Search results for ""Author Simon""
Everyman Chess Dangerous Weapons: The Dutch
Prominent opening specialists take a revolutionary look at the ambitious Dutch Defence and select a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both White and Black.
Autumn Publishing Ltd Pirates Press Out and Make: Sticker Activity
Pace Publishing Yoshitomo Nara: Pinacoteca
Recent works and a gorgeously crafted miniature gallery from the much-loved Japanese artist From the outset of his career, Japanese painter and sculptor Yoshitomo Nara (born 1959) has fruitfully explored the relationship between art and the space in which it is placed. At the cornerstone of Nara's recent exhibition in Pace's London gallery was the most recent product of his ongoing study: a new multiroom installation that was reworked from an earlier project titled London Mayfair House. Borrowing its title from the Ancient Greco-Roman term for a public art salon, Pinacoteca (2021) is a specially crafted, tiny, homelike structure that imitates an exhibition space. On the internal walls, the artist hung new paintings on wood and canvas as well as drawings on paper, used envelopes and cardboard boxes. On the external walls, which have been directly painted onto, Nara hung new paintings that are stylistically simpler and more graphic than the works inside the installation. Yoshitomo Nara: Pinacoteca presents a close look at the structure, as well as the artist’s recent paintings, sculpture and works on cardboard also displayed in the exhibition. An essay by acclaimed music writer Simon Reynolds explores the relationship of music to Nara’s artistic production, and an essay by curator Stephanie Rosenthal dives deep into the role of built environments in the artist's oeuvre.
Batsford Ltd The Cathedrals of England
A new edition of Batsford’s classic 1930s guide to England’s cathedrals, with foreword by Simon Jenkins. This classic guide from 1934 gives a brief account and pictorial review of every Church of England cathedral in England that existed at the time. Simply and concisely written to be read by anyone with an interest in the subject, the book features cathedrals from the mighty York Minster, Durham and Canterbury through St Albans to Ripon and Southwark. The full list of cathedrals covered are: Bristol, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Chichester, Durham, Ely, Exeter, Gloucester, Hereford, Lichfield, Lincoln, London, Norwich, Oxford, Peterborough, Ripon, Rochester, St Albans, Salisbury, Southwark, Southwell, Wells, Winchester, Worcester, York. Also the Parish church cathedrals of Birmingham, Blackburn, Bradford, Chelmsford, Coventry (pre-war building), Derby, Leicester, Manchester, Newcastle, Portsmouth, St Edmundsbury, Sheffield and Wakefield.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Materials of Service Design
If Design is about forming materials, then what are the materials of Service Design? In this ground-breaking book, Johan Blomkvist, Simon Clatworthy and Stefan Holmlid explore this question by establishing a discourse around the materials of service design, discussing materials as a means to study what service design is and could be.Exploring the contours and foundations of the field, this innovative book redefines the material and opens with an investigation of how service has been understood as a material in design. With insights from expert practitioners in the field, chapters then examine a vast library of materials, including social structures, touch-points, thinking, culture, time, organisations, conversations, data, human bodies and more. Making sense of this material mix, the book delves into the material of the immaterial and displays the diversified and expansive field of service design today. In doing so, it forms a starting point to go beyond reductionist ideas of the material-immaterial dichotomy and makes room for new constructivist perspectives.Contributing to the development of education within service design, this insightful book will be invaluable for practitioners and course leaders looking to navigate a new path to service design. Founded in design as a knowledge intensive practice, it will also be transformative for the research of students and scholars of marketing, service design, design theory, and innovation studies.
Kogan Page Ltd Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain: A Reference Guide to Supply Chain Finance
Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the financial synergies across the supply chain. It demonstrates the importance of the strategic relationship between the physical supply of goods and services and the associated financial flows. The book provides a clear introduction, demonstrating the importance of the strategic relationship between supply chain and financial communities within an organization. This book links together treasury, banking, supply chain, systems, IT, and key stakeholders. Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain will help senior supply chain practitioners to build collaboration, improve relationships and enhance trust between supply chain partners. With its combination of theory and practice it tackles vital issues including physical, information and financial flows, and tailoring supply chain finance to individual organisations' circumstances. Recognizing that supply chain finance means different things in different countries, the authors also consider various initiatives to harmonize and develop cross-border financing as well as including an agenda for national and international policy makers. The new edition features interviews from SCF platform providers on how ecosystems are involved in supply chain finance, additional learning activities for students and new examples on working capital management.
Titan Books Ltd Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Vol. 1: After Life
With a force of personality capable of bending time itself and all the energy of a star's exploding heart, the Doctor blasts into the hollow, tragic life of a woman with so much to offer - and gives her the chance to scream "Geronimo!" at the thrills, colours and terrors of an infinite universe! Masterful writers team with astounding artists to blast the Eleventh Doctor - as played by Matt Smith - into a tantalising new era of time-twisting comics stories!
