Search results for ""author howard""
Columbia University Press The Natural History Reader in Animal Behavior
Essays discuss migration, courtship, the care of young, camouflage, hunting techniques, and symbiotic relationships.
The University of Chicago Press Paradigms and Barriers: How Habits of Mind Govern Scientific Beliefs
In Paradigms and Barriers Howard Margolis offers an innovative interpretation of Thomas S. Kuhn's landmark idea of "paradigm shifts," applying insights from cognitive psychology to the history and philosophy of science. Building upon the arguments in his acclaimed Patterns, Thinking, and Cognition, Margolis suggests that the breaking down of particular habits of mind—of critical "barriers"—is key to understanding the processes through which one model or concept is supplanted by another. Margolis focuses on those revolutionary paradigm shifts— such as the switch from a Ptolemaic to a Copernican worldview—where challenges to entrenched habits of mind are marked by incomprehension or indifference to a new paradigm. Margolis argues that the critical problem for a revolutionary shift in thinking lies in the robustness of the habits of mind that reject the new ideas, relative to the habits of mind that accept the new ideas. Margolis applies his theory to famous cases in the history of science, offering detailed explanations for the transition from Ptolemaic to cosmological astronomy, the emergence of probability, the overthrow of phlogiston, and the emergence of the central role of experiment in the seventeenth century. He in turn uses these historical examples to address larger issues, especially the nature of belief formation and contemporary debates about the nature of science and the evolution of scientific ideas. Howard Margolis is a professor in the Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies and in the College at the University of Chicago. He is the author of Selfishness, Altruism, and Rationality and Patterns, Thinking, and Cognition, both published by the University of Chicago Press.
The University of Chicago Press The Votes That Counted: How the Court Decided the 2000 Presidential Election
The struggle over the outcome of the 2000 presidential election inspired countless books offering as many arguments. But over two years later, most of them now seem like hasty political missives. Howard Gillman's "The Votes That Counted" had a different aim from the beginning: to serve as a lasting, authoritative document of the 36 days between the election and its legal resolution, to offer an accessible overview of the legal strategies and debates, and to assess the influences of politics and law on the judges who shaped the outcome of this historical controversy.
Amberley Publishing Bedford Buses and Coaches
Until production ceased in 1986, Bedford buses and coaches were a familiar sight on roads across the world. From the ubiquitous Bedford OB and the distinctive six-wheeled Bedford VAL right up to the final model, the air-suspended turbocharged Venturer, the advertising slogan ‘You see them everywhere’ was perfectly suited to the company. Covering the period from 1960 until the end of production, this book gives an overview of the majority of models produced during this period including the VAM, VAL and Y types. Containing a brief description of each chassis type and 180 photographs, most in colour and all with informative captions, it showcases the products of the Dunstable factory in their operating heyday.
Columbia University Press Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific
As a broad category of identity, “transgender” has given life to a vibrant field of academic research since the 1990s. Yet the Western origins of the field have tended to limit its cross-cultural scope. Howard Chiang proposes a new paradigm for doing transgender history in which geopolitics assumes central importance. Defined as the antidote to transphobia, transtopia challenges a minoritarian view of transgender experience and makes room for the variability of transness on a historical continuum.Against the backdrop of the Sinophone Pacific, Chiang argues that the concept of transgender identity must be rethought beyond a purely Western frame. At the same time, he challenges China-centrism in the study of East Asian gender and sexual configurations. Chiang brings Sinophone studies to bear on trans theory to deconstruct the ways in which sexual normativity and Chinese imperialism have been produced through one another. Grounded in an eclectic range of sources—from the archives of sexology to press reports of intersexuality, films about castration, and records of social activism—this book reorients anti-transphobic inquiry at the crossroads of area studies, medical humanities, and queer theory. Timely and provocative, Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific highlights the urgency of interdisciplinary knowledge in debates over the promise and future of human diversity.
