Search results for ""Author Luigi"
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Il Pittore Di Arpi: Mito E Societa Nella Daunia del Tardo IV Secolo A.C
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Alcuni Ricordi Di Michelangelo Caetani Duca Di Sermoneta Raccolti Dalla Sua Vedova (1804-1862) E Pubblicati Pel Suo Centenario: Con Un Saggio Introduttivo a Cura Di Giuseppe Monsagrati
L'Erma Di Bretschneider L'Eta Mariano-Sillana in Giovanni Antiocheno
GEDISA El tiempo congelado anorexia y bulimia entre individuo familia y sociedad
La anorexia y la bulimia son trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en alarmante expansión. Difundidas sobre todo entre las mujeres adolescentes, expresan sin embargo un sufrimiento que va más allá del problema nutricional. Este libro quiere devolver a
Seis personajes en busca de autor Spanish Edition
En "Seis personajes en busca de autor" el tema básico es la reflexión sobre la identidad humana a partir de la confusión entre actores y personajes. Seis personajes en busca de su propia identidad, como personajes de ficción o como seres de carne y hueso, que sufren y luchan, pero que no pueden evitar el destino que para ellos tiene reservado su creador, que los abandonó a su suerte y los obligó a buscar otro autor que les diera vida.
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Orfebrería moderna
El significado del título de este libro es: la orfebrería de todos los tiempos observada con una mentalidad moderna, tras varios siglos de revolución científica galileana y de revoluciones industriales que introdujeron el empleo de las máquinas. El orfebre moderno aprovecha los conocimientos de las ciencias físicas y matemáticas; utiliza instrumentos de medida, dispone de energía que transforma fácilmente en calor, luz, corriente eléctrica continua, etc. Así puede trabajar de forma rápida, segura y en serie.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann History & Constitution: Developments in European Constitutionalism: The Comparative Experience of Italy, France, Switzerland and Belgium
Archaeopress Mosaici funerari tardoantichi in Italia: Repertorio e analisi
The potential of tomb mosaics as an academic resource has often been underestimated and consequently they have only been partially analysed not only in Italy but also throughout the Western Mediterranean. This work is intended to shed a new light on these finds, which are often incomplete, lost, or little studied. The first part of the book presents the history of previous studies on the subject and briefly explains the structure of the corpus. The corpus, in turn, is organised according to current Italian administrative regions, specifically: Sardegna, Sicilia, Puglia, Campania, Lazio, Marche, and Friuli Venezia Giulia. Every region is then further divided following current provinces and municipalities. This work does not aim to present merely a compilation of data in a catalogue; thus the second part of the book focuses specifically on tomb mosaics found in the Italic peninsula and major islands, and provides information on their geographic distribution, dating, typology, place of discovery and iconography, and considers the potential identification of individual workshops. The purpose of the book is to bring tomb mosaics to greater consideration, since they have not survived in academic literature to the same extent as did their rich villa or domus counterparts. This work does not therefore aspire to be a complete analysis of the subject, but rather a starting point which can be both useful and a stimulus for future studies. ITALIAN DESCRIPTION: Il mosaico funerario è una particolare tipologia musiva spesso sottovalutata e poco studiata. Le origini sono da ricercarsi, probabilmente, nell’antica regione della Bizacena, attuale Tunisia, a partire dagli ultimi decenni del III secolo d.C. Nel IV secolo iniziò l’esportazione dei cartoni musivi funerari nel resto del Mediterraneo occidentale, raggiungendo l’Italia e la Spagna; in entrambi i casi però il mosaico funerario non riscosse particolare successo. La richiesta maggiore di questo nuovo monumento funerario avveniva da parte dei cristiani, e solo in minima parte dai pagani. In questo libro si cerca di fare ordine sui mosaici funerari presenti nell’odierno territorio italiano, catalogando tutte le evidenze musive, sia oggigiorno scomparse che ancora in situ, per cercare di delineare un’analisi sul fenomeno che ha, in maniera seppur ridotta, investito la Penisola italiana e le sue Isole maggiori. Infatti le testimonianze musive si concentrano in zone dove particolari condizioni hanno permesso la loro messa in posa. La prima parte è dedicata al repertorio dei sessanta mosaici funerari dell’attuale Italia, ognuno catalogato secondo una scheda pensata e studiata per rendere più agevole possibile la consultazione. La seconda parte è invece incentrata sullo studio d’insieme del fenomeno dei mosaici funerari in Italia, nella quale si cerca di fare chiarezza e dare dei punti fermi su questa categoria di mosaici. L’analisi conclusiva cerca di spiegare il perché in Italia, pur essendoci condizioni apparentemente favorevoli alla produzione delle coperture tombali musive, non si siano trovati che poche testimonianze musive funerarie se paragonate a quelle ritrovate nel Nord Africa e in special maniera in Bizacena.
