Search results for ""author thomas"
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, The Bible Study Bible, Hardcover, Comfort Print: A Study Guide for Every Chapter of the Bible
A Bible uniquely designed to have a Bible study inserted into every chapter of the Bible to spark deep conversation in small groups and deep thought during personal time in Scripture. The NKJV Bible Study Bible provides a study guide for every chapter of the Bible. Use this Bible to encourage discussion in a small group study or for further engagement in your personal devotions to gain a deeper understanding of any chapter in the Bible. Additional materials provide directions for leading a group through studies on specific topics such as the names of God, prayer, salvation, and suffering.Features include: Double-column typesetting with guides set in boxes after each chapter Over 1,200 study guides for each of the 1,189 chapters of the Bible to guide deeper thought and conversation about Scripture Designed for both small groups and individual study Topical study guides ranging from 4 to 13 weeks on key subjects allow readers to easily map out studies on important subjects for themselves or their group Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note Book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Articles that guide how to lead a group discussion and better study God’s Word Concordance to look up a word’s occurrences in the Bible Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Full-color maps show the layout of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Clear and readable 9.5-point NKJV Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers Made for This: 40 Days to Living Your Purpose
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I here?” Recognize your calling, find your place of service, and follow God to a life of purpose.This 40-day journey is for you—and it might surprise you. What if God hasn’t hidden His purposes for your life from you? That life doesn’t have to be so exhausting and heavy and confusing all the time? That God has given you everything you need to live out the calling He has placed on your life right this minute as you read this?In Made for This, a beautiful blend of bestselling books Anything and Restless, join Bible teacher Jennie Allen on a 40-day interactive journey that takes you through a step-by-step process to guide you in answering life’s ultimate question.This unique book will help you: Stop living afraid and insecure by discovering how God can use your dreams and passions for a greater purpose Identify the threads in your life and how they intentionally weave together Trade control and safety for a life of God-honoring adventure by praying one prayer Discover how to fully surrender to God and identify the threads of gifts, passions, places, relationships, and sufferings in your life—not to get what you want, but to find what God wants of you.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Pocket Prayers for Teachers: 40 Simple Prayers That Bring Peace and Renewal
Do you know a Teacher who you’d like to encourage?All the way from coloring inside the lines to calculus, teachers have given us the tools to thrive. Where would we be without them? But a teacher’s job is often a difficult one. Sometimes anxiety and exhaustion become the norm. For those in need of a little peace and renewal, Max Lucado points to the Teacher who offered just that. Suited for gift-giving and written especially for those special people who inspire our students, Pocket Prayers for Teachers contains Prayers for Inspiration and Encouragement Prayers for Clarity and Creativity Prayers for Love and Patience Prayers for Peace and Protection Prayers for Integrity and Grace Prayers for Strength and Endurance Today, lift the spirits of your favorite teacher.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesus Calling Morning and Evening, Brown Leathersoft Hardcover, with Scripture References
Meditate on the hope and peace of Jesus all throughout the day as you begin and end each day in the presence of the Savior who is always with you and loves you forever. Each morning entry is from Jesus Calling®, and each evening includes powerful and poignant excerpts from Sarah’s other bestselling books.By spending time in the presence of the Savior all day in Jesus Calling Morning and Evening Devotional, you’ll find a yearlong guide with: Comforting words of hope and encouragement Reassurance of Jesus' unending love for you Gentle direction based on Scripture Guided thought for you to focus on just before you turn out the light Written-out Scripture verses to connect deeper with Jesus Reflection and meditation based on God’s Word Encouragement from the One who understands you perfectly and loves you forever With 365 days of morning and evening devotions, this edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling® line. This format offers men and women more opportunities to be aware of Jesus’ presence throughout the day. The deluxe cover with foil gives a classic feel, along with all-day comfort and written-out Scripture verses. This edition is perfect for any stage of life and makes a wonderful gift for special occasions, birthdays, or for self-purchase.
Thomas Nelson Publishers God's Promises for Your Every Need, NKJV
God's Promises® for Your Every Need quickly guides you to the most beloved and helpful verses for your circumstances, whether you're seeking God's promises and answers for your own life or for a friend.No matter what season of life we are in, we need reassurance of God's promises to us--reminders that God is with us, ready to meet our needs with His love, provision, and direction. God's Promises® for Your Every Need provides: Short readings and prayers, making it a perfect companion for time alone with God or as a giftable keepsake A collection of hundreds of verses from the NKJV Bible arranged topically to address every season of life and answer your most pressing questions Scriptures to comfort in times of worry, offer direction in times of crisis, and reassure you of God's love in times of discouragement Whether you're considering this for a gift or self-purchase, you should know God's Promises® for Your Every Need is perfect for men and women of all ages.With 15 million copies of God's Promises® books sold, these books are a perfect guide for when you crave a word of encouragement or you need biblical direction. When you live with God's promises in your life, you will be blessed beyond your wildest imagination.
