Search results for ""Author Kind"
Liverpool University Press Poetry & Responsibility
This study by Neil Corcoran considers the kinds of responsibility which some exemplary modern lyric poetry takes on, or to which it makes itself subject – social, cultural, political, aesthetic and personal. It treats its theme in British, Irish and American poets and in some influential foreign-language poets available in influential English translations. The book discusses the poetry of the First World War and the Cold War in such poets as Owen, Rosenberg, Pasternak, Zbigniew Herbert and Robert Lowell; the poetry and politics of modern Ireland in Yeats, MacNeice, Heaney and others; and poetry's relations with prose, painting and song in poets including Frank O'Hara, Ted Hughes and Bob Dylan. It focuses particularly on forms of modern elegy. Poetry & Responsibility includes such topics as the conflicting impulses in Owen between his obligations as a soldier and as a poet; Yeats's gradual creation of one of his greatest poems out of his responsibilities as an Irish schools inspector; Heaney's requirement that poetry make an 'apology' for itself; O'Hara's deployment of a camp sensibility in the interests of writing a politics of 1950s Black American culture; Herbert's rewriting of Hamlet as a reading of Warsaw Pact Poland; and the political and aesthetic significance of Dylan's restless self-revision. The book argues that exemplary modern lyric poetry can be shown to resist various forms of accommodation or appropriation. In its strategies of opposition, it becomes what Auden calls it in his elegy for Yeats: 'A way of happening, a mouth.'
University of Texas Press Speeches from Athenian Law
This is the sixteenth volume in the Oratory of Classical Greece. This series presents all of the surviving speeches from the late fifth and fourth centuries BC in new translations prepared by classical scholars who are at the forefront of the discipline. These translations are especially designed for the needs and interests of today's undergraduates, Greekless scholars in other disciplines, and the general public. Classical oratory is an invaluable resource for the study of ancient Greek life and culture. The speeches offer evidence on Greek moral views, social and economic conditions, political and social ideology, law and legal procedure, and other aspects of Athenian culture that have recently been attracting particular interest: women and family life, slavery, and religion, to name just a few. This volume assembles twenty-two speeches previously published in the Oratory series. The speeches are taken from a wide range of different kinds of cases—homicide, assault, commercial law, civic status, sexual offenses, and others—and include many of the best-known speeches in these areas. They are Antiphon, Speeches 1, 2, 5, and 6; Lysias 1, 3, 23, 24, and 32; Isocrates 17, 20; Isaeus 1, 7, 8; Hyperides 3; Demosthenes 27, 35, 54, 55, 57, and 59; and Aeschines 1. The volume is intended primarily for use in teaching courses in Greek law or related areas such as Greek history. It also provides the introductions and notes that originally accompanied the individual speeches, revised slightly to shift the focus onto law.
Columbia University Press Chinese Women’s Cinema: Transnational Contexts
The first of its kind in English, this collection explores twenty one well established and lesser known female filmmakers from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Chinese diaspora. Sixteen scholars illuminate these filmmakers' negotiations of local and global politics, cinematic representation, and issues of gender and sexuality, covering works from the 1920s to the present. Writing from the disciplines of Asian, women's, film, and auteur studies, contributors reclaim the work of Esther Eng, Tang Shu Shuen, Dong Kena, and Sylvia Chang, among others, who have transformed Chinese cinematic modernity. Chinese Women's Cinema is a unique, transcultural, interdisciplinary conversation on authorship, feminist cinema, transnational gender, and cinematic agency and representation. Lingzhen Wang's comprehensive introduction recounts the history and limitations of established feminist film theory, particularly its relationship with female cinematic authorship and agency. She also reviews critiques of classical feminist film theory, along with recent developments in feminist practice, altogether remapping feminist film discourse within transnational and interdisciplinary contexts. Wang's subsequent redefinition of women's cinema, and brief history of women's cinematic practices in modern China, encourage the reader to reposition gender and cinema within a transnational feminist configuration, such that power and knowledge are reexamined among and across cultures and nation-states.
Milkweed Editions Meltwater: Poems
A haunting collection that inhabits a disquieting future where fear is the governing body, “the organ and the tissue / and the cell, the membrane and the organelle.” “Once there were oarfish, opaleyes, olive flounders. Once the oxbows were not overrun with nitrogen.” Part requiem, part bedtime story, Meltwater narrates the awful possibility of doom as well as the grim temptation to numb ourselves to it. Prose poems melt into erasures, erasures swell into lush catalogs. Within this formal ebb and flow, Claire Wahmanholm explores both abundance and annihilation, giving shape and music to our shared human anxieties. What does it mean to bring children into a world like this one? A world where grenades are “the only kind of fruit we can still name”? Where “lightning can strike over / and over without boredom or belief and nothing / is saved”? Where losses, both ecological and personal, proliferate endlessly? Here, a parent’s joy is accompanied by the gnaw of remorse. And yet, Wahmanholm recognizes, children bind us to the world—to its missiles and marvels, to the possibility that there is indeed grace worth “suffer[ing] the empty universe for.”If we are going to worry, let us also at least wonder. If we are going to be seized by terror, let us also be “seized by the topaz sky and the breeze through it.” A glittering, kinetic testament to vanishing—of biodiversity, of climate stability, of a sense of safety—Meltwater is both vindication and balm.
Carcanet Press Ltd Object Lessons
'I have put this book together, not as a prose narrative is usually constructed, but as a poem might be. In turnings and returnings. In parts which find and repeat themselves and re-state the argument until it loses its reasonable edge and hopefully becomes a sort of cadence.' In "Object Lessons" Eavan Boland meditates on womanhood in the specific places and times of her life. She engages, in a scrupulous and evocative prose, the issues of nationhood as well, clearing a space within Ireland where to be a woman and a poet has seemed in the past a contradiction in terms. The book functions in her work as Wordsworth's "Prelude" does in his, though Boland does not allow herself the luxury of rapture: to say no more or less than she means, she focuses on particulars, on 'obstinate details' that contain and represent larger meaning, connection and force. The autobiography here is not of a confessional kind: the facts which connect with other voices, other lives, matter. What the London Review of Books called Boland's 'radical but undoctrinaire feminism' informs all the related meditations in "Object Lessons", an enabling document of our time.Unease with Modernism, a concern with the erotic in time, and at every point a sense of continuities, mark the book as a portrait of a critical imagination of deep integrity finding a way among history's obstacles, finding itself in and through the lessons of the objects - particularly artifacts and poems - that it encounters.
