Search results for ""Author Jochen""
Springer Vieweg Lokalisierung und Fahrzustandsschätzung für eine vollautomatisierte elektrische Fahrzeugplattform
Projektumfeld U-Shift II.- Einführung von Systemen zur Sensordatenfusion und zur Lokalisierung von Fahrzeugen.- Entwurf und Implementierung einer Funktion zur Lokalisierung und Fahrzustandsschätzung.- Validierung der entwickelten Funktionen im Prototypenfahrzeug.
Coppenrath F Memento Monstrum Bd. 3
Coppenrath F TRex World Leseanfänger Bd. 1
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Bild-DVD, Graw Genetik: Die Abbildungen des Buches
Auf dieser DVD-ROM finden Sie die Grafiken und Fotos der 5. Auflage, die Sie als jpg-, PDF- oder PowerPoint Dateien für Ihre Vorlesungen nutzen können.
Bod Third Party Titles Zur Entwicklung und Erprobung eines arbeitsplatznahen Fortbildungskonzeptes im Strafvollzug unter besonderer Bercksichtigung interkultureller Fragestellungen
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont direkt Reiseführer Riga
Klett-Cotta Verlag Innere Kinder Tter Helfer Co EgoStateTherapie des traumatisierten Selbst
Klett-Cotta Verlag Hypnoanalytische Teilearbeit EgoStateTherapie mit inneren Selbstanteilen
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Memento Monstrum
Vandenhoeck + Ruprecht Ich hätte da noch eine Idee ...
Suhrkamp Verlag AG TheorieApotheke Eine Handreichung zu den humanwissenschaftlichen Theorien der letzten fnfzig Jahre einschlielich ihrer Risiken und Nebenwirkungen
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Fritz Kochers Aufstze
Schmidt, Erich Verlag Familienrecht heute Scheidung und Scheidungsfolgen
Hermann Luchterhand Verla TzBfG Kommentar
Herder Verlag GmbH Wannsee
btb Taschenbuch Zuckersand
Echter Verlag GmbH Es wird alles wieder gut aber nie mehr wie vorher Begleitung in der Trauer
Evangelische Verlagsansta Mit Bach predigen beten und feiern
Müller Rüschlikon Der Weg zum gesunden Huf Die neue Huflehre
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Encuentros 3 Grammatikheft 3 Fremdsprache Edicin 3000 Paso al bachillerato
Birkhauser Das Design digitaler Produkte: Entwicklungen, Anwendungen, Perspektiven
Die Digitalisierung und die tiefe Integration von Computern in unseren Alltag verändern die Entwicklung von Produkten und damit auch das Produktdesign selbst: An der Entwicklung digitaler Produkte sind mittlerweile Disziplinen wie Design, Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation, Informatik oder die Ingenieurswissenschaften beteiligt. Mit Beiträgen von Autoren aus diesen Bereichen greift das Buch aktuelle Positionen auf und stellt exemplrasich deren Vorgehensweisen und Methoden dar. Beispiele aus der Praxis ergänzen die Essays. So entsteht eine aktuelle Einführung in das Design digitaler Produkte und damit ein Bild, das das Design in seinen Intentionen neu verortet.