Archaeopress Offa's Dyke Journal: Volume 5 for 2023: A Journal for Linear Monuments, Frontiers and Borderlands Research
This open-access academic venture has established itself as a distinctive venue fostering new research and public understanding regarding the complex global story of walls, barriers and frontier zones from prehistoric and ancient societies to the medieval and modern world. In doing so, the Offa’s Dyke Journal does not only present reliable peer-reviewed academic research in an accessible venue, it also critiques and combats both misinformation and disinformation shared about this aspect of the human past in popular culture and political discourse in today’s world. Promoting an informed and nuanced conversation about their stories and legacies and the positive dimensions of linear monuments is thus a key aspiration of the Offa’s Dyke Journal as both an academic and open-access resource. In doing so, we can learn about the human past, recognise how these material traces inform contemporary identities and society, and both recognise their legacies as well as celebrate their redundancies.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd UCT Under Apartheid: From Onset to Sit-In
Drawing on an extensive array of sources – written, oral and visual – this book provides a rounded social, intellectual, educational, cultural and political history of one of Africa’s foremost universities during the first phase of apartheid. It puts a spotlight on its leaders, lecturers and learners, but its wide focus takes in many other dimensions of this heterogeneous institution’s history too – teaching and research, social, cultural and sporting life and its chequered relationship with the apartheid state, ranging from formal opposition and protest and students’ growing defiance culminating in the sit-in of 1968, to ambivalence and willing collaboration. All of these it weaves together into a many-sided whole to produce an elegant, accessible and nuanced study of the operation of UCT as apartheid began to be imposed on South Africa. Howard Philips gives us a definitive history of the period. And one which will occupy pride of place on the bookshelves of the academics and the thousands of alumni who helped shape this history.
St David's Press The King's Cup 1919: Rugby's First 'World Cup'
The world of rugby celebrated the 8th Rugby World Cup in 2015, but a tournament held in 1919, The King's Cup, can rightly claim to be rugby's first competitive 'World Cup'. Meticulously complied by Howard Evans and Phil Atkinson, The King's Cup 1919, is the first book to tell the story of rugby's first 'World Cup' and is essential reading for all rugby enthusiasts and military historians. With over 140 photos and illustrations, and chapters focusing on the competing teams, the players, and every game in the tournament, the authors have provided a comprehensive and attractive record of a long-forgotten but historically important competition that most rugby supporters are completely unaware of. At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, all rugby was suspended by decree of the individual rugby unions, with only inter-military encounters and fundraising games permitted. After the Armistice in November 1918, with the armies of the world's rugby-playing nations still stationed in Britain, and with the public desperate to see competitive rugby played again, an inter-military tournament was organised.King George V was so enthused by the proposed competition that he agreed to have the tournament named after him, and so The King's Cup was born. The King's Cup 1919 Explains the British military's refusal to allow separate teams for England, Wales, Scotland or Ireland by the creation of 'Mother Country' Explains how the Royal Navy were invited to compete but declined Confirmed the status of New Zealand as the dominant rugby-playing nation Saw the first competitive game between New Zealand and South Africa Shows the origins of apartheid South Africa's refusal to accept black players in opposing teams
Orion Publishing Co This Woman: Myra Hindley’s Prison Love Affair and Escape Attempt
In 1973, Myra Hindley, the most notorious woman in Britain, is serving a life sentence for the moors murders - a case that shocked the world. Behind bars she has fallen in love.When Hindley is refused parole she persuades a sympathetic prison officer and former nun to help her break out of London's grim Holloway prison. The women plan to run away together to Brazil.Twenty years after Hindley's death, this extraordinary true story is brought to life in vivid new detail by Howard Sounes, author of the true crime classic Fred & Rose, drawing on unseen prison files and new interviews with former Holloway inmates, prison officers and detectives. It is a tale of infatuation and manipulation, crime and punishment.Despite her part in the appalling murders of five children and teenagers, Myra Hindley is revealed as a highly complex woman of intelligence and charm, which she used to get what she wanted. Or was she, as her supporters claimed, a misunderstood person who regretted her past and only attempted to escape out of desperation?Revealing the 'most wicked woman in Britain' in new light, This Woman is an atmospheric prison story and a love story that will make readers think again about the woman behind the moors murders.