Harvard University Press Rulers and Victims: The Russians in the Soviet Union
Many westerners used to call the Soviet Union "Russia." Russians too regarded it as their country, but that did not mean they were entirely happy with it. In the end, in fact, Russia actually destroyed the Soviet Union. How did this happen, and what kind of Russia emerged?In this illuminating book, Geoffrey Hosking explores what the Soviet experience meant for Russians. One of the keys lies in messianism--the idea rooted in Russian Orthodoxy that the Russians were a "chosen people." The communists reshaped this notion into messianic socialism, in which the Soviet order would lead the world in a new direction. Neither vision, however, fit the "community spirit" of the Russian people, and the resulting clash defined the Soviet world.Hosking analyzes how the Soviet state molded Russian identity, beginning with the impact of the Bolshevik Revolution and civil war. He discusses the severe dislocations resulting from collectivization and industrialization; the relationship between ethnic Russians and other Soviet peoples; the dramatic effects of World War II on ideas of homeland and patriotism; the separation of "Russian" and "Soviet" culture; leadership and the cult of personality; and the importance of technology in the Soviet world view.At the heart of this penetrating work is the fundamental question of what happens to a people who place their nationhood at the service of empire. There is no surer guide than Geoffrey Hosking to reveal the historical forces forging Russian identity in the post-communist world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing User Interfaces for International Use
Increasing technological sophistication in many countries and the resulting larger world trade has indicated a need to pay greater attention to the international aspects of user interfaces. Many American companies are approaching a situation where half of their sales are outside the United States, and companies in smaller countries often have a much larger proportion of their sales outside their own country. This means that software sales will increasingly depend on their international usability and not just their domestic usability. Seen from a user's perspective more than half of the world's software users will be using interfaces which were originally designed in a foreign country. Usability for this large market of users will depend upon increased awareness of the issues involved in designing user interfaces for international use. As the European community aims to establish the so-called Single Market by the end of 1992, international software will become even more important in that part of the world. And as if it wasn't hard enough to design user interfaces for use in Europe, there are a further set of problems connected with user interfaces for Asia. Both of these issues are examined in depth. This is the first publication of its kind to appear on the topic of international user interfaces, and presents both general guidelines and a number of detailed case studies on the many aspects entailed. The book will be of considerable interest to project managers, lecturers, students, developers of basic software and user interface designers.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Undivided
Proactive Citizenry, the company which created Cam from the parts of unwound teens, has a plan: to mass produce Rewound teens like Cam for military purposes. But below the surface is of that horror lies another shocking level of intrigue: Proactive Citizenry has been suppressing technology that could make unwinding completely unnecessary. As Conner, Risa and Lev uncover these shocking secrets, enraged teens begin to march on Washington to demand justice and a better future. But more trouble is brewing. Starkey's group of storked teens are growing more powerful and militant with each new recruit. And if they have their way, they'll burn the harvest camps to the group, and put every adult in them before a firing squad-which could destroy any chance America has for a peaceful future. Praise for UNWIND: "This is the kind of rare book that makes the hairs on your neck rise up. It is written with a sense of drama that should get it instantly snapped up for film." The Times "Gripping, brilliantly imagined futuristic thriller… The issues raised could not be more provocative - the sanctity of life, the meaning of being human - while the delivery could hardly be more engrossing or better aimed to teens." Publishers Weekly, starred review "a powerful, shocking, and intelligent novel... It's wonderful, wonderful stuff." "This book challenges ones ideas about life, about morality, about religion, about fanatics. It is not a comfortable read but it is thought-provoking." Carousel
Skyhorse Publishing True Ladies and Proper Gentlemen: Victorian Etiquette for Modern-Day Mothers and Fathers, Husbands and Wives, Boys and Girls, Teachers and Students, and More
Regardless of time period, some things hold true: kindness is timeless.Invasion of privacy; divorce; relationship issues; encounters between people from different places and cultures; new technologies developed at dizzying speeds . . . the hectic pace of life in the late nineteenth century could make the mind reel.Wait a minutethe nineteenth century?Many of the issues people faced in the 1880s and ’90s surprisingly remain problems in today’s modern world, so why not take a peek at some Victorian advice about negotiating life’s dizzying twists and turns? Gathered from period magazines and Hill’s Manual of Social and Business Forms, a book on social conduct originally published in 1891, this volume provides timeless guidance for a myriad of situations, including:The husband’s duty: Give your wife every advantage that it is possible to bestow.Suggestions about shopping: Purchasers should, as far as possible, patronize the merchants of their own town. (Buy local!)Suggestions for travel: Having paid for one ticket, you are entitled to only one seat. It shows selfishness to deposit a large amount of baggage in the surrounding seats and occupy three or four.Unclassified laws of etiquette: Never leave home with unkind words.This advice is accompanied by watercolors and illustrations throughout. Though these are tips originate from nineteenth-century ideas, you’ll find that they certainly do still apply.
The University of Chicago Press Roads of Excess, Palaces of Wisdom: Eroticism and Reflexivity in the Study of Mysticism
William Blake once wrote that "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." Inspired by these poetic terms, Jeffrey J. Kripal reveals how the works of scholars of mysticism are often rooted in their own mystical experiences, "roads of excess," which can both lead to important insights into these scholars' works and point us to our own "palaces of wisdom."In his new book, Kripal addresses the twentieth-century study of mysticism as a kind of mystical tradition in its own right, with its own unique histories, discourses, sociological dynamics, and rhetorics of secrecy. Fluidly combining autobiography and biography with scholarly exploration, Kripal takes us on a tour of comparative mystical thought by examining the lives and works of five major historians of mysticism—Evelyn Underhill, Louis Massignon, R. C. Zaehner, Agehananda Bharati, and Elliot Wolfson—as well as relating his own mystical experiences. The result, Kripal finds, is seven "palaces of wisdom": the religious power of excess, the necessity of distance in the study of mysticism, the relationship between the mystical and art, the dilemmas of male subjectivity and modern heterosexuality, a call for ethical criticism, the paradox of the insider-outsider problem in the study of religion, and the magical power of texts and their interpretation. An original and penetrating analysis of modern scholarship and scholars of mysticism, Roads of Excess, Palaces of Wisdom is also a persuasive demonstration of the way this scholarly activity is itself a mystical phenomenon.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Economics of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Measures: History, Theory, and Evidence
This textbook presents a systematic study of terrorism from the standpoint of economic analysis. Choosing the kind and level of measures to counter terror is, to a large extent, an economic decision, as counterterrorism (CT) measures and their side effects are costly. This text, contains theoretical models that illustrate the economic mechanisms of different types of CT measures. A vast array of empirical studies and regularities are also presented. Some chapters discuss in depth the empirical results in the literature as well as the underlying statistical/econometric methodologies that go beyond ordinary regression. General Appendix A provides an exposition of the concept of compensating surplus and elements of the basic game theory, to help the reader with an economics background recapitulate micro theory concepts used in the book. General Appendix B lays out the notions of hypothesis testing, regression and more advanced statistical/econometric methods, so that the reader understands or at least can have an intuitive idea of how the results are derived and what they mean with some degree of inner comfort. Aimed at students at the intermediate undergraduate and graduate levels, the text requires knowledge of basic micro, first-order conditions of profit or utility maximization and cost minimization, and statistical concepts of hypothesis testing and regression. This textbook is intended for use in courses in economics, political science, criminal justice, and emergency management. Additionally, professionals working with national security in government and non-governmental organizations may find it useful.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Bayesian Item Response Modeling: Theory and Applications
The modeling of item response data is governed by item response theory, also referred to as modern test theory. The eld of inquiry of item response theory has become very large and shows the enormous progress that has been made. The mainstream literature is focused on frequentist statistical methods for - timating model parameters and evaluating model t. However, the Bayesian methodology has shown great potential, particularly for making further - provements in the statistical modeling process. The Bayesian approach has two important features that make it attractive for modeling item response data. First, it enables the possibility of incorpor- ing nondata information beyond the observed responses into the analysis. The Bayesian methodology is also very clear about how additional information can be used. Second, the Bayesian approach comes with powerful simulation-based estimation methods. These methods make it possible to handle all kinds of priors and data-generating models. One of my motives for writing this book is to give an introduction to the Bayesian methodology for modeling and analyzing item response data. A Bayesian counterpart is presented to the many popular item response theory books (e.g., Baker and Kim 2004; De Boeck and Wilson, 2004; Hambleton and Swaminathan, 1985; van der Linden and Hambleton, 1997) that are mainly or completely focused on frequentist methods. The usefulness of the Bayesian methodology is illustrated by discussing and applying a range of Bayesian item response models.
SPCK Publishing Songs of the Spirit: A Psalm a Day for Lent and Easter
Songs of the Spirit give readers of all kinds a new, emotional response to the period of Lent by holding to its heart the Psalms, rather than sticking firmly within the pages of the Gospels. Freshly translated by Rev. Megan Daffern herself, these Psalms and readings are an insightful door to appreciate the countless varieties of ways we can respond to God over the course of just 40 days. Each re-translated Psalm opens up the resonate life their lines. From celebration to mourning, from simplicity to intricacy, Songs of the Spirit offers to a wide range of believers a way to hold the message and truths of Lent close to heart. No matter whether you've never considered faith before, or know the ins-and-outs of faith like rooms of your very own home, there is a rich vein of life to be found in these Psalms. Moving through the problems of the world during Week 1, to injustice in Week 2, and then exploring the complexity and scope of creation in Week 3, its beauty in Week 4, pilgrimage and its effects in Week 5, and then holiness and redemption in Weeks 6 and 7 - this Lent Devotional renews how you approach the world and its maker. Emotive and beautiful, Songs of the Spirit nourishes the spirit and opens your eyes to the ceaseless wonders of God in all things. A Lent devotional filled with life.
