Search results for ""author maja"
Pikku Publishing ALBI LEARNS TO SWIM
Albi the snowman lives in a world of everlasting snow. Together with his friends, whale, birdie, penguin and worm he has the best of times. He loves to read his favourite picture book, but always falls asleep! His dreams take him into the world of people, where he has new adventures. When he wakes up, he always has great ideas for games to play!
David Zwirner Mwili, Akili Na Roho / Body, Mind, and Spirit: Ten Figurative Painters from East Africa
Mwili, Akili Na Roho: Ten Figurative Painters from East Africa features the work of ten artists from Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, including Sam Ntiro, Elimo Njau, Asaph Ng’ethe Macua, Jak Katarikawe, Theresa Musoke, Sane Wadu, Peter Mulindwa, Chelenge van Rampelberg, John Njenga, and Meek Gichugu. The personal histories, thematic concerns, and formal strategies of this multigenerational group of artists present an opportunity to engage more deeply in the genealogies of artistic creation in the region, while considering the enduring influence of certain ideas and institutions in the creation, dissemination, and reception of art in and from East Africa. This catalogue is published to coincide with an expanded version of Mwili, Akili Na Roho at the Nairobi Contemporary Art Institute in 2022, following earlier iterations at Haus Der Kunst in Munich (2020) and the Royal Academy of Arts in London (2021).
Albi the snowman lives in a world of everlasting snow. Together with his friends, whale, birdie, penguin and worm he has the best of times. He loves to read his favourite picture book, but always falls asleep! His dreams take him into the world of people, where he has new adventures. When he wakes up, he always has great ideas for games to play!
Vintage Publishing The Families Who Made Rome: A History and a Guide
How often does a visitor to Rome drift towards some landmark and wonder who created it? Why? What was their story? This fascinating book provides the answers. At once a history and a guide, it divides Rome into the districts dominated by the fabulously rich families of the Popes: the Colonna, della Rovere, Farnese, Borghese, Barberini and others. In each case we learn their story - powerful, bloody and vivid - with all the scandals and intrigues as well as their relationships with artists like Bernini and Michelangelo. As we stroll through Rome's history - either literally or in the imagination - we discover it afresh. Famous sites like the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps and St Peter's take on new significance as we watch the city rise from cramped medieval streets to become a glorious panorama of piazzas and palaces, fountains, towers and domes.
Capstone Press Get Involved in an E-Sports Club
Yale University Press Suffolk: West
From small timber-framed houses to sprawling manors, this comprehensive guide to west Suffolk presents an impressive range of buildings from across the centuries. At its center lies the town of Bury St. Edmunds, site of one of Norman England’s most powerful abbeys, whose monolithic gates remain as a local landmark. Other towns boast impressive architecture as well, including Newmarket, where the racetrack and other unique structures support its role as a historic and international center for horse breeding and racing. Also attesting to the remarkable variation of west Suffolk’s buildings are a number of impressively grand residences, such as the fine Elizabethan manors of Long Melford, Majarajah Duleep Singh’s palace at Elveden, and the extraordinary circular mansion of Ickworth.
Peeters Publishers Perspectives on Islamic Culture: Essays in Honour of Emilio G. Platti
Eighteen colleagues of i.a. KU Leuven, IDEO, UCL, Universite de Provence, University of Birmingham and Institut Catholique de Paris have contributed to this Liber Amicorum, offered to Prof. em. Emilio Platti o.p. Perspectives on Islamic Culture consists of three parts, reflecting the threefold academic interest of Emilio Platti, expressed both in his numerous lectures and publications. The volume opens with a number of textcritical studies that offer a detailed analysis of primary Muslim sources, ranging from the Quran itself to a late nineteenth-century collection of majalis (mourning gatherings). A second part of this volume discusses, from different perspectives, the historical and contemporary relations and dialogue between Islam and Christianity. A third and final part is devoted to a series of studies on the emerging European Islam and the challenges it faces.
Editorial Renacimiento Impedimenta poemas de Xi Shuao Quan
Manuel Moya (Fuenteheridos, 1960). Entre otros, ha publicado los libros de poesía La noche extranjera (1994), Salario (1997), La posesión del humo (Hiperión, 1997), Interior con islas (Pre-Textos, 2007), El sueño de Dakhla (Algaida, 2008) y las novelas La tierra negra (Guadalturia, 2009), Majarón (Baile del Sol, 2009).