The New Press Truth Has a Power of Its Own: Conversations About A People’s History
American history told from the bottom up by Howard Zinn himself—and the perfect all-ages introduction to his eye-opening viewpoint, published on Zinn’s hundredth birthdayTruth Has a Power of Its Own is an engrossing collection of conversations with the late Howard Zinn and “an eloquently hopeful introduction for those who haven’t yet encountered Zinn’s work” (Booklist). Here is an unvarnished, yet ultimately optimistic, tour of American history—told by someone who was often an active participant in it. Viewed through the lens of Zinn’s own life as a soldier, historian, and activist and using his paradigm-shifting A People’s History of the United States as a point of departure, these conversations explore the American Revolution, the Civil War, the labor battles of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, U.S. imperialism from the Indian Wars to the War on Terrorism, World Wars I and II, the Cold War, and the fight for equality and immigrant rights—all from an unapologetically radical standpoint. Longtime admirers and a new generation of readers alike will be fascinated to learn about Zinn’s thought processes, rationale, motivations, and approach to his now-iconic historical work. Zinn’s humane (and often humorous) voice—along with his keen moral vision—shine through every one of these lively and thought-provoking conversations. Battles over the telling of our history still rage across the country, and there’s no better person to tell it than Howard Zinn.
Clear Light Publishers Santa Fe Tales and More
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Mainline Railway Stamps: A Collector's Guide
For this second book in the Transport Philately series on public transport issues featured on postage stamps, once again the author will combine two of his life-long hobbies as he looks at railways around the world on standard gauge tracks that encompasses the majority of the western worlds major railway arteries. The book will also illustrate railways on other, similar gauges of track where they constitute a countrys major arteries, but it is not an exhaustive survey encompassing every country and every issue for that one needs to refer to major catalogue issues by such well-known authorities as Stanley Gibbons Plc. There have been many and varied reasons why postal authorities have issued stamps featuring railway subjects, varying from major anniversaries to national pride, the latter often from the former Eastern-bloc countries but that is not by all means. The Royal Mail in the UK has certainly not ignored railways, especially in later years, and the author will visit probably more of his native country's stamps than most other countries, but hes biased. The author often looks in his albums to try to understand why a particular country will sometimes be represented by bulging sections, whilst others are represented by but one or two stamp. And so, the book follows the story around the world in roughly an eastern journey, learning about some of the national histories on the way and admiring the attentions of some extremely accomplished artists that mean philatelists and rail-lovers alike can enjoy many beautiful miniature works of art.
Rowman & Littlefield I Will Tell No War Stories
When I grew up, World War II was omnipresent and hidden. This was also true of myfather's time in the Air Force. Like most of his generation, it was a rule with him not totalk about what he'd seen at war. You're not getting any war stories from me, he'd say.Cleaning up the old family house the year before he died, I was surprised to find a shortdiary of the bombing missions he had flown. Some of the missions were harrowing. Ibegan to fill in the details, and to be surprised again, this time by a history I thought Iknew.I Will Tell No War Stories is about undoing the forgetting in our family and in a societythat has hidden the horrors and cataclysm of a world at war. Some part of that forgettingwas necessary for the veterans, otherwise how could they come home, how could theyfind peace?I Will Tell No War Stories is, finally, about learning to live with history, a theme I haveexplored in some of my ear
Union Square & Co. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
The legendary adventure of a medieval outlaw is now available in an unabridged paperback edition for today’s young readers. He stole from the rich and gave to the poor, and in so doing became a lasting symbol of virtue. The thrilling adventures of Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men will keep young readers turning the pages. Who can resist the arrows flying, danger lurking, and medieval intrigue? This unabridged edition of Howard Pyle’s celebrated text, based on an English folktale, is perfect for young readers’ libraries.