Policy Press What future for social security?: Debates and reforms in national and cross-national perspective
It is widely assumed today that the 'welfare state' is contracting or retrenching as an effect of the close scrutiny to which entitlement to social security benefits is being subject in most developed countries. In this book, fifteen authorities from nine different countries - the UK, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Norway and the US - investigate to what extent this assumption is warranted. Taking into account developments and initiatives at every administrative level from sub-national employment agencies to the OECD and the World Bank, they draw on both data and theories in a broad spectrum of related disciplines, including political science, economics, sociology, and law. Detailed materials allow the reader to formulate well-defined responses to such crucial questions as: is there indeed waning public support for social security?; is the 'demographic time bomb' of an ageing population as serious as we are often led to believe?; how seriously do supranational reform proposals tend to underestimate cross-national differences?; to what degree is 'activation policy' merely rhetorical?; to what extent do employment office staff reformulate and redefine policies 'on the ground' to accommodate specific case-by-case realities? Specific criteria for entitlement (eg disability) and such central issues as 'gendered' assumptions, access to benefit programmes, and the involvement of trade unions are examined in a variety of contexts. As an authoritative assessment of the current state of social security reform - its critical issues, its direction, and its potential impacts - What future for social security? is an incomparable work and is sure to be of great value to academics as well as professionals and officials concerned with social programmes at any government level.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag In neuem Glanz. With New Splendour.: Das Schächer-Fragment des "Meisters von Flémalle" im Kontext. The Crucified Thief by the "Master of Flémalle" in Context.
This exhibition catalogue provides insight into the spectacular conservation of this masterpiece from the Städel Museum in Frankfurt. The Crucified Thief fragment, by the "Master of Flémalle", shines in new splendour. The book documents the spectacular results of the restoration, and describes and comprehensively contextualises the painting. This book is the catalogue for an exhibition in 2017-18 at the Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung in Frankfurt. The exhibition highlights a single painting, the Master of Flémalle’s The Crucified Thief, a key work of European art history, created by one of the most enigmatic artists of early Dutch painting. The recently restored fragment of the painting, painted on both sides, is the only surviving part of a large-format triptych of the Descent from the Cross, which was one of the most important and influential works of its time. In addition to the results of the technological investigation and restoration of the painting, thirteen selected works of art are presented, including the eponymous "Flémaller Panels", the "Medici Madonna" by Rogier van der Weyden as well as mounted and unmounted sculptures by the Master of the Rimini Altarpiece and Hans Multscher. They exemplify the reciprocal references between painting and sculpture and thus contribute to a deeper understanding of the breathtaking detail realism and the suggestive effect of the altarpiece on the contemporary viewer. The gruesome picture of a crucified man, which was once the top half of the right wing of a monumental altarpiece the rest of which has long been lost without trace. That Deposition Triptych from around 1430¬ is considered a founding work of early Dutch painting, comparable to the Ghent Altarpiece. The exhibition catalogue provides insight into the spectacular conservation of this masterpiece from the Städel Museum, reconstructs the original appearance of the lost ensemble with the aid of copies, and explains the context of its creation by means of international loans and gems of the Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung.
Peter Lang AG Steuerliche Optimierung Von Management Buy-Outs
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Jagdeschwader 53: A History of the “Pik As” Geschwader Volume 3: January 1944 - May 1945
