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John Wiley and Sons Ltd Dyslexia in the Workplace: An Introductory Guide
The second edition of Dyslexia in the Workplace is a comprehensive guide to how dyslexic adults in employment can improve their skills, and how their employers and other professionals can help. Offers invaluable insights for overcoming obstacles to success, enhancing workplace efficiency and ensuring that dyslexic employees achieve their full potential Written in an accessible style that is perfect for professionals and dyslexic individuals alike Covers related syndromes such as dyspraxia, attention deficit disorder and visual stress Explores the legal obligations and other issues that are important to workplace managers, especially human resources professionals Provides authoritative guidance on recent case law relating to dyslexia
Baron Barclay Bridge Supplies Five Tips to Simplify Entries: The Importance of the Link Card
John Wiley & Sons Inc Employee Well-being Support: A Workplace Resource
Employees have a set of needs as part of the 'psychological contract' of employment. However, organizations operate for a reason and they too have agendas and needs. It is how the two come together that determines the capacity for good human relations and optimum productivity. Employee Well-being Support is an edited collection of expert contributions that explores all key issues in this increasingly critical area.
Puddle Dancer Press The No-Fault Classroom: Tools to Resolve Conflict & Foster Relationship Intelligence
Positing a radically new understanding of the root of conflict—unmet needs—this analysis boldly directs students and teachers to recognize feelings as important messengers of those needs. Refocusing attention from feelings to the needs behind the feelings addresses the underlying problem rather than the symptom; with this objective, the concept of the “No–Fault Zone" is introduced. It is a place in the classroom free from criticism or blame where students learn trust and respect for one another, develop successful conflict-resolution skills, and the responsibility for resolution shifts from teacher to students. The complete conflict resolution curriculum is included, providing step-by-step guidance and making this classroom kit a time-saver for busy teachers.
Aftershock Comics Patience! Conviction! Revenge! Vol 1
Renegade Arts Canmore Ltd Shame Volume 4: Hope
Oertel Und Spoerer GmbH Im Schwarzwald geht der Tod um Schwarzwaldkrimi
University of Massachusetts Press Service Denied: Marginalized Veterans in Modern American History
Wartime military service is held up as a marker of civic duty and patriotism, yet the rewards of veteran status have never been equally distributed. Certain groups of military veterans—women, people of color, LGBTQ people, and former service members with stigmatizing conditions, "bad paper" discharges, or criminal records—have been left out of official histories, excised from national consciousness, and denied state recognition and military benefits.Chronicling the untold stories of marginalized veterans in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Service Denied uncovers the generational divides, cultural stigmas, and discriminatory policies that affected veterans during and after their military service. Together, the chapters in this collection recast veterans beyond the archetype, inspiring an innovative model for veterans studies that encourages an intersectional and interdisciplinary analysis of veterans history. In addition to contributions from the volume editors, this collection features scholarship by Barbara Gannon, Robert Jefferson, Evan P. Sullivan, Steven Rosales, Heather Marie Stur, Juan Coronado, Kara Dixon Vuic, John Worsencroft, and David Kieran.
Oertel Und Spoerer GmbH Schwarzwaldfrost
Hamburger Edition Robbenreich
MO - University of Illinois Press The Creative Process in Music from Mozart to Kurtag
Taylor & Francis Inc Librarians on the Internet: Impact on Reference Services
Here is one of the first books to focus on the Internet?s impact on library services. Libraries have evolved over many years and contain traditions of organization. The Internet---disorganized, fluid, mutative--challenges the logic of the librarian. How responsive are librarians to the Internet? How do they use it? What are their interests? What does the Internet mean to their world? Librarians on the Internet addresses many questions such as these and provides a snapshot of librarians’work with the Internet.Authors from around the United States and Canada discuss many aspects of Internet use, including gophers, VERONICA, science sources, electronic text, bibliographic instruction, training, and implementation of information services. Chapters focus not so much on the Internet in general as on librarians’use of the Internet as they take on a new task--essentially using a virtual library. Readers will discover how their colleagues are using this new technology to their advantage. Librarians on the Internet makes it clear that librarians who utilize the Internet have an edge in the world of information. The questions this book answers--and those it raises--inform and challenge librarians as they forge ahead into the future on the Internet.
