Search results for ""The History Press Ltd""
The History Press Ltd Scotland the How?: The Hows and Whys of Scottish History
How much do you know about Scottish history?We all know bits of it. This book by the authors of Scottish History: Strange but True sets out to show how these ‘bits’ fit together – how the characters and events of Scottish history made the country of Scotland.We do not ponder ‘WHY?’ we demand ‘HOW?’How was Scotland founded by refugees?How did the Vikings make Scotland happen?How did King David save Scotland AND give it away?How did Robert the Bruce forget Scottish history?How did a King of Scots declare war on Scotland?How did the Jacobites win every round, yet get smashed in the final – twice?How did Scotland embrace kilts and tartan after it banned them?
The History Press Ltd Reindeer: An Arctic Life
In this enchanting book, self-confessed reindeer geek Tilly Smith leads the reader through the extraordinary natural history of the reindeer with charming anecdotes about her own Scottish herd.From their flat ‘clown-like’ hooves to their warm furry noses and majestic antlers, fall in love with nature’s most adaptable arctic mammal.
The History Press Ltd Codeword Overlord: Axis Espionage and the D-Day Landings
It was inevitable that the Allies would invade France in the summer of 1944: the Nazis just had to figure out where and when. This job fell to the Abwehr and several other German intelligence services. Between them they put over 30,000 personnel to work studying British and American signals traffic, and achieved considerable success in intercepting and decrypting enemy messages. They also sent agents to England – but they weren’t to know that none of them would be successful.Until now, the Nazi intelligence community has been disparaged by historians as incompetent and corrupt, but newly released declassified documents suggest this wasn’t the case – and that they had a highly sophisticated system that concentrated on the threat of an Allied invasion. Written by acclaimed espionage historian Nigel West, Codeword Overlord is a vital reassessment of Axis behaviour in one of the most dramatic episodes of the twentieth century.
The History Press Ltd Tea with Hitler: The Secret History of the Royal Family and the Third Reich
After the Second World War, war crimes prosecutors charged two of King George VI’s closest German relatives with ‘crimes against humanity’. American soldiers discovered top-secret documents at Marburg Castle that exposed treacherous family double-dealing inside the Royal Family. Two of the King’s brothers had flirted dangerously with the Nazi regime in duplicitous games of secret diplomacy.To avert a potential public relations catastrophe, George VI hid incriminating papers and, with Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt’s help, whitewashed history to protect his family. Three of Philip Mountbatten’s sisters were banned from Westminster Abbey and the wedding of their brother to Princess Elizabeth because their husbands were senior Nazi officers.This dilemma was Queen Victoria’s fatal legacy: she had hoped to secure peace in Europe through a network of royal marriages, but her plan backfired with two world wars.Tea With Hitler is a family saga of duty, courage, wilful blindness and criminality, revealing the tragic fate of a Saxe-Coburg princess murdered as part of the Nazi euthanasia programme and the story of Queen Victoria’s Jewish great-grand-daughter, rescued by her British relatives.
The History Press Ltd The Western Kingdom: The Birth of Cornwall
In the fifth century, the Roman Empire collapsed and Western Europe began remaking itself in the turmoil that followed. In south-west Britain, old tribal authorities and identities reasserted themselves and a ruling elite led a vibrant and outward-looking kingdom with trade networks that stretched around the Atlantic coast of Europe and abroad into the Mediterranean. They and their descendants would forge their new kingdom into an identity and a culture that lasts into the modern age.The Western Kingdom is the story of Cornwall, and of how its unique language, culture and heritage survived even after politically merging with England in the tenth century. It’s a tale of warfare, trade and survival – and defiance in the face of defeat.
The History Press Ltd Defending Nottinghamshire: The Military Landscape from Prehistory to the Present
Nottinghamshire’s position at the very heart of England has given it important strategic significance throughout two millennia, underlined by the number of roads, waterways, and later railways, criss-crossing the county. An endless succession of armies have used the Great North Road: the Romans, the Vikings, the Normans, the Lancastrians and the Jacobites. Strategic river crossings and road junctions have been guarded by Roman camps, Viking and Saxon burhs, medieval castles, Parliamentarian and Royalist forts, and the anti-invasion defences of the Second World War. The area has traditionally provided a rallying point for armies to be gathered, from Richard III’s in 1485 to Kitchener’s in 1914. Building on the experience of the great training camps of Clipstone and the Dukeries and the extensive munitions works of Chilwell and Nottingham, in the Second World War the county expanded such provision, becoming home to a concentration of flying training centres, key components of the army’s and the RAF’s logistical support networks and further munitions plants. Much of this military activity has left its mark on the landscape, some of it relatively untouched, and some adapted to meet the demands of change. Some monuments are of enormous national importance; Newark-on-Trent, as well as retaining its unspoilt medieval castle ruins, boasts the best single concentration of Civil War-period fortifications anywhere in Britain.
