Search results for ""author erik"
John Wiley & Sons Inc Identity Development of College Students: Advancing Frameworks for Multiple Dimensions of Identity
Identity Development of College Students Building off the foundational work of Erik Erikson and Arthur Chickering, Identity Development of College Students adds broad and innovative research to describe contemporary perspectives of identity development at the intersection of context, personal characteristics, and social identities. The authors employ different theoretical perspectives to explore the nature of contexthow it both influences and is influenced by multiple social identities. Each chapter includes discussion and reflection questions and activities for individual or small group work. Praise for Identity Development of College Students "Susan R. Jones and Elisa S. Abes have provided us with a comprehensive and beautifully written overview of the evolution of identity development theory. This book reads like a novel while at the same time conveying important ideas, critical analysis, and cutting-edge research that will enhance student affairs practice." NANCY J. EVANS, professor, Student Affairs Program, School of Education, Iowa State University "The authors masterfully present a holistic, integrative, and multi-dimensional approach to the identity development of today's college student. This text should be required reading for those engaged in research and practice in the areas of student affairs, counseling, higher education, and cultural studies." SHARON KIRKLAND-GORDON, director, Counseling Center, University of Maryland, College Park "Susan R. Jones and Elisa S. Abes's work is ground-breakingcharting new scholarly territory and making one of the most significant contributions to identity literature in many years. Building on contemporary and traditional theoretical foundations, Jones and Abes offer new models of identity development essential for understanding a diversity of college students." MARYLU K. MCEWEN, associate professor emerita, University of Maryland, College Park
Salt Publishing Magnus
In Magnus we enter the world of heroes and villains, gods and monsters, good and evil. With a twist, of course, as one would expect from the author of The Book of Alexander.Per, Jonas, Mette and Linnéa are university undergraduates on their final year project with Professor Erik Nordveit. Magnus is the unwelcome guest, a student of grotesque appearance with a shady past who must complete the project to be awarded a pass degree. The group will live together for one week in a cabin on the remote island of Svindel off the west coast of Norway. The pressure cooker atmosphere soon increases – who will explode first? Who can really concentrate on monitoring environmental pollution under these conditions, when there is no contact with the mainland?What starts as the capstone of their university careers, slowly becomes more difficult for the Professor and the students. Events take a turn for the worse. True natures are revealed. Is there a need in all of us to escape, to maximise our freedom, to be ourselves? Do we naturally split into two sides and become either heroes or monsters? Can people truly govern themselves without laws and force of arms?The week culminates in a bonfire party to celebrate Midsummer’s Eve. The neighbouring islands light beacons to celebrate the longest day with the sun still in the sky. In its hour of need who will answer Svindel’s call? Are heroes made or born?
Hay House Inc Unseen Beings: How We Forgot the World Is More Than Human
'Unseen Beings is a magnificent, passionate, brilliantly written manifesto for our urgent reimagining of our relationship with every aspect of the creation… indispensable reading for anyone who longs for a just and balanced human future. Buy it and give it to everyone you know.' Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope A revolutionary perspective on the climate catastrophe bridging history, philosophy, science, and religion.You’ve heard the hard-hitting data and you’ve seen the documentaries. But what will it truly take for humanity to change? We will not tackle the climate catastrophe with data alone – we need new stories and new ways of seeing and thinking.By drawing on traditional eco-philosophies and Buddhist wisdom, Erik Jampa Andersson offers an approach to our environmental emergency that will make us rethink the very nature of our existence on this incredible planet. Looking at the climate catastrophe through the framework of disease, Unseen Beings examines our ecological diagnosis, its historical causes and conditions and, crucially, its much-needed treatment, as well as exploring: how and why we constructed a human-centric worldview amazing recent discoveries around non-human intelligence how religious traditions have dealt with questions of nature, sentience and ecology critical connections between human health and environmental health This book is a call to action. Climate anxiety has left many of us feeling confused and powerless, but there is another way. If we can recover our natural sense of enchantment and kinship with non-human beings, we may still find a path to build a better future.
Bellevue Literary Press Keep Out of Reach of Children: Reyes Syndrome, Aspirin, and the Politics of Public Health
"A fascinating history of a public health crisis. Compellingly written and insightful, Keep Out of Reach of Children traces the discovery of Reye's syndrome, research into its causes, industry's efforts to avoid warning labels on one suspected cause, aspirin, and the feared disease's sudden disappearance. Largent's empathy is with the myriad children and parents harmed by the disease, while he challenges the triumphalist view that labeling solved the crisis." --ERIK M. CONWAY, coauthor of Merchants of Doubt "Largent's engaging and honest account explores how medical mysteries are shaped by prevailing narratives about venal drug companies, heroic investigators, and Johnny-come-lately politicians." --HELEN EPSTEIN, author of The Invisible Cure "Fascinating...Thought-provoking." --Booklist "Well-researched...A revealing work." --Kirkus Reviews Reye's syndrome, identified in 1963, was a debilitating, rare condition that typically afflicted healthy children just emerging from the flu or other minor illnesses. It began with vomiting, followed by confusion, coma, and in 50 percent of all cases, death. Survivors were often left with permanent liver or brain damage. Desperate, terrorized parents and doctors pursued dramatic, often ineffectual treatments. For over fifteen years, many inconclusive theories were posited as to its causes. The Centers for Disease Control dispatched its Epidemic Intelligence Service to investigate, culminating in a study that suggested a link to aspirin. Congress held hearings at which parents, researchers, and pharmaceutical executives testified. The result was a warning to parents and doctors to avoid pediatric use of aspirin, leading to the widespread substitution of alternative fever and pain reducers. But before a true cause was definitively established, Reye's syndrome simply vanished. A harrowing medical mystery, Keep Out of Reach of Children is the first and only book to chart the history of Reye's syndrome and reveal the confluence of scientific and social forces that determined the public health policy response, for better or for ill. Mark A. Largent, a survivor of Reye's syndrome, is the author of Vaccine: The Debate in Modern America and Breeding Contempt: The History of Coerced Sterilization in the United States. He is a historian of science, Associate Professor in James Madison College at Michigan State University, and Associate Dean in Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University. He lives in Lansing, Michigan.