This third and final part of the narrative starts with the bitter fighting over Italy, where the Geschwaderstab together with I. and III./JG 53 had to face overwhelming odds in their struggle over both the front lines at Cassino and Anzio/Nettuno bridghead, and over northern Italy. I./JG 53 was later moved to Romania in order to protect the vital oilfields and refineries around Ploesti and later saw further action in Hungary, where it was to take part in the fierce fighting on the southeastern part of the Russian Front in the fall of 1944 and early 1945, eventually retreating into Czechoslovakia and Austria before it was finally disbanded in April 1945 – its remnants amalgamated into II./JG 52. II./JG 53, withdrew from Italy in October 1943, and was the first Gruppe of the Geschwader to be employed on home defense operations, being stationed near Vienna from October 1943 to March 1944 before moving to southwestern Germany, and was the only Gruppe of JG 53 to see action against the Allied invasion forces in the summer of 1944. III./JG 53 also returned from Italy in June 1944 and after a short period of rest and refit was active in the defense of the Reich. When the Allies launched Operation Market Garden both II. and III./JG 53 were called upon to take part in defensive actions. Autumn of 1944 also saw the addition of a fourth Gruppe to the Geschwader with Stab, II., III., IV./JG 53 based along the southwestern sector of the Western Front. For the remainder of the war the Geschwader – minus I. Gruppe – stayed in the southwest where it fought on until the end, retreating deep into southern Germany where the majority of the Gruppen and Staffen were finally disbanded a few days before VE-Day. This final volume of the epic saga of JG 53 concludes with a list of the officers in command of the Geschwader, its Gruppen and Staffeln, a listing of all known victories claimed by JG 53, strength returns, and other appendices.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Jagdeschwader 53: A History of the “Pik As” Geschwader Volume 2: May 1942 - January 1944
This third and final part of the narrative starts with the bitter fighting over Italy, where the Geschwaderstab together with I. and III./JG 53 had to face overwhelming odds in their struggle over both the front lines at Cassino and Anzio/Nettuno bridghead, and over northern Italy. I./JG 53 was later moved to Romania in order to protect the vital oilfields and refineries around Ploesti and later saw further action in Hungary, where it was to take part in the fierce fighting on the southeastern part of the Russian Front in the fall of 1944 and early 1945, eventually retreating into Czechoslovakia and Austria before it was finally disbanded in April 1945 – its remnants amalgamated into II./JG 52. II./JG 53, withdrew from Italy in October 1943, and was the first Gruppe of the Geschwader to be employed on home defense operations, being stationed near Vienna from October 1943 to March 1944 before moving to southwestern Germany, and was the only Gruppe of JG 53 to see action against the Allied invasion forces in the summer of 1944. III./JG 53 also returned from Italy in June 1944 and after a short period of rest and refit was active in the defense of the Reich. When the Allies launched Operation Market Garden both II. and III./JG 53 were called upon to take part in defensive actions. Autumn of 1944 also saw the addition of a fourth Gruppe to the Geschwader with Stab, II., III., IV./JG 53 based along the southwestern sector of the Western Front. For the remainder of the war the Geschwader – minus I. Gruppe – stayed in the southwest where it fought on until the end, retreating deep into southern Germany where the majority of the Gruppen and Staffen were finally disbanded a few days before VE-Day. This final volume of the epic saga of JG 53 concludes with a list of the officers in command of the Geschwader, its Gruppen and Staffeln, a listing of all known victories claimed by JG 53, strength returns, and other appendices.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Die Kirche Des Wortes: Zum Evangelischen Predigt- Und Gemeindeverstandnis
Hinstorff Verlag GmbH Wikingerschiffe
Motorbuch Verlag Segeln ber den Alpen Erlebnis und Technik des Hochgebirgsfluges
J.H.Roll Verlag The Meroitic Inscriptions from Qasr Ibrim: III. Inscriptions on Stone, Wood, Parchment and Gourd - Plates
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Angewandte Regressionsanalyse: Theorie, Technik und Praxis
