Search results for ""author mario""
Harper Muse The Forgotten Names
Thomas Nelson Publishers Palabras de fuego: Cómo Casiodoro de Reina entregó su vida por el libro que cambiaría la historia
«Cuando los hombres tienen que morir por sus ideas, algo nuevo está a punto de comenzar». Con una combinación de intriga y rigor histórico, Palabras de fuego traslada a los lectores a un momento histórico, en el que la palabra impresa podía ser el arma más transformadora.Año 1557. Fray Daniel de Ecija es un novicio del Monasterio de los Jerónimos de San Isidoro del Campo, que se encuentra fascinado por las nuevas ideas que está introduciendo su amigo Casiodoro de Reina. Sevilla parece revolucionada por las riquezas que llegan de América y las ideas de Alemania. La imprenta ha conseguido que las enseñanzas de Lutero y Erasmo se extiendan por Europa, pero la Inquisición acecha. Los monjes son advertidos de una inminente redada y escapan hacia Cádiz para buscar un barco que los lleve hasta Italia.La Inquisición envía tras los monjes «herejes» a dos monjes que intentarán traerlos de nuevo a España para que sean juzgados y quemados en la hoguera. Mientras que Daniel de Ecija y sus compañeros huyen por Europa, Casiodoro de Reina comienza a gestar la idea de traducir la Biblia al castellano, pero los espías de Felipe II están en todas partes y tienen mucho interés en que el libro no se publique.«Hubo un tiempo en que los libros podían cambiar el mundo, hacer tambalear los poderes más fuertes y cambiar para siempre la historia».The Words of Fire"When men have to die for their ideas, something new is about to begin.” With a combination of intrigue and historical rigor, The Words of Fire takes readers back to an historical moment when the printed word could be the most transformative weapon.The year 1557. Fray Daniel de Ecija is a novice of the Hieronymite Monastery of San Isidoro del Campo, who is fascinated by the new ideas being introduced by his friend Casiodoro de Reina. Seville seems to be revolutionized by the riches coming from America and the ideas from Germany. The printing press has managed to spread the teachings of Luther and Erasmus throughout Europe, but the Inquisition is lurking. The monks are warned of an imminent raid and escape to Cadiz to find a ship to take them to Italy.The Inquisition sends two monks after the "heretical" monks who will try to bring them back to Spain to be judged and burned at the stake. While Daniel of Ecija and his companions flee through Europe, Casiodoro de Reina starts to develop the idea of translating the Bible into Spanish, but Philip II’s spies are everywhere and are very interested in the book not being published."There was a time when books could change the world, shake up the strongest powers, and change history forever."
Thomas Nelson Publishers Canción de cuna de Auschwitz
Una emocionante novela basada en hechos reales que rescata del olvido una de las historias más conmovedoras de heroísmo de una madre alemana en medio del terror nazi.Entre los papeles encontrados del doctor nazi Joseph Mengele hay un diario escrito en cuadernos infantiles de una mujer llamada Helene Hanneman. Se trata de una enfermera alemana casada con un hombre gitano, deportada en la primavera de 1943 al Campo Gitano de Birkenau Auschwitz II. Sector BII e. En el diario Helene describe los dieciséis meses de su estancia en el Campo de Exterminio. Helena está a punto de despertar a sus hijos para que vayan al colegio cuando un grupo de policías irrumpe en su casa. Los policías quieren llevarse a su esposo y a sus cinco hijos gitanos. Según la orden del 16 de diciembre de 1943 firmada por el líder de las SS Heinrich Himmler todos los gitanos pertenecientes a los territorios conquistados por los nazis deben ser encerrados en campos de concentración. La policía le dice a Helene que ella como alemana no tiene que acompañarles, pero decide compartir el destino de su familia. Tras convencer a sus hijos que van a un lugar de vacaciones, para que estén tranquilos, toda la familia es deportada a Auschwitz.
