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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Digital Innovation
Digital innovations influence every aspect of our lives in this increasingly technological world. Firms that pursue digital innovations must think carefully about how digital technologies shape the nature, process and outcomes of innovation as well as the long- and short-term social, economic and cultural consequences of their offerings. The Handbook contributes to building a transdisciplinary understanding of digital innovation by bringing together a diverse set of leading scholars from business, engineering, economics, science and public policy. Their distinct perspectives advance ideas and principles intended to set the agenda for future research on digital innovation in ways that inform not only firm-level strategies and practices but policy decisions and science-focused investments as well. The first of its kind, this Handbook provides scope and depth for scholars interested in information systems and digital technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship, strategy, and digital platforms and ecosystems. In addition, it is informative and enlightening to scholars and practitioners interested in the impact of digital technologies on organizations and the broader society. Contributors include: A. Aaltonen, C. Alaimo, E. Autio, N. Berente, C. Bubel, P.N. Courant, J. Cutcher-Gershenfeld, E.L. Echeverri-Carroll, A. Gawer, T.L. Griffith, V. Grover, J. Grudin, O. Henfridsson, S.L. Jarvenpaa, J. Kallinikos, M.J. Kim, J.L. King, R.J. Kulathinal, S. Kumar, K.A. Loparo, K. Lyytinen, A. Majchrzak, A. Malhotra, M.L. Markus, S. Nambisan, W. Nan, J.V. Nickerson, A. Pedraza-Avella, L.W. Rogowski, S. Seidel, L.D.W. Thomas, C. Velu, Y. Yoo, X. Zhang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Digital Innovation
Digital innovations influence every aspect of our lives in this increasingly technological world. Firms that pursue digital innovations must think carefully about how digital technologies shape the nature, process and outcomes of innovation as well as the long- and short-term social, economic and cultural consequences of their offerings. The Handbook contributes to building a transdisciplinary understanding of digital innovation by bringing together a diverse set of leading scholars from business, engineering, economics, science and public policy. Their distinct perspectives advance ideas and principles intended to set the agenda for future research on digital innovation in ways that inform not only firm-level strategies and practices but policy decisions and science-focused investments as well. The first of its kind, this Handbook provides scope and depth for scholars interested in information systems and digital technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship, strategy, and digital platforms and ecosystems. In addition, it is informative and enlightening to scholars and practitioners interested in the impact of digital technologies on organizations and the broader society. Contributors include: A. Aaltonen, C. Alaimo, E. Autio, N. Berente, C. Bubel, P.N. Courant, J. Cutcher-Gershenfeld, E.L. Echeverri-Carroll, A. Gawer, T.L. Griffith, V. Grover, J. Grudin, O. Henfridsson, S.L. Jarvenpaa, J. Kallinikos, M.J. Kim, J.L. King, R.J. Kulathinal, S. Kumar, K.A. Loparo, K. Lyytinen, A. Majchrzak, A. Malhotra, M.L. Markus, S. Nambisan, W. Nan, J.V. Nickerson, A. Pedraza-Avella, L.W. Rogowski, S. Seidel, L.D.W. Thomas, C. Velu, Y. Yoo, X. Zhang
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Public Values for Cities and City Policy
This book provides a framework for understanding the creation of public value in urban environments. The ability of cities to produce value is related to their capacity to generate meaningful resources for city residents and workers that enable them to craft meaningfulness in life and work. Meaningfulness and public value require new ways of leading and developing city governance. This extends to designing inclusive structures and processes for people to grapple with the meanings and values underpinning public value creation. A public value framework demands that city governance goes beyond ordinary government to considerations of how to involve city residents and workers in creating and maintaining the common good. The common good is determined by an inclusive associational life characterized by deliberative processes and opportunities for social contribution. When acting upon their entitlements to make the city, urban residents and workers – as members of diverse civic, public and private organizations – co-create the meanings that facilitate the collective action necessary to translate values into value. The experience of cooperating for the common good produces meanings that people can adopt into a sense that their lives have significance and purpose. This is particularly relevant to understanding how to motivate just and inclusive sustainability transitions, especially as cities recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. Focusing on cities and urban policy, the main theme of this book is to elaborate on public values for cities and city policies, and to further develop the concept of the meaningful city. This book aims to provide new kinds of tools for city development that can help them co-create resilience against future shocks.
University of Pennsylvania Press Crusade and Christendom: Annotated Documents in Translation from Innocent III to the Fall of Acre, 1187-1291
In 1213, Pope Innocent III issued his letter Vineam Domini, thundering against the enemies of Christendom—the "beasts of many kinds that are attempting to destroy the vineyard of the Lord of Sabaoth"—and announcing a General Council of the Latin Church as redress. The Fourth Lateran Council, which convened in 1215, was unprecedented in its scope and impact, and it called for the Fifth Crusade as what its participants hoped would be the final defense of Christendom. For the first time, a collection of extensively annotated and translated documents illustrates the transformation of the crusade movement. Crusade and Christendom explores the way in which the crusade was used to define and extend the intellectual, religious, and political boundaries of Latin Christendom. It also illustrates how the very concept of the crusade was shaped by the urge to define and reform communities of practice and belief within Latin Christendom and by Latin Christendom's relationship with other communities, including dissenting political powers and heretical groups, the Moors in Spain, the Mongols, and eastern Christians. The relationship of the crusade to reform and missionary movements is also explored, as is its impact on individual lives and devotion. The selection of documents and bibliography incorporates and brings to life recent developments in crusade scholarship concerning military logistics and travel in the medieval period, popular and elite participation, the role of women, liturgy and preaching, and the impact of the crusade on western society and its relationship with other cultures and religions. Intended for the undergraduate yet also invaluable for teachers and scholars, this book illustrates how the crusades became crucial for defining and promoting the very concept and boundaries of Latin Christendom. It provides translations of and commentaries on key original sources and up-to-date bibliographic materials.
American Psychological Association Prosocial Motives, Emotions, and Behavior: The Better Angels of Our Nature
In recent years, psychological scientists' narrow focus on negative emotions and antisocial behavior has been broadened to include a panoply of positive emotions such as empathy, compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness and a new emphasis on prosocial, generous, altruistic behavior. At the same time, neuroscientists, primatologists, and evolutionary biologists have begun to identify the evolutionary and neurological roots of prosocial feelings and actions. Research shows that human beings have an innate capacity for prosocial behavior, but the inclinations underlying such behavior can be blocked, inhibited, or overpowered by selfish, neurotic, or culturally engrained attitudes and values. Genes, personality, past social experiences, social and cultural identities, and contextual factors can all influence the degree to which human behavior is empathic, generous, and kind—or cruel, vindictive, and destructive. Prosocial Motives, Emotions, and Behavior: The Better Angels of Our Nature, with a subtitle borrowed from an inaugural address by Abraham Lincoln, is a comprehensive examination, from a variety of perspectives, of the interplay of these influences. The book is divided into five sections: Part I considers theoretical perspectives on prosocial behavior; Part II illuminates the psychological processes that underlie prosocial behavior; Part III focuses on specific prosocial emotions such as compassionate love, gratitude, and forgiveness; Part IV examines prosocial behavior between individuals at the dyadic level; and Part V investigates prosocial behavior at the societal level, with an emphasis on solving intractable conflicts and achieving desirable social change. This simulating, wide-ranging volume is sure to be of great interest to psychologists, social scientists, and anyone with an interest in understanding and fostering prosocial behavior.
Stanford University Press Inventing the Classics: Modernity, National Identity, and Japanese Literature
Today the term "Japanese literary classics" implies such texts as the Man'yoshu, Kojiki, Tale of Genji, Tale of the Heike, Noh drama, and the works of Saikaku, Chikamatsu, and Basho, which are considered the wellspring and embodiment of Japanese tradition and culture. Most of these texts, however, did not become "classics" until the end of the nineteenth century, in a process closely related to the emergence of Japan as a modern nation-state and to the radical reconfiguration of notions of literature and learning under Western influence. As in Europe and elsewhere, the construction of a national literature and language with a putative ancient lineage was critical to the creation of a distinct nation-state. This book addresses the issue of national identity and the ways in which modern European disciplinary notions of "literature" and genres played a major role in the modern canonization process. These "classics" did not have inherent, unchanging value; instead, their value was produced and reproduced by various institutions and individuals in relation to socio-economic power. How then were these texts elevated and used? What kinds of values were given to them? How was this process related to larger social, political, and religious configurations? This book, which looks in depth at each of the major "classics," explores these questions in a broad historical context, from the medieval period, when multiple canons competed with each other, through the early modern and modern periods. Throughout, the essays focus on the roles of schools, commentators, and socio-religious institutions, and on issues of gender. The result is a new view of the transformation of the Japanese canon and its intimate connection with the issue of national and cultural identity.