Das Lehrbuch erläutert die Durchführung und Interpretation von klassischen Regressionsanalysen (nach der OLS-Methode) und von logistischen Regressionsanalysen (nach der ML-Methode). Im Text wird insbesondere auf die Überprüfung der Anwendungsvoraussetzungen von Regressionsschätzungen eingegangen. Auch werden typische Fehlschlüsse und häufig anzutreffende Fehlinterpretationen behandelt (u.a. bei Determinationskoeffizienten, bei standardisierten Regressionskoeffizienten und bei zentrierten Effekten). Zudem werden erweiterte Verfahren wie z.B. Teststärkeanalysen, Regressionen mit Dummy-Variablen und Modellschätzungen mit Moderator- und Mediatorvariablen erläutert. Die Form der Darstellung ist praxisorientiert. Alle Verfahren werden an Beispielen erläutert (inkl. der für die Praxis erforderlichen SPSS-Anweisungen).Neu in der fünften Auflage sind (u.a.): Regressionsanalyse bei fehlenden Werten Bootstrapping in der Regressionsanalyse Berechnung durchschnittlicher marginaler Effekte (AME) mit SPSS. Die AutorenDr. Dieter Urban ist Professor für Soziologie am Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Stuttgart. Dr. Jochen Mayerl ist Juniorprofessor am Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften der TU Kaiserslautern.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Europaischer Gottesdienstatlas / European Atlas of Liturgy: Protestantische Perspektiven Auf Den Gottesdienst / Protestant Perspectives on Worship Services
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Religion und Irrationalität: Historisch-systematische Perspektiven
Religionskritik wird gerade in der jüngeren Vergangenheit bevorzugt als Kritik an der vermeintlichen Irrationalität religiösen Glaubens artikuliert. Die Autoren der im vorliegenden Konferenzband versammelten Beiträge fragen zunächst anhand exemplarischer Studien zu Hamann, Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche und Rudolf Otto nach der Bedeutung und Funktion des Irrationalen in rezeptionsgeschichtlich maßgeblichen religionsphilosophischen Entwürfen der (Nach-)Aufklärung. Ergänzt und zugespitzt wird der historische Abschnitt des Bandes durch Analysen zu Werk und Wirkung Søren Kierkegaards, dem neuzeitlichen Irrationalitätstheoretiker par excellence. Darüber hinaus wird aus systematischer Perspektive nach der kritischen und/oder konstruktiven Funktion des Irrationalitätsthemas für Religionsphilosophie und Theologie gefragt, wobei nicht nur semantische, sondern auch fundamentaltheologische und ethische Aspekte Berücksichtigung finden.
Flyaway Books What in the World Is Wrong with Gisbert?
Pennsylvania State University Press Internationalizing the History of American Art: Views
American art history is a remarkably young, but rapidly growing, discipline. Membership in the Association of Historians of American Art, founded in 1979, now totals nearly 600. As a result of this growth, geographical and cultural borders no longer contain the field. American art history has become “internationalized,” represented by scholars and exhibitions around the globe. While this international transmission and exchange of ideas will certainly prove to be valuable, it has been left largely unexamined. Internationalizing the History of American Art begins a critical examination of this exchange, showing how it has become part of the maturation of American art history. In this volume, a distinguished group of scholars considers the shaping and dissemination of the history of American art domestically and internationally, past and present, theoretically and practically, from a variety of intellectual positions and experiences. To do so, they draw on a literature that, collectively, constitutes a bibliography for the future of the field. Three sections—“American Art and Art History,” “Display and Exposition,” and “Post-1945 Investments”—provide the structure in which the contributors examine the existing narrative framework for the history of American art. This examination indicates a direction for the field and a future historiography that is shaped by international dialogue.
World Scientific Publishing Co Inc (USA) Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy (Ninth Edition)
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is the ninth edition of the globally leading textbook for Services Marketing by Jochen Wirtz and Christopher Lovelock, extensively updated to feature the latest academic research, industry trends, and technology, social media, and case examples.This book takes on a strong managerial approach presented through a coherent and progressive pedagogical framework rooted in solid academic research. It features cases and examples from all over the world and is suitable for students who want to gain a wider managerial view.Supplementary Material Resources:Resources are available to instructors who adopt this textbook for their courses. These include: (1) Instructor's Manual, (2) Case Teaching Notes, (3) PowerPoint deck, and (4) Test Bank. Please contact Features:
Lit Verlag The Long Road to Peace
Peter Lang AG Hoelderlins Franzoesische Bildung
JOVIS Verlag Asmara: Africa's Jewel of Modernity
