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Peeters Publishers Anaphore, cataphore et deixis chez Plaute: Les emplois de is, hic, iste, ille
Cet ouvrage constitue la première étude systématique de l’anaphore, de la cataphore et de la deixis chez Plaute. L’étude porte spécifiquement sur les mécanismes anaphoriques, cataphoriques et déictiques mis en ÷uvre par les pronoms-adjectifs is, hic, iste, ille et par les adverbes faits sur le même thème. Le choix de l’÷uvre intégrale de Plaute a été dicté par l’archaïsme de sa langue et par le registre de langue familière qui ajoute des connotations spécifiques aux emplois des pronoms-adjectifs et des adverbes déictiques. Une analyse approfondie de l’ensemble de leurs emplois a permis un affinement de leur sens et, par là même, un affinement de leur traduction, qui, si elle est mécanique, laisse échapper d’importants effets de sens. L’analyse proposée s’appuie en premier lieu sur les faits de grammaire mais aussi sur l’interprétation scénique du texte; cette interprétation permet de dégager des nuances importantes dont il faut rendre compte dans une approche discursive. L’étude des emplois anaphoriques des pronoms-adjectifs montre que is est un authentique anaphorique, doté d’une valeur neutre. Ce pronom sert aussi à assurer la continuité narrative dans le passé. En revanche, hic est employé pour relier le présent au passé dans le déroulement du récit. Hic partage avec ille une fonction «résomptive»: celle de resumed topic. Ille sert aussi à marquer la focalisation contrastive. Les emplois cataphoriques de is, hic, iste, ille introduisent des phrases, des propositions relatives avec lesquelles ils sont en corrélation, des complétives ou encore des propositions exprimant soit la temporalité soit la restriction. Le rôle de ces pronoms-adjectifs est alors d’attirer l’attention de l’interlocuteur sur ce que le locuteur va énoncer. Les emplois déictiques de hic, iste, ille, qui sont des symboles indexicaux incomplets, confirment leur assignation traditionnelle aux "personnes grammaticales" et leur valeur en rapport direct avec les rôles discursifs.
Cuento de Luz SL Mariama - diferente pero igual (Mariama - Different But Just the Same)
Winner at the 2015 International Latino Book Awards. Mariama embarks on a journey towards a new life and a new realization—her roots will always remain in her and that differences can bring people closer.Everything’s new for Mariama after a long journey by car, train, boat, and plane from Africa. She’s going to discover a world where the streets, her school, and the food are all different. But what about the people? She will have to work hard to learn the language that moon-white children speak, but with the help of her new friends Hugo and Paula, Mariama will discover that, despite all the different customs and traditions that exist between them, there is something that brings them closer beyond all the differences: the pleasure of playing and laughing.A beautiful tale about identity, the process of integration, and solidarity. Are you ready to meet Mariama and play with her.Ganador en los International Latino Book Awards de 2015. Mariama emprende un viaje hacia una nueva vida, pero descubrirá que sus raíces siempre permanecerán en ella y que las diferencias pueden unirnos.Para Mariama, después de un largo viaje en automóvil, tren, barco y avión desde África, todo es nuevo. Va a descubrir un mundo donde las calles, la escuela y la comida son diferentes, pero ¿y las personas? Deberá esforzarse para aprender el idioma que hablan los niños blancos como la luna, pero con la ayuda de sus nuevos amigos Héctor y Pilar, Mariama descubrirá que, pese a todas las costumbres diferentes que existen entre ellos, hay algo que los une más allá de todas las diferencias: el placer de jugar y reír.Una bella historia sobre la identidad, el proceso de integración y la solidaridad. ¿Preparados para conocer a Mariama y jugar con ella?
Charco Press Una ofrenda musical
Un sensible homenaje a la narración, la infancia y el poder transformador de la música.El segundo libro traducido al inglés de Luis Sagasti emprende un recorrido circular que hace eco de las Variaciones Goldberg de Bach para narrarnos historia tras historia, al estilo de Scheherazade, entretejidas de manera sutil y sorprendente, creando un tapiz que vibra al son de armonías celestiales. Sagasti nos guía en un viaje que va desde la música nacida bajo el sol a la música enviada al espacio en la misión Voyager. Desde Rothko hasta el rock, desde aquellos compositores en los campos de concentración hasta una habitación donde se escuchan los lamentos de los reclutas argentinos en Malvinas. Un delicado homenaje a la narración, la infancia y el poder transformador de la música. The Spanish language edition of A Musical Offering_. Tracing a circular course that echoes Bach’s_ Goldberg Variations_, Luis Sagasti’s second book to appear in English takes the guise of a musical scheherazade, recounting story after story, vibrating to celestial harmonies. From the music born of the sun to the music sent into space on the Voyager mission, from Rothko to rock music, from the composers of the concentration camps to a weeping room for Argentinian conscripts in the Falklands,_ A Musical Offering_traverses the shifting sands of fiction and history._A lyrical celebration of storytelling, of childhood, and of the transformative power of music.Tracing a circular course that echoes Bach’s Goldberg Variations , Luis Sagasti’s second book to appear in English takes the guise of a musical scheherazade, recounting story after story, vibrating to celestial harmonies. From the music born of the sun to the music sent into space on the Voyager mission, from Rothko to rock music, from the composers of the concentration camps to a weeping room for Argentinian conscripts in the Falklands, A Musical Offering traverses the shifting sands of fiction and history.
Three Rooms Press Standalone: A Dickie Cornish Mystery
“Top 25 Mystery Novels of 2022” —The Strand Magazine“Chambers makes the smell and harrowing vibe of the mean streets of the nation’s capital come alive.” —Publishers WeeklyDickie Cornish, Washington, DC street denizen turned unlicensed private investigator, is forced at gunpoint to track down the daughter of an ex-con, setting up a chain of events that unleashes a war within the corrupt police force, exposes shocking conduct in child services, and unearths a secret that threatens to tear the nation’s capital apart. The second book in the Dickie Cornish mystery series, STANDALONE is a must-read for fans of S. A. Cosby, George Pelecanos, and Joe Ide.It’s been over year since that bleak Christmas when a rich man peeled homeless, drug-addled Dickie Cornish from a steam grate, cleaned him up, and convinced him to use his street connections to track down his missing property. Now, as the summer sun bakes those same mean streets, the air is thick with crime, contagion, corruption. Dickie struggles with sobriety, anti-psychotic meds, and counseling at the VA, but manages to make a meager living as a private investigator with his sidekick, “Stripe”—until an ex-con named Al-Mayadeen Thomas sticks a gun to Dickie’s forehead and kidnaps him to a grim flophouse—a motel filled with squatters more desperate than the poor souls in the shelters. Thomas demands that Dickie find his daughter, missing for years from the motel in a notorious cold case. The other squatters plead for him to find their vanished children as well. Thomas takes his own life to seal Dickie’s help, Police Chief Linda Figgis hauls Dickie in, gives him a Faustian choice: she directs him to help her close the Thomas cold case, but only if he forgets about the other vanished and abused children. To his horror, Dickie finds himself in the middle of a war within the police, with either side closing in for the kill to keep the truth hidden.
Peeters Publishers Le temps qui compte: Construction et qualification du temps de l'histoire dans le récit des livres de Samuel (1 S 1 - 1 R 2)
Les livres de Samuel (1 S 1 – 1 R 2)se présentent comme un récit à prétention historiographique. Ils relatent le siècle d’histoire qui va de la naissance de Samuel à la mort de David. Pour raconter cette longue période dans la durée relativement brève du récit, le narrateur ne cesse d’opérer des choix temporels d’ordre divers. Le présent ouvrage s’intéresse à la construction du temps du récit. Il s’agit de voir comment cette construction vise non seulement à rendre compte du cours de l’histoire mais surtout à le qualifier. En effet, l’ensemble des choix temporels semble conduit par un souci mimétique mais il constitue surtout un propos implicite sur la signification des événements rapportés. Les formes et les modes de l’articulation entre le temps du récit et le temps de l’histoire se révèlent donc être un lieu privilégié pour appréhender la visée du projet historiographique de 1 S 1 – 1 R 2. Les composantes les plus significatives de cette articulation sont les indications calendaires qui balisent la narration, la prééminence donnée à l’unité du jour, l’organisation de séquences de jours, la conjugaison des ressources temporelles propres aux trois genres littéraires présents en 1 S 1 – 1 R 2: le récit, l’oracle prophétique et le poème lyrique. Chacun de ces éléments fait l’objet d’une étude systématique. Ils sont ensuite envisagés ensemble, dans leur contribution commune à la mise en valeur de ce qu’on pourrait appeler «le temps qui compte» dans ce siècle d’histoire. La tapisserie de Gleb, qui illustre la couverture, représenteles quatre lettres hébraïques du nom divin hwhy YHWH. Elles sont disposées detelle sorte qu’on peut y voir également une figuration humaine. Cette œuvreentre en résonance avec la recherche menée dans le présent ouvrage. Dansl’épaisseur du «tissu» narratif, dans sa texture où se croisent comme autant defils des voix aux temporalités distinctes, les modalités de l’articulationserrée entre l’action divine et celle des humains sont finement explorées. Ellesinvitent le lecteur à un examen attentif. Qui voit-il à l’œuvre dansl’histoire?
Peeters Publishers Etapes de la Vie et Tradition Orale. Conceptions Universelles et Expressions Particulieres
Issu des reflexions de l'operation " Textes de tradition orale en relation avec faits et pratiques socioculturels ", cette ouvrage porte sur " les etapes de la vie " prises en charge par les divers societes et dont les franchissements comportent des caracteriques universelles malgre la diversite des cultures. La finalite essentielle de ces passages est l'integration de l'individu au groupe et le maintien, au fil des ages, de l'identite de la societe par la transmission des pratiques, des regles et des savoirs. Ceci etant pose, nous avons ete amenes a etudier les differents domaines impliques (le cadre cosmique, les conditions materielles et economiques, le contexte social, les transformations culturelles, les connaissances, les croyances, les pratiques...) et a soulever les problemes lies a l'evolution des societes qui entrainent une perte d'identite, particulierement pour les societes traditionnelles confrontees a la mondialisation. Or, toute societe, meme si elle tend a disparaitre, peut laisser un message qui devrait permettre a l'humanite de s'enrichir de " l'experience humaine integrale " (concept que l'on doit a P. Ric?ur). En effet, notre avenir ne peut se limiter a un developpement economique et materiel " unilateral " avec toutes les violences, injustices et appauvrissements qu'il peut engendrer; un constant dialogue entre les cultures permettrait alors de faire emerger des valeurs pour le guider. Cet ouvrage de sciences humaines concu au sein d'un laboratoire pluridisciplinaire du CNRS, le LACITO (Laboratoire de LAngues et CIvilisations a Tradition Orale), pourra derouter tous ceux qui defendent la purete d'une discipline, les prerogatives d'une demarche ou d'une theorie, ainsi que l'autorite d'" un " modele universel (trop souvent autocentre). Il est le fruit de la contribution d'auteurs qui se sont interesses a la tradition orale et ont eu le souci, pour une meilleure comprehension des phenomenes humains, de confronter les apports techniques de leurs differentes disciplines - linguistique, anthropologie, histoire, philosophie, ethnosciences - et cela malgre les difficultes terminologiques que cela aurait pu poser. Grace a notre collaboration, les outils utilises auront permis d'ouvrir une problematique qui va au-dela de l'etude d'un mecanisme pointu a l'interieur d'un seul systeme.