New York University Press Global TV: Exporting Television and Culture in the World Market
A reporter for the Los Angeles Times once noted that “I Love Lucy is said to be on the air somewhere in the world 24 hours a day.” That Lucy’s madcap antics can be watched anywhere at any time is thanks to television syndication, a booming global marketplace that imports and exports TV shows. Programs from different countries are packaged, bought, and sold all over the world, under the watch of an industry that is extraordinarily lucrative for major studios and production companies. In Global TV, Denise D. Bielb and C. Lee Harrington seek to understand the machinery of this marketplace, its origins and history, its inner workings, and its product management. In so doing, they are led to explore the cultural significance of this global trade, and to ask how it is so remarkably successful despite the inherent cultural differences between shows and local audiences. How do culture-specific genres like American soap operas and Latin telenovelas so easily cross borders and adapt to new cultural surroundings? Why is The Nanny, whose gum-chewing star is from Queens, New York, a smash in Italy? Importantly, Bielby and Harrington also ask which kinds of shows fail. What is lost in translation? Considering such factors as censorship and other such state-specific policies, what are the inevitable constraints of crossing over? Highly experienced in the field, Bielby and Harrington provide a unique and richly textured look at global television through a cultural lens, one that has an undeniable and complex effect on what shows succeed and which do not on an international scale.
University of Minnesota Press Sinographies: Writing China
The essays in this thought-provoking volume investigate ideas of China and Chineseness by means of a broad range of texts, languages, and contexts that surround what the editors call the “various written Chinas” through history. Analyzing discourse of civilization, geography, ethics, ethnicity, writing, and differences about China—from within the country and from outside—this work deliberately disrupts the boundaries that have previously defined China as an object of study. Sinographies depends on a respect for the power of texts to shape realities both backward and forward, to create or foreclose possibilities not only of interpretation but of experience. To this end, the essays examine topics as various as colonialism, literary modernism, translation, anime, and Tibet. As a whole, the volume imagines sinography as a new methodological approach to the study of China, one that clears unexpected ground for new kinds of comparative work. Contributors: Timothy Billings, Middlebury College; Christopher Bush, Princeton U; Rey Chow, Brown U; Danielle Glassmeyer, U of Alabama, Birmingham; Timothy Kendall; Walter S. H. Lim, National U of Singapore; Lucien Miller, U of Massachusetts; David Porter, U of Michigan; Carlos Rojas, U of Florida; Steven J. Venturino, Loyola U; Henk Vynckier, Tunghai U, Taiwan. Eric Hayot is associate professor of comparative literature at the Pennsylvania State University. Haun Saussy is Bird White Housum Professor of comparative literature at Yale University. Steven G. Yao is associate professor of English at Hamilton College.
New York University Press The Chinese Laundryman: A Study of Social Isolation
Chinese hand laundries have been a fixture of America's urban landscape for over one hundred years. Yet little is publicly known about the workings of this familiar institution which originated shortly after Chinese immigrants had started to arrive in some numbers in California in the 1850s. At that time the Chinese worked in a wide range of occupations, hand laundries being one of them. But with the faltering of the Western economy and as European immigration to the United States mounted, the tide of anti-Chinese sentiment swelled, which culminated in violent evictions of the Chinese from West Coast cities and in the imposition of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The laundry became one of the few occupations in which Chinese were able to continue to work. This book is the definitive scholarly study of Chinese laundries and of those who worked in them in the United States. Sio's work, researched in the 1930s, was completed as a dissertation in 1953 at the University of Chicago's School of Sociology. It is an intimate insider's look at the life and work of Chinese hand laundry workers in Chicago, and is one of the most insightful participant observation studies of this kind. Dr. Siu, himself the son of a laundryman, introduces in it the key sociological concept of the "sojourner" and explores the whole nature of immigrant economies. Considered a classic work by students of overseas Chinese and Asian American studies, The Chinese Laundryman is also a landmark in the study of ethnic occupations and in the social and cultural history of the immigrant in America. Vividly descriptive and highly readable, the book will appeal to anyone interested in the ethnic and the urban experience in America.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Small Business Social Responsibility: Global Perspectives
'This is exactly the kind of book, and collection of essays that we need.'- From the Foreword by R. Edward FreemanIdeas like corporate social responsibility (CSR) and stakeholder value creation are becoming second nature to businesses across the globe. Addressing the weakness of current CSR research, this Research Handbook provides a unique perspective on small business social responsibility in both the developed and developing world.Bringing together leading international experts, and including a foreword by R. Edward Freeman, this Research Handbook defines and contextualizes CSR in small businesses across the globe. It explores issues surrounding supply chains, responsible finance, and social enterprise, offering both practitioner insights and succinct case studies to go beyond the usual Western perspective and enable a globally relevant understanding of small business social responsibility.This Research Handbook will be an invaluable tool for researchers and educators, as well as for students of business and CSR, social enterprise, development and management.Contributors: A. Al Faruq, C. Ball, M. Beckmann, E. Benjamin, R.K. Blundel, G. Buchenrieder, D. Dore, R.E. Freeman, J.G. Frynas, R. Gapp, M. Gulati, M. Handley-Schachler, B. Hatipoglu, N. Hermes, P. Hind, D. Holt, S. Jeppesen, R. Lensink, D. Littlewood, P. Lund-Thomsen, F. Lyon, E. Maduekwe, A. Meesters, J.N. Muthuri, J. Navare, I. Patsch, M. Punt, S. Sahasranamam, R. Sanwal, A. Schaefer, A. Smit, V. Soundararajan, L.J. Spence, H. Stewart, S. Suresh, A.N. Tran, D. Vazquez-Brust, A.I. Wahga, A. Zeyen
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Historical Musicology: Sources, Methods, Interpretations
Seventeen studies by noted experts that demonstrate recent approaches toward the creative interpretation of primary sources regarding Renaissance and Baroque music, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Verdi, Debussy, and beyond. How do we know what notes a composer intended in a given piece? -- how those notes should be played and sung? -- the nature of musical life in Bach's Leipzig, Schubert's Vienna? -- how music related to literature and other arts and social currents in different times and places? -- what attitudes musicians and music lovers had toward the music that they heard and made? We know all this from musical manuscripts and prints, opera libretti, composers'letters, reviews in newspapers and magazines, archival data, contemporary pedagogical writings, essays on aesthetics, and much else. Some of these categories of sources are the bedrock of music history and musicology. Others havebegun to be examined only in recent years. Furthermore, musicologists -- including biographers of famous composers -- now explore these various kinds of sources in a variety of ways, some of them richly traditional and others exciting and novel. These seventeen essays, all newly written, use a wide array of source materials to probe issues pertaining to a cross section of musical works and musical life from the sixteenth through the twentieth centuries. The resulting, pluralistic profile of current musicology will prove welcome to anyone fascinated by the problems of reconstructing -- reimagining, sometimes -- the evanescent musical art of the past and pondering its implications for musical life today and in the future. Roberta Montemorra Marvin is a Research Fellow at the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Iowa where she is also Director of the Institute for Italian Opera Studies; Stephen A. Crist is associate professor and chair of the Music Department at Emory University.
University of Toronto Press None Is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948
Today, we think of Canada as a compassionate, open country to which refugees from other countries have always been welcome. However, between the years 1933 and 1948, when the Jews of Europe were looking for a place of refuge from Nazi persecution, Canada refused to offer aid, let alone sanctuary, to those in fear for their lives. Rigorously documented and brilliantly researched, None Is Too Many tells the story of Canada’s response to the plight of European Jews during the Nazi era and its immediate aftermath, exploring why and how Canada turned its back and hardened its heart against the entry of Jewish refugees. Recounting a shameful period in Canadian history, Irving Abella and Harold Troper trace the origins and results of Canadian immigration policies towards Jews and conclusively demonstrate that the forces against admitting them were pervasive and rooted in antisemitism. First published in 1983, None Is Too Many has become one of the most significant books ever published in Canada. This fortieth anniversary edition celebrates the book’s ongoing impact on public discourse, generating debate on ethics and morality in government, the workings of Canadian immigration and refugee policy, the responsibility of bystanders, righting historical wrongs, and the historian as witness. Above all, the reader is asked: "What kind of Canada do we want to be?" This new anniversary edition features a foreword by Richard Menkis on the impact the book made when it was first published and an afterword by David Koffman explaining why the book remains critical today.