WW Norton & Co Why Buildings Stand Up: The Strength of Architecture
Between a nomad's tent and the Sears Tower lies a revolution in technology, materials, and structures. Here is a clear and enthusiastic introduction to buildings methods from ancient times to the present day, including recent advances in science and technology that have had important effects on the planning and construction of buildings: improved materials (steel, concrete, plastics), progress in antiseismic designs, and the revolutionary changes in both architectural and structural design made possible by the computer.
Ecco Press Auntie Poldi and the Lost Madonna
Pearson Education (US) Student Solutions Manual for Elementary Statistics Using the TI-83/84 Plus Calculator
Lehmanns Media GmbH Sündenbock Bauchgefühle
Finanzbuch Verlag Wie Sie Ihr kleines Konto zu einem groen traden Mit 5000 Euro zur finanziellen Unabhngigkeit
Edition Spuren Magische Welten
Edition Spuren Solange wir atmen
Pfeil, Dr. Friedrich Leben in den Eismonden
Moritz Verlag-GmbH Ich bin der Schnste im ganzen Land
NTV Natur und Tier-Verlag Die Spornschildkrte Geochelone Sulcata
Magellan GmbH Lizzy Carbon und die Qual der Wahl
Stämpfli Verlag AG Der Paradigmenwechsel im öffentlichen Beschaffungsrecht
Atlantis Der Wanderfotograf
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Project Management with Dynamic Scheduling: Baseline Scheduling, Risk Analysis and Project Control
The topic of this book is known as dynamic scheduling, and is used to refer to three dimensions of project management and scheduling: the construction of a baseline schedule and the analysis of a project schedule’s risk as preparation of the project control phase during project progress. This dynamic scheduling point of view implicitly assumes that the usability of a project’s baseline schedule is rather limited and only acts as a point of reference in the project life cycle. Consequently, a project schedule should especially be considered as nothing more than a predictive model that can be used for resource efficiency calculations, time and cost risk analyses, project tracking and performance measurement, and so on.In this book, the three dimensions of dynamic scheduling are highlighted in detail and are based on and inspired by a combination of academic research studies at Ghent University (, in-company trainings at Vlerick Business School ( and consultancy projects at OR-AS ( First, the construction of a project baseline schedule is a central theme throughout the various chapters of the book, and is discussed from a complexity point of view with and without the presence of project resources. Second, the creation of an awareness of the weak parts in a baseline schedule is discussed at the end of the two baseline scheduling parts as schedule risk analysis techniques that can be applied on top of the baseline schedule. Third, the baseline schedule and its risk analyses can be used as guidelines during the project control step where actual deviations can be corrected within the margins of the project’s time and cost reserves.The second edition of this book has seen corrections, additions and amendments in detail throughout the book. Moreover Chapter 15 on "Dynamic Scheduling with ProTrack" has been completely rewritten and extended with a section on "ProTrack as a research tool".
Motorbuch Verlag Chevrolet Corvette
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Der rmische Schneeball Wahre und erfundene Geschichten
DIN Media Verlag Abdichtung von Bauwerken Innenrume Behlter und Becken Kommentar zu den Normenreihen DIN 18534 und DIN 18535
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Freiheit und Offenbarung: Religionstheorie und Dogmatik bei Richard Adelbert Lipsius
Religion ist ein Befreiungsgeschehen. Die christliche Dogmatik deutet diese Befreiung als Selbstoffenbarung Gottes. Diese Doppelthese kennzeichnet die liberale Theologie von Richard Adelbert Lipsius (1830−1892). Mario Berkefeld verfolgt sie in seiner werkbiografischen Studie und führt damit hinein in die formenden Diskurse liberaler Theologie im späten 19. Jahrhundert. Auf den Schultern Schleiermachers hat Lipsius einen eigenen Typ neukantischer Theologie ausgebildet, der zwischen der spekulativen Theologie Alois Emanuel Biedermanns und der aufstrebenden Ritschl-Schule zum Stehen kommt. Ihm ist es um die Selbstständigkeit des Glaubens, seine Vereinbarkeit mit dem Wissen und vor allem um das freiheitsphänomenologische Potential christlicher Dogmatik zu tun. Lipsius' freisinnige Theologie ahnt: Der Freiheit wohnt ein Geheimnis inne, das ihr unendlichen Wert verleiht.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El arte de hacer dinero: Una nueva perspectiva para desarrollar su inteligencia financiera / The Art of Making Money
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Corporate Governance, Organization and the Firm: Co-operation and Outsourcing in the Global Economy
In recent years, applied studies have shown widespread, profound and increasing heterogeneity across firms in terms of their strategy, organization arrangement and performance. This book investigates the diversity of business firms, offering a picture of the different organizational settings they adopt in their endeavour to cope with increasing competitive pressure. The book addresses critical theoretical issues surrounding corporate governance, organizational design and cooperative relations among firms. Moreover, it provides new evidence on the various forms of outsourcing that are playing an increasingly important role as a consequence of globalization. The contributions collected in this book stress the emergence of a trend towards a reorganization of production that can enhance the transmission, development and maintenance of knowledge in order to sustain long-run competitive advantage.Providing original and pertinent empirical evidence, this book will attract interest from scholars and postgraduate students studying the economics and organization of the firm. It will also be of value to managers who wish to understand new developments in the organizational settings of business firms with particular reference to corporate governance, organizational design, cooperative relations, outsourcing and de-localization.