Basic Books Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons in Theory and Practice
The most complete account of the theory and application of Multiple Intelligences available anywhere.Howard Gardner's brilliant conception of individual competence, known as Multiple Intelligences theory, has changed the face of education. Tens of thousands of educators, parents, and researchers have explored the practical implications and applications of this powerful notion, that there is not one type of intelligence but several, ranging from musical intelligence to the intelligence involved in self-understanding.Multiple Intelligences distills nearly three decades of research on Multiple Intelligences theory and practice, covering its central arguments and numerous developments since its introduction in 1983. Gardner includes discussions of global applications, Multiple Intelligences in the workplace, an assessment of Multiple Intelligences practice in the current conservative educational climate, new evidence about brain functioning, and much more.
Columbia University Press The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor
"This is that rarity, a useful book."--Warren Buffett Howard Marks, the chairman and cofounder of Oaktree Capital Management, is renowned for his insightful assessments of market opportunity and risk. After four decades spent ascending to the top of the investment management profession, he is today sought out by the world's leading value investors, and his client memos brim with insightful commentary and a time-tested, fundamental philosophy. Now for the first time, all readers can benefit from Marks's wisdom, concentrated into a single volume that speaks to both the amateur and seasoned investor. Informed by a lifetime of experience and study, The Most Important Thing explains the keys to successful investment and the pitfalls that can destroy capital or ruin a career. Utilizing passages from his memos to illustrate his ideas, Marks teaches by example, detailing the development of an investment philosophy that fully acknowledges the complexities of investing and the perils of the financial world. Brilliantly applying insight to today's volatile markets, Marks offers a volume that is part memoir, part creed, with a number of broad takeaways. Marks expounds on such concepts as "second-level thinking," the price/value relationship, patient opportunism, and defensive investing. Frankly and honestly assessing his own decisions--and occasional missteps--he provides valuable lessons for critical thinking, risk assessment, and investment strategy. Encouraging investors to be "contrarian," Marks wisely judges market cycles and achieves returns through aggressive yet measured action. Which element is the most essential? Successful investing requires thoughtful attention to many separate aspects, and each of Marks's subjects proves to be the most important thing.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc A People's History of the United States
Wessex Astrologer Ltd The Gods of Change: Pain, Crisis and the Transits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Life isn't always easy. It's impossible to live deeply and not to feel pain or go through times of crisis, breakdown or major disruptive change. Although this is clearly inevitable, what is not always obvious is the crucial role pain and crisis play in the process of growth and evolution. While some people fall apart altogether and never make it through difficult times, many others emerge from conflict and turmoil renewed and transformed, indeed, more fully alive. They 'return' to life with a renewed sense of commitment to a neglected potential, with a renewed sense of what one might call the 'sacred' in life, with a richly enhanced sensitivity to others. This lovely and important work from Howard Sasportas teaches us how to respond to the transits of Uranus,Neptune and Pluto with calmness and a knowledge that the more we work with them, the more worthwhile will be the end result.
Chester Music The Snowman Easy Piano Picture Book
Badger Publishing Titanic
Transworld Publishers Ltd Notes from the Velvet Underground: The Life of Lou Reed
**** COMPELLING - The Sunday TelegraphCONTROVERSIAL ... Sounes' book pushes the standard Reed narrative - The New York TimesLou Reed, who died in 2013, was best known to the general public as the grumpy New Yorker in black who sang 'Walk on the Wild Side'. To his dedicated admirers, however, he was one of the most innovative and intelligent American songwriters of modern times, a natural outsider who lived a tumultuous and tortured life.In this in-depth, meticulously researched and very entertaining biography, respected biographer Howard Sounes examines the life and work of this fascinating man, from birth to death, including his time as the leader of The Velvet Underground - one of the most important bands in rock'n'roll.Written with a deep knowledge and understanding of the music, Sounes also sheds entirely new light on the artist's creative process, his mental health problems, his bisexuality, his three marriages, and his addictions to drugs and alcohol.In the course of his research, Sounes has interviewed over 140 people from every part of Lou Reed's life - some of whom have not spoken publicly about him before - including music industry figures, band members, fellow celebrities, family members, former wives and lovers.This book brings Lou Reed and his world alive.