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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Microeconomics for Business and Marketing: Lectures, Cases and Worked Essays
Microeconomics for Business and Marketing is an innovative new text for intermediate-level students of microeconomics which offers a series of alternative approaches to economic analysis."And now for something completely different". So starts the preface to Peter Earl's new book. And he is right. He has put together a superbly interesting, intellectually challenging book. It is a book that covers not only the basics of intermediate microeconomics, but also relates microeconomics both to real world business decisions and to the literature wherein the ideas developed. An intermediate micro student who masters this book will be a well trained student.Earl's book will be useful not only to intermediate students, but, perhaps even more so, to graduate students and to faculty teaching intermediate micro and managerial economics. It gives microeconomics both an intellectual context and institutional context for microeconomics. It also contains a wealth of real world examples and discussions of how microeconomic reasoning applies to business. The wealth of essays and problems in the book will be challenging to everyone.This textbook is especially relevant to students of business and commerce since it emphasises practical problem solving and helps readers develop skills in choosing appropriate theoretical 'tools' to deal with particular types of 'real world' problems. While other microeconomics texts focus on mainstream technical set pieces, this book explores, compares and contrasts the tools of both mainstream microeconomic analysis and the behavioural/new institutionalist approaches associated with recent Nobel Laureates Herbert Simon and Ronald Coase. This wider theoretical coverage enables a broader range of practical topics to be addressed, including policy implications of consumer decision processes, and the economics of corporate strategy.Key features of this book include: Worked essays and case study questions within the chapters, as well as post-mortem' reports on examination questions that have been set to classes using this material. Overview chapters on theories of decision-making and consumer choice and theories of business behaviour. Extensive coverage of the economics of uncertainty, including scenario planning, bargaining and competitive games. Emphasizes and analyses on the significance of technological change, and the variety of methods used to organize modern business activities, such as franchising, joint ventures and multinational enterprises. Microeconomics for Business and Marketing is a wide-ranging, innovative textbook which will stimulate students and teachers alike. It will be of particular relevance to students of marketing, commerce and business strategy. Specifically designed with today's larger class sizes in mind, the book encourages students to question and to develop both analytical and written skills, as well as to use economics as a tool for problem solving.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd INDUSTRIAL POLICY
The election of the Clinton administration in the United States and the debate in the European Community about the consequences of the industrial policy clause in the Maastricht treaty have put industrial policy back on the academic and political agenda again. This volume brings together the key articles on industrial policy, ranging from general theoretical perspectives and overviews of the literature to studies of the experience of particular countries, including Japan and the newly industrialising countries of East Asia. Four articles are concerned with the industrial programmes of the European Community. This is a comprehensive and authoritative compilation of work on a theme of interest to economists and political scientists.
Frederic Mishkin's work has been dedicated to understanding the relationship between money, interest rates and inflation, an integral part of the monetary transmission process. The 15 essays in this collection - unabashedly empirical and rigorous - include much of Professor Mishkin's most frequently cited work.Money, Interest Rates and Inflation offers a coherent and informative assessment of how monetary policy affects the economy. In addition, the essays in this collection illustrate how rational expectations econometrics can be used in empirical research on a broad range of topics and issues. The introductory essay provides an overview of Professor Mishkin's work and the unifying themes which have influenced his thought.The book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in the areas of econometrics, finance and monetary-macroeconomics.
The methodology of econometrics is concerned with rules governing the building of statistical models in economics. These two volumes draw together 62 previously published studies in economics and statistics. The volumes are divided into 12 sections covering controversial topics ranging from the earliest days of econometrics to the present. Sections include policy analysis, exogeneity, causality, Bayesian perspective and British econometrics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The European Challenges Post-1992: Shaping Factors, Shaping Actors
What major long-term factors will shape the European Community post-1992? Who are the central actors, how will they exert influence on Europe's future, and what are their expectations and intentions?In seeking to answer these questions, The European Challenges Post-1992 offers a multidisciplinary, qualitative approach, throwing new light on the aspirations and preoccupations aroused by the promise of the Community. Centring on socio-political and cultural concerns and their interplay with economic phenomena, this important book combines expert opinion from 12 large European research institutes - each of which provides an analysis of the major factors shaping the future of their own country - with the views of leading industrialists and business leaders. The editors bring together these different views and interpretations to offer a comprehensive assessment of the Community's future.The European Challenge Post-1992 includes contributions by the former Commissaire du Plan (Brussels), the Institute of International Economics and Management (Copenhagen), Commissariat General du Plan (Paris), Kiel Institute of World Economics (Kiel), Foundation of Economic and Industrial Research (Athens), Economic and Social Research Institute (Dublin), Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali (Rome), Institut Universitaire International (Luxembourg), Scientific Council for Government Policy (The Hague), Instituto de Prospectiva (Lisbon), Fundacion Empresa Publica (Madrid), McKinsey & Co. and the Policy Studies Institute (London).The product of a major research project, this distinguished book is an invaluable reference point for all those concerned with the future of the European Community.