The History Press Ltd The Story of Leeds
A richly illustrated history that explores every aspect of life in Leeds. This new history of Leeds covers all the main political, social and economic developments of the city: The Harrying of the North devastated the surrounding area in 1069; the Civil War saw a battle fought in the town itself; cholera and typhus epidemics raged in the nineteenth century; the building of the Middleton Railway in 1758 established the oldest railway in the world; and Richard Oastler, the Factory King, launched the campaign for the Ten Hour Bill in the Leeds Mercury. Due emphasis is given to the place of the wool textile industry, the principal industry until the twentieth century. The story is brought right up to date, as are recent changes in the townscape. An intriguing look at this great city’s remarkable history.
The History Press Ltd Titanic in Photographs
The name Titanic has become synonymous with catastrophe, the story of this luxurious liner legendary. Wrecked after colliding with an iceberg on her maiden voyage, the loss of around 1,500 lives among her passengers and crew has gone down in history as one of the most emotive and tragic disasters in history. In this evocative collection of photographs the authors of Titanic The Ship Magnificent tell her full story, from the shipyards of Harland & Wolff and its early vessels, with the backdrop of the great race to build the biggest and best passenger liner, to the frenzy of excitement surrounding her launch. Looking at her officers and crew, as well as her stops at Cherbourg and Queenstown – including some special, rare photographs – the book follows the story to its inevitable conclusion, considering the lifeboats, the presence of the Carpathia and the aftermath of the disaster.
The History Press Ltd Wolsey: The Life of King Henry VIII's Cardinal
Cardinal Wolsey is a controversial figure: a butcher’s son, a man of letters and the Church, a divisive political expert, a man of principle – yet, to some, an arrogant upstart. As Lord Chancellor to the incorrigible Henry VIII he achieved much both at home and abroad, but his failure to achieve the mighty monarch’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon saw him brought to his knees. John Matusiak explores the pragmatic cardinal’s life and career to uncover a man of contradictions and extremes whose meteoric rise was marked by an equally inexorable descent into desperation, as he attempted in vain to satisfy the tempestuous master whose ambition ultimately broke him. Far from being another familiar portrait of an overweight and overweening spider or cautionary tale of pride preceding a fall, this is the gripping story of how consummate talent, noble intentions and an eagle eye for the main chance can contrive with the vagaries of power politics to raise an individual to unheard of heights before finally consuming him.
The History Press Ltd Underground to Everywhere: London's Underground Railway in the Life of the Capital
London's Underground is one of the best-known and most distinctive aspects of the city. Since Victorian times, this remarkable feat of engineering has made an extraordinary contribution to the economy of the capital and played a vital role in the daily life of generations of Londoners. Stephen Halliday’s informative, entertaining, wide-ranging history of the Underground celebrates the vision and determination of the Victorian Pioneers who conceived this revolutionary transport system. His book records the scandal, disappointments, and disasters that have punctuated the story and the careers of the gifted, dedicated, sometimes corrupt individuals that have shaped its history. It also gives a fascinating insight into the neglected, often unseen aspects of this subterranean system - the dense network of tunnels, shafts and chambers that have been created beneath the city streets.
The History Press Ltd Flying Scotsman: The Most Famous Steam Locomotive in the World
The name Flying Scotsman is renowned across the world, but the detailed story of the globally famous locomotive is often less well known. In this illustrated history, James S. Baldwin takes the reader on a railway journey through time, documenting the years of public and private ownership, from the Great Northern Railway in the early days, right through LNER and British Railways possession, to the tenure of Alan Pegler, Sir William McAlpine, Pete Waterman and beyond. With the engine having been acquired by the National Railway Museum in 2004, the future looks secure. Complete with stunning black-and-white and colour illustrations, this is the perfect package to allow Flying Scotsman enthusiasts, young and old, to get a real taste of the rich history of the ‘most famous steam locomotive in the world’.
