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Bristol University Press Social work and child welfare politics: Through Nordic lenses
Children and families are at the heart of social work all over the world, but, until now Nordic perspectives have been rare in the body of English-language child welfare literature. Is there something that makes child welfare ideas and practices that are in use in the Nordic countries characteristically 'Nordic'? If so, what kinds of challenges do the current globalization trends pose for Nordic child welfare practices, especially for social work with children and families? Covering a broad range of child welfare issues, this edited collection provides examples of Nordic approaches to child welfare, looking at differences between Nordic states as well as the similarities. It considers, and critically examines, the particular features of the Nordic welfare model - including universal social care services that are available to all citizens and family policies that promote equality and individuality - as a resource for social work with children and families. Drawing on contemporary research and debates from different Nordic countries, the book examines how social work and child welfare politics are produced and challenged as both global and local ideas and practices. "Social work and child welfare politics" is aimed at academics and researchers in social work, childhood studies, children's policy and social policy, as well as social work practitioners, policy makers and service providers, all over the world who are interested in Nordic experiences of providing care and welfare for families with children.
Island Press Coming Home to the Pleistocene
Paul Shepard was one of the most profound and original thinkers of our time. Seminal works like The Tender Carnivore and the Sacred Game, Thinking Animals, and Nature and Madness introduced readers to new and provocative ideas about humanity and its relationship to the natural world. Throughout his long and distinguished career, Shepard returned repeatedly to his guiding theme: that our essential human nature is a product of our genetic heritage, formed through thousands of years of evolution during the Pleistocene epoch, and that the current subversion of that Pleistocene heritage lies at the heart of today's ecological and social ills. Coming Home to the Pleistocene, published posthumously in 1998 and now available for the first time in paperback, provides the fullest summation of that theme and the clearest expression of his ideas. In bold, poetic language, Shepard asks us to counter the blind destruction of the earth's creatures and natural systems by drawing on primal wisdom embedded in our genomes and fine-tuned by hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. To do so, he assures us, is not regressive; we cannot avoid the inherent and essential demands of an ancient, repetitive pattern. In addition, the book explicitly addresses the fundamental question raised by Shepard's work - What can we do to recreate a life more in tune with our genetic roots? - and presents concrete suggestions for fostering the kinds of ecological settings and cultural practices that are optimal for human health and well-being.
Wits University Press Mbeki and After: Reflections on the Legacy of Thabo Mbeki
For nearly ten years - indeed more if we include his period of influence under Mandela's presidency - Thabo Mbeki bestrode South Africa's political stage. Despite attempts by some in the new ANC leadership to airbrush out his role, there can be little doubt that Mbeki was a seminal figure in South Africa's new democracy, one who left a huge mark in many fields, perhaps most controversially in state and party management, economic policy, public health intervention, foreign affairs and race relations. If we wish to understand the character and fate of post-1994 South Africa, we must therefore ask: What kind of political system, economy and society has the former President bequeathed to the government of Jacob Zuma and to the citizens of South Africa generally? This Question is addressed head-on here by a diverse range of analysts, commentators and participants in the political process. Amongst the specific questions they seek to answer: What is Mbeki's legacy for patterns of inclusion and exclusion based on race, class and gender? How, if at all, did his presidency reshape relations within the state, between the state and the ruling party and between the state and society? How did he reposition South Africa on the continent and in the world? This book will be of interest to anyone wishing to understand the current political landscape in South Africa, and Mbeki's role in shaping it.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Analysis in Forensic Science: Evidential Value of Multivariate Physicochemical Data
A practical guide for determining the evidential value of physicochemical data Microtraces of various materials (e.g. glass, paint, fibres, and petroleum products) are routinely subjected to physicochemical examination by forensic experts, whose role is to evaluate such physicochemical data in the context of the prosecution and defence propositions. Such examinations return various kinds of information, including quantitative data. From the forensic point of view, the most suitable way to evaluate evidence is the likelihood ratio. This book provides a collection of recent approaches to the determination of likelihood ratios and describes suitable software, with documentation and examples of their use in practice. The statistical computing and graphics software environment R, pre-computed Bayesian networks using Hugin Researcher and a new package, calcuLatoR, for the computation of likelihood ratios are all explored. Statistical Analysis in Forensic Science will provide an invaluable practical guide for forensic experts and practitioners, forensic statisticians, analytical chemists, and chemometricians. Key features include: Description of the physicochemical analysis of forensic trace evidence. Detailed description of likelihood ratio models for determining the evidential value of multivariate physicochemical data. Detailed description of methods, such as empirical cross-entropy plots, for assessing the performance of likelihood ratio-based methods for evidence evaluation. Routines written using the open-source R software, as well as Hugin Researcher and calcuLatoR. Practical examples and recommendations for the use of all these methods in practice.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Integrative Play Therapy
An integrative approach to play therapy blending various therapeutic treatment models and techniques Reflecting the transition in the field of play therapy from a “one size fits all” approach to a more eclectic framework that integrates more than one perspective, Integrative Play Therapy explores methods for blending the best theories and treatment techniques to resolve the most common psychological disorders of childhood. Edited by internationally renowned leaders in the field, this book is the first of its kind to look at the use of a multi-theoretical framework as a foundation for practice. With discussion of integrative play treatment of children presenting a wide variety of problems and disorders—including aggression issues, the effects of trauma, ADHD, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, social skills deficits, medical issues such as HIV/AIDS, and more—the book provides guidance on: Play and group therapy approaches Child-directed play therapy with behavior management training for parents Therapist-led and child-led play therapies Cognitive-behavioral therapy with therapeutic storytelling and play therapy Family therapy and play therapy Bibliotherapy within play therapy An essential resource for all mental health professionals looking to incorporate play therapy into treatment, Integrative Play Therapy reveals unique flexibility in integrating theory and techniques, allowing practitioners to offer their clients the best treatment for specific presenting problems.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The 123s of ABC in SAP: Using SAP R/3 to Support Activity-Based Costing
Incorporate the Benefits of Activity-Based Costing into the Efficiencies of Your SAP R/3 System Given SAP's dominance in the enterprise resource planning (ERP) market, many companies and their managers encounter SAP AG applications in some form or another. Many of these organizations have recognized the value of utilizing Activity-Based Costing/Management concepts to perform more accurate cost assignments or drive performance initiatives. Managers are then faced with trying to determine how Activity-Based Costing can be incorporated into the SAP environment. The 123s of ABC in SAP is the first book of its kind designed to help business managers understand the capabilities of the SAP R/3 business application to support Activity-Based Costing, Management, and Budgeting. Divided into three parts-the conceptual foundation, the capabilities of SAP ABC, and integration with other tools-the book provides readers with the following: * An explanation of how Activity-Based Costing can be used with SAP * Helpful hints for implementing ABC into SAP * Insights into the most common difficulties and potential solutions when implementing ABC into SAP * Summary tables that highlight key decisions to be made, implementation hints, and organizational challenges * Detailed descriptions of SAP software applications to support the Activity-Based Costing approach as well as the integration of SAP R/3 with Oros software * Examples of the tandem usage of Resource Consumption Accounting with Activity-Based Costing
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Mosby's OB/Peds & Women's Health Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses
Use this set of colorful cards to master concepts in maternity, women's health, and pediatrics! With 65 cartoons covering key topics, Mosby's OB/Peds & Women's Health Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses uses humor and illustrations to make studying easier and more fun. These durable, portable cards use mnemonics and other time-tested memory aids to help you prepare for class, clinicals, and the NCLEX® exam. Created by nursing educators JoAnn Zerwekh and Cathy Miller, this one-of-a-kind tool makes studying obstetrics and pediatrics an exceptionally memorable experience! 65 full-color cartoons offer a humorous and engaging way to learn, including cards on nutrition and diabetes in pregnancy, preeclampsia versus eclampsia, sexually transmitted diseases, respiratory distress syndrome, RSV, and childhood diabetes. Mnemonics and other time-tested memory aids help you grasp and remember even the most complex concepts. Colored thumb tabs make it easy to find topics quickly. What You Need to Know monographs on each card provide more detailed information and specific nursing implications. Sturdy, spiral-bound cards offer durability as well as portability. Unique! Color highlights emphasize four central topics: Serious/Life-Threatening Implications in pink Common Clinical Findings in blue Important Nursing Implications in yellow Patient Teaching in green
Facet Publishing Libraries without Walls 7: Exploring Anytime, Anywhere Delivery of Library Services
This edited collection is drawn from the seventh Libraries Without Walls Conference, held in 2007. From their beginnings in 1995, the Libraries Without Walls conferences have mapped a major change in the practice of librarianship. While library services are still concerned to provide users with physical access to their buildings, electronic access - often from remote locations - is becoming ever more dominant. Library services are being integrated into virtual learning, research and personal environments. In 2007 CERLIM wished to encourage the widest possible range of papers to reflect the diverse current developments in library service delivery. These covered: New kinds of service, especially those that open up new paradigms of 'library' - perhaps the library equivalent of YouTube or MySpace The library's role within new models of scholarly publishing, including experience of developing services based on institutional or other repositories, and the responsibility of the library for digital curation Service delivery in challenging environments, especially where the infrastructure may be sub-optimal, as in some developing countries, or where the user group represents particular challenges New technological solutions and the impact on users of the improved services they make possible Delivery and assessment of information skills/literacies, especially where this is achieved through electronic environments. These state-of-the-art papers are designed to increase understanding of the role and importance of information in the learning process, and to enable information professionals and course developers to keep abreast of the latest developments in this vital area.
