaphysics of confinement and deconfinement with which we will all be obliged to come to terms by the strange times in which we are living.
British Library Publishing One Year's Time
'She got up, without meeting his eyes, and went into the bedroom to dress. That was life all over; you wanted to make a good exit, and you remembered you were still in your housecoat.' Single girl Liza leaps into an exciting new sexual relationship with Walter after the couple meet at a New Year's party. Written by Angela Milne, the niece of A. A. Milne, and originally published in 1942, the story shines a light on subtly changing societal attitudes and deftly captures Liza's euphoria and frustrations as she navigates a relationship outside of marriage. Warm, witty and surprising, it leaves you wondering why Milne only wrote one novel.
Indiana University Press Zionists in Interwar Czechoslovakia: Minority Nationalism and the Politics of Belonging
This book presents an unconventional history of minority nationalism in interwar Eastern Europe. Focusing on an influential group of grassroots activists, Tatjana Lichtenstein uncovers Zionist projects intended to sustain the flourishing Jewish national life in Czechoslovakia. The book shows that Zionism was not an exit strategy for Jews, but as a ticket of admission to the societies they already called home. It explores how and why Zionists envisioned minority nationalism as a way to construct Jews' belonging and civic equality in Czechoslovakia. By giving voice to the diversity of aspirations within interwar Zionism, the book offers a fresh view of minority nationalism and state building in Eastern Europe.
The University of Chicago Press High-Skilled Migration to the United States and Its Economic Consequences
Immigration policy is one of the most contentious public policy issues in the United States today. High-skilled immigrants represent an increasing share of the U.S. workforce, particularly in science and engineering fields. These immigrants affect economic growth, patterns of trade, education choices, and the earnings of workers with different types of skills. The chapters in this volume go beyond the traditional question of how the inflow of foreign workers affects native employment and earnings to explore effects on innovation and productivity, wage inequality across skill groups, the behavior of multinational firms, firm-level dynamics of entry and exit, and the nature of comparative advantage across countries.
Adesiara Editorial La monja enterrada en vida
Una jove és obligada a prendre l?hàbit pel seu pare, ric i devot, que vol impedir que la noia es casi amb el seu cosí perquè és de la raça dels lliberals. Per evitar el triomf de l?amor i apropiar-se el dot de la novícia, el mossèn i l?abadessa del convent l?enterren en vida, però ella és rescatada casualment per un veí prompte a satisfer els antulls de la seva dona prenyada... Aquesta obra, que es fa ressò d?una de les llegendes urbanes més truculentes de la Barcelona vuitcentista, va significar l?èxit més esclatant de l?autor. Potser la seva influència sobre les masses explica que, anys més tard, els revoltats de la Setmana Tràgica, en comptes d?ocupar llocs estratègics, s?atardessin desenterrant les monges dels monestirs que havien incendiat.
Lhome a qui ja no agradaven els gats
Imagina una illa amb gats.Hi ha una illa prop del continent que té unes normes pròpies, on el vent i el mar canvien les persones. L?illa està plena de gats, de domesticats, de panxacontents, de carrer, que una mica es passegen ara a casa de l?un, ara a casa de l?altre. Un dia de cop i volta desapareixen tots els gats i el que demanen a canvi de la seva tornada amenaça la forma de vida de tota la comunitat.L?autora ens ofereix un text elegant, rebel i agosarat que ens alerta de la fragilitat de les nostres llibertats i ens fa pensar sobre com la llengua es manipula per canviar les idees. Aquest llibre ha sigut un èxit a França amb el suport dels llibreters, que el van celebrar des de la primera lectura.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship in International Marketing
"The latest volume in the Advances in International Marketing series is a fresh addition to the international marketing literature, expanding the current knowledge in several significant ways. Divided in to two sections, the first part of Vol. 25 addresses important issues concerning entrepreneurship in the international market. Pulling together papers authored by well-known scholars they look at issues such as born-global firms' evolution, market orientation, alliance capabilities, customer orientation, and performance in the global market. Collectively, these papers shed significant new light on the role of entrepreneurship in born-global firms and exporting firms. The second part of Entrepreneurship in International Marketing brings together a collection of papers dealing with contemporary international marketing issues, including the conceptual domain of international marketing, global brands and luxury brands in emerging markets, international retail supply chains, and exit behaviour of FDI firms."
Business Expert Press The Hybrid Entrepreneur: A Novel Career in Science and Business
Do you want to start your own company?This book describes the management expertise, organizational skills, and vocabulary necessary to be a successful entrepreneur based on the author's academic and business career.This book discusses: What are the successful characteristics of an inventor, entrepreneur, and a CEO? Understanding the vocabulary of the entrepreneur's ecosystem. What are the evaluation criteria for the team, product, business model & exit plan? Do consumers need or want your product? How to create the story that will fit the right investor for funding? Understanding the investor evaluation and screening process. Readers will learn how to ask the right questions to build a strong ecosystem with service providers, customers, and investors.If you want to be an entrepreneur, read this book. It is about the author's personal experiences as a scientist, an inventor, an entrepreneur, CEO, and investor.