The History Press Ltd Birdie Bowers: Captain Scott's Marvel
Henry ‘Birdie’ Bowers realised his life’s ambition when he was selected for Captain Scott’s Terra Nova expedition to the Antarctic, yet he also met his death on the journey. Born to a sea-faring father and adventurous mother on the Firth of Clyde, Bowers’ boyhood obsession with travel and adventure took him round the world several times and his life appears, with hindsight, to have been a ceaseless preparation for his ultimate, Antarctic challenge. Although just 5ft 4in, he was a bundle of energy; knowledgeable, indefatigable and the ultimate team player. In Scott’s words, he was ‘a marvel’. This new biography, drawing on Bowers’ letters, journals and previously neglected material, sheds new light on Bowers and tells the full story of the hardy naval officer who could always lift his companions’ spirits.
The History Press Ltd Mountain of the Dead: The Dyatlov Pass Incident
In January 1959, ten experienced young skiers set out for Mount Otorten in the far north of Russia. While one of the skiers fell ill and returned., the remaining nine lost their way and ended up on another mountain slope known as Kholat Syakhl (or ‘Mountain of the Dead’). On the night of 1 February 1959 something or someone caused the skiers to flee their tent in such terror that they used knives to slash their way out. Search parties were sent out and their bodies were found, some with massive internal injuries but with no external marks on them. The autopsy stated the violent injuries were caused by ‘an unknown compelling force’. The area was sealed off for years by the authorities and the full events of that night remained unexplained. Using original research carried out in Russia and photographs from the skier's cameras, Keith McCloskey attempts to explain what happened to the nine young people who lost their lives in the mysterious ‘Dyatlov Pass Incident’.
The History Press Ltd Wellington and Waterloo: The Duke, The Battle and Posterity 1815-2015
The events which unfolded south of Brussels on 18 June 1815 conferred instant immortality on those who took part in them. For the Duke of Wellington, Waterloo consummated victory in a long battle for what he considered to be his due recognition. Whilst he guarded that reputation jealously, he also jeopardised it by his decision to enter politics in what proved to be an especially partisan age. Even the outpouring of national grief which accompanied his death in 1852 could not totally obscure the ambivalence he had aroused in life. The memory of Waterloo, meanwhile, followed its own trajectory. Travellers initially flocked to the battlefield as if drawn by a magnet. What the triumph meant for Britain, and the wider world, moreover, became a battle in itself, one fought variously in the political, literary and artistic theatres of war. As the nineteenth century advanced, it was only Waterloo’s less-exalted participants who, relatively, faded from view – or were ignored. Drawing on many under-utilised sources to illuminate some less familiar themes, this timely study offers fresh perspectives on one of Britain’s best-known figures, as well as on the nature of heroism. The reader is also given pause for thought as to appropriate forms of commemoration and how national celebrations are prone to manipulation, for their own purposes, by those in government.
The History Press Ltd Liverpool: A Landscape History
The landscape has had a huge impact on the history of Liverpool and Merseyside. The ice age glaciers carved out the Rivers Mersey and Dee; the Sefton coast provided a perfect place for the earliest humans to hunt and gather food; and the Pool and the Mersey, and England’s position on the coast gave King John the perfect base from which to launch his Irish campaigns. This book explores the landscapes from these earliest times, and charts the changing city right through to the present day. It explains why Liverpool looks the way it does today, and how clues in the modern landscape reveal details of its long history. You’ll see how the landscape created Liverpool, and how in turn Liverpool recreated the landscape.
The History Press Ltd The Steam Locomotive Story
The steam locomotive was a British invention and even today, the world speed record for steam remains with a British locomotive, Mallard. Steam’s first significant contribution to British industry was through powering pumping engines for mines. When steam was applied to the railways, the ‘railway age’ began. The steam locomotive went through several distinct phases during its long life, which came to an end on regular service in the late 1960s. The early phase was followed by the trend for large single driving wheels, then compound locomotives with connected driving wheels once steel became strong enough for the connecting rods. Further developments included tank engines that could run equally well forwards and backwards; the 4-6-0 and 4-6-2 expresses; the passion for speed records and streamlining; and the standardisation years of British Railways. This insightful, fully illustrated story book follows the history of the steam locomotive and will delight all those interested in the steam age.