Houghton Mifflin Sisters Eight Book 1: Annie's Adventures
A rather large problem has befallen the Huit girls (Sisters, actually. Octuplets to be exact). One particular New Year's Eve, the girls wait for their Mummy to bring them hot chocolate and their daddy to return with more wood for the fire. But they don't. Mummy and Daddy, that is. They're gone. Poof! Maybe dead - no one knows for sure. You must see the problem here. Eight little girls on their own, no Mummy or Daddy to take care of them. This is not a good thing. So now these little girls, must take care of themselves. Get to school, cook the meals, feed the cats (eight of them, too), and pay the bills. They can't ask for help, oh no. Any self-respecting adult would surely call in social services, and those well-meaning people would have to split them up. After losing their parents, being split up would be completely unbearable. At the same time, the question remains: What happened to Mummy and Daddy? The Sisters Eight (as they are called, affectionately and otherwise) are determined to find out. Luckily, they do seem to have someone or something helping them. Notes keep appearing behind a loose brick in the fireplace. It's a good old-fashioned mystery with missing (or dead) parents, nosy neighbours, talking refrigerators, foul-smelling fruitcake (is there any other kind?), and even a little magic. Eight little girls, eight cats, and one big mystery - let the fun begin.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc SuperLife: The 5 Forces That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome
In this groundbreaking health and lifestyle guide, the superfoods expert, nutritionist, and creator of Shakeology provides the key to understanding and utilizing the five life forces-the sole factors that determine whether or not we will be healthy, fit, and free of illness. In Superlife, Darin Olien provides us with an entirely new way of thinking about health and wellbeing by identifying what he calls the life forces: Quality Nutrition, Hydration, Detoxification, Oxygenation, and Alkalization. Olien demonstrates in great detail how to maintain these processes, thereby allowing our bodies to do the rest. He tells us how we can maintain healthy weight, prevent even the most serious of diseases, and feel great. He explains that all of this is possible without any of the restrictive or gimmicky diet plans that never work in the long term. Olien has traveled the world, exploring the health properties of foods that have sustained indigenous cultures for centuries. Putting his research into practice, he has created a unique and proven formula for maximizing our bodies' potential. He also includes a "How-to-eat" user's guide with a shopping list, advice on "what to throw away," a guide to creating a healthy, balanced diet plan, and advice on how to use supplements effectively. Written in Olien's engaging conversational style, Superlife is a one-of-a-kind comprehensive look at dieting and nutrition, a timeless and essential guide to maintaining the human body and maximizing its potential.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Twin Technology: Fundamentals and Applications
DIGITAL TWIN TECHNOLOGY The book lucidly explains the fundamentals of digital twin technology along with its applications and various industrial real-world examples. Digital twin basically means a replicated model of any object or product in digital form. A digital twin has many advantages as it remains connected with the original object or product it is replicating and receives real-time data. Therefore, the obstacles and issues that could be encountered in a product or object can be known before their actual happening which helps to prevent errors and major losses which otherwise might have been incurred. The various capabilities of digital twin technology make it a powerful tool that can be used to effectively boost various sectors of the healthcare, automotive, and construction industries, among others. Although this technology has been making its way into various sectors, it has not yet received the kind of exposure necessary to increase awareness of its potential in these industries. Therefore, it is critical that a better understanding of digital twin technology is acquired to facilitate growth and to have it implemented in the various sectors so that transformation can be ushered in. Therefore, this book was designed to be a useful resource for those who want to become well acquainted with digital twin technology. Audience Engineers, researchers, and advanced students in information technology, computer science, and electronics, as well as IT specialists and professionals in various industries such as healthcare, automotive, and transportation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Power of Collaborative Solutions: Six Principles and Effective Tools for Building Healthy Communities
In this groundbreaking book, Tom Wolff spells out six proven principles for creating collabo- rative solutions for healthy communities. The Power of Collaborative Solutions addresses contemporary social problems by helping people of diverse circumstances and backgrounds work together to solve community challenges. Filled with clear principles, illustrative stories, and practical tools, this book shows how to make lasting change really happen. Praise for The Power of Collaborative Solutions "This is a truly transformative book and a must-read. Tom Wolff crafts a path to change that is at once visionary and achievable." MEREDITH MINKLER, professor of health and social behavior, University of California, Berkeley, and coauthor, Community-Based Participatory Research for Health (Jossey-Bass, 2008) "If you want to bring about sustained positive change in your community, read this book. The stories will inspire you, and the lessons will shine a light on your leadership path." TYLER NORRIS, founding president, Community Initiatives "Here you'll find not just theory, but also the hard-won, down-to-earth detail on how to make collaboration work where you live and act." BILL BERKOWITZ, professor emeritus of psychology, University of Massachusetts Lowell "Tom has a tremendous fount of knowledge, and he knows just what to do with it and how to help others use it. His kind and commonsensical manner means that his intellect is accessible." LINDA BOWEN, executive director, Institute for Community Peace, Washington, D.C.
The University of Chicago Press How We See the Sky: A Naked-Eye Tour of Day and Night
Gazing up at the heavens from our backyards or a nearby field, most of us see an undifferentiated mess of stars - if, that is, we can see anything at all through the glow of light pollution. Today's casual observer knows far less about the sky than did our ancestors, who depended on the sun and the moon to tell them the time and on the stars to guide them through the seas. Nowadays, we don't need the sky, which is good, because we've made it far less accessible, hiding it behind the skyscrapers and excessive artificial light of our cities. "How We See the Sky" gives us back our knowledge of the sky, offering a fascinating overview of what can be seen there without the aid of a telescope. Thomas Hockey begins by scanning the horizon, explaining how the visible universe rotates through this horizon as night turns to day and season to season. Subsequent chapters explore the sun's and moon's respective motions through the celestial globe, as well as the appearance of solstices, eclipses, and planets, and how these are accounted for in different kinds of calendars. In every chapter, Hockey introduces the common vocabulary of today's astronomers, uses examples past and present to explain them, and provides conceptual tools to help newcomers understand the topics he discusses. Packed with illustrations and enlivened by historical anecdotes and literary references, "How We See the Sky" reacquaints us with the wonders to be found in our own backyards.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Myth of the Press Gang: Volunteers, Impressment and the Naval Manpower Problem in the Late Eighteenth Century
Overturns the generally held view that the press gang was the main means of recruiting seamen by the British navy in the late eighteenth century. SHORTLISTED for the Society for Nautical Research's prestigious Anderson Medal. The press gang is generally regarded as the means by which the British navy solved the problem of recruiting enough seamen in the late eighteenth century. This book, however, based on extensive original research conducted primarily in a large number of ships' muster books, demonstrates that this view is false. It argues that, in fact, the overwhelming majority of seamen in the navy were there of their own free will. Taking a long view across the late eighteenth century but concentrating on the period of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars of 1793-1815, the book provides great detailon the sort of men that were recruited and the means by which they were recruited, and includes a number of individuals' stories. It shows how manpower was a major concern for the Admiralty; how the Admiralty put in place a rangeof recruitment methods including the quota system; how it worried about depleting merchant shipping of sufficient sailors; and how, although most seamen were volunteers, the press gang was resorted to, especially during the initial mobilisation at the beginning of wars and to find certain kinds of particularly skilled seamen. The book also makes comparisons with recruitment methods employed by the navies of other countries and by the British army. J. ROSS DANCY is Director of Graduate Studies in History and Assistant Professor of History at Sam Houston State University
Oxford University Press The True and the Good: A Strong Virtue Theory of the Value of Truth
Philosophical thinking about truth has revolved around two key questions. First, what is the nature of truth? Second, why should we value it? It has proven difficult to answer both questions at once. Some theories analyse truth in terms of goodness. Truth is a specific kind of goodness for beliefs. They have an easy explanation of truth's value, but they obscure the connection between truth and how things are. What does belief have to do with whether it's true that there is water on Mars? Other theories treat truth as a descriptive feature: a claim is true when things are as it says they are. Such theories face a version of G. E. Moore's open question problem. How could a claim's purely descriptive features make it good or right to believe? The problem of truth's value is the problem of reconciling a good theory of what truth is with a good theory of why truth is valuable. This is the first monograph focused on solving it for theories that construe truth in the purely descriptive way. Drawing on minimal assumptions about truth's nature, it proposes a virtue-theoretic understanding of truth's value. The attitude of valuing truth is a morally laudable character trait. That is, it's a virtue. But its virtuousness doesn't stem from the nature of truth. It arises because, in manifesting the trait, we promote the overall good. A good society needs to members who value truth over falsehood and ignorance, for themselves and for others.
