Search results for ""Author Christine"
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Development and Territorial Restructuring in an Era of Global Change: Theories, Approaches and Future Research Perspectives
Thinking about development and the environment simultaneously is one of the biggest scientific and societal challenges of the 21st century. Understanding the interactions between biophysical systems and human activities in an era of global change requires overcoming disciplinary divides and opening up new epistemological perspectives. This book explores these challenges using a territorial lens. Combining various scales of analyses (from global to local) and contexts (both urban and rural) in the North and in the South, it analyzes the relationships between environment and development through a variety of geographical objects (i.e. cities, rural and agricultural areas, coastlines, watershed), themes (i.e. ecological transitions, food, energy, transport, agriculture, mining activities) and methodologies (i.e. qualitative and quantitative approaches, modeling, in situ measurements). By engaging in a dialogue between social science and natural science disciplines, within different fields and with a variety of forms of knowledge production, this book provides essential information for understanding and reading the complexity of a globalized world. This book is targeted at academics and students in social sciences and at stakeholders in the field of territorial and environmental management.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Beyond Command and Control: Leadership, Culture and Risk
This book will advance the understanding of leadership beyond the inherited myths and modalities of command and control. Leadership is separated from ideas and institutional seniority and explained as the collaborative power of one with others. Enabling the intelligent co-participation of all people, the constructive effect of this approach to leadership is in the engagement of people. This is significant when task accomplishment depends not on managerial direction, but on the interaction of people with each other, with technical systems, and with complex regulations which are often across jurisdictional boundaries. Examples and case studies are included.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Citizenship and PSHE – Book 1
Collins Citizenship and PSHE Book 1 (previously from Folens) is intended for children age 7-8 in Year 3. Personal development, citizenship, lifestyle and relationships are investigated through speaking and listening, reading and writing activities that encourage children to consider issues, assess options and opinions, and justify decisions. Illustrations, photographs, case studies and examples for children to discuss Speaking and listening, reading and writing activities encourage children to assess opinions and reach conclusions Photocopiable activity sheets provide support, extension and assessment Planning grids and teaching notes off full support throughout the programme
Facet Publishing Information Systems: Process and practice
This book adopts a holistic interpretation of information architecture, to offer libraries and information professionals a variety of methods, tools, and techniques that may be used when designing websites and information systems that support workflows and what people require when “managing information”. The editors argue that information architecture for libraries has largely been the study of content architecture and that, on the other hand, library assessment literature has dealt with performance measurement and change management strategies. There is a gap in the middle for information services, with little on the ways of looking at the process architecture of a library and information service and on methods for business process analysis. Information Systems: Process and practice aims to fill that gap with a combination of theory and supporting case studies written by an international line-up of contributors, including Sally Burford, Fernando Loizides, Catherine Burns and Adam Euerby. Case studies cover a wide variety of settings, from discrete resource discovery projects for academic and cultural institutions, through design for large organizational websites, the research evidence about user experience for semi-structured document design on websites, to the health sector with examples including patient support websites and clinical document management. This book: takes a holistic view and interpretation of Information architecture in the context of libraries across the sector, globally discusses research and methods that help libraries and information services work from strategic business objectives through the organisation of processes that support the information services offered, and information management functions supported opens a new area of research/investigation on the link between information behaviour research and information systems and architecture, supported by case studies and projects includes contributions from an international range of experts from diverse backgrounds uses introductory sections and chapter commentary from the editors to draw the discussions together. This will be essential reading for researchers in information science specifically in the areas of digital libraries, information architecture and information systems. It will also be useful for practitioners and students in these areas who want to know the different research issues and challenges and learn how they have been handled in course of various research projects in these areas.
Cengage Learning, Inc Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, 7th Edition, equips you with a solid understanding of our complex Constitution and criminal justice system. The text avoids confusing "legalese," focusing instead on real-life examples to illustrate the material. More than 200 succinct, summarized cases written in plain English introduce you to the most influential and significant cases. You'll learn about the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, exploring their application to issues relevant to criminal justice: reasonable search and seizure, double jeopardy, and testifying against oneself. The seventh edition also includes expanded discussions of the First and Second Amendments as well as cutting-edge coverage of such high-profile topics as immigration, terrorism and homeland security, electronic surveillance and the use of drones, use of force, searches of cell phones and other digital evidence, and many others.