John F Blair Publisher North Carolina Craft Beer & Breweries
Boasting more craft breweries than any other state in the South, North Carolina is the state of Southern beer. In 2012, Erik Lars Myers wrote North Carolina Craft Beer & Breweries, which profiled 45 breweries. Since then, the number of breweries has more than tripled to over 140 and is still growing. Now, Myers and his wife, Sarah H. Ficke, have produced an expanded and updated second edition. As in the first edition, Myers and Ficke relate the story of each brewery, profiling the brewers as well as the establishment’s history and the vision of its founders. They also provide details such as location, contact information, and hours of operation. What one reviewer called “an indispensable regional beer handbook” is back and better than ever, offering the ideal introduction for people learning about craft beer and a great resource for enthusiasts who want to get the most out of their craft beer experience. Erik Lars Myers is the president of the North Carolina Craft Brewers Guild and the founder, CEO, and head brewer at Mystery Brewing Company in Hillsborough, NC. Sarah H. Ficke received her PhD in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is an assistant professor in the Department of Literature and Languages at Marymount University in Arlington, VA. In 2011, she put her academic research skills to work uncovering the history of brewing in the Tar Heel State for the first edition of North Carolina Craft Beer & Breweries. They live in Durham, NC. "Myers is a tour guide we can trust"—Beer Advocate "There may be no more devoted and jovial Pied Piper for beer than Erik Lars Myers, and North Carolina is lucky to have him. His barnstorming book is not only a touring essential for the state, but also a perfect reflection and manifestation of his attitude, vision, investment and energy for the craft."—All About Beer Magazine
John Wiley & Sons Inc Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design
Updated with color and gray scale illustrations, a companion website housing supplementary material, and new sections covering recent developments in antenna analysis and designThis book introduces the fundamental principles of antenna theory and explains how to apply them to the analysis, design, and measurements of antennas. Due to the variety of methods of analysis and design, and the different antenna structures available, the applications covered in this book are made to some of the most basic and practical antenna configurations. Among these antenna configurations are linear dipoles; loops; arrays; broadband antennas; aperture antennas; horns; microstrip antennas; and reflector antennas. The text contains sufficient mathematical detail to enable undergraduate and beginning graduate students in electrical engineering and physics to follow the flow of analysis and design. Readers should have a basic knowledge of undergraduate electromagnetic theory, including Maxwell’s equations and the wave equation, introductory physics, and differential and integral calculus. Presents new sections on flexible and conformal bowtie, Vivaldi antenna, antenna miniaturization, antennas for mobile communications, dielectric resonator antennas, and scale modeling Provides color and gray scale figures and illustrations to better depict antenna radiation characteristics Includes access to a companion website housing MATLAB programs, Java-based applets and animations, Power Point notes, Java-based interactive questionnaires and a solutions manual for instructors Introduces over 100 additional end-of-chapter problems Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, Fourth Edition is designed to meet the needs of senior undergraduate and beginning graduate level students in electrical engineering and physics, as well as practicing engineers and antenna designers.Constantine A. Balanis received his BSEE degree from the Virginia Tech in 1964, his MEE degree from the University of Virginia in 1966, his PhD in Electrical Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1969, and an Honorary Doctorate from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2004. From 1964 to 1970, he was with the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA, and from 1970 to 1983, he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering of West Virginia University. In 1983 he joined Arizona State University and is now Regents' Professor of Electrical Engineering. Dr. Balanis is also a life fellow of the IEEE.
Cuento de Luz SL Juego de niños (Child's Play)
A poignant story about how children’s play and creativity help children overcome the hardship of moving and changing country and heal one's soul.Danny, Molly and Marcus are three sparkling creative siblings, although each one expresses himself differently. Danny likes music and by singing and playing the guitar he can give voice to his feelings. Mercedes would always be found with a brush in hand, drawing out her emotions. What about Marcus? You see, Marcus is a great writer—he writes down all his thoughts and he can explore his deepest sorrows.One thing that the three very special siblings love is playing together and inventing a thousand different games, but there is something that worries them —soon they will move to a new, safer house in another country. Seeing their parents so sad and watching their house being reduced to boxes breaks their soul. However, they will discover that if they stick together, they will always have a loving home.Una historia conmovedora sobre cómo jugar y ser creativos ayuda a los niños a superar las dificultades de emigrar y a sanar el alma.Damián, Mercedes y Marcos son tres hermanos con una creatividad desbordante, aunque cada uno la expresa de una manera diferente. A Damián le gusta la música, y es que cantar y tocar la guitarra le permite contar lo que siente. A Mercedes siempre la veremos con un pincel en mano, sacando sus emociones pintando. ¿Y Marcos? Veréis, Marcos es un gran escritor y a través de las palabras escribe todos sus pensamientos y así puede conocerse a sí mismo mucho más.Estos tres hermanos tan especiales les encanta jugar juntos e inventarse mil juegos diferentes, pero hay algo que les preocupa… pronto se irán a una nueva casa. Ver a sus padres tan tristes y cómo su casa va quedando vacía les parte el alma, pero descubrirán que si están juntos, siempre van a tener un hogar.
Rowman & Littlefield Education and the American Workforce
In a time of changing technology and cultural shifts, it is difficult to measure some aspects of the workforce. Education and the American Workforce brings together a comprehensive collection of employment and education information from federal statistical agencies. The Census Bureau is the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is the principal federal agency responsible for measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy. Together, these agencies produce a wealth of information about the American workforce. This book includes information about the jobs that people hold, the occupations that they pursue, the industries where they work, and the education levels that people have attained. In addition to tables, each section also includes relevant figures and highlights of notable data. Some examples of interesting data found inside Education and the American Workforce include: ·With no formal educational requirement and a median salary of $22,680, 4.5 million people are employed as retail salespersons, the most of any single occupation. Cashiers and food preparation/serving workers account for another 3.5 million each. There are 2.9 million registered nurses, the most numerous of occupations that require a bachelor’s degree. ·The biggest numeric decline is expected for Postal Service mail carriers, dropping by about 78,000 in ten years. When combined with other Postal Service occupations—such as clerks, sorters, postmasters, and others—a decline of 140,000 jobs is expected for the Postal Service. ·Among the 75 largest counties, Bronx County, NY had the highest number of residents age 25 and over with less than a high school diploma at 29.4 percent while Montgomery County, PA had the lowest percentage at 6.2 percent. ·Meanwhile, New York County, NY and Fairfax County, VA had the highest percentage of residents with a bachelor’s degree or higher at 59.9 percent followed by Montgomery County, MD at 57.9 percent among the 75 largest counties. Nationally, between 2011 and 2015, 29.8 percent of the population had a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Peeters Publishers Les Sujets Du Pere: Les Rois De France Face Aux Representants Du Peuple Dans Les Assemblees De Notables Et Les Etats Generaux 1302-1615
Dans la periode qui va du regne de Philippe IV le Bel (1285-1314) a celui de Louis XIII (1610-1643) la royaute francaise se transforme d'une monarchie aux accents "seigneuriaux" en une monarchie presque souveraine ou tous les habitants deviennent les sujets de "Sa Majeste", titre aux accents romains officialise sous Henri II. Le parcours qui mene vers cette sujetion se trouve cependant etre balise de sentiments. Tant que le pouvoir royal n'est pas encore bien en selle, il exploite pleinement le theme de l'affection: le roi est le pater patriae ou le "pere" qui aime ses sujets et qui les consulte volontiers dans les assemblees de notables et dans des Etats, provinciaux, regionaux ou generaux. L'affection atteint son apogee dans l'assemblee de notables de 1506 ou les deputes conferent a Louis XII le titre de "pere du peuple", qualification qui est ressassee a l'infini par la machine propagandiste: le roi de France est le "pere" de ses sujets.L 'etiquette "pere du peuple" ne sert cependant qu'a masquer des velleites centralisatrices et autoritaires, car le "pere" de la bienheureuse famille francaise se souvient du statut du pere dans l'Ancien Testament et de celui du pater familias de l'Empire romain. Ces peres-la voulaient etre obeis.L'issue est previsible. Des que le principe de la souverainete du roi s'est impose, les rois de France abandonnent le theme de la paternite affective qui leur a rendu de si bons services et, sauf rare exception, ils refusent d'inviter encore leurs sujets bien-aimes a venir discuter de problemes touchant "le roi et le royaume". La voix du peuple a beau etre la voix de Dieu, toujours est-il que les assemblees de notables et, a fortiori, les Etats generaux sont des obstacles incommodes et incontrolables. Cela deplait foncierement au roi de France qui regne par la grace de Dieu et qui n'a des comptes a rendre qu'a Lui. Tous les habitants du royaume - et peu importe leur statut - deviennent des sujets du roi-"pere". Les Etats generaux de 1614-15 sont les derniers. Il y a encore deux assemblees de notables (en 1617 et 1626), mais elles ne changent pas la donne: la voix du peuple est etouffee. Ce n'est qu'en 1789 qu'elle se fait entendre de nouveau.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Healing Stress in Military Families: Eight Steps to Wellness
Eight practical steps to help military families through the unique issues they face When service members return, it's up to their families to try to soften their re-entry into civilian life. Healing Stress in Military Families offers practical help for military families coping with the myriad repercussions of their loved ones' duties, from their deployment to their return home. Based on the latest scientific research and best practice guidelinesas well as the authors' experience treating veterans and their familiesHealing Stress in Military Families offers answers for the stress that comes not only from war, but also from other related issues, including deployment and redeployment, relocation, and reunion. Healing Stress in Military Families provides: Evidence-based advice for clinicians helping military families with adjustment problems by facilitating communication, reconnection, and growth "Making It Real" exercises for clinicians to employ with families in sessions "Talking Points" that explore how to guide the family in their healing process Homework handouts and between-session "Taking Action" exercises for families that reinforce and build on skills and information introduced in sessions Compassionately written with the military family at heart, Healing Stress in Military Families provides the information, tools, and skills that will empower these courageous families to more easily heal and become stronger and more resilient as they go through life. "This practical workbook will help others understand the highly complex factors that cause dysfunction within military families. Using a clear format that avoids jargon, providers and families can work through the eight practical steps that focus on reconnecting the family and improving resiliency. This excellent book will surely become core material for anyone interested in working with military families." Bradford Felker, MD, Director, Mental Health Primary Care Service, VA Puget Sound Health Care System and Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington School of Medicine "Healing Stress in Military Families: Eight Steps to Wellness is a timely, practical publication that recognizes and addresses the impact of traumatic stress on countless 'hidden victims,' our military families. The focus on empowerment and goal-directednessversus illness, disorder and dysfunctionis so needed today." Mark D. Lerner, PhD, President, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
Peeters Publishers Le Psautier. L'ensemble du Livre des Louanges
Chacun des cinq livres du Psautier s’est révélé composé et bien composé. Au niveau de l’ensemble du Livre des Louanges, il en va de même. Les procédures de l’analyse rhétorique biblique ont permis de le montrer, malgré les lacunes d’une recherche qui ne pouvait guère s’appuyer sur beaucoup de travaux antérieurs. Selon la tradition, les cinq livres du Psautier correspondent aux cinq livres de la Tora. Dans la Tora, Dieu parle à l’homme, par les merveilles qu’il accomplit en sa faveur, puis par la loi qu’il lui donne ; ainsi il l’éduque, il l’« enseigne », selon le sens du mot tôrâ. Dans le Psautier, c’est l’homme qui parle à Dieu, qui lui dit ses malheurs, qui l’appelle au secours, qui le loue aussi pour son salut. Dans l’oppression, le psalmiste revendique quelquefois son innocence, mais Dieu lui fait prendre conscience de son péché. Alors, il confesse ses fautes et demande pardon. Enfin et surtout il se rend compte qu’il est incapable de comprendre la loi, de voir le chemin qui conduit à la vie. Et il demande, avec insistance, d’en être instruit. Dès le Premier livre, le psalmiste supplie : « Tes chemins, Yhwh, fais-moi connaitre, tes sentiers apprends-moi ! » (Ps 25,4). Et il le répètera à l’envi dans l’immense psaume de la Loi : « Instruis-moi, Yhwh, du chemin de tes décrets [...] Fais-moi comprendre et je garderai ta loi » (Ps 119,33-34). Ainsi la loi gravée sur la pierre, sera écrite sur son cœur de chair. C’est là le point de contact le plus visible entre la Tora et le Psautier. Moïse disait : « Écoute, Israël, les lois et les coutumes que je prononce aujourd’hui à vos oreilles » (Dt 5,1) et Dieu dit au cœur du Psautier : « Écoute, mon peuple, et je t’avertis, Israël, si tu m’écoutais... » (Ps 81,9). Incapable d’écouter et de comprendre, Israël demande donc d’être instruit de la Tora. Le Psautier est le remède guérissant de la surdité qui empêche d’entendre la Parole de Dieu, de la cécité qui empêche de voir le chemin de la vie. Ainsi commence à prendre corps la nouvelle alliance annoncée par les prophètes de l’exil, quand Dieu donnera à l’homme un cœur de chair sur lequel il écrira sa loi.