American Bar Association ABA/AARP Checklist for Family Survivors: A Guide to Practical and Legal Matters When Someone You Love Dies
Grand Award Winner for Print Media in the APEX 2015 Competition! "An exceptional book...the content is first rate. Extremely well researched and well organized, each topic is well written, and carefully presented in as inviting a way as such a topic can be. If anything has been overlooked in this thorough book, we can't think what it might be. If you're planning on passing away, do your family a favor and get this book. :-)"-APEX 2015 Judges Commentary A practical resource for dealing with family matters upon death, this first-of-its-kind publication from the American Bar Association and AARP-the nation's leading associations in the law and the advancement of issues that matter most to people 50+ and their families-helps answer the myriad of questions surrounding what needs to be done following a loved one's passing. This must-have book guides you through the steps to wrap up the personal and financial affairs of the loved one who died. Although the ABA/AARP Checklist for Family Survivors: A Guide to Practical and Legal Matters When Someone You Love Dies does not provide legal advice, it does include legal reasons, implications and complications that cover a variety of questions loved ones face upon death. In each chapter, you'll find convenient checklists to help guide you through the difficult time.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Dead On Arrival: A Novel
“MICHAEL CRICHTON meets STEPHEN KING at their finest … with the creepiest opening I’ve ever read.” — Lisa Gardner * “Joins the ranks of classic paranoid thrillers about human achievement run amok, with STEPHEN KING’s The Stand and Michael Crichton’s Terminal Man.” — Joseph Finder * “A heart-stopping thriller. … a must-read for MICHAEL CRICHTON fans.” — Dallas Morning News * “Similar in atmosphere and style to MICHAEL CRICHTON and STEPHEN KING. ... A race-against-the-clock thriller.” — BooklistFLIGHT 194 LANDED.SOMETHING LETHAL AWAITS OUTSIDE.THIS IS DEAD ON ARRIVAL.An airplane touches down at a desolate airport in a remote Colorado ski town. Shortly after landing, Dr. Lyle Martin, a world-class infectious disease specialist, is brusquely awakened to shocking news: Everyone not on the plane appears to be dead. The world has gone dark. While they were in the air, a lethal new kind of virus surfaced, threatening mankind's survival, and now Martin—one of the most sought-after virologists on the planet until his career took a precipitous slide—is at the center of the investigation.Moving at lightning pace from the snowbound Rockies to the secret campus of Google X, where unlimited budgets may be producing wonders beyond our capacity to control, Dead on Arrival is a brilliantly imaginative, intricately plotted thriller that draws on Matt Richtel's years of science and technology reporting for the New York Times, and establishes him as one of the premier thriller writers working today.
Wits University Press Stopping the Spies: Constructing and resisting the surveillance state in South Africa
In 2013, former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden leaked secret documents revealing that state agencies like the NSA had spied on the communications of millions of innocent citizens. International outrage resulted, but the Snowden documents revealed only the tip of the surveillance iceberg. Apart from insisting on their rights to tap into communications, more and more states are placing citizens under surveillance, tracking their movements and transactions with public and private institutions. The state is becoming like a one-way mirror where it can see more of what its citizens do and say, while citizens see less and less of what the state does, owing to high levels of secrecy around surveillance.Jane Duncan assesses the relevance of Snowden’s revelations for South Africa. In doing so she questions the extent to which South Africa is becoming a surveillance society governed by a surveillance state. Is surveillance used for the democratic purpose of making people safer, or is it being used for the repressive purpose of social control, especially of those considered to be politically threatening to ruling interests? What kind of collective is needed to ensure that unaccountable surveillance does not take place? What works and what does not work as organised responses? These questions and more are examined in this penetrating analysis of South African and global democracy.Stopping the Spies is aimed at South African citizens, academics as well for general readers who care about our democracy and the direction it is taking.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multinationals, Environment and Global Competition
The purpose of this book is to present leading research concerning the increasing strategic importance of environmental concerns within the multinational firm, and to explore the implications of corporate environmental strategy on public policy. The contributions present empirical research that deals with the simultaneous effects of the globalization of markets and the emergence of environmental concerns as issues of corporate strategy, either using a cross-national sample of firms within a global industry, or a sample of multinationals from a particular home country. By considering the dynamics of corporate environmental behavior explicitly within the context of global markets, the book makes a unique contribution to the discussion about the impact of multinational activity. The chapters provide a rich understanding of the kinds of interactions that occur between multinationals and regulators, multinationals and non-governmental organizations, and multinationals and their customers. By explaining what motivates multinational firms to make environmental investments and to improve their environmental performance, these studies offer necessary input for the formulation of well-informed public policy. As a consequence, this book provides essential material for advanced students and decision-makers interested in the changing role of multinational enterprises in the global economy. While being of broad interest to academics in the field of international business and strategy, this volume also provides interesting results to researchers concerned with the ability of national governments to regulate multinationals, how regulation affects multinationals, and how in turn multinational conduct affects regulatory standards.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Welfare Chauvinism in Europe: How Education, Economy and Culture Shape Public Attitudes
The redistribution of welfare resources to migrants continues to polarise society. Not only politicians from the radical right but also from more mainstream parties are capitalising on the idea of ‘welfare for our kind’, or welfare chauvinism. In this innovative book, Gianna Maria Eick provides a comprehensive analysis of welfare chauvinism in Europe, skilfully exploring how it is shaped by education, economy and culture.Constructing an extensive overview of welfare chauvinism’s causes and consequences, Welfare Chauvinism in Europe sheds light on the multidimensionality of welfare chauvinist attitudes across countries, time, social policies, and different migrant groups. Eick unveils hidden nuances regarding welfare chauvinism that are frequently overlooked in current discourse, particularly concerning socioeconomic cleavages in Europe. Using high-quality data on public attitudes and macro-level conditions, this thought-provoking book investigates the common misperception that higher levels of education universally lead to more tolerant attitudes and argues that governments and welfare institutions play a crucial role in shaping public opinion.Providing an in-depth exploration of welfare chauvinism, this timely book is a crucial resource for academics, researchers and students working across social policy, political science, sociology, social work, geography, economics and law. Its analysis of novel cross-national survey data on welfare chauvinism is also of significant intere– Martin Ruhs, European University Institust to policy makers and policy practitioners across the globe.
