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HarperCollins Publishers Inc Unspoken Magic
Deep in the redwoods, in a magical town, anything can happen, and any creature—or monster—could exist. But when a team of myth-busters comes to Aldermere, they threaten its very existence—and eleven-year-old Fin will do anything to protect her home. For fans of Nevermoor and Amari and the Night Brothers, Emily Lloyd-Jones’s sequel to the acclaimed Unseen Magic is a story of trusting yourself and finding the friends who believe in you, no matter what.Aldermere is a town with its own set of rules: there’s a tea shop that vanishes if you try to force your way in, crows that must be fed or they’ll go through your trash, and a bridge that has a toll that no one knows the cost of. Some say that there may even be bigfoots wandering through the woods.It’s been six months since Fin saved Aldermere from someone intent on exploiting its magic. With spring break just around the corner, Fin’s plans are to relax, try to train her new raven friend, and read some of the mystery books she loves. But her plans are derailed when Fin and her friends find a baby bigfoot who’s been separated from her pack.Then a film crew shows up, intending to add Aldermere to their web show debunking strange and magical legends. Fin can’t let the film crew put the bigfoot—and Aldermere—at risk. Now, Fin, Eddie, and Cedar must keep the bigfoot hidden and find a way to track down her family. But Cedar’s been hiding a secret of her own; one that may complicate everything.As monsters, friends, and enemies collide, Fin, Eddie, and Cedar have to trust one another with secrets both good and bad if they’re going to save the town they all love.Emily Lloyd-Jones crafts a novel infused with magic that is sometimes wonderful and charming—and sometimes dangerous. The sequel to Indie Next Pick Unseen Magic, Unspoken Magic is perfect for fans of Christina Soontornvat’s A Wish in the Dark and Claribel A. Ortega’s Ghost Squad.
Amsterdam University Press Early Modern Maternities in the Iberian Atlantic
Linkgua Una cristiana
Olimpos Yayinlari Yanlis Hayat Dogru Yasanmaz
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl RessourcenTherapie Die Einfhrung
Schirner Verlag Das Geheimnis der Fülle
Wagenbach Klaus GmbH Die grässliche Bescherung in der Via Merulana
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG La Mystique de l'Engendrement Mutuel Au Sein de l'Eglise-Famille de Dieu Au Benin: Chemin de Conversion Pastorale Et Spirituelle
Ansata Verlag Der Ruf der Geister Eine schamanische Einweihung
Ansata Verlag Frauenheilkraft Das vergessene Wissen um die Urkraft der Gebrmutter Mit Tipps zur Selbstheilung hufiger Frauenbeschwerden
Hirzel S. Verlag Welche Farbe hat der Montag
Frech Verlag GmbH Ruckzuck Basteln
Butzon & Bercker Meine erste Bibel
Outlook Verlag Sieben Jahre in Süd- Afrika: Volume 2
Stocker Leopold Verlag OcchiIdeen fr Ostern
GRIN Verlag Fhrungspositionen in der Pflege Der Einfluss des Strukturellen Wandels auf die Position der Stationsleitung
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Die verfehlte Schpfung
Schmidt, Erich Verlag EnWG
C.H. Beck Fälle zum Polizei und Ordnungsrecht
C.H. Beck Der Magier im Kreml
Hansebooks Father's Coming Home
NordSüd Verlag AG Bravo kleines Huhn
Diogenes Verlag AG Natur
Doerlemann Verlag Villa Royale
Springer Colorectal Hernia Laparoscopic Surgery
Section I.- Chapter 1 Laparoscopic colostomy.- Chapter 2 Laparoscopic ileostomy.- Chapter 3 Laparoscopic colectomy.- Chapter 4 Robot-assisted colorectal surgery.- Section II Rectum.- Chapter 5 Laparoscopic anterior resection.- Chapter 6 Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery.- Chapter 7 Transanal Minimally Invasive surgery.- Chapter 8 Transanal total mesorectal excision.- Chapter 9 Laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection.- Chapter 10 Restorative proctocolectomy.- Section III Pelvic floor.- Chapter 11 Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy.- Section IV Hernia.- Chapter 12 Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair.- Chapter 13 Laparoscopic parastomal hernia.- Chapter 14 Transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair.- Chapter 15 Totally extra peritoneal hernia repair.