The History Press Ltd D-Day in Photographs
The Allied landings in France on 6 June 1944 were a turning point in world history. This book is a compilation of 200 images relating to all aspects of D-Day and the Normandy landings, beginning with the years of planning and preparations, all conducted in great secrecy. Next the focus is on the naval and air force operations, the airborne landings, and the British, American and Canadian forces who came ashore on 6 June. The book also covers the months of hard fighting during the Battle of Normandy, and through to the end of the war. Using the extensive archives of the Portsmouth D-Day Museum, this is a moving and unique record of a momentous time. Andrew Whitmarsh is military history officer for Portsmouth Museums & Records Service, a role which includes the curatorship of the D-Day Museum and Overlord Embroidery. The D-Day Museum opened in 1984 and is the United Kingdom’s only museum with the sole purpose of telling the story of D-Day. He has been its curator since 2001. He has written a variety of popular and academic articles on military history, as well as D-Day in Photographs and Portsmouth at War for The History Press.
The History Press Ltd Dirty Wars: A Century of Counterinsurgency
‘Who is the enemy?’ This is the question most asked in modern warfare; gone are the set-piece conventional battles of the past. Once seen as secondary to more traditional conflicts, irregular warfare (as modified and refashioned since the 1990s) now presents a major challenge to the state and the bureaucratic institutions which have dominated the twentieth century, and to the politicians and civil servants who formulate policy. Twenty-first-century conflict is dominated by counterinsurgency operations, where the enemy is almost indistinguishable from innocent civilians. Battles are gunfights in jungles, deserts and streets; winning ‘hearts and minds’ is as important as holding territory. From struggles in South Africa, the Philippines and Ireland to operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Chechnya, this book covers the strategy and doctrine of counterinsurgency, and the factors which ensure whether such operations are successful or not. Recent ignorance of central principles and the emergence of social media, which has shifted the odds in favour of the insurgent, have too often resulted in failure, leaving governments and their security forces embedded in a hostile population, immersed in costly and dangerous nation-building.
The History Press Ltd Treblinka Survivor: The Life and Death of Hershl Sperling
More than 800,000 people entered Treblinka, and fewer than seventy came out. Hershl Sperling was one of them. He escaped. Why then, fifty years later, did he jump to his death from a bridge in Scotland? The answer lies in a long-forgotten, published account of the Treblinka death camp, written by Hershl Sperling himself in the months after liberation and discovered in his briefcase after his suicide. It is reproduced here for the first time. In Treblinka Survivor, Mark S. Smith traces the life of a man who survived five concentration camps, and what he had to do to achieve this. Hershl's story, which takes the reader through his childhood in a small Polish town to the bridge in faraway Scotland, is testament to the lasting torment of those very few who survived the Nazis' most efficient and gruesome death factory. The author personally follows in his subject's footsteps from Klobuck, to Treblinka, to Glasgow.
The History Press Ltd Unearthing London: The Ancient World Beneath the Metropolis
Unearthing London reveals the almost-forgotten ritual landscape which lies hidden beneath the streets of the modern capital. It is the city nobody knows, a vast and intricate network of hilltop shrines, tracks, sacred rivers, mounds, ditches, enclosures and manmade hills, all well over 2000 years old. This prehistoric landscape, moulded and shaped by early men and women, determined the position of landmarks such as St Paul's Cathedral, the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey. However, it has not been completely obliterated by the concrete and tarmac of the modern city, and Simon Webb traces the forgotten history of the capital to explore what remains of these early sites. He also examines the religious beliefs and mythology of the pre-Roman area which became London and looks at how the legends tie in with the various ancient features of the city. The book also features a guide to walking the ritual landscape today - routes that take in both twenty-first century architecture and ancient mystery. Whether a lifelong Londoner or a curious visitor, Unearthing London will reveal things you never knew about the global city.
The History Press Ltd The Little Book of Devon
Do you know? Which MP was the first woman to take her seat in parliament? Who was the man they could not hang? Which member of the Beatles lost his temper at a famous Devon landmark? A compendium of fascinating information about Devon past and present, this book contains a plethora of entertaining facts about the county’s famous and occasionally infamous men and women, its towns and countryside, history, natural history, literary, artistic and sporting achievements, agriculture, transport, industry, and royal visits. A reference book and a quirky guide, this can be dipped in to time and time again to reveal something new about the people, the heritage, the secrets and the enduring fascination of the county. A remarkably engaging little book, this is essential reading for visitors and locals alike.