Oertel Und Spoerer GmbH Hundstage
Hueber Verlag GmbH English for Everyone 4 Kursbuch
HarperCollins Focus Little Green Book of Weed: Track Your Stash and Record Your Favorite Varieties in This Pocket Guide to Reefer
For marijuana aficionados of all ages, a neat little handbook of all things pot related.A take on the “Little Black Book,” which reveals all the secrets of its owner, the Little Green Book is a personal repository of all things its owner likes about smoking pot. Highlighted by quotes from world-famous pot smokers, the book is part journal, part celebration of the community of pot smokers. It includes chapters on cannabis facts, healthy munchies, movie madness, and even your rights as a pot smoker. With lots of places for personal notes.
Teachers' College Press New York City's Best Public Pre-K and Elementary Schools: A Parents' Guide
Completely revised with new profiles of more than 150 elementary schools and pre-kindergarten programs! For nearly 2 decades, parents have looked to Clara Hemphill to help them find a good public school for their child. This Fourth Edition features all-new reviews of more than 150 of the city’s best public elementary schools, based on visits and in-depth interviews by the InsideSchools staff. This essential guide uncovers the “inside scoop” on schools (the condition of the building, special programs, teacher quality, and more), includes a checklist of things to look for on a school tour, and incorporates new listings of charter schools and stand-alone pre-kindergarten programs.
Indiana University Press Conamara Chronicles: Tales from Iorras Aithneach
"I find him to be a kindred spirit, a sympathetic but shrewd enquirer, a companionable stroller, and a lover of anecdotes gathered by the wayside." So Tim Robinson described folklorist, revolutionary, and district justice Seán Mac Giollarnáth, whose 1941 book Annála Beaga ó Iorras Aithneach revealed his sheer delight in the rich language and stories of the people he encountered in Conamara, the Irish-speaking region in the south of Connemara. From tales of smugglers, saints, and scholars to memories of food, work, and family, the stories gathered here provide invaluable insights into the lives and culture of the community. This faithful and lovingly crafted translation, complete with annotations, a biography, and thoughtful chapters that explore the importance of the language and region, is the final work of both Robinson and his collaborator, the renowned writer and Irish language expert Liam Mac Con Iomaire. Translated into English for the first time, Conamara Chronicles: Tales from Iorras Aithneach preserves the art of storytellers in the West of Ireland and honors the inspiration they kindle even still.
Image Comics Saga Volume 6
After a dramatic time jump, the three-time Eisner Award winner for Best Continuing Series continues to evolve, as Hazel begins the most exciting adventure of her life: kindergarten. Meanwhile, her starcrossed family learns hard lessons of their own.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Educating a New Majority: Transforming America's Educational System for Diversity
This book provides a comprehensive assessment of how well our educational system--from kindergarten through college--serves disadvantaged minority students, and offers a wealth of ideas for strengthening the entire educational pipeline.
Cengage Learning, Inc Art and Creative Development for Young Children
Written for pre-service and in-service early childhood professionals in child care, preschool, or kindergarten through third grade settings, ART & CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, 8th Edition, takes a child-centered approach to art education. Updated throughout, the book includes an in-depth discussion of technology to aid teachers in understanding the role that technology can play in children's visual art appreciation and production. Guidelines for establishing an inclusive art program in classrooms for young children are included for early childhood professionals. Activities and recipes make the text a valuable resource for in-service teachers.
Penguin Publishing Group Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters From Dating Shopping and Praying to Going to War and Becoming a Billionaire Two Evolutionary Psychologists Explain Why We Do What Wedo
Now available in paperback?a provocative new look at biology, evolution, and human behavior ?as disturbing [as it is] fascinating? (Publishers Weekly).Why are most neurosurgeons male and most kindergarten teachers female? Why aren?t there more women on death row? Why do so many male politicians ruin their careers with sex scandals? Why and how do we really fall in love? This engaging book uses the latest research from the field of evolutionary psychology to shed light on why we do the things we do?from life plans to everyday decisions. With a healthy disregard for political correctness, Miller and Kanazawa reexamine the fact that our brains and bodies are hardwired to carry out an evolutionary mission? an inescapable human nature that actually stopped evolving about 10,000 years ago.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Positiv lernen
Lern- und Leistungsstörungen sind eine enorme Belastung für Betroffene sowie ihre Bezugspersonen. Die Autoren zeigen, was man dagegen tun kann: Mit ihrem IntraActPlus-Konzept nutzen sie die Erkenntnisse aus der psychologischen Grundlagenforschung und richten sich an Eltern, aber auch Lehrer, Ergotherapeuten, Schulpsychologen und andere Berufsgruppen, die mit Kindern arbeiten. – Wie entstehen Lernstörungen, wie verfestigen sie sich, wie kann man ihnen vorbeugen? Konkrete Handlungsanweisungen garantieren die praktische Nutzbarkeit des Ratgebers. Mit Kapiteln zu Legasthenie, Dyskalkulie und dem Einsatz in der Schule.