Ohio University Press Mirages: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1939–1947
Mirages opens at the dawn of World War II, when Anaïs Nin fled Paris, where she lived for fifteen years with her husband, banker Hugh Guiler, and ends in 1947 when she meets the man who would be “the One,” the lover who would satisfy her insatiable hunger for connection. In the middle looms a period Nin describes as “hell,” during which she experiences a kind of erotic madness, a delirium that fuels her search for love. As a child suffering abandonment by her father, Anaïs wrote, “Close your eyes to the ugly things,” and, against a horrifying backdrop of war and death, Nin combats the world’s darkness with her own search for light. Mirages collects, for the first time, the story that was cut from all of Nin’s other published diaries, particularly volumes 3 and 4 of The Diary of Anaïs Nin, which cover the same time period. It is the long-awaited successor to the previous unexpurgated diaries Henry and June, Incest, Fire, and Nearer the Moon. Mirages answers the questions Nin readers have been asking for decades: What led to the demise of Nin’s love affair with Henry Miller? Just how troubled was her marriage to Hugh Guiler? What is the story behind Nin’s “children,” the effeminate young men she seemed to collect at will? Mirages is a deeply personal story of heartbreak, despair, desperation, carnage, and deep mourning, but it is also one of courage, persistence, evolution, and redemption that reaches beyond the personal to the universal.
Harvard University Press The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations
Hayek Book Prize FinalistAn Economist Best Book of the YearA Foreign Affairs Best Book of the YearA Financial Times Summer Reading Favorite“Sweeping, authoritative and—for the times—strikingly upbeat…The overall argument is compelling and…it carries a trace of Schumpeterian subversion.”—The Economist“[An] important book…Lucid, empirically grounded, wide-ranging, and well-argued.”—Martin Wolf, Financial Times“Offers…much needed insight into the sources of economic growth and the kinds of policies that will promote it…All in Washington would do well to read this volume carefully.”—Milton Ezrati, ForbesInequality is on the rise, growth stagnant, the environment in crisis. Covid seems to have exposed every crack in the system. We hear calls for radical change, but the answer is not to junk our economic system but to create a better form of capitalism.An ambitious reappraisal of the foundations of economic success that shows a fair and prosperous future is ours to make, The Power of Creative Destruction draws on cutting-edge theory and hard evidence to examine today’s most fundamental economic questions: what powers growth, competition, globalization, and middle-income traps; the roots of inequality and climate change; the impact of technology; and how to recover from economic shocks. We owe our modern standard of living to innovations enabled by free-market capitalism, it argues, but we also need state intervention—with checks and balances—to foster economic creativity, manage social disruption, and ensure that yesterday’s superstar innovators don’t pull the ladder up after them.
University of Minnesota Press Sex before Sex: Figuring the Act in Early Modern England
What is sex exactly? Does everyone agree on a definition? And does that definition hold when considering literary production in other times and places? Sex before Sex makes clear that we cannot simply transfer our contemporary notions of what constitutes a sex act into the past and expect them to be true for the people who were then reading literature and watching plays. The contributors confront how our current critical assumptions about definitions of sex restrict our understanding of representations of sexuality in early modern England. Drawing attention to overlooked forms of sexual activity in early modern culture, from anilingus and interspecies sex to “chin-chucking” and convivial drinking, Sex before Sex offers a multifaceted view of what sex looked like before the term entered history. Through incisive interpretations of a wide range of literary texts, including Romeo and Juliet, The Comedy of Errors, Paradise Lost, the figure of Lucretia, and pornographic poetry, this collection queries what might constitute sex in the absence of a widely accepted definition and how a historicized concept of sex affects the kinds of arguments that can be made about early modern sexualities.Contributors: Holly Dugan, George Washington U; Will Fisher, CUNY–Lehman College; Stephen Guy-Bray, U of British Columbia; Melissa J. Jones, Eastern Michigan U; Thomas H. Luxon, Dartmouth College; Nicholas F. Radel, Furman U; Kathryn Schwarz, Vanderbilt U; Christine Varnado, U of Buffalo–SUNY.
Fordham University Press Rotary Devotion
Rotary Devotion was written during a long period witnessing the collapse of democracy and the rise of fascism in the United States. The poems attempt to redeem time by surrendering to imagination, trusting the necessity of that process. As process, imagination changes as it transforms object and subject. The instability motivates the language within poems and between them. No persona is immune to this uncertainty, any attachment can be sacrificed. Likewise, any word might be summoned to the moment shaped by the grammar enough to cohere. In this engagement, the guiding concerns are sensation of the world and how best to love, the former to stay oriented, the latter to justify the effort. Body engages world on behalf of imagination which regards the two with suspicion but interest. However reluctantly, the body lives in the world under constant threat, the sensation of uniqueness in the individual a consciousness of the collective body’s crisis as threat to its own survival. What is imagination’s responsibility? How can poems be made? Writing poems, fixing words, is a kind of death the poems themselves consider. Imagination is the lively necessary. It moves through parts of the world and absorbs what nurtures it—the stubborn genius of homo erectus, remembered light in a photograph, music found and made, poem after poem considered, eternal weather, imagining history as it happens, what matters and what dies to other forms of matter. These poems offer intimate companionship to the reader’s own voice, twin at times, antagonist at others, always a necessary and loving duet sharing genius and awe beyond personal identity which imagination knows as a barrier to love as much as an enticement. Irony is all the solace some poems offer, other times it allows a deeper vision of unity that begins where poems end.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Methods in e-Commerce Research
This groundbreaking book introduces the application of statistical methodologies to e-Commerce data With the expanding presence of technology in today's economic market, the use of the Internet for buying, selling, and investing is growing more popular and public in nature. Statistical Methods in e-Commerce Research is the first book of its kind to focus on the statistical models and methods that are essential in order to analyze information from electronic-commerce (e-Commerce) transactions, identify the challenges that arise with new e-Commerce data structures, and discover new knowledge about consumer activity. This collection gathers over thirty researchers and practitioners from the fields of statistics, computer science, information systems, and marketing to discuss the growing use of statistical methods in e-Commerce research. From privacy protection to economic impact, the book first identifies the many obstacles that are encountered while collecting, cleaning, exploring, and analyzing e-Commerce data. Solutions to these problems are then suggested using established and newly developed statistical and data mining methods. Finally, a look into the future of this evolving area of study is provided through an in-depth discussion of the emerging methods for conducting e-Commerce research. Statistical Methods in e-Commerce Research successfully bridges the gap between statistics and e-Commerce, introducing a statistical approach to solving challenges that arise in the context of online transactions, while also introducing a wide range of e-Commerce applications and problems where novel statistical methodology is warranted. It is an ideal text for courses on e-Commerce at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels and also serves as a valuable reference for researchers and analysts across a wide array of subject areas, including economics, marketing, and information systems who would like to gain a deeper understanding of the use of statistics in their work.
Facet Publishing Information Literacy Meets Library 2.0
Web 2.0 technologies have been seen by many information professionals as critical to the future development of library services. This has led to the use of the term Library 2.0 to denote the kind of service that is envisaged. There has been considerable debate about what Library 2.0 might encompass, but, in the context of information literacy, it can be described as the application of interactive, collaborative, and multimedia technologies to web-based library services and collections. These developments challenge librarians involved in information literacy with more complex and diverse web content, a range of exciting new tools with which to teach, and a steep learning curve to adjust to the constant change of the Web 2.0 world. This edited collection from an international team of experts provides a practically-based overview of emerging Library 2.0 tools and technologies for information literacy practitioners; addresses the impact of the adoption of these technologies on information literacy teaching; provides case study exemplars for practitioners to help inform their practice; and examines the implications of Library 2.0 for the training of information literacy professionals. Key topics include: School Library 2.0: new skills and knowledge for the future information literacy, Web 2.0 and public libraries the blog as an assessment tool using Wikipedia to eavesdrop on the scholarly conversation information literacy and RSS feeds library instruction on the go: podcasting sparking Flickrs of insight into controlled vocabularies and subject searching joining the YouTube conversation to teach information literacy going beyond Google teaching information literacy through digital games. Readership: This book will be essential reading for all library and information practitioners and policy makers with responsibility for developing and delivering information literacy programmes to their users. It will also be of great interest to students of library and information studies.
