Search results for ""SCHOLASTIC""
Scholastic Maths Foundation Revision and Exam Practice Book for AQA
Board: AQA Examination: Maths Foundation Specification: GCSE 9-1 Type: Practice and Revision (includes answers) (Please note this title is also available for Edexcel and All Boards) "The Scholastic resources go into far more detail than some of the other revision guides we have used and I've not seen any other resources that have an app linked to them. We would definitely recommend the resources to other schools. Everything you need to revise is in one place to enable students to work independently." Dave Richardson, Deputy Head [in reference to the GCSE English Language & Literature and Mathematics revision guides and exam practice books] Aim for the highest pass with Scholastic's GCSE Grades 9-1 series of Practice and Revision books. Our revision guides cover GCSE exam topics at greater depth, with clear and focused explanations of tricky topics and questions that offer additional challenge and when they are combined with our exam practice books which are packed with hundreds of GCSE exam-style questions covering the key topics for every subject, you'll have everything you need in one book! It's not just practice, each book also includes tips, advice and regular progress checks to boost confidence and help students apply key revision strategies. Every book also includes at least one full practice paper for authentic exam preparation. Full answers are provided to help students check their progress. Taking an active, stepped approach, our guides include popular 'It!' features giving students opportunities to self-test their understanding and apply their knowledge as they study. Do it! Active practice to help you retain key facts Nail it! Examiner tips to help you get better grades Snap it! Read it, snap it on your phone, revise it...helps you retain key facts Stretch it! Support for the really tough stuff that will get you higher grades Work it! Exam questions broken down into manageable steps "What they thought was especially clever is the resources 'knowing' the day of their exam, and then highlighting what they needed to do and when in the days and weeks leading up to it. That captured them there and then." Dave Richardson, Deputy Head [Read the full case study from Brentwood County High School] The accompanying app helps you revise on-the-go: Use the free, personalised digital revision planner and get stuck into the quick tests to check your understanding Download our free revision cards which you can save to your phone to help you revise on the go Implement 'active' revision techniques - giving you lots of tips and tricks to help the knowledge sink in Other subjects covered by Scholastic's Practice and Revision series: Maths Foundation, Maths Higher, SPAG, English Language and Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined Science and Geography
Scholastic Pet Rabbits (Set 8) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 4 Scholastic Set: 08 Non-fiction Title: Pet Rabbits Focus: Adjacent consonants and long vowel sounds Tricky Words: you the they are like love to be some do of Book Band: Blue This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Transport Today (Set 8) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 4 Scholastic Set: 08 Non-fiction Title: Transport Today Focus: Adjacent consonants and long vowel sounds Tricky Words: of we have to today there are some the by when were they little be do push so what Book Band: Blue This title is part of a brand new set of non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled books are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'talk about it' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of non-fiction books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic What Do You Want to Do? (Set 12) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
A non-fiction decodable reading book perfect for very early readers. 100% matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 These expertly levelled books are engaging with the focus sounds clearly shown on the front cover of the book. Each book also contains parent's notes with guidance on how to help your child to read, including practicing the focus sounds, highhlighting any tricky words they may need assistance with and what to do before, during and after reading the book. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting and a 'talk about it' task supports children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. SCHOLASTIC BOOK BAG READERS - SERIES INFORMATION A collection of over 100 fiction and non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers and exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. There are thirteen sets of four fiction and four non-fiction books, covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. They cover: Pink Book Band Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Red Book Band Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Yellow Book Band Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Blue Book Band Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Green Book Band Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Orange Book Band Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Turquoise Book Band Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Helpful Plants (Set 12) Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
A non-fiction decodable reading book perfect for very early readers. 100% matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 These expertly levelled books are engaging with the focus sounds clearly shown on the front cover of the book. Each book also contains parent's notes with guidance on how to help your child to read, including practicing the focus sounds, highhlighting any tricky words they may need assistance with and what to do before, during and after reading the book. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting and a 'talk about it' task supports children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. SCHOLASTIC BOOK BAG READERS - SERIES INFORMATION A collection of over 100 fiction and non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers and exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. There are thirteen sets of four fiction and four non-fiction books, covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. They cover: Pink Book Band Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Red Book Band Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Yellow Book Band Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Blue Book Band Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Green Book Band Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Orange Book Band Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Turquoise Book Band Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Starter Pack 6 Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
