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Faros Books Mark's Question Mark
All pirates have a wooden leg, an eye patch and a hook! But one morning, little Mark is born with a question mark instead of a hook. As he grows up, he asks himself a ton of questions: Why am I different? Why do I have a question mark instead of a hook?
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mental Practice in Sport: Twenty Case Studies
Vintage Publishing Under The Net (Vintage Classics Murdoch Series)
This is real life, Jake,' she said. 'You'd better wake up.' Jake is clever, lazy and scraping by in London as a hack translator. Jake loves Anna. Anna is an elusive and lovely singer. Anna loves Hugo. Hugo is a fireworks manufacturer turned movie producer and majestic philosopher. Hugo loves Sadie. Sadie is a glossy and dazzling film starlet. Of course, Sadie loves Jake. Then there's Marvellous Mister Mars, the famous hound, who might or might not be Jake's ticket up and out of this mess. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY CHARLOTTE MENDELSON VINTAGE CLASSICS MURDOCH: Funny, subversive, fearless and fiercely intelligent, Iris Murdoch was one of the great writers of the twentieth century. To celebrate her centenary Vintage Classics presents special editions of her greatest and most timeless novels.
Vintage Publishing The Sea, The Sea (Vintage Classics Murdoch Series): A BBC Between the Covers Big Jubilee Read Pick
''I saw a monster rising from the waves.'**A BBC BETWEEN THE COVERS BIG JUBILEE READ PICK****Winner of the Man Booker Prize 1978**Charles Arrowby has determined to spend the rest of his days in hermit-like contemplation. He buys a mysteriously damp house on the coast, far from the heady world of the theatre where he made his name, and there he swims in the sea, eats revolting meals and writes his memoirs. But then he meets his childhood sweetheart Hartley, and memories of her lovely, younger self crowd in - along with more recent lovers and friends - to disrupt his self-imposed exile. So instead of 'learning to be good', Charles proceeds to demonstrate how very bad he can be.WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY DAISY JOHNSONVINTAGE CLASSICS MURDOCH: Funny, subversive, fearless and fiercely intelligent, Iris Murdoch was one of the great writers of the twentieth century. To celebrate her centenary Vintage Classics presents special editions of her greatest and most timeless novels.
Vintage Publishing The Black Prince
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY CANDIA MCWILLIAMThe Black Prince is both a remarkable thriller and a story about being in love.Bradley Pearson, narrator and hero, is an elderly writer with a 'block'. Finding himself surrounded by predatory friends and relations - his ex-wife, her delinquent brother, a younger, deplorably successful writer, Arnold Baffin, Baffin's restless wife and engaging daughter - Bradley attempts to escape. His failure to do so and its aftermath lead to a violent climax and a most unexpected conclusion.
Vintage Publishing The Bell
Discover Murdoch’s wonderful writing in this compelling story of a young woman and an unusual religious lay community.A lay community of thoroughly mixed-up people is encamped outside Imber Abbey, home to an enclosed order of nuns. A new bell, legendary symbol of religion and magic, is rediscovered. Dora Greenfield, erring wife, returns to her husband. Michael Mead, leader of the community, is confronted by Nick Fawley, with whom he had disastrous homosexual relations, while the wise old Abbess watches and prays and exercises discreet authority. And everyone, or almost everyone, hopes to be saved whatever that may mean... Iris Murdoch's funny and sad novel is about religion, the fight between good and evil and the terrible accidents of human frailty.
Vintage Publishing The Sea, The Sea
Iris Murdoch’s extraordinary exploration of human nature shines with intricate detail. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY JOHN BURNSIDEWhen Charles Arrowby retires from his glittering career in the London theatre, he buys a remote house on the rocks by the sea. He hopes to escape from his tumultuous love affairs but unexpectedly bumps into his childhood sweetheart and sets his heart on destroying her marriage. His equilibrium is further disturbed when his friends all decide to come and keep him company and Charles finds his seaside idyll severely threatened by his obsessions.