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 32
SECTOR HOUSE Mega-City One - a nightmarish enclosure located along the Eastern Seaboard of North America. Only the Judges - powerful law enforcers supporting the despotic Justice Department - can stop total anarchy running rife on the crime-ridden streets. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd - he is the law and these are his stories... Judge Dredd assesses the performance of a promising young cadet, Rico - another clone of Judge Fargo. Earning his badge, Rico is soon assigned to the troubled Sector House 108 - where everything he has learnt is put to the test!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc What's Happening to My Body? Book for Boys: Revised Edition
Everything preteen and teen boys need to know about their changing bodies and feelings Written by an experienced educator and her daughter in a reassuring and down-to earth style, The "What's Happening to My Body?" Book for Boys gives sensitive straight talk on: the body's changing size and shape; diet and exercise; the growth spurt; the reproductive organs; body hair; voice changes; romantic and sexual feelings; and puberty in the opposite sex. It also includes information on steroid abuse, acne treatment, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, and birth control. Featuring detailed illustrations and real-life stories throughout, plus an introduction for parents and a helpful resource section, this bestselling growing-up guide is an essential puberty education and health book for all boys ages 10 and up.
Oxford University Press Chemistry³: Introducing inorganic, organic and physical chemistry
Chemistry is widely considered to be the central science: it encompasses concepts on which all other branches of science are developed. Yet, for many students entering university, gaining a firm grounding in chemistry is a real challenge. Chemistry³ responds to this challenge, providing students with a full understanding of the fundamental principles of chemistry on which to build later studies. Uniquely amongst the introductory chemistry texts currently available, Chemistry³'s author team brings together experts in each of organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry with specialists in chemistry education to provide balanced coverage of the fundamentals of chemistry in a way that students both enjoy and understand. The result is a text that builds on what students know already from school and tackles their misunderstandings and misconceptions, thereby providing a seamless transition from school to undergraduate study. Written with unrivalled clarity, students are encouraged to engage with the text and appreciate the central role that chemistry plays in our lives through the unique use of real-world context and photographs. Chemistry³ tackles head-on two issues pervading chemistry education: students' mathematical skills, and their ability to see the subject as a single, unified discipline. Instead of avoiding the maths, Chemistry³ provides structured support, in the form of careful explanations, reminders of key mathematical concepts, step-by-step calculations in worked examples, and a Maths Toolkit, to help students get to grips with the essential mathematical element of chemistry. Frequent cross-references highlight the connections between each strand of chemistry and explain the relationship between the topics, so students can develop an understanding of the subject as a whole. Digital formats and resources Chemistry³ is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support: The e-book also features interactive animations of molecular structures, screencasts in which authors talk step-by-step through selected examples and key reaction mechanisms, and self-assessment activities for each chapter. The accompanying online resources will also include, for students: · Chapter 1 as an open-access PDF; · Chapter summaries and key equations to download, to support revision; · Worked solutions to the questions in the book. The following online resources are also provided for lecturers: · Test bank of ready-made assessments for each chapter with which to test your students · Problem-solving workshop activities for each chapter for you to use in class · Case-studies showing how instructors are successfully using Chemistry3 in digital learning environments and to support innovative teaching practices · Figures and tables from the book
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG E-Learning und Blended Learning: Selbstgesteuerte Lernprozesse zum Wissensaufbau und zur Qualifizierung
Die Autoren beschreiben die Deutungen des Begriffes E-Learning und erläutern die Rahmenbedingungen sowie die Elemente von E-Learning Arrangements. Sie entwickeln ein praxiserprobtes Blended Learning Arrangement, das problemorientierte Workshops mit selbstgesteuertem Lernen auf der Basis von Web Based Trainings oder Lernvideos verknüpft. Erfolgsfaktoren für E-Learning und Blended Learning Arrangements werden analysiert, eine zuverlässige Konzeption der Lernbegleitung wird entwickelt. Die Autoren leiten zudem auf Basis ihrer langjährigen Projekterfahrung Fallstudien für E-Learning und Blended Learning in Verbindung mit Social Learning ab, welche sich durch eine konsequente Bedarfsorientierung, Effizienz und Wirtschaftlichkeit auszeichnen.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Life Insurance in Europe: Risk Analysis and Market Challenges
This book examines the challenges for the life insurance sector in Europe arising from new technologies, socio-cultural and demographic trends, and the financial crisis. It presents theoretical and applied research in all areas related to life insurance products and markets, and explores future determinants of the insurance industry’s development by highlighting novel solutions in insurance supervision and trends in consumer protection. Drawing on their academic and practical expertise, the contributors identify problems relating to risk analysis and evaluation, demographic challenges, consumer protection, product distribution, mortality risk modeling, applications of life insurance in contemporary pension systems, financial stability and solvency of life insurers. They also examine the impact of population aging on life insurance markets and the role of digitalization. Lastly, based on an analysis of early experiences with the implementation of the Solvency II system, the book provides policy recommendations for the development of life insurance in Europe.