This collection of important previously published articles reflects the vigorous implementation of privatization in Europe and the deregulation in the United States over the last quarter century. The evolution of the movements is described, both intellectually and politically. Deregulation and privatization are bound together by the economic, political and intellectual underpinnings that gave rise to their implementation. The editors have written a new introduction to accompany the volume.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Change in Eastern Europe since 1918
Change in Eastern Europe has too often been seen in narrowly political terms by historians and commentators. Underlying the often dramatic political events of the post-1918 period have been economic and social elements which have both massively influenced and severely constrained the political options of policymakers.Economic Change in Eastern Europe since 1918 presents a concise, authoritative account of the economic history of Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia in the twentieth century. Drawing upon a deep knowledge of the primary literature and the latest research, the authors explain why Eastern Europe was already underdeveloped by 1914 before assessing the impact of two world wars, economic recession and socialist economic planning. The final chapter examines the aftermath of the 1989 revolutions and discusses some scenarios for the future of the region.This important book offers economists, political scientists and historians a unique, authoritative overview of the economic legacy of Eastern Europe’s turbulent past and the political and social factors, including the significant role of agrarian and land issues, which have helped to shape the region’s history.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Human Resources and the Firm in International Perspective
A key element in the development and competitiveness of businesses rest on the management and enhancement of 'human resource'. Although it is a subject very much in vogue, the organisation of human resources is too rarely grounded in the relevant historical and comparative contexts which shape their practice. Furthermore, there is a need to counter the over-simplistic 'one best way' views and management exhortation so common to this topic, and historical comparisons offer insight into the nature, scale and long-term impact of trends, whilst uncovering the complex interaction of differing circumstance and 'optimum practice'.This important new two volume set presents key reading in paternalism and industrial welfare; employee relations and the professionalisation of management; Taylorism and flexibility: technological change and the division of labour; industrial training and skills; and labour and politics are covered in a theoretically informed and critical fashion.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Women in Business
Women in Business is an extensive collection of significant papers which explore the work of women in a wide range of businesses. The selection encompasses path-breaking articles covering all aspects of women's work in The Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia.Key Features:-Women in Business documents and evaluates the business activities of women from around the world who have contributed to the building of business institutions, industries and economies from the 11th to the late 20th centuriesThese volumes assemble for the first time an international collection of English-speaking articles from scholars in economics, psychology, literature, anthropology, history, management and industrial organization, that prepare a ground work for a gendered history of businessThe volumes suggest the basic tools and the knowledge necessary to bring women into business and bring business people and institutions back into societyWomen in Business will be particularly welcomed by business people, women in business, policy professionals and scholars and graduate students.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Perspectives on Business Cycles: An Analysis of Inequality and Heterogeneity
Traditional aggregate theories of the business cycle, Keynesian or the neoclassical, have not succeeded in explaining the severe down turns in the United States and other advanced economies. New Perspectives on Business Cycles proposes a theory that economic inequality and heterogeneity in a market economy may be an important influence on business cycles. The author, Satya Das, provides for the first time a systematic assessment of possible links between business cycles and changes in the distribution of income and wealth.Arguing that changes in the distribution of wealth and income in a private market economy can generate variations in the aggregate output, Professor Das uses a series of models to relate economic inequalities across households to fluctuations in the economy. In particular, he argues that severe inequities in wealth and income distribution can lead to fluctuations in a macroeconomy, with important implications for the financial markets. Empirical evidence from the post-war US economy is presented in support of this theory.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Studies in Econometric Theory: The Collected Essays of Takeshi Amemiya
Takeshi Amemiya has made a significant contribution to econometric theory over the past 30 years. This volume brings together 34 of his key articles and papers on areas such as limited dependent variables, non-linear simultaneous equations models, time series analysis and error components models. Many of the articles reprinted in this volume are indispensable references for researchers in the relevant fields. The specially written preface outlines the influences and motivations behind Professor Amemiya’s work. Studies in Econometric Theory presents in a single volume the most significant work of one of the most important influential econometricians of our time.