Editorial el Pirata Pedro y el lobo
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: ¡ El cuento clá sico Pedro y el Lobo, tambié n conocido como El pastor mentiroso, revive en este libro en españ ol! Las fantá sticas y divertidas ilustraciones a todo color acompañ an la historia, que tiene el texto rimado. Pedro es un pastor que se aburre mucho pastando sus ovejas. Por eso, un dí a se le ocurre jugar una mala pasada a sus vecinos: fingirá que un lobo va a comerse las ovejas. Los aldeanos, medio adormilados, se levantan tan rá pido como pueden para ayudarlo, pero al llegar se dan cuenta de que es mentira. Pedro rí e como nunca, pero quizá s no lo hará tanto cuando el lobo aparezca de verdad... Una historia que enseñ a que no se deben decir mentiras. Esta edició n de Pedro y el lobo está muy cuidada y cuenta con unas maravillosas ilustraciones. El texto está rimado, lo que lo hace má s divertido para leerlo en voz alta. Tí tulos de la colecció n Cuentos Clá sicos Rimados: -Los tres cerditos.-Pedro y el lobo.-Ricitos de oro.-Las siete cabritas. LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL._________________________________________SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: The classic fairy tale Peter and the Wolf, also known as The Boy who Cried Wolf, is brought back to life in this book in Spanish! The fantastic and fun illustrations in full color accompany the story, which has rhyming text. Pedro is a shepherd who gets quite bored grazing his sheep. That's why one day it occurs to him to play a trick on his neighbors: he will pretend that a wolf is going to eat the sheep. The villagers, half asleep, get up as fast as they can to help him. However, once they arrive, they realize it was a lie. Pedro laughs, but then finds himself in trouble when a wolf really does appear… A story that teaches not to tell lies. This edition of Pedro y el lobo is thorough and has some wonderful pictures. The text rhymes, so it's more fun to read. Titles in the Cuentos Clá sicos Rimados collection: -Los tres cerditos.-Pedro y el lobo.-Ricitos de oro.-Las siete cabritas. ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Cuento de Luz SL Dentro de mi imaginación (Inside My Imagination)
Winner of the Living Now Awards 2013, International Latino Book Awards 2013 and Moonbeam Children Books Awards 2013. There is a door in every one of us that leads to our imagination, a world where anything is possible. Dou you dare to embark on the most wonderful journey to our inner-self?One day when I was reading my story, I breathed in one of the words and something magical happened… I entered my imagination!We have always been told about the power of imagination, but what is imagination? How does it work? There is a magical place where you can always be yourself. In there you can turn on your light and illuminate your life with it. That place is your imagination. Your imagination has a life and a voice of its own. It is like a voice that speaks inside of you and paints everything around you with vivid colors.Within your imagination you are the king or queen of your creation. Open the door and discover how that place where we can always be ourselves is like and how does it work. And within your imagination ... what is there?Ganador de los premios literarios Living Now Awards 2013, International Latino Book Awards 2013 y Moonbeam Children Books Awards 2013. Todos tenemos una puerta con la que podemos acceder a nuestra imaginación… ¿Te atreves a participar en el más maravilloso viaje a tu interior?Un día, leyendo mi cuento respiré una de esas palabras, y sucedió algo mágico… ¡Entré en mi imaginación!Siempre nos han hablado del poder de la imaginación, pero ¿qué es la imaginación? ¿Cómo funciona?Hay un lugar mágico donde siempre puedes ser tú mismo. En ese mágico lugar puedes encender tu luz y con ella iluminar tu vida. Ese lugar es tu imaginación. Tu imaginación tiene vida y voz propia. Es como una voz que habla en tu interior y va pintando de colores todo a tu alrededor. Dentro de tu imaginación tú eres el rey o la reina de tu creación. Abre la puerta y juega a descubrir cómo funciona por dentro ese lugar donde siempre podemos ser nosotros mismos. Y dentro de tu imaginación… ¿qué hay?
Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles-Latomus Nullus locus sine genio: Il ruolo aggregativo e religioso dei santuari extraurbani della Cisalpina tra protostoria, romanizzazione e piena romanità
Il libro affronta in maniera sistematica il fenomeno cultuale, insediamentale e socio-politico dei santuari extraurbani nella Cisalpina dall’età del Ferro alla piena romanità ed oltre, fondandosi su un’analisi sinottica di strutture, siti e territorio, studiati sempre in rapporto dialettico con il concetto interpretativo di fondo, la romanizzazione, intesa non solo come imperialistica imposizione politico-militare e culturale, ma come adesione a nuove formule del vivere comunitario. Nonostante la mole di dati presentati, le riflessioni e le interpretazioni rispondono nel loro insieme ad un unico progetto: mostrare l’importanza di tali centri e le implicazioni storiche, archeologiche e antropologiche che essi veicolano sul territorio, arrivando alla proposta di un modello interpretativo cisalpino generale. In definitiva, un’opera che costituisce un’utile sintensi sul contesto storico-archeologico dei santuari extraurbani cisalpini così come una tappa fondamentale nella conoscenza non solo del popolamento rurale d’età romana in Cisalpina, ma del fenomeno della romanizzazione cultuale e socio-politica di un territorio che va dalle Alpi, agli Appennini, dal Piemonte all’Istria. The text provides a systematic overview about the cultic, settlement- and socio-political phenomenon of extra-urban sanctuaries in the Cisalpine, from the Iron age to the Roman age and more over. The analysis is based on a synoptic investigation of structures, settlements and landscape, always dialectically compared with the basic interpretation concept of `romanization’, that means non only the imperialistic military-political and cultural enforcement, but also the adherence to a new formulation of community life. In spite of the great quantity of data, reflections and interpretations match together an unitary project: to show the importance of these settlements and the historical, archaeological and anthropological implications which are transmitted all over the territory, proposing in this way a general Cisalpine interpretation model. In conclusion, this work offers an useful summary about the historical-archaeological context of extra-urban sanctuaries in the Cisalpine as an important step in the knowledge not only of the rural population during the Roman age, but also of the phenomenon of cultic and socio-political romanization all over a territory that goes from the Alps to the Apennines, from Piedmont to Istria.
International Marine Publishing Co Cruising the Chesapeake: A Gunkholers Guide
"Shellenberger has perfected the art of gunkholing . . . An excellent book for both those who enjoy weekend cruises and those who merely want to know more about Chesapeake Bay." -- Daily Press (Newport News, VA)"With more than 3,000 miles of shoreline, theChesapeake Bay offers a treasury of cruising spots.Shellenberger's book provides the key to unlock it." -- Virginian-Pilot"An 'insider's' look at the hundreds of places cruisers and weekend boaters love to hole up in. . . . It is also a loving portrait of the bay, its history, its people, its wildlife, and its environment." -- The Mariner"A truly monumental guide." -- Sunday Capital (Annapolis, MD)Dotting its more than 3,000-mile shoreline are creeks, coves, and inlets--or gunkholes in Chesapeake Bay parlance. They are as challenging as they are charming for cruisers to fi nd and enter, sometimes discouraging the less adventuresome. But thanks to author Bill Shellenberger, you will be able to enjoy these hidden treasures like an old pro.For more than twenty years, Bill Shellenberger's Cruising the Chesapeake has been the guide of choice for sailors and motor cruisers seeking to avoid the beaten path. Here Bill shares with you his engaging, heartfelt evocation of the Bay, its shores, history, wildlife, and people. No other guide to the region offers such complete, detailed coverage of virtually every point of interest on the Bay--from the secluded east fork of Langford Creek to the bustling hearts of Baltimore, Washington, and Norfolk.Find your path to Cruising the Chesapeake with A cruise planner with suggested itineraries for cruises of 3, 9, and 16 days, supported by overview charts and planning tips Waypoints for anchorages and key locations that make planning your cruises and integrating navigational data into your GPS unit a snap NOAA charts and aerial photos of key anchorages and tricky passages Updated information on piloting and shoreside facilities Expanded coverage up the Atlantic seaboard from the entranceof the Chesapeake to New York City and its anchorages that make this the ONE guide for the mid-Atlantic boater A comprehensive cruise planner and navigation guide and a vivid celebration of one of North America's natural treasures, Cruising the Chesapeake is a book no Chesapeake boater will want to be without.
Hoaki Street Art by Women: 50+ Essential Contemporary Artists
A recognition of graffiti and street art by women from around the world. This book brings together the personal experiences, dreams, purposes, cultural tastes, struggles and samples of the work of more than 50 female graffiti artists, street artists and female muralists dedicated to reclaiming the public space and enriching our urban environments. This thoroughly illustrated book will inspire the reader to seek out street art in our cities, pointing towards a fairer world in terms of female equality within street art and graffiti. The book shows how these women fight to break free of the inequalities that linger in our society today and continue to affect women's status in many sectors, including art. PARTICIPANTS. Argentina: Agus Rucula, Hola Pum Pum, K2man, Milu Correch. Australia: Danielle Weber, Vexta. Belarus: Julia Yu Baba. Brazil: Magrela. Canada: Emily Read, Priscilla Yu. Chile: Anis88. Colombia: Ledania, Mugre Diamante. Equador: Mo Vasquez. France: Claire Prouvost, Emyart, Mademoiselle Kat, Wuna (+Canada), Zabou (+UK), Zoia. Finland: Camilla Siren, Anetta Lukjanova (+Spain). Germany: Minas. Italy: Alice Pasquini, Rame13, Vera Bugatti. Mexico: Lourdes Villagomez, Paola Delfin, Tahnee Flor, Triana Parera, Adry del Rocio, Alina Kiliwa, Alegria del Prado (+Spain:). Norway: Missprinted. Peru: Niz (+USA). Poland: Natalia Rak, Nespoon. Portugal: Tamara Alves. Spain: Btoy, Didi Leona, Elisa Capdevila, Julieta xlf, Lily Brik. The Netherlands: JDL. UK: Helen Bur, Rosie Woods (+Australia). USA: Emily Eldridge (+Germany), Kaz Williams/KAZILLA (Miami, FL), Kee Romano, Nico Cathcart (Richmond, VA), Toofly (+Equador). Venezuela: Sandra Betancort. AUTHOR: Diego Lopez has a degree in Documentation from the University of Valencia. He later furthered his training in the documentation centers of the Valencia Museum of Fine Arts and the newspaper Las Provincias. He has also contri-buted to such publications as Cultivar Salud and Hello Valencia and is a blogger on social networks with thousands of followers. Passionate about graffiti and street art, he is dedicated to delving into this fascinating world within cities and collecting photos of the works and pieces created on the street and meeting their creators. He has published a book on regional Spanish street art. SELLING POINTS: . The book honours the contribution to graffiti and street art by women around the world . More than 50 female graffiti artists, urban artists and muralists who contribute to creating an open-air art museum
Editorial el Pirata Querido Maxi
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Maxi es un niñ o afortunado: su mamá escribe cuentos y su papá los ilustra. Un dí a, es é l quien inventa su propia historia. Pero Maxi aú n es muy joven y, como no sabe escribirlo, decide ilustrarlo. Su mamá decide contarle la historia, así que, con un poco de imaginació n, descifra el dibujo y le cuenta una historia maravillosa. Pero al dí a siguiente... ¡ su papá decide contarle la historia sin saber có mo la habí a contado su mamá ! Por supuesto, Maxi le dice que la historia no va así y, esta vez, decide contarles a sus padres có mo se habí a imaginado la historia. Juntos descubren que realmente es una historia má gica, porque cada vez que alguien la lee, cuentan una historia diferente. Querido Maxi es un libro má gico en españ ol que, con mucha originalidad y ternura, ilustra la experiencia í ntima y emocionante del tiempo dedicado a compartir historias con los má s pequeñ os. Un libro que fomenta la creatividad, ya que los niñ os querrá n crear su propia historia despué s de escuchar o leer la de Maxi. LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL.SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Maxi is a lucky kid: his mum writes stories and his dad illustrates them. One day, he is the one who invents his own story. But Maxi is still very young so, since he can’ t write, he decides to illustrate it. His mum decides to tell him the story, so, with a little bit of imagination, she deciphers the drawing and tells him a wonderful story. But the next day... his dad decides to tell him the story without knowing how his mum had told it! Of course, Maxi tells him the story doesn’ t go like that and, this time, he decides to tell his parents how he had imagined the story. Together they discover that it is really a magical story, because each time someone reads it, they tell a different story... Querido Maxi is a magical book in Spanish that, with a lot of originality and tenderness, illustrates the intimate and thrilling experience of the time spent sharing stories with little ones. It's a book that encourages creativity, since children will want to create their own story after listening or reading Maxi’ s.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Rizzoli International Publications Faberge Revealed: At the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
The exquisite objects created by goldsmith and jeweler Peter Carl Fabergé and his studio in the late 19th and early 20th centuries for the aristocracy and nobility of imperial Russia are considered to be some of the most refined examples of the jeweler's art of any age. Of greatest fascination are the extraordinary Easter eggs created as special commissions for the Russian imperial family and other notable patrons - works that remain unparalleled in their ingenuity of construction and sheer beauty. Accompanying a major exhibition Faberge Revealed represents a landmark for the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and for Fabergé scholarship. The essays by Géza von Habsburg and other scholars present new findings on Fabergé, his workshops, and the creation of these extraordinary objects. For the first time all items by or attributed to Fabergé in VMFA's collection are documented along with the museum's significant holdings of other Russian decorative arts. Also included is a section on forgeries that bravely confronts this vexing question. Every object has been splendidly re-photographed for this book - and the detailed photography alone should provide inestimable value for future Fabergé scholarship.Richly illustrated with some 600 photographs, the volume documents an important collection bequeathed in 1947 to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts by Lillian Thomas Pratt, of Fredericksburg, Va., the wife of General Motors executive John Lee Pratt. Her collection, assembled between 1933 and 1946, comprised several hundred creations by the Faberge workshops and by other Russian imperial jewelers. These exquisite, marvelously crafted objects, range from the majestic jeweled imperial eggs to delicate jeweled flowers in vases to diamond-encrusted icons and tiaras, to animal figures nimbly carved from precious stone.Contents: Introduction by Géza von Habsburg Chapter 1: The House of Fabergé/by Géza von HabsburgChapter 2: Behind the Scenes at Fabergé: The St. Petersburg Workshops/ by Ulla Tillander-GodenhieimChapter 3: Fabergé and His Russian Competitors/ by Géza von HabsburgChapter 4: Fabergé and His Foreign Competitors Chapter 5: Mrs. Pratt's Imperial Easter Eggs / by Carol AikenChapter 6: The Zarnitza Sailor and His Place in History / by Christel Ludewig McCaniessChapter 7: Fabergé and Grand Duchess Vladimir / by Alexander von SolodkoffChapter 8: Lillian Thomas Pratt and A La Vieille Russie: A Personal Relationship/ by Mark SchafferChapter 9: Fauxbergé / by Géza von HabsburgCatalogue: Fabergé/Other Makers/Forgeries
NEWTYPE Publishing Creciendo Con Dios: Aventuras cotidianas escuchando la voz de Dios
Creciendo con Dios es la historia de dos mejores amigos: María y Lucas; los cuales están en una travesía por descubrir quienes son en medio del -Normal y al mismo tiempo fascinante- proceso de escuchar el corazón de Dios. Durante el campamento de verano, María tiene un momento transformador en su vida cuando escucha a Dios por primera vez. Dios le dice algo que ella no podía a creer: ¡va a ser una actriz! Y no en 20 años cuando sea adulta, sino que puede empezar a esa carrera ¡desde ahora! El problema surge cuando parece que con cada paso que da surge un nuevo obstáculo. Lucas es un niño sin preocupaciones, para el, su vida es el futbol. Lo único más importante que el futbol es su relación con Dios. Lucas está aprendiendo a escuchar el corazón de Dios, aun cuando eso signifique que tenga que hacerse amigo de un chico algo extraño de la escuela. María y Lucas se encuentran en una verdadera aventura que les impulsa a crecer en su conexión con Dios, en su relación entre ellos y a hacer muchos amigos en el camino. Es una travesía donde hay dudas, frustraciones y también mucho gozo mientras buscan aprender a desarrollar su relación con Jesús de un forma genuina. Escrito por Shawn Bolz, autor de "Traduciendo a Dios" llega esta historia que es emocionalmente inteligente y espiritualmente relevante, que equipa a los niños y jóvenes de toda edad a conectarse al corazón de Dios y a escuchar Su voz para sus propias vidas. El don con el cual Shawn enseña sobre lo profético, ha sido preparado para presentarlo de una manera en la que niños de todas las edades pueden experimentar como Dios no se limitar por nuestra edad. Cuando Dios habla, todos tienen la oportunidad de escuchar y ver las cosas poderosas y maravillosas que suceden por medio de la Fe. Este libro ha sido creado para utilizarse conjuntamente con el "Libro de Trabajo - Creciendo con Dios" y para que pueda ser aplicado en sesiones de escuela dominical o para aprendizaje individual. Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USJAX-NONE
Cuento de Luz SL ¿Puede pasarle a cualquiera? (Could it Happen to Anyone?)