Aftershock Comics Dreaming Eagles
Everyman The Master and Margarita
"My favorite novel -it's just the greatest explosion of imagination, craziness, satire, humor, and heart." Daniel Radcliffe.The devil with his retinue, a poet incarcerated in a mental institution for speaking the truth, and a startling re-creation of the story of Pontius Pilate, constitute the elements out of which Mikhail Bulgakov wove The Master and Margarita, the unofficial masterpiece of twentieth-century Soviet fiction. Long suppressed in its native land, this account of strange doings in Moscow in the 1930s provides us with the essence of the sceptical, trenchant, unadulterated voice of dissent
Dalesman Publishing Co Ltd Walks Around Wharfedale: Ten Great Walks Under Six Miles
Big Finish Productions Ltd The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8 Volume 1
This run of stories featuring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor features four stories, loosely connected as the Doctor finds himself the target of an enemy. This set contains: The Sinestran Kill by Andrew Smith. When the Doctor decides to trace an anomalous energy signature on twentieth century Earth, he stumbles into an assassination attempt. Gangland thugs are trying to murder a seemingly innocent shopkeeper, and it’s only the intervention of the Doctor and Ann Kelso – a WPC who happens to be on the scene – that prevents a tragedy. But why do the gangsters want the shopkeeper dead? And what does this have to do with alien technology? The first stages of a grand conspiracy are about to be revealed. And finding the answers will take Ann Kelso on a journey like no other. Planet of the Drashigs by Phil Mulryne. When the TARDIS lands on an alien planet, the Doctor’s intentions to show Ann Kelso an advanced future society are thrown into disarray. Because they have arrived on DrashigWorld - a park where every known species of the terrifying predators has been gathered together to entertain and thrill the public. The familiar wetland Drashigs, the albino burrowing Drashigs of the desert, and deadliest of all, the tiny Emerald Drashigs of the rain forests. And it’s not the best day to have arrived. The park has been shut down due to a visitor fatality. A Galactic Attractions inspector is on site meaning everyone is extremely tense and under pressure. It’s exactly the right circumstances in which someone might make a mistake. And on Drashigworld, mistakes are deadly. The Enchantress of Numbers by Simon Barnard and Paul Morris. The TARDIS lands in the grounds of Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire, in 1850. Mistaken for a medic and his maid, the Doctor and Ann are brought to meet Ada Lovelace - the mother of computing and daughter of Lord Byron - who has recently fallen ill. But the travellers are not here by chance. Something odd is happening on Earth, and they’ve determined that this place is the centre of it. Strange figures are walking the land. Strange figures wearing bird-like masks. What do they want with Ada? And how will it change the future of humanity? The False Guardian by Guy Adams. Ann Kelso doesn’t like mysteries. Keen to investigate the trail of the Sinestrans, she sets the TARDIS on a new course... but flies into danger. Arriving on a desolate world that the Doctor finds somehow familiar, the TARDIS crew discover that something is wrong with time. The inhabitants of an unusual complex are experimenting at the command of their enigmatic director... somebody who has quite a strong grudge against the Doctor.Facing an old foe who was presumed dead, the travellers are soon trapped in a diabolical scheme. But is it just the tip of the iceberg? Planet of the Drashigs features the eponymous flesh-eating monsters for the first time on audio, after their fan favourite debut in the Jon Pertwee story The Carnival of Monsters! CAST: Tom Baker (The Doctor), Jane Slavin (WPC Ann Kelso), John Leeson (K9), Frank Skinner (DCI Scott Neilson), Glynis Barber (Kathy Blake), Finty Williams (Ada Lovelace), Fenella Woolgar (Vanessa Seaborne), Ewan Bailey (Hugo Blake), Nicholas Khan (Jimmy Lynch), Leon Williams (Tony Reynolds), Jeremy Clyde (Lord Braye), Lizzie Roper (Trencher), Andrew Ryan (Titus Wayland), Andrew Havill (Colonel Wildman), Eve Webster (Hettie / Lady Cleverley), Barnaby Edwards (Mr. Hobhouse), Glen McCready (Edvard Scheutz /Lord Byron / Harry), John Shrapnel (Nigel Colloon), Anna Acton (Brox), Blake Ritson (Elmore), Roger May (Mac Foley), Tracy Wiles (Drones). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who Main Range - 219 Absolute Power
