Search results for ""author fritz""
University of New Orleans Publishing From Empire to Republic: Post-World-War-I Austria
Stewart, Tabori & Chang Inc An Affair With a House
For 28 years the world-renowned interior designer Bunny Williams has been involved in a passionate love affair with an18th-century New England manor house that she found in sad repair. From the moment she walked up the driveway and her palms began to perspire, Williams knew she wanted the affair to last forever. In her sumptuous new book, An Affair with a House, the venerable decorator describes in detail how she and her husband, antiques dealer John Rosselli, rescued, nurtured, renovated, and decorated the well-worn house, giving it new life as they restored each room, resurrected the abandoned gardens, and filled this weekend home with family and friends. Through photographs, anecdotes, how-tos, and recipes, Williams provides a rare inside look at a top decorator’s retreat and explains how she approached the joys, pleasures, challenges, obstacles, and day-to-day realities of creating a beautiful, comfortable country home. An Affair with a House provides a wealth of advice on interior decor and such topics as mixing design styles, but it also addresses such practical matters as stocking the pantry and outfitting the linen closet. Beautiful photographs of the house, the gardens, and the property’s rustic structures provide an intimate glimpse of the couple’s lifestyle and illustrate a way of life we can all appreciate and learn from. Also available from Bunny Williams: A House by the Sea and Bunny Williams On Garden Style.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Lesen und Rechtschreiben lernen nach dem IntraActPlus-Konzept: Vollständig individualisiertes Lernen in Klasse 1 und 2, Frühförderung, Kindergarten und Vorschule. Verhindert und therapiert Legasthenie
Schwierigkeiten beim Lesen und Schreiben können den Schulerfolg und die soziale Entwicklung von Kindern gefährden. Das Lernmaterial nach dem IntraActPlus-Konzept berücksichtigt Erkenntnisse der psychologischen Grundlagenforschung und fördert Kinder umfassend: Mit leicht verständlichen Übungen, die auf störende Reize verzichten, und einer gleichmäßigen Schwierigkeitsstufung lernen Kinder schneller, sie sind aufmerksamer und motivierter. Geeignet für normal- und hochbegabte Kinder, für Lernschwache, Legastheniker und Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Transatlantic History of Public Administration: Analyzing the USA, Germany and France
Intellectual traditions are commonly regarded as cultural variations, historical legacies, or path dependencies. By analyzing road junctions between different traditions of Public Administration this book contests the dominant perspective of path-dependent national silos, and highlights the ways in which they are hybrid and open to exogenous ideas. Analyzing the hybridity of administrative traditions from an historical perspective, this book provides a new approach to the history of Public Administration as a scientific discipline. Original and interdisciplinary chapters address the question of how scholars from the U.S., Germany and France mutually influenced each other, from the closing years of the 19th Century, up until the neo-liberal turn of the 1970s. Offering a thorough analysis of the transatlantic history of Public Administration, the conclusion argues that it is vital to learn from the past, in order to make Public Administration more realistic in theory, as well as more successful in practice. Advanced undergraduate and postgraduate political science scholars will find this to be a valuable tool in understanding the foundations of transatlantic Public Administration. This book will also greatly benefit researchers on comparative and transnational history with a keen interest in Public Administration.
