Search results for ""ASSIMIL""
Assimil ARABE - Intermédiaire
Assimil Apprendre le francais pour arabophones
Apprendre le francais en etant arabophone na jamais ete aussisimple avec notre nouvelle methode, livre et audio accessible surCD et plateformes de streaming gratuitement. Destinee auxgrands debutants en francais amoureux de mobilite, elle permet,en une trentaine de lecons tres progressives sous forme dedialogues, dacquerir les competences necessaires correspondantau niveau A2, dit niveau de survie .Les dialogues, enregistres par des locuteurs natifs, ont ete concusspecialement pour repondre a un certain nombre dobjectifs etpour aborder les notions essentielles.En effet, pour la premiere fois une collection base sa pedagogiesur les specifications du Cadre Europeen Commun de Referencepour les Langues etabli par le Conseil de lEurope.Les dialogues sont accessibles sur le CD mp3 inclus, mais aussi surla plupart des plateformes de streaming (Deezer, Spotify, AppleMusic, YouTube, Soundcloud), pour un apprentissage partout,pour tous, sur tous les supports.>>> Destine aux debutants pour attei
Assimil Anglais Cahier D'Exercises
This notebook handy and playful exercises designed specifically for false beginners in English. More than 200 exercises and studied the progress in the form of games are offered, with their corrected. At the end of each chapter, you can also self-assess your level. No dimension of the language has been forgotten: the grammar, spelling, syntax, pronunciation and even the accentuation of words!
Assimil Russe Superpack Tel Perf
70 lessons 672 pp 4 audio CD 1 audio download code. Our advanced Russian course is now available with an audio download. This book is intended for people who already have a basic knowledge of Russian but wish to consolidate their knowledge and move on to the next level. It covers all the themes representative of Russian society: from culture (art, literature, fashion...) to economy (business Russian), through scenes of everyday life (family, couple, neighbors, city...). Every seven lessons, it deepens the grammatical concepts already known by learners and explains, in detail, those that are more difficult. Objectives: - to speak Russian in such a way as to adapt easily to the environment in which one lives, - to better understand idiomatic expressions, - to understand Russian films in VO, - read the general and specialized press, - In short, this is the ideal book to feel completely at ease in the Russian culture, to understand and love it. The recordings contain all the Russian tex
Assimil Anglais Superpack Telechargement Perf
70 lessons 704 pp 4 audio CD, download code. This method is for you if you already have a good general knowledge of English, but feel confused by unusual language levels or contexts. The vocabulary you'll encounter is contemporary media vocabulary, and the many cultural notes will immerse you in the purest British spirit. The recordings include all the English texts of the lessons and translation exercises in the book. They are interpreted by professional native speakers.
Assimil Le Hindi Superpack
Text in French: oici une toute nouvelle méthode d'apprentissage du hindi. Le hindi , langue nationale, est de loin la plus parlée des langues indiennes, pratiquée dans toute l'Inde du Nord, ainsi qu'au Népal. Outre l'apprentissage de la langue parlée, cette méthode vous enseignera l'écriture nagari et vous donnera de nombreux renseignements concernant la civilisation indienne. Tout au long des 85 leçons, vous aqcuérez le vocabulaire de base indiepensable á la conversation quotidienne. Les enregistrements, présentés ici sur CD audio et en téléchargement, reprennent l'intégralité des textes en hindi des leçons et des exercices de traduction du livre. Ils sont interprétés par des locuteurs natifs professionnels. Des dialogues vivants. Une progression très étudiée. La prononciation grâce á laudio
Assimil Superpack Tel Portugais du Bresil
100 lessons 600 pp 4 CD audio and download code. This method offers you to discover the Portuguese spoken in Brazil in its lexical (words of Tupi or African origin), phonetic and grammatical particularities. Through 100 varied lessons, we provide you with the vocabulary and grammar necessary to express yourself with ease and naturalness in most everyday situations. The fascinating cultural notes will help you appreciate a country with a thousand facets and help you understand what makes the language so unique. The recordings include all the Brazilian text from the lessons and translation exercises in the book. They are interpreted at a progressive pace by professional native speakers.