Two thousand years ago, all civilisation on the planet Teymah was wiped out in an AELE - an Anomalous Extinction Level Event. Now, the galactic entrepreneur Lyam Yce hopes, at last, to learn the reason why the ancient Teymahrians went extinct - by funding a huge archaeological dig. While the Doctor probes a strange sphere found by Yce's diggers, his companion, former Bletchley Park cryptographer Constance Clarke, agrees to help translate symbols written in the lost ancient language of the Teymahrians. And soon, they'll learn that ancient Teymah's secrets were best left buried deep beneath its shifting sands. Director Jamie Anderson is the son of Gerry Anderson, the producer behind such shows as Thunderbirds, UFO, Captain Scarlet and Terrahawks. His work influenced generations, and Jamie inherited this storytelling gene! Colin Baker's Doctor has proved hugely popular to fans of the Big Finish Doctor Who releases, with his television adventures continued across a range of stories with both old and new companions. The Doctor's companion in this story - Mrs Constance Clark - is played by Miranda Raison, star of TV's Spooks.Mrs Clark works at Bletchley during the War, and worries about a husband lost in mysterious circumstances. Paul Reynolds is still fondly thought of as Colin in the cult TV hit Press Gang, written by Steven Moffat several decades before he took over Doctor Who. CAST: Colin Baker (The Doctor), Miranda Raison (Constance Clarke), Paul Reynolds (Lyam Yce), Jenny Bede (Florrie/Medical Doctor), Arian Nik (Ammar Elkady), Neil Edmond (Professor Aryan Wyke/Mine Worker), Gary Martin (Kohrbal), Esther Hall (Pheenan).
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who Main Range 209 - Aquitaine
Peter Davison, Janet Fielding and Sarah Sutton reprise their roles as The Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa, in a run of stories following on from 1983's adventure The Arc of Infinity: Today should be much like every other day for Hargreaves, the computer consciousness that co-ordinates daily life aboard the spaceship Aquitaine, stationed on the outer fringes of a black hole. Water the plants, run the diagnostics, cook the Captain's breakfast; then tidy the plates away, rotate the ship, clean the windows of the observation deck. When at last the day's work is done, Hargreaves will dim the lights in the sleeping quarters. But no-one will sleep aboard the Aquitaine tonight. Because the Aquitaine's crew is missing. But today will be different. Today, a space/time ship called the TARDIS will materialise in the botanical section, bringing the Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan aboard the Aquitaine. Together, they'll seek to discover the truth of what happened to Hargreaves' crew...if only the ghosts will let them. Forever kept busy, Peter Davison's most recently been seen on the London stage in the critically acclaimed The Vertical Hour, and in the musical Gypsy opposite Imelda Staunton. The Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan team first met in 1981's Doctor Who adventure Logopolis, where Tegan and Nyssa were on hand to help the Doctor (Tom Baker) regenerate into his fifth incarnation (Peter Davison). One of Big Finish's last outings with The Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa was in Doctor Who - The Fifth Doctor Boxed Set, one story from which (Iterations of I) won the Scribe Award at the 2015 San Diego Comic Con. CAST: Peter Davison (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Matthew Cottle (Hargreaves), Harry Myers (Dr Sergei Akunin), Nina Sosanya (Captain Anna Maynard), Gerald Kyd (Lt Maurizio Savinio), Danusia Samal (Lt Freya Jennings).
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The Original Albums: Two full-cast audio dramatisations
Don’t Panic! Reissued for the first time in 40 years, two unique recordings of Douglas Adams's sci-fi comedy drama.When Earthman Arthur Dent learns that first his house and then his planet are about to be bulldozed, it’s the beginning of an interplanetary adventure for him and his friend, Ford Prefect. After fleeing Earth they hitch a lift with hoopy frood Zaphod Beeblebrox, who hurtles from one improbability to another - literally. With Trillian and Marvin the Paranoid Android in tow, the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is soon revealed: 42. But what was the question…? Following the success of the BBC radio series, Douglas Adams adapted his scripts for these two full-cast albums, with incidental radiophonic music provided by Paddy Kingsland. First released by Original Records in 1980, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and The Restaurant at the End of the Universe star Peter Jones as The Book, Simon Jones as Arthur Dent, Geoffrey McGivern as Ford Prefect and Mark Wing-Davey as Zaphod Beeblebrox. Produced by Geoffrey Perkins and Tim Souster, the cast also includes Cindy Oswin, Stephen Moore, Richard Vernon, Valentine Dyall, David Tate, Jim Broadbent, Bill Wallis, Roy Hudd, Frank Middlemass, Stephen Greif and others. Hang onto your towel – it’s going to be the ride of a lifetime.