O'Reilly Media The Maker Magician's Handbook
To get started, you'll need only what you can usually find in your home: items like paper, ziploc bags, index cards, coloring utensils, pencils, rubberbands, scissors, etc. As we progress in the world of making magic, we'll explore how to use 3D design tools like Tinkercad (you can register for a free account at You don't need a 3D printer in your home! Libraries, schools, and makerspaces around the world have 3D printers you can use! We'll explore simple programming using Arduino!
Pennsylvania State University Press Assyria: The Imperial Mission
In ancient traditions, Assyria was the first world empire in a series that continued with Persia, Macedonia, and Rome. After Rome, we imagine the series bifurcating into a Western trajectory (from Charlemagne to Napoleon and the Third Reich) and an Oriental trajectory (from the Parthians and Sasanians to the Abbasids until the modern Caliphate). Assyria, often overlooked or slighted by modern studies of empire, still maintains our interest because it provides an example of the “simple form” of empire and imperialism, before subsequent developments resulted in structures of greater complexity.Most important among basic features of “empire” is the “imperial mission”—the mandate given by the gods or God to the emperor to extend, through conquest or persuasion, annexation or hegemony, the only legitimate power of the central state to the entire (known) world. This accomplishment can only be ideological, since in practice no empire, ancient or modern, could actually conquer the world. Nonetheless, ancient empires could come closer to the target, because their known world, the mental map of their oikoumene, was limited to their close surroundings. Assyria, by bringing the most populated and civilized countries of its time (surrounded by mountains, seas, deserts) into submission came close to fulfilling its mission. In our modern, Western perspective, however, the term empire is usually applied to alien and despotic (mainly Oriental) polities, while we in the West prefer to belong to more democratic “alliances.”Nevertheless, ancient Assyria still retains its value as a prototype of the “empire of evil” against which democracy fights and must resist. This book outlines the basic features of Assyrian imperialism within the framework of the general development of the imperial idea, all the while insisting on noting comparative material.The intent is twofold: (1) to better understand Assyria through comparison with later empires, and (2) to underscore the relevance of the “Assyrian model” and its influence on later history. Although the first intention profits ancient historians, the second goal is addressed to modern and contemporary historians, who too often ignore (or at least disregard) the long historical background lying behind more recent developments. The world in general, in the present climate of globalization, deserves to be better informed about pre-modern and non-Western trajectories of world history.