A set of 12 non-fiction decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. 100% matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 These expertly levelled books are engaging with the focus sounds clearly shown on the front covers. Each book also contains parent's notes with guidance on how to help your child to read, including practicing the focus sounds, highhlighting any tricky words they may need assistance with and what to do before, during and after reading the book. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting and a 'talk about it' task supports children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. This starter pack contains the books in Scholastic Set 11, Scholastic Set 12 and Scholastic Set 13 of the Phonics Book Bag Readers Non-fiction series (twelve books in total). SCHOLASTIC BOOK BAG READERS - SERIES INFORMATION A collection of over 100 fiction and non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers and exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. There are thirteen sets of four fiction and four non-fiction books, covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. They cover: Pink Book Band Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Red Book Band Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Yellow Book Band Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Blue Book Band Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Green Book Band Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Orange Book Band Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Turquoise Book Band Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Reading Tests Ages 6-7
Examination: SATs Curriculum: National Curriculum for England Year: Year 2 Subject: Reading Prepare with confidence for the end of year SATs tests with Scholastic National Curriculum Tests. Scholastic's practice tests are fully in line with the Year 2 and Year 6 SATs Tests Each book contains three complete practice tests and a guidance and mark scheme. These practice tests have a similar look to the real test, to help familiarise children with both the content and format of these tests. The guidance and mark scheme provides advice for parents and carers on how to use the tests and how to support children in preparing for them. [Content previously published as separate test papers in packs of the same name]
Scholastic Maths Tests Ages 9-10
Examination: SATs Curriculum: National Curriculum for England Year: Year 5 Subject: Maths Prepare with confidence for the end of year SATs tests with Scholastic National Curriculum Tests. Scholastic's practice tests are fully in line with the Year 2 and Year 6 SATs Tests Each book contains two complete practice tests and a guidance and mark scheme. These practice tests have a similar look to the real test, to help familiarise children with both the content and format of these tests. The guidance and mark scheme provides advice for parents and carers on how to use the tests and how to support children in preparing for them. [Content previously published as separate test papers in packs of the same name]
Scholastic Spelling and Vocabulary Teachers Book Year 1
"A really useful classroom resource." Mrs J. Holloway, Amazon customer.Help children master core English skills required for success at school and beyond. Matched to the curriculum, our acclaimed Scholastic English Skills series is full of easy ways to teach the essentials. An ideal English toolkit for the primary years Gets children speaking, reading and writing confidently Tackles common problems that hold back progress Saves time with inspiring ready-made lesson ideas, activities and posters Includes detailed background knowledge and teacher notes The CD-ROM contains interactive activities for the whiteboard, perfect for starter or plenary activities This spelling and vocabulary teacher's book covers simple rules and exceptions, word families, phonic sounds, synonyms and antonyms and much more. A linked pupil workboo
Scholastic Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test - Year 4
Prepare with confidence for the end of year SATs tests with Scholastic National Curriculum Tests. Scholastic's practice tests are fully in line with the Year 2 and Year 6 SATs Tests. Examination: SATs Curriculum: National Curriculum for England Year: Year 4 Subject: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Each book contains three complete practice tests and a guidance and mark scheme. These practice tests have a similar look to the real test, to help familiarise children with both the content and format of these tests. The guidance and mark scheme provides advice for parents and carers on how to use the tests and how to support children in preparing for them. [Content previously published as separate test papers in packs of the same name]
Scholastic Starter Pack 5 Matched to Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised
A set of 8 non-fiction decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. 100% matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 5 These expertly levelled books are engaging with the focus sounds clearly shown on the front covers. Each book also contains parent's notes with guidance on how to help your child to read, including practicing the focus sounds, highhlighting any tricky words they may need assistance with and what to do before, during and after reading the book. The artwork and photographs are detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting and a 'talk about it' task supports children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. This starter pack contains the books in Scholastic Set 9 and Scholastic Set 10 of the Phonics Book Bag Readers Non-fiction series (eight books in total). SCHOLASTIC BOOK BAG READERS - SERIES INFORMATION A collection of over 100 fiction and non-fiction phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers and exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. There are thirteen sets of four fiction and four non-fiction books, covering groups of sounds to allow for progression. They cover: Pink Book Band Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Red Book Band Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Yellow Book Band Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Blue Book Band Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Green Book Band Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Orange Book Band Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Turquoise Book Band Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?