Temple University Press,U.S. No Collar: The Humane Workplace And Its Hidden Costs
While the internet bubble has burst, the New Economy that the internet produced is still with us, along with the myth of a workplace built around more humane notions of how people work and spend their days in offices. No-Collar is the only close study of New Economy workplaces in their heyday. Andrew Ross, a renowned writer and scholar of American intellectual and social life, spent eighteen months deep inside Silicon Alley in residence at two prominent New Economy companies, Razorfish and 360hiphop, and interviewed a wide range of industry employees in other cities to write this remarkable book. Maverick in their organizations and permissive in their culture, these workplaces offered personal freedoms and rewards that were unheard of in corporate America. Employees feared they may never again enjoy such an irresistible work environment. Yet for every apparent benefit, there appeared to be a hidden cost: 70-hour workweeks, a lack of managerial protection, an oppressive shouldering of risk by employees, an illusory sense of power sharing, and no end of emotional churning. The industrialization of bohemia encouraged employees to think outside the box, but also allowed companies to claim their most free and creative thoughts and ideas. In these workplaces, Andrew Ross encountered a new kind of industrial personality, and emerged with a sobering lesson. Be careful what you wish for. When work becomes sufficiently humane, we tend to do far too much of it, and it usurps an unacceptable portion of our lives. He concludes that we should not have to choose between a personally gratifying and a just workplace, we should strive to enjoy both.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Graph Theory
A lively invitation to the flavor, elegance, and power of graph theory This mathematically rigorous introduction is tempered and enlivened by numerous illustrations, revealing examples, seductive applications, and historical references. An award-winning teacher, Russ Merris has crafted a book designed to attract and engage through its spirited exposition, a rich assortment of well-chosen exercises, and a selection of topics that emphasizes the kinds of things that can be manipulated, counted, and pictured. Intended neither to be a comprehensive overview nor an encyclopedic reference, this focused treatment goes deeply enough into a sufficiently wide variety of topics to illustrate the flavor, elegance, and power of graph theory. Another unique feature of the book is its user-friendly modular format. Following a basic foundation in Chapters 1-3, the remainder of the book is organized into four strands that can be explored independently of each other. These strands center, respectively, around matching theory; planar graphs and hamiltonian cycles; topics involving chordal graphs and oriented graphs that naturally emerge from recent developments in the theory of graphic sequences; and an edge coloring strand that embraces both Ramsey theory and a self-contained introduction to Pólya's enumeration of nonisomorphic graphs. In the edge coloring strand, the reader is presumed to be familiar with the disjoint cycle factorization of a permutation. Otherwise, all prerequisites for the book can be found in a standard sophomore course in linear algebra. The independence of strands also makes Graph Theory an excellent resource for mathematicians who require access to specific topics without wanting to read an entire book on the subject.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Everyone's Table: Global Recipes for Modern Health: A James Beard Award Winner
WinnerJames Beard Book AwardGeneral category2022One of Esquire's Most Anticipated Cookbooks 2021The beloved Top Chef star revolutionizes healthy eating in this groundbreaking cookbook—the ultimate guide to cooking globally inspired dishes free of gluten, dairy, soy, legumes, and grains that are so delicious you won’t notice the difference.When award-winning, trendsetting chef Gregory Gourdet got sober, he took stock of his life and his pantry, concentrating his energy on getting himself healthy by cooking food that was both full of nutrients and full of flavor. Now, he shares these extraordinary dishes with everyone.Everyone’s Table features 200 mouth-watering, decadently flavorful recipes carefully designed to focus on superfoods—ingredients with the highest nutrient-density, the best fats, and the most minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants—that will delight and inspire home cooks. Gourdet’s dishes are inspired by his deep affection for global ingredients and techniques--from his Haitian upbringing to his French culinary education, from his deep affection for the cuisines of Asia as well as those of North and West Africa. His unique culinary odyssey informs this one-of-a-kind cookbook, which features dynamic vegetable-forward dishes and savory meaty stews, umami-packed sauces and easy ferments, and endless clever ways to make both year-round and seasonal ingredients shine.Destined to be an everyday kitchen essential, featuring 180 sumptuous color photographs, Everyone’s Table will change forever the way we think about, approach, and enjoy healthy eating.
Liverpool University Press Footnotes to History: The Personal Realm of John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Admiralty (1809-1830), a "Group Family"
This book brings a novel focus to social history. It is a study of a "group family" -- an extended family closely structured though marriages that were either internal or with trusted associates. Its members strove cooperatively for their own mutual benefit. This kind of social entity evolved down the centuries, reaching its zenith in the early nineteenth century. The family portrayed, the Pennells, provides a supreme example of such a united body. John Wilson Croker, his two half-nieces and his best friend all married into it. The size of this "group family" gave ample scope for marriages between cousins. Most men in it gained prestigious appointments through Croker's patronage, but at the price of giving him their unswerving loyalty. From diaries, personal letters, newspaper articles, Chancery papers and Government documents, the book brings the character of family members to life and shows how they interacted. Their personalities are portrayed through a wealth of entertaining anecdotes recorded by their contemporaries. Discussion focuses on the family in the nineteenth century, but how it evolved is also described. With their varied occupations and far-flung travel, the people whose stories are narrated give insight into fascinating but little frequented byways of British social and colonial history, such as intelligence gathering in the seventeenth century and the Newfoundland cod trade in the eighteenth. Their direct participation in events included riding from Dorset to London to warn James II personally of the Duke of Monmouth's landing and rescuing Marie Antoinette's daughter from Napoleon. The book takes us on a meandering journey through British history brought to life by the experiences of one family over more than two centuries.
New York University Press Cloning Wild Life: Zoos, Captivity, and the Future of Endangered Animals
The natural world is marked by an ever-increasing loss of varied habitats, a growing number of species extinctions, and a full range of new kinds of dilemmas posed by global warming. At the same time, humans are also working to actively shape this natural world through contemporary bioscience and biotechnology. In Cloning Wild Life, Carrie Friese posits that cloned endangered animals in zoos sit at the apex of these two trends, as humans seek a scientific solution to environmental crisis. Often fraught with controversy, cloning technologies, Friese argues, significantly affect our conceptualizations of and engagements with wildlife and nature. By studying animals at different locations, Friese explores the human practices surrounding the cloning of endangered animals. She visits zoos—the San Diego Zoological Park, the Audubon Center in New Orleans, and the Zoological Society of London—to see cloning and related practices in action, as well as attending academic and medical conferences and interviewing scientists, conservationists, and zookeepers involved in cloning. Ultimately, she concludes that the act of recalibrating nature through science is what most disturbs us about cloning animals in captivity, revealing that debates over cloning become, in the end, a site of political struggle between different human groups. Moreover, Friese explores the implications of the social role that animals at the zoo play in the first place—how they are viewed, consumed, and used by humans for our own needs. A unique study uniting sociology and the study of science and technology, Cloning Wild Life demonstrates just how much bioscience reproduces and changes our ideas about the meaning of life itself.
University of Minnesota Press Humanitarian Violence: The U.S. Deployment of Diversity
When is a war not a war? When it is undertaken in the name of democracy, against the forces of racism, sexism, and religious and political persecution? This is the new world of warfare that Neda Atanasoski observes in Humanitarian Violence, different in name from the old imperialism but not so different in kind. In particular, she considers U.S. militarism—humanitarian militarism—during the Vietnam War, the Soviet-Afghan War, and the 1990s wars of secession in the former Yugoslavia.What this book brings to light—through novels, travel narratives, photojournalism, films, news media, and political rhetoric—is in fact a system of postsocialist imperialism based on humanitarian ethics. In the fiction of the United States as a multicultural haven, which morally underwrites the nation’s equally brutal waging of war and making of peace, parts of the world are subject to the violence of U.S. power because they are portrayed to be homogeneous and racially, religiously, and sexually intolerant—and thus permanently in need of reform. The entangled notions of humanity and atrocity that follow from such mediations of war and crisis have refigured conceptions of racial and religious freedom in the post–Cold War era. The resulting cultural narratives, Atanasoski suggests, tend to racialize ideological differences—whereas previous forms of imperialism racialized bodies. In place of the European racial imperialism, U.S. settler colonialism, and pre–civil rights racial constructions that associated racial difference with a devaluing of nonwhite bodies, Humanitarian Violence identifies an emerging discourse of race that focuses on ideological and cultural differences and makes postsocialist and Islamic nations the potential targets of U.S. disciplining violence.