Thomas Nelson Publishers I Want God: How to Love Him with Your Whole Heart and Revive Your Soul
Thomas Nelson Publishers 10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times: Coaching Your Team Through Immense Change and Challenge
Thomas Nelson Publishers Chasing Wisdom: The Lifelong Pursuit of Living Well
Teaching pastor at the influential New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Daniel Grothe explains the Bible's blueprint for becoming the kind of person who can deal with all of life's challenges.Some people have learned how to live. They can handle all that life brings. They are composed. They radiate strength. They are whole, with lives worth emulating, and when they speak people listen. They are, in a word, wise. How did these people get wisdom? And perhaps more importantly, how can we?Daniel Grothe of New Life church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, shows us how to get wisdom for ourselves by examining what the Bible has to say about it and by providing practical steps for acquiring it, among them: learning to ask for help, loving Scripture, going to Church, living quietly, and, above all, seeking those who are themselves wise. Drawing upon Scripture and upon his own experience learning from his friend and mentor Eugene Peterson, Grothe shows how our lives can be secured by the resource that will keep us from collapsing under the onslaught of the difficulties of life. Wisdom is available to us. It takes work to pursue it. Chasing Wisdom reveals how.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The American Queen
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesus Doesnt Care About Your Messy House
Thomas Nelson Publishers Pocket New Testament Bible Commentary
Comprehensive chapter-by-chapter commentary Compact Easy-to-use Convenient, pocket-size format Take it anywhere User-friendly style Simple easy-to-read format
Thomas Nelson Publishers Lsb MacArthur Study Bible 2nd Edition Unleashing Gods Truth One Verse at a Time Black Genuine Leather Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers Biblia Di y Ora: Primeras palabras, historias y oraciones
Leer la Biblia y orar con los niños le animará a aprender acerca de Dios y todas las cosas en Su mundo.Las historias bíblicas con texto sencillo e imágenes coloridas divertirán a los pequeños y a la vez les enseñarán populares historias de la Biblia. Con ilustraciones adorables y vibrantes, los niños tendrán la oportunidad de aprender acerca de Dios, señalar y nombrar objetos en cada página a medida que leen junto a un adulto. Cada historia bíblica familiar incluye un versículo bíblico (para que los niños repitan) y una oración corta (para que los niños oren) para inculcar la palabra de Dios en el corazón de tus hijos.¡Lea y aprenda de la Biblia con sus hijos!Dios creó el mundo Dios creó el mundo, el mundo hermoso, y dijo, "¡es muy bueno!"Los niños dicen En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra. Génesis 1.1Los niños oran Gracias, Dios, ¡por el maravilloso mundo que creaste! Amén.Say & Pray BibleSay and Pray Bible stories will engage toddlers as they learn about God and all the things in His world.Simple Bible story text and colorful objects will delight little ones as they are introduced to popular Bible stories. With adorable, vibrant illustrations of six to eight items per spread, toddlers will have the opportunity to learn about God and to point to and name objects on each page as they read with an adult. Each familiar Bible story includes a Bible verse (Little Ones Say) and a short prayer (Little Ones Pray) to help hide the Word in your little one’s heart.Say and Pray the Bible with your toddler today!God Made the World God made the world, The beautiful world, And He said, “It is very good!”Little Ones Say In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. —Genesis 1:1Little Ones Pray Thank You, God, for the wonderful world You made! Amen.