Columbia University Press Defining the Age: Daniel Bell, His Time and Ours
The sociologist Daniel Bell was an uncommonly acute observer of the structural forces transforming the United States and other advanced societies in the twentieth century. The titles of Bell’s major books—The End of Ideology (1960), The Coming of Post-Industrial Society (1973), and The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (1976)—became hotly debated frameworks for understanding the era when they were published. In Defining the Age, Paul Starr and Julian E. Zelizer bring together a group of distinguished contributors to consider how well Bell’s ideas captured their historical moment and continue to provide profound insights into today’s world. Wide-ranging essays demonstrate how Bell’s writing has informed thinking about subjects such as the history of socialism, the roots of the radical right, the emerging postindustrial society, and the role of the university. The book also examines Bell’s intellectual trajectory and distinctive political stance. Calling himself “a socialist in economics, a liberal in politics, and a conservative in culture,” he resisted being pigeon-holed, especially as a neoconservative.Defining the Age features essays from historians Jenny Andersson, David A. Bell, Michael Kazin, and Margaret O’Mara; sociologist Steven Brint; media scholar Fred Turner; and political theorists Jan-Werner Müller and Stefan Eich. While differing in their judgments, they agree on one premise: Bell’s ideas deserve the kind of nuanced and serious attention that they finally receive in this book.
Liverpool University Press Hollow Palaces: An Anthology of Modern Country House Poems
The ‘country house poem’ was born in the seventeenth century as a fruitful way of flattering potential patrons. But the genre’s popularity faded – ironically, just as ‘country house society’ was emerging. It was only when the power and influence of the landed classes had all but ebbed away that poets returned to the theme, attracted perhaps by the buildings’ irresistible dereliction, but equally by their often very personal histories. This is the first complete anthology of modern country house poems, and it shows just how far (as Simon Jenkins points out in his Foreword) poems can ‘penetrate the souls of buildings’. Over 160 distinguished poets representing a diversity of class, race, gender, and generation offer fascinating perspectives on stately exteriors and interiors, gardens both wild and cultivated, crumbling ruins and the extraordinary secrets they hide. There are voices of all kinds, whether it’s Edith Sitwell recreating her childhood, W. B. Yeats and Wendy Cope pondering Lissadell, or Simon Armitage’s labourer confronting the Lady who’s ‘got the lot’. We hear from noble landowners and loyal (or rebellious) servants, and from many an inquisitive day-tripper. The book’s dominant note is elegiac, yet comedy, satire, even strains of Gothic can be heard among these potent reflections. Hollow Palaces reminds us how poets can often be the most perceptive of guides to radical changes in society. The book is illustrated by Rosie Greening.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Be Stress-Free and Colour: Channel Your Worries into a Comforting, Creative Activity
Be Stress-Free and Colour is the perfect book for stressed-out adults who want to reconnect, simply and easily, with their inner creativity. In this guided colouring book for adults looking for some me-time, art therapist Lacy Mucklow and artist Angela Porter offer up over 50 colouring pages, all designed to help you unplug and unwind. With so much chaos in the world and stress in our daily lives, we need a way to relieve the tension and avoid burnout, illness or worse. A simple and inexpensive way to relieve stress is by colouring images, which is soothing and could ultimately aid in reversing the effects of anxiety. Refocusing your attention on something completely different engages a mental, physical and emotional shift that can help break the pattern of consistent stress and allow you to rejuvenate.Be Stress-Free and Colour features designs that tackle seven of the most common stressors experienced by people worldwide: disorganisation and chaos, relationships of all kinds, financial difficulties, employment, health concerns, time management, and traveling and commuting. You can explore the benefits of putting pencil (or crayon!) to paper and channel your day-to-day stresses into a satisfying, creative environment.Be Stress-Free and Colour will have you enjoying the day and relaxing before you know it! Also available: Be Calm and Colour.
Springer International Publishing AG The Craft of Scientific Films: How to Make Videos of Your Laboratory, Research, or Technical Projects
This book, the first of its kind, helps scientists and engineers of all stages and disciplines share their work in a new way—with movies. Today, much of scientific communication is embedded in papers and presentations, but these documents don’t often extend outside of a specific academic field. By adding movies as a medium of communication, scientists and engineers can better communicate with their colleagues while also increasing their reach to students, professors, peers, potential collaborators, and the public. Scientific films help translate complex technical topics into more accessible and consumable messages. By following Lauren Murphy’s filmmaking formula – planning, shooting, and editing – readers will create their very own scientific films that look professional and polished. Using tools as simple as a smartphone, readers can develop short, personal stories with no cost or experience needed. This book will guide readers through all steps of the movie making process to a finished product. Readers will evolve their creative thinking skills and use their movies to improve classroom presentations, network across student organizations, present at conferences, recruit students for their labs, secure grant money, and more. Adding a movie to your body of work can be the tool that sparks interest in audiences to learn more—driving traffic to your publications, research projects, and websites. This book will help you develop new skills to become a better communicator while spreading your ideas and research to new audiences.