Flying Eye Books Under the Canopy: Trees around the World
Trees are the lungs of the world. They have inspired our stories, myths and culture. Every climate, every nation has its tales of trees, true or legendary, that help us understand ourselves and the beauty of the natural world around us. This gorgeously illustrated book explores the cultural significance that trees have in different societies. From the olive trees of Athens to the Eucalyptus trees of Australia, discover the place of trees in history and mythology across the world.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Oikonomia Und Okonomie Im Klassischen Griechenland: Theorie - Praxis - Transformation
Grand Central Publishing Blink of an Eye
Grand Central Publishing Killer View
Grand Central Publishing More Than Meets the Eye
Grand Central Publishing Killer View
John Wiley and Sons Ltd China's Economy: A Collection of Surveys
This collection of critical surveys provides readers with a range of up-to-date work from leading scholars in the area, writing on some of the key issues facing China, as they survey the present and future challenges of the Chinese economy Nine papers provide detailed discussion on key aspects of the past, present and future of the Chinese economy Leaders in their relevant fields of scholarship tackle some of the critical issues facing China Contributors identify common themes, including the household registration system, urbanization, demographic transition, inequality and the sustainability of economic growth Articles provide a critical review of the literature and discuss policy implications and areas for future research
V & Q Books The Bureau of Past Management: 2021
Each of us has something that feels essential to who we are. For Hans Frambach, it's the crimes of the Nazi era, which have hurt him for as long as he can remember. That's why he became an archivist at the Bureau of Past Management; now, though, he's wondering if he should make a change. For his best friend, Graziela, that past was also her focal point - until she met a man who desired her. From then on, sexual pleasure became the key to her life; a concept she's now beginning to doubt. Hans and Graziela thought the Nazi crimes were the inheritance that neither could bear, but can we really blame Nazism for everything? Iris Hanika shows how the crimes of the Nazi era hold the Germans in their clutches to this day. Can a country manage its past, or ought we to remain helpless in the face of the horrific crimes of the Holocaust? "A brave account of one man's struggle to come to terms with his nation's past, which draws an artful distinction between memory and memorial.' Michael Arditti; "A bold and absorbing novel (...) translated sensitively by Abigail Wender." Irish Times; "It's impossible to live with this guilt. Making that so emphatically clear by means of fiction, after sixty-five years of intense debate, is this novel's great achievement." Andreas Platthaus, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
De Gruyter Frauen und Päpste: Zur Konstruktion von Weiblichkeit in Kunst und Urbanistik des römischen Seicento
Wie definierte sich im päpstlichen Rom der Spielraum, in dem Frauen wie Artemisia Gentileschi oder Giovanna Garzoni künstlerisch agieren konnten? Andere Frauen, wie Christina von Schweden, sammelten Kunst oder hinterließen Spuren in Ausstattungs- und Bauprojekten. Der Band untersucht Phänomene und Repräsentationen von Weiblichkeit zwischen 1580 und 1700 und stellt zur Diskussion, wie Weiblichkeit in unterschiedlichen Kontexten modelliert wurde.
Floris Books Bridges Between Life and Death
How can we change the way we think about dying and death? Can we build a new relationship with loved ones who have passed? Iris Paxino, psychologist and professional counsellor, has spent her adult life exploring near-death experiences. In this book she shares insights from her studies, as well as her own personal thoughts on dying, near-death experiences, and life after death. Paxino leads the reader through the process of dying and the moment of death and goes on to explore different aspects of death, from fear of death, to meeting with Christ, to materialistic and atheist outlooks. These thoughtful insights help readers to understand more about death and dying, as well as the journey of the soul after life, leading to the possibility of a new connection with lost loved ones.
Grand Central Publishing The Survivor
Rizzoli International Publications OMA NY: Search Term
Well into its fourth decade, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), founded by Rem Koolhaas in 1975, remains one of the most influential and successful practices of its kind. OMA describes itself as a firm operating within the traditional boundaries of architecture and urbanism that applies architectural thinking to domains beyond. The firm s impact on the way we live is undeniable. OMA has transformed our understanding of the city and our evolving relationship with art, shopping, sustainability, and other quintessentially twenty-first-century preoccupations. The works presented here elaborate on OMA s philosophy even as they expand its portfolio geographically. Featured projects (helmed by partners Shohei Shigematsu and Jason Long) include residential skyscrapers in New York and San Francisco, mixed-use developments in Tokyo and Fukuoka, and the master plans for Facebook s Menlo Park campus, alongside more intimate spaces such as the studio for renowned Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang. Permanent structures, such as Milstein Hall at Cornell University, the new galleries of Quebec s Musee National des Beaux-Arts, the Japan flagship of Coach, and the expansion of the New Museum in Manhattan, contrast vividly with temporary interventions such as the Manus x Machina exhibition at the Met Costume Institute and the soaring concrete columns of An Occupation of Loss.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The Wonderful World of Nature: Discover Animals, Insects, Birds, Trees, and More
Nova Science Publishers Inc ADHD: A Transparent Impairment, Clinical, Daily-Life & Research Aspects in Diverse Populations
Clavis Publishing Princess Nina
Princess Nina is an extraordinary princess. She is smart, curious, sweet and also a bit wild. One day the king and queen decide they have to go looking for a suitable prince for princess Nina. They invite princes from all over the world: a prince from China, one from France, from Mexico ...But not even the prince on the white horse can steel princess Nina's heart away! The king and queen are at the end of their wits. But then princess Melowo comes to visit, and suddenly princess Nina is very shy ...A funny and modern fairytale about two stubborn princesses who are madly in love. Winner of the Diversity Award, a competition for children's stories of inclusive works and partners.