This two volume set consists of the most significant theoretical and empirical writings on economic discrimination based upon race, gender and ethnicity with an international emphasis. Economics and Discrimination is an essential reference for scholars interested in the analysis of economic inequality between ascriptively differentiated groups. The work of economists spanning the ideological spectrum from John Roemer to Thomas Sowell is represented in the pages of this important title.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Crime
This authoritative and comprehensive collection contains the most important published papers and articles on the economics of crime. It presents a variety of different perspectives and will be an essential reference source for both researchers and policymakers.The book examines the theory and methodology of the economics of law enforcement and crime prevention as they affect both public authorities and private individuals. It explores the economics of organized crime from the point of view of the criminal, but also considers the costs to the community of criminal acts and their effects. It studies the causes of crime and the costs and effectiveness of deterrence and punishment.The editors have written a new authoritative introduction which gives a wide-ranging overview of the topics covered.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Technological Evolution, Variety and the Economy
Technological Evolution, Variety and the Economy discusses the fundamental role played by qualitative change in economic development, the contribution made by technological change and innovation, and the analysis of these phenomena in terms of evolutionary theories. Pier Paolo Saviotti's major new book goes beyond studying the effects of technological change on known economic variables. In addressing the actors and mechanisms of technological change, Dr Saviotti focuses first on changes in product technology and then examines the evolution of organizations with special reference to their use of information and knowledge. Using an evolutionary framework, he develops a model of technological evolution based on replicator dynamics which explicitly introduces these key actors and mechanisms. An in-depth discussion of the present state of evolutionary theories focuses on their methodological foundations and applicability to learning in organizations.With qualitative technological change as its central theme and featuring detailed discussion of the current state of evolutionary theories, Technological Evolution, Variety and the Economy will be welcomed by economists working in innovation, technical change and industrial organization.
This important two volume set focuses on the functional relationship between the entrepreneur and the growth of the business firm. These papers trace the process through which scholars first brought entrepreneurs from the twilight of historical obscurity, broadening our understanding of their crucial role and rediscovering the entrepreneur as the prime mover of economic invigoration in the late twentieth century.Professor Livesay has chosen a selection of key articles and papers in this area - many of which are only available in specialized journals and not accessible in every library. He has also written a new comprehensive introduction to accompany the piece.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Sociology of Gender
The Sociology of Gender combines 21 classic articles on this important topic with a broad-ranging editorial introduction. Emphasizing the categorical function of 'gender' as a social technology, this volume develops a unique approach to one of the most important areas of late twentieth century sociological thought.Combining accessible and specialized contributions to the sociology of gender, The Sociology of Gender demonstrates the vitality and breadth of gender theory within the social sciences as a whole. The book comprises a unique contribution to gender theory in its own right, while also providing an up- to-date and coherent selection of many of the key articles from the past 20 years addressed to sex and gender categories.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd INTERNATIONAL TRADE THEORY AND POLICY: Selected Essays of W. Max Corden
Max Corden has during the course of a long and distinguished career become established as one of the world's leading authorities on international trade theory. This selection of some of his most important articles and papers - many of which are considered classics - demonstrates his distinctive style, favouring words and diagrams over mathematics and aiming always for clear and simple exposition.Part I consists of three surveys: the first covers the period from 1949 to 1964, the second reviews empirical work on protection and the third provides a long review of the normative theory of international trade. Part II deals with the theory of trade policy and includes a critical essay on strategic trade policy, as well as articles on effective protection, foreign investment and protection, and customs union theory. Other topics covered include trade and growth, balance-of-payments theory, booming sector and Dutch disease economics, and international macroeconomic policy interaction and transmission. In an introduction Max Corden gives a fascinating account of how he came to write these papers.The book will be an essential reference companion for both students and researchers concerned with international trade theory.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Mixed Economies in Europe: An Evolutionary Perspective on their Emergence, Transition and Regulation
The end of the cold war has created a new and unprecedented type of mixed economy in Eastern Europe. This innovative up-to-date book questions whether the former Eastern block countries will follow the path of West European mixed economies, or if a quite different economic system will emerge.Mixed Economies in Europe presents new work by distinguished authors who offer an evolutionary perspective on the dynamics of mixed economies. In so doing, they provide a unique, policy-orientated assessment of the formation and transformation of mixed economies in both Eastern and Western Europe. In particular, they emphasise the importance of institutional arrangements and regulatory frameworks.The book shows that the liberalization of markets, both within and between European countries has led, in many cases, to a divergence of economic performance across regions and is likely to continue to do so in the future. This raises policy considerations for the EC and its constituent governments which have not, as yet, been adequately addressed.