New York University Press Cosmopolitanisms
An indispensable collection that re-examines what it means to belong in the world. "Where are you from?" The word cosmopolitan was first used as a way of evading exactly this question, when Diogenes the Cynic declared himself a “kosmo-polites,” or citizen of the world. Cosmopolitanism displays two impulses—on the one hand, a detachment from one’s place of origin, while on the other, an assertion of membership in some larger, more compelling collective. Cosmopolitanisms works from the premise that there is more than one kind of cosmopolitanism, a plurality that insists cosmopolitanism can no longer stand as a single ideal against which all smaller loyalties and forms of belonging are judged. Rather, cosmopolitanism can be defined as one of many possible modes of life, thought, and sensibility that are produced when commitments and loyalties are multiple and overlapping. Featuring essays by major thinkers, including Homi Bhabha, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Thomas Bender, Leela Gandhi, Ato Quayson, and David Hollinger, among others, this collection asks what these plural cosmopolitanisms have in common, and how the cosmopolitanisms of the underprivileged might serve the ethical values and political causes that matter to their members. In addition to exploring the philosophy of Kant and the space of the city, this volume focuses on global justice, which asks what cosmopolitanism is good for, and on the global south, which has often been assumed to be an object of cosmopolitan scrutiny, not itself a source or origin of cosmopolitanism. This book gives a new meaning to belonging and its ground-breaking arguments call for deep and necessary discussion and discourse.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Car Audio For Dummies
Thinking about a knockout audio system for your car? Not sure what you need, want, or can afford? Car Audio For Dummies is a great place to find some answers! But wait — what if speakers that vibrate your floorboards don’t turn you on? What if you’re thinking more about hands-free phone access and a DVD player to entertain the kids? Surprise! Car Audio For Dummies can give you a hand there, too. Whether you want to feel as if your favorite band is performing right on top of your dashboard or you want to keep the soccer team entertained on the way to the tournament, this friendly guide can help. From planning your system and buying components to getting them installed and protecting your investment, you’ll find plenty of wise advice. Get the scoop on: Figuring out what kind of equipment you need to do what you want Identifying good sound quality when you hear it Adding components to a factory system Choosing a video player, hands-free phone system, amplifiers, speakers, and more Finding a reliable installer (today’s automotive electronics systems are so complex that you probably won’t want to go it alone) Understanding warranties and returns Protecting and insuring your system Car Audio For Dummies is sort of like that knowledgeable friend you want to take along when you tackle a project like this. Sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it?
The University of Chicago Press Tamil Brahmans: The Making of a Middle-Class Caste
A cruise along the streets of Chennai - or Silicon Valley - filled with professional young Indian men and women, reveals the new face of India. In the twenty-first century, Indians have acquired a new kind of global visibility, one of rapid economic advancement and, in the information technology industry, spectacular prowess. In this book, C. J. Fuller and Haripriya Narasimhan examine one particularly striking group who have taken part in this development: Tamil Brahmans - a formerly traditional, rural, high-caste elite who have transformed themselves into a new middle-class caste in India, the United States, and elsewhere. Fuller and Narasimhan offer one of the most comprehensive looks at Tamil Brahmans around the world to date. They examine Brahman migration from rural to urban areas, more recent transnational migration, and how the Brahman way of life has translated to both Indian cities and American suburbs. They look at modern education and the new employment opportunities afforded by engineering and IT. They examine how Sanskritic Hinduism and traditional music and dance have shaped Tamil Brahmans' particular middle-class sensibilities and how middle-class status is related to the changing position of women. Above all, they explore the complex relationship between class and caste systems and the ways in which hierarchy has persisted in modernized India.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Environmental Geology: Geology and the Human Environment
Environmental Geology: geology and the human environment provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject of environmental geology - the interaction of humans with the geological environment. As a subject, environmental geology has grown in popularity with the rise of interest in environmental issues. Despite this, environmental geology is not a new subject but a meld of three related earth science disciplines: economic geology, engineering geology and applied geomorphology, each of which has been given a new focus through the need for greater environmental management. This book is the first of its kind to recognise that the true challenge of environmental geology does not lie in rural areas or in the green issues, but in the urban environment and its resource hinterland. By the year 2000, over 3.5 billion people, over 50% of the world's population, will live in urban areas covering just 1% of the earth's surface. It is here that human interaction with the geological environment is at its most intense: it is here that the practical challenges in environmental geology lie. Urban growth fuels the demand for mineral and water resources, tests our skills as engineering geologists, produces vast volumes of waste which must be managed, and increases human vulnerability to natural hazards. All of these topics are covered within this book. Environmental geology is a practical subject, and environmental geologists have a crucial role in managing our interaction with the geological environment. This textbook demonstrates how environmental geologists can make a practical contribution to managing this interaction allowing both sustained development and environmental conservation.
New York University Press Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abū Shādūf Expounded, with Risible Rhymes: Volume Two
Witty, bawdy, and vicious, Yūsuf al-Shirbīnī’s Brains Confounded pits the “coarse” rural masses against the “refined” urban population. In Volume One, al-Shirbīnī describes the three rural “types”—peasant cultivator, village man-of-religion, and rural dervish—offering anecdotes testifying to the ignorance, dirtiness, and criminality of each. In Volume Two, he presents a hilarious parody of the verse-and-commentary genre so beloved by scholars of his day, with a 47-line poem supposedly written by a peasant named Abū Shādūf, who charts the rise and fall of his fortunes. Wielding the scholarly tools of elite literature, al-Shirbīnī responds to the poem with derision and ridicule, dotting his satire with digressions into love, food, and flatulence. Volume Two of Brains Confounded is followed by Risible Rhymes, a concise text that includes a comic disquisition on “rural” verse, mocking the pretensions of uneducated poets from Egypt’s countryside. Risible Rhymes also examines various kinds of puzzle poems, which were another popular genre of the day, and presents a debate between scholars over a line of verse by the fourth/tenth-century poet al-Mutanabbī. Together, Brains Confounded and Risible Rhymes offer intriguing insight into the intellectual concerns of Ottoman Egypt, showcasing the intense preoccupation with wordplay, grammar, and stylistics and shedding light on the literature of the era. An English-only edition.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Europe: Living Standards and Welfare States
Social Europe analyses the diverse dynamics of the lives of people across Europe. It is the first quantitative analysis of its kind to make a systematic comparison of life chances across the fifteen countries of the EU. This wide perspective enables the researchers to illustrate how social policy regimes interact with personal resources and circumstances to affect people's well-being.Assessing changes in individuals' lives over time, the study highlights variations in life-opportunities across the EU in the key domains of family, employment and income. The research is based on a new and powerful survey that has followed a large sample of families in each country over a period of years. This 'longitudinal' approach provides insights into the processes by which people acquire their social positions over time. The analysis identifies systematic differences between countries, and looks for explanations in terms of the welfare regime or other characteristics of the countries concerned. Thus the 'micro' dynamics of personal experience are related to 'macro' trends in institutions and policies, social norms and economic conditions.Identifying the effects of country and of social policy regime on individual outcomes, Social Europe will provide new insights for social scientists, especially those involved in European comparative research, or whose interests lie in the fields of family, employment, income or social exclusion. The book will also appeal to those engaged in the analysis or formulation of social policy, whether at national or international level.