Oxford University Press Oxford AQA Psychology A Level: Year 2
Written by the highly experienced author-examiner team of Simon Green, Rob Lewis and Julia Willerton, this popular series has been extensively revised to provide authoritative, accurate and comprehensive coverage of the 2015 specification. This bookwill help you to develop core psychology skills and encourage you to become a competent researcher and independent learner.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Holiday Law: The Law relating to Travel and Tourism
Holiday Law: The Law Relating to Travel and Tourism, considered to be the leading text on holiday law, provides a comprehensive guide to the law as it relates to all forms of holidays. Its broad coverage of the subject includes the nature of the contractual relationship between tour operator, civil liability and the effects of insolvency and examines the travel industry and looks at the agencies that regulate the industry.
Oxford University Press The Return of the Native
'To be loved to madness - such was her great desire' Eustacia Vye criss-crosses the wild Egdon Heath, eager to experience life to the full in her quest for 'music, poetry, passion, war'. She marries Clym Yeobright, native of the heath, but his idealism frustrates her romantic ambitions and her discontent draws others into a tangled web of deceit and unhappiness. Early readers responded to Hardy's 'insatiably observant' descriptions of the heath, a setting that for D. H. Lawrence provided the 'real stuff of tragedy'. For modern readers, the tension between the mythic setting of the heath and the modernity of the characters challenges our freedom to shape the world as we wish; like Eustacia, we may not always be able to live our dreams. This edition has a critically established text based on the manuscript and first edition. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Oxford University Press Doctor Thorne TV Tie-In with a foreword by Julian Fellowes: The Chronicles of Barsetshire
Now adapted for ITV by Julian Fellowes, Doctor Thorne is the compelling story in which rank, wealth, and personal feeling are pitted against one another. The squire of Greshamsbury has fallen on hard times, and it is incumbent on his son Frank to make a good marriage. But Frank loves the doctor's niece, Mary Thorne, a girl with no money and mysterious parentage. He faces a terrible dilemma: should he save the estate, or marry the girl he loves? Mary, too, has to battle her feelings, knowing that marrying Frank would ruin his family and fly in the face of his mother's opposition. Her pride is matched by that of her uncle, Dr Thorne, who has to decide whether to reveal a secret that would resolve Frank's difficulty, or to uphold the innate merits of his own family heritage. The character of Dr Thorne reflects Trollope's own contradictory feelings about the value of tradition and the need for change. His subtle portrayal, and the comic skill and gentle satire with which the story is developed, are among the many pleasures of this delightful novel.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Greatest Stories: Oxford Level 20: Great Expectations
From the moment that he meets an escaped convict in a dark and lonely graveyard, Pip's life becomes a myriad of unanswered questions.What is Miss Havisham's hidden secret? Why is the beautiful Estella so cruel? Who is his mysterious benefactor? This fabulous interpretation introduces children to some of Dickens' best-known characters, bound together with haunting illustrations. TreeTops Greatest Stories offers children some of the worlds best-loved tales in a collection of timeless classics. Top children's authors and talented illustrators work together to bring to life our literary heritage for a new generation, engaging and delighting children. The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book. Each book contains inside cover notes to help children explore the content, supporting their reading development. Teaching notes on Oxford Owl offer cross-curricular links and activities to support guided reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 41
In Mega-City One the Judges are a hardened police force acting as judge, jury and executioner. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd. He is the Law, and these are his stories.This latest collection of Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files sees Dredd continue to track down the murderous PJ Maybe, take the Scottish artist Kenny Who to court, and stop the angry war veteran-turned-Mandroid Nate Slaughterhouse.Written by John Wagner (A History of Violence) and drawn by a host of acclaimed artists including Kev Walker (The Eternals), Cam Kennedy (Star Wars), and Carlos Ezquerra (Preacher), this is Judge Dredd at his pulse-pounding best!