Scholastic Axel Scheffler's Nursery Rhymes
A gorgeous board book collection of much-loved nursery rhymes illustrated by Axel Scheffler, the bestselling team of The Gruffalo and Zog. Climb up the waterspout with Incy Wincy, help the king's men try to put Humpty Dumpty back together again, dance along with the cat playing his fiddle and so much more! Brought to life with Axel Scheffler's stunning illustrations, this collection of beloved nursery rhymes such as Twinkle Twinkle and Mary Had a Little Lamb, is the perfect bedtime read for the whole family to enjoy. A collection of children's nursery rhymes illustrated by the one and only award-winning superstar, Axel Scheffler This lovely board book format is perfect for little hands to turn pages without tearing them Part of the new series of fairy tale and traditional stories illustrated by Axel Scheffler, published by Scholastic - check out Puss in Boots, Hare and the Hedgehog, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf in lovely gifty hardbacks.
Scholastic A Christmas Carol
Board: AQA Examination: English Language & Literature Specification: GCSE 9-1 Set Text covered: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Type: Essay Planner This book answers the question 'What do great answers look like?' with step-by-step essay plans to help achieve higher grades in the closed book AQA English Literature examination. An essential pick-up-and-check reference resource with hints and tips to plan and structure your 'great answers'. Exemplar answers to AQA English exam-style questions for A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Presented in a clear, attractive style, this title will help students to see how a great answer meets the required Assessment Objectives and to perfect their own technique. Practice questions to apply your learning Easy-to-read Matched to the A Christmas Carol study guide - can be used together or separately Scholastic have a full suite of revision guide, study guide, app, student book, revision cards and essay planners - the most comprehensive support for GCSE set texts available!
Scholastic Welsh Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends
Enjoy Wales's rich heritage of myth and fairy tales, re-told for young readers. From magical Welsh dragons that destroy a castle night after night, to a princess made out of flowers and a fairy changeling bother; from loyal hunting hound Gelert, to a boy who asks questions and goes on to become the greatest Welsh bard ever known... This book includes traditional favourites and classic myths and legends from Welsh folklore. 18 Welsh fairy tales, myths and legends in a perfect, child-friendly package Beautiful new edition of retellings - including the story of the Welsh flag came to have a red dragon on it, and other home-grown magical myths and legends Scholastic Classics: introducing generations of book lovers to timeless stories, repackaged especially for young readers Look out for the others in the series: Irish Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends, Scottish Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends, and Stories From Around the World
Scholastic Magical Words Colouring Book
Create your own Harry Potter posters in this official colouring bookfeaturing characters, patterns and more magical artwork!
Scholastic Guess What We Are Doing Today
Scholastic The Happiest Hanukkah PB
Scholastic Forever Fairies Coco Twinkles
Scholastic English Maths Made Simple Ages 910
Scholastic Forever Fairies Zali Sparkles
Scholastic English Maths Made Simple Ages 1011
Scholastic Dinosaur Poems
This Dinosaur themed anthology of poems is written by various authors. The anthologies in this series are updated and revised versions of previously published titles, each with several brand new poems in them. There's an anthology for every place and topic. Make sure you've always got a verse rehearsed! Roaring dinosaur rhymes, silly school rhymes: even some revolting rhymes to get you groaning. You can rap or rhyme them, mime them out or tackle fiendish tongue-twisters. Heaps of rib-tickling rhymes to send you poetry potty, and it all supports the school curriculum. A matching Teacher Resource Book, written by Paul Cookson, features workshop-style lessons based on different poetry types/genres. Each lesson focuses on a specific poem from one of the anthologies.
Scholastic Animated Science: Periodic Table
Scholastic Mmm Cookies!