Hachette Journal dun amour perdu
Le Livre de poche L'exilir d'amour
Albin Michel La Traversée des temps tome 3 Soleil sombre
Caboodle Books Limited A Poetic AZ of Awesome Animals
This delightful book invites readers to explore the wonders of nature, one letter at a time.Each page is bursting with captivating poems and fascinating facts about animals. Perfect for bedtime stories, classroom read-alouds, or independent reading, A Poetic A-Z of Awesome Animals! is a wonderful blend of imagination, education, and entertainment.
NMSE - Publishing Ltd Galoshins Remembered: 'A Penny Was a Lot in These Days'
'Galoshins' was a seasonal folk drama learned orally and performed, mostly by boys, in people's houses. They were rewarded with food or pennies. It took place on New Year's Eve ('Old Year's Night')or on Hallowe'en in central and southern Scotland at the very end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. The drama took the form of a fight, sometimes with 'swords', and then a 'doctor' performed a comic turn in bringing the injured party back to life. These oral reminiscences, gathered for the first time in book form, were collected in the 1970s for the School of Scottish Studies Sound Archives, University of Edinburgh.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Pierrot/Lorca: White Carnival of Black Desire
Peral Vega explores the importance of Pierrot as a symbol of failure in matters of love in García Lorca's imagery and his literary and personal life. Academic research has paid little attention to the importance of the figure of Pierrot in García Lorca's imagery and, above all, in his literary and personal life. An image of marginality and failure, Pierrot was soon taken over by Spanish intellectuals of the early twentieth century as a representation of the bohemian spirit and, corresponding to his marginal status in matters of love, as a symbol of furtive desires experienced by those whose sexuality had to remain silent. Consequently, García Lorca, as Pierrot, needs a mask to cover his identity, facing perpetual failure in his relentless pursuit of the other. As can be seen already from the poems, prose and plays of his youth,García Lorca outlines in Pierrot his innermost self, a trend that will continue in the aforementioned series of drawings and some of his major pieces, such as El público. Pierrot / Lorca: White Carnival of Black Desire aims, from a multidisciplinary perspective, to open new critical readings of both García Lorca's work and some episodes of his life; as with, for example, his relationship with Salvador Dalí, which can be presented in theatrical terms: Harlequin (Dalí) / Pierrot (García Lorca). Emilio Peral Vega is Associate Professor of Spanish Literature at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Property Rights, Consumption and the Market Process
Property Rights, Consumption and the Market Process extends property rights theory in new and exciting directions by combining complementary insights from Austrian, institutional and evolutionary economics. Mainstream economics tends to analyse property rights within a static equilibrium framework. In this book David Andersson reformulates property rights theory as an evolutionary theory of the market process.This original work includes many valuable insights and new analysis such as: combining Yoram Barzel's theory of property rights, Ludwig Lachmann's theory of capital, the resource-based view of the firm and the entrepreneurship theories of Frank Knight, Joseph Schumpeter and Israel Kirzner applying Ronald Inglehart's theory of value change to discontinuities in how imitative behaviour influences consumer choice a new distributional perspective on the Hayekian knowledge problem a model of consumer choice that combines lexicographic characteristics and learning processes a methodological approach that considers the perceived causal and evidential utilities of a theory original empirical material (hedonic price functions and case studies) and new areas of application for important computer simulation results. David Andersson's book will be warmly welcomed by heterodox economists and new institutional economists, as well as economists of entrepreneurship studies, regional development and urban planning.