New Directions Publishing Corporation Three Streets
The always astonishing Yoko Tawada here takes a walk on the supernatural side of the street. In "Kollwitzstrasse," as the narrator muses on former East Berlin's new bourgeois health food stores, so popular with wealthy young people, a ghost boy begs her to buy him the old-fashioned sweets he craves. She worries that sugar's still sugar—but why lecture him, since he's already dead? Then white feathers fall from her head and she seems to be turning into a crane . . . Pure white kittens and a great Russian poet haunt "Majakowskiring": the narrator who reveres Mayakovsky's work is delighted to meet his ghost. And finally, in "Pushkin Allee," a huge Soviet-era memorial of soldiers comes to life—and, "for a scene of carnage everything was awfully well-ordered." Each of these stories opens up into new dimensions the work of this magisterial writer.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Eric Dowdle Coloring Book Around the World
Embark on a coloring journey through some of the most iconic cities around the world led by the enchanting folk art of Eric Dowdle. Folk artist Eric Dowdle is well-known for his brightly colored paintings of famous cities and landmarks from around the world. These coloring pages created from his intricately detailed artwork lend themselves perfectly to armchair travelers, coloring enthusiasts, and fans of the artist (or all three!).Original full-color illustrations alongside the coloring pages offer inspiration for color choices, and the abundance of detail filling every inch of the page provides hours of relaxing entertainment, with complex outlines to challenge and inspire. From the Eiffel Tower to Venice and the Taj Majal to St. Petersburg, Around the World allows you to explore these famous cities and landmarks through the eyes of an artist. Contains 40 coloring
Conocemos el machismo, es decir, esa ideología que considera al hombre superior a la mujer y también la misoginia, basada esta en el odio y el desprecio hacia ellas, desde los primeros textos escritos en cada una de las culturas que ha creado el Homo supuestamente sapiens. Este libro recoge una selección de peregrinas opiniones y tragicómicos comentarios, mayormente de varones, pero también de algunas sumisas y alienadas, que constituyen lo más granado de nuestra historia cultural. Figuran en él, en efecto, grandes filósofos, científicos, escritores, artistas, teólogos, moralistas o reformadores que inventan, o repiten, increíbles majaderías y simplezas sobre la mayor parte de la población del planeta. Las religiones monoteístas no solo ocupan un lugar de honor en este ruidoso coro de opinadores e insultadores, sino que mantienen aún sus añosos, y ya anacrónicos, prejuicios machistas, contra el viento de la ilustración y la marea de la modernidad. Advierto que solo minoritariamente res
Modern Poetry in Translation T The Illuminated Path: MPT No.2 2019
MPT’s summer issue ’The Illuminated Paths’ focuses on emerging poets of the Maghreb, with poems written in Arabic, Arabic dialect and Tamazight, and translated as part of the British Council’s Majaaz project by Victoria Adukwei Bulley, Martha Sprackland, Adham Smart, Vidyan Ravinthiran and Stewart Sanderson. Also: an introduction to Dalit poetry curated by Gopika Jadeja, Judith Wilkinson’s translations of Toon Tellegen, Maria Stepanova’s `weird ballads’, and Michèle Lalonde’s searing `anti-imperialist cri de coeur’: `Speak White’. All this and more in the groundbreaking magazine dedicated to poetry in translation: for the best in world poetry read MPT.
University of Arkansas Press Inclined to Speak: An Anthology of Contemporary Arab American Poetry
At no other time in American history has our imagination been so engrossed with the Arab experience. An indispensable and historic volume, Inclined to Speak gathers together poems, from the most important contemporary Arab American poets, that shape and alter our understanding of this experience. These poems also challenge us to reconsider what it means to be American. Impressive in its scope, this book provides readers with an astonishing array of poetic sensibilities, touching on every aspect of the human condition. Whether about culture, politics, loss, art, or language itself, the poems here engage these themes with originality, dignity, and an unyielding need not only to speak, but also to be heard.Here are thirty-nine poets offering up 160 poems. Included in the anthology are Naomi Shihab Nye, Samuel Hazo, D. H. Melhem, Lawrence Joseph, Khaled Mattawa, Mohja Khaf, Matthew Shenoda, Kazim Ali, Nuar Alsadir, Fady Joudah, and Lisa Suhair Majaj. Charara has written a lengthy introduction about the state of Arab American poetry in the country today and short biographies of the poets and provided an extensive list of further readings.