When Christopher sees some play clay down in the basement, he decides to make a couple of cookies. But when he eventually finds someone to taste them, trouble breaks out and Christopher finds that he isn't very popular at all.
SCHOLASTIC Tiddler German Edition
Scholastic Things You Never Knew About Dinosaurs (NE PB)
If you love dinosaurs then you will LOVE this picture book! On every street in every town, perhaps next door to you, Dinosaurs are doing things you won't believe are true... What do you think dinosaurs get up to in their free time? I'll tell you something, they're not off eating leaves - they're out having fun!Whether it's trampolining, whizzing around on skates, becoming movie stars - or even astronauts - these dinosaurs have the best time ever. And you can join in the fun! From award-winning author Giles Paley-Phillips and award-winning and bestselling author-illustrator Liz Pichon, this new edition of an old favourite is a joy from start to finish.
Scholastic Rainbow Garden
These board books with handles by bestselling author-illustrator Jo Lodge are perfect for little hands! All the colours of the rainbow! This bright and bold book brings colourful fun to little ones as they explore the rainbow garden and search for friendly creatures. With flaps to lift and tabs to push and pull, toddlers will love learning numbers while developing their hand-eye co-ordination. The fun carry handle mean toddlers can take them with them on their busy days.
Scholastic Raheem Sterling (Football Legends #1)
Be inspired by Football Legend, Raheem Sterling! Discover the inspirational story of this young player's journey from his early life in Jamaica to life as a young immigrant in north-west London, where his incredible football talent put him on the road to superstardom. Football Legends: Young readers will love finding out all about the lives of their favourite players in this great new biography series. Packed with footie facts and match stats Includes Raheem's career highlights Amazing cover artwork illustrated by Manchester-based artist, Stanley Chow, whose iconic work has found worldwide acclaim.
Scholastic Fabulous Frankie
From award-winning Simon James Green and bestselling Garry Parsons comes this beautifully-told, gorgeously illustrated picture book about what it REALLY means to be fabulous! All Frankie wants is to be fabulous! But, SIGH!, he's literally surrounded by so many fabulous flamingos, so how on earth can he stand out from the crowd? Maybe, just maybe, Frankie's friends will help him learn the most important thing of all: the best way to be fabulous is to be YOU! Wonderfully funny story by award-winning author, Simon James Green Beautiful illustrations by Garry Parsons, the bestselling illustrator of The Dinosaur Who Pooped series The perfect picture book for any child who needs reassurance or a confidence boost With super shiny blue foil on the cover, this book is the perfect gift Also available by Simon and Garry: Llama Glamarama
Scholastic Harry Kane (Football Legends #2)
Be inspired by Football Legend, Harry Kane! Discover the inspirational story of this top player's journey from his early life in London following in the footsteps of David Beckham at school to his successes with Tottenham's youth team and dream role as England captain. Football Legends: Young readers will love finding out all about the lives of their favourite players in this great new biography series. Packed with footie facts and match stats plus Harry's career highlights. Amazing cover artwork ilustrated by Manchester-based artist, Stanley Chow, whose iconic work has found worldwide acclaim.
Scholastic Found You PB
A magical, inspiring story about making friends. Little Bird is on a mission: to help lonely children make friends. One day she spots Sami, a little boy in a new country, who's always playing on his own. With Little Bird's help, Sami discovers that the world is full of friends, if only you know where to look. With rich, magical illustrations and a gently humorous story, Devon Holzwarth's debut picture book will strike a chord with shy children everywhere.