The history of economics comprises the accumulated capital of the discipline; its study permits both the retrieval of important ideas and the conduct of analysis which places present day work in context. The essays in this book demonstrate some of the variety of uses to which the history of economics, as a sub-discipline, can be put.Economic Thought and Discourse in the 20th Century commences with an essay on John R. Hicks, one of the leading economic theorists of the twentieth century and a writer with much to say about the nature of economic theory and the functions of the history of economic thought. An essay on Thorstein Veblen examines a figure who is at once both idiosyncratic and monumental, and whose work on war and peace is seen both to have been deeply prescient at the time it was written, and to be critically relevant at the close of the twentieth century. The third piece in this collection is a study of the discursive and interpretative structure of Alfred Marshall's Principles of Economics. More than a century after its publication, the Principles is widely regarded as one of the most important, and immediately influential, works of economic science ever written. Yet, it is argued, Marshall's use of language and argument may well have been equal in importance to the analytical techniques which he demonstrated. The concluding essay on the early journal history of law and economics places in perspective much of the contemporary work in this area and suggests that more could be expected from a field with such a rich and suggestive history. These essays will make significant contributions both to their respective subjects and to the historiography of economics.
The History of Econometrics is a two volume collection of major papers which have shaped the development of this subject. Part I includes articles which together provide an overview of the history of econometrics, part II addresses the relationship between econometrics and statistics, the articles in part III constitute early applied studies and part IV includes articles concerned with the role and method of econometrics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE THEORY OF WAGES IN CLASSICAL ECONOmiCS: A Study of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and their Contemporaries
This important new book is the first specific study on the classical theory of wages to appear for more than 50 years and as such fills an important gap in the literature. Antonella Stirati argues that the wage-fund theory played no part in the theory of wages expounded by Ricardo and his predecessors. Classical wage theory is shown to be analytically consistent but very different from contemporary theory, particularly as it did not envisage an inverse relationship between employment and the real wage level, and hence a spontaneous tendency to full employment of labour. The author bases her approach not only on a reinterpretation of Smith and Ricardo, but also on the writings of Turgot, Necker, Steuart, Hume, Cantillon and other pre-classical economists.Historians of economic thought as well as other economists will welcome Dr Stirati's careful analysis of classical writings on economics which includes simple but rigorous explanations of phenomena, central to current economic debate, such as the occurrence of persistent unemployment.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL PERFORMANCE IN EUROPE: A Report Prepared for the Centre for Industrial Policy and Performance, University of Leeds
In Economic and Industrial Performance in Europe, a distinguished group of scholars compares the fortunes of different European nations in the period of economic restructuring, uncertainty, and generally slower economic growth that followed the oil crisis of the 1970s. Using meaningful quantitative data, the authors address the deterioration and divergence of economic performance across Europe since 1973. They look at attempts to improve domestic competitiveness, labour market deregulation, the impact of research and development on economic success, comparative analysis of state expenditure and debt, the military economy and the social consequences of industrialism and industrial restructuring. This volume seeks to show how the post-war boom has unravelled and how this process has impacted upon different European economies.Economic and Industrial Performance in Europe will be welcomed by students, researchers and policy makers seeking comprehensive, meaningful information on why some national economies have been better placed than others to shoulder the burden of the more intense, global competitive pressures that have become part of the post-1973 world economy.