New York University Press Love, Death, Fame: Poetry and Lore from the Emirati Oral Tradition
Poems and tales of a literary forefather of the United Arab Emirates Love, Death, Fame features the poetry of al-Māyidī ibn Ẓāhir, who has been embraced as the earliest poet in what would later become the United Arab Emirates. Although little is known about his life, he is the subject of a sizeable body of folk legend and is thought to have lived in the seventeenth century, in the area now called the Emirates. The tales included in Love, Death, Fame portray him as a witty, resourceful, scruffy poet, at times combative and at times kindhearted. His poetry primarily features verses of wisdom and romance, with scenes of clouds and rain, desert migrations, seafaring, and pearl diving. Like Arabian Romantic and Arabian Satire, this collection is a prime example of Nabaṭī poetry, combining vernacular language of the Arabian Peninsula with archaic vocabulary and images dating to Arabic poetry’s very origins. Distinguished by Ibn Ẓāhir’s unique voice, Love, Death, Fame offers a glimpse of what life was like four centuries ago in the region that is now the UAE. An English-only edition.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Kids Working It Out: Stories and Strategies for Making Peace in Our Schools
Kids who understand how to manage conflict successfully can transform their schools into safer and kinder places to learn. Kids Working It Out offers educators and parents a guide to the most current and effective school-based conflict resolution programs and shows how these programs can make a positive difference in our schools. Throughout the book, students and teachers share their stories of what it's really like in today's schools and reveal how Conflict Resolution Education, has shaped their experiences. Kids Working It Out covers a wide range of topics-- curriculum integration, peer mediation, restorative justice, and others-- and shows what it takes to implement an effective program in any school, and any community.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pharmakotherapie: Klinische Pharmakologie
Der Lemmer/Brune gliedert die Pharmakotherapie von der Erkrankung her - praxistauglich und übersichtlich. Fast alle Kapitel wurden Hand in Hand von Pharmakologen und Klinikern geschrieben und bietet damit fundiertes und Praxis-orientiertes Wissen. Dabei werden auch die Pharmakotherapie in besonderen Lebenssituationen wie Schwangerschaft, Kindesalter und bei älteren Patienten mit je einem eigenen Kapitel berücksichtigt. Alle GK-relevanten häufigen Erkrankungen sind enthalten, damit ist der Lemmer/Brune das ideale Buch zum Querschnittsfach Klinische Pharmakologie und auch für das PJ der richtige Begleiter.