Collective Ink Living With Honour – A Pagan Ethics
"Living With Honour" is a provocative and uncompromising exploration of how Paganism can provide the philosophical guidance to live honourably in a twenty-first Western society. Part One explores the history of Paganism, its undercurrents of anarchy, heresy, environmentalism and animism, finding its place within the history of Western philosophy. Questioning the morality of some reaches of modern Paganism, it presents a context of nature-based animistic Paganism, and proffers a contemporary understanding of honour.Part Two addresses key moral issues from that animistic perspective, beginning with the foundation of human relationships and attitudes towards the Other. It considers how these play out in our practical relationships with friends, colleagues, children and those with whom we have an intimate bond, including the love affair, commitment and polyamory. Exploring how we value life, it looks first at human life, dying, suicide and euthanasia, birth, abortion and IVF. It then examines the human abuse of nonhuman animals, discussing sentience, personhood and inherent value. Considering the environment, it explores the worldview of nature as a resource, and presents an animistic understanding of nature's sanctity, and how sustainable relationship can be achieved. Finally, it focuses on current global crises, exploring need as opposed to desire. While ethics may be agreed, willingness to compromise desire for ethics is less easy.Part Three explores the factors that hinder ethical action, allowing careless passivity: fear, habit, a sense of impotence and a disconnection from the environment. It considers free will and the powerful fuel of deep inspiration. This is the first book to give an account of ethics from a pagan viewpoint for the modern world.
Findhorn Press Ltd Mind Body Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2: A positive, powerful and proven solution to stop diabetes once and for all
Titan Books Ltd Gilgamesh
The second book in the enthralling and lyrical Sumerians trilogy, retelling the Epic of Gigamesh, perfect for fans of Madeline Miller, Lucy Holland and Jennifer Saint.
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd Paradises Lost
Noam is a young man when the Flood wreaks havoc on the world, destroying the peaceful lakeside village he called home, and turning his whole life upside down. Destined to live forever as an immortal, Noam travels through the centuries in search of the meaning of life, and the events which shaped who we have become today.Paradises Lost is the first installment of Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt's monumental project of recounting the history of humanity, the fruits of more than thirty years of research. The first in a series, and in the form of a stylistic novel much like Yuval Noah Harari crossed with Alexandre Dumas. Schmitt combines his scientific, religious and philosophical research to propel readers from one world to another, and from pre-history to today.
Kar-Ben Copies Ltd World's Best (and Worst) Spooky Jokes
Cornell University Press The Oil Wars Myth: Petroleum and the Causes of International Conflict
Do countries fight wars for oil? Given the resource's exceptional military and economic importance, most people assume that states will do anything to obtain it. Challenging this conventional wisdom, The Oil Wars Myth reveals that countries do not launch major conflicts to acquire petroleum resources. Emily Meierding argues that the costs of foreign invasion, territorial occupation, international retaliation, and damage to oil company relations deter even the most powerful countries from initiating "classic oil wars." Examining a century of interstate violence, she demonstrates that, at most, countries have engaged in mild sparring to advance their petroleum ambitions. The Oil Wars Myth elaborates on these findings by reassessing the presumed oil motives for many of the twentieth century's most prominent international conflicts: World War II, the two American Gulf wars, the Iran–Iraq War, the Falklands/Malvinas War, and the Chaco War. These case studies show that countries have consistently refrained from fighting for oil. Meierding also explains why oil war assumptions are so common, despite the lack of supporting evidence. Since classic oil wars exist at the intersection of need and greed—two popular explanations for resource grabs—they are unusually easy to believe in. The Oil Wars Myth will engage and inform anyone interested in oil, war, and the narratives that connect them.