The History Press Ltd A Gentleman's Guide to Beard and Moustache Management
Do you know how to trim your whiskers properly? With beards and moustaches more popular than ever, this delightful little book sets out to answer this pressing question. And if a trim is not required, then it will show you how to wax, polish and maintain your face furniture so that it is always in tip-top condition. Alongside these manly grooming tips is a guide to famous facial-hair aficionados, from Karl Marx to Des Lynam; a breakdown of styles; and a perambulation through hirsute history, including an explanation of why the beard was considered sacred by the ancient Greeks and slovenly by ancient Romans. So whether it’s the Handlebar or the Chevron; the Goatee or the Spade – peruse this book for hints and tips of how to handle your facial fuzz.
The History Press Ltd Haunted Grimsby
From spectral nuns to phantom fishermen, Haunted Grimsby will take you on a journey from the ghosts of the past to the hauntings of the present. Visit the hotel haunted by shadowy children and the shop plagued by a malevolent presence; climb aboard the vessel manned by phantom crewmen and tour the museum with a ghostly guide….
The History Press Ltd Voices of Leigh-on-Sea
This book comprises the memories of more than fifty people who lived and worked in Leigh between 1914 and 1960. They have personally witnessed its transformation from a small fishing village into a bustling commuter town. However, here is the evidence that these now respectable ladies and gentlemen were, in fact, the children who roller skated down Church Hill, rode runaway donkeys, fell into Prittle Brook and flooded the headmistress’s study. They are also the people who were wage earners at fourteen and air-raid wardens at twenty. They went to war for their country, answered the call for help at Dunkirk, and supported soldiers before D-Day. Individually, these stories are interesting; together they create a fascinating picture of a Leigh that has long gone.
The History Press Ltd The 'Olympic' Class Ships: Olympic, Titanic, Britannic
The intensifying competition on the North Atlantic in the early years of the twentieth century led the White Star Line to order three huge liners. While their British rival, the Cunard Line, focused on speed, White Star concentrated on size and luxury. Orders were placed for Olympic and Titanic to be built at Harland & Wolff ’s yard in Belfast, while the third sister ship, Britannic, would follow at a later date. Each ship was subtly different. Lessons learned from the service of Olympic were put into practice for Titanic, as other shipping lines immediately began to plan their response. Following Titanic’s loss on her maiden voyage, radical improvements were made to the third sister ship, improving the watertight subdivision. These changes, however, did not prevent Britannic sinking in less than an hour in the Aegean in 1916, while serving as a hospital ship for the war effort. Illustrated with many rare images of all three ships, including a brand new colour section, this revised and expanded edition brings the story up to date, providing a comprehensive history in one volume.
The History Press Ltd The Mistresses of Henry VIII
Seventeen-year-old Henry VIII was ‘a youngling, he cares for nothing but girls and hunting.’ Over the years, this didn’t change much. Henry was considered a demi-god by his subjects, so each woman he chose was someone who had managed to stand out in a crowd of stunning ladies. Looking good was not enough (indeed, many of Henry’s lovers were considered unattractive); she had to have something extra special to keep the king’s interest. And Henry’s women were every bit as intriguing as the man himself. In this book, Henry’s mistresses are rescued from obscurity. The sixteenth century was a time of profound changes in religion and society across Europe – and some of Henry’s lovers were at the forefront of influencing these events. Kelly Hart gives an excellent insight into the love life of our most popular king, and the twelve women who knew the man behind the mask.
The History Press Ltd The Little Book of Kent
The Little Book of Kent is a funny, fast-paced, fact-packed compendium of the sort of frivolous, fantastic or simply strange information which no-one will want to be without. Here we find out about the most unusual crimes and punishments, eccentric inhabitants, famous sons and daughters and literally hundreds of wacky facts (plus some authentically bizarre bits of historic trivia). Alex Tulloch’s new book gathers together a myriad of data on Kent. There are lots of factual chapters but also plenty of frivolous details which will amuse and surprise. This is an ideal book to have by your bedside or to while away the hours on a long train journey. And if you like to take part in pub quizzes (or set them) then you will find this book a veritable treasure trove of useful information as well as just fascinating trivia. Who knew, for instance, that Laurel and Hardy cut the ribbon when the Romney Hythe & Dymchurch narrow gauge railway was reopened after the war?