University of Illinois Press Musical Improvisation: Art, Education, and Society
"Cutting across traditional subject boundaries in music and cultural studies, this admirably comprehensive work adopts a welcome interdisciplinary ideal and makes a truly significant contribution to our knowledge of musical improvisation."--Robert Witmer, professor emeritus of music, York University Contributors are Stephen Blum, Patricia Shehan Campbell, Sabine M. Feisst, Lawrence Gushee, Robert S. Hatten, William Kinderman, Natalie Kononenko, Robert Levin, Charlotte Mattax Moersch, Ingrid Monson, John P. Murphy, Bruno Nettl, A. Jihad Racy, Anne K. Rasmussen, Stephen Slawek, Gabriel Solis, Nicholas Temperley, John Toenjes, and Thomas Turino.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pocket Guide Schmerztherapie: Soforthilfe bei den häufigsten Schmerzzuständen
Dieses Buch für die Kitteltasche wendet sich explizit an Ärzte und Ärztinnen aller Fachdisziplinen im Krankenhaus oder niedergelassenen Bereich, die nicht auf Schmerztherapie spezialisiert sind. Von A wie Arthrose bis Z wie Zosterneuralgie finden sich sämtliche Krankheitsbilder dargestellt, die mit akuten oder chronischen Schmerzen assoziiert sind: nach anatomischer Region und Erkrankungen geordnet. Dabei werden jeweils praxisrelevant und prägnant die nicht-medikamentösen und medikamentösen Therapiemöglichkeiten aufgelistet. Zusätzlich wird auf die Therapie postoperativer Schmerzen eingegangen, z.B. nach abdominellen, intrathorakalen oder Eingriffen im HNO-Bereich. Hinweise auf Besonderheiten, u.a. bei Demenz, im Alter, bei Kindern, Adipositas, Sucht sowie in der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit runden das Werk ab und machen es dadurch besonders praxistauglich und ubiquitär einsetzbar. Die 2. Auflage erscheint komplett überarbeitet, aktualisiert und erweitert. Neue Themen sind u.a. die moderne Migränetherapie, Systematik der Schmerzdiagnosen im ICD-11 und psychische Komorbiditäten im Rahmen der Schmerzmedizin.
Harvest House Publishers Me Myself and Lies What to Say When You Talk to Yourself
Have you ever noticed the things you say to yourself—and believe? I could never do that. They don't like me. I am such an idiot! Jennifer Rothschild will help you replace the lies with truth, speak kindly to your soul, and practice biblical soul-talk.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quantitative Analysis in Marketing Management
Quantitative marketing is not an easy subject to grasp. Quantitative Analysis in Marketing Management introduces a kinder, gentler approach to the various quantitative concepts and techniques in marketing management. This exciting new book examines techniques drawn from other management disciplines (e.g. financial management and operations management) and shows how these techniques can be applied to marketing management. To aid comprehension, a number of problems and case studies are included at the end of each chapter. The text is divided into three parts: * statistics, demand analysis and forecasting; * financial analysis, operations and control systems; and * future trends Quantitative Analysis in Marketing Management is suitable for undergraduate and MBA students enrolled in marketing management, market analysis and forecasting, strategic marketing, marketing research courses, together with MSc marketing courses.
Little, Brown & Company Apparently, Disillusioned Adventurers Will Save the World, Vol. 2 (manga)
A former noblewoman, an excommunicated priest, and a female dragonian warrior have joined Nick in creating the adventuring party, the Survivors. Teamwork doesn’t come easily to these kindred spirits disillusioned with the world, but they manage to earn a name for themselves. Now, they are tasked to explore the Labyrinth of Bonds for treasure—specifically, for the Sword of Bonds. Will these jaded souls be able to succeed where other adventurers have failed?
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Kulturelles Kapital in der Migration: Hochqualifizierte Einwanderer und Einwanderinnen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
Für Wissensgesellschaften, die vom Aufbau und der Verwertung kulturellen Kapitals abhängen, kann die Arbeitsmarktintegration von hochqualifizierten Migrant(inn)en eine Chance sein. Der vorliegende Band befasst sich mit verschiedenen Migrantengruppen, die ihre akademischen Bildungstitel in die Arbeitsmärkte von Deutschland, Kanada, Türkei und Großbritannien einbringen. Er rekonstruiert mit qualitativen Methoden die Bildungs- und Berufserfolge der Kinder von Migranten ebenso wie die Chancen und Risiken, mit denen Akademiker/innen konfrontiert sind, die z.B. aufgrund von Partnerschaften, Jobangeboten oder als Flüchtlinge in ein Land kommen. Die An- und Aberkennung von kulturellem Kapital, die Erfahrung von Diskriminierung, aber auch von sozialer Unterstützung gehen in den Lebensgeschichten der Migrant(inn)en komplexe Verbindungen ein, die über ihre erfolgreiche Arbeitsmarktintegration entscheiden.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Gute Teamarbeit für Dummies
Kommunikation, Engagement, Motivation, Konfliktmanagement - Teamarbeit ist ein hartes Stück Arbeit, und das sowohl für den Teamleiter als auch für die Mitglieder des Teams. In diesem Buch finden Sie jede Menge Hilfestellungen, damit aus Ihnen und Ihren Kollegen ein Dream-Team wird! Marty Brounstein erklärt von der Zusammenstellung des Teams über die effektive und aktive Kommunikation bis hin zu Projektplanung und Konfliktlösung das Wichtigste zur erfolgreichen Teamarbeit. Praxisnahe Anregungen machen das Arbeiten im Team zum Kinderspiel.