New York University Press Sex, Men, and Babies: Stories of Awareness and Responsibility
Over the past 15 years much pioneering work has been done on the social demography of young men's sexual activities, contraceptive use, and fertility experiences. But how do men develop and manage their identities in these areas? In Sex, Men, and Babies, William Marsiglio and Sally Hutchinson provide a compelling and insightful portrait of young men who are capable of anticipating, creating, and fathering human life. Based on in-depth interviews with a diverse sample of 70 single men aged 16-30, this is the most comprehensive, qualitative study of its kind. Through intimate stories and self-reflections, these men talk about sex, romance, relationships, birth control, pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions, visions of fathering, and other issues related to men's self-awareness, and the many ways they construct, explain, and change their identities as potential fathers. The interviews also provide valuable insights about how young men experience responsiblities associated with sex and the full range of procreative events. Accessibly written for a wide audience and raising a host of issues relevant to debates about unplanned pregnancy, childbearing among teens and young adults, and women's and children's well-being, Sex, Men, and Babies is the fullest account available today on how young men conceptualize themselves as procreative beings. Lessons from this study can inform interventions designed to encourage young men to be more aware of their abilities and responsiblities in making babies.
F.A. Davis Company Phlebotomy Notes: Pocket Guide to Blood Collection
A Davis’s Notes book!This pocket-sized reference provides great information on phlebotomy techniques, with nice summaries of procedures with many photos and illustrations. It is ideal for clinical rotations, for quick review of coursework, and to study in preparation for your certification exam.The write-on/wipe-off pages feature a dedicated space where you can fill in the specific requirements for evacuated tubes, instrumentation, and analytical procedures for two different locations. Clinically focused, it’s the perfect guide to collecting, transporting, and processing quality blood specimens for laboratory testing.Essential Pocket Guide for Phlebotomy! "It has a lot of information, with step-by-step instructions with pictures. This is essential if you will be doing any phlebotomy of any kind." - Pamela O., Amazon ReviewerGreat resource. "Love this book! While doing my externship this book was recommended to me. I am very glad that I ordered it. It includes labs and the corresponding tube colors which is something I needed. It is wipeable and will fit in the pocket of my scrubs. I have already recommended it to the other students who were in class with me." - T.S, Amazon ReviewerPhlebotomist Must Have! "These Phlebotomy Notes were very helpful overviewing all key notes for my Exam and while doing my Clinicals, very easy to navigate. Will continue to use it through my Career in Phlebotomy." - Cali, Amazon Reviewer
University of Minnesota Press Being Together in Place: Indigenous Coexistence in a More Than Human World
Being Together in Place explores the landscapes that convene Native and non-Native people into sustained and difficult negotiations over their radically different interests and concerns. Grounded in three sites—the Cheslatta-Carrier traditional territory in British Columbia; the Wakarusa Wetlands in northeastern Kansas; and the Waitangi Treaty Grounds in Aotearoa/New Zealand—this book highlights the challenging, tentative, and provisional work of coexistence around such contested spaces as wetlands, treaty grounds, fishing spots, recreation areas, cemeteries, heritage trails, and traditional village sites. At these sites, activists learn how to articulate and defend their intrinsic and life-supportive ways of being, particularly to those who are intent on damaging or destroying these places. Using ethnographic research and a geographic perspective, Soren C. Larsen and Jay T. Johnson show how the communities in these regions challenge the power relations that structure the ongoing (post)colonial encounter in liberal democratic settler-states. Emerging from their conversations with activists was a distinctive sense that the places for which they cared had agency, a “call” that pulled them into dialogue, relationships, and action with human and nonhuman others. This being-together-in-place, they find, speaks in a powerful way to the vitalities of coexistence: where humans and nonhumans are working to decolonize their relationships; where reciprocal guardianship is being stitched back together in new and unanticipated ways; and where a new kind of “place thinking” is emerging on the borders of colonial power.
Emerald Publishing Limited Equity and the Environment
Around the time of the first 'Earth Day', on April 22, 1970, the academic world joined in a virtual explosion of societal interest in a topic that inherently lies in the confluence between 'social problems' and 'public policy' - the ways in which humans use and abuse the natural environment. In the worlds of social movement organizations and policy, that newfound interest showed up in dramatic growth of environmental organizations and a stream of powerful new environmental laws. In the academic world, echoes of the explosion showed up in equally dramatic growth of interdisciplinary 'environmental' programs with an explicit focus on the fact that 'environmental problems' are inherently social problems as well. Over the past decade, a growing body of research has shown that equity issues need to receive greater attention in academia - not just among activists, and not just as the focus of courses on environmental ethics, but as topics that deserve careful academic study and that in many ways are at the core of what we call 'environmental' problems. As David Orr (1992) noted, 'the symptoms of environmental deterioration are in the domain of the natural sciences, but the causes lie in the realm of the social sciences and humanities'. This volume is intended to call this research to attention, but also to encourage its further expansion; far from being the kind of topic that ought to be relegated to a small pigeonhole, issues of equity and inequality deserve to be absolutely central to the study of connections between humans and the habitat that we share with all other life on earth. This volume brings together the leading research on equity and the environment. It features contributions from academics and researchers in the field. This book series is available electronically at website.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The True Cost of Happiness: The Real Story Behind Managing Your Money
Personal money management advice that make sense In The True Cost of Happiness, financial journalist Stacey Tisdale and expert financial planner Paula Boyer Kennedy combine their extensive financial experience with a powerful series of interviews and real-world stories to help you make personal money management decisions that make more sense. They begin by discussing how the factors that drive our financial choices and behavior not only run deep, but also represent the way we define ourselves. From there, they reveal how this truth will determine if you can create the kind of financial harmony that not only supports the life you want, but also makes an honest statement of who you really are. The questions they pose are challenging, but essential, because if your financial choices and behavior are not aligned with your true values, you'll always feel like "something" is missing. And it is this disconnect that is at the root of most anxiety and unhappiness over money. Reveals how the first lessons we learn about money as children play out in our adult behavior Discusses how the messages that society sends us about the ways in which we should behave with money affect our financial choices Explores factors that can blind us to our true values, and prevent us from making the best decisions possible on issues such as debt, saving, and investing Illustrates how to create a financial plan that supports a truly happy life Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, The True Cost of Happiness will put you in a better position to enjoy a life that doesn't compromise who you are.
The University of Chicago Press The Wisdom of the World: The Human Experience of the Universe in Western Thought
When the ancient Greeks looked up into the heavens, they saw not just sun and moon, stars and planets, but a complete, coherent universe, a model of the Good that could serve as a guide to a better life. How this view of the world came to be, and how we lost it (or turned away from it) on the way to becoming modern, make for a fascinating story, told in a highly accessible manner by Rémi Brague in this wide-ranging cultural history.Before the Greeks, people thought human action was required to maintain the order of the universe and so conducted rituals and sacrifices to renew and restore it. But beginning with the Hellenic Age, the universe came to be seen as existing quite apart from human action and possessing, therefore, a kind of wisdom that humanity did not. Wearing his remarkable erudition lightly, Brague traces the many ways this universal wisdom has been interpreted over the centuries, from the time of ancient Egypt to the modern era. Socratic and Muslim philosophers, Christian theologians and Jewish Kabbalists all believed that questions about the workings of the world and the meaning of life were closely intertwined and that an understanding of cosmology was crucial to making sense of human ethics. Exploring the fate of this concept in the modern day, Brague shows how modernity stripped the universe of its sacred and philosophical wisdom, transforming it into an ethically indifferent entity that no longer serves as a model for human morality.Encyclopedic and yet intimate, The Wisdom of the World offers the best sort of history: broad, learned, and completely compelling. Brague opens a window onto systems of thought radically different from our own.