Finalist at the 2011 International Latino Book Awards. Balzo, a very restless boy, goes shopping with his mom and accidentally breaks some figurines. There is no reason to be angry ... couldn’t it happen to anyone?Balzo goes shopping with his mother and they stop by a store where boys and girls can’t touch anything. To stop himself from getting bored, he pretends to be a silkworm. But while he’s playing, he accidentally knocks some figurines off a shelf, and worst of all, he bumps his head. Neither his mother nor the storekeeper seem to notice the lump; instead, they tell off Balzo as if he’d smashed the figurines (and caused the lump) on purpose…. On purpose? He was just playing around with his imaginary friends! Unfortunately, no one is interested in knowing his part of the story… And mom is so angry she sounds like an ogre! Once they get home, Balzo goes straight to bed when suddenly he hears this powerful sound: «CRASH!». Could it happen to anyone?Finalista en los International Latino Book Awards 2012. Balzo, un niño muy juguetón, acompaña a su mamá a una tienda y rompe unas figuritas sin querer. No hay por qué enfadarse… ¿acaso no puede pasarle a cualquiera?Balzo acompaña a su mamá a comprar y pasan por una tienda donde los niños y niñas no pueden tocar nada. Para no aburrirse, Balzo juega a ser un gusano de seda. Pero sin querer tira algunas figuritas de un estante y, encima, se golpea la cabeza y le sale un chichón. Ni su madre ni la dependienta parecen notar el bulto que le empieza a crecer, ¡todo lo contrario! Las dos regañan a Balzo porque no sabe estarse quieto… ¡como si hubiera roto las figurillas a propósito…! «¿Acaso me haría un chichón ¿a propósito?», pensó. ¡Estaba jugando con sus amigos imaginarios! Desafortunadamente, nadie parece interesado en conocer su parte de la historia… ¡Y mamá está tan enfadada que parece un ogro!Cuando llegan a casa, Balzo se va directo a la cama, cuando de repente escucha un fuerte sonido: «¡CRASH!». ¿Acaso no puede pasarle a cualquiera?
Johns Hopkins University Press Father James Page: An Enslaved Preacher's Climb to Freedom
This first-of-its-kind biography tells the story of Rev. James Page, who rose from slavery in the nineteenth century to become a religious and political leader among African Americans as well as an international spokesperson for the cause of racial equality.Winner of the Rembert Patrick Award by The Florida Historical Society, Florida Non-Fiction Book Award by the Florida Book Awards, Harry T. and Harrietter V. Moore Award by the Florida Historical SocietyJames Page spent the majority of his life enslaved—during which time he experienced the death of his free father, witnessed his mother and brother being sold on the auction block, and was forcibly moved 700 miles south from Richmond, VA, to Tallahassee, FL, by his enslaver, John Parkhill. Page would go on to become Parkhill's chief aide on his plantation and, unusually, a religious leader who was widely respected by enslaved men and women as well as by white clergy, educators, and politicians. Rare for enslaved people at the time, Page was literate—and left behind ten letters that focused on his philosophy as an enslaved preacher and, later, as a free minister, educator, politician, and social justice advocate. In Father James Page, Larry Eugene Rivers presents Page as a complex, conflicted man: neither a nonthreatening, accommodationist mouthpiece for white supremacy nor a calculating schemer fomenting rebellion. Rivers emphasizes Page's agency in pursuing a religious vocation, in seeking to exhibit "manliness" in the face of chattel slavery, and in pushing back against the overwhelming power of his enslaver. Post-emancipation, Page continued to preach and to advocate for black self-determination and independence through black land ownership, political participation, and business ownership. The church he founded—Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Tallahassee—would go on to be a major political force not only during Reconstruction but through today. Based upon numerous archival sources and personal papers, as well as an in-depth interview of James Page and a reflection on his life by a contemporary, this deeply researched book brings to light a fascinating life filled with contradictions concerning gender, education, and the social interaction between the races. Rivers' biography of Page is an important addition, and corrective, to our understanding of black spirituality and religion, political organizing, and civic engagement.
Tuttle Publishing Making Out In Italian: (Italian Phrasebook)
Making Out in Italian is a fun, accessible and thorough Italian phrase book and guide to the Italian language as it's really spoken.Mi piaci molto! Ti va se ci vediamo ancora?—(I like you very much! Shall we see each other again?) Answer this correctly in Italian and you may be going on a hot date. Incorrectly, and you could be hurting someone's feelings or getting a slap! Italian Language classes and textbooks tend to spend a lot of time rehearsing for the same fictitious scenarios but chances are while in Italy you will spend a lot more time trying to make new friends or start new romances—something you may not be prepared for. If you are a student, businessman or tourist traveling to Italy and would like to have an authentic and meaningful experience, the key is being able to speak like a local. This friendly and easy-to-use Italian phrasebook makes this possible. Making Out in Italian has been carefully designed to act as a guide to modern colloquial Italian for use in everyday informal interactions—giving access to the sort of catchy Italian expressions that aren't covered in traditional language materials. Each expression is given in Italian so that in the case of difficulties the book can be shown to the person the user is trying to communicate with. In addition, phonetic spellings of all words and phrases are included, making speaking Italian a breeze. For example, "Hi!"—ciao is also written as chah-oh. This Italian phrasebook includes: A guide to pronouncing Italian words correctly including double consonants and syllable stresses. Explanations of basic Italian grammar, such as, questions, word gender, and formal vs. informal. Complete Italian translations for all words and phrases including easy-to-use phonetic spellings. Useful and interesting notes on Italian language and culture. Lots of colorful, fun and useful expressions not covered in other phrasebooks. Titles in this unique series of bestselling phrase books include: Making Out in Chinese, Making Out in Indonesian, Making Out in Thai, Making Out in Korean, Making Out in Hindi, Making Out in Japanese, Making Out in Vietnamese, Making Out in Burmese, Making Out in Tagalog, Making Out in Hindi, Making Out in Arabic, Making Out in English, More Making Out in Korean, and More Making Out in Japanese.
Editorial el Pirata Valiente: En letra MAYÚSCULA y de imprenta
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Esta es la historia de un perro perdido y peludo que siempre va muy sucio. Hasta que conoce a Ana, que lo limpia, le pone un nombre y lo convierte en su mejor amigo. ¡ Guau, guau! ¡ Que suerte he tenido! Valiente es el segundo cuento de la colecció n Aprender a leer en letra MAYÚ SCULA e imprenta, en españ ol, que está ordenada en funció n de la dificultad lectora, siendo el nÚ mero 1 el má s sencillo y el nÚ mero 9 el má s complejo.El texto es rimado y está escrito en ambos tipos de letra para facilitar el salto de una a la otra. En cada pá gina se encuentra el mismo texto dos veces: arriba en letra de imprenta y abajo en letra de PALO (mayÚ sculas). Permite trabajar la lectura en letra mayÚ scula y el cambio hacia la letra de imprenta. Al final del libro encontrará s un mensaje para reflexionar.Tí tulos de la colecció n: 1) Daniel, el bombero2) Valiente3) Pequeñ o, el granito de arena travieso4) El dragó n que no tení a fuego5) Simba, el leó n6) El tesoro de pirata7) El hombre que tení a tres pelos8) El coche amarillo9) Trompa largaLa colecció n está pensada para aprender a leer y se ordena en funció n de la dificultad lectora. LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL.SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Brave is a shaggy little dog, very dirty because he’ s lost. Until he meets Ana, who becomes friends with him. Woof, woof! How lucky he’ s been!Valiente is the second story from the Aprender a leer en letra MAYÚ SCULA e imprenta collection, in Spanish, which is arranged according to reading difficulty, number 1 being the easiest and number 9 the most challenging.Each page contains the same text twice: above in lowercase letters and below in CAPITAL LETTERS (uppercase). It teaches capital letters and makes the change towards lowercase easier. At the end of the book, you can find a message to think about.Titles in the collection: 1) Daniel, el bombero2) Valiente3) Pequeñ o, el granito de arena travieso4) El dragó n que no tení a fuego5) Simba, el leó n6) El tesoro de pirata7) El hombre que tení a tres pelos8) El coche amarillo9) Trompa largaThe collection is designed to learn to read and is arranged according to reading difficulty.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
HarperCollins Focus Competir contra la suerte: La historia de la innovación y la elección del cliente
¿Las empresas saben cómo crecer? ¿Cómo pueden crear productos que están seguros de que los clientes quieren comprar? ¿Puede la innovación ser más que un juego de éxito? El profesor Clayton Christensen de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard tiene la respuesta. Hace una generación, Christensen revolucionó los negocios con su innovadora teoría de la innovación disruptiva. Ahora, él va más allá, ofreciendo nuevas y poderosas ideas. Después de años de investigación, Christensen ha llegado a una conclusión crítica: Los clientes no compran productos o servicios; ellos los "contratan" para hacer un trabajo. Comprender qué hace que los clientes "contraten" un producto o servicio, hará que cualquier empresa puede mejorar su historial de innovación, creando productos que los clientes no solo quieran contratar, sino que pagarán precios más altos para llevarlos a sus vidas; por ejemplo: Amazon, Intuit, Uber, Airbnb y Chobani, por nombrar solo algunos. Pero este libro no se trata de celebrar estos éxitos, se trata de predecir nuevos.Este libro establece cuidadosamente el marco provocativo de Christensen, que proporciona una explicación completa de la teoría y por qué es predictivo, cómo usarlo en el mundo real y, lo más importante, cómo no desperdiciar la información que proporciona.Competing Against LuckCompanies know how to grow? How can they create products that they are sure customers want to buy? Can innovation be more than a successful game? Professor Clayton Christensen of the Harvard Business School has the answer. A generation ago, Christensen revolutionized business with his groundbreaking theory of disruptive innovation. Now, he goes further, offering powerful new insights.After years of research, Christensen has come to a critical conclusion: Customers don't buy products or services; they "hire" them to do a job. Understanding what makes customers "hire" a product or service will help any company improve its innovation record, creating products that customers not only want to hire, but will pay higher prices to bring into their lives; for example: Amazon, Intuit, Uber, Airbnb and Chobani to name just a few. But this book isn't about celebrating these successes, it's about predicting new ones.This book carefully lays out Christensen's provocative framework, providing a comprehensive explanation of the theory and why it is predictive, how to use it in the real world, and most importantly, how not to waste the information it provides.