Cornell University Press Christian Imperialism: Converting the World in the Early American Republic
In 1812, eight American missionaries, under the direction of the recently formed American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, sailed from the United States to South Asia. The plans that motivated their voyage were ano less grand than taking part in the Protestant conversion of the entire world. Over the next several decades, these men and women were joined by hundreds more American missionaries at stations all over the globe. Emily Conroy-Krutz shows the surprising extent of the early missionary impulse and demonstrates that American evangelical Protestants of the early nineteenth century were motivated by Christian imperialism—an understanding of international relations that asserted the duty of supposedly Christian nations, such as the United States and Britain, to use their colonial and commercial power to spread Christianity. In describing how American missionaries interacted with a range of foreign locations (including India, Liberia, the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, North America, and Singapore) and imperial contexts, Christian Imperialism provides a new perspective on how Americans thought of their country’s role in the world. While in the early republican period many were engaged in territorial expansion in the west, missionary supporters looked east and across the seas toward Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. Conroy-Krutz’s history of the mission movement reveals that strong Anglo-American and global connections persisted through the early republic. Considering Britain and its empire to be models for their work, the missionaries of the American Board attempted to convert the globe into the image of Anglo-American civilization.
Taylor & Francis Inc Reconfigurable Logic: Architecture, Tools, and Applications
During the last three decades, reconfigurable logic has been growing steadily and can now be found in many different fields. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are one of the most famous architecture families of reconfigurable devices. FPGAs can be seen as arrays of logic units that can be reconfigured to realize any digital systems. Their high versatility has enabled designers to drastically reduce time to market, and made FPGAs suitable for prototyping or small production series in many branches of industrial products. In addition, and thanks to innovations at the architecture level, FPGAs are now conquering segments of mass markets such as mobile communications.Reconfigurable Logic: Architecture, Tools, and Applications offers a snapshot of the state of the art of reconfigurable logic systems. Covering a broad range of architectures, tools, and applications, this book: Explores classical FPGA architectures and their supporting tools Evaluates recent proposals related to FPGA architectures, including the use of network-on-chips (NoCs) Examines reconfigurable processors that merge concepts borrowed from the reconfigurable domain into processor design Exploits FPGAs for high-performance systems, efficient error correction codes, and high-bandwidth network routers with built-in security Expounds on emerging technologies to enhance FPGA architectures, improve routing structures, and create non-volatile configuration flip-flops Reconfigurable Logic: Architecture, Tools, and Applications reviews current trends in reconfigurable platforms, providing valuable insight into the future potential of reconfigurable systems.
New York University Press Arab New York: Politics and Community in the Everyday Lives of Arab Americans
From Bay Ridge to Astoria, explore political action in Arab New York Arab Americans are a numerically small proportion of the US population yet have been the target of a disproportionate amount of political scrutiny. Most non-Arab Americans know little about what life is actually like within Arab communities and in organizations run by and for the Arab community. Big political questions are central to the Arab American experience—how are politics integrated into Arab Americans’ everyday lives? In Arab New York, Emily Regan Wills looks outside the traditional ideas of political engagement to see the importance of politics in Arab American communities in New York. Regan Wills focuses on the spaces of public and communal life in the five boroughs of New York, which are home to the third largest concentration of people of Arab descent in the US. Many different ethnic and religious groups form the overarching Arab American identity, and their political engagement in the US is complex. Regan Wills examines the way that daily practice and speech form the foundation of political action and meaning. Drawing on interviews and participant observation with activist groups and community organizations, Regan Wills explores topics such as Arab American identity for children, relationships with Arab and non-Arab Americans, young women as leaders in the Muslim and Arab American community, support and activism for Palestine, and revolutionary change in Egypt and Yemen. Ultimately, she claims that in order to understand Arab American political engagement and see how political action develops in Arab American contexts, one must understand Arab Americans in their own terms of political and public engagement. They are, Regan Wills argues, profoundly engaged with everyday politics and political questions that don’t match up to conventional politics. Arab New York draws from rich ethnographic data and presents a narrative, compelling picture of a community engaging with politics on its own terms. Written to expand the existing literature on Arab Americans to include more direct engagement with politics and discourse, Arab New York also serves as an appropriate introduction to Arab American communities, ethnic dynamics in New York City and elsewhere in urban America, and the concept of everyday politics.