Verlag fur Moderne Kunst Tatjana Gerhard
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Buch des Lebens, Band 3: 1922--1933: Erinnerungen und Gedanken; Materialien zur Geschichte meiner Zeit
Simon Dubnow (18601941) ist der bedeutendste jüdische Historiker seiner Zeit. Seine Memoiren erscheinen jetzt erstmals vollständig übersetzt und bringen Persönlichkeit und Werk des großen Gelehrten in den deutschen Sprachraum zurück.Im dritten und abschließenden Band der "Erinnerungen" lässt Simon Dubnow seine Zeit im Berlin der Weimarer Republik Revue passieren. Wie viele andere war er vor Unterdrückung und drohender Verfolgung im bolschewistischen Russland geflohen. In seinen "Erinnerungen" zeichnet Dubnow ein lebendiges Bild des russisch-jüdischen Emigrantenmilieus in Berlin und schildert aus jüdischer Perspektive sowohl den Glanz der Goldenen Zwanziger als auch die schwierigen Anfänge sowie den Niedergang der ersten deutschen Demokratie. Als Schlägertrupps der SA die Straßen Berlins eroberten und seine Hoffnung auf ein vereintes, friedliches Europa zerstörten, musste Dubnow fliehen. So enden seine "Erinnerungen" 1933, im Schlüsseljahr der Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts.Ergänzt wird der dritte Band durch die Erinnerungen Victor Erlichs, des Enkels Simon Dubnows, der längere Zeit bei seinen Großeltern in Berlin lebte.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Veröffentlichungen des Instituts fur Europäische Geschichte Mainz: 88
Taking a journey to a foreign country (whether by choice or by necessity), living in another country, meeting with citizens of other countries in one's own country - all of these are common experiences today that were also made by many people throughout time. This volume studies the historical consciousness of migrants as well as what it means when people from a foreign culture migrate to a new country and their new experiences become enmeshed in their existing historical consciousness. It looks beyond the borders of Europe to ask: How did the arrival of Europeans change the sense of history and the historiography of people living in Africa, Asia or South America?
Phaidon Press Game Changers, La Revolución de Los Videojuegos: (Game Changers: The Video Game Revolution) (Spanish Edition)
Archaeopress The Archaeology of Medieval Towns: Case Studies from Japan and Europe
In recent years, major new archaeological discoveries have redefined the development of towns and cities in the Japanese archipelago. The uncovering of the plans of major port towns such as Sakai, Kusado Sengen and Ichijōdani, and the revealing of early phases in the development of cities such as Kamakura and Hakata provide an important new resource in understanding the cultural and economic processes which shaped medieval Japan. This fully illustrated book provides a sampler of these findings for a western audience. The new discoveries from Japan are set in context of medieval archaeology beyond Japan by accompanying essays from leading European specialists. The global significance of Japanese medieval archaeology is assessed through comparing the development of towns in Japan and northern Europe. The medieval period in Japan and northwest Europe saw urban growth with towns not only providing centres of administration but also fostering economic development. The pressures which led to such growth, however, be they political or social, were universal in character. following basic requirements of food, shelter, security and spiritual nourishment, towns provided commercial infrastructures, transport and storage facilities, and the setting for trade, craft specialists and art. Chapters include ‘The archaeology of medieval towns in Japan and europe: an introduction’ (Brian Ayers and Simon Kaner); ‘Permanent urban frameworks (‘armature’) and economic networks in northern France c.700 – c.1000’ (Henri Galinié); ‘Medieval urbanism and culture in the cities of the Baltic: with a comparison between Lübeck, Germany, and Sakai, Japan’ (Manfred Gläser); ‘The development of Hakata as a medieval port town’ (Ōba Kōji); ‘The establishment and transformation of Japan’s medieval capital, Kamakura’ (Oka Yōichirō); ‘Ichijōdani: the archaeology of a Japanese medieval castle town’ (Ono Masatoshi); ‘Japanese medieval trading towns: Sakai and Tosaminato’ (Richard Pearson); and ‘Medieval ceramic production in the aegean, 1100 – 1600 AD: some considerations in an east-west perspective’ (Joanita Vroom).
Archaeopress Iron Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon Settlement along the Empingham to Hannington Pipeline in Northamptonshire and Rutland
Between January 2008 and July 2009, Northamptonshire Archaeology, now part of MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology), carried out a series of excavations along the route of a new water pipeline being constructed by Anglian Water Services as part of a major project to increase the supply of water to new homes and businesses in the south-east Midlands region. Nineteen sites were investigated, dating primarily to the Iron Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon periods. The earliest remains were a late Bronze Age/early Iron Age pit alignment near Seaton, Rutland. The Iron Age and Roman sites were small rural settlements comprising ditched enclosures, the remains of roundhouses and pits. Settlements were located near Seaton and Caldecott in Rutland and in Northamptonshire at Swinawe Barn near Corby, Thorpe Malsor, White Hill Lodge, Great Cransley and Willows Nursery. A Roman site near Rushton, Northamptonshire may be associated with a villa estate. Other sites included part of a Roman field system at Violet Lane, near Corby, and Roman cremation burials near Gretton, Northamptonshire. The settlements mainly date from the late middle Iron Age, 2nd century BC, through to the 4th century AD, although there was little evidence for direct continuity of settlement between the Iron Age and Roman periods. An Anglo-Saxon cremation cemetery dated to the late 5th century to mid-7th century AD, at Glaston, Rutland, contained 16 cremation burials deposited in decorated and plain urns along with small assemblages of grave goods, often also burnt on the pyre, and including a brooch, glass beads, and fragments of a bone comb and mount. Later features generally comprised medieval and post-medieval furrows from ridge and furrow field systems and field boundary ditches.