Por el Olimpo ese Ol Mortadelo 210 Spanish Edition
Mortadelo y Filemón, el Súper, Ofelia, Bacterio y los demás miembros de la T.I.A. se convertirán en seres mitológicos!En esta aventura, el proferor Bacterio ha creado un invento que, por error, convierte a todo el que se acerca al artilugio en ser mitológico. Así veremos convertido a Mortadelo en cíclope, al Súper en centauro, a Filemón en fauno o a Ofelia en Sirena, a partir de este hecho viviremos divertidísimas situaciones a lo largo de toda la aventura.Por si esto no fuese ya bastante lío, llega un inspector a la T.I.A. que cree volverse majareta al ver la fauna que corre por el edificio. Se someterá a una cura y, cuando cree haber recuperado el entendimiento, tendrá una monumental sorpresa por culpa de Mortadelo.
Editorial Sexto Piso Coronada de moscas
El verdadero viaje, según Marcel Proust, no consiste en la andanza de ningún camino sino en tener nuevos ojos. Coronada de moscas es un libro de viaje en la dimensión más profunda a la que alude el genio francés. Nos permite recorrer a ras de suelo ese majestuoso y terrible reino de lo descomunal y del absurdo que es la India. Respiramos los aromas a orines, incienso y especias; vemos las telas de colores estridentes; sorteamos a los temibles ricshos y motociclistas en Agra; vemos la blancura de los dientes y las hermosas cabelleras de los indios; asistimos a cremaciones, templos y místicos parajes como las cuevas de Ajanta o el Taj Majal; viajamos por Benares, Kajuraho, Delhi, Mumbai, Udaipur y Varanasi entre muchas otras ciudades.Como música de fondo, siempre presente y dando textura y profundidad a la narración, está la imponente erudición de Glantz. Esa percepción fecundada igualmente por los kilómetros recorridos como por páginas, cuadros y encuentros artísticos digeridos. Los
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Costs of Children: Parenting and Democracy in Contemporary Europe
Finally, here is a book that provides a long-overdue holistic analysis of childcare. Written in a clear style, The Costs of Children breaks new ground in demonstrating how political choices about childcare have different impacts on equality of opportunity in Europe. After reading this book, one never again will view childcare as a private concern. It is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand the realities of European integration, democratic policy-making and the gendered consequences of bearing and rearing children.'- Yvonne Galligan, Queen s University Belfast, UKThis informative book explores the fair allocation of the costs of childcare in European countries and suggests that better choice is required to reduce the current tendency to discriminate against mothers.The expert contributors provide an assessment of how countries can handle the fair allocation of the costs of childcare. They look at the experience within Europe in recent years and show in particular how these interrelate with the objectives of improving income, employment and social inclusion. The study's conclusion reveals that choice is the key ingredient as families have different views and different degrees of support available from their relatives. Income and social inclusion can provide choice but ironically employment does not always. An employment-based model can sometimes narrow people's choices, particularly for people on low wages. The major concern is that most existing systems effectively discriminate against mothers.This is the first book to consider the democratic implications of social welfare systems. It provides an up-to-date assessment of the pressures on parents in deciding how to raise their children under restricted incomes. For many families, practical decisions about childcare are found at a local level. These will depend on the immediate factors that affect them, such as the availability of local nurseries or a family's ability to draw on voluntary networks of support. What is clear, however, is that many of these arrangements discriminate against women. Researchers and practitioners in the field of social policy and childcare in particular will find this book insightful. Graduate students of social policy will also find some practical examples to make their courses more relevant.Contributors include: I. Casier, M. De Metsenaere, R. Dennison, A.L. Ellingsæter, S. Kanji, A. Leira, K. Majamaa, D.G. Mayes, M. McHugh, J. Plantenga, K. Scheiwe, N. Smith, M. Thomson, R. Vajda, E. Van den Brandt, A. Woodward
Ediciones Díaz de Santos, S.A. La apertura de un hospital