Scholastic Grenade
Alan Gratz, New York Times bestselling author of Refugee, returns with this high-octane story of how fear and war tear us apart, but how hope and redemption tie us together. It's 1945, and the world is in the grip of war. Hideki lives with his family on the island of Okinawa, near Japan. When the Second World War crashes onto his shores, Hideki is drafted to fight for the Japanese army. He is handed a grenade and a set of instructions: Don't come back until you've killed an American soldier. Ray, a young American Marine, has just landed on Okinawa. This is Ray's first-ever battle, and he doesn't know what to expect -- or if he'll make it out alive. All he knows that the enemy is everywhere. Hideki and Ray each fight their way across the island, surviving heart-pounding ambushes and dangerous traps. But then the two of them collide in the middle of the battle... And choices they make in that single instant will change everything. PRAISE FOR GRENADE "Impossible to put down. Action fans will have this flying off the shelves." - Booklist "Intense and fast-paced, this is a compelling, dark, yet ultimately heartening wartime story." - Kirkus "Alan Gratz couldn’t write a slow-paced book even if he were paid by the word." - Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, New York Times Book Review "War is portrayed honestly here... the finality of death and the lasting emotional consequences are starkly rendered." - Publishers Weekly "A chilling, realistic depiction of war. An excellent World War II novel." - School Library Journal "A sad and compelling story that sheds some light on a battle that is rarely mentioned in books written for juvenile readers. Highly recommended." - School Library Connection
Scholastic Goblins (NE)
A wild world of magical creatures and heroic adventure from the extraordinary imagination of Philip Reeve. The squabbling goblins who live in the great towers of Clovenstone spend their time fighting and looting. Only clever young Skarper understands that dark magic created by a vanquished sorcerer is rising again. From the lands of men come fortune-seekers - and trolls, giants, cloud-maidens, boglins, swamp monsters, tree-warriors and bloodthirsty goblins are swept into a fabulous magical conflict to thrill all fantasy fans.
Scholastic Tom Gates Ha Ha Hilarious HB
Tom has created brand new comic *Ants In Pants* to make everyonelaugh. Inspiration is everywhere! There's Mr Keen's unicycle mishapand their NEW supply teacher Miss Jam (whose first name is NOTStrawberry or Traffic). BUT when Tom's comic falls into the wronghands, everything starts to go wrong. HOW will he get himself outof this MESS?
Scholastic Wilderness
A novel of mothers lost and found, "Wilderness" is part roaring adventure, part family drama - with a charm that's all Roddy Doyle's. While Tom and Johnny are on a husky safari in Finland, their half-sister Grainne stays behind to face the mother who abandoned her. But Tom and Johnny are too caught up in their adventure to think of home - until they find themselves lost in the snow, in a desperate struggle for survival...
Scholastic Goldfish Boy
'The resources are wonderful. I like the fact that it has a mix of fiction and non-fiction activities ... and how material can link to other areas of the curriculum, not just literacy.' Miss North, teacher 'Reading for enjoyment and writing for enjoyment are two of the most powerful ways of getting children interested in books. Read & Respond provides exactly this.' Michael Morpurgo, author "[Read and Respond] makes it easy to explore texts fully and ensure that the children want to keep on reading more." Chris Flanagan, Primary teacher. Get the most out of best-loved children's books with our bestselling Read & Respond series - the perfect way to explore favourite stories in your classroom. This resource book brings you a wealth of inspiring activities, discussion ideas and guided reading notes based on Goldfish Boy by Lisa Thompson. Stimulating content mapped to curriculum objectives Grammar, punctuation and spelling section for Key Stage 2 Shared reading section including non-fiction extracts Time-saving lesson plans, activities and assessments Huge variety of speaking, listening and creative activities Read & Respond helps you build a whole-school literacy programme based on timeless children's stories, chosen to inspire reading for pleasure. Fun-filled activities help children to fully engage with each story, encouraging a love of reading and building a range of skills. This book contains photocopiable activities, guided reading notes, speaking and listening activities, writing projects and creative ideas - all from a bestselling, tried-and-trusted series that's a firm favourite with teachers. Please note: this book does not include digital content.
Scholastic 11+ Practice Papers for the CEM Test Ages 9-10
"The most realistic and reliable papers for CEM" Surita De Mulder, 11+ tutor, Reading Prepare for the CEM 11+ tests with confidence with these authentic multiple-choice papers covering Verbal Reasoning, key English skills, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Designed for practising under test conditions, these papers will help to develop the essential skills students need to succeed in the CEM 11+ tests. Contains two complete tests (each test contains two papers - papers A and B), along with answer sheets and short answer grids. Two complete CEM practice tests Authentic multiple choice format Full answers with explanations Covers Maths, English, Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning
Scholastic Early Handwriting
Support your child at the start of their learning journey with these exciting and engaging activity books. Completely in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage, this early Handwriting book offers the perfect introduction to joined up writing. Patterning activities practice the marks related to joining letters Joining letters activities introduce and practise the different joins Parent notes on each page explain each activity Provides reassurance whilst supporting your child's learning at home. First Learning Handwriting recaps how to form letters and introduces cursive writing with lots of practice mixed with engaging, colourful illustrations. Also includes free animations online to show how to form letters and words to consolidate what they have learned. Designed to make learning fun, First Learning titles offer a real sense of achievement with a free rewards certificate.