Thomas Nelson Publishers She Speaks: Wisdom From the Women of the Bible to the Modern Black Woman
It is sometimes difficult for today’s African-American women to remember how important they are to God. The noise of day-to-day tasks and to-dos combined the with the undeniable struggles that face African-American women each day can make it easy to forget that Jesus treated the women of the New Testament with respect and spiritual equality, and how frequently God used women to carry out His purpose. Through the examples of powerful women in the Bible She Speaks helps African-American women find relevance, purpose, and identity in the Word of God. Each chapter offers a complete list of references to help the reader locate the stories of these inspirational women in the Bible with ease. For anyone looking for a deeper study of women of the Bible and for the African-American woman who sometimes needs reminding how real and relevant her struggles are, She Speaks is the perfect choice.Features include: Complete list of biblical references Clear explanation of parallels between struggles of modern African-American women and women in the Bible
Thomas Nelson Publishers Las crónicas de Narnia
Disfruta de los siete libros de la serie de fantasía clásica de C. S. Lewis, Las crónicas de Narnia, en un impresionante volumen de tapa dura.Bestias parlantes, hazañas heroicas y batallas épicas entre el bien y el mal te esperan en la clásica serie fantástica de C. S. Lewis, que lleva más de sesenta años encantando a los lectores. Esta edición intemporal presenta los siete libros sin resumir y se presentan según el orden preferido de Lewis: El sobrino del mago El león, la bruja y el ropero El caballo y su muchacho El príncipe Caspian La travesía del Viajero del Alba La silla de plata La última batalla Cada capítulo está adornado con una ilustración de la artista original, Pauline Baynes. Además, contiene el ensayo de C. S. Lewis “Sobre tres formas de escribir para niños”, en el que explica con precisión cómo la magia de Narnia y el reino de la fantasía atraen no solo a los niños, sino a lectores exigentes de todas las edades.The Chronicles of NarniaExperience all seven books of C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, in one stunning hardcover volume.Talking beasts, heroic exploits, and epic battles between good and evil await you in C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, which has been enchanting readers for more than sixty years. This timeless edition presents all seven books unabridged and are presented in Lewis's preferred order: The Magician's Nephew The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe The Horse and His Boy Prince Caspian The Voyage of the Dawn Treader The Silver Chair The Last Battle Each chapter is adorned with an illustration by the original artist, Pauline Baynes. In addition, it contains C. S. Lewis's essay "On Three Ways of Writing for Children," in which he explains precisely how the magic of Narnia and the realm of fantasy appeal not only to children, but to discerning readers of all ages
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Gift of Jesus: Meditations for Christmas
Thomas Nelson Publishers Waiting in Wonder: Growing in Faith While You're Expecting
Thomas Nelson Publishers Past Present: How to Stop Making the Same Relationship Mistakes---and Start Building a Better Life
Past Present shows readers how to change destructive relationship patterns by identifying the root issues from their pasts and finding the source of healing for their unique stories.No matter where we are in life, both our greatest joys and our deepest heartaches are linked to the people in our lives--family, friends, or coworkers. And each of us brings both beauty and brokenness into relationships. The origins of our beauty and our brokenness often can be traced to the patterns of relating we learned when we were young. We relate to others in ways that reflect the distorted messages we heard and internalized earlier in life. The good news is this: we don't have to remain stuck in these patterns. In Past Present, Scott Vaudrey equips us with tools and a strategy to identify the messages we've internalized--both as children and as adults--from the influential people in our lives; refute and repair the distorted messages that led to unhelpful patterns now holding us back; and recognize the productive messages we've internalized and maximize the strengths they built into us along the way. We can't undo yesterday. But we can do the rest of our lives better.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Intimacy With The Almighty
Noise and words and frenzied, hectic schedules dull our senses, closing our ears to His still, small voice and making us numb to His touch.Charles Swindoll offers all new insights from his own journal to guide people on a journey of intimacy with God. This keepsake book includes pages in Swindoll's handwriting collected in an embossed, antique-looking cover.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Daily Light - Tan: A 365-Day Morning and Evening Devotional
Daily Light is a 365-day morning and evening devotional by Bible teacher Anne Graham Lotz. The revered classic includes NKJV readings for every morning and evening of the year, plus a topical index of 60 subjects. Without fail, the verses selected for a particular day's reading seem to speak specifically to that day's needs. In Lotz's edition of Daily Light, you'll find: Verses printed at the top of each page in bold type with a theme Scripture reference for each verse at the bottom of the page Hand-selected Scripture readings for life's moments: seasons of life, success in life, struggles in life, strength for life, and salvation of life A durable leather-bound cover with a resourceful ribbon marker Anne Graham Lotz would like to help you find the light you are searching for and provide you with a source of blessings.
Thomas Nelson Publishers God is in Control
Thomas Nelson Publishers Doing Virtuous Business: The Remarkable Success of Spiritual Enterprise
Thomas Nelson Publishers Thru the Bible Vol. 3: Proverbs through Malachi
Thomas Nelson Publishers La clave de Josué: 52 versículos bíblicos que todo creyente debe saber
Descubre el secreto que Josué les dio a los israelitas para la prosperidad y el éxito con cincuenta y dos capítulos diseñados para guiarte en un viaje de un año. Pasarás cada semana memorizando y meditando en un versículo de las Escrituras para que se convierta en una parte viva de tu propio ser.Los israelitas finalmente poseían tierras y la oportunidad de comenzar de nuevo. Su líder, Josué, habló sabiamente sobre cómo seguir la ley de Dios y cómo tener éxito. Josué 1:8 dice: «Recita siempre el libro de la ley y medita en él de día y de noche; cumple con cuidado todo lo que en él está escrito. Así prosperarás y tendrás éxito».La clave de Josué es un desafío para mantener la Palabra en nuestra boca a través de la memorización y en nuestros corazones a través de la meditación «día y noche». Los temas en este devocional incluyen: la gracia la tentación los tres niveles de oración el fruto del Espíritu y más Los bosquejos en cada capítulo también pueden ser usados por el pastor ocupado o el maestro de la Biblia para guiar a sus miembros. La Palabra de Dios es poderosa y fructífera cuando es estudiada y aplicada por todos, los jóvenes y los creyentes experimentados por igual.The Joshua CodeDiscover the secret Joshua gave the Israelites for prosperity and success with fifty-two chapters designed to guide you on a year-long journey. You will spend each week memorizing and meditating on a Scripture verse so that it becomes a living part of your own being.The Israelites finally had land and the opportunity to start anew. Their leader, Joshua, spoke wisely about how to follow God’s law and how to be successful. Joshua 1:8 says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” The Joshua CodeTM is a challenge to keep the Word in our mouths through memorization and in our hearts through meditation “day and night.” Topics in this devotional include: Grace Temptation The three levels of prayer Fruit of the Spirit and more The outlines in each chapter can also be used by the busy pastor or Bible teacher for guiding their members. God’s Word is powerful and profitable when studied and applied by anyone, the young and the seasoned believer alike.