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Nine Selected String Quartets Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Requiem Mass in C Minor Orch Kalmus Edition
Birkhauser Verlag AG Optimal Transportation, Geometry and Functional Inequalities
In 2008, a school on the theory of optimal transportation and its applications took place in Pisa, with lectures by F. Barthe, W. Gangbo, F. Maggi and R. McCann. In this book, the notes of the first three lecturers are collected. They provide a deep insight on concentration inequalities, evolution PDEs of Hamiltonian type, geometric and functional inequalities.
EasyOriginal Verlag e.U. Nel segno Mitten hinein Buch AudioCD Lesemethode von Ilya Frank Zweisprachige Ausgabe ItalienischDeutsch
Loecker Erhard Verlag JUGEND UND NACHT
Edition Panorama GmbH Gegen das Vergessen Lest we forget
Eos Verlag U. Druck Sein Leben hingeben für das Werk eines anderen
Goldmann TB Der siebte Kreuzzug
Springer International Publishing AG Russia's 2022 War Against Ukraine and the Foreign Policy Reaction of the EU: Context, Diplomacy, and Law
This book offers an accessible and rigorous introduction to the context, diplomacy, and law of the European Union’s response to Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine. The book explores how the EU responded to the war in the initial months, and is based on research carried out on Russian and European political, diplomatic, and legal texts. Presenting a unique interdisciplinary perspective, the book delves into topics such as the EU diplomatic response, the Ukrainian application for membership of the EU, the policy and legal aspects of EU sanctions against Russia and Belarus. Additionally, the book examines the significance of the EU’s unprecedented political response for the constitutional structure of the EU, and for the strategy toward the Russia of the future.
Vallentine Mitchell & Co Ltd Mussolini's Concentration Camps for Civilians: An Insight into the Nature of Fascist Racism
Taschen GmbH Bacon
Largely self-taught as an artist, Francis Bacon (1909–1992) developed a unique ability to transform interior and unconscious impulses into figurative forms and intensely claustrophobic compositions. Emerging into notoriety in the period following World War II, Bacon took the human body as his nominal subject, but a subject ravaged, distorted, and dismembered so as to writhe with intense emotional content. With flailing limbs, hollow voids, and tumurous growths, his gripping, often grotesque, portraits are as much reflections on the trials and the traumas of the human condition as they are character studies. These haunting forms were also among the first in art history to depict overtly homosexual themes.
Haldane Mason Ltd Discovering American Indians
Pelagic Publishing Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research
Camera trapping is a powerful and now widely used tool in scientific research on wildlife ecology and management. It provides a unique opportunity for collecting knowledge, investigating the presence of animals, or recording and studying behaviour. Its visual nature makes it easy to successfully convey findings to a wide audience. This book provides a much-needed guide to the sound use of camera trapping for the most common ecological applications to wildlife research. Each phase involved in the use of camera trapping is covered: - Selecting the right camera type - Set-up and field deployment of your camera trap - Defining the sampling design: presence/absence, species inventory, abundance; occupancy at species level; capture-mark-recapture for density estimation; behavioural studies; community-level analysis - Data storage, management and analysis for your research topic, with illustrative examples for using R and Excel - Using camera trapping for monitoring, conservation and public engagement. Each chapter in this edited volume is essential reading for students, scientists, ecologists, educators and professionals involved in wildlife research or management.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Vespasiano E l'Impero Dei Flavi: Atti del Convegno, Roma, 18-20 Novembre 2009
Nordica Libros Cuentos Completos: Novela Para Un Ano
Imperial College Press Physiologic Nature Of Sleep, The
This book provides a broad introduction to the fascinating subject of sleep, a behavioral state in which human beings spend a third of their life span, and a topic which interests not only the specialist but also the layperson. Everybody knows that well-being also depends on undisturbed, normal sleep.The Physiologic Nature of Sleep is self-contained in presentation. It may be used as an advanced textbook by graduate students and even ambitious undergraduates in biology, medicine and psychology. It is also suitable for the expert hypnologist who wishes to have an overview of some of the classic and fundamental achievements in sleep research. The explanations in the book are detailed enough to capture the interest of the curious reader, and complete enough to provide the necessary background material needed to go further into the subject and explore the research literature.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology Review
Based on the sixth edition of Sternberg’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology , this multiple choice question and answer resource covers all aspects of Surgical Pathology and is an ideal review tool for board preparation, recertification exams, or just brushing up. Now significantly revised, it includes more than 1,000 questions and answers that emphasize differential diagnostic aspects of problem solving, accompanied by more than 600 full-color illustrations.Key Features Offers a systematic review of Surgical Pathology, including skin, soft tissue, bone, and joints; breast; central nervous system; endocrine system; hematopoietic and lymphatic systems; head and neck; intrathoracic organs and blood vessels; alimentary canal and associated organs; urinary tract and male genital system; and female reproductive system and peritoneum. Each question focuses on a specific disease entity or diagnostic problem as presented in Sternberg’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology, Sixth Edition. Questions are followed by answers and succinct explanations . More than 600 full-color illustrations highlight key visual aspects of diagnosis Online Resources are housed in one robust, easy-to-access website. ThePoint provides flexible learning solutions and resources to practitioners using Sternberg’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology Review Test yourself with 1,000+ questions and answers that include explanations 600+ full-color illustrations