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Last Years of Carlisle Steam: A Pictorial Journey
Mention the name Carlisle to any steam enthusiast of a certain age and they will probably conjure up an image of bygone days when Stanier and Gresley pacifics rubbed shoulders alongside each other within Citadel station whilst waiting to relieve incoming titled trains such as the Royal Scot and the Waverley. Such scenes, in addition to steam locomotives threading their way across a network of goods lines, and the city's three surviving motive power depots, were all subjects captured on film by a number of young enthusiasts who lived in Carlisle during the final years of steam. It is the work of those cameramen, aided by others who visited the area, that will offer the reader an insight as to the variety that still prevailed at Carlisle during that time. Looking slightly further afield, images are also included which feature locomotives working hard on those steeply graded lines that radiated from the city towards summits with names to capture the enthusiast's imagination, such as Shap, Beattock, Whitrope, and Ais Gill. This book, which illustrates in depth one of the country's major steam centres, contains more than two-hundred photographs, presented in both colour and black and white, the majority of which have not been published previously.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Principles of the Law of Agency
The 2nd edition of this successful book provides a fully updated, succinct examination of the principles of agency law. The book explores the rules of attribution, the rights and obligations arising within the agency relationship, the impact of agency in the fields of contract and tort, and the termination of an agent's authority. Throughout the book, full consideration is given to the issues arising under the Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993. The discussion is informed not only by common law authority that constantly nourishes the development of agency law principle, but also by international soft law instruments and the Restatement of the Law, Third: Agency.
Bolinda Publishing Heist: The True Story of the World's Biggest Cash Robbery
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Aircraft and Aviation Stamps: A Collector's Guide
The author has combined his two greatest interests: Transport and Stamp Collecting and brought them together in this series of books looking at the way postage stamps have led him to increase his knowledge of our world via his interest in all forms of transport world-wide. Philately (the collecting of stamps) itself is a fascinating hobby looking at the development of postal services in all its forms, designs of stamps that have evolved the Victorian Penny-Black to today's creations, often artistic but dependant more and more on photography with greater or lesser degrees of digital manipulation. In his quest he has covered many unusual places that have only become more accessible with the advent of cheap air travel but has still found it necessary to use his own contacts, library of related books and more recently the internet to research his subject. Like all books in this series, they been laid out as global tour starting naturally in the UK and then travelling in an easterly direction through every continent - without, it should be added, crossing the International Date Line! Readers will not find every country included but a differing selection in each volume.
Amberley Publishing Buses in Greater Manchester in the 1990s
Like many of the conurbations across Britain, the Greater Manchester region in the 1990s offered a fascinating mixture of buses from operators both large and small, new and established. The deregulation of the bus industry that began in October 1986 created a lively if sometimes chaotic environment. Operators came and went; some were rather spectacular in their demise. As the 1990s progressed there was gradual consolidation, as increasing areas of operation came under the control of the emerging larger groups – the likes of First, Stagecoach and Arriva. In this book, Howard Wilde reflects on some of the choice moments of this eventful decade, with a wide selection of photographs from Manchester and the numerous surrounding towns to show a period that was fascinating for the enthusiast, if not always beneficial for the passenger.
Amberley Publishing Leyland's Big Cat Coaches
From tiny acorns, mighty oaks do grow, and this is certainly true when it comes to the story of Leyland Motors. From humble beginnings building steam lawnmowers in the Lancashire town of Leyland, the company grew to become one of the largest vehicle manufacturers in the world. With groundbreaking ideas such as designing buses and coaches with bespoke chassis rather than converted lorry chassis, Leyland vehicles were sold all over the world. Through acquisition and merger, the majority of British vehicle manufacturers ended up under the Leyland banner, resulting in the creation of the mighty British Leyland Motor Corporation, whose subsequent fall from grace has been widely documented elsewhere. This, the first in a series of books showcasing the products of the passenger division of Leyland since 1960, concentrates on single-deck coaches and includes such wellknown ‘big cats’ as the Leopard, Tiger and Royal Tiger among others. It contains 180 photographs, most of which are in colour, all with informative text and captured when the vehicles were in their operating heyday.