This comprehensive volume comprises articles on the main aspects of Belgian social-economic history. Various topics are discussed within the volume to give a global picture of the Belgian economy since 1870: the Belgian economy in the long run, demography, macroeconomic studies with respect to the different economic sectors, technological innovation, public policy and standards of living. The Economic Development of Belgium since 1870 will be of particular interest to students and researchers of social and economic history, demography, economics and sociology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Truth and Progress in Economic Knowledge
Truth and Progress in Economic Knowledge provides a new perspective on economic methodology, specifically addressing progress in economic knowledge. This important investigation argues that economic methodology is developed through analysing economics, not through imposing a framework developed in other sciences.Roger Backhouse begins his discussion by defending economic methodology both against economists who object to it on practical grounds and post-modern critics who argue that the notion of methodology makes no sense. He then explores the concept of progress, drawing on ideas from Kuhn, the notion of pragmatism and the Popperian tradition. The discussion develops to examine theoretical economics, considering Lakatos's concept of informal mathematics, analysing replication in economics and the use of econometrics and informal empirical methods to test economic theories. The author argues that replication is not simply an econometric problem, but a problem for economics, as it involves both the nature of economic theory and the way in which economists use economic results.This new approach to economic methodology will be of special interest to academics, philosophers with an interest in economics and social sciences, and students of economic methodology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Prospects and Problems
This important book presents new and original work at the frontiers of economics - namely the interface between artificial intelligence (AI) and neoclassical economics.Artificial Intelligence and Economic Analysis focuses on three quite distinct lines of AI orientated research in economics: applications intended to extend neoclassical theory, applications intended to undermine neoclassical theory and applications which ignore neoclassical theory in the quest for new modelling techniques and fields of analysis. The contributors - all of whom are well established in the field - seek to identify those areas where the science of artificial intelligence could enrich standard economic analysis. It includes material from mainstream economists who are willing to express their own views about the limits of mainstream economic modelling and AI based economic modelling.The book makes an important contribution to a new and exciting area of economics which holds much hope for the future.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd MACROECONOMICS AND MONETARY THEORY: The Selected Essays of Meghnad Desai, Volume I
Meghnad Desai's work presents a significant challenge to economics as currently practised. This volume brings together a collection of essays on issues in macroeconomics and monetary theory from an unorthodox but rigorous position. Beginning with a series of essays which address the inflation problem using an extension of the Goodwin model, the volume continues with his revisionist interpretation of the Phillips Curve, assessments of monetarism, discussion of the economics of Keynes and Hayek, and an original paper on monetary theory. Later chapters include the author's work on applied econometrics, endogenous and exogenous money, and financial innovation. The volume also includes a substantial autobiographical preface, in which Lord Desai explains how he became an economist and the influences behind the development of his thought, as well as a specific introduction explaining how he came to produce the papers included in this volume.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Institutions, Inflation and Unemployment
In Institutions, Inflation and Unemployment, Edward J. Amadeo investigates the relationship between inflation and distributive conflict among social groups in an environment of pervasive uncertainty. Professor Amadeo considers theoretical, institutional and empirical aspects of a problem, chronic and very high inflation, which has been at the heart of the economic crisis in Brazil during the last 15 years. After analysing economic models of wage and price determination in regimes of high inflation, the author examines institutional approaches to the organization of unions and the structure of wage bargains - with emphasis on the centralization of bargains - and concludes with a discussion and empirical assessment of the relation between wage bargaining and inflation in Brazil.Combining a sophisticated theoretical analysis with a rigorous study of Brazil’s recent period of rampant inflation, Professor Amadeo offers both theoretical and applied economists a series of informed and significant insights into the phenomenon of inflation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Japan and Korea in the 1990s: From Antagonism to Adjustment
The complex inter-relationships between Japan and the two Koreas are thoroughly assessed in this authoritative new book, which concentrates upon developments since the late 1980s and the prospects for the 1990s.Japan and Korea in the 1990s examines the historical legacies, the current perceptions and the policy making processes. It then details the recent trends in the economic, political-strategic and cultural dimensions of the relationships. The involvement and influence of the other interested powers, China, the former Soviet Union and the United States, as well as the broader regional context, are considered. A separate chapter concentrates on the current Japan-North Korea negotiationsBrian Bridges has written an enlightening study of this important area in international relations. As the only up-to-date study of Japan-Korea relations available in English, it will be welcomed by teachers, students and policymakers alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ETHICS AND ECONOMIC THEORY: Ideas – Models – Dilemmas