Tiger Tales The Storm Leopards
Interlink Books The Calcutta Kitchen
Picture Window Books Tickles, Pickles, and Floofing Persnickles: Reading and Writing Nonsense Poems
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Anatomy at a Glance
Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, and in full-colour, this new edition provides an accessible introduction and revision aid for medical, nursing and all health sciences students. Thoroughly updated and now fully supported by a set of web-based flashcards, Anatomy at a Glance provides a user-friendly overview of anatomy to encapsulate all that the student needs to know. Anatomy at a Glance: Addresses the basic concepts of anatomy in an highly visual, easy-to-remember way Features two new chapters outlining anatomical terminology and basic embryology Includes more coverage of imaging techniques such as CT and MRI Offers free online flashcards for self-assessment and revision at This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from Google Play or the MedHand Store. To find out more about the at a Glance series, please visit
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Heart of Africa: Clinical Profile of an Evolving Burden of Heart Disease in Africa
While many high-income countries observe a relative decline in the population impact of heart disease and deal with the problem of an older patient population who readily survive earlier non-fatal encounters with the condition, Africa contends with a typically younger population with frequently advanced and often fatal heart disease. While high-income countries exclusively deal with non-communicable forms of heart disease, Africa contends with both communicable and non-communicable forms of heart disease. Designed to provide anyone with an interest in heart disease in Africa with an immediate sense of how the area is progressing from a clinical to research perspective in responding to this evolving epidemic Presents salient research uncovering the evolving burden of communicable and non-communicable forms of heart disease, Includes content on maternal heart disease, infant and childhood heart disease, risk and prevention, heart failure and other common forms of heart disease in rural and urban communities in Africa.
Alfred Music My Heart Can't Tell You No
A A Balkema Publishers Vorerkundung Und Prognose Der Basistunnels Am Gotthard Und Am Lotschberg
Der vorliegende Band fasst den Kenntnisstand per Anfang 1999 zusammen und präsentiert zum ersten Mal in einer umfassenden Art und Weise die grosse Anzahl neuer Daten der Vorerkundung der Gotthard- und Lötschberg-Basistunnels sowie die Hochschulen in den letzten Jahren erarbeiteten projektrelevanten geologischen und felsmechanischen Grundlagen.
Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Remy Zaugg: The Particular Place
Hatje Cantz Robert Motherwell: Pure Painting
An intensely intellectual painter, Robert Motherwell is renowned for his distinctive Abstract Expressionist style. The seminal artist permeated his gestural works with an expressionism and austerity reflective of the human psyche; at the same time his oeuvre addressed political and humanitarian themes. Robert Motherwell: Pure Painting is an in-depth exploration of his artistic practice. Leading art scholars examine the American artist’s turn from Surrealism to abstraction and analyze the major series that developed over his fifty-year career. The catalogue studies the dialogue between Motherwell’s art and the nineteenth-century French painting tradition, investigates his relationship to Spanish techniques and processes, with an emphasis on their underlying political significance, and delves into Motherwell’s use of ochre pigment, with its evocation of both deep geological time and avant-garde practices.