Thomas Nelson Publishers By the Book Series: Wiersbe, Genesis, Paperback, Comfort Print: Be Transformed by the Power of God’s Word
Experience the Book of Genesis with the help of Dr. Warren Wiersbe’s lifetime of powerful Bible teaching. Whether through his bestselling “BE Series” commentaries or his popular “Back to the Bible” radio ministry, Dr. Wiersbe has guided millions into a life-transforming encounter with God’s Word. Do a deep dive into Genesis with his trustworthy, accessible explanations of the Bible’s truths and promises, using his comprehensive system of study and application notes. Make the most of your time reading, studying, and reflecting on Scripture. Features include: Book introduction with the historical background, themes, and a practical "Be Transformed" section drawn from the lessons in Genesis Verse-by-Verse study notes by Dr. Wiersbe provide insight to help better understand and apply God’s Word Catalyst notes which more deeply reveal important biblical themes and character issues to motivate transformation by the Holy Spirit through the Word Cross references, showing the text connections throughout the Bible Additional note-taking space interleaved throughout the pages Clear and readable NKJV Comfort Print® The By the Book Series provides a focused study of individual books of the Bible with the help of noted Bible teachers such as Warren Wiersbe, Max Lucado, John MacArthur, Jack Hayford, and Charles Stanley. Each volume is an excerpted book from their respective Bible projects.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The MacArthur Bible Handbook
The MacArthur Bible Handbook is the ultimate book-by-book survey of the Bible, including charts, graphs, and illustrations from today's leading expository teacher.A unique reference tool that is committed to quality and biblical teaching—will help you easily understand each book of the Bible, its historical context, and its place in Scripture.Bible Book Basics at a Glance! The meaning of each Bible book's name Who wrote it The date and setting The theme and purpose Its key words, verses, and chapters How Christ is presented (even in the Old Testament) Its contribution to the Bible as a whole A broad summary of the events and highlights it records A detailed outline of the book MacArthur has put in over 60,000 hours of sermon preparation time in his 35 year ministry!
Thomas Nelson Publishers ESV, MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition, Genuine leather, Black, Thumb Indexed: Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time
John MacArthur's exhaustive study notes provide access to over 50 years of ministry to aid in a better understanding of God's word.Over 4 million readers around the world have had their spiritual lives enriched and their understanding of God’s Word expanded by The MacArthur Study Bible. Drawing on more than fifty years of dedicated pastoral and scholarly work, Dr. John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse study notes, book introductions, and articles display an unparalleled commitment to interpretive precision—with the goal of making God known through His Word.Trusted by readers worldwide, the MacArthur Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations.Features include: Fully redesigned second edition with updated study notes and expanded selection of maps and charts Bible book introductions provide an overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Nearly 25,000 verse-by-verse study notes for a better understanding of Scripture 190 in-text maps, charts, and diagrams provide a visual representation of meanings, themes, teachings, people, and places of Scripture Outline of Systematic Theology to guide you to study biblical doctrine in a logical order Over 72,000 references allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Bible reading plans to guide you through reading God’s Word daily Chronology of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges Chronology of Old Testament Kings and Prophets Chronology of the New Testament Overviews of Christ’s Life, Ministry, and Passion Week Harmony of the Gospels Introductions to each major section of Scripture Index to Key Bible Doctrines Easy-to-read 9.5-point print
Thomas Nelson Publishers Can You Still Trust God?: What Happens When You Choose to Believe
When things are going your way, trusting the Lord is easy. But when painful trials, unmet needs, or lost dreams assail, do you wonder if God can still be trusted? What do you do when facing a challenge that seems insurmountable? Do you believe God can be trusted? In Can You Still Trust God?, Dr. Charles Stanley reveals three essential beliefs for trusting God: God is perfect in His love. God is infinite in wisdom. God is absolutely sovereign. Can You Still Trust God? is a message of: hope for anyone struggling to reconcile the suffering and turmoil in the world with a loving God. truth for pastors, ministers, and Bible study leaders searching for a resource to teach their communities about God’s promises and how to deepen trust in Him. Even when you cannot understand why God would allow certain situations to occur, these core beliefs form the basis for trusting Him. Your ability to receive the blessings God has for you is determined by the degree to which these wise truths are embedded in your soul.