Difference Press Finding Time to Lead: Seven Practices to Unleash Outrageous Potential
If you’re struggling to find time in your day to do the “leadership stuff” you know you should be doing, this book is for you.Whether you’re a CEO, a manager, or an individual contributor who wants to make a difference, Finding Time to Lead will provide you with perspectives and tools to maximize your capacity to lead. Drawing from more than twenty years of experience working side-by-side with leaders of new organizations and new leaders in established companies, Leslie Peters offers a framework of clear and concise shifts, practices, and tools to put you in the fast lane toward becoming the leader you want to be. What does it take to be a good leader? Are there shortcuts? How can you prioritize the limited time you have available for all of this “leadership stuff”? What should you spend your time on that will help you build a culture that will attract and keep great people? You’ll learn about five specific skill sets that shape great leaders: Identify and quickly access the powerful places from which your best work comes; Productively engage with others to build the kind of trust that leads to commitment, collaboration, and innovation; Confidently lead through change; Prioritize your time to have maximum impact on your corporate culture; Unleash the outrageous potential in your company and its people. Leadership is not what you do; it’s who you are. When you take this approach to leadership, it’s easy to find time to lead.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Got it Bad: A Bad Boys Gone Good Novel
In USA Today bestseller Christi Barth’s last Bad Boys Gone Good novel, the brother who’s always followed the rules finally gets to be a little bad.Kellan Maguire was a semester away from becoming a lawyer when his life imploded. Now he’s in Witness Protection, hiding from the mob and mad as hell that his brothers lied to him about, oh, everything. The only bright spot in his new life is their drop-dead-gorgeous U.S. Marshal handler. Yeah, he wants to handle her... a lot. Federal Marshal Delaney Evans has protected her fair share of dangerous criminals. But Kellan is a whole different kind of dangerous—dangerously hot, to be specific. The charming, handsome, and utterly law-abiding Maguire brother got under her skin the moment they met and the more time she spends with him, the harder it is to deny their attraction. Delaney’s willing to give Kellan one night—to get him out of her system—and then it’s over.Except one night isn’t enough and soon they’re breaking every rule of WITSEC to be together. Kellan’s got it bad for her, but Delaney’s career, her entire life, would fall apart if anyone found out. And then the biggest complication of all hits…“This series gets better with each installment. The retelling of the story from each brother’s point of view adds depth and provides the chance to revisit characters you fell in love with in the previous books.” - Library Journal
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Nesting Dolls: A Novel
Spanning nearly a century, from 1930s Siberia to contemporary Brighton Beach, a page turning, epic family saga centering on three generations of women in one Russian Jewish family—each striving to break free of fate and history, each yearning for love and personal fulfillment—and how the consequences of their choices ripple through time.Odessa, 1931. Marrying the handsome, wealthy Edward Gordon, Daria—born Dvora Kaganovitch—has fulfilled her mother’s dreams. But a woman’s plans are no match for the crushing power of Stalin’s repressive Soviet state. To survive, Daria is forced to rely on the kindness of a man who takes pride in his own coarseness.Odessa, 1970. Brilliant young Natasha Crystal is determined to study mathematics. But the Soviets do not allow Jewish students—even those as brilliant as Natasha—to attend an institute as prestigious as Odessa University. With her hopes for the future dashed, Natasha must find a new purpose—one that leads her into the path of a dangerous young man.Brighton Beach, 2019. Zoe Venakovsky, known to her family as Zoya, has worked hard to leave the suffocating streets and small minds of Brighton Beach behind her—only to find that what she’s tried to outrun might just hold her true happiness.Moving from a Siberian gulag to the underground world of Soviet refuseniks to oceanside Brooklyn, The Nesting Dolls is a heartbreaking yet ultimately redemptive story of circumstance, choice, and consequence—and three dynamic unforgettable women, all who will face hardships that force them to compromise their dreams as they fight to fulfill their destinies.
Harvard University Press Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain
If legal scholar Richard Epstein is right, then the New Deal is wrong, if not unconstitutional. Epstein reaches this sweeping conclusion after making a detailed analysis of the eminent domain, or takings, clause of the Constitution, which states that private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation. In contrast to the other guarantees in the Bill of Rights, the eminent domain clause has been interpreted narrowly. It has been invoked to force the government to compensate a citizen when his land is taken to build a post office, but not when its value is diminished by a comprehensive zoning ordinance.Epstein argues that this narrow interpretation is inconsistent with the language of the takings clause and the political theory that animates it. He develops a coherent normative theory that permits us to distinguish between permissible takings for public use and impermissible ones. He then examines a wide range of government regulations and taxes under a single comprehensive theory. He asks four questions: What constitutes a taking of private property? When is that taking justified without compensation under the police power? When is a taking for public use? And when is a taking compensated, in cash or in kind?Zoning, rent control, progressive and special taxes, workers’ compensation, and bankruptcy are only a few of the programs analyzed within this framework. Epstein’s theory casts doubt upon the established view today that the redistribution of wealth is a proper function of government. Throughout the book he uses recent developments in law and economics and the theory of collective choice to find in the eminent domain clause a theory of political obligation that he claims is superior to any of its modern rivals.
University of Notre Dame Press Icons of Hope: The "Last Things" in Catholic Imagination
In Icons of Hope: The “Last Things” in Catholic Imagination, John Thiel, one of the most influential Catholic theologians today, argues that modern theologians have been unduly reticent in their writing about “last things”: death, judgment, heaven, and hell. Beholden to a historical-critical standard of interpretation, they often have been reluctant to engage in eschatological reflection that takes the doctrine of the “last things” seriously as real events that Christians are obliged to imagine meaningfully and to describe with some measure of faithful coherence. Modern theology’s religious pluralism leaves room for a speculative style of interpretation that issues in icons of hope—theological portraits of resurrected life that can inform and inspire the life of faith. Icons of Hope presents an interpretation of heavenly life, the Last Judgment, and the communion of the saints that is shaped by a view of the activity of the blessed dead consistent with Christian belief in the resurrection of the body, namely, the view that the blessed dead in heaven continue to be eschatologically engaged in the redemptive task of forgiveness. Thiel offers a revision of the traditional Catholic imaginary regarding judgment and life after death that highlights the virtuous actions of all the saints in their heavenly response to the vision of God. These constructive efforts are fostered by Thiel’s conclusions on the disappearance of the concept of purgatory in large segments of contemporary Catholic belief, a disappearance attributable to the emergence of a noncompetitive spirituality in postconciliar Catholicism, which has eclipsed the kinds of religious sensibilities that made belief in purgatory a practice in earlier centuries. This noncompetitive spirituality—one that recovers traditional Pauline sensibilities on the gratuitousness of grace—encourages an eschatological imaginary of mutual, ongoing forgiveness in the communion of the saints in this life and in the life to come.
You meet a stranger at a party. She looks like you, sounds like you. Even has your name...THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER, JANUARY 2024'This has everything you could want in a thriller... I did NOT expect that ending' REESE WITHERSPOON'Twisty and exhilarating' THE SUNDAY TIMES'Riveting!' LUCY FOLEY'The best cat and mouse suspense I've read' LISA GARDNER'Unexpected and pacy' HARRIET TYCE'An absolute CRACKER of a book' RACHEL ABBOTT* SUNDAY TIMES THRILLER OF THE MONTH, JANUARY 2024 ** REESE WITHERSPOON BOOK CLUB PICK, JANUARY 2024 ** SOON TO BE A MAJOR TV SERIES *__________________Everything she is about to tell them is a lie...Evie Porter has everything a girl could want: a doting boyfriend, a house with a picket fence, a fun group of friends. The only catch: Evie Porter doesn't exist. First comes the identity. Once she's given a name and location by her employer, she learns everything there is to know about the town and the people in it.Then the mark: Ryan Sumner.The last piece of the puzzle is the job. For Evie, this job feels different. Ryan has gotten under her skin and she's started to picture another kind of life for herself - one where her boss doesn't pull the strings. But Evie can't make any mistakes. Because the one thing she's worked her entire life to keep clean, the one identity she could always go back to - her real identity - just walked right into this town. A woman, who looks just like her, has stolen her name - and she wants more. As Evie's past begins to catch up with her, can she stay one step ahead to save her future?________________'I devoured it. Absolutely brilliant' HEIDI PERKS'Strikingly ingenious' DAILY MAIL'Twisty and fast-paced' OBSERVER'A clever, high-stakes now-you-see-me-now-you-don't thriller' A J FINN'Mind-blowingly brilliant' SUN'Brilliant. I read it in one sitting. If you love twisty thrillers, this one is for you' SARAH MORGAN 'Twisty and suspenseful. Kept me on my toes right up to the end' DIANE CHAMBERLAIN'The kind of jaw-droppingly twisty read you stay up all night for' I NEWS'An outstanding psychological thriller... this could well be the best read of 2024' SHOTs magazineReal readers are GRIPPED:'This book consumed a whole 24 hours of my life' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Heartpounding . . . Definitely one of the best books this year' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Suspense fans rejoice - this is phenomenal' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'OMG, I was immediately sucked in' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Absolute perfection' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'A thrill ride from start to finish' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Kept me guessing until the end' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Twisty and engaging' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Had me on the edge of my seat' ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