The University of Chicago Press The Boy on the Beach: Building Community through Play
What can the richly imagined, impressively adaptable fantasy world of children tell us about childhood, development, education, and even life itself? For fifty years, teacher and writer Vivian Gussin Paley has been exploring the imagery, language, and lore of young children, asking the questions they ask of themselves. With the publication of Boys and Girls in 1984, Paley took readers inside a kindergarten classroom to show them how boys and girls play-and how, by playing and fantasizing in different ways, they work through complicated notions of gender roles and identity. This new edition of Paley's classic book reignites issues that are more important than ever for a new generation of students, parents, and teachers. The Boy on the Beach, meanwhile, continues Paley's work, going deeper into the mystery of play as she follows a group of children through the kindergarten year. Rich with the words of children and teachers themselves, the book delves into questions new and old, reminding us that Paley's interests and approach remain as vital as ever. Both books are vintage Paley, wise and provocative appreciations of the importance of play and the nature of childhood and the imagination.
The University of Chicago Press Living on the Edge: An American Generation's Journey Through the Twentieth Century
History carves its imprint on human lives for generations after. When we think of the radical changes that transformed America during the twentieth century, our minds most often snap to the fifties and sixties: the Civil Rights Movement, changing gender roles, and new economic opportunities all point to a decisive turning point. But these were not the only changes that shaped our world, and in Living on the Edge, we learn that rapid social change and uncertainty also defined the lives of Americans born at the turn of the twentieth century. The changes they cultivated and witnessed affect our world as we understand it today. Drawing from the iconic longitudinal Berkeley Guidance Study, Living on the Edge reveals the hopes, struggles, and daily lives of the 1900 generation. Most surprising is how relevant and relatable the lives and experiences of this generation are today, despite the gap of a century. From the reorganization of marriage and family roles and relationships to strategies for adapting to a dramatically changing economy, the challenges faced by this earlier generation echo our own time. Living on the Edge offers an intimate glimpse into not just the history of our country, but the feelings, dreams, and fears of a generation remarkably kindred to the present day.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Spaß mit Elektronik für Dummies Junior
Bastelst du gern? Und liebst du es, wenn es leuchtet, piept und blinkt? In diesem Buch erfährst du Schritt für Schritt, wie du mit LEDs, Kondensatoren, Transistoren, Widerständen und anderen elektronischen Bauteilen nützliche und schöne Dinge wie Glückwunschkarten, Geschicklichkeitsspiele, Gespenster, Weihnachtsschmuck und Spielzeugautos basteln kannst. Du wirst von Anfang an auch löten! Nebenher lernst du, was Strom ist, warum man dafür Spannung braucht und wie alles funktioniert. Die Bauteile kannst du dir für wenig Geld im Internet oder im Elektronikmarkt besorgen. Leg einfach los! Bestens geeignet für Kinder und Jugendliche ab 10 Jahren.