Thomas Nelson Publishers ESV, MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition, Leathersoft, Black, Thumb Indexed: Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time
John MacArthur's exhaustive study notes provide access to over 50 years of ministry to aid in a better understanding of God's word.Over 4 million readers around the world have had their spiritual lives enriched and their understanding of God’s Word expanded by The MacArthur Study Bible. Drawing on more than fifty years of dedicated pastoral and scholarly work, Dr. John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse study notes, book introductions, and articles display an unparalleled commitment to interpretive precision—with the goal of making God known through His Word.Trusted by readers worldwide, the MacArthur Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations.Features include: Fully redesigned second edition with updated study notes and expanded selection of maps and charts Bible book introductions provide an overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Nearly 25,000 verse-by-verse study notes for a better understanding of Scripture 190 in-text maps, charts, and diagrams provide a visual representation of meanings, themes, teachings, people, and places of Scripture Outline of Systematic Theology to guide you to study biblical doctrine in a logical order Over 72,000 references allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Bible reading plans to guide you through reading God’s Word daily Chronology of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges Chronology of Old Testament Kings and Prophets Chronology of the New Testament Overviews of Christ’s Life, Ministry, and Passion Week Harmony of the Gospels Introductions to each major section of Scripture Index to Key Bible Doctrines Easy-to-read 9.5-point print
Thomas Nelson Publishers Murder-Bears, Moonshine, and Mayhem: Strange Stories from the Bible to Leave You Amused, Bemused, and (Hopefully) Informed
Ever wished there was a book about some of the weirdest and most disturbing stories in the Bible that was also hilarious to read? You've found it. It turns out, there's a lot of strange stuff in the Bible, and this book takes a tongue-in-cheek look at all of it.Approximately 80 percent of Americans admit they haven't read the Bible. If they did, they'd be pleasantly surprised by its impressive quantity of sex and poop jokes.David danced naked. Noah was basically a moonshining hillbilly. Ezekiel baked poop bread. Herod was eaten by worms. Jesus cursed a fig tree, just to prove he could. Mark went streaking. Hosea married a prostitute. Lot was date-raped by his own daughters. This unique book: Combines humor and education to give better insight into some of the strangest parts of the Bible Organized by topic (poop, genitalia, weird violence, prostitution, gratuitous nudity, seemingly pointless miracles, and other fun stuff) Is a thoroughly researched (really!), reverent, and insightful look at the best-selling book in history Makes a perfect gift for pastors and white elephant parties From Elisha, who loosed homicidal bears on some kids because they called him bald (it's a long story), to the story of Ehud, who gets away with assassinating a tyrannical king because his servants think said king is taking a dump (also a long story), this book examines and casts new light on some of the Bible's stranger moments.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NASB, MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition, Leathersoft, Black, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time
John MacArthur's exhaustive study notes provide access to over 50 years of ministry to aid in a better understanding of God's word.Over 4 million readers around the world have had their spiritual lives enriched and their understanding of God’s Word expanded by The MacArthur Study Bible. Drawing on more than fifty years of dedicated pastoral and scholarly work, Dr. John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse study notes, book introductions, and articles display an unparalleled commitment to interpretive precision—with the goal of making God known through His Word.Trusted by readers worldwide, the MacArthur Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations.Features include: Fully redesigned second edition with updated study notes and expanded selection of maps and charts Bible book introductions provide an overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Nearly 25,000 verse-by-verse study notes for a better understanding of Scripture 190 in-text maps, charts, and diagrams provide a visual representation of meanings, themes, teachings, people, and places of Scripture Outline of Systematic Theology to guide you to study biblical doctrine in a logical order Over 72,000 references allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Bible reading plans to guide you through reading God’s Word daily Chronology of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges Chronology of Old Testament Kings and Prophets Chronology of the New Testament Overviews of Christ’s Life, Ministry, and Passion Week Harmony of the Gospels Introductions to each major section of Scripture Index to Key Bible Doctrines Easy-to-read 9.5-point NASB Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers Love God Greatly Bible: A SOAP Method Study Bible for Women (NET, Brown Leathersoft, Comfort Print)