SPCK Publishing Songs of the Spirit: A Psalm a Day for Lent and Easter
Songs of the Spirit give readers of all kinds a new, emotional response to the period of Lent by holding to its heart the Psalms, rather than sticking firmly within the pages of the Gospels. Freshly translated by Rev. Megan Daffern herself, these Psalms and readings are an insightful door to appreciate the countless varieties of ways we can respond to God over the course of just 40 days. Each re-translated Psalm opens up the resonate life their lines. From celebration to mourning, from simplicity to intricacy, Songs of the Spirit offers to a wide range of believers a way to hold the message and truths of Lent close to heart. No matter whether you've never considered faith before, or know the ins-and-outs of faith like rooms of your very own home, there is a rich vein of life to be found in these Psalms. Moving through the problems of the world during Week 1, to injustice in Week 2, and then exploring the complexity and scope of creation in Week 3, its beauty in Week 4, pilgrimage and its effects in Week 5, and then holiness and redemption in Weeks 6 and 7 - this Lent Devotional renews how you approach the world and its maker. Emotive and beautiful, Songs of the Spirit nourishes the spirit and opens your eyes to the ceaseless wonders of God in all things. A Lent devotional filled with life.
John Wiley & Sons Inc It's Your Money, Honey: A Girl's Guide to Saving, Investing, and Building Wealth at Every Age and Life Stage
Turning smart girls golden; the women's guide to personal finance Rebranding finance with a feminine spin, It's Your Money, Honey is designed to encourage women of all ages to take a greater interest—and play a greater role—in the financial issues that affect their everyday lives and financial futures. Conversational, irreverent, and intelligent, this guide to wealth creation, wealth management, and financial protection as it relates to women and their families provides exactly the kind of advice that smart women today need to know in order to take charge of their finances. Organized by decade and the events—from childrearing to retirement—that need to be planned for, presently enjoyed, or recovered from, It's Your Money, Honey is packed with expert information in the no-nonsense style of a girlfriend who knows her stuff. Finances aren't that hard, you just have to deal with them yourself. Finally, a book that understand that every woman needs to make time for a personal finance education Highly accessible, the book is designed to be read whenever you find yourself with a spare second, providing important information in bite sized chunks Helps women prepare for major life events with the help of real life stories, helpful checklists, and easy-to-apply Golden Rules Born out of the notion that too many smart women let their financial situations be ignored, swept under the rug, or dictated by others, It's Your Money, Honey is everything you need to know about money but were too busy to ask.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc SuperLife: The 5 Forces That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome
In this groundbreaking health and lifestyle guide, the superfoods expert, nutritionist, and creator of Shakeology provides the key to understanding and utilizing the five life forces-the sole factors that determine whether or not we will be healthy, fit, and free of illness. In Superlife, Darin Olien provides us with an entirely new way of thinking about health and wellbeing by identifying what he calls the life forces: Quality Nutrition, Hydration, Detoxification, Oxygenation, and Alkalization. Olien demonstrates in great detail how to maintain these processes, thereby allowing our bodies to do the rest. He tells us how we can maintain healthy weight, prevent even the most serious of diseases, and feel great. He explains that all of this is possible without any of the restrictive or gimmicky diet plans that never work in the long term. Olien has traveled the world, exploring the health properties of foods that have sustained indigenous cultures for centuries. Putting his research into practice, he has created a unique and proven formula for maximizing our bodies' potential. He also includes a "How-to-eat" user's guide with a shopping list, advice on "what to throw away," a guide to creating a healthy, balanced diet plan, and advice on how to use supplements effectively. Written in Olien's engaging conversational style, Superlife is a one-of-a-kind comprehensive look at dieting and nutrition, a timeless and essential guide to maintaining the human body and maximizing its potential.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Twin Technology: Fundamentals and Applications
DIGITAL TWIN TECHNOLOGY The book lucidly explains the fundamentals of digital twin technology along with its applications and various industrial real-world examples. Digital twin basically means a replicated model of any object or product in digital form. A digital twin has many advantages as it remains connected with the original object or product it is replicating and receives real-time data. Therefore, the obstacles and issues that could be encountered in a product or object can be known before their actual happening which helps to prevent errors and major losses which otherwise might have been incurred. The various capabilities of digital twin technology make it a powerful tool that can be used to effectively boost various sectors of the healthcare, automotive, and construction industries, among others. Although this technology has been making its way into various sectors, it has not yet received the kind of exposure necessary to increase awareness of its potential in these industries. Therefore, it is critical that a better understanding of digital twin technology is acquired to facilitate growth and to have it implemented in the various sectors so that transformation can be ushered in. Therefore, this book was designed to be a useful resource for those who want to become well acquainted with digital twin technology. Audience Engineers, researchers, and advanced students in information technology, computer science, and electronics, as well as IT specialists and professionals in various industries such as healthcare, automotive, and transportation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Power of Collaborative Solutions: Six Principles and Effective Tools for Building Healthy Communities
In this groundbreaking book, Tom Wolff spells out six proven principles for creating collabo- rative solutions for healthy communities. The Power of Collaborative Solutions addresses contemporary social problems by helping people of diverse circumstances and backgrounds work together to solve community challenges. Filled with clear principles, illustrative stories, and practical tools, this book shows how to make lasting change really happen. Praise for The Power of Collaborative Solutions "This is a truly transformative book and a must-read. Tom Wolff crafts a path to change that is at once visionary and achievable." MEREDITH MINKLER, professor of health and social behavior, University of California, Berkeley, and coauthor, Community-Based Participatory Research for Health (Jossey-Bass, 2008) "If you want to bring about sustained positive change in your community, read this book. The stories will inspire you, and the lessons will shine a light on your leadership path." TYLER NORRIS, founding president, Community Initiatives "Here you'll find not just theory, but also the hard-won, down-to-earth detail on how to make collaboration work where you live and act." BILL BERKOWITZ, professor emeritus of psychology, University of Massachusetts Lowell "Tom has a tremendous fount of knowledge, and he knows just what to do with it and how to help others use it. His kind and commonsensical manner means that his intellect is accessible." LINDA BOWEN, executive director, Institute for Community Peace, Washington, D.C.
The University of Chicago Press How We See the Sky: A Naked-Eye Tour of Day and Night
Gazing up at the heavens from our backyards or a nearby field, most of us see an undifferentiated mess of stars - if, that is, we can see anything at all through the glow of light pollution. Today's casual observer knows far less about the sky than did our ancestors, who depended on the sun and the moon to tell them the time and on the stars to guide them through the seas. Nowadays, we don't need the sky, which is good, because we've made it far less accessible, hiding it behind the skyscrapers and excessive artificial light of our cities. "How We See the Sky" gives us back our knowledge of the sky, offering a fascinating overview of what can be seen there without the aid of a telescope. Thomas Hockey begins by scanning the horizon, explaining how the visible universe rotates through this horizon as night turns to day and season to season. Subsequent chapters explore the sun's and moon's respective motions through the celestial globe, as well as the appearance of solstices, eclipses, and planets, and how these are accounted for in different kinds of calendars. In every chapter, Hockey introduces the common vocabulary of today's astronomers, uses examples past and present to explain them, and provides conceptual tools to help newcomers understand the topics he discusses. Packed with illustrations and enlivened by historical anecdotes and literary references, "How We See the Sky" reacquaints us with the wonders to be found in our own backyards.