DK DK Readers L1: Jobs People Do: A Day in the Life of a Teacher
This Level 1 book is appropriate for children who are just beginning to read. Ms. Hill brings 28 fish to school today. What will she and her students do with all those fish? Find out. This unique Level 1 series accurately portrays real-life situations that help young children identify with and learn from while helping them improve their reading skills. Presented in classic DK style, young readers will enjoy photographically illustrated information in an entertaining package. For children who are just beginning to read and who have a limited vocabulary, these 32-page Level 1 books-about everything from tadpoles to puppies-use word repetition and simple sentences to convey meaning. Picture dictionary boxes with word labels "show" the meanings of words. These books contain between 400 and 450 words each, and they are 80 percent pictures and 20 percent text. The Dorling Kindersley Readers combine an enticing visual layout with high-interest, easy-to-read stories to captivate and delight young bookworms who are just getting started. Written by leading children's authors and compiled in consultation with literacy experts, these engaging books build reader confidence along with a lifelong appreciation for nonfiction, classic stories, and biographies. There is a DK Reader to interest every child at every level, from preschool to grade 4.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Successful Corporate Fund Raising: Effective Strategies for Today's Nonprofits
Corporate giving currently accounts for nearly 10 percent of allcharitable donations nationwide, and most experts agree that theflow of corporate resources earmarked for nonprofit programs is onthe rise. Yet, many fund raisers are held back from tapping thisgold mine by the fear they don t know how to "play the system"correctly. When it comes to soliciting corporate funds, even oldhands at private fund raising find themselves stymied by the lackof clear-cut answers to such critical questions as: "How do I findout which companies give and how do I obtain information aboutthem?" "Who are the funding decision makers, and how do I appeal tothem and cultivate relationships with them?" "What hidden stringsand pitfalls should I be aware of when soliciting corporatefunds?" Successful Corporate Fund Raising provides in-depth answers tothese and all your questions about finding and winning corporatefunds. The distillation of Scott Sheldon s more than two decades ofexperience as a corporate fund raiser, it provides a completeblueprint for developing and maintaining successful corporatefund-raising programs at nonprofits of all sizes. The book begins with an in-depth exploration of the world ofcontemporary corporate giving. It explains the key differencesbetween private funding and the "strategic philanthropy" practicedby many corporations. It describes the various forms corporategiving most commonly takes, including cash, in-kind, andvolunteerism. And it clearly spells out the motivations,perceptions, expectations, and conditions driving most corporatefunding.The lion s share of the book is devoted to schoolingreaders in effective low-cost strategies for locating, obtaining,and managing corporate resources. Organized around the five keycomponents of a successful corporate funding initiative, itprovides step-by-step guidance on how to research corporatefunders, cultivate relationships with key personnel, solicitcorporate resources, evaluate the efficacy of fund-raisinginitiatives, and manage funded programs. It also supplies a wealthof forms, questionnaires, sample letters and proposals, checklists,and other valuable tools that can easily be adapted for use in yourorganization. Successful Corporate Fund Raising is an indispensableworking resource for all nonprofit fund raisers, developmentmanagers, agency executives, and board members. An expert s guide to finding and winning corporate support for yournonprofit organization. This book shows fund raisers and executives at nonprofits of allsizes how to take advantage of the current corporate fundingopportunities. K. Scott Sheldon provides a fresh, insider s look atcontemporary corporate giving, and he develops a complete blueprintfor developing a corporate fund-raising program. Step-by-step, hewalks you through the entire corporate fund-raising processand: * Describes proven fund-raising strategies and techniques that canbe integrated into virtually any nonprofit organization * Alerts you to the common pitfalls to corporate solicitation andshows you how to avoid them * Explores the impact of new technologies on corporate fundraising * Details solid strategies for taking advantage of resources otherthan cash, including in-kind donations and volunteers * Illustrates key points with fascinating and instructivereal-world case studies * Arms you with an array of forms, checklists, sample documents,questionnaires, and other valuable tools
Princeton University Press The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable in Financial Risk Management: Measurement and Theory Advancing Practice
A clear understanding of what we know, don't know, and can't know should guide any reasonable approach to managing financial risk, yet the most widely used measure in finance today--Value at Risk, or VaR--reduces these risks to a single number, creating a false sense of security among risk managers, executives, and regulators. This book introduces a more realistic and holistic framework called KuU --the K nown, the u nknown, and the U nknowable--that enables one to conceptualize the different kinds of financial risks and design effective strategies for managing them. Bringing together contributions by leaders in finance and economics, this book pushes toward robustifying policies, portfolios, contracts, and organizations to a wide variety of KuU risks. Along the way, the strengths and limitations of "quantitative" risk management are revealed. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Ashok Bardhan, Dan Borge, Charles N. Bralver, Riccardo Colacito, Robert H. Edelstein, Robert F. Engle, Charles A. E. Goodhart, Clive W. J. Granger, Paul R. Kleindorfer, Donald L. Kohn, Howard Kunreuther, Andrew Kuritzkes, Robert H. Litzenberger, Benoit B. Mandelbrot, David M. Modest, Alex Muermann, Mark V. Pauly, Til Schuermann, Kenneth E. Scott, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, and Richard J. Zeckhauser. * Introduces a new risk-management paradigm * Features contributions by leaders in finance and economics * Demonstrates how "killer risks" are often more economic than statistical, and crucially linked to incentives * Shows how to invest and design policies amid financial uncertainty
Black Dog Press Mashup: The Birth of Modern Culture
MashUp: The Birth of Modern Culture traces the inexorable rise of collage, montage, sampling and the cut-up. Tracing its roots from the multiple-perspectives, montages and readymades of Marcel Duchamp, Kurt Schwitters and Hannah Hoch, to the present - with its postmodern network culture, where remixing and co-production are the norm and the New Aesthetic seeks to harmonise the now-everyday crossover of the digital and the actual. The book addresses the development of detournement and deconstruction in art, architecture, music and society. Each chapter is a detailed, inclusive look at a cross-section of the main artists and thinkers that have embraced and developed all forms of 'mashup' culture, since its inception in the late nineteenth century with Braque and Picasso's experiments into perspective. MashUp: The Birth of Modern Culture finds parallels between the works of luminaries such as Jean-Luc Godard, Joseph Cornell, Elizabeth Price, Joyce Wieland and Jeff Wall, tracing the lasting impact of such seemingly disparate cultural phenomena as voguing, hacking and the use of audio and film as a kind of a globally available, open source language in vidding, hip hop and dub, and in art that deals with the mass proliferation and dissemination of images and knowledge brought on by digital technologies. MashUp: The Birth of Modern Culture situates the work of Andy Warhol, Richard Hamilton and Guy Debord alongside the likes of Rem Koolhaas and Bruce Mau, Superstudio, Brian Eno and Cory Arcangel, and more generally within a culture where the new is necessarily re-made and re-modelled, and quotation and re-appropriation are an integral part of the way we talk about it. Published in collaboration with the Vancouver Art Gallery.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Subaltern Medievalisms: Medievalism 'from below' in Nineteenth-Century Britain
A fresh new approach to Victorian medievalism, showing it to be far from the preserve of the elite. This book offers a challenge to the current study of nineteenth-century British medievalism, re-examining its general perception as an elite and conservative tendency, the imposition of order from above evidenced in the work of Walter Scott, in the Eglinton Tournament, and in endless Victorian depictions of armour-clad knights. Whilst some previous scholars have warned that medievalism should not be reduced to the role of an ideologically conservative discourse which always and everywhere had the role of either obscuring, ignoring, or forgetting the ugly truths of an industrialised modernity by appealing to a green and ordered Merrie England, there has been remarkably little exploration of liberal or radical medievalisms, still less of working-class medievalisms. Essays in this book question a number of orthodoxies. Can it be imagined that in the world of Ivanhoe, the Eglinton Tournament, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Alfred Tennyson, the working class remained largely oblivious to, or at best uninterested in, medievalism? What, if any, was the working-class medievalist counter-blast to conservatism? How did feminism and socialismdeploy the medieval past? The contributions here range beyond the usual canonical cultural sources to investigate the ephemera: the occasional poetry, the forgotten novels, the newspapers, short-lived cultural journals, fugitive Chartist publications. A picture is created of a richly varied and subtle understanding of the medieval past on the part of socialists, radicals, feminists and working-class thinkers of all kinds, a set of dreams of the Middle Agesto counter what many saw as the disorder of the times.