See God’s Heart for You and the WorldIt’s one thing to read Scripture; it’s something else to truly engage with it. To find greater insights, deeper engagement, and heartfelt intimacy as you read God’s Word. To see God’s heart for you—and for the world—on every page.The Love God Greatly Bible is designed to help women hold tight to God’s Word and find direction and answers for life’s challenges by: Introducing a proven and accessible framework for meaningful Bible study Growing in their love for God as they develop a regular Bible reading routine Deepening their prayer life in response to Scripture and the stories of women around the world Features include: Powerful testimonies from women around the world whose lives have been changed through engaging with Scripture More than 150 devotionals, plus featured memory verses, reading plans and prompt questions throughout 50 reading plans Topical index, and original full-color in-text maps Original word art with a focus Scripture for each book of the Bible Two satin ribbon markers See God’s heart for you—and for the world—with the Love God Greatly Bible.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition, Leathersoft, Black, Comfort Print: Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time
John MacArthur's exhaustive study notes provide access to over 50 years of ministry to aid in a better understanding of God's word.Over 4 million readers around the world have had their spiritual lives enriched and their understanding of God’s Word expanded by The MacArthur Study Bible. Drawing on more than fifty years of dedicated pastoral and scholarly work, Dr. John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse study notes, book introductions, and articles display an unparalleled commitment to interpretive precision—with the goal of making God known through His Word.Trusted by readers worldwide, the MacArthur Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations.Features include: Fully redesigned second edition with updated study notes and expanded selection of maps and charts Bible book introductions provide an overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Nearly 25,000 verse-by-verse study notes for a better understanding of Scripture 190 in-text maps, charts, and diagrams provide a visual representation of meanings, themes, teachings, people, and places of Scripture Outline of Systematic Theology to guide you to study biblical doctrine in a logical order Over 72,000 references allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Bible reading plans to guide you through reading God’s Word daily Chronology of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges Chronology of Old Testament Kings and Prophets Chronology of the New Testament Overviews of Christ’s Life, Ministry, and Passion Week Harmony of the Gospels Introductions to each major section of Scripture Index to Key Bible Doctrines Easy-to-read 9-point NKJV Comfort Print The MacArthur Study Bible is available in the New King James Version (NKJV). Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the NKJV remains the bestselling modern “word-for-word” translation. It balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition with an extraordinary commitment to preserving the grammar and structure of the underlying biblical languages. And while the translator’s relied on the traditional Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text used by the translators of the 1611 KJV, the comprehensive translator notes offer important insights about the latest developments in biblical manuscript studies. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising--perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Whenever You Come Around
Thomas Nelson Publishers El manual bíblico MacArthur: Un estudio introductorio a la Palabra de Dios, libro por libro
Una herramienta de referencia única, comprometida con la calidad y la enseñanza bíblica —te ayudará a comprender fácilmente cada libro de la Biblia, su contexto histórico, y su lugar en las Escrituras. Este libro es un vasto recurso para ampliar tu conocimiento y comprensión acerca de la palabra de Dios y animar tu búsqueda personal en la verdad que transforma vidas.Algunos fundamentos del libro: El significado del nombre de cada libro de la Biblia Quién lo escribió La fecha y el contexto El tema y propósito Sus palabras clave, versos y capítulos Como se presenta a Cristo (incluso en el Antiguo Testamento) Su contribución a la Biblia como un todo Un amplio resumen de los hechos y eventos destacados Un esquema detallado del libro The MacArthur Bible HandbookA unique reference tool that is committed to quality and biblical teaching—will help you easily understand each book of the Bible, its historical context, and its place in Scripture. The MacArthur Bible Handbook is a rich resource to expand your knowledge and understanding of God’s Word and encourage your personal exploration into its life-transforming truth.Bible Book Basics at a Glance! The meaning of each Bible book's name Who wrote it The date and setting The theme and purpose Its key words, verses, and chapters How Christ is presented (even in the Old Testament) Its contribution to the Bible as a whole A broad summary of the events and highlights it records A detailed outline of the book
Thomas Nelson Publishers Totally Secure: Finding Peace and Protection in the Arms of God
Thomas Nelson Publishers The New American Bible: The Leading Catholic Resource for Understanding Holy Scripture
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Love and Respect Devotional: 52 Weeks to Experience Love and Respect in Your Marriage
