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CABI Publishing Conservation and Management of Tropical Rainforests: An integrated approach to sustainability
This new edition of Conservation and Management of Tropical Rainforests applies the large body of knowledge, experience and tradition available to those who study tropical rainforests. Revised and updated in light of developments in science, technology, economics, politics, etc. and their effects on tropical forests, it describes the principles of integrated conservation and management that lead to sustainability, identifying the unifying phenomena that regulate the processes within the rainforest and that are fundamental to the ecosystem viability. Features of the natural forest and the socio-cultural ecosystems which can be mimicked in the design of self-sustaining forests are also discussed. A holistic approach to the management and conservation of rainforests is developed throughout the book. The focus on South-East Asian forestry will be widened to include Africa and Latin America. Recent controversial issues such as biofuels and carbon credits with respect to tropical forests and their inhabitants will be discussed. This book is a substantial contribution to the literature, it is a valuable resource for all those concerned with rainforests. Cover Photo: The group of five Iban resting on rocky cliffs in the Ulu Katibas in 1957 were traditional shag (Sect. 2.2, p. 86) farmers from the longhouse of Penguluh Ngali in the steep-hilly Ulu Ai (Ai river headwaters) below the Lanyak Entimau Protected Forest in the PFE (see p. 339). They were part of the native Iban complement in an exploratory survey by F.G. Browne, (Chief) Conservator of Forests Sarawak and Chairman of the Iban Resettlement Board, myself as SFO Kuching and team leader, and my assistant, D. Parson. We had crossed the watershed eastward along a former headhunter trail and got lost for an additional week in the legendary, fascinatingly wild, almost virgin-primary, timber- and biodiversity/species-rich Mixed Dipterocarp Forest (MDF, see pp. xiv and 397) of the Ulu Katibas-Kapuas hill country. Our mission was to assess three alternative land-use options: logging and conversion to production forestry; agriculture; or TPA-NP (pp. xiv-xv). Our conclusion at the end of the crossing was that only TPA - NP was feasible; the Iban farming community had to be resettled on better, more suitable land and soil in Northern Sarawak. Upon returning to Kuching, we recommended the creation of a large, continuous TPA-NP. Iban villagers, tribal leaders and the Government (Governor Sir Anthony Abell) agreed. Strict adherence to the decreed Forest Policy (see pp. 171-173) and the application of the classic phronesis approach (see p. 341) had ensured the establishment and survival of large tracts of MDF and other forest types as TPA, such as the Batang Ai National Park (20,040 ha), Ulu Sebuyau National Park (18,287 ha) and Lanyak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary (182,983 ha), and enabled their inclusion in the current Malaysian (Sarawak and Sabah)-Indonesian transboundary 'Heart of Borneo' programme of biodiversity, species preservation, nature conservation and environmental protection (Photo EFB, 1957).
Editorial el Pirata Me quiero bañar
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Ovi es una tierna y divertida bebé oveja que descubrirá lo genial que es bañ arse. Este fantá stico cuento interactivo es perfecto para jugar con los má s pequeñ os y convertir la hora del bañ o en un momento divertido que esperan con ilusió n.En la colecció n en españ ol Pasito a Pasito me hago grandecito, con nueve cuentos, los má s pequeñ os aprenderá n algunas de las cosas má s importantes que deben conocer a su edad, como la importancia de lavarse los dientes, bañ arse o irse a dormir cuando toca. ¡ Y lo hará n acompañ ados de toda una pandilla de animalitos de lo má s simpá ticos!En cada uno de estos libros de cartoné conoceremos a un bebé de animal distinto, que nos mostrará uno de los primeros grandes retos de la vida de un niñ o. Un koala les explicará lo importante que es irse a la cama, un pingü ino les enseñ ará a vestirse, una elefantita les animará a empezar a comer por sí solos.Algunas caracterí sticas: • Todos los tí tulos han sido supervisados por educadoras infantiles.• Son interactivos y divertidos: los niñ os juegan y ayudan a los animalitos.• Son cuentos de cartó n con un asa para que los pequeñ os los puedan llevar de un lado a otro.• Con ilustraciones divertidas y muy llamativas, que destacan sobre el fondo para captar la atenció n de los bebé s.• Con una solapa en la ú ltima pá gina que se puede abrir para ver el antes y el despué s de aprender a superar el reto en cuestió n.