Amberley Publishing Bristol Buses and Coaches
Based in the city of the same name, Bristol commenced production of buses at the turn of the twentieth century, initially for its own bus fleet. Soon Bristol products could be seen nationwide, and became known for their rugged durability. Covering the period from the 1960s until the end of production in 1983, this book gives an overview of many of the models to come out of the Brislington factory. Containing a brief description of each chassis type and 180 photographs, all in colour and with informative captions, it showcases Bristol’s products when in their operating heyday.
Amberley Publishing Stroud History Tour
Stroud History Tour offers a unique insight into the history and buildings of a fascinating Cotswold market town. An itinerary has been created which will lead the reader to view the many places of interest lying along Stroud’s streets, public areas and byways. Although intended to begin at the town’s surviving railway station, the route can be joined at any point and, similarly, abandoned where desired – perhaps at one of Stroud’s many street cafés. By following the proposed tour it will become apparent which parts of the town date from the earliest times and also how its religious buildings have altered, or been put to new uses. In addition, interspersed among the captions, are anecdotes taken from the author’s personal and family history. A numbered map is included to assist the reader in exploring the fascinating changes that have taken place over the last century or so in Stroud.
Penguin Books Ltd The Inheritance: The twisty and gripping new thriller from the author of Don’t Let Him In
THE GRIPPING NEW THRILLER FROM THE AUTHOR OF DON'T LET HIM INYou will inherit everything. The house. The money.There's just one condition.You have to catch a killer first . . ._________When Sarah's Aunt Evelyn passes away, she discovers a hidden fortune has been left to her, including a foreboding mansion in a small Northumberland town.But it comes with one condition.For most of her life, Evelyn had been haunted by the loss of a friend who went missing in Cragsmoor - the very house Evelyn has left to Sarah.Now, Evelyn's final wish is for Sarah to return to Cragsmoor and uncover the truth.If she does, she will inherit everything.But someone wishes for the secrets of Cragsmoor to remain hidden.Someone who may have killed once before . . ._________PRAISE FOR HOWARD LINSKEY:'Dark, creeping and compelling, with the claustrophobic sense of a killer waiting around every corner' T.M. LOGAN'This story will cause nightmares, it is that good' DAILY MAIL 'Dark, clever and engrossing' C.L. TAYLOR
Pen & Sword Books Ltd On Tour For Steam: A Pictorial Railway Journey Across Britain in the 1960s
By the turn of the 1960s, steam traction on Britain's railways was within its last decade and for a group of young enthusiasts living in Carlisle, there was always the urge to travel to other parts of the country to photograph steam locomotives, which in most cases would never have appeared in there own locality. Visits to certain parts of Scotland, the North East of England and parts of Lancashire, could be achieved in a day, using a day return ticket. More distant parts of Britain, would require more planning usually using an all lines rail rover ticket, these visits and trips could be done on an individual basis or with a group of like minded friends, or even with a railway club or society. The benefits of visits with railway society's or clubs, were that such organisations could arrange group shed permits, where as individuals had to arrange such things by themselves. As the 1960s progressed time started to run out for the photographer to capture the last embers of steam across the country and things became ever more urgent, with the end in sight. This book depicts visits to many locations undertaken during this period when time was running out for steam traction. We travelled from Aberdeen to Weymouth to record the dying days of a form of traction that served the railways of Britain, from the 1820s through to the late 1960s.
Beacon Press Full Dissidence: Notes from an Uneven Playing Field
Faber Music Ltd A River Out of Eden
A River Out Of Eden is Howard Goodall’s vibrant choral anthem for SATB voices and piano, composed to celebrate the service of Sid and Cindy Davis at St Luke’s United Methodist Church, Houston. The music sets two distinct accounts of creation: William Tyndale’s translation from The Book of Genesis and an excerpt from Annie Dillard’s Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. Intertwined through Goodall’s contemporary musical style, the disorder underlying Dillard’s text erupts into Tyndale’s joyous refrain: ‘And there spronge a rever out of Eden’, the music a reflection upon our dependence on the natural world. An optional organ part is also available to download from
Dover Publications Inc. Foundations and Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
Vintage Publishing J: A Novel
A thought-provoking prescient novel from the Booker-prize winning author of The Finkler Question.‘Remarkable…May well come to be seen as the dystopian British novel of its times’ GuardianTwo people fall in love, not yet knowing where they have come from or where they are going. They aren’t sure if they have fallen in love of their own accord, or whether they’ve been pushed into each other’s arms. But who would have pushed them, and why? Hanging over their lives is a momentous catastrophe – a past event shrouded in suspicion, denial and apology, now referred to as What Happened, If It Happened. Set in the future – a world where the past is a dangerous country, not to be talked about or visited – J is a love story of incomparable strangeness, both tender and terrifying. Shortlisted for the 2014 Man Booker Prize, the 2014 Goldsmiths Prize and Longlisted for the JQ Wingate Literary Prize.