Wits University Press Stopping the Spies: Constructing and resisting the surveillance state in South Africa
In 2013, former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden leaked secret documents revealing that state agencies like the NSA had spied on the communications of millions of innocent citizens. International outrage resulted, but the Snowden documents revealed only the tip of the surveillance iceberg. Apart from insisting on their rights to tap into communications, more and more states are placing citizens under surveillance, tracking their movements and transactions with public and private institutions. The state is becoming like a one-way mirror where it can see more of what its citizens do and say, while citizens see less and less of what the state does, owing to high levels of secrecy around surveillance.Jane Duncan assesses the relevance of Snowden’s revelations for South Africa. In doing so she questions the extent to which South Africa is becoming a surveillance society governed by a surveillance state. Is surveillance used for the democratic purpose of making people safer, or is it being used for the repressive purpose of social control, especially of those considered to be politically threatening to ruling interests? What kind of collective is needed to ensure that unaccountable surveillance does not take place? What works and what does not work as organised responses? These questions and more are examined in this penetrating analysis of South African and global democracy.Stopping the Spies is aimed at South African citizens, academics as well for general readers who care about our democracy and the direction it is taking.
American Bar Association ABA/AARP Checklist for Family Survivors: A Guide to Practical and Legal Matters When Someone You Love Dies
Grand Award Winner for Print Media in the APEX 2015 Competition! "An exceptional book...the content is first rate. Extremely well researched and well organized, each topic is well written, and carefully presented in as inviting a way as such a topic can be. If anything has been overlooked in this thorough book, we can't think what it might be. If you're planning on passing away, do your family a favor and get this book. :-)"-APEX 2015 Judges Commentary A practical resource for dealing with family matters upon death, this first-of-its-kind publication from the American Bar Association and AARP-the nation's leading associations in the law and the advancement of issues that matter most to people 50+ and their families-helps answer the myriad of questions surrounding what needs to be done following a loved one's passing. This must-have book guides you through the steps to wrap up the personal and financial affairs of the loved one who died. Although the ABA/AARP Checklist for Family Survivors: A Guide to Practical and Legal Matters When Someone You Love Dies does not provide legal advice, it does include legal reasons, implications and complications that cover a variety of questions loved ones face upon death. In each chapter, you'll find convenient checklists to help guide you through the difficult time.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multinationals, Environment and Global Competition
The purpose of this book is to present leading research concerning the increasing strategic importance of environmental concerns within the multinational firm, and to explore the implications of corporate environmental strategy on public policy. The contributions present empirical research that deals with the simultaneous effects of the globalization of markets and the emergence of environmental concerns as issues of corporate strategy, either using a cross-national sample of firms within a global industry, or a sample of multinationals from a particular home country. By considering the dynamics of corporate environmental behavior explicitly within the context of global markets, the book makes a unique contribution to the discussion about the impact of multinational activity. The chapters provide a rich understanding of the kinds of interactions that occur between multinationals and regulators, multinationals and non-governmental organizations, and multinationals and their customers. By explaining what motivates multinational firms to make environmental investments and to improve their environmental performance, these studies offer necessary input for the formulation of well-informed public policy. As a consequence, this book provides essential material for advanced students and decision-makers interested in the changing role of multinational enterprises in the global economy. While being of broad interest to academics in the field of international business and strategy, this volume also provides interesting results to researchers concerned with the ability of national governments to regulate multinationals, how regulation affects multinationals, and how in turn multinational conduct affects regulatory standards.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Welfare Chauvinism in Europe: How Education, Economy and Culture Shape Public Attitudes
The redistribution of welfare resources to migrants continues to polarise society. Not only politicians from the radical right but also from more mainstream parties are capitalising on the idea of ‘welfare for our kind’, or welfare chauvinism. In this innovative book, Gianna Maria Eick provides a comprehensive analysis of welfare chauvinism in Europe, skilfully exploring how it is shaped by education, economy and culture.Constructing an extensive overview of welfare chauvinism’s causes and consequences, Welfare Chauvinism in Europe sheds light on the multidimensionality of welfare chauvinist attitudes across countries, time, social policies, and different migrant groups. Eick unveils hidden nuances regarding welfare chauvinism that are frequently overlooked in current discourse, particularly concerning socioeconomic cleavages in Europe. Using high-quality data on public attitudes and macro-level conditions, this thought-provoking book investigates the common misperception that higher levels of education universally lead to more tolerant attitudes and argues that governments and welfare institutions play a crucial role in shaping public opinion.Providing an in-depth exploration of welfare chauvinism, this timely book is a crucial resource for academics, researchers and students working across social policy, political science, sociology, social work, geography, economics and law. Its analysis of novel cross-national survey data on welfare chauvinism is also of significant intere– Martin Ruhs, European University Institust to policy makers and policy practitioners across the globe.
St Martin's Press Gone for Good: A Novel
The Lovelorn Killer murdered seven women, ritually binding them and leaving them for dead before penning them gruesome love letters in the local papers. Then he disappeared, and after twenty years with no trace of him, many believe that he's gone for good. Not Grace Harper. A grocery store manager by day, at night Grace uses her snooping skills as part of an amateur sleuth group. She believes the Lovelorn Killer is still living in the same neighborhood that he hunted in, and if she can figure out how he selected his victims, she will have the key to his identity. Detective Annalisa Vega lost someone she loved to the killer. Now she's at a murder scene with the worst kind of déjà vu: Grace Harper lies bound and dead on the floor, surrounded by clues to the biggest murder case that Chicago homicide never solved. Annalisa has the chance to make it right and to heal her family, but first, she has to figure out what Grace knew-how to see a killer who may be standing right in front of you. This means tracing his steps back to her childhood, peering into dark corners she hadn't acknowledged before, and learning that despite everything the killer took, she still has so much more to lose.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Your Best Age Is Now: Embrace an Ageless Mindset, Reenergize Your Dreams, and Live a Soul-Satisfying Life
Although we’ve been conditioned to think “middle aged” is practically a four-letter word, the realities of women in midlife today are far different than what our mothers experienced. Women in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s are living younger, vibrant lives. But influenced by our youth-obsessed culture, we fear that when we hit midlife, we stop being relevant and no longer have options—that it’s simply too late for us.Contradicting long-ingrained beliefs, Robi Ludwig draws on myth-busting data from scientific research and on her experience as a therapist to show midlife is not the beginning of our decline—it is actually a time to pursue our dreams. In Your Best Age Is Now, she offers specific advice on how to change our perception of this next life phase and make the best of it by:· Letting go of stress to create a more balanced life;· Identifying false thinking that is holding us back;· Taking charge of our love life and relationships;· Staying relevant in the workplace or starting new, exciting careers;· Becoming more spiritual and leading a life of gratitude; and more.Your Best Age Is Now provides the guidance you need to reject the status quo, become more “you” than ever before, and find the kind of happiness you never thought possible.