Stanford University Press What We Mean by Experience
Social scientists and scholars in the humanities all rely on first-person descriptions of experience to understand how subjects construct their worlds. The problem they always face is how to integrate first-person accounts with an impersonal stance. Over the course of the twentieth century, this problem was compounded as the concept of experience itself came under scrutiny. First hailed as a wellspring of knowledge and the weapon that would vanquish metaphysics and Cartesianism by pragmatists like Dewey and James, by the century's end experience had become a mere vestige of both, a holdover from seventeenth-century empiricist metaphysics. This devaluation of experience has left us bereft, unable to account for first-person perspectives and for any kind of agency or intentionality. This book takes on the critique of empiricism and the skepticism with regard to experience that has issued from two seemingly disparate intellectual strains of thought: anti-foundationalist and holistic philosophy of science and epistemology (Kuhn and Rorty, in particular) and feminist critiques of identity politics. Both strains end up marginalizing experience as a viable corrective for theory, and both share notions of human beings and cognition that cause the problem of the relation between experience and our theories to present itself in a particular way. Indeed, they render experience an intractable problem by opening up a gap between a naturalistic understanding of human beings and an understanding of humans as cultural entities, as non-natural makers of meaning. Marianne Janack aims to close this gap, to allow us to be naturalistic and hermeneutic at once. Drawing on cognitive neuroscience, the pragmatist tradition, and ecological psychology, her book rescues experience as natural contact with the world.
Liverpool University Press The Gaza Strip: Its History and Politics - From the Pharaohs to the Israeli Invasion of 2009
Few areas on earth have more history, ancient and present, per inch of its territory than the Gaza Strip. In antiquity Gaza was a horn of plenty, the hub of fabulous networks of desert and maritime trade. Egyptian, Persian and Assyrian emperors fought over it, and so did Alexander the Great, Richard the Lionheart, Saladdin and Napoleon. More recently Gaza's fame has been of quite a different kind -- a place of crisis, anguish and misery. Since 170,000 Palestinian refugees arrived there in 1948, and the Strip became one more piece in the intractable Middle Eastern puzzle, it has gone through a succession of bloody upheavals: passing from Egyptian to Israeli to PLO to Hamas rule,- all the while remaining a volatile geopolitical flashpoint. Apart from separating between Israel and the refugees in the south-western corner of Palestine, the Strip's borders coincide with other momentous fault-lines: between Islamism and secularism, tradition and modernity, East and West -- and between the comfortable first and the wretched third world. Nathan Shachar is a veteran correspondent who has covered Gazan affairs for more than three decades. He has personally witnessed much of the turmoil which has made the Gaza Strip a permanent item of news bulletins for sixty years. This book relates the Gaza Strip's rich and tumultuous history in a highly readable text, which includes time-lines for all major events and personalities (from the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III to Hamas' leader Ismai'l Haniye). It brings perspective to the recent Israeli invasion of the Strip and its political and social aftermath.
Stanford University Press Art as a Social System
This is the definitive analysis of art as a social and perceptual system by Germany's leading social theorist of the late twentieth century. It not only represents an important intellectual step in discussions of art—in its rigor and in its having refreshingly set itself the task of creating a set of distinctions for determining what counts as art that could be valid for those creating as well as those receiving art works—but it also represents an important advance in systems theory. Returning to the eighteenth-century notion of aesthetics as pertaining to the "knowledge of the senses," Luhmann begins with the idea that all art, including literature, is rooted in perception. He insists on the radical incommensurability between psychic systems (perception) and social systems (communication). Art is a special kind of communication that uses perceptions instead of language. It operates at the boundary between the social system and consciousness in ways that profoundly irritate communication while remaining strictly internal to the social. In seven densely argued chapters, Luhmann develops this basic premise in great historical and empirical detail. Framed by the general problem of art's status as a social system, each chapter elaborates, in both its synchronic and diachronic dimensions, a particular aspect of this problem. The consideration of art within the context of a theory of second-order observation leads to a reconceptualization of aesthetic form. The remaining chapters explore the question of the system's code, its function, and its evolution, concluding with an analysis of "self-description." Art as a Social System draws on a vast body of scholarship, combining the results of three decades of research in the social sciences, phenomenology, evolutionary biology, cybernetics, and information theory with an intimate knowledge of art history, literature, aesthetics, and contemporary literary theory. The book also engages virtually every major theorist of art and aesthetics from Baumgarten to Derrida.
Harvard University Press The Ambiguity of Play
Every child knows what it means to play, but the rest of us can merely speculate. Is it a kind of adaptation, teaching us skills, inducting us into certain communities? Is it power, pursued in games of prowess? Fate, deployed in games of chance? Daydreaming, enacted in art? Or is it just frivolity? Brian Sutton-Smith, a leading proponent of play theory, considers each possibility as it has been proposed, elaborated, and debated in disciplines from biology, psychology, and education to metaphysics, mathematics, and sociology.Sutton-Smith focuses on play theories rooted in seven distinct “rhetorics”—the ancient discourses of Fate, Power, Communal Identity, and Frivolity and the modern discourses of Progress, the Imaginary, and the Self. In a sweeping analysis that moves from the question of play in child development to the implications of play for the Western work ethic, he explores the values, historical sources, and interests that have dictated the terms and forms of play put forth in each discourse’s “objective” theory.This work reveals more distinctions and disjunctions than affinities, with one striking exception: however different their descriptions and interpretations of play, each rhetoric reveals a quirkiness, redundancy, and flexibility. In light of this, Sutton-Smith suggests that play might provide a model of the variability that allows for “natural” selection. As a form of mental feedback, play might nullify the rigidity that sets in after successful adaption, thus reinforcing animal and human variability. Further, he shows how these discourses, despite their differences, might offer the components for a new social science of play.
Springer International Publishing AG Thermodynamics: Basic Principles and Engineering Applications
This new edition is designed for a one semester introductory course in thermodynamics, either in mechanical or aerospace engineering, or in an engineering science program. The book contains a section on the geometry of curves and surfaces, in order to review those parts of calculus that are needed in thermodynamics for discussing the thermodynamic equations of state of simple compressible substances, and their approximation by linear interpolation. It presents the First Law of Thermodynamics as an equation for the time rate of change of system energy, the same way that Newton’s Law of Motion, an equation for the time rate of change of system momentum, is presented in Dynamics, and presents the Second Law mathematically as a lower bound for the time rate of change of system entropy. Moreover, this emphasis illustrates the importance of thermodynamics to the study of heat transfer and fluid mechanics. These laws and the associated new thermodynamic properties, energy and entropy, are introduced with extended motivating discussions rather than as abstract postulates, and connections are made with kinetic theory. Thermodynamic properties of the vaporizable liquids- condensible gases needed for the solution of practical thermodynamic problems (e.g. water and a typical refrigerant) are presented in a unique tabular format that is both simple to understand and easy to use. All theoretical discussions throughout the book are accompanied by worked examples illustrating their use in practical devices. These examples of the solution of various kinds of thermodynamic problems are all structured in exactly the same way in order to make, as a result of the repetition, the solution of new problems easier for students to follow, and ultimately, to produce themselves. Many additional problems are provided, half of them with answers, for students to do on their own.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Imbalanced Learning: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications
The first book of its kind to review the current status and future direction of the exciting new branch of machine learning/data mining called imbalanced learning Imbalanced learning focuses on how an intelligent system can learn when it is provided with imbalanced data. Solving imbalanced learning problems is critical in numerous data-intensive networked systems, including surveillance, security, Internet, finance, biomedical, defense, and more. Due to the inherent complex characteristics of imbalanced data sets, learning from such data requires new understandings, principles, algorithms, and tools to transform vast amounts of raw data efficiently into information and knowledge representation. The first comprehensive look at this new branch of machine learning, this book offers a critical review of the problem of imbalanced learning, covering the state of the art in techniques, principles, and real-world applications. Featuring contributions from experts in both academia and industry, Imbalanced Learning: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications provides chapter coverage on: Foundations of Imbalanced Learning Imbalanced Datasets: From Sampling to Classifiers Ensemble Methods for Class Imbalance Learning Class Imbalance Learning Methods for Support Vector Machines Class Imbalance and Active Learning Nonstationary Stream Data Learning with Imbalanced Class Distribution Assessment Metrics for Imbalanced Learning Imbalanced Learning: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications will help scientists and engineers learn how to tackle the problem of learning from imbalanced datasets, and gain insight into current developments in the field as well as future research directions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era