Harvard University Press The Gardens of Emily Dickinson
In this first substantial study of Emily Dickinson's devotion to flowers and gardening, Judith Farr seeks to join both poet and gardener in one creative personality. She casts new light on Dickinson's temperament, her aesthetic sensibility, and her vision of the relationship between art and nature, revealing that the successful gardener's intimate understanding of horticulture helped shape the poet's choice of metaphors for every experience: love and hate, wickedness and virtue, death and immortality.Gardening, Farr demonstrates, was Dickinson's other vocation, more public than the making of poems but analogous and closely related to it. Over a third of Dickinson's poems and nearly half of her letters allude with passionate intensity to her favorite wildflowers, to traditional blooms like the daisy or gentian, and to the exotic gardenias and jasmines of her conservatory. Each flower was assigned specific connotations by the nineteenth century floral dictionaries she knew; thus, Dickinson's association of various flowers with friends, family, and lovers, like the tropes and scenarios presented in her poems, establishes her participation in the literary and painterly culture of her day. A chapter, "Gardening with Emily Dickinson" by Louise Carter, cites family letters and memoirs to conjecture the kinds of flowers contained in the poet's indoor and outdoor gardens. Carter hypothesizes Dickinson's methods of gardening, explaining how one might grow her flowers today.Beautifully illustrated and written with verve, The Gardens of Emily Dickinson will provide pleasure and insight to a wide audience of scholars, admirers of Dickinson's poetry, and garden lovers everywhere.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Most leadership research has been undertaken in corporate contexts and little attention has been given to leadership development in entrepreneurial and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This book argues that the study of entrepreneurs as leaders is a gap in both the leadership and the entrepreneurship literatures. The impact of leaders is a crucial factor in the success or failure of smaller entrepreneurial firms and has implications for our understanding of new venture viability and growth.Featuring conceptual and empirical chapters from a wide range of cultures and entrepreneurship and leadership ecosystems, this Research Handbook is the first of its kind to present a systematic overview of the entrepreneurial leadership field, providing a state-of-the-art perspective and highlighting unanswered questions and opportunities for further research. It consolidates existing theory development, stimulates new conceptual thinking and includes path-breaking empirical explorations.With its international perspective illustrating the practice of entrepreneurial leadership in a wide range of organizational contexts, the Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Leadership offers an essential reference to students and researchers in entrepreneurship and leadership alike.Contributors: A. Bagheri, S. Barnes, R.G. Bell, M. Brännback, A. Carsrud, M.-H. Chen, M.H. Cone, J. Croad, A. Gibb, E. Hamilton, P. Harrison, R. Harrison, G. Haskins, O.M. Hatem, S. Kempster, D.F. Kuratko, C. Leitch, A. Lincoln, M. McAdam, S. Mueller, Z.A.L. Pihie, D. Rae, M. Renko, M.A. Roomi, A. Röschke, L. Schjoedt, C. Skaveniti, R. Smith, S. Smith, V. Stead, V. Tzoumpa, V.S. Valencia, T. Volery, J.L. Whittington, H. Zhang
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Canadian Real Estate Action Plan: Proven Investment Strategies to Kick Start and Build Your Portfolio
Real estate, like any other investment, is a means to an end: that end might be a secondary source of income, a strategic plan for your retirement, or a way to attain complete financial independence. Whatever your goal is, you've decided that real estate is a tool you want to use. So how do you use it? How do you make it work for you and avoid getting burned in the market? And how much of it do you need to fulfill your ambitions? Peter Kinch is one of Canada's top mortgage brokers and has helped thousands of investors clarify their dreams and turn them into reality. In The Canadian Real Estate Action Plan, Peter walks you through one of his investor workshops, helping you develop not just a plan, but your plan, including: Defining your end goal, and how much real estate you need to achieve it Determining the kinds of investments that are right for you Identifying obstacles to your success, and overcoming them Discovering financing options and solutions, including recent changes that affect investors New investors will get the thorough background information they need to get started, while more experienced investors will benefit from exploring alternative options and lesser-known strategies. Both will see how long-term thinking is the key to their portfolio's continued profitability. The best way to achieve your goals is to plan for your success, and there's no better tool to help you do just that than The Canadian Real Estate Action Plan.
Penguin Books Ltd Connemara: The Last Pool of Darkness
The second volume in Tim Robinson's phenomenal Connemara Trilogy - which Robert Macfarlane has called 'One of the most remarkable non-fiction projects undertaken in English'. The first volume of Tim Robinson's Connemara trilogy, Listening to the Wind, covered Robinson's home territory of Roundstone and environs. The Last Pool of Darkness moves into wilder territory: the fjords, cliffs, hills and islands of north-west Connemara, a place that Wittgenstein, who lived on his own in a cottage there for a time, called 'the last pool of darkness in Europe'. Again combining his polymathic knowledge of Connemara's natural history, human history, folklore and topography with his own unsurpassable artistry as a writer, Tim Robinson has produced another classic.A native of Yorkshire, Tim Robinson moved to the Aran Islands in 1972. His books include the celebrated two-volume Stones of Aran. Since 1984 he has lived in Roundstone, Connemara.'The Proust & Ruskin of modern place-writing, deep-mapper of Irish landscapes, visionary thinker, and human of exceptional intellectual generosity & kindness. He was an immense inspiration to & encourager of me & my work' Robert Macfarlane'A masterpiece of travel and topographical writing and a miraculous, vivid and engrossing meditation on landscape and history and the sacred mood of places' Colm Tóibín, Irish Times'One of the greatest writers of lands ... No one has disentangled the tales the stones of Ireland have to tell so deftly and retold them so beautifully' Fintan O'Toole
Penguin Books Ltd A Fraction Of The Whole
Steve Toltz's A Fraction of the Whole is a riotously funny explosion of a novelSHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2008From his prison cell, Jasper Dean tells the unlikely story of his scheming father Martin, his crazy Uncle Terry and how the three of them upset - mostly unintentionally - an entire continent. Incorporating death, parenting (good and bad kinds), one labyrinth, first love, a handbook for criminals, a scheme to make everyone rich and an explosive suggestion box, Steve Toltz's A Fraction of the Whole is a hilarious, heartbreaking story of families and how to survive them.'A fat book but very light on its feet, skipping from anecdote, to rant, to reflection, like a stone skimming across a pond . . . it is brilliant' Guardian'Sparkling comic writing . . .It gives off the unmistakeable whiff of a book that might just contain the secret of life' Independent'With tinges of magical realism and buckets of misanthropic humour it's a clever and funny debut' Observer'If first novels were sandwiches, Steve Toltz's would be a juicy, swaggering doorstop of a sarnie, overflowing with eccentrically combined but delicious ingredients . . . Toltz is a superb phrase-maker with an acute eye for humanity's shortfalls'Big IssueSteve Toltz was born in Sydney. After graduating from Newcastle University in 1994, he has lived in Sydney, Montreal, Vancouver, Barcelona and Paris, working primarily as a screenwriter and freelance writer, but also doing stints as both a private investigator and an English teacher. A Fraction of the Whole is his first book.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc This Is Your Brain On Parasites: How Tiny Creatures Manipulate Our Behavior and Shape Society
“Engrossing … [An] expedition through the hidden and sometimes horrifying microbial domain.” —Wall Street Journal “Fascinating—and full of the kind of factoids you can't wait to share.” —Scientific American Parasites can live only inside another animal and, as Kathleen McAuliffe reveals, these tiny organisms have many evolutionary motives for manipulating the behavior of their hosts. With astonishing precision, parasites can coax rats to approach cats, spiders to transform the patterns of their webs, and fish to draw the attention of birds that then swoop down to feast on them. We humans are hardly immune to their influence. Organisms we pick up from our own pets are strongly suspected of changing our personality traits and contributing to recklessness and impulsivity—even suicide. Germs that cause colds and the flu may alter our behavior even before symptoms become apparent. Parasites influence our species on the cultural level, too. Drawing on a huge body of research, McAuliffe argues that our dread of contamination is an evolved defense against parasites. The horror and revulsion we are programmed to feel when we come in contact with people who appear diseased or dirty helped pave the way for civilization, but may also be the basis for major divisions in societies that persist to this day. This Is Your Brain on Parasites is both a journey into cutting-edge science and a revelatory examination of what it means to be human. “If you’ve ever doubted the power of microbes to shape society and offer us a grander view of life, read on and find yourself duly impressed.” —Heather Havrilesky, Bookforum
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Welfare Economics and Antitrust Policy — Vol. II: Mergers, Vertical Practices, Joint Ventures, Internal Growth, and U.S. and E.U. Law
This book is Volume II of a two-volume set on antitrust policy, analyzing the economic efficiency and moral desirability of various kinds of antitrust-policy-coverable conduct and various possible government responses to such conduct, including US and EU antitrust law. The overall study consists of three parts. Part I (Chapters 1-8) introduces readers to the economic, moral, and legal concepts that play important roles in antitrust-policy analysis. Part II (Chapters 9-16) analyzes the impacts of eight types of conduct covered by antitrust policy and various possible government responses to such conduct in terms of their economic efficiency, their impact on liberal moral rights, and their instantiation of various utilitarian and other egalitarian conceptions of the moral good. Part III (Chapters 17-18) provides detailed information on US antitrust law and EU competition law and compares the extent to which—when correctly interpreted and applied—these two bodies of law could increase economic efficiency, protect liberal moral rights, and instantiate various morally defensible conceptions of the moral good. This second volume contains the last 6 chapters of Part II, which focus respectively on horizontal (M&A)s, conglomerate (M&A)s, surrogates for vertical integration, vertical (M&A)s, joint ventures, and internal growth and Part III, which focuses on US antitrust law and EU competition law. The book will appeal to undergraduate and graduate students of economics and law who are interested in welfare economics, antitrust policy, and The General Theory of Second Best.