The New York Review of Books, Inc War in Val d'Orcia: An Italian War Diary, 1943-1944
Grand Central Publishing Killer View
Grand Central Publishing The Bullet
De Gruyter Gezeichnete Evidentia: Zeichnungen auf kolorierten Papieren in Süd und Nord von 1400 bis 1700
Zeichnungen auf farbig hergestellten oder farbig grundierten Papieren spielen in der Zeichenkunst der Frühen Neuzeit eine herausragende Rolle. Welchen Einfluss etwa auf Linienführung, Farbverwendung und Licht-Schatten-Modellierung hatte die einfarbige Fläche bei der Ausführung der Zeichnungen? Welche spezifischen Deutungshorizonte stehen in Zusammenhang mit dieser Zeichentechnik? Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen erstmals diesen Fragen anhand von Fallbeispielen aus Nord und Süd nach. Methodisch aktuell und multiperspektivisch bieten sie grundlegend neue Ergebnisse zu bildtheoretischen Fragen der Evidentia sowie zu kunsttechnologischen Untersuchungen. Im Zentrum stehen dabei Werke u.a. von Lorenzo Monaco, Benozzo Gozzoli, Hans Pleydenwurff, Hendrick Goltzius, Rembrandt, Govert Flinck, Nicolas Poussin, Caspar Fraisinger. Mit einem Epilog von Anne Eusterschulte.
De Gruyter Magische Bilder: Techniken der Verzauberung in der Kunst vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart
Magische Bilder werden gemeinhin frühen Epochen oder »primitiven« Kulturstufen der Menschheit zugewiesen. Seit der Antike sind Bildbestrafungen bekannt, bei denen die magische Präsenz des Menschen im Kunstwerk angenommen wird. Doch die historischen Bilderstürme haben selbst in unserer aufgeklärten Gegenwart ein faszinierendes Nachleben, etwa in den Attacken auf Denkmäler oder Wahlplakate. Das afrikanische Kultobjekt, das wundertätige Madonnenbild und der Talisman, aber auch das bildliche Substitut eines Rock- oder Filmstars, der im Bild verehrt wird – sie alle stellen die Forschung vor vergleichbare Herausforderungen. Der vorliegende Band untersucht magische Bilder in anthropologischer sowie medialer Perspektive und kommt so der Frage näher zu, was ein Kunstwerk zum magischen Bild macht.
Flying Eye Books Ancient Wonders
How exactly was the Great Pyramid at Giza made? Were the mystical Hanging Gardens of Babylon even real? What became of the Lighthouse of Alexandria? Find out … in Ancient Wonders. No one knows quite who decided the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. But thrilling accounts of their wonder have left us yearning to know more about their great mysteries. Go on a journey across the world and through time, and explore these and many more impressive monuments through stunning artwork.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurial Teams and New Business Creation
There is a growing interest in the diversity and complexity of entrepreneurial teams because of their potential to shape new business growth. In particular, curiosity is focused on how entrepreneurial teams should be formed in order to allow new businesses to be created and therefore ensure their growth. This timely collection identifies leading contributions in this developing area and reflects a growing body of research. The editors have written an authoritative introduction exploring the origins and development of research in this field.