Spector Books Arwed Messmer: Berlin, Fruchtstraße on March 27, 1952
Verlag Peter Lang Noch Eine Chance Fuer Die Religionsphaenomenologie?: Vol. 6/7
Vallentine Mitchell & Co Ltd The Frankfurt Judengasse: Jewish Life in an Early Modern German City
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Neue Forschungen in Velia: Akten Des Kongresses 'la Ricerca Archeologica a Velia' (Rom, 1.-2. Juli 1993)
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Arbeiten zur Pastoraltheologie, Liturgik und Hymnologie: Zur Wiederentdeckung des evangelischen SÃ"ndenverständnisses fÃ"r die Handlungsfelder der Praktischen Theologie. Festschrift fÃ"r Christian Möller zu seinem 70. Geburtstag
Das Buch greift mit dem Stichwort SÃ"nde ein weithin vergessenes, aber bei dem Praktischen Theologen Christian Möller wichtig gewordenes Stichwort auf. In Aufnahme der reformatorischen Formel "peccatum magnificare" wird ein geistlicher Erfahrungsraum beschrieben, der jenseits aller menschlichen Möglichkeiten liegt und der von Gottes Charisma erfÃ"llt ist. Im Licht des Evangeliums vollzieht sich eine SÃ"ndenerkenntnis, die das Machbarkeitsdenken des sich selbst erlösenden Menschen entlarvt. Durch den Riss in der menschlichen Existenz leuchtet die allem vorausliegende GÃ"te Gottes auf. Die AutorInnen dieser Festschrift loten den Erkenntnisgewinn des evangelischen SÃ"ndenbegriffs fÃ"r das Selbstverständnis der Praktischen Theologie aus. Dies geschieht aus der jeweiligen Perspektive einer praktisch-theologischen Disziplin heraus. Von der Reflexion werden BezÃ"ge zur kirchlichen Praxis entfaltet. Es wird gezeigt, welches theologische Potenzial das Stichwort SÃ"nde fÃ"r eine Praxis bietet, die weiter reicht als das menschlich Mögliche und MachbareMit Beiträgen von Johannes Block, Rudolf Bohren, Peter Bubmann, Corinna DahlgrÃ"n, Holger Eschmann, Tanja Gojny, Michael Heymel, Klaus-Peter Jörns, Manfred Josuttis, Ralph Kunz, Fritz Lienhard, Michael Meyer-Blanck, Klaus Raschzok, Wolfgang Ratzmann, Ingrid Schoberth, Helmut Schwier und Peter Zimmerling.
Walter de Gruyter Herrschaft Und Politik in Südosteuropa Von Der Römischen Antike Bis 1300
Stone Arch Books A Time for War
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medieval Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
This collection of readings with extensive editorial commentary brings together key texts of the most influential philosophers of the medieval era to provide a comprehensive introduction for students of philosophy. Features the writings of Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Boethius, John Duns Scotus and other leading medieval thinkers Features several new translations of key thinkers of the medieval era, including John Buridan and Averroes Readings are accompanied by expert commentary from the editors, who are leading scholars in the field
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Amelia Bedelia 5-Book I Can Read Box Set #1: Amelia Bedelia Hit the Books
With five classic Amelia Bedelia Level 2 I Can Read stories inside, this box set is ideal for introducing new readers to the literal-minded maid's hilarious adventures. In addition to a Velcro tab on the cover and a handle, this boxed set features the original and bestselling Amelia Bedelia; Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower; Come Back, Amelia Bedelia; Thank You, Amelia Bedelia; and Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia. Time to hit the books!
Island Press Livestock in a Changing Landscape, Volume 1: Drivers, Consequences, and Responses
The rapidly changing nature of animal production systems, especially increasing intensification and globalization, is playing out in complex ways around the world. "Livestock in a Changing Landscape" offers a comprehensive examination of these important and far-reaching trends. The books are an outgrowth of a collaborative effort involving international nongovernmental organizations including the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), the Swiss College of Agriculture (SHL) at Bern University of Applied Sciences, the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), and the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE). The volumes present new, sustainable approaches to the challenges created by fundamental shifts in livestock management and production, and represent an essential resource for policymakers, industry managers, and academics involved with this issue.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Handbuch Arbeitssoziologie: Band 1: Arbeit, Strukturen und Prozesse
Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die bisherigen Entwicklungen und den gegenwärtigen Stand zentraler Themenbereiche der Arbeitssoziologie. Das Handbuch vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen und gibt wichtige Forschungsbereiche und Diskurse der Arbeitssoziologie wieder. Theoriebestände und empirische Ergebnisse werden aufbereitet, um wesentliche Konzepte und Perspektiven des Faches erkennbar zu machen. Gerade in der gegenwärtigen Phase tiefgreifender Umbrüche in den Formen und Erscheinungsweisen von Arbeit ist ein Blick auf den breiten Bestand von Theorien, Konzepten und Begriffen sowie empirischen Befunden eine wichtige Grundlage für Ausbildung, Forschung und Praxis. Aus dieser Perspektive werden in den Beiträgen gegenwärtige Entwicklungen von Arbeit beschrieben, aktuelle Konzepte für deren Analyse vorgestellt und neue Herausforderungen für die Forschung umrissen.