The History Press Ltd The Battle of Matapan 1941: The Trafalgar of the Mediterranean
In March 1941, the Royal Navy scored one of the greatest one-sided victories against the Italian Fleet the Regia Marina at Matapan. It brought to an end six months of remarkable success for the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean. When France fell and Italy declared war on Britain, Admiral Dudley Pound had wanted to evacuate the Mediterranean altogether and concentrate on home defence. Churchill overruled him, regarding such a move as the death knell of the British Empire. His decision made the Mediterranean theatre the focus of British land operations for four years, reliant on the Navy. In Admiral Andrew Cunningham, Churchill had a fleet commander in the Mediterranean who would miss no chance of hounding the enemy. Affectionately known as A.B.C. by his men, Cunningham was salty in his language, intolerant of fools and a master of tactics. In "The Battle of Matapan 1941: The Trafalgar of the Mediterranean", Mark Simmons explores the remarkable victories of Taranto and Matapan, as seen through the eyes of the men who manned the ships and flew the aircraft of the Mediterranean Fleet.
The History Press Ltd Zitadelle: The German Offensive Against the Kursk Salient 4-17 July 1943
Few battles attract interest so much as the Battle of Kursk. Operation Zitadelle, the code name given by Hitler to the Wehrmacht's last offensive on the Eastern Front in July 1943, has acquired an almost mythic status as one of the greatest clashes of armour in the history of warfare. Long been depicted as the ‘the swan song of the German tank arm’ by virtue of the huge tank losses experienced by the Germans; the reality, in light of the emergence of new information proved it to be anything but, with historians previously accepting without question exaggerated Soviet accounts of the battle. For all the resources devoted to this operation by the Germans, Zitadelle was an abysmal failure; and whilst they were not outfought by the Red Army at Kursk, they were out-thought by commanders of outstanding quality. Zitadelle describes the German and Soviet tactics and explores the realities of the battles on sodden ground that culminated in the defeat of the panzers and the Soviet advance on the Reich.
The History Press Ltd Dogfight: True Stories of Dramatic Air Actions
Dogfight tells the story of some of the most incredible air battles of modern warfare. Alfred Price's action-packed accounts place you in the cockpit, offering a rare insight into what it was like to face the enemy thousands of feet above the frontline. From operations over the fields of France during the First World War, through to accounts of the indomitable spirit of the RAF during the Battle of Britain, to the horrifying loss of life inflicted by Hitler's Blitzkrieg offensive, when more than 300 aircraft fell in air-to air combat during a single day of fighting; this book details the battles and the men who fought in them. The jet age is also heralded in by accounts of the air force's role in the Vietnam War and the Falkland. The role of reconnaissance aircraft in modern warfare is described alongside the precision of attacking pin-point targets during the Gulf War in Iraq. This book not only uncovers how the tactics of aerial warfare have changed through each major conflict of modern times, but also the dramatic narrative allows the reader to feel like they were there in the skies, flying alongside these incredible pilots.
The History Press Ltd Southwold: Britain in Old Photographs
It is said, and not without some justification, that a picture is worth a thousand words. As it happens Southwold, very nearly England's most easterly town, is endlessly written about. Its charm, grace and pure magic have captivated writers and journalists ever since Daniel Defoe visited in 1713. But this book tells the story of Southwold over the last 100 years in pictures. The photographers seized opportunities presented by the late Victorian and early Edwardian era - whcih also proved to be the golden age of the postcard - to capture Southwold on their glass plate negatives, and also on film. It is all here: the beach, the common, the sea, the town, the people, the wars and the special Southwold occasions. And of course there are some lovely pictures of the eccentric little railway that helped turn a town that lived mainly by fishing into a genteel holiday resort. This book will delight all those who love Southwold and understand its funny ways.
The History Press Ltd Hitler's Forgotten Victims: The Holocaust and the Disabled
The appalling story of Hitler's murderous policies aimed at the disabled including tens of thousands of children killed by their doctors. Between 1939 and 1945 the Nazi regime systematically murdered thousands of adults and children with physical and mental disabilities as part of its 'euthanasia' policy. These programmes were designed to eliminate all people with disabilities who, according to Nazi ideology, threatened the health and purity of the German race. Hitler’s Forgotten Victims explores the development and workings of this nightmarish process, a relatively neglected aspect of the Holocaust. Suzanne Evans's account draws on the rich historical record, as well as scores of exclusive interviews with disabled Holocaust survivors. It begins with a description of the Children’s Killing Programme, in which tens of thousands of children with physical and mental disabilities were murdered by their doctors, usually by starvation or lethal injection. The book goes on to recount the AktionT4 programme, in which adults with disabilities were disposed of in six official centres, and the development of the Sterilisation Law, which allowed the forced sterilisation of at least half a million young adults with disabilities.