Columbia University Press Developmental Theories Through the Life Cycle
In this bestselling textbook, contributors describe theories of normal human development advanced by such pioneers as Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Jean Piaget, Nancy Chodorow, Daniel Levinson, Erik Erikson, and Margaret Mahler. Beginning with infancy, toddlerhood, and preschool, each chapter examines corresponding ideologies concerning maturation and development in middle childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age, while acknowledging that no one theory can encompass all aspects of human development. In-depth analyses of the psychology and sociology of development provide educators and practitioners with insights into the specific social contexts of human behavior and help identify variables and deviations. This second edition features up-to-date empirical information, including additional studies on diverse populations, and a new chapter on attachment theory, a growing area of interest for today's clinicians.
Columbia University Press Developmental Theories Through the Life Cycle
In this bestselling textbook, contributors describe theories of normal human development advanced by such pioneers as Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Jean Piaget, Nancy Chodorow, Daniel Levinson, Erik Erikson, and Margaret Mahler. Beginning with infancy, toddlerhood, and preschool, each chapter examines corresponding ideologies concerning maturation and development in middle childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age, while acknowledging that no one theory can encompass all aspects of human development. In-depth analyses of the psychology and sociology of development provide educators and practitioners with insights into the specific social contexts of human behavior and help identify variables and deviations. This second edition features up-to-date empirical information, including additional studies on diverse populations, and a new chapter on attachment theory, a growing area of interest for today's clinicians.
Nórdica Libros Vinkings
Els víkings provenen de les fredes terres del nord d?Europa. Sempre els hem imaginat com a guerrers sanguinaris, però van ser molt més que això. Grans comerciants i navegants que van arribar al continent americà molt abans que Cristòfor Colom. I amants de la poesia les seves històries narrades a les sagues, entre elles la d?Erik el Roig. De la mà d?un especialista doctor en l?Edat Mitjana, viatjarem pels mars a bord d?un vaixell amb cap de drac i coneixerem els seus costums i vida quotidiana.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Dorm Room Dealers: Drugs and the Privileges of Race and Class
Why do affluent, upwardly mobile college students - who have everything to lose and little to gain - choose to sell drugs? Why do law enforcement officers largely overlook drug dealing on college campuses? With rich, lively details, A. Rafik Mohamed and Erik Fritsvold deliver unprecedented insight into the world of college drug dealers - and offer an important corrective to the traditional distorted view of the US drug trade as primarily involving poor minorities. Drawing on three years of fieldwork at a predominately white private university, their exceptional ethnography skilfully explores issues of deviance, race, and stratification in the US war on drugs. The book offers novel insight into the world of college drug dealers, exploring issues of deviance, race, and stratification in the US War on Drugs.
HarperCollins Publishers Vikings (Would You Rather?, Book 2)
Would you rather be in Valhalla or Ragnarök? Be called Erik Bloodaxe or Thorfinn Skullsplitter? Only YOU can decide! Adventure into the astonishing world of the Vikings with this new Would You Rather book! Packed with fun situations, this book is the perfect way to learn about the Vikings – their exploits, gods, society, daily life and more. With over 20 ‘would you rather’ questions, prepare to decide if you would rather be a raider or a trader, a poet or a scribe, eat blood soup or rotting shark . . . and much more! Each situation is filled with fascinating and hilarious details about Viking history – rediscover familiar favourites such as Thor and Valhalla, and delve into lesser-known corners of this intriguing civilization. Also available:Would You Rather? – Ancient Egyptians
Merrell Publishers Ltd The Ten Commandments of Typography: Type Heresy: Breaking the Ten Commandments of Typography: AND "Type Heresy: Breaking the Ten Commandments of Typography"
A humorous and incisive analysis of the basic tenets of typography and how to turn them on their heads, this book will appeal to the conformist and the non-conformist in everyone - not just the newcomer to design. One side of this sharp-witted, cleverly designed guide presents the ten main rules, or 'commandments', of type design, addressing such aspects of typographic doctrine as legibility, alignment and capitalization; the other shows how type can successfully subvert these rules, presenting 'sacreligious' visual alternatives. In support of the commandments, Felton includes a list of twelve 'disciples', those internationally renowned graphic designers whom he identifies as rule-abiding, including such figures as Eric Gill, Jan Tschichold and Erik Spiekermann. Confronting these are his 'fallen angels', including such experimental typographers as David Carson, Jeffery Keedy, Phil Baines, and Jonathan Barnbrook.