Thieme Publishing Group Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Technique and Cases
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Technique and Cases is a comprehensive and timely introduction to a significant technological advance in breast cancer imaging. This state-of-the-art guide explains the technique of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), describes results from available clinical studies, offers recommendations for the use of DBT in routine practice, and discusses the latest developments and possible future trends in DBT. The main part of the book contains 45 highly illustrated case reports that allow readers to explore the practical aspects of DBT and deepen their knowledge of this important new modality in breast imaging. Key Features: Presents 45 superbly illustrated case reports showcasing the application of DBT to clinical practice Examines the results of all currently available clinical trials and studies Evaluates the use of DBT alongside mammography and versus mammography Includes high-quality images from the various modalities in breast imaging: 2D mammography, DBT, and ultrasound, to enable comparison of their strengths and limitations Combines expertise in the fields of radiology and gynecology with an interdisciplinary team of contributors Provides video clips of the DBT data set for most cases on the Thieme MediaCenter Authoritative and up to date, this volume is essential for radiology practitioners, residents, and fellows who wish to learn about the potential of DBT and stay at the forefront of technological developments in their field. The wealth of clinically relevant information is useful for any radiologist considering the establishment of DBT as a new imaging tool in their practice.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd College Sex - Philosophy for Everyone: Philosophers With Benefits
Written with insight and humor, College Sex - Philosophy for Everyone investigates a broad array of philosophical issues relating to student sex. Examines the ethical issues of dating, cheating, courtship, homosexual experimentation, and drug and alcohol use Considers student-teacher relationships, sexual experimentation, the meaning of sex in a college setting and includes two essays based on influential research projects on ‘friends with benefits’ Many of the authors teach classes that explore the philosophy of love and sex, and most are scholars from the Society of the Philosophy of Sex and Love
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology
By combining excerpts from key historical writings with commentary by experts, Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology provides a comprehensive history of the philosophy of science from ancient to modern times. Provides a comprehensive history of the philosophy of science, from antiquity up to the 20th century Includes extensive commentary by scholars putting the selected writings in historical context and pointing out their interconnections Covers areas rarely seen in philosophy of science texts, including the philosophical dimensions of biology, chemistry, and geology Designed to be accessible to both undergraduates and graduate students
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology
By combining excerpts from key historical writings with commentary by experts, Philosophy of Science: An Historical Anthology provides a comprehensive history of the philosophy of science from ancient to modern times. Provides a comprehensive history of the philosophy of science, from antiquity up to the 20th century Includes extensive commentary by scholars putting the selected writings in historical context and pointing out their interconnections Covers areas rarely seen in philosophy of science texts, including the philosophical dimensions of biology, chemistry, and geology Designed to be accessible to both undergraduates and graduate students
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Late Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
Part of the Blackwell Readings in the History of Philosophy series, this survey of late modern philosophy focuses on the key texts and philosophers of the period whose beliefs changed the course of western thought. Gathers together the key texts from the most significant and influential philosophers of the late modern era to provide a thorough introduction to the period. Features the writings of Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Leibniz, Kant, Rousseau, Bentham and other leading thinkers. Examines such topics as empiricism, rationalism, and the existence of God. Readings are accompanied by expert commentary from the editors, who are leading scholars in the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medieval Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
This collection of readings with extensive editorial commentary brings together key texts of the most influential philosophers of the medieval era to provide a comprehensive introduction for students of philosophy. Features the writings of Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Boethius, John Duns Scotus and other leading medieval thinkers Features several new translations of key thinkers of the medieval era, including John Buridan and Averroes Readings are accompanied by expert commentary from the editors, who are leading scholars in the field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Yoga - Philosophy for Everyone: Bending Mind and Body
Stimulates thoughts and expands awareness of the philosophical dimensions of yoga in its many forms and practices Yoga — Philosophy for Everyone presents a wide array of perspectives by people whose lives have been touched by yoga. Addressing myriad aspects of yoga's divergent paths, topics include body image for men and women; the religious and spiritual aspects of yoga; and issues relating to ethics, personal growth, and the teaching of yoga. Written by philosophers and non-philosophers alike, with contributions from professional yoga instructors, lifelong practitioners, and first-timers, Yoga — Philosophy for Everyone offers a wealth of material for both enjoyment and deep reflection.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Bauforschungen in Selge