In this couples' devotional based on the classic bestseller, Eggerichs surveyed thousands of couples to develop 52 devotionals around the three cycles that are at the heart of Love and Respect.Emerson Eggerichs has transformed marriages around the world with his biblically based approach to understanding the love that she most desires and the respect that he desperately needs. Now, in this long-awaited devotional based on Love & Respect, Emerson has created an experience for couples that is effective, flexible, and life changing.To build this couples devotional, Eggerichs has taken the top concerns that surfaced in a survey of thousands of couples and has developed 52 devotionals around the three cycles that are at the heart of Love and Respect. On one occasion the couple will be talking about how to stop the Crazy Cycle or keep it at bay. The next devotional will discuss a concept built upon the Rewarded Cycle, which stresses the ultimate purpose for marriage. And the next may have both people talking about ways to use the Energizing Cycle in their efforts to love and respect each other. This long-awaited devotional: Contains 52 devotions specifically guided to couples' most common concerns Can be done weekly or at your chosen pace Is husband and wife friendly, written to ensure both are comfortable in the process Supplemental video studies are also available for purchase With this wealth of new material and video devotionals available online, The Love & Respect Devotional will be indispensable to anyone wishing to improve their marital relationship.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NRSV Catholic Edition Bible, Eucalyptus Paperback (Global Cover Series): Holy Bible
A Bible with a beautiful cover and includes the full catholic text, perfect to take with you anywhere you go.Enjoy the beautiful and sacred Holy Scriptures. This edition includes the complete Catholic canon, as well as resources, book introductions, and maps to help you discover the treasures in its pages.Features include: Complete Catholic Bible in a compact easy-to-carry size Anglicized text Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note Articles providing an understanding of fundamental Catholic beliefs and practices Bible book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Concordance for finding key verses Bible Maps are a visual representation of the locations where key events take place in the Bible Official imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Clear and readable 8.5 print About this Global Cover Collection Edition:The eucalyptus tree is an iconic symbol of Australia and plays a significant role in its ecosystem. These majestic trees provide a habitat for wildlife, act as windbreaks, and are a key source of timber and pulp for the country's forestry industry. Interestingly, eucalyptus trees have also been associated with Christianity. Parallels have been drawn between the shedding of the tree’s bark and the process of spiritual renewal, a powerful symbol of the cycle of growth, death, and rebirth found in nature and in the Christian faith.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NRSV Catholic Edition Bible, Eucalyptus Hardcover (Global Cover Series): Holy Bible
A Bible with a beautiful cover and includes the full catholic text, perfect to take with you anywhere you go.Enjoy the beautiful and sacred Holy Scriptures. This edition includes the complete Catholic canon, as well as resources, book introductions, and maps to help you discover the treasures in its pages.Features include: Complete Catholic Bible in a compact easy-to-carry size Anglicized text Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note Articles providing an understanding of fundamental Catholic beliefs and practices Bible book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Concordance for finding key verses Bible Maps are a visual representation of the locations where key events take place in the Bible Official imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Clear and readable 8.5 print About this Global Cover Collection Edition:The eucalyptus tree is an iconic symbol of Australia and plays a significant role in its ecosystem. These majestic trees provide a habitat for wildlife, act as windbreaks, and are a key source of timber and pulp for the country's forestry industry. Interestingly, eucalyptus trees have also been associated with Christianity. Parallels have been drawn between the shedding of the tree’s bark and the process of spiritual renewal, a powerful symbol of the cycle of growth, death, and rebirth found in nature and in the Christian faith.
Thomas Nelson Publishers As Long as You Need
A heartfelt invitation for grieving readers...An excellent resource for those working their way through loss. —Publishers Weekly, Starred ReviewVeteran hospital chaplain to the sick, dying, and bereaved, J.S. Park offers you both the permission and the process for how to grieve and heal at your own pace.In As Long As You Need, J.S. offers an honest and unrushed engagement with grief, decoding four types of grieving—spiritual, mental, physical, and relational—and offering compassionate self-care and soul-care along the way.If you are struggling to process loss, pain, or grief from the last few years or the last few minutes, J.S. is an experienced and deeply empathetic listener and grief catcher who has held the pain and questions of thousands of patients. While social and cultural narratives about grief are dominated by letting go, moving on, or turning the page in his nearly decade of service
Thomas Nelson Publishers Trusting God with Today: 365 Devotions
Thomas Nelson Publishers Gather and Give
Thomas Nelson Publishers Where Do We Go from Here?: How Tomorrow's Prophecies Foreshadow Today's Problems