The Leader of the Future 2 follows in the footsteps of the international bestseller The Leader of the Future, which has been translated into twenty-eight languages, and is one of the most widely distributed edited collections on leadership to date. In twenty-seven inspiring and insightful essays, this book celebrates the wisdom of some of the most recognized thought leaders of our day who share their unique vision of leadership for the future. Returning Contributors: Ken Blanchard with Dennis Carey, Stephen Covey, Marshall Goldsmith, Charles Handy, Sally Helgesen, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner, Richard Leider, Ed Schein, Peter Senge, and Dave Ulrich with Norm Smallwood. New Contributors: John Alexander, Darlyne Bailey, Howard Gardner with Lynn Barendsen, Usman Ghani, Ronald Heifetz, Joe Maciariello, Jan Masaoka, John Mroz, Brian O'Connell, Jeff Pfeffer, Ponchitta Pierce, Srikumar Rao, General Eric Shinseki, R. Roosevelt Thomas, Noel Tichy with Chris DeRose, and Tom Tierney. "Hesselbein and Marshall Goldsmith, one of the USA's top executive coaches, edited the collection The Leader of the Future 2. Its 27 eloquent essays provide a kind of hopeful, idealistic best-case scenario for future leaders of non-profits and businesses. This is not a cookie-cutter, how-to approach. The job of the essayists is to provide food for thought and goals. The high quality of writing here should inspire anyone who has aspirations for leadership." —Bruce Rosenstein, USA Today
The University of Chicago Press The Foreign Policy Disconnect: What Americans Want from Our Leaders but Don't Get
With world affairs so troubled, what kind of foreign policy should the United States pursue? Benjamin Page and Marshall Bouton look for answers in a surprising place: among the American people. Drawing on a series of national surveys conducted between 1974 and 2004, Page and Bouton reveal that—contrary to conventional wisdom—Americans generally hold durable, coherent, and sensible opinions about foreign policy. Nonetheless, their opinions often stand in opposition to those of policymakers, usually because of different interests and values, rather than superior wisdom among the elite. The Foreign Policy Disconnect argues that these gaps between leaders and the public are harmful, and that by using public opinion as a guideline policymakers could craft a more effective, sustainable, and democratic foreign policy. Page and Bouton support this argument by painting a uniquely comprehensive portrait of the military, diplomatic, and economic foreign policies Americans favor. They show, for example, that protecting American jobs is just as important to the public as security from attack, a goal the current administration seems to pursue single-mindedly. And contrary to some officials’ unilateral tendencies, the public consistently and overwhelmingly favors cooperative multilateral policy and participation in international treaties. Moreover, Americans’ foreign policy opinions are seldom divided along the usual lines: majorities of virtually all social, ideological, and partisan groups seek a policy that pursues the goals of security and justice through cooperative means. Written in a clear and engaging style, The Foreign Policy Disconnect calls, in an original voice, for a more democratic approach to creating such a policy.
Stone Pier Press The One & Done Cookbook: 87+ plant-based dinners for easy weeknight cooking
87+ plant-based dinner ideas for easy weeknight cooking. This is a cookbook for people who appreciate healthy and delicious food, and want to keep it simple. This one-of-a-kind cookbook was dreamed up by Betsy Freeman who noticed how few of her friends like to cook. A passionate home chef who cooks to relax, she started asking why. Most told her they just don’t have the time. Betsy, who works full time herself, decided to put together a cookbook dedicated to making cooking easier; in short, recipes and tips from one busy home cook to another. Her collection of vegan and vegetarian recipes are low-fuss, low-mess, and high in protein. She lists substitutions for harder-to-find ingredients so it’s easier to make do with what you have, and suggests ways to minimize food waste. She also shares tips on how to freestyle-cook, and assemble meals without using a recipe at all. To inspire home cooking, Betsy illustrates her book with colourful drawings that offer guidance and highlight what’s special about a recipe. The One & Done Cookbook includes: 48 one-pot vegetarian and vegan dinner recipes 13 basic recipes that can be served three different ways (as pastas, soups, grain bowls, stews, and more) 11 versatile sauces 6 great salad dressings 15 time-saving cooking hacks Betsy shares her prepping and cooking tips in a voice that is wry, understanding, and smart. With this book, she gets a chance to demonstrate that cooking is as relatable as she is.
Kent State University Press The Map of Wilderland: Ecocritical Reflections on Tolkien's Myth of Wilderness
Examining the mythic importance of wilderness in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earthA study of myth suggests that the stories we human beings tell ourselves about who we are make us who we are. Amber Lehning extends such discussion into the ecocritical realm, arguing that the stories we tell ourselves about our relationship to the natural world are at least as powerful as science or government policy as drivers of our behavior toward our planet. The destructive modern myths underlying today's environmental crises create a kind of intellectual separation between humanity and its environment that can end up justifying the worst of environmental excesses—and perhaps, she argues, the only way to counter these negative humans-versus-nature stories is to shift some of the deep belief they command into new, positive, restorative stories. The Map of Wilderland argues for the position of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium as one of those good stories. Using source critical and ecocritical perspectives, Lehning traces some of the ancient Celtic, Germanic, and English mythic roots of Tolkien's work; examines how those roots influence Tolkien's own depictions of the wild natural world; and suggests ways that this wildly popular modern myth could serve to help counter today's destructive environmental ones. Through insightful close readings of Tolkien's texts, Lehning's work complements existing inquiries in ecocritical Tolkien studies and bolsters the general critical agreement that Tolkien's work presents positive environmental themes and a harmonious, inspiring vision.
Future Horizons Incorporated Baking for Dave: She crosses the country to enter a baking contest, but wins a bigger prize
Iris Heller, a teenager with Sensory Processing Disorder, runs away to compete in a national bake-off contest.In order to get there, she steals her mom’s car, travels along the East Coast, and does the most terrifying thingof all — interacts with actual people! Iris has never been like other girls, but she’s not about to start letting thatget in the way.Iris has this profound fascination for the musican Dave Matthews, and she feels a compelling need to competein the bake-off for Dave. To compensate for nervousness, she has the habit of humming, beatboxing, andmaking musical contraptions out of items around her. It is this talent that gets noticed at several road stopsalong the way, which leads to her inevitable ""gone viral"" glory. At a donut shop, Iris sings like an angel. At acoffee shop, she plays a symphony using cups and the soda fountain. At a restaurant, she builds a gloriousmusical fountain out of dishes and pans. Iris is the kind of pure spirit who brings the best out of the worldaround her without knowing it.Iris’ mom (Maisy) and her best friend Eric set out to find Iris. All lives converge at Happy World, the Disneyesqueparadise, where the bake-off takes place. Iris, whose life has been one of isolation andmisunderstanding, finds out just how much she is loved. It doesn't matter whether she wins the bake-off, she'salready won the biggest contest of all, triumphing in life.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Establishing a Heart Failure Program: The Essential Guide
". . . every critical examination of HF therapy in the United States has documented that we are not using all the weapons in our arsenal. We know what works, yet we are not systematically applying these proven therapies."—from the Introduction If you are interested in a better way to treat heart failure, this book is for you. Dr. Michael McIvor – who has taught thousands of healthcare professionals how to effectively care for patients with chronic HF through CME symposia – takes a logical, step-by-step approach to setting up and operating the kind of program that reduces hospital admissions and improves patient care. Establishing a Heart Failure Program: The Essential Guide answers the different questions posed by physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and hospital administrators, all of whom need to work as a team to achieve success. The three major sections of the book address: Taking the first steps toward building your heart failure program - developing a business plan, choosing your model of care, and making accurate financial projections Assembling the pieces of your program – managers, front line staff, and the physical facility Day-to-day operations A companion website presents forms you can download and use in your own heart failure center. Drawing from experience, Dr. McIvor helps you avoid common problems by identifying potential problems and sharing advice that has proven effective to your colleagues. He gives you the essential tools – unavailable elsewhere – to set up and maintain a heart failure program that achieves superior clinical outcomes.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Relativistic Effects in Chemistry, Applications
E = mc2 and the Periodic Table . . . RELATIVISTIC EFFECTS IN CHEMISTRY This century's most famous equation, Einstein's special theory of relativity, transformed our comprehension of the nature of time and matter. Today, making use of the theory in a relativistic analysis of heavy molecules, that is, computing the properties and nature of electrons, is the work of chemists intent on exploring the mysteries of minute particles. The first work of its kind, Relativistic Effects in Chemistry details the computational and analytical methods used in studying the relativistic effects in chemical bonding as well as the spectroscopic properties of molecules containing very heavy atoms. The second of two independent volumes, Part B: Applications contains specific experimental and theoretical results on the electronic states of molecules containing very heavy atoms as well as their spectroscopic properties and electronic structures. The first one-volume catalog of comprehensive computational results, Part B details: * the relativistic effects on the electronic structure of transition metal clusters, such as the Cu, Ag, and Au triad * the electronic structure of open-shell transition metal clusters such as Rh3 and Ir3 * the electronic and spectroscopic properties of heteronuclear diatomics of main group p-block elements from Ga to Po, especially the diatomic hydrides, halides, and chalconides * the clusters of the very heavy main group p-block elements from Ga to Po * the relativistic effects on molecules containing lanthanide and actinide atoms, including metals inside fullerenes. An extraordinary new examination of Periodic Table elements, Part B of Relativistic Effects in Chemistry is also evidence of the enduring influence of Einstein's revolutionary theory.