HarperCollins Publishers Workbook Foundation (Treasure House)
Foundation Treasure House is a topic-based resource consisting of mini-storytelling projects. Each project focuses on an exciting and engaging core text, with a bank of activities linked to the text. All 40-60+ month reading and writing early years outcomes are covered within the topics. The bank of activities for each project is the vehicle for teaching speaking and listening skills, early reading skills (phonics), early writing skills and related reinforcement. There are lots of suggestions for incorporating more cross-curricular and creative activities within the topic. The Workbook is phonics-based and linked the reading and writing Early Learning Goals. It can be used for practice, for exemplification and to support teacher judgement of the EYFS and completion of the EYFS profile.
Verlag fur moderne Kunst GmbH Jonas Kaufmann: A Picture Journey
John Murray Press The Ultimate Sales Book: Master Account Management, Perfect Negotiation, Create Happy Customers
If you want to be the best, you have to have the right skillset. From sales strategy and account management to negotiation and customer service,THE ULTIMATE SALES BOOK is a dynamic collection of tools, techniques, and strategies for success. Discover the main themes, key ideas and tools you need and bring it all together with practical exercises.This is your complete course in successful selling. ABOUT THE SERIESULTIMATE books are for managers, leaders, and business executives who want to succeed at work. From marketing and sales to management and finance, each title gives comprehensive coverage of the essential business skills you need to get ahead in your career. Written in straightforward English, each book is designed to help you quickly master the subject, with fun quizzes embedded so that you can check how you're doing.
Sage Publications Ltd Leading Professional Practice in Education
This volume provides an overview of key contemporary themes in educational leadership. It focuses on developing professional capacity, organisation improvement and the implementation of change, looking at theoretical frameworks and concepts, recent research studies and case examples of effective practice. The book covers: - leading learning and learner leadership - change processes and distributed leadership - leading professional development for educational contexts. Designed to encourage critical analysis and debate, this volume will be a useful resource for postgraduate and professional development courses in educational leadership and for practitioners. It is a companion to Educational Leadership: Context, Strategy and Collaboration, also published by Sage.
Classiques Garnier Experiences Rhetoriques: Melanges Offerts Au Professeur Francis Goyet
Les Belles Lettres Jouer Sa Peau
Archipelago Books An Impossible Love
Regnery History The Escape of Jack the Ripper: The Truth about the Cover-Up and His Flight from Justice
Rowman & Littlefield Lameness: Recognizing And Treating The Horse's Most Common Ailment
Lameness, one of the most common and most troublesome of all equine ailments, remains the primary reason why horses are unable to fulfill their potential and their riders' and trainers' expectations. More preparation time is lost, more competitions are missed, and more careers are prematurely ended because of lameness than any other condition. This book analyzes the causes, diagnoses, and management of the myriad causes of lameness: --Defining and identifying the lame leg; spotting gait abnormalities and non-muscular causes; physical examinations and evaluations; diagnostic tools and other tests; the role of the veterinarian and farrier in pre-purchase examinations. --Physical therapies; the applicability of rest, medications, and other veterinary procedures. --Hoof conformation and shoeing options. --Joint, bone, muscle, and tendon and ligament problems. --Neurological, dermatological, and developmental orthopedic causes of lameness. --Treatment of specific conditions to the foot, pastern and fetlock, cannon and splint bones, knee, upper foreleg, hock, upper hind leg, and back. No other book covers this vital subject in such a comprehensive and understandable fashion. For that reason, no other book deserves a more prominent place on the shelf of anyone who owns, trains, rides, or drives horses.
Ignatius Press The Illustrated Acts of the Apostles for Children
Carson Dellosa Education Ready to Go Guided Reading: Synthesize, Grades 3 - 4
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley
Reycraft Books The Get-Together
Capstone Press India (Countries)
Capstone Press Kenya (Countries)
Capstone Press Canada (Countries)
Capstone Press Afghanistan
Guilford Publications Mind Over Mood, Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think
Discover simple yet powerful steps you can take to overcome emotional distress--and feel happier, calmer, and more confident. This life-changing book has already helped more than 1,300,000 readers use cognitive-behavioral therapy--one of today's most effective forms of psychotherapy--to conquer depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, guilt, shame, low self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse, and relationship problems. Revised and expanded to reflect significant scientific developments of the past 20 years, the second edition contains numerous new features: expanded content on anxiety; chapters on setting personal goals and maintaining progress; happiness rating scales; gratitude journals; innovative exercises focused on mindfulness, acceptance, and forgiveness; 25 new worksheets; and much more. Mind Over Mood will help you: *Learn proven, powerful, practical strategies to transform your life. *Follow step-by-step plans to overcome depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, and shame. *Set doable personal goals and track your progress (you can photocopy the worksheets from the book or download and print additional copies). *Practice your new skills until they become second nature. Cited as “The Most Influential Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Publication” by the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies and included in the UK National Health Service Bibliotherapy Program. Winner (Second Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Consumer Health Category See also the Spanish-language edition: El control de tu estado de ánimo, Segunda edición. Plus, mental health professionals, see also The Clinician's Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood, Second Edition.