Liverpool University Press La République de Harrington dans la France des Lumières et de la Révolution
Depuis l’ouvrage de John Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment. Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Tradition (1975), on connaît l’importance de James Harrington dans la pensée politique anglo-américaine à la période moderne. Parce qu’au-delà de l’acte de résistance à la tyrannie, il promeut la démocratie et propose les moyens constitutionnels de mettre en œuvre la souveraineté populaire dans un pays de vaste étendue, Harrington a incarné une forme distinctive de républicanisme. En retraçant l’histoire de sa réception dans la France des Lumières, cet ouvrage a pour but de combler un hiatus entre le grand récit pocockien du républicanisme machiavélien et l’historiographie de la Révolution française. En cela, il s’inscrit dans le panorama brossé en 2010 par l’historienne Rachel Hammersley, et va au-delà. D’une part, il accorde à Hume, Jaucourt ou Rousseau, aux côtés de ses nombreux traducteurs et commentateurs, un rôle central dans l’actualisation de la pensée de Harrington. D’autre part, il montre que son héritage intellectuel fut pluriel. Celui-ci n’est en effet pas seulement l’inspirateur de dispositions constitutionnelles spécifiques : à l’heure où se développe l’économie politique, Harrington apparaît comme le penseur d’une égalité relative des fortunes, perçue comme la seule base possible d’un ordre politique stable.--John Pocock’s book The Machiavellian Moment. Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Tradition (1975) has shown the importance of James Harrington in Anglo-American modern political thought. Beyond the act of resistance to tyranny, he vindicates democracy and provides the constitutional means for implementing popular sovereignty in a vast country. In doing so, Harrington has incarnated a distinctive form of republicanism.By reconstructing the history of his reception in eighteenth century France, this book aims to bridge the gap between the great Pocockian narrative of Machiavellian republicanism and the historiography of the French Revolution. It is set against the panorama offered by Rachel Hammersley in 2010 and aims to go further. On the one hand, it shows how central Hume, Jaucourt or Rousseau have been in reviving Harrington’s thought, along with his numerous translators and commentators. On the other hand, it shows that his intellectual legacy was diverse. He did not only stand as the inspirer of specific constitutional measures: as political economy developed, Harrington also appeared as the theoretician of a relative equality of wealth among the people, perceived by many as the true basis of a stable political order.
Peeters Publishers Les premières années du roi Zimrî-Lîm de Mari. Première partie
Le tome XXXIII des Archives royales de Mari avait pour but de réunir les textes qui ont trait aux premières années du règne de Zimrî-Lîm, le dernier roi de Mari. Vu la quantité du matériel épigraphique à disposition, il doit être en fait complété par un tome XXXIV. Ce premier volume fait apparaître les figures politiques majeures qui ont administré les Bord-de-l’Euphrate comme on appelait alors le royaume de Mari, soit surtout Bannum et Sumu-hadû, des personnalités dont la réalité avait été mal perçue. Un second volume doit réunir les textes qui concernent en majorité les Nomades mâr yamîna, les soi-disant Benjaminites, qui après avoir aidé au renversement du pouvoir instauré par le roi d’Ékallatum, Samsî-Addu, (RHM) se sont rebellés contre le nouveau monarque. Il doit réunir la documentation qui concerne deux générations de rois bédouins ainsi que ceux qui ont aidé le roi de Mari à venir à bout des rebelles. Ces ouvrages ARMT XXXIII et XXXIV cherchent à établir la chronologie des textes, autant ceux qui ont déjà été publiés (et aujourd’hui souvent difficiles d’accès) que ceux qui étaient encore inédits. Les chercheurs disposeront ainsi d’une documentation qui va de la prise de Tuttul par les gens de Zimrî-Lîm, au repli des forces d’Eshnunna, abandonnant leur projet de dominer la partie orientale du RHM. Le cadre géographique est tout entier dans la Syrie actuelle, mais inclut pour une bonne part de la documentation qui concerne l’Ouest de la Haute-Djéziré, le Taurus, la vallée du Balih, et l’amont de l’actuelle Der ez-Zor, toutes contrées mal documentées jusqu’à présent pour l’époque dite «amorrite», soit le XVIIIe siècle avant notre ère. Une telle entreprise a son utilité dans la mesure où elle présente l’ensemble de la documentation disponible, tout en respectant l’unité des dossiers, ce qui n’a pu qu’entraîner des chevauchements dans la documentation, tous les dignitaires n’étant pas apparus ni disparus au même moment. Elle a, naturellement, ses fragilités dans la mesure où aucune lettre n’est explicitement datée et où plusieurs documents ont pu se croiser, sans compter que la plupart du temps il est difficile de connaître le suivi des opérations annoncées, certains programmes pouvant être abandonnés. L’état matériel de la documentation laisse, en outre, beaucoup à désirer, les tablettes cunéiformes ayant été trouvées par grandes masses difficilement gérables. Le travail d’édition a été opéré à partir d’un jeu de transcriptions et d’une couverture photographique que l’on pourra consulter sur la base de données ARCHIBAB.
Chronicle Books Yenebi's Drive to School
Dreamers meets School's First Day of School in this vibrant story that puts a whole new spin on one loving family's morning drive to school. Every morning, I'm up at four o'clock. I brush my teeth, get dressed, and drag my sister Melanie to the car where Mami's waiting for us. Se nos va hacer tarde! Apurarse! For the next two hours, we'll be in the car driving-past tamale vendors (my favorite part), through la linea (my least favorite part), and across the US border. That's how we get to school every day. This is our normal. Vamos! In a winning, sunny voice in a bright, friendly palette, debut author-illustrator Sendy Santamaria tells the story of one girl's commute-a commute Sendy herself made growing up as an American citizen living in Mexico. Yenebi's Drive to School takes readers on a trip to school that many will recognize as very similar to their own. WE NEED DIVERSE BOOKS: This book is from a young, up-and-coming artist of color. By reflecting and celebrating the daily details of a child that reflects the author's experience, it is a work that is universal and inviting-truly a mirror, a window, and a door. TIMELY TOPIC: An accessible approach to a serious (and seriously underdocumented) part of American life for many young readers. Teachers, librarians, and parents will appreciate the way this book blends the importance of current events in an easily understandable narrative that kids will enjoy following along with. FAMILY-CENTRIC: The journey described in this story-a loving family's daily trip to school-is timeless and relatable, yet wonderfully specific. UNIQUE EXPERIENCES: Like Last Stop on Market Street, this book leans into the narrator (and creator)'s very particular experience and yet makes the individuality of such an experience highly relatable, communicating to readers that even their most personal routines are part of what connects them with all humans. Young readers who take the bus to school or get driven a few blocks by their parents will see what makes them similar to kids like the author, even if the shape of their routines are different. FRESH APPROACH TO A CLASSIC TOPIC: The author turns the back to school" trope on its head by making the book all about the trip, rather than focusing on apprehension or excitement about school itself. Perfect for: • Teachers and librarians looking for Latinx picture books • Parents looking for bilingual content and bicultural kids' books • Kids who want to read about experiences different than their own • Fans of Dreamers, Our Class is a Family, and The Name Jar
Editorial el Pirata La máscara naranja
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Cada capí tulo es un caso diferente del comisario Caramba, en españ ol. Al final de cada caso, una pregunta te hará hacer de detective. ¿ Será s capaz de contestarla correctamente y resolver el caso? La respuesta a la pregunta está cifrada, ¡ y solo podrá s leerla con la ayuda de la lupa de superdetective incluida en el libro! Recomendado para mejorar la comprensió n lectora. Los libros del comisario Caramba son distintos, los niñ os se lo pasan genial haciendo de detectives a la vez que leen con atenció n para ser capaces de entender la historia y resolver cada caso. ¡ Y despué s deberá n utilizar la lupa de superdetective para descifrar la solució n!Mientras el cajero de un banco se come un yogur, un supuesto cliente entra con una má scara naranja. Una visita al dentista permite atrapar a un ladró n. Un rufiá n roba por encargo unas figuritas de incalculable valor e incluso cuando el comisario Caramba va a un balneario para adelgazar acaba resolviendo una intriga criminal. ¡ Caramba siempre resuelve todos los casos!El comisario Caramba tiene los siguientes tí tulos: - El calcetí n rojo- La má scara naranja- La maleta amarilla- El loro verde- El manubrio lila- El caso Cobra- El dragó n doradoSUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Each chapter is a different case for Inspector Caramba, in Spanish. At the end of each case, a question will make you do some detective work. Will you be able to answer it correctly and solve the case? The answer to the question is encoded, and you will only be able to read it with the help of the super detective’ s magnifying glass included in the book! Recommended to improve reading comprehension.The Comisario Caramba books are different, children have a fantastic time becoming detectives while they read carefully to be able to understand the story and solve each case. And afterwards they have to use the super detective magnifying glass to crack the solution!While a bank teller is eating a yoghurt, someone pretending to be a customer enters the bank wearing an orange mask. A visit to the dentist enables a thief to be caught. A ruffian steals some priceless figurines on demand and even when Inspector Caramba goes to a spa to slim down, he ends up solving a criminal plot. Caramba always resolves every case!El comisario Caramba has the following titles: - El calcetí n rojo- La má scara naranja- La maleta amarilla- El loro verde- El manubrio lila- El caso Cobra- El dragó n dorado
Peeters Publishers "Les Illustres Francaises" Apocryphes: L'"Histoire De Monsieur Le Comte De Vallebois Et De Mademoiselle Charlotte De Pontais Son Epouse" Et Autres Nouvelles
"Quelle est la fille qui (...) etant servante refuse de devenir maitresse, et d'avoir les domestiques a ses ordres? Au lieu de la simplicite des vetements qui convient a son etat, on lui en promet de magnifiques. On va au-devant de tous ses desirs, on lui prodigue les presents; on lui promet que tout lui sera fourni en abondance; l'indigence ou elle a vecu jusqu'alors, lui fait trouver encore plus de charmes dans un changement qui doit la mettre si fort a son aise. Ajoutez a cela quelque vieille femme, qui sous pretexte de l'aider de ses conseils, contribue a la faire donner dans le piege qu'on lui tend...le moyen qu'elle se tire d'un pas si glissant? Vous m'avouerez qu'il faut une vertu peu commune pour resister a tant de sujets de tentation..."Les quatre recits, quoique rediges apres 1720, depeignent la vie quotidienne de jeunes gens dans le Paris de la fin du XVIIe siecle. Leurs intrigues traitent des passions amoureuses et des obstacles que rencontrent de jeunes amants. On peut lire ces histoires en ignorant qu'elles ont paru a la suite du chef-d'oeuvre de Robert Challe dans les differentes editions qui se sont succede au cours du XVIIIe siecle; mais ces pages ne prennent leur pleine dimension que si l'on a deja lu Les Illustres Francaises. Certains des problemes abordes par Robert Challe sont repris par des ecrivains anonymes soucieux de faire passer leurs recits pour des productions authentiques de Robert Challe. Ils s'inspirent directement de son ton et de sa maniere. Ce sont des pastiches. Paradoxalement, ces nouvelles confirment les topoi que Challe s'ingeniait a subvertir. On y touve en effet de nombreux stereotypes que la narration de Challe reussit ordinairement a eviter ou a renouveler. Entre autres, alors que Challe organise son recueil pour qu'on y enregistre une montee croissante du tragique, les continuateurs de ces nouvelles, inscrites dans la ligne des Illustres Francaises, choisissent de privilegier les happy ends. Comme le disait Michele Weil, "on ne reecrit pas Challe", mais a leur facon, ces recits revelent ce que les contemporains de Challe ont percu de son art. S'ils n'atteignent jamais son intensite, leurs auteurs s'inspirent directement de sa maniere, lui empruntent ses themes, voire son style.De tous les petits maitres qui suivent Breugel, aucun ne se confond avec Breugel lui-meme, et pourtant, leurs peintures ne manquent pas d'interet des qu'elles ne se reduisent pas a de simple reproductions et qu'on arrive a les considerer pour elles-memes. C'est un peu ce qui se produit pour les histoires reunies dans ce recueil. On leur touve du charme des qu'on arrive a oublier qu'elles voulaient rivaliser avec Les Illustres Francaises de Robert Challe.