The History Press Ltd Death by Design: British Tank Development in the Second World War
At the outbreak of war in 1939 British tank crews were ill-equipped, under trained and badly led. As a consequence the lives of hundreds of crewmen were wasted unnecessarily. This was due not only to the poor design and construction of British tanks, but also to the lack of thought and planning on the part of successive pre-war governments and the War Office. Death by Design explores how and why Britain went from leading the world in tank design at the end of the First World War to lagging far behind the design quality of Russian and German tanks in the Second World War. This book is a much-needed warning to governments and military planners: a nation must always be prepared to defend itself and ensure that its soldiers are equipped with the tools to do so.
The History Press Ltd The Metropolitan Line: London's First Underground Railway
The Metropolitan Railway can claim to have had an influence on the evolution of our railway system out of all proportion to its tracks reaching just forty-seven miles from London. However it was the world’s first underground passenger railway, built in 1863 to ease the traffic congestion of a growing London and thus creating the first metro system. Embraced by the notorious Victorian entrepreneur Sir Edward Watkin as part of his ultimately unsuccessful ambition to link Manchester and Paris by rail, the Metropolitan decided to use Watkin’s land to create the iconic ‘Metro-land’, an Arcadian form of suburbia embracing affordable housing with easy commuting to London. The brand soon became accepted as the generic description of a lifestyle and by the end of the First World War Metro-land represented the appealing factors of aspiration and affordability. This fascinating history of London’s first tube line and the people involved in its evolution brings us up to date with the latest plans for this idiosyncratic railway in line with the coming 2012 Olympics. Featuring many previously unpublished photographs, it is a must for all railway enthusiasts and social historians.
The History Press Ltd Goodnight Children, Everywhere: Voices of Evacuees
For the many children torn from their families, taken miles from home and placed with strangers, the evacuation at the outbreak of the Second World War was a life-changing experience. In Goodnight Children, Everywhere, men and women who were children at the time recall their poignant memories of being labelled, lined up and taken away. Their parents, urged by the government not to see the children off on the buses and trains, had no assurance that they would ever see their sons and daughters again. No lives were lost and no one was injured. Not so considered was the psychological wellbeing of these suddenly dislocated children. Some children were advantaged by the dramatic change in their lives; others, separated from all they knew and loved, suffered unendurable heartbreak. This is their story.
The History Press Ltd Prisons and Prisoners in Victorian Britain
Prisons and Prisoners In Victorian Britain provides an illustrated insight into the Victorian prison system and the experiences of those within it - on both sides of the bars. Featuring stories of crime and misdeeds, this fascinating book includes chapters on a typical day inside a Victorian prison - food, divine service, exercise and medical provision; the punishments inflicted on convicts - such as hard labour, flogging, the treadwheel and shot drill; and an overview of the ultimate penalty paid by prisoners - execution. Richly illustrated with a series of photographs, engravings, documents and letters, this volume is sure to appeal to all those interested in crime and social history in Victorian Britain.
The History Press Ltd Recreating the Past
Since 1994, when the first Time Team programme was broadcast, archaeology has been brought to life for millions of people. This book combines the talents of two of the programme's key players in an exciting series of reconstructions. Victor Ambrus has produced hundreds of sketches and drawings of archaeological sites and the lives of those who would have inhabited them. For the first time his drawings of individual excavations have been brought together to provide a dramatic chronological survey of British History. Add to this Mick Aston's lively explanations and photographs and you have an archaeological collaboration which is guaranteed to delight. Mick Aston has contributed a passion and enthusiasm for archaeology which is infectious, so let Victor and Mick take you on a visual journey through history...
The History Press Ltd Scottish Murders
This chilling collection of murderous tales brings together forty-seven cases spanning two centuries, all of which were committed in Scotland. Among the shocking crimes featured here is the case of an Edinburgh baby farmer hanged in 1889; the controversial killing of a wealthy Glasgow spinster in 1908; the shooting of a Detective Inspector during a failed attempt to rescue a convict from a prison van in Glasgow in 1921; and the summary execution of a German POW at the hands of his fellow Nazi prisoners in Comrie, Perthshire in 1944. This well-illustrated and enthralling book will appeal to everyone interested in true crime and the shadier side of Scotland’s past.
The History Press Ltd A 1950s Childhood: From Tin Baths to Bread and Dripping
Do you remember Pathé News? Taking the train to the seaside? The purple stains of iodine on the knees of boys in short trousers? Knitted bathing costumes? Then the chances are you were born in or around 1950. To the young people of today, the 1950s seem like another age.But for those born around then, this era of childhood feels like yesterday. This delightful collection of photographic memories will appeal to all who grew up in this post-war decade; they include pictures of children enjoying life out on the streets and bombsites, at home and at school, on holiday and at events. These wonderful period pictures and descriptive captions will bring back this decade of childhood, and jog memories about all aspects of life as it was in post-war Britain.