Little, Brown Book Group The Corporation Wars: Insurgence
'For my money, Ken MacLeod is the current champion of the very smartest kind of New Space Opera... every variation on his themes produces something worth re-reading.' - LOCUS'MacLeod manages big Ideas (political and futurological) and propulsive action without short-changing either side of that classic science-fictional tension-of-opposites.' - LOCUSDIE FOR THE COMPANY, LIVE FOR THE PAYAnd the ultimate pay-off is DH-17, an Earth-like planet hundreds of light years from human habitation.Ruthless corporations vie over the prize remotely, and war is in full swing. But soldiers recruited to fight in the extremities of deep space come with their own problems: from A.I. minds in full rebellion, to Carlos 'the Terrorist' and his team of dead mercenaries, reincarnated from a bloodier period in earth's history for one purpose only - to kill.But as old rivalries emerge and new ones form, Carlos must decide whether he's willing for fight for the company or die for himself.Ken MacLeod continues the Corporation Wars trilogy in this action-packed science fiction adventure told against a backdrop of interstellar drone warfare, virtual reality, and an A.I. revolution.Books by Ken MacLeod:Fall RevolutionThe Star FractionThe Stone CanalThe Cassini DivisionThe Sky RoadEngines of LightCosmonaut KeepDark LightEngine CityCorporation Wars TrilogyDissidenceInsurgenceEmergenceNovelsThe Human FrontNewton's WakeLearning the WorldThe Execution ChannelThe Restoration GameIntrusionDescent
Watson-Guptill Publications Rendering in Pen and Ink – 60th Anniversary Editio n
Arthur L. Guptill's classic Rendering in Pen and Ink has long been regarded as the most comprehensive book ever published on the subject of ink drawing. This is a book designed to delight and instruct anyone who draws with pen and ink, from the professional artist to the amateur and hobbyist. It is of particular interest to architects, interior designers, landscape architects, industrial designers, illustrators, and renderers. Contents include a review of materials and tools of rendering; handling the pen and building tones; value studies; kinds of outline and their uses; drawing objects in light and shade; handling groups of objects; basic principles of composition; using photographs, study of the work of well-known artists; on-the-spot sketching; representing trees and other landscape features; drawing architectural details; methods of architectural rendering; examination of outstanding examples of architectural rendering; solving perspective and other rendering problems; handling interiors and their accessories; and finally, special methods of working with pen including its use in combination with other media. The book is profusely illustrated with over 300 drawings that include the work of famous illustrators and renderers of architectural subjects such as Rockwell Kent, Charles Dana Gibson, James Montgomery Flagg, Willy Pogany, Reginald Birch, Harry Clarke, Edward Penfield, Joseph Clement Coll, F.L. Griggs, Samuel V. Chamberlain, Louis C. Rosenberg, John Floyd Yewell, Chester B. Price, Robert Lockwood, Ernest C. Peixotto, Harry C. Wilkinson, Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, and Birch Burdette Long. Best of all, Arthur Guptill enriches the text with drawings of his own.
University of Minnesota Press Subject Of Documentary
The documentary, a genre as old as cinema itself, has traditionally aspired to objectivity. Whether making ethnographic, propagandistic, or educational films, documentarians have pointed the camera outward, drawing as little attention to themselves as possible. In recent decades, however, a new kind of documentary has emerged in which the filmmaker has become the subject of the work. Whether chronicling family history, sexual identity, or a personal or social world, this new generation of nonfiction filmmakers has defiantly embraced autobiography. In The Subject of Documentary, Michael Renov focuses on how documentary filmmaking has become an important means for both examining and constructing selfhood. By looking at key figures in documentary filmmaking as well as noncanonical video art and avant-garde artists, Renov broadens the definition of what counts as documentary, and explores the intersection of the personal and political, considering how memory can create a way into asking troubling questions about identity, oppression, and resiliency. Offering historical context for the explosion of personal nonfiction filmmaking in the 1980s and 1990s, Renov analyzes films in which the subjectivity of the filmmaker is expressly defined in relation to political struggle or historical trauma, from Haskell Wexler's Medium Cool to Jonas Mekas's Lost, Lost, Lost. And, looking beyond the traditional documentary, Renov contemplates such nontraditional modes of autobiographical practice as the essay film, the video confession, and the personal Web page.Unique in its attention to diverse expressions of personal nonfiction filmmaking, The Subject of Documentary forges a new understanding of the heightened role and function of subjectivity in contemporary documentary practice.Michael Renov is professor of critical studies at the USC School of Cinema-Television. He is the editor of Theorizing Documentary and the coeditor of Resolutions: Contemporary Video Practices (Minnesota, 1996) and Collecting Visible Evidence (Minnesota, 1999).
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Not Saved: Essays After Heidegger
One can rightly say of Peter Sloterdijk that each of his essays and lectures is also an unwritten book. That is why the texts presented here, which sketch a philosophical physiognomy of Martin Heidegger, should also be characterized as a collected renunciation of exhaustiveness. In order to situate Heidegger's thought in the history of ideas and problems, Peter Sloterdijk approaches Heidegger's work with questions such as: If Western philosophy emerged from the spirit of the polis, what are we to make of the philosophical suitability of a man who never made a secret of his stubborn attachment to rural life? Is there a provincial truth of which the cosmopolitan city knows nothing? Is there a truth in country roads and cabins that would be able to undermine the universities with their standardized languages and globally influential discourses? From where does this odd professor speak, when from his professorial chair in Freiburg he claims to inquire into what lies beyond the history of Western metaphysics? Sloterdijk also considers several other crucial twentieth-century thinkers who provide some needed contrast for the philosophical physiognomy of Martin Heidegger. A consideration of Niklas Luhmann as a kind of contemporary version of the Devil's Advocate, a provocative critical interpretation of Theodor Adorno's philosophy that focuses on its theological underpinnings and which also includes reflections on the philosophical significance of hyperbole, and a short sketch of the pessimistic thought of Emil Cioran all round out and deepen Sloterdijk's attempts to think with, against, and beyond Heidegger. Finally, in essays such as "Domestication of Being" and the "Rules for the Human Park," which incited an international controversy around the time of its publication and has been translated afresh for this volume, Sloterdijk develops some of his most intriguing and important ideas on anthropogenesis, humanism, technology, and genetic engineering.
The University of Chicago Press Sprawl: A Compact History
As anyone who has flown into Los Angeles at dusk or Houston at midday knows, urban areas today defy traditional notions of what a city is. Our old definitions of urban, suburban, and rural fail to capture the complexity of these vast regions with their superhighways, subdivisions, industrial areas, office parks, and resort areas pushing far out into the countryside. Detractors call it sprawl and assert that it is economically inefficient, socially inequitable, environmentally irresponsible, and aesthetically ugly. Robert Bruegmann calls it a logical consequence of economic growth and the democratization of society, with benefits that urban planners have failed to recognize. In his incisive history of the expanded city, Bruegmann overturns every assumption we have about sprawl. Taking a long view of urban development, he demonstrates that sprawl is neither recent nor particularly American but as old as cities themselves, just as characteristic of ancient Rome and eighteenth-century Paris as it is of Atlanta or Los Angeles. Nor is sprawl the disaster claimed by many contemporary observers. Although sprawl, like any settlement pattern, has undoubtedly produced problems that must be addressed, it has also provided millions of people with the kinds of mobility, privacy, and choice that were once the exclusive prerogatives of the rich and powerful. The first major book to strip urban sprawl of its pejorative connotations, "Sprawl" offers a completely new vision of the city and its growth. Bruegmann leads readers to the powerful conclusion that "in its immense complexity and constant change, the city - whether dense and concentrated at its core, looser and more sprawling in suburbia, or in the vast tracts of exurban penumbra that extend dozens, even hundreds, of miles - is the grandest and most marvelous work of mankind."