Editorial el Pirata Pequeño, el granito de arena travieso
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Pequeñ o es un granito de arena como los de cualquier playa. Tiene muchos amigos, como cangrejos, conchas y caracolillos. Y cuando se cansa de la playa, se agarra bien fuerte al pie de algú n bañ ista y se va a ver el mundo.Pequeñ o, el granito de arena travieso es el tercer cuento de la colecció n Aprender a leer en letra MAYú SCULA e imprenta, en españ ol, que está ordenada en funció n de la dificultad lectora, siendo el nú mero 1 el má s sencillo y el nú mero 9 el má s complejo.El texto es rimado y está escrito en ambos tipos de letra para facilitar el salto de una a la otra. En cada pá gina se encuentra el mismo texto dos veces: arriba en letra de imprenta y abajo en letra de PALO (mayú sculas). Permite trabajar la lectura en letra mayú scula y el cambio hacia la letra de imprenta. Al final del libro encontrará s un mensaje para reflexionar.Tí tulos de la colecció n: 1) Daniel, el bombero2) Valiente3) Pequeñ o, el granito de arena travieso4) El dragó n que no tení a fuego5) Simba, el leó n6) El tesoro de pirata7) El hombre que tení a tres pelos8) El coche amarillo9) Trompa largaLa colecció n está pensada para aprender a leer y se ordena en funció n de la dificultad lectora. LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL.SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Pequeñ o is a grain of sand like the ones we find on all beaches. He has many friends like crabs, shells and snails. And when he gets tired from the beach, he holds on tight to someone’ s foot and sets off to see the world.Pequeñ o, el granito de arena travieso is the third story from the Aprender a leer en letra MAYú SCULA e imprenta, in Spanish, which is arranged according to reading difficulty, number 1 being the easiest and number 9 the most challenging.Each page contains the same text twice: above in lowercase letters and below in CAPITAL LETTERS (uppercase). It teaches capital letters and makes the change towards lowercase easier. At the end of the book, you can find a message to think about.Titles in the collection: 1) Daniel, el bombero2) Valiente3) Pequeñ o, el granito de arena travieso4) El dragó n que no tení a fuego5) Simba, el leó n6) El tesoro de pirata7) El hombre que tení a tres pelos8) El coche amarillo9) Trompa largaThe collection is designed to learn to read and is arranged according to reading difficulty.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Random House USA Inc Horton cuida un nido (Horton Hatches the Egg Spanish Edition)
¡Edición en español y rimada del clásico de Dr. Seuss en el que se nos presenta por primera vez a Horton el elefante! Querido durante generaciones por su bondad y lealtad, Horton el elefante es uno de los personajes más icónicos y respetados de la literatura infantil. En este libro, en el que Horton pronuncia las palabras «Va en serio lo que dije, y lo que dije así lo siento… Un elefante es leal, ¡y es leal al cien por ciento!», vemos recompensada su integridad con una sorpresa final que encantará a los lectores de todas las edades. Las ediciones rimadas en español de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss, publicadas por Random House, brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read Wwth My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's a Wocket in My Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples Up on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos); Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! (¡Oh, piensa en todo lo que puedes pensar!); The Foot Book! (¡Cuántos, cuántos pies!); Happy Birthday to You! (¡Feliz cumpleaños!); Come Over to My House (Ven a mi casa); Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book (¡Dormilones!); Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog? (¿Preferirías ser una rana?); Horton Hatches the Egg (Horton cuida un nido); y Dr. Seuss's 1 2 3 (Cuenta con Dr. Seuss 1 2 3). A rhymed, Spanish edition of the Dr. Seuss classic that first introduced Horton the Elephant! Beloved by generations for his kindness and loyalty, Horton the Elephant is one of the most iconic and honorable characters in children's literature. In this book—the comic classic in which Horton utters the line "I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. . . . An elephant's faithful, one hundred per cent!"—we see his integrity rewarded with a surprise ending that will delight readers of all ages.
DK El libro de la ciencia (The Science Book)
Grandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasCon un lenguaje accesible, El libro de la ciencia ofrece concisas explicaciones que desbrozan la jerga académica, esquemas que hacen sencillas las teorías más complejas, citas memorables y una serie de ingeniosas ilustraciones que juegan con nuestras percepciones y creencias. ¿Es posible una teoría del todo? ¿Comenzó el Universo con un Big Bang? ¿Es la luz una onda, una partícula o ambas cosas?Desde la observación de los astros a la física cuántica, la ciencia hace posible comprender el mundo en que vivimos y los teóricos multiversos más allá, posibilita los avances tecnológicos y amplía las fronteras del conocimiento. Tanto el neófito como el estudiante de ciencias o el experto aficionado hallarán en este libro de ciencia en español material con el que estimular su mente.Mentes científicas: observa, piensa, experimenta, ¡y descubre!“Todas las verdades son fáciles de entender una vez descubiertas, la cuestión es descubrirlas” - Galileo Galilei. Adéntrate en la práctica del pensamiento crítico y científico de la mano de esta completa referencia sobre la historia de la ciencia. La ciencia es una búsqueda constante de la verdad, un esfuerzo perpetuo por descubrir cómo funciona el Universo que se remonta a las primeras civilizaciones. Impulsada por la curiosidad humana, la ciencia se ha desarrollado gracias al razonamiento, la observación y la experimentación. Sin embargo, este no siempre fue el proceso. Aristóteles, el filósofo griego, fue un buen observador de la naturaleza, que recurrió exclusivamente al pensamiento y al razonamiento, sin realizar experimento alguno. Galileo, posteriormente, demostró con la experimentación que una de sus teorías era falsa. ¿Sabes a cuál nos referimos?Este libro de ciencia para niños, jóvenes y adultos nos lleva a un viaje a través de la historia de la ciencia, que va desde la observación de los planetas, declarando que la Tierra gira alrededor del Sol, hasta afirmaciones más modernas como que la Tierra y todas sus formas de vida componen un único organismo o que estamos hechos de polvo de estrellas. Este interesante libro de ciencias en español desglosa la historia de la ciencia en los siguientes capítulos: • Los orígenes de la ciencia. 600 A.C.-1400 d.C. • La revolución científica. 1400-1700 • Horizontes en expansión. 1700-1800 • Un siglo de progresos. 1800-1900 • Un cambio de paradigma. 1900-1945 • Los constituyentes últimos. 1945-presente. El libro de la ciencia pertenece a la galardonada serie Grandes Ideas explica temas complejos de un modo fácil de entender mediante explicaciones claras y alejándose del academicismo tradicional. Su creativo diseño y los gráficos innovadores que acompañan al texto hacen de esta serie una introducción perfecta a una gran diversidad de materias para toda la familia.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Unspeakable Mind: Stories of Trauma and Healing from the Frontlines of PTSD Science
From a physician and post-traumatic stress disorder specialist comes a nuanced cartography of PTSD, a widely misunderstood yet crushing condition that afflicts millions of Americans."Dr. Jain’s beautiful prose illuminates this widely misunderstood condition and makes for fascinating reading. It is a must for anyone who has a survived trauma, their loved ones and the healthcare professionals who care for them." --Irvin Yalom, bestselling author of When Nietzsche WeptThe Unspeakable Mind is the definitive guide for a trauma-burdened age. With profound empathy and meticulous research, Shaili Jain, M.D.—a practicing psychiatrist and PTSD specialist at one of America’s top VA hospitals, trauma scientist at the National Center for PTSD, and a Stanford Professor—shines a long-overdue light on the PTSD epidemic affecting today’s fractured world. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder goes far beyond the horrors of war and is an inescapable part of all our lives. At any given moment, more than six million Americans are suffering with PTSD. Dr. Jain’s groundbreaking work demonstrates the ways this disorder cuts to the heart of life, interfering with one’s capacity to love, create, and work—incapacity brought on by a complex interplay between biology, genetics, and environment. Beyond the struggles of individuals, PTSD has a tangible imprint on our cultures and societies around the world.Since 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there has been a huge growth in the science of PTSD, a body of evidence that continues to grow exponentially. With this new knowledge have come dramatic advances in the effective treatment of this condition. Jain draws on a decade of her own clinical innovation and research and argues for a paradigm shift in how PTSD should be approached in the new millennium. She highlights the myriads of ways PTSD care is being transformed to make it more accessible, acceptable, and available to sufferers via integrated care models, use of peer support programs, and technology. By identifying those among us who are most vulnerable to developing PTSD, cutting edge medical interventions that hold the promise of preventing the onset of PTSD are becoming more of a reality than ever before.Combining vividly recounted patient stories, interviews with some of the world’s top trauma scientists, and her professional expertise from working on the frontlines of PTSD, The Unspeakable Mind offers a textured portrait of this invisible illness that is unrivaled in scope and lays bare PTSD's roots, inner workings, and paths to healing. This book is essential reading for understanding how humans can recover from unspeakable trauma. The Unspeakable Mind stands as the definitive guide to PTSD and offers lasting hope to sufferers, their loved ones, and health care providers everywhere.
Peeters Publishers Vatican II: concile de transition et de renouveau: La contribution des évêques et théologiens belges
La contribution des évêques et théologiens belges au Concile Vatican II a été largement mise en lumière en 2005 lors d’un colloque scientifique (cf. D. DONNELLY et al. [éds], The Belgian Contribution to the Second Vatican Council: International Research Conference at Mechelen, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve (September 12-16, 2005) [BETL, 216], Leuven – Paris – Dudley, MA, Peeters, 2008). Il en résulte que le Pontificio Collegio Belga a été l’un des «laboratoires» de plusieurs textes conciliaires, non seulement de Lumen gentium, mais aussi de Dei Verbum et de Gaudium et spes. Leo Declerck, auteur de ce volume, était pendant ces années vice-recteur du Collège belge et adjoint du recteur Mgr A. Prignon qui a exercé une grande influence auprès du cardinal Suenens et des autres évêques belges. Déjà à l’époque, Leo Declerck a gardé (et classé) pour les archives de Prignon une copie des documents (correspondances, projets de textes) produits ou polycopiés au Collège belge et que Prignon lui avait confiés, une partie de ceux-ci provenant des papiers Suenens. Quarante ans plus tard, il a entamé le classement et l’édition des inventaires des archives de plusieurs protagonistes du concile: Suenens, Charue, De Smedt, Heuschen, Philips, Willebrands, Heylen, Lanne. La découverte de documents inédits fut à l’origine de la publication d’un certain nombre d’articles qui concernent des acteurs belges et de la mise sous les projecteurs de quelques péripéties moins connues mais cruciales de l’histoire conciliaire et postconciliaire (notamment la réponse des évêques belges au Questionnaire du cardinal Ottaviani en 1966, et la réaction du cardinal Suenens et de l’épiscopat belge à l’encyclique Humanae vitae en 1968). Le recueil des articles comprend des textes concernant d’abord le cardinal Suenens (membre de la Commission de coordination et un des quatre modérateurs du concile), puis Mgr Charue (2ème vice-président de la Commission doctrinale), Mgr De Smedt (qui a joué un rôle majeur dans le texte Dignitatis humanae sur la liberté religieuse mais aussi dans Nostra aetate sur les religions non chrétiennes), Mgr Heuschen (dont l’aide, surtout dans l’expensio modorum de Lumen gentium, fut indispensable sans négliger le rôle qu’il a joué dans le chapitre De Matrimonio de Gaudium et spes), Mgr Prignon enfin (dont l’influence discrète auprès du cardinal Suenens a souvent été déterminante). Il va sans dire que l’auteur, étant actuellement un des rares survivants de Vatican II, a pu pimenter ses textes par quelques souvenirs personnels et vécus. À bon droit, le professeur Étienne Fouilloux observe dans sa Préface que: «Par-delà l’intérêt spécifique de chacun de ces extraits, leur rassemblement prouve que Leo Declerck n’est pas seulement l’archiviste indispensable de l’événement Vatican II vu de Belgique, mais un historien à part entière de l’Église catholique en Concile, dont il est aujourd’hui l’un des plus fins et des plus scrupuleux connaisseurs».