Duke University Press The Meaning of Soul: Black Music and Resilience since the 1960s
In The Meaning of Soul, Emily J. Lordi proposes a new understanding of this famously elusive concept. In the 1960s, Lordi argues, soul came to signify a cultural belief in black resilience, which was enacted through musical practices—inventive cover versions, falsetto vocals, ad-libs, and false endings. Through these soul techniques, artists such as Aretha Franklin, Donny Hathaway, Nina Simone, Marvin Gaye, Isaac Hayes, and Minnie Riperton performed virtuosic survivorship and thus helped to galvanize black communities in an era of peril and promise. Their soul legacies were later reanimated by such stars as Prince, Solange Knowles, and Flying Lotus. Breaking with prior understandings of soul as a vague masculinist political formation tethered to the Black Power movement, Lordi offers a vision of soul that foregrounds the intricacies of musical craft, the complex personal and social meanings of the music, the dynamic movement of soul across time, and the leading role played by black women in this musical-intellectual tradition.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Philosophy of Sport: Key Questions
An accessible and comprehensive guide to the philosophy of sport Each chapter is framed by a question that explores the main issues, ideas and literature in the field ranging from questions about the nature and value of sport, the sporting body, aesthetics and ethics. Students are given the opportunity to consider significant debates in the philosophy of sport and each chapter is supplemented by independent study questions. Each section also contains short insightful interviews with eminent scholars in order to give a broader understanding of the history and development of the subject. The main themes covered within this text include: the nature of sport; sport and the body; aesthetics and the aesthetic value of sport; a consideration of fair play, rules and the ethos of sport; the nature of competition; the application and effect of technology on sport and introductions to contemporary ethical issues such as doping, violence, disability, patriotism, elitism and sexual equality, as well as a broader reflection on the connection between sport and moral development.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Love and Respect Devotional: 52 Weeks to Experience Love and Respect in Your Marriage
In this couples' devotional based on the classic bestseller, Eggerichs surveyed thousands of couples to develop 52 devotionals around the three cycles that are at the heart of Love and Respect.Emerson Eggerichs has transformed marriages around the world with his biblically based approach to understanding the love that she most desires and the respect that he desperately needs. Now, in this long-awaited devotional based on Love & Respect, Emerson has created an experience for couples that is effective, flexible, and life changing.To build this couples devotional, Eggerichs has taken the top concerns that surfaced in a survey of thousands of couples and has developed 52 devotionals around the three cycles that are at the heart of Love and Respect. On one occasion the couple will be talking about how to stop the Crazy Cycle or keep it at bay. The next devotional will discuss a concept built upon the Rewarded Cycle, which stresses the ultimate purpose for marriage. And the next may have both people talking about ways to use the Energizing Cycle in their efforts to love and respect each other. This long-awaited devotional: Contains 52 devotions specifically guided to couples' most common concerns Can be done weekly or at your chosen pace Is husband and wife friendly, written to ensure both are comfortable in the process Supplemental video studies are also available for purchase With this wealth of new material and video devotionals available online, The Love & Respect Devotional will be indispensable to anyone wishing to improve their marital relationship.
Capstone Global Library Ltd How Science Saved the Eiffel Tower
The city of Paris wanted to tear down the Eiffel Tower! Gustave Eiffel, an engineer and amateur scientist, had built the incredible structure for the 1889 World''s Fair. Created using cutting-edge technology, it stood taller than any other building in the world! More than a million delighted people flocked to visit it during the fair. But the officials wondered, beyond being a spectacle, what is it good for? It must come down! But Eiffel loved his tower. He crafted a clever plan to make the tower too useful to tear down. He would turn it into a laboratory such as science has never had at its disposal. As the date for the tower''s demolition approached, Eiffel raced to prove its worth. Could science save the Eiffel Tower?