Stanford University Press What We Mean by Experience
Social scientists and scholars in the humanities all rely on first-person descriptions of experience to understand how subjects construct their worlds. The problem they always face is how to integrate first-person accounts with an impersonal stance. Over the course of the twentieth century, this problem was compounded as the concept of experience itself came under scrutiny. First hailed as a wellspring of knowledge and the weapon that would vanquish metaphysics and Cartesianism by pragmatists like Dewey and James, by the century's end experience had become a mere vestige of both, a holdover from seventeenth-century empiricist metaphysics. This devaluation of experience has left us bereft, unable to account for first-person perspectives and for any kind of agency or intentionality. This book takes on the critique of empiricism and the skepticism with regard to experience that has issued from two seemingly disparate intellectual strains of thought: anti-foundationalist and holistic philosophy of science and epistemology (Kuhn and Rorty, in particular) and feminist critiques of identity politics. Both strains end up marginalizing experience as a viable corrective for theory, and both share notions of human beings and cognition that cause the problem of the relation between experience and our theories to present itself in a particular way. Indeed, they render experience an intractable problem by opening up a gap between a naturalistic understanding of human beings and an understanding of humans as cultural entities, as non-natural makers of meaning. Marianne Janack aims to close this gap, to allow us to be naturalistic and hermeneutic at once. Drawing on cognitive neuroscience, the pragmatist tradition, and ecological psychology, her book rescues experience as natural contact with the world.
Princeton University Press The Mathematical Mechanic: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems
Everybody knows that mathematics is indispensable to physics--imagine where we'd be today if Einstein and Newton didn't have the math to back up their ideas. But how many people realize that physics can be used to produce many astonishing and strikingly elegant solutions in mathematics? Mark Levi shows how in this delightful book, treating readers to a host of entertaining problems and mind-bending puzzlers that will amuse and inspire their inner physicist.Levi turns math and physics upside down, revealing how physics can simplify proofs and lead to quicker solutions and new theorems, and how physical solutions can illustrate why results are true in ways lengthy mathematical calculations never can. Did you know it's possible to derive the Pythagorean theorem by spinning a fish tank filled with water? Or that soap film holds the key to determining the cheapest container for a given volume? Or that the line of best fit for a data set can be found using a mechanical contraption made from a rod and springs? Levi demonstrates how to use physical intuition to solve these and other fascinating math problems. More than half the problems can be tackled by anyone with precalculus and basic geometry, while the more challenging problems require some calculus. This one-of-a-kind book explains physics and math concepts where needed, and includes an informative appendix of physical principles.The Mathematical Mechanic will appeal to anyone interested in the little-known connections between mathematics and physics and how both endeavors relate to the world around us.
HarperCollins Publishers More and More Ant and Bee (Ant and Bee)
'These were the books that taught me how to read' Anthony Horowitz. A classic Ant and Bee book to treasure, that is perfect for children aged 3 and up. Designed for shared reading fun, this much-loved series will build reading confidence. Over 100,000 copies of the Ant and Bee series already sold! This alphabetical story introduces the reader to 5-letter words! Ant and Bee teach children to read via word recognition and encourage story sharing with siblings and parents. Grown-ups read the black words, but the shorter, simpler red words are for young children to call out. Parents and grandparents who grew up with Ant and Bee will love sharing this nostalgic experience from the same era as Ladybird Read it yourself. First published in 1950, Ant and Bee were in print for over 40 years. Ant and Bee is a classic brand, and the delightful and much-loved characters are instantly recognisable to thousands of diehard fans today. Have you collected all of Ant and Bee's learning adventures?Ant and BeeMore Ant and BeeMore and More Ant and BeeAnt and Bee Count 123Ant and Bee and the SecretAround the World with Ant and BeeHappy Birthday with Ant and BeeAnt and Bee and the RainbowAnt and Bee and the ABCAnt and Bee TimeAnt and Bee and the Kind DogAnt and Bee and the DoctorAnt and Bee Go ShoppingLeft and Right with Ant and BeeMake a Million with Ant and Bee
Harvard University Press Why the Wild Things Are: Animals in the Lives of Children
Whether they see themselves as King of the Wild Things or protector of Toto, children live in a world filled with animals--both real and imaginary. From Black Beauty to Barney, animal characters romp through children's books, cartoons, videos, and computer games. As Gail Melson tells us, more than three-quarters of all children in America live with pets and are now more likely to grow up with a pet than with both parents. She explores not only the therapeutic power of pet-owning for children with emotional or physical handicaps but also the ways in which zoo and farm animals, and even certain purple television characters, become confidants or teachers for children--and sometimes, tragically, their victims.Yet perhaps because animals are ubiquitous, what they really mean to children, for better and for worse, has been unexplored territory. Why the Wild Things Are is the first book to examine children's many connections to animals and to explore their developmental significance. What does it mean that children's earliest dreams are of animals? What is the unique gift that a puppy can give to a boy? Drawing on psychological research, history, and children's media, Why the Wild Things Are explores the growth of the human-animal connection. In chapters on children's emotional ties to their pets, the cognitive challenges of animal contacts, animal symbols as building blocks of the self, and pointless cruelty to animals, Melson shows how children's innate interest in animals is shaped by their families and their social worlds, and may in turn shape the kind of people they will become.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Interface Effect
Interfaces are back, or perhaps they never left. The familiar Socratic conceit from the Phaedrus, of communication as the process of writing directly on the soul of the other, has returned to center stage in today's discussions of culture and media. Indeed Western thought has long construed media as a grand choice between two kinds of interfaces. Following the optimistic path, media seamlessly interface self and other in a transparent and immediate connection. But, following the pessimistic path, media are the obstacles to direct communion, disintegrating self and other into misunderstanding and contradiction. In other words, media interfaces are either clear or complicated, either beautiful or deceptive, either already known or endlessly interpretable. Recognizing the limits of either path, Galloway charts an alternative course by considering the interface as an autonomous zone of aesthetic activity, guided by its own logic and its own ends: the interface effect. Rather than praising user-friendly interfaces that work well, or castigating those that work poorly, this book considers the unworkable nature of all interfaces, from windows and doors to screens and keyboards. Considered allegorically, such thresholds do not so much tell the story of their own operations but beckon outward into the realm of social and political life, and in so doing ask a question to which the political interpretation of interfaces is the only coherent answer. Grounded in philosophy and cultural theory and driven by close readings of video games, software, television, painting, and other images, Galloway seeks to explain the logic of digital culture through an analysis of its most emblematic and ubiquitous manifestation – the interface.