Pan Macmillan The Swallows' Flight
From the Costa Award-winning author Hilary McKay, comes a moving World War II story of family and friendship on opposite sides of a devastating conflict. The Swallows' Flight is the stunning companion novel to The Skylarks' War.'It’s not necessary to have read The Skylarks’ War (though many beloved characters make reappearances) to be instantly and joyfully lost in this evocative, moving novel, showing McKay at the very top of her game.' – Imogen Russell-Williams, The Guardian'Funny, poignant, wise and emotional. Full of achingly real characters (and also an excellent dog) . . . I eked out the final pages, not wanting it to end.' – Fiona Noble, The BooksellerErik and Hans are German boys. Ruby and Kate are English girls. They grow up in worlds that would never meet, until war tumbles their lives together.Then one September afternoon there are choices to be made.How is courage lost, and found?Who is really the enemy?And what does friendship truly mean, in the middle of a war?Meanwhile Rupert and Clarry work secretly for peace – and a brighter future for them all . . .'. . . a resounding success. . . McKay refuses to dumb down the history, writing with such clarity and understanding that you can’t fail to be caught up in the cares of her loveable cast.' – Alex O'Connell, The Times Book of the Week'McKay is a glutinously atmospheric writer, and this dense, action-packed saga – written during lockdown – is every bit as satisfying as its predecessor.' Emily Bearn, The Telegraph'Separately and together, The Skylarks’ War and The Swallows’ Flight are pinnacles of children’s literature.' –Nicolette Jones, The Sunday Times Book of the Week'Meticulously researched, intelligent, warm and witty — this is McKay at her peerless peak.' Sally Morris, The Daily Mail
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Psychedelics and the Coming Singularity
Leading minds discuss psychedelics, shamanism, human evolution, and the ecological crisis• Includes conversations with Duncan Trussell, Graham Hancock, Grant Morrison, Hamilton Morris, Erik Davis, Julia Mossbridge, Rupert Sheldrake, and others• Explores the possibility of human extinction, Simulation Theory, Virtual Reality and lucid dreaming, space migration, DMT research, and advanced robotics• Delves deep into the relationship between psychedelics and ecological awarenessBetween war, inequality, biosphere collapse, climate change, and destabilizing advances in technology like AI, humankind is confronted with an almost insurmountable array of challenges. Yet many brilliant experts are working on outside-the-box solutions, looking to psychedelic-inspired visions of the future to lead humanity through these crises.In a series of conversations with leading minds in consciousness studies, psychedelic culture, anthropology, che
Saturnalia Books Live at the Bitter End
Set in the vernacular origins of modernity, Live at the Bitter End puts the racialized logic of 20th century aesthetics on trial. Mixing anonymous voices with the testimonies of figures such as Paul Cézanne, Charles Mingus, Emma Bardac, Erik Satie, Alberto Giacometti, Billie Holiday, Pierre Bonnard, Samuel Beckett, Miles Davis, and others, Ed Pavli weaves a playfully raucous and intimately violent work of satirical force. Adhering to the structure of a murder trial, Live at the Bitter End bears lyrical witness to racial separation, masquerade, mongrelization, and communion to show how those connections (in love, lust, trust and betrayal) sound deep in the textures of who we are.
Uitgeverij de Kunst Swirling Starlings
Through his photographs of swirling swarms of starlings - murmurations - photographer Erik Hijweege explores the impressive drama of the natural world. In this series of images, he captures flocks of starlings as they form and reform in the Dutch sky. Often they present as familiar shapes, such as fish, or swans, that can best be seen when captured in photographs.In the accompanying text, art historian Maartje van den Heuvel compares Hijweege's images to the cloudy skies in 17th century Dutch painting. Nature journalist Koos Dijksterhuis explains why starling swarms occur,and explains the wonderful choreography of this breath-taking natural phenomenon. This work was exhibited at the Nature Museum Fryslan in Leeuwarden. Text in English and Dutch.
Cornell University Press Philosophy at the Gymnasium
Philosophy at the Gymnasium returns Greek moral philosophy to its original contextthe gyms of Athensto understand how training for the body sparked training for the mind. The result is an engaging inroad to Greek thought that wrestles with big questions about life, happiness, and education, while providing fresh perspectives on standing scholarly debates.In Philosophy at the Gymnasium, Erik Kenyon reveals the egalitarian spirit of the ancient gym, in which clothesand with them, social markersare shed at the door, leaving individuals to compete based on their physical and intellectual merits alone. The work opens with Socratic dialogues set in gyms that call for reform in character education. It explores Plato''s moral and political philosophy through the lens of mental and civic health. And it holds up Olympic victors as Aristotle''s model for the life of happiness through training.
Canongate Books In the Pines: 5 Murder Ballads
In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines and we shiver when the cold wind blows.For over a century, the murder ballad has held a prominent place in American roots music, although its origins lie in Britain and Scandinavia. These songs tell raw stories of unrequited love, betrayal, violence, life, and death. Inspired by classics of the genre such as "Pretty Polly" and "Long Black Veil," as well as contemporary songs by Steve Earle, Nick Cave, and Gillian Welch, Erik Kriek has crafted five graphic narratives that embody the spirit of the murder ballad tradition and prove that the deepest darkness harbors tales that daylight would never tolerate.Eerie, bloody, wistful, and strange, In the Pines will lead you down to the very heart of the forest - where the wild roses grow and where the ghosts wander, their long-buried secrets unfurling in song.
Penguin Books Ltd A Doll's House and Other Plays
A Doll's House/Ghosts/Pillars of the Community/An Enemy of the People'Our home has never been anything other than a play-house. I've been your doll-wife here, just as at home I was Daddy's doll-child'These four plays established Ibsen as the leading figure in the theatre of his day, sending shockwaves throughout Europe and beyond. A Doll's House scandalized audiences with its free-thinking heroine Nora. Ibsen's even more radical follow-up, Ghosts, exposes family secrets and sexual double-dealing, while Pillars of the Community and An Enemy of the People both explore the hypocrisy and the dark tensions at the heart of society. This new translation, the first to be based on the latest critical edition of Ibsen's works, offers the best version available in English.A new translation by DEBORAH DAWKIN and ERIK SKUGGEVIK With an Introduction by TORE REM General Editor TORE REM
CRC Press Encyclopedia of Environmental Management Four Volume Set
Winner of an Outstanding Academic Title Award from CHOICE MagazineEncyclopedia of Environmental Management gives a comprehensive overview of environmental problems, their sources, their assessment, and their solutions. Through in-depth entries and a topical table of contents, readers will quickly find answers to questions about specific pollution and management issues. Edited by the esteemed Sven Erik JÃrgensen and an advisory board of renowned specialists, this four-volume set shares insights from more than 500 contributorsâall experts in their fields. The encyclopedia provides basic knowledge for an integrated and ecologically sound management system. Nearly 400 alphabetical entries cover everything from air, soil, and water pollution to agriculture, energy, global pollution, toxic substances, and general pollution problems. Using a topical table of contents, readers can also search for entries according to the type of problem and the methodol
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Nutzungsausgleich im Bürgerlichen Recht
Befindet sich ein Gut in der Verfügungsgewalt eines Nichtberechtigten, gewährt die Rechtsordnung dem Berechtigten primär einen Anspruch auf Übertragung des Gutes, beispielsweise in Gestalt von § 985 BGB. Um dem Nichtberechtigten auch den Vorteil zu entziehen, den er durch die Nutzung des Gutes erlangt hat, bedarf es eines ergänzenden Anspruchs auf Nutzungsausgleich. De lege lata ordnet das BGB zu diesem Zweck an unterschiedlichen Stellen eine Verpflichtung zur Herausgabe oder Vergütung von Nutzungen i.S.v. § 100 BGB an. Ausgehend von einer kritischen Analyse des geltenden Rechts und einer rechtsvergleichenden Umschau geht Erik Röder der Frage nach, unter welchen Voraussetzungen ein Anspruch auf Nutzungsausgleich gewährt und wie er inhaltlich ausgestaltet sein sollte. Auf dieser Grundlage entwickelt er einen Vorschlag für ein rationales Nutzungsausgleichssystem.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Körperschaftsdelikt
Nach üblicher Lesart tritt die auf § 31 BGB gestützte Deliktshaftung juristischer Personen in zwei Spielarten auf: Begeht der Organwalter das Delikt eigenhändig, haftet die Körperschaft im Wege des Schuldbeitritts. Wird dagegen eine Verkehrspflicht verletzt, setzt die Verantwortlichkeit direkt bei der Rechtsperson an. Dem stellt sich Jan-Erik Schirmer entschieden entgegen. Er weist nach, wie die herrschende Doktrin zwar den Fortschritt predigt, sich dabei aber auf überkommene Autoritäten stützt und noch immer mit einem Bein im 19. Jahrhundert verharrt. Alternativ entwickelt der Autor im Spannungsfeld von Delikts- und Gesellschaftsrecht das Modell eines einheitlichen Körperschaftsdelikts: § 31 BGB konzentriert die Haftung auf die juristische Person, das Organ haftet nur in Sonderfällen.Diese Arbeit wurde mit dem Promotionspreis 2015 des Fachbereichs Rechtswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin ausgezeichnet.