Penguin Books Ltd Latecomers
'No man is free of his own history' Hartmann and Fibich came to England on the kindertransport. As orphans of the war they were strangers in a strange land. Together, they survived. And in adulthood they have been unable to separate, sharing a successful business.Yet Hartmann's carefully polished manners conceal the past he refuses to think about. While Fibich, a mass of fears and neuroses, can do nothing but remember. Together these two men seek to build a future from the shaky foundations of their own pasts . . .'Like Virginia Woolf, Brookner's aim is not to draw characters in the round, but to reveal psychological reality in the deep' The Times
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation
Over the past few decades, corporations have been neglected in studies of international political economy (IPE). Seeking to demystify them, what they are, how they behave and their goals and constraints, this Handbook introduces the corporation as a unit of analysis for students of IPE. Providing critical discussion of their global and domestic power, and highlighting the ways in which corporations interact with each other and with their socio-political environment, this Handbook presents a thorough and up-to-date overview of the main debates around the role of corporations in the global political economy. Bringing together international contributors, this Handbook provides a nuanced and global perspective on the IPE of corporations. With a multidisciplinary introduction to corporations from an IPE perspective, this Handbook investigates the role of the corporation in the twenty-first century and highlights the complexities of corporations and the environments in which they exist. Chapters provide insights into corporations' internal structures, how they are embedded in their national environments and how their transnational relations are structured, as well as their position in the global economy. Carefully written and edited to ensure accessibility, the Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation is a crucial resource for students of IPE seeking to deepen their understanding of the discipline as well as for postgraduate scholars who need reference material within which to frame their research. Contributors: C. Bakir, M.V. Balestro, T.L. Berge, D. Bohle, L. Campling, W.K. Carroll, J. Clifton, F. de Beule, D. Díaz-Fuentes, A. Dienes, M. Ebenau, S. Eckert, J. Eckhardt, D. Finchelstein, D. Fuchs, B. Ganson, J.-C. Graz, C. Gregoratti, T. Gumbert, H. Hveem, O.C. Iheduru, A. Jakli , D. Kinderman, J. Klinkhammer, H.-A. Lee, C. May, L. Mondi, G. Morgan, A. Nölke, S. Pinto, M. Pohlmann, A. Rebérioux, A. Roberts, G. Roudaut, J.P. Sapinski, V. Scepanovic, B. Selwyn, S. Tornhill, A. Wennmann, M.A. Witt, J. Woods, K. Young
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Keynesianism and the Keynesian Revolution in America: A Memorial Volume in Honour of Lorie Tarshis
This collection is a tribute to a most faithful, true Keynesian, who read, thought, dreamt and promoted Keynes: Lorie Tarshis (1911-1993). This volume is focused on the important role of Lorie Tarshis's brand of Keynesianism on the effect of the Keynesian revolution on economic thought in America. Tarshis was among the first to form part of Keynes's select 'circus', not only witnessing, but actually participating in the making of The General Theory. This memorial includes new reflections on the impact of Keynesianism in the making by many of the eminent early generations of American post-war economists, Galbraith, Goodwin, Kindleberger, Samuelson, Salant, Tobin and Perlman. While their contributions shed more light on how the participants in the process, Tarshis included, effected early Keynesianism, the volume also contains contributions by those such as Moggridge and McQueen who reflect on aspects of the process from greater distance. Holzman and Reder recount Lorie Tarshis's subtle contribution and its direct impact and reverberations are reflected upon in the balance of the chapters by Colander, Dimand, Dow, Grimard, McCann and Perlman, and Parker.This book will be of great interest to scholars interested in the history of economic thought and Keynesian economics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Psychoanalytic Movement: The Cunning of Unreason
The Psychoanalytic Movement explains how the language of psychoanalysis became the dominant way in which the middle classes of the industrialized West speak about their emotions. Explains how the language of psychoanalysis became the dominant way for the industrialized West to speak about emotion. Argues that although psychoanalysis offers an incisive picture of human nature, it provides untestable operational definitions and makes unsubstantiated claims concerning its therapeutic efficacy. Includes new foreword by Jose Brunner that expands on the central argument of the book and argues that Gellner and Freud might be seen as kindred spirits.
Random House USA Inc Washington Square
Washington Square follows the coming-of-age of its plain-faced, kindhearted heroine, Catherine Sloper. Much to her father’s vexation, a handsome opportunist named Morris Townsend woos the long-suffering heiress, intent on claiming her fortune. When Catherine stubbornly refuses to call off her engagement, Dr. Sloper forces Catherine to choose between her inheritance and the only man she will ever truly love. Cynthia Ozick, in her Introduction to what she calls Henry James’s “most American fiction,” writes that “every line, every paragraph, every chapter [of Washington Square] is a fleet-footed light brigade, an engine of irony.” Precise and understated, this charming novel endures as a matchless study of New York in the mid-nineteenth century.