Cornerstone Mister / The Mister
Una nueva y apasionada historia de amor de E L James, autora del fenómeno mundial de ventas, la Trilogía Cincuenta sombras. Londres 2019. Maxim Trevelyan ha tenido siempre una vida fácil. Con su apostura, sus conexiones aristocráticas y el dinero familiar, nunca ha tenido que trabajar y pocas veces tiene que dormir solo. Pero todo cambia cuando una tragedia golpea la familia y Maxim hereda el título de nobleza, las propiedades y la responsabilidad que eso conlleva. Es un papel para el que no está preparado y que le va a costar enfrentar.Pero su mayor reto consistirá en contener su deseo por una inesperada joven que aparece en su vida, recién llegada a Inglaterra sin más que un pasado lleno de problemas y peligros. Reticente, bella y dotada para la música, se convierte en un atrayente misterio y el deseo de Maxim por ella se transforma en una pasión que jamás había sentido y que no se atreve a nombrar. Pero, ¿quién es Alessia Demachi? ¿Puede Maxim protegerla del mal que la acecha? ¿Y qué hará ella cuando sepa que él también ha estado ocultando sus propios secretos?Desde el corazón de Londres y el agreste paisaje rural de Cornwall, hasta la sombría e imponente belleza de los Balcanes, Mister nos lleva en una montaña rusa de emociones, peligros y deseo que deja al lector sin aliento hasta la última página.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThe #1 New York Times bestseller—a thrilling romance by E L James, author of the phenomenal bestselling Fifty Shades Trilogy. London, 2019. Life has been easy for Maxim Trevelyan. With his good looks, aristocratic connections, and money, he’s never had to work and he’s rarely slept alone. But all that changes when tragedy strikes and Maxim inherits his family’s noble title, wealth, and estates, and all the responsibility that entails. It’s a role he’s not prepared for and one that he struggles to face. But his biggest challenge is fighting his desire for an unexpected, enigmatic young woman who’s recently arrived in England, possessing little more than a dangerous and troublesome past. Reticent, beautiful, and musically gifted, she’s an alluring mystery, and Maxim’s longing for her deepens into a passion that he’s never experienced and dares not name. Just who is Alessia Demachi? Can Maxim protect her from the malevolence that threatens her? And what will she do when she learns that he’s been hiding secrets of his own? From the heart of London through wild, rural Cornwall to the bleak, forbidding beauty of the Balkans, The Mister is a roller-coaster ride of danger and desire that leaves the reader breathless to the very last page.
Random House USA Inc Horton cuida un nido (Horton Hatches the Egg Spanish Edition)
¡Edición en español y rimada del clásico de Dr. Seuss en el que se nos presenta por primera vez a Horton el elefante! Querido durante generaciones por su bondad y lealtad, Horton el elefante es uno de los personajes más icónicos y respetados de la literatura infantil. En este libro, en el que Horton pronuncia las palabras «Va en serio lo que dije, y lo que dije así lo siento… Un elefante es leal, ¡y es leal al cien por ciento!», vemos recompensada su integridad con una sorpresa final que encantará a los lectores de todas las edades. Las ediciones rimadas en español de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss, publicadas por Random House, brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read Wwth My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's a Wocket in My Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples Up on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos); Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! (¡Oh, piensa en todo lo que puedes pensar!); The Foot Book! (¡Cuántos, cuántos pies!); Happy Birthday to You! (¡Feliz cumpleaños!); Come Over to My House (Ven a mi casa); Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book (¡Dormilones!); Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog? (¿Preferirías ser una rana?); Horton Hatches the Egg (Horton cuida un nido); y Dr. Seuss's 1 2 3 (Cuenta con Dr. Seuss 1 2 3). A rhymed, Spanish edition of the Dr. Seuss classic that first introduced Horton the Elephant! Beloved by generations for his kindness and loyalty, Horton the Elephant is one of the most iconic and honorable characters in children's literature. In this book—the comic classic in which Horton utters the line "I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. . . . An elephant's faithful, one hundred per cent!"—we see his integrity rewarded with a surprise ending that will delight readers of all ages.
Milkweed Editions Copper Nickel Issue 37
Copper Nickel is the national literary journal housed at the University of Colorado Denver. It is edited by poet, editor, and translator Wayne Miller (author of five collections, including We the Jury and Post-, coeditor of Literary Publishing in the Twenty-First Century, and co-translator of Moikom Zeqo’s Zodiac) and co-editor Joanna Luloff (author of the novel Remind Me Again What Happened and the story collection The Beach at Galle Road)—along with poetry editors Brian Barker (author of Vanishing Acts, The Black Ocean, and The Animal Gospels) and Nicky Beer (author of Real Phonies and Genuine Fakes, The Octopus Game and The Diminishing House), and fiction editors Teague Bohlen (author of The Pull of the Earth), Alexander Lumans (whose work has appeared in American Short Fiction, Gulf Coast, The Paris Review, Story Quarterly, and elsewhere), and Christopher Merkner (author of The Rise & Fall of the Scandamerican Domestic). Since the journal’s relaunch in 2015, work published in Copper Nickel has been regularly selected for inclusion in Best American Poetry, Best American Short Stories, Best Small Fictions, Best Literary Translations, and the Pushcart Prize Anthology, and has often been listed as “notable” in the Best American Essays. According to Clifford Garstang’s US literary journal rankings, Copper Nickel is ranked number 10 for poetry and number 34 for fiction, out of more than 700 regularly publishing literary journals. Contributors to Copper Nickel have received numerous honors for their work, including the Nobel Prize; the National Book Critics Circle Award; the Pulitzer Prize; the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award; the Kate Tufts Discovery Award; the Laughlin Award; the American, California, Colorado, Minnesota, and Washington State Book Awards; the Georg Büchner Prize; the Prix Max Jacob; the Lenore Marshall Prize; the T. S. Eliot and Forward Prizes; the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award; the Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award; the Lambda Literary Award; as well as fellowships from the NEA and the MacArthur, Guggenheim, Ingram Merrill, Witter Bynner, Soros, Rona Jaffee, Bush, and Jerome Foundations. Copper Nickel is published twice a year, on March 15 and October 15, and is distributed nationally to bookstores and other outlets by Publishers Group West (PGW) and Accelerate 360.Issue 37 Includes: • Poetry Translation Folios with work by Ukrainian poet Alex Averbuch, translated by Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky; Russian poet Anzhelina Polonskaya, translated by Andrew Wachtel; and Italian fiction writer Elena Varvello, translated by Jennifer Panek. • A feature of poems by three South American poets—Claudia Magliano from Uruguay, Eliana Hernández Pachón from Colombia, and Úrsula Starke from Chile—edited by Jesse Lee Kercheval and featuring a Q&A with both the poets and the translators. • New Poetry by International Latino Book Award–winner William Archila; NEA Fellows Michael Bazzett and Amy Beeder; Lambda Literary Award–winner Benjamin S. Grossberg; Kate Tufts Discovery Award–finalist Julie Hanson; Grolier Prize–winner John Hodgen; four-time Pushcart Prize–winner Mark Irwin; Jake Adam York Prize–winners Yalie Saweda Kamara and Christopher Brean Murray; Audre Lorde Award–winners Meg Day and Maureen Seaton; relative newcomers Mansi Dahal, Christine Kwon, Weijia Pan, Patrick Wilcox, Alison Zheng; and many others. • New Fiction by Stephanie Carpenter, Becky Hagenston, Jacqueline Kolosov, and Luke Rolfes/ • New Essays by TS Eliot Award–winner and National Book Critics Circle Finalist Sinéad Morrissey and Anne P. Beatty. • Cover Art by New York–based Native-American “photo-weaving” artist, Sarah Sense.Contributor LocationsContributors to issue 37 come from all over the country and the world.U.S. cities/regions where contributors are concentrated include:Denver, CO (home of Copper Nickel and the Copper Nickel staff; contributors Andrew Hemmert andMaureen Seaton)Los Angeles, CA (contributors William Archila, Mark Irwin, and Michael Mark; contributing editorsVictoria Chang, Piotr Florczyk, Amaud Jamaul Johnson, and Chris Santiago)Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN (home of Milkweed Editions; contributors Mair Allen and MichaelBazzett; contributing editor V. V. Ganeshananthan)Houston, TX (contributors Ayokunle Falomo, Christopher Brean Murray, and Weijia Pan;contributing editor Kevin Prufer)New York, NY (contributors Mansi Dahal, Eliana Herández Pachón, and Tyler Mills)Chicago, IL (contributors Oksana Maksymchuk and Michael Robins; contributing editor RobertArchambeau)San Francisco Bay Area, CA (contributor Alison Zheng; contributing editor Randall Mann)Kansas City, MO (contributor Patrick Wilcox; contributing editor Robert Long Foreman)Greensboro, NC (contributor Anne P. Beatty; contributing editor Emilia Phillips)Dallas, TX (contributor Mag Gabbert; contributing editor Tarfia Faizullah)Boston/Cambridge, MA (contributing editors Martha Collins and Frederick Reiken)Pittsburgh, PA (contributing editors Joy Katz and Kevin Haworth)Maryville, MO (contributors John Gallaher and Luke Rolphes)US Cities/Regions with single contributors:West Hartford, CT (contributor Benjamin S. Grossberg)Cedar Rapids, IA (contributor Julie Hanson)Dubuque, IA (contributor Jeannine Marie Pitas)New Orleans, LA (contributor Christine Kwon)Worcester, MA (contributor John Hodgen)Frederick, MD (contributor Elizabeth Knapp)Hannock, MI (contributor Stephanie Carpenter)Grand Rapids, MI (contributor L. S. Klatt)Starkville, MS (contributor Becky Hagenston)Raleigh, NC (contributor Meg Day)Omaha, NE (contributor Trey Moody)Albuquerque, NM (contributor Amy Beeder)Cincinnati, OH (contributor Yalie Saweda Kamara)Easton, PA (contributor Owen McLeod)Lubbock, TX (contributor Jacqueline Kolosov)Lexington, VA (contributor Seth Michelson)Bellingham, WA (contributor Jeffrey Morgan)Ellensburg, WA (contributor Maya Jewell Zeller)Eau Claire, WI (contributor Dorothy Chan)Madison, WI (contributor Jesse Lee Kercheval)Ottawa, Ontario (contributor Jennifer Panek)Philadelphia, PA (contributing editor Adrienne Perry)Washington, DC (contributing editor David Keplinger)Boca Raton, FL (contributing editor A. Papatya Bucak)Boise, ID (contributing editor Emily Ruskovich)Lexington, KY (contributing editor Ada Limón)Princeton, NJ (contributing editor James Richardson)Canton, NY (contributing editor Pedro Ponce)Saint Louis, MO (contributing editor Niki Herd)Missoula, MT (contributing editor Sean Hill)Tulsa, OK (contributing editor Kaveh Bassiri)Blacksburg, VA (contributing editor Janine Joseph) International contributors live in:Montevideo, UruguayNewcastle-upon-Tyne, UKMexico City, MXSan Bernardo, ChileTurin, ItalyBishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Thomas Nelson Publishers Las trampas del miedo, Edición limitada, con borde artesanal: Una visita a las dimensiones biológicas, psicológicas y espirituales para desmantelar el temor paralizante y la tiranía del autosabotaje
Con borde artesanal, exclusivamente en la edición limitada de tapa dura.Un arsenal de armas contra el miedo que te llevará a establecer una nueva relación con las circunstancias que te producen temor e iniciar el camino a un nuevo y mejor futuro.Las trampas del miedo, la continuación del éxito de ventas, Inquebrantables, es una visita a las dimensiones biológicas, psicológicas y espirituales de los temores que debemos desmantelar. El autor explica cómo operan estas trampas y ofrece herramientas para superarlas, pero no se queda allí: incluye varias de las secuelas que el miedo causa y explora alternativas para enfrentarlas.Las trampas del miedo es para ti si quieres: desmantelar los miedos paralizantes tomar mejores decisiones trazar el mapa de tu propósito navegar la soledad catalizar la pérdida aprender a meditar y orar En este libro, Habif potencia su habitual discurso desenfadado y energizante con una recopilación de investigaciones que soportan la médula de su pensamiento, varias de ellas a contrapelo de lo que suele repetirse en los discursos de motivación. Es un arsenal de datos de interés y ejercicios de fácil aplicación y seguimiento.Su propuesta va desde las profundidades de la comprensión del miedo a ciertos comportamientos que, sin saberlo, están vinculados con él, como las adicciones, la permanencia en el dolor, la ausencia de control interno o el rechazo al amor.Desde los padecimientos producidos por el miedo a su recuperación, Habif escoge sus experiencias y comparte las claves de su éxito. Estos conocimientos llevarán a los lectores a establecer una nueva relación con las circunstancias que les producen temor y a comprender que no tiene que huirle, sino responder con los mismos recursos que este aplica: una estrategia de trampas.La encuadernación de Las Trampas del miedo versión tapa dura fue diseñada con especial cuidado para representar la tensión que existe entre la incertidumbre y la certeza. Esa tensión se observa en cada detalle del diseño. Los bordes de las páginas presentan una terminación no acabada, que se logra mediante una técnica especial de cortado que busca proyectar la apariencia de haber sido roto a mano. Esto busca simbolizar una obra en proceso, un proyecto no terminado, como lo es cada persona.Fear TrapsAn arsenal of weapons against fear that will lead you to establish a new relationship with the circumstances that produce fear and start the path to a new and better future.In Fear Traps, the follow-up to the bestseller, Unbreakables, is a trek into the biological, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of fear that we must dismantle. The author explains how these traps operate and offers tools for overcoming them.Fear Traps is for you if you want to: dismantle paralyzing fears make better decisions create a map for your purpose navigate loneliness come to grips with loss learn to meditate and pray In this book, Habif guides us with his usual light-hearted and energizing manner through research that supports the core of his thinking, going against the grain of what’s common in many other motivational and self-help books. Fear Traps is an arsenal of interesting data and exercises that are easy to apply and follow.