This distinguished book provides a critical assessment of the relationship between economic theory, scientific objectivity and ethics.The main purpose of economic science is to analyse and 'explain' the economic process but not necessarily to pass judgement as to whether this process is 'good' or 'bad'. However, in practice it is very difficult for the economist to study the 'laws' of economics without ever touching ethical questions. It is shown that economic theories - despite avowals of scientific objectivity - contain implicitly or explicitly many aspects which have ethical implications.Making extensive use of real-life examples and offering a new perspective on the ethical dimensions of economic analysis, this book will prove essential reading for economists and philosophers alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd PERSPECTIVES ON THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT: Volume IX: Themes on Economic Discourse, Method, Money and TradeSelected Papers from the History of Economics Conference 1991
This innovative book offers retrospective assessments of historical ideas and probes controversial issues in economic methodology. The essays are presented under five broad headings. Part I, Economic Discourse and Method consists of three essays that address timely topics in the methodology of economics. Part II, Philosophical/Analytical Issues in Classical Economics, contains two studies of Adam Smith and one of Thomas Malthus. Part III, Money and Banking Issues in the Nineteenth Century contains two essays that evaluate monetary controversies occurring more or less simultaneously on both sides of the Atlantic. Part IV, Equilibrium Models/Debates: Walras, Keynes, Pigou is loosely threaded around the theme of equilibrium models - their nature and significance in the works of Walras, Keynes and Pigou. Part V, the final section, The Discovery and Dissemination of Ideas, deals with the discovery and dissemination of ideas in economics.The volume presents some of the most important recent work in economic methodology and the history of economic thought and will be essential for both economists and libraries specializing in these areas.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd G.L.S. SHACKLE: The Dissenting Economist’s Economist
George Shackle was one of the most original and thought-provoking economists of the twentieth century. The significant contributions he made to the issues of time, expectations and uncertainty ensured that he enjoyed an Olympian reputation within the discipline.G.L.S. Shackle: The Dissenting Economist's Economist by J.L. Ford is a major new intellectual biography which places Shackle's work in context, assessing the importance of his long and prolific career. An opponent of much of the equilibrium-centred orthodoxy in economics, the overwhelming concern of Shackle's work was the nature of time. In his view, too much of economic theorising was concerned with a rigid, Newtonian definition of time, rather than one which emphasized human expectations and uncertainty. Central to his theory was a rejection of the notion of probability for unique decisions and its replacement by his own measure of uncertainty, the degree of potential surprise. This important book charts the development of these ideas and their impact on his important work on the theory of interest rates, industrial investment, the business cycle, and the understanding and application of Keynes's economics. Professor Ford's authoritative and detailed study also covers Shackle's work on the major developments in the subject matter and tools of economics, including his unrivalled assessments of A Treatise on Money and the General Theory. It will be welcomed by historians of economic thought and all other economists, orthodox and non-orthodox alike, concerned with the pioneering work of one of the most important economists of our time.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ECONOMIC PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS IN THE THIRD WORLD: Lessons of Development Experience since 1945
Economic Progress and Prospects in the Third World combines an elegant and persuasive summary of development progress over the last 40 years with detailed case studies of two major developing countries, Nigeria and India.Beginning with an overview of changes in development theory and practice since 1945, the book distinguishes three main phases: the 'Golden Age' of the 1950s and 1960s, the illusory debt-led growth of the 1970s, and the 'Lost Decade' of the 1980s. It explains how successes in some of the earlier phases led to difficulties later on. The authors then describe the specific ways in which these changes have affected two nations: Nigeria, a relatively open economy, India, a relatively closed economy. In conclusion, they draw on the lessons of global and domestic development for a discussion of prospects in the 1990s.This important study will prove invaluable to policymakers and economists who seek to use the experience of the past to solve the problems of the future.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The European Macroeconomy: Growth, Integration and Cycles 1500–1913
This comprehensive and far-reaching book describes the growth and economic integration of the European economy from 1500 to 1913. The authors apply macroeconomic techniques to identify growth rates, inflation, product markets, trade networks and business cycles across a set of countries over the period. The book demonstrates that growth was the natural state for European economies throughout the period although, under the impetus of the industrial revolution, growth rates generally accelerated by the end of the nineteenth century. Similarly, business cycles in the modern sense seem to have been in evidence at the beginning of the period but by the eighteenth century there is no doubt that modern cycles affected these countries, sometimes simultaneously. Inflationary episodes are both distinct and shared in this long period, with the long inflation of the sixteenth century attesting to the integration of European markets. Finally, the authors find abundant quantitative evidence to support the argument that economies linked by international trade in 1500 came close to achieving global integration by 1913.The European Macroeconomy will be of interest to scholars of economic history, international economics and macroeconomics.