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Taufpraxis: Ein Interdisziplinares Projekt
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Huldreich Zwinglis Samtliche Werke. Autorisierte Historisch-Kritische Gesamtausgabe: Band 7: Briefwechse, Band 1: 1510-1522
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Materialien zur Kriminalsoziologie
Der Band versammelt die thematisch weit gestreuten und höchst vielgestaltigen Schriften von René König zu Fragen der Kriminalsoziologie, der sozialen Kontrolle und des abweichenden Verhaltens. Damit liegt erstmals eine Übersicht seines diesbezüglichen Werkes vor, das zeitlich von den Jahren seiner Zürcher Emigration bis in die 1980er Jahre reicht und die Fülle seiner Aufsätze, Vorträge, Lexikonbeiträge, Rezensionen und vereinzelt auch Veröffentlichungen in der Tagespresse zu einem in sich geschlossenen Materialienband zusammenfasst.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Chemische Prozeßkunde: Lehrbuch der Technischen Chemie, Band 3
Dieses 'thematisch in dieser Form konkurrenzlose' (ekz-Informationsdienst) Lehrbuch vermittelt die stofflichen Aspekte der Technischen Chemie und die Grundlagen der Entwicklung neuer Prozesse. Wesentlich ist dabei die Behandlung chemischer Produktionsverfahren unter den übergeordneten Gesichtspunkten: Versorgung mit Rohstoffen, Anfall von Koppel- und Nebenprodukten und deren Verwertung, sowie Umweltprobleme des Gesamtprozesses. Besonders auf neuere Entwicklungen, wie Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Biotechnische Prozesse, Hochleistungskeramika und Werkstoffe für die Informationstechnik geht die Darstellung wichtiger Prozesse aus den verschiedenen Produktzweigen der Chemischen Industrie ein. Als Lehrbuch wendet sich dieses Werk an Studenten der Chemie, des Chemieingenieurswesens und der Verfahrenstechnik und entspricht inhaltlich den Empfehlungen des DECHEMA-Unterrichtsausschusses für technische Chemie. Es eignet sich ebenso als kompaktes, berufsbegleitendes Nachschlagewerk für die Praxis, insbesondere aufgrund der Daten über Prozesse und Produktion.
CABI Publishing Digital Technologies for Agricultural and Rural Development in the Global South
This book shares research and practice on current trends in digital technology for agricultural and rural development in the Global South. Growth of research in this field has been slower than the pace of change for practitioners, particularly in bringing socio-technical views of information technology and agricultural development perspectives together. The contents are therefore structured around three main themes: sharing information and knowledge for agricultural development, information and knowledge intermediaries, and facilitating change in agricultural systems and settings. The book includes: -Views from diverse academic disciplines as well as practitioners with experience of implementing mobile applications and agriculture information systems in differing country contexts. -Case studies from a range of developing countries and information from across the public and private sector. -A set of practitioner guidelines for successful implementation of digital technologies. With contributions reaching beyond just a technological perspective, the book also provides a consideration of social and cultural factors and new forms of organization and institutional change in agricultural and rural settings. An invaluable read for researchers in international development, socio-economics and agriculture, it forms a useful resource for practitioners working in the area.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Motherhood - Philosophy for Everyone: The Birth of Wisdom
MOTHERHOOD PHILOSOPHY FOR EVERYONE If you have ever wondered what makes a “good” or a “bad” mother, or if mothers are always right in thinking their babies are beautiful, or indeed, whether mother always knows best, look no further. Without a single nag, Motherhood – Philosophy for Everyone covers these salient philosophical issues, and more, including: The anticipation of impending parenthood compared with the reality Should we tell the occasional lie to our children? What does the Bible actually say about the virgin birth? If we were able to turn our children off, would and should we be tempted by this option? The experience of lesbian mothering The unexpected challenges and complications of being a mother “As in any group of thinkers, some mothers are more ambitiously reflective than others, either out of temperamental thoughtfulness, moral and political concerns, or, most often, because they have serious problems with their children. However, maternal thinking is no rarity. Maternal work itself demands that mothers think…” From Maternal Thinking: Toward A Politics of Peace, Sara Ruddick
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dating - Philosophy for Everyone: Flirting With Big Ideas
DATING PHILOSOPHY FOR EVERYONE Speed dating, online dating, group blind dating, dating consultants… A booming dating industry is catering to an ever-increasing number of single adults in the twenty-first century, with the market for a mate now pulling in more than a billion dollars a year in the United States. So, how do we successfully attempt to navigate the dating minefield? Progressing from the first flirtatious moment of eye contact to the selection of a “mate,” Dating – Philosophy for Everyone includes a number of playful yet relevant essays for anyone who has dated, is dating, or intends to date again. It offers fascinating philosophical explorations of topics such as: The taboos of dating and how to play the dating game Should science teach men how to attract women? The problem of having too much choice The vicissitudes of dating and mating are explored from a number of perspectives, all of which will help demystify coupling in the twenty-first century for those young daters just entering the fray, and those veterans returning to the game.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Porn - Philosophy for Everyone: How to Think With Kink