Hodder & Stoughton Many Things Under a Rock: The Mysteries of Octopuses
A riveting new exploration of the octopus from the world-leading scientific expert. For fans of Netflix's 'My Octopus Teacher' and Other Minds by Peter Godfrey-Smith.'Enchanting.' MAIL ON SUNDAY'Abounds with wonders.' KATHLEEN JAMIE, NEW STATESMAN'Brings the world of the octopus vividly alive... a sense of what it might be like to live in their skins.' FINANCIAL TIMES'The deepest of octopus books.' PETER GODFREY-SMITHAS HEARD ON BBC RADIO 4'S TODAY PROGRAMME_________________What is it like to be an octopus?The octopus is a highly intelligent and deeply mysterious creature. It can change colour as quickly as it can move, 'think' with its tentacles and communicate in sophisticated ways.Marine biologist David Scheel's lifelong preoccupation with these animals has led to a career of groundbreaking research, from finding previously unknown species to the discovery of signaling communication. In Many Things Under a Rock, Scheel shares his deep scientific understanding of octopuses and recounts his intrepid adventures with these mysterious, charismatic creatures.He investigates four major mysteries about octopuses: what can we know about such elusive and camouflaged creatures? Why are they so extraordinarily resilient? How do their bodies work? And what kind of relationships do they have? In unravelling these mysteries, Dr Scheel shows octopuses to be complex emotional beings and reveals what they can teach us about ourselves.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Professor Renoir’s Collection of Oddities, Curiosities, and Delights
A gripping historical fiction friendship story that will grab everyone by the heartstrings and never let go.A giant, a dwarf, and three doomed circus animals . . .By her fourteenth birthday, Babe Killingsworth measures 6ʹ9ʺ and weighs 342 pounds. In 1896, what other options does a giant have but to join a carnival?Her only real talent is handling animals: “Critters is folks to me.” The cheap outfit her feckless father sells her off to offers critters galore; an escape from Neal, Idaho; and a bit of fame. It also opens the doorway to exploitation and neglect.But Babe’s love for Euclid (a chimp) and Jupiter (a bear) keeps her anchored, and in Professor Renoir’s Collection of Oddities, Curiosities, and Delights, she is among her own kind.Enter Carlotta Jones, billed as the world’s smallest girl, whose elephant act leaves much to be desired. At thirty inches tall, Carlotta is beautiful, spoiled, and demanding and has very little talent—Egypt, her elephant, dances better than she does.How can a giant like Babe and a dwarf like Carlotta ever see eye to eye? They don’t at first, but soon they understand that a common enemy can bring anyone together—even a giant and a dwarf."Platt proves again she is unafraid to tackle intensely emotional issues for young readers in this beautifully written piece. Like its title, it inspires both curiosity and delight.” —Booklist
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Killing Season [Large Print]
He went searching for the truth. Now a killer has found him.The more you know, the more there is to fear…Four years ago, 15-year-old Ellen Vicksburg went missing in the quiet town of River Remez, New Mexico. Ellen was kind, studious, and universally liked. Her younger brother, Ben, could imagine nothing worse than never knowing what happened to her—until, on the first anniversary of her disappearance, he found her body in a shallow grave by the river’s edge. Ben, now 16, is committed to finding the monster who abducted and strangled Ellen. Police believe she was the victim of a psychopath known as the Demon. But Ben—a math geek too smart for his high-school classes—continues to pore over the evidence at the local police precinct, gaining an unlikely ally in his school’s popular new girl, Ro Majors. In his sister’s files, Ben’s analytical mind sees patterns that don’t fit, tiny threads that he adds to the clues from other similar unsolved murders. As the body count rises, a picture emerges of an adversary who is as cunning and methodical as he is twisted.At first the police view Ben’s investigation with suspicion. Soon his obsession will mark him as a threat. But uncovering the truth may not be enough to keep Ben and those he loves safe from a relentless killer who has nothing left to lose.
Emerald Publishing Limited Surrogacy in Russia: An Ethnography of Reproductive Labour, Stratification and Migration
This timely and fascinating feminist ethnography is the first of its kind to focus on commercial surrogacy workers in Russia and from other countries of the former Soviet Union. Examining surrogacy workers' reproductive labour, and experiences of stratification and migration, the study presents innovative insights into current research on global surrogacy practices and travels for assisted reproduction. It links to wider fields of studies, such as ethnicity, feminism, women's and gender studies in the post-Soviet sphere. Weis expertly brings together rigorous ethnographic research, feminist debates and anthropological theory to explore the attributed significance of origin, citizenship, race, ethnicity and religion, and the cultural framing and social organization of surrogacy as an economic exchange; thereby challenging and contributing to the discourse of surrogacy as a gift, a labour of love, a maternal sacrifice or work. Tracing surrogacy workers' journeys for surrogacy work across Russia, Weis introduces geographic and geopolitical stratifications as two new lenses of stratified reproduction to analyse how surrogacy in Russia builds on and propels surrogacy workers' mobility and results in reproductive migrations. Given the rapid global increase in the use of surrogacy and its increasingly internationalised nature, Weis's research has implications for surrogacy users, medical practitioners and regulators, as well as researchers concerned with (cross-border) surrogacy, reproductive stratifications and reproductive justice. Shortlisted for the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness Book Prize 2022
Liverpool University Press Poetry & Responsibility
This study by Neil Corcoran considers the kinds of responsibility which some exemplary modern lyric poetry takes on, or to which it makes itself subject – social, cultural, political, aesthetic and personal. It treats its theme in British, Irish and American poets and in some influential foreign-language poets available in influential English translations. The book discusses the poetry of the First World War and the Cold War in such poets as Owen, Rosenberg, Pasternak, Zbigniew Herbert and Robert Lowell; the poetry and politics of modern Ireland in Yeats, MacNeice, Heaney and others; and poetry's relations with prose, painting and song in poets including Frank O'Hara, Ted Hughes and Bob Dylan. It focuses particularly on forms of modern elegy. Poetry & Responsibility includes such topics as the conflicting impulses in Owen between his obligations as a soldier and as a poet; Yeats's gradual creation of one of his greatest poems out of his responsibilities as an Irish schools inspector; Heaney's requirement that poetry make an 'apology' for itself; O'Hara's deployment of a camp sensibility in the interests of writing a politics of 1950s Black American culture; Herbert's rewriting of Hamlet as a reading of Warsaw Pact Poland; and the political and aesthetic significance of Dylan's restless self-revision. The book argues that exemplary modern lyric poetry can be shown to resist various forms of accommodation or appropriation. In its strategies of opposition, it becomes what Auden calls it in his elegy for Yeats: 'A way of happening, a mouth.'
University of Texas Press Speeches from Athenian Law
This is the sixteenth volume in the Oratory of Classical Greece. This series presents all of the surviving speeches from the late fifth and fourth centuries BC in new translations prepared by classical scholars who are at the forefront of the discipline. These translations are especially designed for the needs and interests of today's undergraduates, Greekless scholars in other disciplines, and the general public. Classical oratory is an invaluable resource for the study of ancient Greek life and culture. The speeches offer evidence on Greek moral views, social and economic conditions, political and social ideology, law and legal procedure, and other aspects of Athenian culture that have recently been attracting particular interest: women and family life, slavery, and religion, to name just a few. This volume assembles twenty-two speeches previously published in the Oratory series. The speeches are taken from a wide range of different kinds of cases—homicide, assault, commercial law, civic status, sexual offenses, and others—and include many of the best-known speeches in these areas. They are Antiphon, Speeches 1, 2, 5, and 6; Lysias 1, 3, 23, 24, and 32; Isocrates 17, 20; Isaeus 1, 7, 8; Hyperides 3; Demosthenes 27, 35, 54, 55, 57, and 59; and Aeschines 1. The volume is intended primarily for use in teaching courses in Greek law or related areas such as Greek history. It also provides the introductions and notes that originally accompanied the individual speeches, revised slightly to shift the focus onto law.