J.B. Metzler Phänomen Mozart
Vorwort.- Assimilation.- Ästhetik und Stilistik.- Das Thema bei Mozart.- Der leidenschaftliche Sinfoniker.- Der Pianist Mozart.- Dialoge - Klavierkonzerte.- Die fünfte Stimme.- Finanzen.- Formen.- Frauen um Mozart.- Freimaurer.- Glaubensfragen, Kirchenmusik.- Harmonik.- Klassische Musik.- Kompositionswerkstatt.- Königsdisziplin Streichquartett.- Kontrapunkt.- Menuett.- Mozart der Spieler.- Mozarts Kinder.- Mozarts Reisen: Chronologie.- Musik als Bedeutungssprache.- Oper.- Persönlichkeit.- Serenaden und Divertimenti.- Tiere bei Mozart(s).- Tonarten: Verwendung und Bedeutung.- Vater Leopold.- Zum Ende.- Verzeichnisse.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Tea Planter's Bride
An exotic flower from a faraway land, Celia came to London to become a proper English rose - a wide-eyed innocent, newly awakened by womanhood's kiss...yet burning with a sensuous heat inflamed by gypsy blood. To one she is promised - a man of wealth and power and property. Yet another will own her heart. He is Grant Hamilton, a daring and unpredictable American rogue who senses a kindred spirit in the stunning, copper-eyed beauty whom he has agreed to escort through London's social whirl. Yet Grant is determined to resist his own secret yearnings for the exuisite enchantress. For there is danger in a love that can know no bounds - and in a passion that could only lead to shattering ruin...or ecstasy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Innovation in Public Services
Innovation is a core issue for public services and is a key element of public services reform - particularly in this age of austerity where policymakers urge the need to 'innovate to do more with less'. This comprehensive and accessible Handbook explores the potential for creating efficient and effective public services.Leading researchers from across the globe review the state-of-the-art in research on innovation in public services, providing an overview of key issues from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Topics explored include: context for innovation in public services and public service reform; managerial change challenges; ICT and e-government; and collaboration and networks. The theory is underpinned by seven wide-ranging case studies of innovation in practice.Taking the field forward and providing a baseline for future research, this highly unique and original Handbook will prove essential reading for academics, researchers, students, policymakers and practitioners across the fields of innovation, public policy, social policy and public management.Contributors include: D. Alexander, R. Andrews, S. Baines, J. Barlow, C. Barton-Sweeney, V. Bekkers, G.A. Boyne, J.M. Bryson, K. Brown, M. Carter, C. Chew, B.C. Crosby, M. Considine, I. Cunningham, J. Edler, M. Farr, S. Goldfinch, T. Greenhalgh, J. Hartley, G. Harvey, B. Head, B. Jæger, A. Johnston, P. Joyce, R. Keast, T. Kinder, J.M Lewis, C. Longley, L.E. Lynn, Jr., F. Lyon, K. McLaughlin, M.P. Mandell, M. Macaulay, F. Macfarlane, M. Martin, V. Mele, I. Miles, D. Nickson, H. Noke, D. Norris, Z. Radnor, M.L. Rhodes, N.C. Roberts, K. Strokosch, J.M Svara, J. Torfing, E. Uyarra, R.M. Walker, J. Wallis, J. Waterhouse, R. Wilson, P. Windrum
Springer VS Professionelles Handeln in und von Teams
Einleitung: Professionelles Handeln in und von Teams.- Professionelle Teams und das Theorie-Praxis-Problem in der Sozialen Arbeit: Zwischen empirischer Werkstatt und theoretischer Modellbildung.- Teams in der Sozialen Arbeit Eine Betrachtung aus der Perspektive der strukturtheoretischen Professionalisierungstheorie.- Diversität in der Sozialen Arbeit das Team als Ort der Aushandlung gesellschaftlicher Spannungen.- Teamresilienz im Sozialen Dienst der Jugendämter.- Die organisationale Einbindung professioneller Teams im Spannungsfeld verschiedener Koordinationslogiken.- Die triadische Aufgabenstruktur professioneller Teams.- Teamarbeit ohne Teams?! Irritationen professionellen Handelns in der stationären Kinder- und Jugendhilfe.- Erfolg, es zeichnet sich Erfolg ab zur Bedeutung der (inter-)professionellen Teamarbeit für nachhaltig wirksame Problemlösungen in der Sozialen Arbeit.- Teambezogene Strategien der Reflexion von professionellem Handeln am Beispiel Schulsozialarbeit.- Robo
Harvard University Press Moralia, VII: On Love of Wealth. On Compliancy. On Envy and Hate. On Praising Oneself Inoffensively. On the Delays of the Divine Vengeance. On Fate. On the Sign of Socrates. On Exile. Consolation to His Wife
Eclectic essays on ethics, education, and much else besides.Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45–120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious and learned. Plutarch wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the forty-six Parallel Lives, biographies planned to be ethical examples in pairs (in each pair, one Greek figure and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are invaluable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen, soldiers and orators. Plutarch’s many other varied extant works, about sixty in number, are known as Moralia or Moral Essays. They are of high literary value, besides being of great use to people interested in philosophy, ethics, and religion. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Moralia is in fifteen volumes, volume XIII having two parts. Volume XVI is a comprehensive Index.