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Sermoneta E I Caetani: Dinamiche Politiche, Sociali E Culturali Di Un Territorio Tra Medioevo Ed Eta Moderna. Atti del Convegno Della Fondazione Camillo Caetani. Roma-Sermoneta 1993. 16-19 Giugno
Ediciones Encuentro, S.A. Qu es el hombre para que te acuerdes de l
El presente libro recoge los comentarios realizados por don Giussani a una cuarentena de Salmos y textos significativos del Antiguo Testamento, al hilo de la Liturgia. Como el propio autor indica, a través del pueblo judío, la pedagogía divina pretende enseñar al hombre que hay un único Dios, que lleva a cabo su plan misterioso mediante la elección de una realidad concreta de tiempo y espacio. (...) Los salmos son la forma del diálogo que Dios mismo ha establecido con su pueblo desde antiguo. Quien los recita hoy asume un clima propio del pueblo judío, profundamente marcado por la espera del cumplimiento de una promesa.La lectura de estos comentarios de don Giussani a los salmos nos introduce en el misterio de Cristo deseado, intuido, esperado, profetizado y encontrado en la historia. Y nos acompaña en una nueva apropiación del Salterio, de modo que la espera, el deseo, el dolor, el arrepentimiento y la alegría del salmista de Israel resuene en nosotros como resonó en el judío Simó
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Evolutions of Form
Goldmann TB Das Werk des Teufels
Diversion Books Sicilian Avengers
John Wiley & Sons Inc FAMEs Fatty Acid Methyl Esters: Mass Spectral Database
Fatty acids are important compounds in food analysis, since they are sample–specific. They can be used as markers or their profile can be used as a fingerprint ( e.g ., bacteria fatty acids) or to reveal fraud ( e.g ., seed oil added to olive oil). In GC, fatty acids are analyzed after derivatization to methyl esters (FAMEs). FAME is a library of 240 spectra and structures of fatty acid methyl esters , including their Linear Retention Index and calculated Kovats Retention Index. The database contains linear retention index data, registered using an alkane mixture on an apolar column and using also a FAMEs and a FAEEs ( fatty acid ethyl esters ) mixture on a polar one. The addition of the retention index data enables more reliable compound matching and identification of unknowns. While other methods, such as LC–MSMS can be used, when using such a highly selective method technicians can only detect what they are looking for, while when performing broader TIC screening using GC/MS, no information is lost. Applications include building FAMEs profiles of target bacteria (e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Each record contains the mass spectrum, searchable structure, chemical information, and LRI retention data Records indexed by name, molecular weight, and retention time Highly controlled: Measured on a single instrument in controlled conditions Quality samples sourced from leading suppliers and manufacturers Available in six manufacturer formats for use with most common mass spectrometry applications: 1) NIST MS Search, 2) Agilent Chemstation, 3) PerkinElmer TurboMass, 4) ThermoFisher Spectral ID, 5) Waters MassLynx, and 6) ACD/Labs MSManager. A version in the Shimadzu GCMS Solution format is available directly from Shimadzu . Data were acquired on a GCMS QP2010 Plus (Shimadzu), Autosampler AOC–20i (Shimadzu), split/splitless injector inlet, Supelcowax 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 µm (Supelco), Helium in constant linear velocity mode (35cm/s) carrier gas, with an oven temperature of 50 o C to 280 o C (or 350 o C) at 3oC/min. Ion source temperature 220 o C, interface temperature 250 o C, scan range 50–550 u, EI 70 eV. Compound coverage can be searched at .
£7.89 Donna Mimma
Mimesis Verlag Ästhetik
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Männlichkeit und kollektive Gewalt
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Feuer ans Stroh Sizilianische Novellen
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Die nachdenklichen Hhner
Meiner Felix Verlag GmbH Wahrheit und Interpretation
Reclam Philipp Jun. Sechs Personen suchen einen Autor
Mango Media Why We Love Coffee
A Brewer's Coffee Culture GuideIf you're looking to put your at-home barista skills to the test, this encyclopedic coffee recipe book is for you. By learning the origin of coffee and its evolution over the years, you'll be brewing high-quality drinks from all over the world without having to leave your kitchen.From coffee beans to extraordinary flavors. Being hundreds of years old, coffee has influenced civilizations and inspired many makers to discover new recipes for millions to enjoy. Yet what if there was a way to experience the best natural coffee flavors in the world by making them yourself? Why We Love Coffee is a visual collection of coffee facts and recipes that not only teach you how to recreate beloved coffee blends, but taste them like a professional coffee enthusiast.Learn the language of coffee for amazing creations. Why We Love Coffee explores how coffee culture has experimented with different flavor
Franklin Classics Trade Press A Treatise On Counterpoint Fugue
Humboldt Italia 1945-1948
Nova Science Publishers Inc Antitrust Modernization
Lysa Publishers Virtute Vir Tutus: Studi Di Letteratura Greca, Bizantina E Umanistica Offerti a Enrico V. Maltese