WW Norton & Co In Memoriam: A Norton Critical Edition
This Norton Critical Edition includes: The Eversley Edition text of the poem, accompanied by Erik Gray’s preface, full introduction and detailed explanatory footnotes. One illustration. A generous selection (new to the Third Edition) of background materials on In Memoriam’s subject, Arthur Henry Hallam, as well as its literary and scientific contexts. Twelve contemporary reviews spanning 1850–55 (also new to this Third Edition) that suggest In Memoriam’s initial reception. Eleven critical essays, five of them new to the Third Edition. A chronology, a selected bibliography and an index of first lines. About the Series Read by more than 12 million students over fifty-five years, Norton Critical Editions set the standard for apparatus that is right for undergraduate readers. The three-part format—annotated text, contexts and criticism—helps students to better understand, analyse and appreciate the literature, while opening a wide range of teaching possibilities for instructors. Whether in print or in digital format, Norton Critical Editions provide all the resources students need.
Oni Press,US The Tea Dragon Society
Available for the first time in paperback, The Tea Dragon Society is the two-time Eisner Award-winning gentle fantasy that follows the story of a blacksmith apprentice, and the people she meets as she becomes entwined in the enchanting world of tea dragons. Winner of the 2018 Eisner Award for Best Publication for Kids Winner of the 2018 Eisner Award for Best Webcomic ALA Rainbow List (2018) 2018 Dwayne McDuffie Award for Kids Comics Winner's Best Comics & Graphic Novels (2017) School Library Journal's Top 10 Graphic Novels (2017) "A manga-flavored fairy tale just the right length to pair with a cup of tea." -- Hope Larson (A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel) "Undeniably whimsical and extremely cute." -- Kirkus From the award-winning author of Princess Princess Ever After comes THE TEA DRAGON SOCIETY, the beloved and charming all-ages book that follows the story of Greta, a blacksmith apprentice, and the people she meets as she becomes entwined in the enchanting world of tea dragons. After discovering a lost tea dragon in the marketplace, Greta learns about the dying art form of tea dragon care-taking from the kind tea shop owners, Hesekiel and Erik. As she befriends them and their shy ward, Minette, Greta sees how the craft enriches their lives--and eventually her own.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Atlas of Neuroanatomy for Communication Science and Disorders
A beautifully illustrated atlas that provides robust speech-language pathology and audiology learning toolsAtlas of Neuroanatomy for Communication Science and Disorders, Second Edition, is based on the award-winning textbook Atlas of Anatomy and the work of Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher. The updated text reflects advances in neuroscience and invaluable insights from Leonard L. LaPointe, one of the foremost teachers and practitioners in the field of brain-based communication disorders today. The book features beautiful illustrations from the recently published second edition of the Schuenke atlases and new content on cognition, higher cortical function, the spinal cord, structural damage, and clinic-pathological effects. Divided into seven chapters, the book is presented in a logical framework, starting with a concise, illustrated overview of anatomy of the brain and nervous system. This approach ensures mastery of introductory concepts before readers move on to m
Peeters Publishers The Council Notes of Edward Schillebeeckx 1962-1963
Without a doubt, the late Edward Schillebeeckx (1914-2009) remains one of the most important and inspiring theological voices of the twentieth century. Apart from his influential books still widely read, the name of Schillebeeckx is constantly linked to the renewal of church life and theology that occurred during the Second Vatican Council. The present critically annotated edition by Dr. Karim Schelkens - containing both the original Dutch text and an English translation - now makes Schillebeeckx' private notes, jotted down during the first two council periods, readily available for a wider public, thereby offering its readers a unique possibility to enter into the thought world and the activities of this theological giant. The edition is prepared with the support of the Edward Schillebeeckx Foundation, and holds a preface by Prof. Mathijs Lamberigts as well as an introduction by Schillebeeckx' biographer, Prof. Erik Borgman.
Hirmer Verlag The MINI Story
On 26 August 1959 a revolutionary small car rolled off the assembly line, and almost overnight became a cult. Sir Alec Issigonis’s Mini was both innovative and unconventional – making it the perfect embodiment of the Swinging Sixties. Today the MINI has become a hugely popular symbol, and a worldwide ambassador for individuality, vitality and Britishness. This lavishly produced book tells the fascinating story of the brand’s success from the first classic Mini to today’s modern, cutting-edge concept cars. Technological developments and automotive concepts, design features and cheeky customized creations are discussed in detail, alongside the story of the MINI’s role in advertising, films and art, and the birth of the cult of the Mini in the 1960s. Rare vintage advertising posters, original design sketches and Erik Chmil’s elegant photographs showcasing 23 MINI models make this book a visual feast and a collector’s item for the MINI aficionado.