Random House USA Inc ¿Te he dicho alguna vez lo afortunado que eres? (Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? Spanish Edition)
¡Edición en español y rimada del clásico de Dr. Seuss acerca del optimismo! Si crees que todo va mal,si estás triste o amargado, si te empiezas a enojar…,¡debes hacer lo que yo hago! Así comienza el magnífico consejo que le da un viejo sabio a un joven en este admirado álbum ilustrado de Dr. Seuss. Una divertida historia que nos enseña una lección acerca del pensamiento positivo, el antídoto perfecto para lectores de todas las edades que se sienten deprimidos o bajos de ánimo. ¡Gracias a las características rimas de Dr. Seuss y sus singulares ilustraciones, los lectores, sin lugar a duda, se darán cuenta de lo afortunados que en realidad son!Las ediciones rimadas y en español de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss publicadas por Random House brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!), y Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!). Ideal tanto para leer en casa como en la escuela, estos libros han sido meticulosamente traducidos, respetando la rima, por autores y traductores latinoamericanos, y supervisados por Teresa Mlawer, reconocida y galardonada traductora durante más de cincuenta años. A rhymed Spanish edition of Dr. Seuss's classic story about optimism!When you think things are bad, when you feel sour and blue,when you start to get mad . . .you should do what I do!So begins the terrific advice spoken by a wise old man to a young boy in this beloved picture book by Dr. Seuss. A funny story that teaches a valuable lesson about positive thinking, its the perfect antidote for readers of all ages who are feeling a bit down in the dumps. Thanks to Dr. Seuss's trademark rhymes and signature illustrations, readers will—no doubt—see just how lucky they truly are!Random House's rhymed Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy over 30 different classic Dr. Seuss titles including The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez dos peces pez rojo pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); and Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!). Perfect for home and classroom use, they are meticulously translated in rhyme by native Latin American Spanish speakers overseen by award-winning translator Teresa Mlawer.
Random House USA Inc ¿Te he dicho alguna vez lo afortunado que eres? (Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? Spanish Edition)
¡Edición en español y rimada del clásico de Dr. Seuss acerca del optimismo! Si crees que todo va mal, si estás triste o amargado, si te empiezas a enojar…, ¡debes hacer lo que yo hago! Así comienza el magnífico consejo que le da un viejo sabio a un joven en este admirado álbum ilustrado de Dr. Seuss. Una divertida historia que nos enseña una lección acerca del pensamiento positivo, el antídoto perfecto para lectores de todas las edades que se sienten deprimidos o bajos de ánimo. ¡Gracias a las características rimas de Dr. Seuss y sus singulares ilustraciones, los lectores, sin lugar a duda, se darán cuenta de lo afortunados que en realidad son!Las ediciones rimadas y en español de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss publicadas por Random House brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!), y Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!). Ideal tanto para leer en casa como en la escuela, estos libros han sido meticulosamente traducidos, respetando la rima, por autores y traductores latinoamericanos, y supervisados por Teresa Mlawer, reconocida y galardonada traductora durante más de cincuenta años.A rhymed Spanish edition of Dr. Seuss's classic story about optimism!When you think things are bad, when you feel sour and blue,when you start to get mad . . .you should do what I do!So begins the terrific advice spoken by a wise old man to a young boy in this beloved picture book by Dr. Seuss. A funny story that teaches a valuable lesson about positive thinking, its the perfect antidote for readers of all ages who are feeling a bit down in the dumps. Thanks to Dr. Seuss's trademark rhymes and signature illustrations, readers will—no doubt—see just how lucky they truly are!Random House's rhymed Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy over 30 different classic Dr. Seuss titles including The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez dos peces pez rojo pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); and Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!). Perfect for home and classroom use, they are meticulously translated in rhyme by native Latin American Spanish speakers overseen by award-winning translator Teresa Mlawer.
Thomas Nelson Publishers El lunes empiezo de nuevo: Rompe el ciclo de los hábitos alimenticios poco saludables con satisfacción espiritual duradera
*El lunes empiezo de nuevo es una nueva versión revisada y condensada del best seller de Lysa Fui hecha para desear.*¿Los planes alimenticios saludables te han hecho sentir derrotada? Basado en su libro best seller Fui hecha para desear, pero ahora abreviado para lectores ocupados, Lysa TerKeurst ofrece una nueva perspectiva para todas aquellas personas atrapadas en el ciclo de perder peso pero luego recuperarlo, equipando a los lectores con la motivación espiritual y emocional más profunda que necesitan, para hacer cambios duraderos.A menudo caracterizamos nuestros antojos de comida como malos o que provocan culpa. Pero el antojo no es algo malo. La realidad es que fuimos hechos para desear. Solo tenemos que darnos cuenta de que Dios nos creó para desear más de Él, en lugar de perder ese deseo por complacernos en placeres físicos y alimentos poco saludables que siempre decepcionarán. En medio de su lucha personal con esto, la autora best seller del New York Times, Lysa TerKerust, nos invita a encontrar el eslabón perdido entre el deseo de una mujer de estar sana y el empoderamiento espiritual necesario para que esto suceda. En este libro recientemente revisado y condensado, Lysa nos muestra cómo: romper el ciclo de «El lunes empiezo de nuevo» y sentirte bien contigo hoy; dejar de agonizar por los números en la báscula y hacer las paces con tu cuerpo; reemplazar las racionalizaciones que conducen al fracaso por la sabiduría que conduce a la victoria; y alcanzar tus metas saludables y acercarte más a Dios en el proceso. Este no es un libro de «instrucciones». Tampoco es el último y mejor plan de dieta. Es el recurso necesario a utilizar junto con cualquier plan de estilo de vida saludable que elijas, que te ayudará a encontrar tu «deseo» y te llevará a una satisfacción espiritual que va mucho más allá de lo físico.I’ll Start Again Monday*I'll Start Again Monday is a newly revised and condensed version of Lysa's bestseller Made to Crave.*Have healthy eating plans left you feeling defeated? Based on her bestselling book Made to Crave, but now distilled down for busy readers, Lysa TerKeurst offers a new perspective to all those stuck in the cycle of losing weight but then gaining it back, equipping readers with the deeper spiritual and emotional motivation they need to make lasting changes.So often we characterize our food cravings as bad or guilt-inducing. But craving isn't a bad thing. The reality is we were made to crave. We just need to realize God created us to crave more of Him instead of misplacing that craving by overindulging in physical pleasures and unhealthy food that will always disappoint. In the midst of her own personal struggle with this, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst invites us to find the missing link between a woman's desire to be healthy and the spiritual empowerment necessary to make that happen. In this newly revised and condensed book, Lysa shows us how to break the cycle of "I'll start again Monday" and feel good about yourself today; stop agonizing over numbers on the scale and make peace with your body; replace rationalizations that lead to failure with wisdom that leads to victory; and reach your healthy goals and grow closer to God through the process.
Headline Publishing Group Manhunters: How We Took Down Pablo Escobar
The explosive memoir of legendary DEA agents and the subject of the hit Netflix series Narcos, Steve Murphy and Javier F. Peña For the first time, legendary DEA operatives Steve Murphy and Javier F. Pena tell the true story of how they took down Pablo Escobar. Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar's brutal Medellin Cartel was responsible for trafficking tonnes of cocaines to North America and Europe in the 1980s and '90s. Colombia became a war zone as his sicarios mercilessly murdered thousands of people - competitors, police and civilians - to ensure he remained Colombia's reigning kingpin. With billions in personal income, Escobar bought off politicians and lawmen and became a hero to poorer communities by building houses and sports centres. He was untouchable. But when Escobar became one of America's most wanted, agents Steve Murphy and Javier F Pena were tasked with ending his reign of terror. For eighteen months, Steve and Javier lived and worked beside Colombian authorities, finding themselves in the crosshairs of sicarios who were targeting them for the $300,000 bounty Escobar placed on their heads. Undeterred, they risked the dangers, relentlessly and ruthlessly separating the drug lord from his resources and allies, tearing apart his empire, and sending him underground and on the run from enemies on both sides of the law. From their rigorous physical training and early assignments in Miami and Austin, to the Colombian mission that would make their names, Manhuntersis the jaw-dropping true story of how the world's most infamous narcoterrorist was finally put out of business. *"Riveting. A must-read for anyone interested in one of the major campaigns on the war on drugs." Publishers Weekly"A thriller-esque account...keep[s] the pages turning." Kirkus Reviews"A gripping insider account of the hunt for Pablo Escobar. Brilliant, bold, and no holds barred, this is an impeccable true crime story, told by the two brave men who risked everything to bring down the world's first narco-terrorist. A five-star read!" Brad Thor, #1 New York Times bestselling author of 'Spymaster'"Manhunters is a riveting account of two brave DEA Agents who put their lives, along with their families lives, on the line to fight the war on drugs in the US and Colombia. A must read on the take down of Pablo Escobar and the part they played in the investigation." Joe Pistone, a.k.a. Donnie Brasco"A fast-paced tale by two agents for the DEA who had the inside track on bringing down the most wanted man in recent U.S history." Bruce Porter, New York Times bestselling author of 'Blow' and 'Snatched'"Manhunters is a gripping story about two true patriots who were the difference makers in the final hunt for Pablo Escobar. They are heroes to a world that was otherwise held captive by the evil of the planet's first narco-terrorist. Their bravery is unparalleled, and we owe them a great deal of gratitude for their selfless sacrifices. It is an honor to know them and their story." ?Robert Mazur, New York Times bestselling author of The Infiltrator"Steve and Javier's experience on the front lines of the war on drugs over the last thirty years made them an invaluable source of information for us. Their contacts, both foreign and domestic, allowed us to put together a narrative of one of the most complex, poorly reported, and misunderstood chapters in our recent past." Eric Newman, Executive Producer, 'Narcos'"Steve Murphy and Javier Pena recount their involvement in the pursuit and ultimate victory over a savvy and ruthless killer who declared an uncivil war against his own country. Never failing to credit Colombian heroism in this gripping struggle, Murphy and Pena offer fresh details of the chase for Pablo Escobar that resulted in his defeat and reclamation of the country from the deadly forces of narco-terrorism. A must-read for any fan of Narcos!" Chris Brancato, Executive Producer, 'Narcos'"Steve Murphy and Javier Pena are the real deal; true heroes of the drug war. Manhunters outlines the most important operation in the history of DEA; the killing of the most brutal and notorious drug lord in the world, Pablo Escobar. They give an incredible account of that day in Medellin, Colombia, when Pablo was killed by Colombian police that were supported, advised, and trained by these two American warriors who were on the scene when it all happened. This book is a great read and a critical account of DEA's finest hour." LTG (Ret.) William G. Boykin, Former Commander of U.S. Army Special Forces and Founding Member of Delta Force"Manhunters grabs you from the first page and gives you a front-row seat into the harrowing inter-agency and international hunt for the brutal narcotrafficker Pablo Escobar. Two unlikely heroes recount their stories in a way that is both compelling and captivating." Congresswoman Mary Bono"A compelling read about the adventures of two true American law enforcement heroes who ultimately took on the world's first narco-terrorist, the world's most wanted criminal, the world's largest cocaine baron, Pablo Escobar, and won! They include accounts of other investigations, personal challenges, and the sacrifices made not only by them but their families as well." Barbara Comstock, former VA congresswoman