This anthology takes the ever-controversial discussion of pornography out of solely academic circles; it expands the questions about porn that academics might tackle and opens the conversation to those who know it best—the creators and users of porn. Features essays on non-traditional issues in porn, including celebrity sex tapes, virtual sex, S&M, homosexual porn, and technology’s impact on the porn industry Features fascinating insights from psychologists, a lawyer, and an English professor, as well as industry insiders such as Dylan Ryder A fun, entertaining, and philosophically provocative approach to pornography, written for the general reader
John Wiley and Sons Ltd What Is Nanotechnology and Why Does It Matter?: From Science to Ethics
Ongoing research in nanotechnology promises both innovations and risks, potentially and profoundly changing the world. This book helps to promote a balanced understanding of this important emerging technology, offering an informed and impartial look at the technology, its science, and its social impact and ethics. Nanotechnology is crucial for the next generation of industries, financial markets, research labs, and our everyday lives; this book provides an informed and balanced look at nanotechnology and its social impact Offers a comprehensive background discussion on nanotechnology itself, including its history, its science, and its tools, creating a clear understanding of the technology needed to evaluate ethics and social issues Authored by a nanoscientist and philosophers, offers an accurate and accessible look at the science while providing an ideal text for ethics and philosophy courses Explores the most immediate and urgent areas of social impact of nanotechnology
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Bronzezeitliche Fleischverarbeitung Im Salzbergtal Bei Hallstatt
Stone Arch Books Control Under Fire
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Late Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
Part of the Blackwell Readings in the History of Philosophy series, this survey of late modern philosophy focuses on the key texts and philosophers of the period whose beliefs changed the course of western thought. Gathers together the key texts from the most significant and influential philosophers of the late modern era to provide a thorough introduction to the period. Features the writings of Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Leibniz, Kant, Rousseau, Bentham and other leading thinkers. Examines such topics as empiricism, rationalism, and the existence of God. Readings are accompanied by expert commentary from the editors, who are leading scholars in the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ancient Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
Part of The Blackwell Readings in Philosophy Series, this survey of ancient philosophy explores the scope of ancient philosophy, focusing on the key philosophers and their texts, examining how the foundations of philosophy as we know it were laid. Focuses on the key philosophers and their texts, from Pre-Socratic thinkers through to the Neo-Platonists Brings together the key primary writings of Thales, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Anaxagoras, Gorgias, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Lucretius, Seneca, Sextus Empiricus, Plotinus, and many others Is broken down into eight chronological sections for easy comprehension and comparison The readings are accompanied by expert commentary from the editors
Edinburgh University Press Pursuing the Good: Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato's "Republic"
This volume brings together contributions from leading Plato scholars from Britain, Europe and North America on a closely defined topic central to Plato's thought and to Ancient Philosophy --Plato's Form of the Good. The importance of the collection lies in the combination and presentation in one place of a range of different approaches to the good in Plato's Republic, and different solutions to the problems posed and proposed by these approaches. The two central issues, which form an underlying thread throughout the collection, are: first whether Plato's Republic is centred on what is good for individual humans, or on some quasi-moral good; and secondly, what the Form of the Good is. Pursuing the Good goes beyond recent studies in the field, and will appeal to classicists and philosophers alike. To the advanced student, it represents a wide-ranging introduction to central issues of Plato's philosophy; for the academic it will provide stimulus through antithetical and controversial solutions to questions old and new.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Blues - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking Deep About Feeling Low
The philosophy of the blues From B.B. King to Billie Holiday, Blues music not only sounds good, but has an almost universal appeal in its reflection of the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Its ability to powerfully touch on a range of social and emotional issues is philosophically inspiring, and here, a diverse range of thinkers and musicians offer illuminating essays that make important connections between the human condition and the Blues that will appeal to music lovers and philosophers alike.