HarperCollins Island of Thieves
“Hamilton has never been better.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) When a new security gig turns into a setup, expert thief Van Shaw finds himself the prey in a cross-country pursuit—in this electrifying sixth novel in Glen Erik Hamilton’s pulse-pounding and emotionally resonant thriller series. Van Shaw is hired to evaluate the safeguards for the art collection of eccentric business magnate Sebastien Rohner. Then Rohner reveals to Van the real reason he’s been recruited: to prevent another professional burglar from stealing the art. Rohner wants to set a thief to catch a thief.While questioning the bizarre nature of the job, Van accepts the lucrative offer and arrives at the island estate during an international summit that Rohner is hosting. Shortly after beginning his surveillance of Rohner’s highly secure gallery wing, Van stumbles across the murdered body of on
Vehicule Press Words are the Worst: Selected Poems
Born in 1968 in The Hague, Erik Lindner is one of the Netherland’s most acclaimed poets. Admired for a style that fuses simplicity with strangeness, Lindner builds his poems through a montage of descriptive images that, by fending off closure, generate extraordinary visionary power. Gathering together new work with a selection from his previous six collections, Words are the Worst offers a range of pleasures that have made him celebrated in his home country: an austere eloquence; a hard, unsparing precision; a restless and idiosyncratic eye. Best of all is how his intensely filmic observations transform haunted landscapes of windmills, birds, dogs, and houseboats on canals into, as one critic put it, “Lindner-like” moments. Brilliantly translated by Francis R. Jones, with an introduction by Canadian poet David O’Meara, Words are the Worst introduces a leading Dutch voice to English readers.
ArchiTangle GmbH Architecture Is Experimentation
Architecture Is Experimentation shines a spotlight on the intersection of architectural innovation and sustainable solutions through the lens of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2023 laureates: Ronald and Erik Rietveld, Benedetta Tagliabue, Simon Teyssou, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, and Xu Tiantian. This publication brings to the fore their pioneering efforts in merging community engagement, technological innovation, and deep respect for cultural and urban heritage in order to advance sustainable architectural practices. Featuring interviews with each winner, the book provides insights into their creative processes and philosophies by introducing projects that exemplify their approach to experimentation. It serves as a guide, detailing the tools, methods, and approaches that define the cutting edge of architectural experimentation. By documenting the impactful work of these architects from diverse backgrounds and regions around the world, Ar
Stanford University Press The Institutional Imperative: The Politics of Equitable Development in Southeast Asia
Why do some countries in the developing world achieve growth with equity, while others do not? If democracy is the supposed panacea for the developing world, why have Southeast Asian democracies had such uneven results? In exploring these questions, political scientist Erik Martinez Kuhonta argues that the realization of equitable development hinges heavily on strong institutions, particularly institutionalized political parties and cohesive interventionist states, and on moderate policy and ideology. The Institutional Imperative is framed as a structured and focused comparative-historical analysis of the politics of inequality in Malaysia and Thailand, but also includes comparisons with the Philippines and Vietnam. It shows how Malaysia and Vietnam have had the requisite institutional capacity and power to advance equitable development, while Thailand and the Philippines, because of weaker institutions, have not achieved the same levels of success. At its core, the book makes a forceful claim for the need for institutional power and institutional capacity to alleviate structural inequalities.
University of Nebraska Press Bruno Walter: A World Elsewhere
Bruno Walter (1876–1962), one of the twentieth century’s greatest conductors, lived a fascinating life in difficult times. This engrossing book is the first full-length biography of Walter in English. Born in Berlin, Walter began his long and eventful career in provincial theaters; his successes there led to positions at the premier opera houses of Berlin and Vienna. Then for a decade he served as Bavarian music director, conducting opera in three theaters and giving symphonic concerts. Erik Ryding and Rebecca Pechefsky tell of Walter’s close friendship with Gustav Mahler, his relations with Thomas Mann and his family, and his romantic involvement with the soprano Delia Reinhardt. Ousted from Germany by the Nazi Party in 1933, he returned to Vienna, where he was artistic director of the State Opera until the Nazis again forced him out. He eventually emigrated to the United States, where he led the New York Philharmonic and other orchestras, developed a deep interest in the writings of Rudolf Steiner, and made touchstone recordings with the Columbia Symphony Orchestra.
The University of Chicago Press Community Service and Social Responsibility in Youth
This is an analysis of the beneficial effects of community service on the political and moral identity of adolescents. This text uses a case study from a predominantly black, urban high school in Washington, D.C., building on the insights of Erik Erikson on the social and historical nature of identity development. The study seeks to show that service at a soup kitchen as part of a course on social justice gives opportunity to reflect on their status in society, on how society is organized, on how government should use its power, and on moral principles related to homelessness and poverty. By developing a sense of social responsibility and a civic commitment, young people can begin to see themselves as active agents in society. The book challenges negative steoptypes of contemporary adolescents, and illustrates how young people can use their talents for social good when given the opportunity. It is designed to interest those concerned with today's youth and tomorrow's society.
Synergetic Press Inc.,U.S. The Regenerative Landscaper: Design and Build Landscapes That Repair the Environment
An awe-inspiring guide that weaves together permaculture design, food resiliency, climate adaptation, community organizing, and indigenous wisdom that you can implement in your own backyard. This book has been crafted for beginner gardeners and large scale permaculturists alike . It is a step-by-step manual starting from your landscaping ideas and ending with seeds and trees confidently planted. However, this is more than just a guide to landscaping, it is a motivational read. Throughout The Regenerative Landscaper, Erik addresses climate change, species extinction, and ecological collapse with encouragement that each of us can indeed become stewards of the land. We can do this by installing healthy ecosystems in our own yards. His words offer hope and tangible action, inspiring his readers to restore planetary health one garden at a time.The Regenerative Landscaper gives a collection of case studies, step-by-step processes, prevention and mitigation methods, and regenerative land management techniques to steward your land. If you are looking for an easy-to-read manual on designing and implementing your permaculture haven, The Regenerative Landscaper is it.