Scholastic Spelling - Year 6
Just like the real thing - only shorter! Help your child prepare for the SATs with these bite-sized national test papers. This book offers 10-minute spelling practice for tricky topics and mini-spelling tests. Question types and mark schemes match the format of the National tests and offer an authentic SATs experience, though the flexible format allows them to be used at any time of the day. A progress chart is also supplied to give you some indication of the scores your child is likely to attain. Please note that this is all new content, if you want more mini Tests please try the other titles in the 10-Minute Tests series.
Scholastic Non-Fiction Ages 7+
Boost literacy and develop close-reading skills with finely levelled short texts suitable for ages 6 to 11+. Each Teacher's book includes a comprehensive introduction along with Lexile levelled photocopiable texts with accompanying questions that use close reading comprehension strategies. Close reading involves careful study of a short text passage to build a deep, critical understanding of the text. By developing children's comprehension and higher-order thinking skills, you can help them make sense of the world. The Comprehension areas focused on include for the fiction titles: Character, Point of View, Setting/Mood, Key Events and Details, Sequence of events, Conflict & resolution, Context clues, Compare & contrast, Making inferences and Summarising. And for the non-fiction titles comprehension areas include: Main idea & details, Sequence of events, Fact & opinion, Compare & contrast, Cause and effect, Context clues, Problem & solution and summarising.
Scholastic Fiction Ages 10+
Boost literacy and develop close-reading skills with finely levelled short texts suitable for ages 6 to 11+. Each Teacher's book includes a comprehensive introduction along with Lexile levelled photocopiable texts with accompanying questions that use close reading comprehension strategies. Close reading involves careful study of a short text passage to build a deep, critical understanding of the text. By developing children's comprehension and higher-order thinking skills, you can help them make sense of the world. The Comprehension areas focused on include for the fiction titles: Character, Point of View, Setting/Mood, Key Events and Details, Sequence of events, Conflict & resolution, Context clues, Compare & contrast, Making inferences and Summarising. And for the non-fiction titles comprehension areas include: Main idea & details, Sequence of events, Fact & opinion, Compare & contrast, Cause and effect, Context clues, Problem & solution and summarising.
Scholastic Artemis Fowl
'The resources are wonderful. I like the fact that it has a mix of fiction and non-fiction activities ... and how material can link to other areas of the curriculum, not just literacy.' Miss North, teacher 'Reading for enjoyment and writing for enjoyment are two of the most powerful ways of getting children interested in books. Read & Respond provides exactly this.' Michael Morpurgo, author '[Read and Respond] makes it easy to explore texts fully and ensure that the children want to keep on reading more.' Chris Flanagan, Primary teacher. Get the most out of best-loved children's books with our bestselling Read & Respond series - the perfect way to explore favourite stories in your classroom. This resource book brings you a wealth of inspiring activities, discussion ideas and guided reading notes based on Artemis Fowl. Stimulating content mapped to curriculum objectives Grammar, punctuation and spelling section for Key Stage 2 Shared reading section including non-fiction extracts Time-saving lesson plans, activities and assessments Huge variety of speaking, listening and creative activities Read & Respond helps you build a whole-school literacy programme based on timeless children's stories, chosen to inspire reading for pleasure. Fun-filled activities help children to fully engage with each story, encouraging a love of reading and building a range of skills. This book contains photocopiable activities, guided reading notes, speaking and listening activities, writing projects and creative ideas - all from a bestselling, tried-and-trusted series that's a firm favourite with teachers. Please note: this book does not include digital content.