Impressive photographs by Stefan Boness convey the unique atmosphere of Asmara as a living museum of modernity. Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, has one of the most extensive surviving ensembles of modernist architecture in the world. To this day, the influence of the former colonial power of Italy from the early 20th century remains visible. Many of the buildings, erected in the futuristic, expressionist, cubist or rationalistic style have been preserved and dominate the cityscape of Asmara. In 2017 UNESCO made the city a World Heritage Site in recognition of its outstanding modernist architecture. New, changed and revised edition of Asmara The Frozen City (2006). Text in English and German.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Manager and the Monk: A Discourse on Prayer, Profit, and Principles
An exploration of spirituality, values, and sustainability in business When Jochen Zeitz and Anselm Grün first met onstage as "the manager and the monk," Zeitz was CEO and Chairman of Puma, and Father Grün was a monk serving as cellarer, the business manager of his Benedictine abbey. They came together to discuss their shared goal: what it means to lead and manage responsibly and sustainably in today's shifting world. Available for the first time in English, The Manager and the Monk features these topical essays and dialogues, drawing on sources as diverse as the Bible, contemporary religious thought, psychological theory, and the innovative "environmental profit & loss account" Zeitz developed for Puma. Together, Zeitz and Gr??n explore their intersecting definitions of prosperity, values, sustainability, among a host of other topics. Jochen Zeitz was CEO of Puma for 18 years and is founder, with Sir Richard Branson, of the B Team, a global initiative aimed at transforming the future of business Anselm Grün is cellarer (business manager) of Münsterschwarzach Abbey in Germany, overseeing a staff of 300 in crafts such as beekeeping and brewing; and an internationally best-selling author of more than 300 books available in 35 languages Translated from an award-winning German book, Gott, Geld, und Gewissen, which has been translated into 11 languages The Manager and the Monk is a thoughtful, impassioned plea for how to manage responsibly in the modern world.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc BMW M: 50 Years of the Ultimate Driving Machines
BMW M-Series celebrates the 50th anniversary of these legendary German performance cars, detailing both its production and motorsport stories with expert commentary and fascinating photography. BMW launched the Motorsport, or “M”, division in 1972 to formally support its growing and successful racing program. Wisely, BMW leveraged that racing credibility to create limited-edition, high-performance production cars, the first being the M1 supercar of 1978. Tested and tuned at a dedicated facility located at the legendary Nürburgring, BMW’s M cars are true “driver’s cars” focused first and foremost on handling and performance. Still, they are docile enough when not driven aggressively to serve as comfortable high-end daily drivers. Since the late 1980s, the range of M models has broadened considerably and now includes coupes, convertibles, and sedans in M2, M3, M4, M5, and M8 flavors along with high-performance X-series M SUVs. Early M cars like the M1 and late 1980s M3 and M6 are now desirable collector cars welcomed at top collector auctions and commanding premium prices. With decades of racing and production success and, literally, no signs of slowing down, BMW’s M cars hurtle full speed to their 50th anniversary in 2022. BMW M offers the history no Bimmer fan will want to be without.
Yale University Press Social Fabrics: Inscribed Textiles from Medieval Egyptian Tombs
Exploring prize textiles known as tiraz, whose meaning and materiality illuminate the interwoven communities of the medieval Islamic worldSocial Fabrics looks at tiraz—highly prized textiles enhanced with woven, embroidered, or painted inscriptions in Arabic—to trace the structure of medieval Egyptian society during a transformative period. It reveals a story as interwoven and complex as these delicate objects themselves. A foundational introduction to the topic, this exhibition catalogue combines richly illustrated entries with essays on the history of Egypt at the time, the meaning and materiality of tiraz, and the history of collecting these objects in US institutions. Created throughout the region (including lands now in Iran, Iraq, and Yemen) in the centuries following the Arab Muslim conquest of Egypt, inscribed textiles were a visual form of communication in a society that was ethnically, linguistically, and religiously diverse. Those with inscriptions regulated by the government were particularly valued, proclaiming their owners’ membership in the ruling elite.Distributed for the Harvard Art MuseumsExhibition Schedule:Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA (January 22–May 8, 2022)
MWV Medizinisch Wiss. Ver Human Hospital
Aquensis Verlag BadenBaden
Schlütersche Verlag Palliative Care in Pflegeheimen und diensten