National Bestseller—New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal & Publisher's WeeklyToday's headlines shout of modern plagues, social tensions, economic crises, and rampant depression. Many are asking, what day is it on God's prophetic calendar? Trusted Bible teacher and Pastor Dr. David Jeremiah opens the Word of God to reveal what it has to say about the days we are living in.Sharing how prophecies and wisdom from centuries ago still speak the truth today and point the way forward for tomorrow. Whether one is new to biblical prophecy or a longtime student of the Bible, this timely message will encourage and recalibrate us to the mission of God in our daily lives. Journey with Dr. Jeremiah back to the Bible to find out, Where Do We Go from Here? A Cultural Prophecy: Socialism A Biological Prophecy: Pandemic A Financial Prophecy: Economic Crisis A Political Prophecy: Cancel Culture A Geographical Prophecy: Jerusalem And how these all lead to the Final Prophecy—the Triumph of the Gospel. The day of Christ's return is coming. We haven't long to wait. But until then, we need to understand what the age requires—and we need to do what the Lord commands.Interested in learning more? Check out other books by Dr. David Jeremiah: The Great Disappearance Where Do We Go from Here The World of the End Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World Is This The End? The Book of Signs After the Rapture
Thomas Nelson Publishers NASB, MacArthur Daily Bible, 2nd Edition, Paperback, Comfort Print
Explore the Bible alongside daily insights from pastor-teacher Dr. John MacArthurFor more than 50 years, Dr. John MacArthur has helped Christians gain greater clarity and insight into Scripture. Now you can read through the Bible in a year while learning from wisdom gleaned from a lifetime of study with The MacArthur Daily Bible. This Bible offers an achievable approach to reading the entire Bible with readings from the Old and New Testaments, Psalms, and Proverbs for each day of the year. Combined with insights drawn from The MacArthur Study Bible, you will gain greater clarity and understanding as you read.Features include: The complete NASB (1995) translation presented with daily readings from the Old and New Testaments, Psalms, and Proverbs Daily notes from Dr. John MacArthur drawn from the MacArthur Study Bible to help you better understand key truths in Scripture 52 key passages of the Bible for study and memorization Daily use Bible with devotional questions to improve your reading God’s Word Clear and readable 10-point text size
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Great Disappearance
Now available in trade paper!An Instant Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly BestsellerThe rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable—the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality—for blessed are all who long for His appearing.The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expe
Thomas Nelson Publishers NRSVCE, Great Quotes Catholic Bible, Leathersoft, Blue, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
Bringing the wisdom of the ages to the palm of your handThe Great Quotes Catholic Bible features an array of beautiful quotes from saints, artists, and popes, allowing you to study God’s Word with the leaders of our faith each time you open the Bible. The text of this beautiful edition is presented in two-columns on each page for easy reading, with a beautiful stained-glass motif throughout. It comes complete with full-color maps and two elegant ribbon markers to keep your place during study or prayer. Includes quotes from: St. Augustine, St. Ignatius, St. John Chrysostom, St. Joan of Arc, Blessed Pope Pius IX, Mother Teresa, St. Francis of Assisi, Pope John Paul II, Pope St. Gregory the Great, Benedict XVI, Pope Francis and so many more.Features Include: Complete Catholic Bible with the official imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church 120 beautiful, artistically rendered quotation pages from popular figures in the Church’s history for deeper study Anglicized text utilizing British English spelling and grammar within the text Durable Smyth-sewn binding lies flat in your hand or on your desk Full-color maps are a visual representation of the locations where key events take place in the Bible Two double-sided satin ribbon markers so you can easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Classic raised detail on the spine Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note Words of Christ in black for a reading experience that is easy on your eyes throughout Scripture Gilded page edging Exclusive 10-point Catholic Comfort Print® typeface created specifically for Catholic Bible Press by 2K/DENMARK type foundry
Thomas Nelson Publishers NRSVCE, Great Quotes Catholic Bible, Leathersoft, Burgundy, Comfort Print: Holy Bible
Bringing the wisdom of the ages to the palm of your handThe Great Quotes Catholic Bible features an array of beautiful quotes from saints, artists, and popes, allowing you to study God’s Word with the leaders of our faith each time you open the Bible. The text of this beautiful edition is presented in two-columns on each page for easy reading, with a beautiful stained-glass motif throughout. It comes complete with full-color maps and two elegant ribbon markers to keep your place during study or prayer. Includes quotes from: St. Augustine, St. Ignatius, St. John Chrysostom, St. Joan of Arc, Blessed Pope Pius IX, Mother Teresa, St. Francis of Assisi, Pope John Paul II, Pope St. Gregory the Great, Benedict XVI, Pope Francis and so many more.Features Include: Complete Catholic Bible with the official imprimatur of the Roman Catholic Church 120 beautiful, artistically rendered quotation pages from popular figures in the Church’s history for deeper study Anglicized text utilizing British English spelling and grammar within the text Durable Smyth-sewn binding lies flat in your hand or on your desk Full-color maps are a visual representation of the locations where key events take place in the Bible Two double-sided satin ribbon markers so you can easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading Classic raised detail on the spine Presentation page allows you to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or note Words of Christ in black for a reading experience that is easy on your eyes throughout Scripture Gilded page edging Exclusive 10-point Catholic Comfort Print® typeface created specifically for Catholic Bible Press by 2K/DENMARK type foundry