Columbia University Press Chinese Women’s Cinema: Transnational Contexts
The first of its kind in English, this collection explores twenty one well established and lesser known female filmmakers from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Chinese diaspora. Sixteen scholars illuminate these filmmakers' negotiations of local and global politics, cinematic representation, and issues of gender and sexuality, covering works from the 1920s to the present. Writing from the disciplines of Asian, women's, film, and auteur studies, contributors reclaim the work of Esther Eng, Tang Shu Shuen, Dong Kena, and Sylvia Chang, among others, who have transformed Chinese cinematic modernity. Chinese Women's Cinema is a unique, transcultural, interdisciplinary conversation on authorship, feminist cinema, transnational gender, and cinematic agency and representation. Lingzhen Wang's comprehensive introduction recounts the history and limitations of established feminist film theory, particularly its relationship with female cinematic authorship and agency. She also reviews critiques of classical feminist film theory, along with recent developments in feminist practice, altogether remapping feminist film discourse within transnational and interdisciplinary contexts. Wang's subsequent redefinition of women's cinema, and brief history of women's cinematic practices in modern China, encourage the reader to reposition gender and cinema within a transnational feminist configuration, such that power and knowledge are reexamined among and across cultures and nation-states.
Milkweed Editions Meltwater: Poems
A haunting collection that inhabits a disquieting future where fear is the governing body, “the organ and the tissue / and the cell, the membrane and the organelle.” “Once there were oarfish, opaleyes, olive flounders. Once the oxbows were not overrun with nitrogen.” Part requiem, part bedtime story, Meltwater narrates the awful possibility of doom as well as the grim temptation to numb ourselves to it. Prose poems melt into erasures, erasures swell into lush catalogs. Within this formal ebb and flow, Claire Wahmanholm explores both abundance and annihilation, giving shape and music to our shared human anxieties. What does it mean to bring children into a world like this one? A world where grenades are “the only kind of fruit we can still name”? Where “lightning can strike over / and over without boredom or belief and nothing / is saved”? Where losses, both ecological and personal, proliferate endlessly? Here, a parent’s joy is accompanied by the gnaw of remorse. And yet, Wahmanholm recognizes, children bind us to the world—to its missiles and marvels, to the possibility that there is indeed grace worth “suffer[ing] the empty universe for.”If we are going to worry, let us also at least wonder. If we are going to be seized by terror, let us also be “seized by the topaz sky and the breeze through it.” A glittering, kinetic testament to vanishing—of biodiversity, of climate stability, of a sense of safety—Meltwater is both vindication and balm.
Carcanet Press Ltd Object Lessons
'I have put this book together, not as a prose narrative is usually constructed, but as a poem might be. In turnings and returnings. In parts which find and repeat themselves and re-state the argument until it loses its reasonable edge and hopefully becomes a sort of cadence.' In "Object Lessons" Eavan Boland meditates on womanhood in the specific places and times of her life. She engages, in a scrupulous and evocative prose, the issues of nationhood as well, clearing a space within Ireland where to be a woman and a poet has seemed in the past a contradiction in terms. The book functions in her work as Wordsworth's "Prelude" does in his, though Boland does not allow herself the luxury of rapture: to say no more or less than she means, she focuses on particulars, on 'obstinate details' that contain and represent larger meaning, connection and force. The autobiography here is not of a confessional kind: the facts which connect with other voices, other lives, matter. What the London Review of Books called Boland's 'radical but undoctrinaire feminism' informs all the related meditations in "Object Lessons", an enabling document of our time.Unease with Modernism, a concern with the erotic in time, and at every point a sense of continuities, mark the book as a portrait of a critical imagination of deep integrity finding a way among history's obstacles, finding itself in and through the lessons of the objects - particularly artifacts and poems - that it encounters.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Dead On Arrival: A Novel
“MICHAEL CRICHTON meets STEPHEN KING at their finest … with the creepiest opening I’ve ever read.” — Lisa Gardner * “Joins the ranks of classic paranoid thrillers about human achievement run amok, with STEPHEN KING’s The Stand and Michael Crichton’s Terminal Man.” — Joseph Finder * “A heart-stopping thriller. … a must-read for MICHAEL CRICHTON fans.” — Dallas Morning News * “Similar in atmosphere and style to MICHAEL CRICHTON and STEPHEN KING. ... A race-against-the-clock thriller.” — BooklistFLIGHT 194 LANDED.SOMETHING LETHAL AWAITS OUTSIDE.THIS IS DEAD ON ARRIVAL.An airplane touches down at a desolate airport in a remote Colorado ski town. Shortly after landing, Dr. Lyle Martin, a world-class infectious disease specialist, is brusquely awakened to shocking news: Everyone not on the plane appears to be dead. The world has gone dark. While they were in the air, a lethal new kind of virus surfaced, threatening mankind's survival, and now Martin—one of the most sought-after virologists on the planet until his career took a precipitous slide—is at the center of the investigation.Moving at lightning pace from the snowbound Rockies to the secret campus of Google X, where unlimited budgets may be producing wonders beyond our capacity to control, Dead on Arrival is a brilliantly imaginative, intricately plotted thriller that draws on Matt Richtel's years of science and technology reporting for the New York Times, and establishes him as one of the premier thriller writers working today.
Harvard University Press Rulers and Victims: The Russians in the Soviet Union
Many westerners used to call the Soviet Union "Russia." Russians too regarded it as their country, but that did not mean they were entirely happy with it. In the end, in fact, Russia actually destroyed the Soviet Union. How did this happen, and what kind of Russia emerged?In this illuminating book, Geoffrey Hosking explores what the Soviet experience meant for Russians. One of the keys lies in messianism--the idea rooted in Russian Orthodoxy that the Russians were a "chosen people." The communists reshaped this notion into messianic socialism, in which the Soviet order would lead the world in a new direction. Neither vision, however, fit the "community spirit" of the Russian people, and the resulting clash defined the Soviet world.Hosking analyzes how the Soviet state molded Russian identity, beginning with the impact of the Bolshevik Revolution and civil war. He discusses the severe dislocations resulting from collectivization and industrialization; the relationship between ethnic Russians and other Soviet peoples; the dramatic effects of World War II on ideas of homeland and patriotism; the separation of "Russian" and "Soviet" culture; leadership and the cult of personality; and the importance of technology in the Soviet world view.At the heart of this penetrating work is the fundamental question of what happens to a people who place their nationhood at the service of empire. There is no surer guide than Geoffrey Hosking to reveal the historical forces forging Russian identity in the post-communist world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing User Interfaces for International Use
Increasing technological sophistication in many countries and the resulting larger world trade has indicated a need to pay greater attention to the international aspects of user interfaces. Many American companies are approaching a situation where half of their sales are outside the United States, and companies in smaller countries often have a much larger proportion of their sales outside their own country. This means that software sales will increasingly depend on their international usability and not just their domestic usability. Seen from a user's perspective more than half of the world's software users will be using interfaces which were originally designed in a foreign country. Usability for this large market of users will depend upon increased awareness of the issues involved in designing user interfaces for international use. As the European community aims to establish the so-called Single Market by the end of 1992, international software will become even more important in that part of the world. And as if it wasn't hard enough to design user interfaces for use in Europe, there are a further set of problems connected with user interfaces for Asia. Both of these issues are examined in depth. This is the first publication of its kind to appear on the topic of international user interfaces, and presents both general guidelines and a number of detailed case studies on the many aspects entailed. The book will be of considerable interest to project managers, lecturers, students, developers of basic software and user interface designers.