Scholastic Times Tables Practice Ages 7-9
Subject: Times Tables Type: Workbook Ages: 7-9 Master your multiplication with practice activities, problems to solve, games to play and a free digital times tables check, perfect for use at home or in the classroom. This workbook provides... practice problem-solving activities games and quick-fire quizzes build fluency of times-tables facts. It uses concrete resources, problem solving and reasoning to build a mastery of multiplication and division, not just rote learning. A free online practice test will also help your child to prepare for the important national times tables check. Please note that this title was previously published under the same name in the National Curriculum Times Tables series. Please visit for more information and to see other titles in this series.
Scholastic Nimbus
Nimbus had a rough start as a kitten. But her fortunes changed the day she met Fletcher. The boy nursed her back to health from a life-threatening injury and adopted her. But when Fletcher's aunt brings home a mysterious jar, an ancient demon is unwittingly unleashed. Despite battling the monster to save her friend, Fletcher's superstitious aunt blames Nim for the attack and secretly abandons her at a dump. There, Nim is befriended by a theater-loving rat and taken in by a kindly witch named Agatha and her motley crew of cats. Nim soon discovers that her battle with the demon left her with special powers—but more than that, she begins to suspect that she has always been destined for something extraordinary. To return to her beloved Fletcher, Nim will need to harness her magical powers and enlist the help of her new friends. Along the way, she will discover she may be braver and luckier than she ever imagined. Quality, action-packed, magical middle grade fiction - with a spooky twist. Perfect for all young animal fans.
Scholastic Noah Could Never
"Side-splitting comedy" - The Guardian "Refreshingly positive...sure to leave you with a smile on your face." - OK Magazine Noah's back, and more bananas! He and Harry are now officially boyfriends, but is Noah ready for the difference? It's no help that a group of cosmopolitan French exchange students have descended on Little Fobbing - including sexy Pierre Victoire, who seems to have his eye on Harry! Meanwhile, Noah's paired up with a girl ... who, most outrageously, is not even French. But that's not all: the police are monitoring Noah, and he can't tell if it's because his dad and secret half-brother, Eric, have made off with his gran's fake diamonds; because his PE teacher is receiving mysterious cash infusions from Russia; or because drag queen Bambi Sugapops is hiding out at Noah's house in the midst of a knock-down, bare-knuckled drag feud. Will Noah ever catch a break?! One of the UK's leading writers of LGBTQ+ teen fiction, Simon James Green is the author of Alex in Wonderland, Gay Club and the Noah Can't Even books. A perfect next read for fans of Heartstoppers and Adam Silvera Simon's book You're The One That I Want won the Bristol Teen Book Award 2022 & has been shortlisted for the YA Book Award in association with Edinburgh International Book Festival 2022 PRAISE FOR NOAH CAN'T EVEN (book 1) 'I loved Noah's voice: warm, loveable, awkward'. The Bookseller 'Slapstick but wonderfully funny' Jewish Chronicle 'A debut I very much loved’ Juno Dawson, author of The Gender Games and role model for Stonewall UK 'Sweet, barmy, charming, unexpectedly romantic delight of a YA novel. I smiled the whole way through.' Lisa Williamson, author of The Art of Being Normal
Scholastic Reading - Year 2
Just like the real thing - only shorter! Help your child prepare for the SATS with these bite-sized National test papers. This book offers ten complete mini-reading tests which include fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. Question types and mark schemes match the format of the National tests and offer an authentic SATs experience, though the flexible format allows them to be used at any time of the day. A progress chart is also supplied to give you some indication of the scores your child is likely to attain, while a handy breakdown of all of the different question types in the Reading SATs tests will help you to identify your child's strengths and weaknesses.
Scholastic Maths - Year 4
Just like the real thing - only shorter! Help your child prepare for the SATS with these bite-sized National test papers. This book offers 12 mini-tests - including Reasoning and Arithmetic papers. Question types and mark schemes match the format of the National tests and offer an authentic SATs experience, though the flexible format allows them to be used at any time of the day. A handy progress chart is also supplied to give you some indication of the scores your child is likely to attain. A skills check section will also help you to identify all of the key maths skills your child needs to be successful in the SATs tests.