Skyhorse Publishing The Sons of Sora: The Earthborn Trilogy, Book 3
Set sixteen years after the events of The Exiled Earthborn, this explosive conclusion of the Earthborn trilogy tells the story of two brothers, the sons of Lucas and Asha, tasked with surviving the Xalan war to ensure the continued existence of the human race.Noah, an orphan from Earth’s last days who, as a child, was smuggled to safety across the stars, is now nearly a man and a leader to the young enclave of Earthborn who reside on Sora. When the tranquility of their settlement is shattered by a shocking assassination attempt, Noah turns to his combative younger brother Erik, Lucas and Asha’s only child by blood, for aid. Their journey takes them to the remnants of a dead planet, an outlaw-infested space station, and back to Sora, whose inhabitants are bracing for a final showdown with the bloodthirsty Xalans.They find themselves facing a new evil: the omnipotent Archon, who is somehow controlling the whole of the Xalan horde, and his bloodthirsty lieutenant, the Black Corsair, who has an unmatched taste for brutality. The Archon, so-called God of the Shadows, has unearthed knowledge that could wipe both Sorans and humans alike from the face of existence. The descendants of the Earthborn must uncover the true nature of the Archon and the Xalans before he burns everything they know and love to ashes.Skyhorse Publishing, under our Night Shade and Talos imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of titles for readers interested in science fiction (space opera, time travel, hard SF, alien invasion, near-future dystopia), fantasy (grimdark, sword and sorcery, contemporary urban fantasy, steampunk, alternative history), and horror (zombies, vampires, and the occult and supernatural), and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller, a national bestseller, or a Hugo or Nebula award-winner, we are committed to publishing quality books from a diverse group of authors.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC When I Wake Up
When Anna, a much-loved teacher and mother of two, is left savagely beaten and in a coma, a police investigation is launched. News of the attack sends shock waves through her family and their small Swedish community. Anna seems to have had no enemies, so who wanted her dead? As loved-ones wait anxiously by her bedside, her husband Erik is determined to get to the bottom of the attack, and soon begins uncovering his wife's secret life, and a small town riven with desire, betrayal and jealousy. As the list of suspects grows longer, it soon becomes clear that only one person can reveal the truth, and she's lying silent in a hospital bed... A breathtaking, heart-pounding, dark debut, sure to delight fans of The Girl on the Train and S.J. Watson.
Sasquatch Books Sea Star Wishes
Selected as a Children's Poet Laureate Monthly Book Pick, Sea Star Wishes captures the varied and colorful world of our beautiful coastal shores. Discover the wonders of the sea and enjoy a day at the beach in playful and imaginative poetry and illustrations.In these coastal poems for kids, children meet sea lions, starfish, jellyfish, and other animals in the ocean, and dream about sandcastles and other beach activities. This fun, lyrical children's poetry collection by award-winning children's singer and songwriter Eric Ode features lively illustrations by Washington State Book Award recipient Erik Brooks. Sea Star WishesDo sea stars make wisheson stars of the nightand dream that they mightbe as shiny and bright?And if they make wishesperhaps it could bethat fishes make wisheson stars of the sea.
Harvard University Press Asia Inside Out: 3
A pioneering study of historical developments that have shaped Asia concludes with this volume tracing the impact of ideas and cultures of people on the move across the continent, whether willingly or not.In the final volume of Asia Inside Out, a stellar interdisciplinary team of scholars considers the migration of people—and the ideas, practices, and things they brought with them—to show the ways in which itinerant groups have transformed their culture and surroundings. Going beyond time and place, which animated the first two books, this third one looks at human beings on the move.Human movement from place to place across time reinforces older connections while forging new ones. Erik Harms turns to Vietnam to show that the notion of a homeland as a marked geographic space can remain important even if that space is not fixed in people’s lived experience. Angela Leung traces how much of East Asia was brought into a single medical sphere by traveling practitioners. Seema Alavi shows that the British preoccupation with the 1857 Indian Revolt allowed traders to turn the Omani capital into a thriving arms emporium. James Pickett exposes the darker side of mobility in a netherworld of refugees, political prisoners, and hostages circulating from the southern Russian Empire to the Indian subcontinent. Other authors trace the impact of movement on religious art, ethnic foods, and sports spectacles.By stepping outside familiar categories and standard narratives, this remarkable series challenges us to rethink our conception of Asia in complex and nuanced ways.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gottesdienst und Engel im antiken Judentum und frühen Christentum
Gewisse frühjüdische und neutestamentliche Texte beschreiben eine Verbindung der himmlischen und irdischen Gemeinde im Gottesdienst oder setzen diese voraus. Exegetisch erlangte das Thema insbesondere durch die Textfunde von Qumran Aufmerksamkeit. Die Thematik ist aber auch relevant für das ökumenische Gespräch mit den östlich-orthodoxen Kirchen, in deren Liturgien gerade die Teilnahme der himmlischen Welt am irdischen Gottesdienst eine herausragende Rolle spielt. Systematisch spielte die Fragestellung zudem im Werk des katholischen Theologen Erik Peterson und seiner Diskussion mit Karl Barth eine Rolle.Der vorliegende Sammelband dokumentiert die Beiträge einer Tagung an der Theologische Fakultät der Universität Zürich zur Beziehung von Gottesdienst und Engeln in antik-jüdischer, rabbinischer, neutestamentlicher, frühchristlicher, liturgiegeschichtlicher und systematischer Perspektive.