The History Press Ltd The Kent Downs
Nestled within the heart of the county, sparsely and largely untouched by the pressures of the modern age, the Kent Downs are home to some of the most enchanting countryside in southern England. This book unravels the history of the area's settlement and colonisation, the inspiration it has given to poets, artists and authors, and the legacy of its rich and varied natural treasures; the rare and the commonplace; the peculiar and unique, the mysterious and the haunting. Having spent most of his life living and working in the countryside of the Kent Downs, Dan Tuson offers an intimate and inspiring exploration of this unique landscape. He is a regular contributor of articles and photographs to The Orchid magazine of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Beauty organisation, many of which have been included within the book and illustrated with the beautiful artwork of fellow contributors to The Orchid, Angel Design. Richly illustrated with over 100 stunning photographs in colour and monochrome, the book is a tribute to the many who have found solace and inspiration in the Kent Downs and will appeal to all those who visit, work or live in this cherished part of the county of Kent.
The History Press Ltd Royal Leamington Spa Revisited: Images of England
Featuring over 200 photographs and supporting captions that show what life was really like years ago, this book presents the history of the beautiful spa town that grew from a tiny village. It further explores the town's history with particular emphasis on leisure and entertainment. It is suitable for locals and visitors alike.
The History Press Ltd Elizabeth Robins: Staging a Life
Beautiful and talented, versatile and charismatic, Elizabeth Robins was one of the foremost actresses of her day. Yet, this enduring character was also an active and lifelong feminist. This biography examines Elizabeth's historical identity and provides a study of the social culture surrounding a woman who lived a life in the spotlight.
The History Press Ltd Morgan at Le Mans
A history of Morgan, a quintessentially British car maker, racing at Le Mans.
The History Press Ltd Arnhem 1944
The battle of Arnhem was a major turning point in World War II. It was a gamble by Montgomery, using three airborne divisions, to capture a series of bridges across the wide rivers which separated a powerful army from the plains of northern Germany.
The History Press Ltd Icelandic Histories and Romances
The Icelandic sagas, composed between the twelfth and the nineteenth centuries, are one of the world's great literary treasures. After an extended and lively introduction to the genre, Ralph O'Connor provides new translations for five of the greatest of these sagas. We encounter a humble Icelandic scholar dreaming of a Viking past, a royal adventurer evading the horrible lusts of troll-women, a demon popping out of a lavatory, the death spasms of the old Northern gods and unnatural acts in Muslim Germany. The sagas are evocatively illustrated by Anne O'Connor.
The History Press Ltd Druids: Preachers of Immortality
Druidism was the religion of the Celts. The richest source of information about the druids is the vernacular material from Ireland and Wales. The author's familiarity with the gaelic texts strips away modern myths about the Druids.
The History Press Ltd Folklore of the Scottish Highlands
The folklore of the Scottish Highlands is unique and very much alive. Dr Anne Ross is a Gaelic-speaking scholar and archaeologist who has lived and worked in crofting communities. This has enabled her to collect information at first hand and to assess the veracity of material already published. In this substantially revised edition of a classic work first published 30 years ago, she portrays the beliefs and customs of Scottish Gaelic society, including: seasonal customs deriving from Celtic festivals; the famous waulking songs; the Highland tradition of seers and second sight; omens and taboos, both good and bad; and, chilling experiences of witchcraft and the Evil Eye Rituals associated with birth and death. Having taken her MA, MA Hons and PhD at the University of Edinburgh, Anne Ross became Research Fellow in the School of Scottish Studies, Edinburgh. She then rapidly established herself as one of Britain's leading Celtic scholars. Her seminal work is "Pagan Celtic Britain" and she has also published "Druids - Preachers of Immortality" with Tempus Publishing.
The History Press Ltd Central Birmingham 1920-1970: Images of England
This companion volume to Central Birmingham 1870-1920 captures the changing face of the city over a further half century using a selection of nearly 200 old photographs, many of which have never before been published. The book portrays not just the streets and buildings but also the men, women and children of the city as they went about their daily business during both peace and war and the postwar period of rebuilding and reshaping. The photographs are once again drawn from the extensive photographic archives at Birmingham Central Library where the author is a Local Studies specialist.