• ¡ Es una colecció n ideal para animar a los pequeñ os a superar los primeros retos, igual que lo hacen los animalitos que los protagonizan!La colecció n está pensada para ser de referencia en niñ os de 0 a 3 añ os.Tí tulos de la colecció n: • Me quiero bañ ar• Vamos a dormir• Es hora de comer• Ya me lavo los dientes• Chupetes fuera• Sin pañ al• Me visto solito• Juego y recojo• Jugar sin pantallas LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL._________________________________________SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Ovi is a cute and funny baby sheep who will discover how great bathing is. This fantastic interactive story is perfect for playing with the little ones and turning bath time into a fun time they look forward to.In the collection in Spanish Pasito a pasito me hago grandecito, with 9 stories, the little ones will learn some of the most important things they should know at their age, such as the importance of washing teeth, bathe or go to sleep. And they will do it with a whole gang of cute little animals!In each of these cardboard books we meet a different animal baby, who shows us one of the first great challenges in a kid's life. A koala will explain to them how important it is to go to bed, a penguin will teach them to dress… Some features: • All titles have been supervised by early childhood educators.• They are interactive and fun: the children play and help the animals.• They are cardboard stories with a handle so the little ones can carry them from one place to another.• With fun and very striking illustrations, which stand out against the background to capture the attention of babies.• With a flap on the last page that can be opened to see the before and after learning to overcome the current challenge.• It's an ideal collection to encourage the little ones to overcome their first challenges, just like these animals do!The collection is designed to be a reference for children from 0 to 3 years old.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Editorial el Pirata Es hora de comer
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Fanti es una elefantita que tiene mucha hambre. Suerte que ha aprendido a comer ella solita, ¡ y le gusta comer de todo! ¿ Conseguirá acabarse toda la comida? Este fantá stico cuento interactivo es perfecto para jugar con los má s pequeñ os y descubrir que tienen que comer de todo. ¡ Y es que Fanti, despué s de comer, se siente genial!En la colecció n en españ ol Pasito a Pasito me hago grandecito, con nueve cuentos, los má s pequeñ os aprenderá n algunas de las cosas má s importantes que deben conocer a su edad, como la importancia de lavarse los dientes, bañ arse o irse a dormir cuando toca. ¡ Y lo hará n acompañ ados de toda una pandilla de animalitos de lo má s simpá ticos!En cada uno de estos libros de cartoné conoceremos a un bebé de animal distinto, que nos mostrará uno de los primeros grandes retos de la vida de un niñ o. Un koala les explicará lo importante que es irse a la cama, un pingü ino les enseñ ará a vestirse, una elefantita les animará a empezar a comer por sí solos.Algunas caracterí sticas: • Todos los tí tulos han sido supervisados por educadoras infantiles.• Son interactivos y divertidos: los niñ os juegan y ayudan a los animalitos.• Son cuentos de cartó n con un asa para que los pequeñ os los puedan llevar de un lado a otro.• Con ilustraciones divertidas y muy llamativas, que destacan sobre el fondo para captar la atenció n de los bebé s.• Con una solapa en la ú ltima pá gina que se puede abrir para ver el antes y el despué s de aprender a superar el reto en cuestió n.• ¡ Es una colecció n ideal para animar a los pequeñ os a superar los primeros retos, igual que lo hacen los animalitos que los protagonizan!La colecció n está pensada para ser de referencia en niñ os de 0 a 3 añ os.Tí tulos de la colecció n: • Me quiero bañ ar• Vamos a dormir• Es hora de comer• Ya me lavo los dientes• Chupetes fuera• Sin pañ al• Me visto solito• Juego y recojo• Jugar sin pantallas LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL._________________________________________SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Fanti is a very hungry elephant. Luckily she has learned to eat by herself, and she likes to eat everything! Will she be able to finish all the food? This fantastic interactive story in Spanish is perfect to play with the little ones and discover that they have to eat everything. And Fanti, after eating, feels great!In the collection in Spanish Pasito a pasito me hago grandecito, with 9 stories, the little ones will learn some of the most important things they should know at their age, such as the importance of washing teeth, bathe or go to sleep. And they will do it with a whole gang of cute little animals!In each of these cardboard books we meet a different animal baby, who shows us one of the first great challenges in a kid's life. A koala will explain to them how important it is to go to bed, a penguin will teach them to dress… Some features: • All titles have been supervised by early childhood educators.• They are interactive and fun: the children play and help the animals.• They are cardboard stories with a handle so the little ones can carry them from one place to another.• With fun and very striking illustrations, which stand out against the background to capture the attention of babies.• With a flap on the last page that can be opened to see the before and after learning to overcome the current challenge.• It's an ideal collection to encourage the little ones to overcome their first challenges, just like these animals do!The collection is designed to be a reference for children from 0 to 3 years old.O