Chronicle Books Seeing Gender
Now with a new foreword by National Book Award Winner Kacen Callender, this fascinating book on a relevant subject illustrates the complexities of gender and sexuality through history, science, sociology, and the author's own story. Gender is an intensely personal, yet universal, facet of humanity. In this vibrant book, queer author and artist Iris Gottlieb visually explores gender in all of its complexities, answering questions and providing guidance while also mining history and pop culture for the stories and people who have shaped the conversation on gender. Informed by Gottlieb's personal experiences, this deeply researched and brilliantly rendered book demystifies this fluid topic at a critical time. For LGBTQIA+ people, Seeing Gender offers a space for self-exploration, giving comfort, advice, and reassurance in the sometimes confusing process of navigating one's identity. For allies, this book is an essential tool for understanding and thoughtfully participating in this necessary cultural conversation. Whatever one's position, Seeing Gender is a must-read people who are passionate about changing the way we see and talk about gender and sexuality in the twenty-first century. CULTURALLY RELEVANT AND IMPORTANT TOPIC: An inclusive, sensitive, and accessible book for those interested in learning more about gender identity and sexuality. HELPFUL: The perfect book for nonjudgmental exploration of gender for the queer, transgender, asexual, uncertain, and for people struggling with their gender identity. INVITATIONAL: A wonderful intro to thoughtfully participating in this important conversation. Perfect for: • Those exploring their gender identity and sexuality • Parents/friends/relatives of those exploring their gender identity and sexuality • LGBTQ+ people • Allies who want to understand, empathize, and participate in this movement
Grand Central Publishing More Than Meets the Eye
Hirmer Verlag Lotte Laserstein (Swedish edition): A Divided Life
Laserstein’s current reputation as a great realist has assigned her an undisputed place in the 20th-century art history. Striking portraits, self-portraits and sensual nudes demonstrate her synthesis of traditional painting style and modern subject matter in the Berlin period.
Hirmer Verlag Lotte Laserstein: A divided life
Comprehensive view and new research on the fascinating painter of New Objectivity. The German-Swedish painter Lotte Laserstein (1898-1993) is one of the most exciting rediscoveries of recent years. The richly illustrated book with essays on Laserstein’s production in Berlin and her reception in Sweden as well as unpublished documentary material can enrich the existing knowledge of Laserstein’s life and work. Laserstein’s current reputation as a great realist has assigned her an undisputed place in the 20th-century art history. Striking portraits, self-portraits and sensual nudes demonstrate her synthesis of traditional painting style and modern subject matter in the Berlin period.
Groundwood Books Ltd ,Canada Naptime
All of the animals on the savannah are grumpy — no, they will not take a nap! But one little girl may know just what to do to make sure these creatures can get some much-needed shut-eye.The crocodile and hippo insist that naps are for babies, the ostrich hides its head in the sand, and the hyena simply laughs at the suggestion. But the cranky expressions on the animals’ faces give them away — these grouchy beasts are all in serious need of a nap!Fortunately for these sleepy creatures a little girl appears who knows the secret to a good snooze: first close one eye, then close the other one. And, just like that, all of the animals are out like a light. It’s naptime on the savannah!
Penguin Putnam Inc The Black Prince
Penguin Putnam Inc The Bell
Books on Demand Corona-Kids: Band 1 Geschichten vom Lockdown
Karolinum,Nakladatelstvi Univerzity Karlovy,Czech Republic The Shop on Main Street
Written by a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust, The Shop on Main Street is the story that inspired the highly successful Academy Award–winning Czechoslovak film of the same title. Looking at the Holocaust through the eyes of a complicit individual, the narrative follows a good-natured carpenter living in a Slovak town in 1942 who unwittingly becomes a participant in a moral crisis involving the abuse and persecution of Jews. Describing the film adaptation of Ladislav Grosman’s novel, the New York Times declared that it is a “human drama that is a moving manifest of the dark dilemma that confronted all people who were caught as witnesses to Hitler's terrible crime.” The review continues: “‘Is one his brother's keeper?’ is the thundering question the situation asks, and then, ‘Are not all men brothers?’ The answer given is a grim acknowledgement. But the unfolding of the drama is simple, done in casual, homely, humorous terms—until the terrible, heartbreaking resolution of the issue at the end.”
National Association for the Education of Young Children From Survive to Thrive: A Director's Guide for Leading an Early Childhood Program
A resource for directors and administrators of early childhood programs serving children from birth to age 5. The topics, frameworks, and strategies covered create a foundation for those new to the role, but directors at all levels of experience and serving in a variety of settings will find the practical tips and strategies discussed in this book useful.