Vintage Publishing Big Bangs
The dramatic story of five key turning points in a thousand years of Western music - discoveries that changed the course of history. Who first invented 'Doh Re Mi...'?What do we mean by "in tune"?Looking back down the corridor of a thousand years, Howard Goodall guides us through the stories of five seismic developments in the history of Western music. His "big bangs" may not be the ones we expect - some are surprising and some are so obvious we overlook them - but all have had an extraordinary impact. Goodall starts with the invention of notation by an 11th-century Italian monk, which removed the creation of music from the hands of the players to the pens of the composers; moves on to the first opera; then to the invention of the piano, and ends with the story of the first recording made in history. Howard Goodall has the gift of making these complicated musical advances both clear and utterly fascinating. Racy and vivid in a narrative full of colourful characters and graphic illustrations of technical processes, he also gives a wonderful sense of the culture of trial and error and competition, be it in 11th-century Italy or 19th-century America, in which all progress takes place. Big Bangs opens a window on the crucial moments in our musical culture - discoveries that made possible everything from Bach to the Beatles - and tells us a riveting story of a millennium of endeavour.
Vintage Publishing The Mighty Walzer
From the beginning Oliver Walzer is a natural - at ping-pong. Even with his improvised bat (the Collins Classic edition of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde) he can chop, flick, half-volley like a champion. At sex he is not so adept, but with tuition from Sheeny Waxman, fellow member of the Akiva Social Club Table Tennis Team and stalwart of the Kardomah coffee bar, his game improves.Winner of the 2010 Man Booker Prize.
Amberley Publishing Painswick, Slad, Sheepscombe & Edge Through Time
This fascinating photographic collection represents a journey both through time and also along the byways of a truly scenic part of rural England. Edwardian photographers' lenses enable us to glimpse celebrations such as Empire Day, we revisit tranquil streets with long-closed shops and pubs and we witness the arrival of the first local motor bus in 1905. Victorian bowls players are shown, along with solemn-faced schoolchildren wearing starched pinafores and Eton collars. The present day images include Painswick's Art Couture Festival, together with views taken from Painswick Beacon and from the church tower. Artists such as Montague Rivers reveal how they interpreted the architecture and townscapes of long ago. Nor, of course, would the Slad chapter be complete without photographs of both Laurie Lee and the legendary Rosie.
Bedford Square Publishers Ungentlemanly Warfare
A soldier and a spy, an officer but not quite a gentleman... Captain Harry Walsh is SOE's secret weapon. Loathed by his own commanding officer, haunted by the death of his closest friend and trapped in a loveless marriage, Harry Walsh is close to burn out when he is ordered to assassinate the man behind the ME 163 Komet, Hitler's miracle jet fighter. If Walsh fails, there is no prospect of allied victory in Europe. Harry Walsh is ruthless, unorthodox and ungentlemanly. He is about to wreak havoc.
Andersen Press The Mightiest Bite
Amberley Publishing Duple The Dominant Era
Utilising previously unpublished photographs, Howard Berry tells the story of Duple-bodied buses and coaches.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Mathematical Circles Volume 3 Mathematical Circles Adieu and Return to Mathematical Circles
Afterall Publishing Sharon Lockhart
A nuanced reading of an artwork that explores a place, transitory and pastoral, where childhood might be lived and imagined differently
Tundra Books Zombie Elementary: The Real Story
Sound Wisdom How to Build a Phenomenal Dream Team