Hatje Cantz Lars Eidinger (bilingual): Autistic Disco
You can find him on the stage or in front of a film camera, in the director’s chair or at the mixing board—Lars Eidinger has many faces, and not just as an actor. His performances testify to a sheer, inexhaustible energy that makes every appearance a tour de force that infects and electrifies the audience in an almost magical way. No less can be expected from his photographic works, which are gathered together here for the first time in a publication. As diverse as the subjects of the pictures are, they still allow us to recognise Eidinger’s signature: elements of fi m and theatre unite to form a unique rhythm that transforms the everyday into a paradoxical world essence. Only one word can suitably describe the richness of these visual spheres and the way of seeing that they articulate: epic.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Profit from Procurement: 30% Ergebnissteigerung durch funktionsübergreifendes Arbeiten
"PROFIT FROM PROCUREMENT: 30 % Ergebnissteigerung durch funktionsübergreifendes Arbeiten" liefert einen aufschlussreichen, überzeugenden und frischen Blick auf ein Thema, das in der Regel 50 % der Gesamtkosten eines Unternehmens ausmacht: der Einkauf. Alex Klein, Simon Whatson und Jose Oliveira, Führungskräfte der weltweit größten Einkaufsberatung, zeigen die Grenzen des traditionellen, funktional isolierten Ansatzes für den Einkauf auf. Sie demonstrieren, wie erhebliche EBITDA-Gewinne erzielt werden können, indem der Einkauf aus dem Backoffice herausgelöst und in die Lage versetzt wird, die Kostenbasis eines Unternehmens grundlegend zu verändern. Die Autoren liefern praktische Strategien und Beispiele aus ihrer Arbeit mit den weltweit führenden Unternehmen, um Ihnen zu helfen, das Gewinnpotenzial Ihres Unternehmens freizusetzen. Das Buch bietet den Lesern einen praktischen und konkreten Fahrplan für die Optimierung, Integration und den Einsatz der Beschaffungskapazitäten eines Unternehmens, um eine weniger isolierte und wirkungsvollere Funktion zu schaffen. Die Leser werden lernen: - wie sie die Transformation des Einkaufs in ihrem Unternehmen planen; - wie sie sicherstellen können, dass ihr Team über die für den kommenden Wandel erforderlichen Fähigkeiten verfügt; - wie man den Einkauf neu positioniert, um zum Vorreiter funktionsübergreifender Veränderungen zu werden; - wie sie neue Themen wie Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit in ihre Beschaffungspläne integrieren; - wie man sicherstellt, dass sich Effizienzsteigerungen im Einkauf vollständig im Gewinn niederschlagen. "PROFIT FROM PROCUREMENT" ist die perfekte Lektüre für C-Suite-Führungskräfte und Einkaufsexperten in Unternehmen jeder Größe und gehört in das Bücherregal jedes Mitarbeiters und jeder Führungskraft, die mit Unternehmensabläufen und Gewinnstrategien betraut ist. Direkt, umsetzbar und praxiserprobt ist das Buch ein Muss für jede Führungskraft, die mit Hilfe des Einkaufs einen positiven Einfluss auf den Gewinn ausüben möchte.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Political Communication in Britain: Campaigning, Media and Polling in the 2019 General Election
Political Communication in Britain offers unique insights from various members of the party, media, and polling organizations that contested, reported, and analysed the 2019 British General Election, as well as leading academic experts who have researched the campaign. Following an essay by Sir John Curtice exploring how the critical issue of Brexit influenced the election, the opening part of this volume features insiders discussing their respective parties’ operations, including their successes and disappointments. This section also includes expert examinations of Boris Johnson’s ‘oven ready deal’ as well as the digital advertising and controversial public relations efforts that helped promote it. The middle part of the book considers the media, with chapters from the BBC, Sky News, and regulator Ofcom, along with analyses of the pro-Conservative press, digital-only plat[1]forms, and the more left-leaning alternative news sites. The closing section of the volume turns to public attitudes, with experts, including leading pollsters, exploring how these contributed to the Conservatives’ victory. Dedicated chapters also place opinion research in broader context through examining the historical role of the exit poll, and the changing reception and reporting of polls both online and in print. Political Communication in Britain provides readers with an indispensable guide to the 2019 General Election from several of those most intimately involved in the campaign.
Polaris Publishing Limited At the End of the Storm: Stories from Liverpool's Historic Title Win
By James Pearce, Oliver Kay, Simon Hughes and Other Award-Winning Writers of The Athletic As Liverpool ended their 30-year wait to be crowned champions of England, they were followed by their equivalent from the world of sports writing: a team of elite talents, assembled to leave all competition trailing in their wake. This is the story of Liverpool’s title win in the longest season, as told by the writers of The Athletic, with their blend of inside access and expert analysis; great ideas and beautiful writing. Articles include profiles of each of Liverpool’s title winners by their former youth team coaches; Oliver Kay watches Sadio Mane score against Manchester City in the company of the striker’s family, in his hometown in Senegal; James Pearce spends 90 minutes analysing Virgil van Dijk; plus there are exclusive interviews with Jurgen Klopp, and the club’s US owners. Read the stories behind a unique and historical season from a team of writers every bit as good as the footballers they were following.
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Digital Era: Digitalisation, Emerging Risks and Opportunities
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to further acceleration of digitalisation in all areas. This caused significant changes in economic and social life. Through digitalisation, the need for people in business life has decreased and has forced the traditional employment structure to change. During the pandemic period, some segments enjoyed the advantages of owning digital technologies, while others remained strangers to the new world because they were deprived of digital technologies, revealing the inequality of opportunity on an individual or social basis. Although this rapid change produced positive results, it also brought about risks. To help mitigate such emerging risks, The New Digital Era’s two volumes vitally generate new information in order to determine the advantages and risks in which areas this digitalisation, which has increased with the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter authors highlight the new social and economic policies that are needed to balance the effects on social and economic life and prevent possible conflicts between individuals and societies Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis publishes a series of current and relevant themed volumes within the fields of economics and finance. Both disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies are welcome.