Acclaimed articles which explore eight fundamental concepts in international political economy - including power/hegemony, interdependence, regimes, mercantilism, economic statecraft, development/dependency, and imperialism - are reprinted in this important two volume set. Scholarly debates on the use of these concepts, as well as discussion of their evolution, are also featured.
These important volumes focus on multinational corporations and present the most important articles seeking to explain the reasons for their appearance, their growth and their effects on both host and home countries and the world economy. They also includes literature addressing the effect of the international political economy on multinationals and their impact on the international systems. Country strategies as well as corporate ones are also included.
An empirical analysis of earnings over the life cycle which addresses major policy issues in several central areas. It examines measurement of wealth and lifetime inequality, earnings mobility between generations and the demographic effects on aggregate consumption.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Free Banking
The question of free banking - or laissez-faire in money - raises fundamental theoretical, historical and normative issues. Discussions of free banking contemplate the consequences of abolishing government central banks, and allowing unrestricted money issue by private banks.Research on free banking questions has expanded tremendously in the past two decades. These three volumes collect the most important modern articles on the theory, history and policy implications of free banking. The literature is marked by a number of sharp intellectual controversies, and the editor has included both sides of the most important debates. The editor's introduction provides a fresh perspective on the developments in monetary theory and in the real world that have stimulated the several strands of research represented here.
This important reference work offers readers, researchers and students a thoughtful, balanced selection of core articles from the voluminous literature on panel data. The Econometrics of Panel Data will be welcomed by econometricians and economists as a central reference point and guide to current thinking. The first volume features work on variance components model, its extensions and applications, estimation of variances, dynamic models, instrumental variable estimators and random coefficient models. The second volume covers errors in variables and incomplete data, specification tests, limited dependent variables, frontier production functions and some practical problems with panel data. G.S. Maddala has chosen a series of key contributions by leading econometricians which guide the reader through the literature. As well as reproducing the central articles and papers, intact with their original pagination, the editor provides a comprehensive introduction and additional references which will allow students and researchers to pursue their studies further.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics
The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics is a major new reference work which highlights the common ground between all the branches of the school while demonstrating the breadth and diversity within it. The Companion reflects the many areas where Austrian economists have made contributions, including technical economics, methodology of the social sciences, political theory and political science. This book includes contributions from an international group of scholars whose work demonstrates a basic similarity and interest in questions which have historically been associated with the Austrian approach to economics, although many of the contributors would not consider themselves to be strictly of this school. The distinguished team of contributors commissioned by the editor includes: K.D. Hoover, I.M. Kirzner, A. Klamer, D. Lavoie, C.K. Rowley, M. Rizzo, M. Rutherford, R.E. Wagner, U. Witt, L. Yeager.Each entry is fully referenced and includes suggestions for further readings on the topic. The Companion will be the standard reference work for all those engaged in the field of Austrian Economics. It not only introduces students to the Austrian school, but also serves as an important research tool for scholars working within the Austrian tradition.
This key reference collection focuses on the international monetary system. It includes seminal contributions on issues such as exchange rate systems, recycling, adjustment mechanisms, debtor-creditor relations, international monetary policy coordination and seigniorage. While focusing on the international system it includes important work on domestic policy making that affects this system.