Assimil Lespagnol livre3CD audio
This new edition of our bestseller from the collection 'Sans Peine' with 100% new content. The dialogues of this new method are alive, current, rich in useful vocabulary and perfectly illustrate the realities and evolutions of the colorful Spanish oral language and idiomatic expressions. The grammatical notes accompanying each dialogue will enable the reader to understand all the pitfalls and difficulties of the language without difficulty, and the many notes of civilization will present him with a very endearing culture. Spanish is spoken by more than 500 million people on all continents and especially the American continent in its almost complete since after Mexico, the United States is now the second country with the most Spanish speakers in the world. It ranks 2nd in the world in number of native speakers. The study of Spanish is rewarding: spelling is simple, phonetic peculiarities are quickly made, and the learner soon has the pleasure of understanding and speaking. The recording
Assimil La Conjugaison Anglaise Book Audio CD
The English verbs poses no major problems, but it has subtleties. Present perfect or past tense? 'Shall or Will? Can or may? This box was designed especially for these basic questions do not become metaphysical questions ... Designed for college students, high school students but also to those who simply seek a reference in combination, the book combines practical examples, quotes and games in a clear and effective presentation. All the combination of dimensions (modes, aspect, shape, tenses) are addressed in a pragmatic and comprehensive manner. With the CD, learn irregular verbs has never been so easy and enjoyable. Each of the words of these songs reggae, hip-hop, soul or rythm'n 'blues consists of irregular verbs with a translation! Learning and memory are completely natural and hypnotic way. A unique project and unanimously praised by the press and the teachers! All aspects of the conjugation, Practical examples, quotes, CD: irregular verbs in music!
Assimil GmbH Englisch in der Praxis: Für Fortegschrittene
Assimil GmbH QCM 300 Tests Luxemburgisch
Assimil GmbH Schreibübungshefte Koreanisch
Assimil GmbH Koreanisch Ohne Muhe
Assimil S.A.S. Unterwegs Durch Die Welt: (on the Road Through the World)
Assimil (FR) Il Turco Turc
A 612-page book with 71 lessons, 4 audio CDs and audio download lasting 3 hrs 45 min. A method for learning Turkish for Italians. The particular structure of the language is gradually revealed by the authors, who have combined its acquisition process with its historical and traditional context, as well as its cultural interest. It is, of course, a modern and lively Turkish that is offered in this book. The recordings contain all the Turkish texts of the lessons and translation exercises in the book. They are interpreted by professional native speakers at a progressive pace.
Assimil GmbH Allemand pour Arabes (Book Only)
Assimil (FR) Il Russo Superpack
Text in French: 100 Lessons, 672 pages, 2h 50 mins running time. Méthode d'apprentissage de russe pour Italiens Niveau: (A1-A2) Débutant & Faux-débutant - (B2) Intermédiaire Envie d'apprendre le russe ou de vous y remettre? En nous suivant attentivement et régulièrement , vous allez apprendre en quelques mois le vocabulaire de la languecourante, ainsi que les règles fondamentales de la grammaire. Très rapidement, cette belle langue voussemblera familière grâce á la centaine de dialogues tirés de la vie quotidienne, et dont les enregistrements sont proposés ici en CD audio ou en téléchargement. Les enregistrements reprennent lintégralité des textes en russe des leçons et des exercices de traduction du livre. Ils sont interprétés, á un rythme progressif, par des locuteurs natifs professionnels. Des dialogues vivants et des situations ré
Assimil GmbH Übungsheft Luxemburgisch Anfänger
Assimil GmbH Schnell Fit In Luxemburgisch
Assimil GmbH Englisch ohne Mühe -- Book Only
Assimil GmbH Mehr Spaß an Englisch: Redewendungen ohun Mühe
Assimil SAS Welcome to France
Assimil-Verlag GmbH AssimilMethode. Deutsch ohne Mühe heute für Russen. Lehrbuch
Assimil-Verlag GmbH SUPERPACK FRANZOSISCH PRAXIS Fortgeschrittenenkurs fr Deutschsprechende Lehrbuch Niveau B2C1 4 AudioCDs 1 mp3CD
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Pack MP3 Arabisch OM Ne Selbstlernkurs in deutscher Sprache Lehrbuch 1 MP3CD
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Grammaire de larabe Arabische Grammatik fr Franzsischsprechende
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Pack MP3 Italienisch Om Selbstlernkurs in deutscher Sprache Lehrbuch 1 MP3CD
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Volume Griechisch OM Ne Lehrbuch Niveau A1 B2 mit 608 Seiten 92 Lektionen ber 280 bungen mit Lsungen
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Pack CD Portugiesisch Om Heute Selbstlernkurs in deutscher Sprache Lehrbuch 4 AudioCDs
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Volume Finnisch Ohne Muhe Lehrbuch Niveau A1 B2 100 Lektionen ber 250 bungen mit Lsungen
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Volume Amerikanisch OM Amerikanisches Englisch
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Volume Ungarisch Ohne Muhe
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Guide Poche Allemand Russes
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Superpack Hindi Ohne Muhe Lehrbuch und 4 AudioCDs inkl mp3CD
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Pack CD Japanisch O M 1
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Pack CD Russisch OM Heute Nl E
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Pack CD Tschechisch OM
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Volume Turkisch OM Nlle ed
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Pack CD Finnisch OM