Princeton University Press Econometrics and the Philosophy of Economics: Theory-Data Confrontations in Economics
As most econometricians will readily agree, the data used in applied econometrics seldom provide accurate measurements for the pertinent theory's variables. Here, Bernt Stigum offers the first systematic and theoretically sound way of accounting for such inaccuracies. He and a distinguished group of contributors bridge econometrics and the philosophy of economics--two topics that seem worlds apart. They ask: How is a science of economics possible? The answer is elusive. Economic theory seems to be about abstract ideas or, it might be said, about toys in a toy community. How can a researcher with such tools learn anything about the social reality in which he or she lives? This book shows that an econometrician with the proper understanding of economic theory and the right kind of questions can gain knowledge about characteristic features of the social world. It addresses varied topics in both classical and Bayesian econometrics, offering ample evidence that its answer to the fundamental question is sound. The first book to comprehensively explore economic theory and econometrics simultaneously, Econometrics and the Philosophy of Economics represents an authoritative account of contemporary economic methodology. About a third of the chapters are authored or coauthored by Heather Anderson, Erik Biorn, Christophe Bontemps, Jeffrey A. Dubin, Harald E. Goldstein, Clive W.J. Granger, David F. Hendry, Herman Ruge-Jervell, Dale W. Jorgenson, Hans-Martin Krolzig, Nils Lid Hjort, Daniel L. McFadden, Grayham E. Mizon, Tore Schweder, Geir Storvik, and Herman K. van Dijk.
Penguin Books Ltd How Economics Can Save the World
Economics has the power to make the world a better, happier and safer place: this book shows you howOur world is in a mess. The challenges of climate change, inequality, hunger and a global pandemic mean our way of life seems more imperilled and society more divided than ever; but economics can help!From parenting to organ donation, housing to anti-social behaviour, economics provides the tools we need to fix the biggest issues of today. Far from being a means to predict the stock market or enrich the elite, economics provides a lens through which we can better understand how things work, design clever solutions and create the conditions in which we can all flourish.With a healthy dose of optimism, and packed with stories of economics in everyday situations, Erik Angner demonstrates the methods he and his fellow economists use to help improve our lives and the society in which we live. He shows us that economics can be a powerful force for good, awaken
Penguin Books Ltd How Economics Can Save the World: Simple Ideas to Solve Our Biggest Problems
Economics has the power to make the world a better, happier and safer place: this book shows you howOur world is in a mess. The challenges of climate change, inequality, hunger and a global pandemic mean our way of life seems more imperilled and society more divided than ever; but economics can help! From parenting to organ donation, housing to anti-social behaviour, economics provides the tools we need to fix the biggest issues of today. Far from being a means to predict the stock market or enrich the elite, economics provides a lens through which we can better understand how things work, design clever solutions and create the conditions in which we can all flourish. With a healthy dose of optimism, and packed with stories of economics in everyday situations, Erik Angner demonstrates the methods he and his fellow economists use to help improve our lives and the society in which we live. He shows us that economics can be a powerful force for good, awakening the possibility of a happier, more just and more sustainable world.
Sasquatch Books Drawn to Color: A Pacific Northwest Coloring Book
Color with critically acclaimed and up-and-coming artists in this unique Pacific Northwest–themed coloring book that features original art from over 20 children’s book illustrators. With over 50 pages to color of subjects ranging from farmers’ markets to food carts and coffee culture, to otters, wolves, and bears, to sea serpents, UFOs, and the Space Needle, this coloring book will appeal to both children and adults. The variety of art ranges from simple to highly detailed, offering a range of coloring challenges. Illustrators include:Alison FarrellAmy HevronAaron BagleyAndy MusserBen ClantonBrandon DormanCarolyn ConahanCarrie O’NeillClaudia McGeheeCorey TaborDana ArnimDoug KeithErik BrooksFrida ClementsJessixa BagleyJulie KimJustin HillgroveKate EndleLiz WongRichard Jesse WatsonSean David WilliamsSteven Henry
Marvel Comics Black Panther Visions Of Wakanda
Meet T''Challa, the Black Panther, and explore his wondrous home of Wakanda in this beautifully crafted Marvel art book! Featuring action-packed artwork from all eras of Panther storytelling - beginning with his debut in Stan Lee and Jack Kirby''s legendary Fantastic Four run, through his first stint as a mighty Avenger, to his modern status as a solo series star across the eras! There''s jungle action aplenty as T''Challa, his closest allies and his fiercest foes star in stunning illustrations by legends like Kirby, John Buscema, Rich Buckler, John Byrne, Mark Texeira and John Romita Jr.! Plus awesome covers and pages from the recent blockbuster revolution of Wakanda from the creative minds of writer Ta-Nehisi Coates and his artistic collaborators, Brian Stelfreeze and Christopher Sprouse! Featuring Shuri, Storm, Erik Killmonger, the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda - and more!