Harvard University Press Art of Love. Cosmetics. Remedies for Love. Ibis. Walnut-tree. Sea Fishing. Consolation
Seductive verse.Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso, 43 BC–AD 17), born at Sulmo, studied rhetoric and law at Rome. Later he did considerable public service there, and otherwise devoted himself to poetry and to society. Famous at first, he offended the emperor Augustus by his Ars amatoria, and was banished because of this work and some other reason unknown to us, and dwelt in the cold and primitive town of Tomis on the Black Sea. He continued writing poetry, a kindly man, leading a temperate life. He died in exile.Ovid’s main surviving works are the Metamorphoses, a source of inspiration to artists and poets including Chaucer and Shakespeare; the Fasti, a poetic treatment of the Roman year of which Ovid finished only half; the Amores, love poems; the Ars amatoria, not moral but clever and in parts beautiful; Heroides, fictitious love letters by legendary women to absent husbands; and the dismal works written in exile: the Tristia, appeals to persons including his wife and also the emperor; and similar Epistulae ex Ponto. Poetry came naturally to Ovid, who at his best is lively, graphic and lucid.The Loeb Classical Library edition of Ovid is in six volumes.
Springer Intervention nach häuslicher Gewalt
Wenn die Gewalt aufhört: Verschiedene Beziehungen und verschiedene Formen von Gewalt in der Familie - Leben mit Gewalt in der Familie: Retrospektive Erinnerung an die Kindheitserfahrungen von Frauen.- Wie man helfen kann, die Gewalt zu beenden: Anwendung einer Sicherheitsmethodik über die gesamte Lebensspanne.- Paaren helfen, sich sicher zu trennen: Auf dem Weg zu sicheren Trennungen.- Heilung und Reparatur in Beziehungen: Therapeutische Arbeit mit Paaren.- Systemische Arbeit mit Eltern, Kindern und erwachsenen Überlebenden, wenn der Missbrauch aufhört.- Arbeit im Territorium: Erfahrungen von Therapeuten bei der Arbeit mit gewalttätigem Verhalten in Paaren und Familien.- Supervision und Beratung von Therapeuten, die mit Familien und Trauma intervenieren.- Prävention und Frühintervention bei Gewalt und Missbrauch in Familien.
Duke University Press Reconsidering Gender, Violence, and the State
A special issue of Radical History Review In bringing together a geographically and temporally broad range of interdisciplinary historical scholarship, this issue of Radical History Review offers an expansive examination of gender, violence, and the state. Through analyses of New York penitentiaries, anarchists in early twentieth-century Japan, and militarism in the 1990s, contributors reconsider how historical conceptions of masculinity and femininity inform the persistence of and punishments for gendered violence. The contributors to a section on violence and activism challenge the efficacy of state solutions to gendered violence in a contemporary U.S. context, highlighting alternatives posited by radical feminist and queer activists. In five case studies drawn from South Africa, India, Ireland, East Asia, and Nigeria, contributors analyze the archive's role in shaping current attitudes toward gender, violence, and the state, as well as its lasting imprint on future quests for restitution or reconciliation. This issue also features a visual essay on the "false positives" killings in Colombia and an exploration of Zanale Muholi’s postapartheid activist photography. Contributors: Lisa Arellano, Erica L. Ball, Josh Cerretti, Jonathan Culleton, Amanda Frisken, Raphael Ginsberg, Deana Heath, Efeoghene Igor, Catherine Jacquet, Jessie Kindig, Benjamin N. Lawrance, Jen Manion, Xhercis Méndez, Luis Morán, Claudia Salamanca, Tomoko Seto, Carla Tsampiras, Jennifer Yeager