Capstone Press Setters: Loyal Hunting Companions
St Martin's Press Piper Reed, Rodeo Star
Clarion Books Iris and Walter and Cousin Howie
Clarion Books Iris and Walter and Baby Rose
Clarion Books Iris and Walter: True Friends
Clarion Books Iris and Walter and the Field Trip
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Die Lutherischen Duale: Gesetz Und Evangelium, Glaube Und Werke, Alter Und Neuer Bund, Verheissung Und Erfullung
Taylor & Francis Inc Remote Sensing Image Fusion: A Practical Guide
Remote Sensing Image Fusion: A Practical Guide gives an introduction to remote sensing image fusion providing an overview on the sensors and applications. It describes data selection, application requirements and the choice of a suitable image fusion technique. It comprises a diverse selection of successful image fusion cases that are relevant to other users and other areas of interest around the world. The book helps newcomers to obtain a quick start into the practical value and benefits of multi-sensor image fusion. Experts will find this book useful to obtain an overview on the state of the art and understand current constraints that need to be solved in future research efforts. For industry professionals the book can be a great introduction and basis to understand multisensor remote sensing image exploitation and the development of commercialized image fusion software from a practical perspective. The book concludes with a chapter on current trends and future developments in remote sensing image fusion. Along with the book, RSIF website provides additional up-to-date information in the field.
The University of Michigan Press Perspectives on Good Writing in Applied Linguistics and TESOL
In order to teach, evaluate, and research academic writing, scholars and writing teachers need to have a clear and explicit idea of what they mean by “good” or “bad” writing rather than taking an intuitive, “I know it when I see it” approach. In Perspectives on Good Writing in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, seasoned scholars and pre-service writing teachers offer their insights into the nature and activity of effective writing in first and additional languages at the college and university level. Readers will find first-person accounts of well-established scholars learning to write and publish in English, conceptual articulations on the nature of writing and academic publishing, and how perspectives on good writing shape teacher feedback and writing curricula. In addition, this book suggests new areas of L2 writing research beyond the well-traveled practice of written corrective feedback (WCF). This book is ideal for readers curious to learn more about how established scholars developed their writing skills as well as for pre-service teachers exploring their own beliefs, values, and assumptions about what good writing means to them. In Perspectives on Good Writing in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, readers will develop their understanding of writing practices through chapters covering the following areas: teaching, learning, and assessing mentoring, supervising, and publishing personal perspectives readers and reading
Luath Press Ltd Scotspeak: A Guide to the Pronunciation of Modern Urban Scots
This is an articulatory reference guide for actors and anyone fascinated by the modern Scots language. This book focuses on the particular dialects and accents of Aberdeen, Glasgow, Dundee and Edinburgh. With particular attention to the pronunciation and sounds of modern urban Scots, this guide is ideal for those studying it for theatrical purposes who want to honour unique regional accents or simply those studying language and linguistics.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,U.S. Function and Dysfunction of the Cochlea: From Mechanisms to Potential Therapies
Georgetown University Press Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics: Fall/Winter 2005, volume 25, no. 2
"The Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics" continues to be an essential resource for students, faculty, and scholars in search of the latest developments, thinking, and issues in the world of Christian and religious ethics.
Georgetown University Press Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics: Spring/Summer 2005, volume 25, no. 1
"The Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics" continues to be an essential resource for students, faculty, and scholars in search of the latest developments, thinking, and issues in the world of Christian and religious ethics.
Dalkey Archive Press Western
A pioneering French woman turns her eye toward the most classically male American genre.
Boulder Books Saltwater Classics from the Island of Newfoundland: More Than 25 Favourite Caps, Vamps, and Mittens to Knit
Award Publications Ltd Phantom Horse Goes to Scotland
InterVarsity Press Forty Days on Being a Four
Les Belles Lettres Menades: Recherches Sur La Genese Iconographique Du Thiase Feminin de Dionysos Des Origines a la Fin de la Periode Archaique
Buchschmiede Die Montgomerys Band 3