Johns Hopkins University Press Energy Humanities: An Anthology
Energy humanities is a field of scholarship that, like medical and digital humanities before it, aims to overcome traditional boundaries between the disciplines and between academic and applied research. Responding to growing public concern about anthropogenic climate change and the unsustainability of the fuels we use to power our modern society, energy humanists highlight the essential contribution that humanistic insights and methods can make to areas of analysis once thought best left to the natural sciences. In this groundbreaking anthology, Imre Szeman and Dominic Boyer have brought together a carefully curated selection of the best and most influential work in energy humanities. Arguing that today's energy and environmental dilemmas are fundamentally problems of ethics, habits, imagination, values, institutions, belief, and power-all traditional areas of expertise of the humanities and humanistic social sciences-the essays and other pieces featured here demonstrate the scale and complexity of the issues the world faces. Their authors offer compelling possibilities for finding our way beyond our current energy dependencies toward a sustainable future. Contributors include: Margaret Atwood, Paolo Bacigalupi, Lesley Battler, Ursula Biemann, Dominic Boyer, Italo Calvino, Warren Cariou, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Una Chaudhuri, Claire Colebrook, Stephen Collis, Erik M. Conway, Amy De'Ath, Adam Dickinson, Fritz Ertl, Pope Francis, Amitav Ghosh, Gokce Gunel, Gabrielle Hecht, Cymene Howe, Dale Jamieson, Julia Kasdorf, Oliver Kellhammer, Stephanie LeMenager, Barry Lord, Graeme Macdonald, Joseph Masco, John McGrath, Martin McQuillan, Timothy Mitchell, Timothy Morton, Jean-Francois Mouhot, Abdul Rahman Munif, Judy Natal, Reza Negarestani, Pablo Neruda, David Nye, Naomi Oreskes, Andrew Pendakis, Karen Pinkus, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Hermann Scheer, Roy Scranton, Allan Stoekl, Imre Szeman, Laura Watts, Michael Watts, Jennifer Wenzel, Sheena Wilson, Patricia Yaeger, and Marina Zurkow
University Press of Florida Citizen Science in Maritime Archaeology: The Power of Public Engagement
Examples and strategies for partnering with volunteers in maritime heritage researchThis volume is the first to address the ways maritime archaeologists have engaged citizen scientists, presenting examples of projects and organizations that have involved volunteers in the important work of gathering and processing data. With a special focus on program development and sustainability, these practical case studies provide reference points for archaeologists looking to design their own citizen science projects. In these essays, contributors describe initiatives such as the Diver-Archaeological Reconnaissance Cooperative (DivARC), which involves combat veterans in meaningful research missions; Diving With a Purpose, which trains adults and youth in documenting and preserving African slave trade shipwrecks; and classroom education that encourages high school students to develop an interest in the field.As volunteers learn the scope, goals, and outcomes of their research, these studies show, they are empowered to become active participants—and true partners—in scientific inquiry.Throughout the wide range of experiences represented here, the chapter authors discuss challenges they encountered as well as ideas for optimizing future projects and strategies for welcoming diverse communities to this work. Arguing that these initiatives will create space for public engagement in heritage research, management, and preservation, Citizen Science in Maritime Archaeology serves as a foundation for discussion of this goal.Contributors: Della A. Scott-Ireton | Jennifer E. Jones | Jason T. Raupp | Elizabeth A. Moore | John D. Broadwater | Daniel J. Houlihan | Calvin H. Mires | Stephen D. Nagiewicz | Peter F. Straub | Shannon M. Chiarel | Steve Evert | Jaymes Swain | Ryan J. Bradley | Erik C. Denson | Ayana Omilade Flewellen | Earnest Franklin | Kamau Sadiki | Jay V. Haigler | Laurel Seaborn | Charles E. Wainwright | Victor T. Mastone | Gustav Milne | Danielle Newman | Oliver Hutchinson | Lawrence M. Northall | Andy Viduka | Austin L. Burkhard | Nicole R. Grinnan | Peta Knott | Mark Beattie-Edwards | Kimberly J. Wooten
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Course in Behavioral Economics
This textbook looks at decisions – how we make them, and what makes them good or bad. In this bestselling introduction, Erik Angner clearly lays out the theory of behavioral economics and explains the intuitions behind it. The book offers a rich tapestry of examples, exercises, and problems drawn from fields such as economics, management, marketing, political science, and public policy. It shows how to apply the principles of behavioral economics to improve your life and work – and to make the world a better place to boot. No advanced mathematics is required. This is an ideal textbook for students coming to behavioral economics from various fields. It can be used on its own in introductory courses, or in combination with other texts at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is equally suitable for general readers who have been captivated by popular-science books on behavioral economics and want to know more about this intriguing subject. New to this Edition: - An updated chapter on behavioral policy and the nudge agenda. - Several new sections, for example on the economics of happiness. - Updated examples and exercises, with an expanded answer key - Refreshed ancillary resources make for a plug and play experience for instructors teaching behavioral economics for the first time.
The University of Chicago Press Songs for Dead Parents: Corpse, Text, and World in Southwest China
In a society that has seen epochal change over a few generations, what remains to hold people together and offer them a sense of continuity and meaning? In Songs for Dead Parents, Erik Mueggler shows how in contemporary China death and the practices surrounding it have become central to maintaining a connection with the world of ancestors, ghosts, and spirits that socialism explicitly disavowed. Drawing on more than twenty years of fieldwork in a mountain community in Yunnan Province, Songs for Dead Parents shows how people view the dead as both material and immaterial, as effigies replace corpses, tombstones replace effigies, and texts eventually replace tombstones in a long process of disentangling the dead from the shared world of matter and memory. It is through these processes that people envision the cosmological underpinnings of the world and assess the social relations that make up their community. Thus, state interventions aimed at reforming death practices have been deeply consequential, and Mueggler traces the transformations they have wrought and their lasting effects.
Stanford University Press SARS in China: Prelude to Pandemic?
The SARS epidemic of 2003 was one of the most serious public health crises of our times. The event, which lasted only a few months, is best seen as a warning shot, a wake-up call for public health professionals, security officials, economic planners, and policy makers everywhere. SARS in China addresses the structure and impact of the epidemic and its short and medium range implications for an interconnected, globalized world. Warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made it clear that SARS may have been a prelude to bigger things. The authors of this volume focus on specific aspects of the SARS outbreak—epidemiological, political, economic, social, cultural, and moral. They analyze SARS as a form of social suffering and raise questions about the relevance of national sovereignty in the face of such global threats. Taken together, these essays demonstrate that SARS had the potential of becoming a major turning point in human history. This book forces us to ask what we have learned from SARS as we go on to face newer, and farther-reaching pandemics. The current case of the COVID-19 outbreak amplifies the urgency of this question, and illuminates the strengths and shortcomings of different national responses to such pandemics. Contributors: Erik Eckholm Joan Kaufman Arthur Kleinman Dominic Lee Sing Lee Megan Murray Thomas G. Rawski Tony Saich Alan Schnur James L. Watson Hong Zhang Yun Kwok Wing
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cases on Born Globals
Cases on Born Globals brings together a wealth of case studies covering a range of industries and countries on emerging firms known as ‘Born Globals’ that seek to enter international markets immediately upon creation. Bringing together 11 key cases, Erik Rasmussen highlights how these firms have been increasing in number over the last 20 years. He further explores the speed of their growth, the challenges experienced and likely future prognoses. The book also discusses whether early internationalisation could be advantageous to entrepreneurial firms by linking up to other more prominent firms and thereby creating a greater reach for the newly-created firms. Key Features: Broad span of cases with global reach Showcasing different themes of Born Global research Discussion questions and assignments provided, together with further reading Providing expert guidance on how to apply theoretical concepts and models, this will be an excellent resource for teachers and students of international entrepreneurship, internationalisation and international business.