New York University Press Wedlocked: The Perils of Marriage Equality
Compares today’s same-sex marriage movement to the experiences of black people in the mid-nineteenth century. The staggering string of victories by the gay rights movement’s campaign for marriage equality raises questions not only about how gay people have been able to successfully deploy marriage to elevate their social and legal reputation, but also what kind of freedom and equality the ability to marry can mobilize. Wedlocked turns to history to compare today’s same-sex marriage movement to the experiences of newly emancipated black people in the mid-nineteenth century, when they were able to legally marry for the first time. Maintaining that the transition to greater freedom was both wondrous and perilous for newly emancipated people, Katherine Franke relates stories of former slaves’ involvements with marriage and draws lessons that serve as cautionary tales for today’s marriage rights movements. While “be careful what you wish for” is a prominent theme, they also teach us how the rights-bearing subject is inevitably shaped by the very rights they bear, often in ways that reinforce racialized gender norms and stereotypes. Franke further illuminates how the racialization of same-sex marriage has redounded to the benefit of the gay rights movement while contributing to the ongoing subordination of people of color and the diminishing reproductive rights of women. Like same-sex couples today, freed African-American men and women experienced a shift in status from outlaws to in-laws, from living outside the law to finding their private lives organized by law and state licensure. Their experiences teach us the potential and the perils of being subject to legal regulation: rights—and specifically the right to marriage—can both burden and set you free.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Promise: The Moving Story of a Family in the Holocaust
Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss retells her own story specially for younger readers. This is the remarkable true story of a young Jewish girl and her brother caught in a world turned upside down by the Nazis during the Second World War. Eva Schloss describes her happy early childhood in Vienna with her kind and loving parents and her older brother Heinz, whom she adored. But when the Nazis marched into Austria everything changed. Eva's family fled to Belgium, then to Amsterdam where, with the help of the Dutch Resistance, they spent the next two years in hiding - Eva and her mother in one house, and her father and brother in another. But in the end they were all betrayed and deported to Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. Despite the horrors of the camp, Eva's positive attitude and stubborn personality (which had often got her into trouble) saw her through one of the most tragic events in history but sadly her father and brother perished just weeks before the liberation. Eva and her mother travelled back to the house in Amsterdam where Heinz and his father had hidden. There they found over thirty beautiful paintings by her brother. For Eva, here was a tangible, everlasting memory of her beloved older brother, and a reminder of her father's promise that all the good things you accomplish will make a difference.Heinz's paintings have been on display in exhibitions in the USA and are now a part of a permanent exhibition in Amsterdam's war museum.Eva Schloss is the posthumous step-sister of Anne Frank, after her mother was remarried to Otto Frank, the only surviving member of his immediate family.
Princeton University Press The Mathematical Mechanic: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems
Everybody knows that mathematics is indispensable to physics--imagine where we'd be today if Einstein and Newton didn't have the math to back up their ideas. But how many people realize that physics can be used to produce many astonishing and strikingly elegant solutions in mathematics? Mark Levi shows how in this delightful book, treating readers to a host of entertaining problems and mind-bending puzzlers that will amuse and inspire their inner physicist. Levi turns math and physics upside down, revealing how physics can simplify proofs and lead to quicker solutions and new theorems, and how physical solutions can illustrate why results are true in ways lengthy mathematical calculations never can. Did you know it's possible to derive the Pythagorean theorem by spinning a fish tank filled with water? Or that soap film holds the key to determining the cheapest container for a given volume? Or that the line of best fit for a data set can be found using a mechanical contraption made from a rod and springs? Levi demonstrates how to use physical intuition to solve these and other fascinating math problems. More than half the problems can be tackled by anyone with precalculus and basic geometry, while the more challenging problems require some calculus. This one-of-a-kind book explains physics and math concepts where needed, and includes an informative appendix of physical principles. The Mathematical Mechanic will appeal to anyone interested in the little-known connections between mathematics and physics and how both endeavors relate to the world around us.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Be the Employee Your Company Can't Live Without: 18 Ways to Become Indispensable
In his previous books, noted management consultant Glenn Shepard showed managers how to get the most from their workforce. Now, in How to Be the Employee Your Company Can't Live Without, Shepard shows employees how to get the most from themselves, their jobs, and their careers. This practical, actionable guide explains what today's managers are really looking for in employees, what they place the highest value on, and how employees can surpass expectations to gain raises and promotions. Based on common-sense principles that will work for anyone in any career, this practical, real-world guide shows you how to: Answer the one question that will immediately make you a highly valued employee Excel in your job by simply showing your employer how much you care about your job Create job security by earning a reputation as the most reliable person around Learn the right way to make mistakes Develop the kind of professional work ethic that gets you promoted Be the problem-solver companies are looking for And take control of your professional destiny! Millions of Americans feel stuck in dead-end jobs that are getting them nowhere. Often they think, despite their best efforts, that no one will notice or reward their success. How to Be the Employee Your Company Can't Live Without shows you how to excel at the office and garner the recognition you've worked hard to earn. Master these principles and apply them every day at work and unlimited success will be your reward.
Stanford University Press Is It Righteous to Be?: Interviews with Emmanuel Levinas
Recent debates within Continental philosophy have decisively renewed the question of the ethical, with the French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas (1905-1995) as its center. Coming from yet in contestation with the phenomenological traditions of Husserl and Heidegger, Levinas defines ethics as an originary response to the face of the other. For him, language is an exception to a habitual economy that represses alterity and maintains the asymmetry and distance constitutive of the nontotalizing relation to the other. Ethics occurs in the interlocutionary relation to the other, and interpellation—a kind of interruption by speaking—is the essential feature of ethical language. Between 1982 and 1992, Levinas gave numerous interviews, closing a distinguished sixty-year career. Of the twenty interviews collected in this volume, seventeen appear in English for the first time. In the interviews Levinas sets forth the central features of his ethical philosophy, previously enunciated in Totality and Infinity (1961), in a language that bridges to the idiom of his later work. He underlines his dedication to the phenomenological search for the concrete and the nonformal signification of alterity. He also elaborates issues that do not receive extensive treatment in his formal philosophical works, including the question of prephilosophical experiences and the ethical signification of money, justice, and the State. The informality of the interviews prompts Levinas to address matters about which he is reticent in his published works, notably the relation of his ethical philosophy to theological questions, the intrication of the Hebrew Bible in Greek philosophy, his substantial corpus of "nonphilosophical" or "confessional" writings on the Talmud, and recollections of his extraordinary talmudic teacher, Shoshani. The centerpiece of the volume is a previously untranslated 1986 interview with François Poirié. Containing Levinas's sole extended discussion of biographical matters with an interviewer, this text helps to situate Levinas in his contemporary intellectual world and to clarify his place in French thought.
Crown House Publishing MiniMax Interventions: 15 simple therapeutic interventions that have maximum impact
In MiniMax Interventions, Manfred Prior presents therapeutic communication strategies that are designed to achieve a lot with just a few linguistic alterations: maximum results for minimal effort. These tried-and-tested communication strategies can be used in an effective way by any therapeutic practitioner, in almost any kind of session. The step-by-step methods can make a huge contribution to helping patients and clients solve their problems and clarify their goals more quickly. They are easy to understand and put into practice and, as such, their profound effect will be readily observable. It takes a lot of time and experience to condense such a lot of information into such a short book, and such powerful transformative effects into short therapeutic phrases. Manfred Prior has studied the speech patterns of successful communication in psychotherapy, medicine and counselling for more than 30 years. As one of the most renowned hypnosis instructors in the German-speaking world, he has taught effective communication techniques and methods to psychotherapists, doctors and dentists since the mid-eighties. For the first time, his insights are now available in the English-speaking world. The book, originally published in German as the bestselling MiniMax-Interventionen: 15 minimale Interventionen mit maximaler Wirkung, is translated by Professor Paul Bishop. MiniMax interventions provide the basis for efficient communication as well as human encounter. They help reduce resistance from patients or more precisely do not let it build up. They strengthen the relationship between therapist and patient and build motivation and willingness to cooperate. Finally, they demonstrate time and again how a few short words can have long-lasting therapeutic consequences. Suitable for psychotherapists, counsellors, supervisors, coaches and organisational consultants. If you want to improve your communication skills in a decisive yet practical way this succinct, accessible book is for you.