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Existenz: Brigitte Waldach - Felix-Nussbaum-Haus
Felix Nussbaum (1904-44) was a German painter of Jewish descent, murdered in Auschwitz by the Nazis. After more than four decades in oblivion, his native city Osnabruck in northern Germany brought this distinguished artist to light again by opening a museum dedicated to his oeuvre, the Felix-Nussbaum-Haus. The artist's work, life, and fate resonates in this expressive structure that was designed by celebrated American architect Daniel Libeskind. German artist Brigitte Waldach, born 1966, has produced an impressive body work, mainly of large-format drawing and voluminous installations. Existenz (existence) she conceived especially for Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, where it has been on display since December 2018. It consists of three-dimensional drawings, excerpts from Nussbaum's letters, and a sound collage, involving the viewer in a dialogue with his paintings. This book documents the environment Waldach has created within Libeskind's architecture to reflect upon and experience Felix Nussbaum's art from our contemporary perspective. Text in English and German.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Zero Balancing: Touching the Energy of Bone
The definitive guide to Zero Balancing brings this increasingly popular therapy to life. It contains a clear description of the anatomy and physiology of energy which leads on to a compelling explanation of how and why this form of bodywork can have such powerful effects. Throughout, there are illustrations which convey the unique energy of a Zero Balancing session and John Hamwee provides fascinating examples of clients, their experiences and the outcomes of the work.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Early Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary
Part of the Blackwell Readings in the History of Philosophy series, this survey of early modern philosophy focuses on the key texts and philosophers of the period whose beliefs changed the course of western thought. Assembles the key texts from the most significant and influential philosophers of the early modern era to provide a thorough introduction to the period. Features the writings of the major philosophical, scientific, and political thinkers of the time, including Descartes, Hobbes, Leibniz and Spinoza. Focuses on the development and growth of Rationalism which stressed reason, logic, and experimentation in the pursuit of truth. Readings are accompanied by expert commentary from the editors, who are leading scholars in the field.
Cornell University Press Public Housing Myths: Perception, Reality, and Social Policy
Popular opinion holds that public housing is a failure; so what more needs to be said about seventy-five years of dashed hopes and destructive policies? Over the past decade, however, historians and social scientists have quietly exploded the common wisdom about public housing. Public Housing Myths pulls together these fresh perspectives and unexpected findings into a single volume to provide an updated, panoramic view of public housing. With eleven chapters by prominent scholars, the collection not only covers a groundbreaking range of public housing issues transnationally but also does so in a revisionist and provocative manner. With students in mind, Public Housing Myths is organized thematically around popular preconceptions and myths about the policies surrounding big city public housing, the places themselves, and the people who call them home. The authors challenge narratives of inevitable decline, architectural determinism, and rampant criminality that have shaped earlier accounts and still dominate public perception.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Christmas - Philosophy for Everyone: Better Than a Lump of Coal
From Santa, elves and Ebenezer Scrooge, to the culture wars and virgin birth, Christmas - Philosophy for Everyone explores a host of philosophical issues raised by the practices and beliefs surrounding Christmas. Offers thoughtful and humorous philosophical insights into the most widely celebrated holiday in the Western world Contributions come from a wide range of disciplines, including philosophy, theology, religious studies, English literature, cognitive science and moral psychology The essays cover a wide range of Christmas themes, from a defence of the miracle of the virgin birth to the relevance of Christmas to atheists and pagans
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Social Work Education and Training
Excellent social work education and training is vital for ensuring best practice, and it is important to understand the key approaches and methods in order to provide the best teaching and ensure effective learning.This volume provides an overview of social work education, including the background and current context. It covers the key debates surrounding social work education, such as the evaluation of social work education, the use of IT, research-mindedness, and the effectiveness of interdisciplinary education. The book also offers guidance on effective teaching and learning approaches tailored to the needs of social work educators, covering teaching within a higher education institution, on student practice placements, and in post-qualifying settings. This will be an indispensable text for educators and trainers in the field of social work.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems
Nanoscale Technology in Biological Systems reviews recent accomplishments in the field of nanobiology and introduces the application of nanoscale matrices to human biology. It focuses on the applications of nanotechnology fabrication to biomedical devices and discusses new physical methods for cell isolation and manipulation and intracellular communication at the molecular level. It also explores the application of nanobiology to cardiovascular diseases, to oncology, to transplantation and a range of related disciplines. This book build a strong background in nanotechnology and nanobiology ideal for molecular biologists, biochemists, materials scientists, bioengineers, biotechnologists
Taylor & Francis Inc Managing Capital Resources for Central City Revitalization
First Published in 2000. This book and its companion volume, Human Capital Investment fo r Central City Revitalization, are the products of a two-year endeavor by the National Center for the Revitalization of Central Cities. The National Center is a consortium of academic institutions that analyzes critical problems facing America’s central cities, evaluates strategies to address those problems, and recommends policy alternatives.