Over the past two decades the new classical macroeconomics has become the single most coherent school of macroeconomic thought. Always controversial, it has nonetheless captured centre-stage, and has become the standard by which competing schools of thought are judged. These volumes contain the most important and influential articles of the new classical school, as well as some important articles critical of new classical thinking. The volumes are arranged thematically, beginning with the rational expectations hypothesis and the application of general equilibrium to labour markets, and continuing with various new classical arguments for the ineffectiveness of government policy. The core of the volumes is Lucas's famous critique of econometric policy evaluation and responses to it in the areas of econometric technique, monetary theory and business-cycle theory. The final section covers the rapidly developing area of models of growth with increasing returns.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd CENTRAL BANKING IN HISTORY
The role and performance of central banks has always been of critical concern to economists and politicians alike. The post-War concensus that viewed central banks as engaging in discretionary economic management has been replaced by controversy over the best means of controlling monetary growth and stopping inflation. This important reference collection provides essential historical perspective to the whole issue of the most appropriate means of constituting and operating a central bank. Drawing on contributions from the 17th century to the present, it highlights the different approaches adopted by bankers, economists and politicians. The wide range of selected essays and papers draw on varying experience in a number of countries (including the US, the UK, Japan, Germany and Canada) and embraces two centuries of debate on the role of the central bank as the government's bank, as lender of last resort and as arbiter of monetary growth.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Microeconomic Policy: A New Perspective
This thoroughly accessible textbook shows students how microeconomic theory can be used and applied to major issues of public policy. In this way, it will improve their understanding of both microeconomic theory and policy and also develop their ability to critically assess them.>Clem Tisdell and Keith Hartley have expanded upon their previous successful work on microeconomics. As a result, this new book is considerably updated with substantial chapter revisions, as well as new chapters dealing with business management, ownership, environmental issues, public choice, defence, conflict and terrorism.Promoting a thorough understanding of this complex yet fundamental topic, Microeconomic Policy: A New Perspective will undoubtedly prove an invaluable textbook for all students, academics and researchers of economics and public policy.
Protectionism has been an enduring feature in the world economy even though economic theory can prove that free trade is a superior regime. Protectionism is, of course, caused primarily by interest groups who lose out under free trade and are able to organize to protect their interests.This major reference collection brings together some different theoretical approaches to the issue of commercial policy and how it is constructed. It also illuminates some of the complexities behind alternating phases of comparatively free trade and protectionism in the world economy over the last two centuries. Individual country studies bring out some variety in the experience, both in the origins of protectionist policies and of their impact. The conclusions add up to a considerable indictment of protectionism.
The decade of the 1980s represented a notable deviation from the widespread and significant development advances of the previous 30 years. This was reflected in an extensive re-examination of the theoretical and empirical bases of development economics.This major new book - written by a group of distinguished economists - provides the new directions needed for confronting the continuing challenge of development. Lance Taylor, Joseph Stiglitz and Amitava Dutt focus primarily on recent theoretical developments and highlight significant advances in several areas especially in new structuralist and new neoclassical approaches. Ajit Singh, Keith Griffin and Kenneth Jameson present a refreshing perspective on the recent experience of developing countries and the prospects of development in coming decades.The main thesis of the book is that the 1980s represented a clear break in the development processes, but the 1990s and beyond hold the possibility of a viable re-direction of development and development economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd DEMAND AND EXCHANGE IN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: A History from Cournot to Marshall
Demand and Exchange in Economic Analysis provides a rare combination of detailed analysis of a central area of economics with the history of economic thought. The first part of the book examines major attempts to treat mathematically the partial equilibrium concept of demand conceived as a schedule. The second part, after generalizing Cournot's model of trade in a single good, traces the general equilibrium analysis of exchange. This adds to the concept of a demand curve the fundamental interpretation of the rate of exchange, or price ratio, in terms of the amount of one good offered in return for a unit of another good. The similarity in the treatments of Mill, Whewell, Marshall and Walras is revealed along with the emphasis on multiple equilibria. Edgeworth's grand synthesis and extension of Jevons's approach to exchange is then discussed in detail. The book will be of interest to a wide range of economists interested in placing modern theory in historical perspective.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE GROWTH OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR: Theories and International Evidence
At a time when there is growing concern in many countries over the funding of expanding public sectors, this important new book brings together leading specialists in public finance to re-examine the economics of public sector growth. Several chapters document changes in the size of the public sector over recent decades for major OECD and Third World economies. Subsequent chapters then explore prominent explanations including public choice perspectives, bureaucracy models, relative price effects and Wagner's Law, and assess their contribution to current knowledge. The book also provides a number of new case studies of specific government activities - education, health and social security.
This important volume focuses on the origins, growth and impact over time of multinational banks. Why have banks established branches in foreign countries? What do such banks do? How have they performed? What has been the developmental impact of international banking? How has multinational banking changed over time? Why have banking activities clustered in international financial centres such as New York, Tokyo and London? The articles in this selection cover a wide range of national experiences including those of the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. The volume brings together literature from a range of disciplines, including banking, economics and business history in a comprehensive collection of the best articles published on the development of multinational banks.