La Apertura de un Hospital es una experiencia apasionante, que profesionalmente es un reto haber vivido o tener la oportunidad de vivirla. En este texto desde la experiencia delos distintos autores en la apertura de Hospitales como la Fundación Hospital Verín, Fundación Hospital Alcorcón, Hospital de Fuenlabrada, Hospital Infanta Elena, Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda y Hospital Universitario Son Espases, se intenta aportar información relevante a tener en cuenta en la apertura de un hospital, tanto desde la planificación y organización, la gestión de recursos materiales, la gestión de recursos humanos, los nuevos modelos de gestión, cómo realizar un traslado de hospital o la implantacin de tecnologías de la información en un centro de nueva apertura. ÍNDICE RESUMIDO: El proyecto de gestión en la apertura de un hospital. La construcción de un espacio hospitalario. Logística hospitalaria. Estrategias en la subcontratación de servicios no asistenciales. Externalizació
Little, Brown Book Group The Mammoth Book of Special Ops
Into the eye of danger with the men who put the 'special' in special forcesThe once shadowy activities of special forces have grown into an increasingly exposed element of 21st century warfare and anti-terrorist activity. Here, in one giant unputdownable volume, are 30 of the most dangerous special operations of modern times.Drawn from the flashpoints of the world, and above all Iraq and Afghanistan, these first-hand and reported accounts of missions by the SAS, Delta Force, Green Beret, Commandos and other forces will leave you on the edge of your seat.The accounts include:• Blackhawk Down - the US Delta forces debacle in Mogadishu, Somalia, 1993• British Special forces fight Al Qaeda at close quarters in Afghanistan 2003• Task Force Raider - US Special forces teams track down Saddam Hussein, 2003• The British 'Blackhawk Down' - Paras shoot their way out of trouble in Majar, Iraq 2003• The capture of insurgent leader Chemical Evil Fat Mama, Fallujah, November 2003
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd The Truth that Wampum Tells: My Debwewin on the Algonquin Land Claims Process
From the Foreword: I am inclined to think that when Creator lowered Lynn to Mother Earth it was for her to complete this difficult task of bravery. Indeed we can all learn from her, as she has fulfilled her responsibility. - Heather Majaury In commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the Treaty at Niagara, The Truth that Wampum Tells offers readers a first-ever insider analysis of the contemporary land claims and self-government process in Canada. Incorporating an analysis of traditional symbolic literacy known as wampum diplomacy, Lynn Gehl argues that despite Canada's constitutional beginnings, first codified in the 1763 Royal Proclamation and ratified during the 1764 Treaty at Niagara, Canada continues to deny the Algonquin Anishinaabeg their right to land and resources, their right to live as a sovereign nation and consequently their ability to live mino-pimadiziwin (the good life). Gehl moves beyond Western scholarly approaches rooted in historical archives, academic literature and the interview method. She also moves beyond discussions of Indigenous methodologies, offering an analysis through Debwewin Journey: a wholistic Anishinaabeg way of knowing that incorporates both mind knowledge and heart knowledge and that produces one's debwewin (personal truth).
Penguin Random House Children's UK It's Not OK to Feel Blue (and other lies): Inspirational people open up about their mental health
'This is the freshest, most honest collection of writings about mental health that I've read...searing wit, blinding passion, bleeding emotion and a fantastic, heroic, glorious refusal to lie down and take it' - Stephen Fry'Reading this book made me feel more normal about the things I feel sometimes...It's a great book; however you're feeling, it'll help' - Ed Sheeran'This is the book I needed when I was little. May this be a leap forward in the much needed conversation around mental health' - Jameela Jamil Everyone has a mental health. So we asked:What does yours mean to you? THE RESULT IS EXTRAORDINARY.Over 60 people have shared their stories. Powerful, funny, moving, this book is here to tell you:It's OK.With writing from: Adam Kay - Alastair Campbell - Alexis Caught - Ben Platt - Bryony Gordon - Candice Carty-Williams - Charlie Mackesy - Charly Cox - Chidera Eggerue - Claire Stancliffe - Davina McCall - Dawn O'Porter - Elizabeth Day - Elizabeth Uviebinené - Ella Purnell - Emilia Clarke - Emma Thompson - Eve Delaney - Fearne Cotton - Gabby Edlin - Gemma Styles - GIRLI (Milly Toomey) - Grace Beverley - Hannah Witton - Honey Ross - Hussain Manawer - Jack Rooke - James Blake - Jamie Flook - Jamie Windust - Jessie Cave - Jo Irwin - Jonah Freud - Jonny Benjamin - Jordan Stephens - Kai-Isaiah Jamal - Kate Weinberg - Kelechi Okafor - Khalil Aldabbas - KUCHENGA - Lauren Mahon - Lena Dunham - Maggie Matic - Martha Lane Fox - Mathew Kollamkulam - Matt Haig - Megan Crabbe - Michael Kitching - Michelle Elman - Miranda Hart - Mitch Price - Mona Chalabi - Montana Brown - Nadia Craddock - Naomi Campbell - Poorna Bell - Poppy Jamie - Reggie Yates - Ripley Parker - Robert Kazandjian - Rosa Mercuriadis - Saba Asif - Sam Smith - Scarlett Curtis - Scarlett Moffatt - Scottee - Sharon Chalkin Feldstein - Shonagh Marie - Simon Amstell - Steve Ali - Tanya Byron - Travon Free - Yomi Adegoke - Yusuf Al Majarhi