Penguin Random House Group Spatriati
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Digital Turn in Architecture 1992 - 2012
Now almost 20 years old, the digital turn in architecture has already gone through several stages and phases. Architectural Design (AD) has captured them all – from folding to cyberspace, nonlinearity and hypersurfaces, from versioning to scripting, emergence, information modelling and parametricism. It has recorded and interpreted the spirit of the times with vivid documentary precision, fostering and often anticipating crucial architectural and theoretical developments. This anthology of AD’s most salient articles is chronologically and thematically arranged to provide a complete historical timeline of the recent rise to pre-eminence of computer-based design and production. Mario Carpo provides an astute overview of the recent history of digital design in his comprehensive introductory essay and in his leaders to each original text. A much needed pedagogical and research tool for students and scholars, this synopsis also relates the present state of digitality in architecture to the history and theory of its recent development and trends, and raises issues of crucial importance for the contemporary practice of the design professions. A comprehensive anthology on digital architecture edited by one of its most eminent scholars in this field, Mario Carpo. Includes seminal texts by Bernard Cache, Peter Eisenman, John Frazer, Charles Jencks, Greg Lynn, Achim Menges and Patrik Schumacher. Features key works by FOA, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Ali Rahim, Lars Spuybroek/NOX, Kas Oosterhuis and SHoP.
Nine Arches Press anima
The thirty-nine poems of anima bring a distinctive, archetypal potency to the closing stages of Mario Petrucci's larger i tulips project, the 1111-strong sequence in which this sub-sequence crucially sits.Arising organically from prior modernist experiment, Petrucci's style nevertheless remains utterly contemporary. His mastery of the shape and sound of each poem makes for an intense and all-consuming experience, refocusing an array of influences through an acute lyrical sensibility. By yielding so completely to the power of linguistic transformation, these searing, necessary poems capture both the crisis and the beauty of the heart's innermost voyage."Mario Petrucci's anima is a revelation of the underside of a human heart submitting to the contradictions of love, doubt and mortality. This remarkable work reconfigures the soul as well as the mind, through language that shapes the ineffable into a visceral, triumphant poetry." Alexandra Burack, American poet and educator"The tensile delicacy of Petrucci's lines springs back with a very English baroque, Miltonic surprise: sense-ambush occurs in the next line, skewering what's gone before. Between these line-breaks rests a declamatory silence tested to snapping. This is major work to cast shadows." Álvaro de Campos [tr. Simon Jenner]"With a brio and tenderness all of their own, these new lyric poems are modernist marvels, word sculptures pared to their very essence… Petrucci's tulips promise to grow into a truly ambitious landmark body of work."Poetry Book Society Bulletin"Reminiscent of ee cummings at his best... vivid, generous and life-affirming." EnvoiMario Petrucci aspires to "Poetry on a geological scale" (Verse), whether exploring the tragedies of Chernobyl (Heavy Water, 2004) or immersing himself in heart-rending invention (i tulips, 2010).
Penguin Putnam Inc The Godfather: Deluxe Edition
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Mathematics of Derivatives Securities with Applications in MATLAB
Quantitative Finance is expanding rapidly. One of the aspects of the recent financial crisis is that, given the complexity of financial products, the demand for people with high numeracy skills is likely to grow and this means more recognition will be given to Quantitative Finance in existing and new course structures worldwide. Evidence has suggested that many holders of complex financial securities before the financial crisis did not have in-house experts or rely on a third-party in order to assess the risk exposure of their investments. Therefore, this experience shows the need for better understanding of risk associate with complex financial securities in the future. The Mathematics of Derivative Securities with Applications in MATLAB provides readers with an introduction to probability theory, stochastic calculus and stochastic processes, followed by discussion on the application of that knowledge to solve complex financial problems such as pricing and hedging exotic options, pricing American derivatives, pricing and hedging under stochastic volatility and an introduction to interest rates modelling. The book begins with an overview of MATLAB and the various components that will be used alongside it throughout the textbook. Following this, the first part of the book is an in depth introduction to Probability theory, Stochastic Processes and Ito Calculus and Ito Integral. This is essential to fully understand some of the mathematical concepts used in the following part of the book. The second part focuses on financial engineering and guides the reader through the fundamental theorem of asset pricing using the Black and Scholes Economy and Formula, Options Pricing through European and American style options, summaries of Exotic Options, Stochastic Volatility Models and Interest rate Modelling. Topics covered in this part are explained using MATLAB codes showing how the theoretical models are used practically. Authored from an academic’s perspective, the book discusses complex analytical issues and intricate financial instruments in a way that it is accessible to postgraduate students with or without a previous background in probability theory and finance. It is written to be the ideal primary reference book or a perfect companion to other related works. The book uses clear and detailed mathematical explanation accompanied by examples involving real case scenarios throughout and provides MATLAB codes for a variety of topics.