Titan Books Ltd The Dark Crystal Bestiary: The Definitive Guide to the Creatures of Thra
The Dark Crystal Bestiary is the definitive in-depth exploration of the flora and fauna found in the world of Thra. Created by Jim Henson for his 1982 puppet masterpiece, Thra is a remarkable realm in which all living things are connected and the lines between animal, vegetable, and mineral are blurred—rocks can sing and trees can walk!For the first time, this deluxe volume delves into the many creatures, plants, and beings created for the Dark Crystal universe, from the original film through to the expanded universe of novels and comics, and Netflix's TV series The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.Filled with beautiful illustrations of the many specimens, each accompanied by in-world commentary on their unique biology, The Dark Crystal Bestiary is the ultimate guide to the world of Thra and its inhabitants.
Gwasg Carreg Gwalch Caru Crefftio
Hatje Cantz Hilma af Klint: Artist, Researcher, Medium
Once considered an outsider artist, after her show at the Guggenheim Museum was seen by more than half-a-mil-lion visitors, Hilma af Klint firmly established her place in art history. She has also been the subject of documenta-ry films and biographies. In 2013, Iris Müller-Westermann organized the first institutional exhibition of af Klint’s work. Now she presents us with the latest information and research in an extensive survey show at the Moder-na Museet in Malmö. Of crucial importance is the issue of spirituality in af Klint’s painting—how she managed to translate both the material and the immaterial world into a pictorial vision. The accompanying exhibition catalogue is the first to investigate, from a variety of perspectives, the question of how this trailblazing abstract artist linked her painting to a higher consciousness. Essays by leading historians of theosophy and a quantum physicist, among others, provide enlightening insight into a world in which both the visualization of atoms and spiritual séances alike became artistic material—a world that fascinates us even more than ever.
Titan Books Ltd Labyrinth: Bestiary - A Definitive Guide to The Creatures of the Goblin King's Realm
Discover the creatures of Labyrinth in this guide to the fauna of the beloved film, featuring illustrations by acclaimed artist Iris Compiet. Jim Henson’s Labyrinth has remained a beloved film since its 1986 release, and the movie’s myriad puppet creatures continue to capture the imaginations of fans to this day. Now, fans can discover an in-depth look at these iconic creatures in Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: The Official Bestiary. Illustrated by Iris Compiet, the acclaimed artist behind The Dark Crystal Bestiary: The Definitive Guide to the Creatures of Thra, this book is a gorgeous volume filled with incredible creature artwork—a must-have tome for fans of Labyrinth, Jim Henson, and the fantasy genre.
New York University Press Child, Family and State: NOMOS XLIV
In an era in which our conception of what constitutes a “normal” family has undergone remarkable changes, questions have arisen regarding the role of the state in “normalizing” families through public policy. In what ways should the law seek to facilitate, or oppose, parenting and child-rearing practices that depart from the “nuclear family” with two heterosexual parents? What should the state's stance be on single parent families, unwed motherhood, or the adoption of children by gay and lesbian parents? How should authority over child rearing and education be divided between parents and the state? And how should the state deal with the inequalities that arise from birthright citizenship? Through critical essays divided into four parts-Adoption, Race, and Public Policy; Education and Parental Authority; Same Sex Families; and Birthright Citizenship-Child, Family, and State considers the philosophical, political, and legal dilemmas that surround these difficult and divisive questions. An invaluable resource in these contentious debates, Child, Family, and State illuminates the moral questions that lie before policymakers and citizens when contemplating the future of children and families.
Indiana University Press Feminist Ethics and Social Policy
Much work in feminist ethics has been rather abstract. The editors of this work believe that the time has come to assess the potential contribution of feminist ethical theory to the evaluation of specific social policies. If feminist ethics has indeed mobilized important paradigm shifts in normative analysis, then this should enable creative ways of reflection on social policy. Feminist ethics criticizes the gender blindness and biases in much traditional ethical theory, and develops new theories and concepts that are more gender sensitive. Feminist ethics also works to conceptualize issues of right action, social justice, and the human good from out of the specifically gendered experience of diverse groups of women. Feminist ethics has no single set of questions or propositions, but includes a variety of approaches as demonstrated by these essays—some operate within a liberal framework of equality, freedom, justice, and rights, while others are more critical of mainstream liberal versions of these concepts.