Random House USA Inc The Fortunate Pilgrim: A Novel
Random House USA Inc The Last Don: A Novel
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Speculatores The Men Who Spied for Rome
Ediciones Remotas La FotografÃa en Lanzarote 1850 1950 Photography in Lanzarote
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC The Speculatores The Men Who Spied for Rome
Viera Stolarikova Pocket Golf Psychology
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd Children of the World
A joyful and poignant collection of photographs of children from around the world by internationally renowned and award-winning photographer Mario Marino. This homage to the future of humanity (and our planet) captures the laughter and joy of children, but also their insecurities and fears. The sense of trust between the subject and the photographer is evident, as if they had known each other for years. The photographs are imbued with this gift of trust, and of mutual respect, resulting in images that are moving, often humorous, and always eloquent. The internationally renowned and award-winning photographer Mario Marino has been travelling the world with his camera for several decades and has long been considered a luminary in the field of portrait photography. His previously published books of portrait photography from Africa and India have won several prizes. "Empathy and instinct is key to my work. I try to read people's lives, the circumstances in which they live. I am fascinated by their cultural background and identity." - Mario Marino Text in English and German.
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Motivationspsychologie Und Personalentwicklung: Eine Kohaerenzbetrachtung Von Motivationspsychologischen Inhaltstheorien Und Kongruenten Personalentwicklungszielen
Enitharmon Press Heavy Water: A Poem for Chernobyl
On 26 April, 1986 at 1.23 am, in the cool dark of an early Saturday, the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear complex exploded. "Heavy Water" is based on eyewitness accounts of the Chernobyl disaster. Petrucci takes up the challenge confronting society in every age: to attempt the difficult task of exploring its most terrible events. His poem unites the concerns of artist, humanitarian and historian at a common source: the desire not to forget. This poem stands to remind us that those who have been exposed to the invisible should never become so.Each segment paints an intimate picture: some elements of everyday life remain unchanged, others are profoundly altered. The collection's recurring motifs of black and white signal how all are silenced, reduced to anonymity - which in turn engenders fierce solidarity. Meanwhile, men and machines toil side by side to tackle the insurmountable. Petrucci's use of scientific and medical terminology makes his descriptions chillingly precise. In contrast, we hear, from a deeply personal angle, the simply expressed accounts of real people who struggle to cope with the enormity of the disaster. This poem is at once deeply shocking yet pervaded by an uplifting beauty.
Pearson Education Big Fun 2 Student Book with CDROM
Images Publishing Group Pty Ltd Mario Botta Architetti: Leading Architects
We recognise Mario Botta's buildings for their strong presence. His architecture is not ephemeral. It shapes the mass firmly and precisely. It touches the ground with self-reliance. A building by Mario Botta is an autonomous object. It comprises an ordered world of its own make. It is standing in dialogue with the urban tissue, but it establishes its own order as if it aims at differentiation instead of integration. Architectural order represents the core of his personal idiom. It is a well structured, compositional order which organises everything into a whole, as an underlying thread that connects and brings together houses on the mountains to museums and churches, banks and commercial buildings to buildings on the ground and buildings underground, different buildings at different places in time. The themes that underlie Mario Botta's architecture are ties that connect and spines that support, common threads that bind one building to the next. His architecture is one of mass. It is then of no surprise that mass is the first thing to be defined and ordered, in his creative process. The volume of his buildings is mostly composed by one or more primary solids. Volume is thus an a-priori for Botta. It is conceived beforehand, the starting point to the adventure of architectural design. From the Introduction, Thoughts on architectural creativity By Dr. Irena Sakellaridou
Inner City Books Analytical Encounter: Transference and Human Relationships
Last Gasp,U.S. A Cynic's Guide To A Rich And Full Life: Expanded Edition
ESIC Editorial El control fundamento de la gestión por procesos
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Stimulation of Neurons by Electrical Means