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Tinta Blanca Editor La voz de la Alhambra guía para escuchar los poemas alhambreños
Sinopsis: La voz de la Alhambra es un libro de referencia para entender y amar los poemas escritos en las paredes de uno de los conjuntos palatinos más bellos del mundo. El arabista Emilio de Santiago los ha vuelto a traducir, guiado por su profundo conocimiento de la poesía árabe y de cuanto encierra la Alhambra.El resultado es un libro fundamental para todo aquel que desee adentrarse en este lugar único, donde los versos cobran vida entre las piedras labradas por el refinado arte nazarí. Emilio de Santiago nos invita a "escuchar" la poesía de un tiempo que aún sigue presente entre nosotros. El libro está prologado por el escritor Antonio Muñoz Molina e ilustrado por los delicados trazos del pintor Juan Vida.
Mandalas Flores Spanish Edition
Más de 60 motivos muy floreados para colorear a tu gusto. Rotuladores, pinturas, pasteles... sorpréndete con diferentes técnicas y deja volar la imaginación y la creatividad. Con el paso de las páginas, tu Art Book para colorear se transforma en un original libro de arte! Escoge tus más bellas creaciones y conviértelas en decorativos cuadros para colgar o regalar.
Editorial Alma Arsène Lupin, Caballero Ladrón
Atico de Los Libros El Hotel de Cristal
Servicio de Publicaciones - Universidad de Huelva Las civilizaciones orientales una introducción histórica
El siguiente volumen trata de examinar el origen de las civilizaciones india y china, y la evolución medieval de ambas hasta la llegada de los europeos a fines del siglo XV. en el se analizan las estructuras económicas, sociales y el desarrollo político, además de un panorama de los aspectos culturales y artísticos.Las Civilizaciones Orientales pretende ofrecer las claves interpretativas de cada cultura oriental, se ha partido del nacimiento de la civilización, ensayándose, en el caso de las mayores, distinguir de la fase antigua un periodo "medieval", del que sólo China sale con anterioridad a la llegada de los mercaderes y misioneros europeos en el siglo XVI.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Etre Et Chair II: L'Epreuve Perceptive de l'Etre: Avancees Ultimes de la Phenomenologie de Merleau-Ponty
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Etre Et Chair: Du Corps Au Desir l'Habilitation Ontologique de la Chair
Catholic Book Publishing The Saints Coloring Book
Catholic Book Publishing Angels Coloring Book
Catholic Book Publishing Coloring Book about Jesus
Alfred Music Trio in BFlat for Two Violins Kalmus Edition
Random House USA Inc For All who Hunger: Searching for Communion in a Shattered World
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers An Arrow to the Moon
Literaricon Verlag Versuch ber die wahre Art das Klavier zu spielen
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Marriage of Convenience: Rockefeller International Health and Revolutionary Mexico
Offers a nuanced analysis of the interaction between the Rockefeller Foundation's International Health Division and Mexico's Departamento de Salubridad Pública as they jointly promoted public health through campaigns against yellow fever and hookworm disease, organized cooperative rural health units, and educated public health professionals in North American universities and Mexican training stations.
Cornell University Press Marine Fishes and Fisheries of New York
Marine Fishes and Fisheries of New York documents the extraordinary diversity of fishes found within the state''s inland marine waters and twelve nautical miles off the coastline. In this definitive resource for the region, Howard M. Reisman and Emerson C. Hasbrouck Jr. highlight 244 species alongside the fisheries and food chains to which they are vital. Species profiles describe distribution and annual movements, anatomical, physiological and behavioral distinctions, ecological roles, and more. This up-to-date volume also features: Fishery management and sustainability practices More than 150 drawings and a color gallery QR codes linking to fish videos Marine Fishes and Fisheries of New York is essential for professionals and enthusiasts looking to discover the region''s abundance of unique and important fish species.
Alfred A. Knopf Station Eleven: A novel
Institution of Engineering & Technology Code of Practice for Electromagnetic Resilience
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd From Suffragette to Homesteader: Exploring British and Canadian Colonial Histories and Women's Politics through Memoir
From Suffragette to Homesteader opens a unique window into the past. Central to this book is a powerful memoir written in 1952 by Ethel Marie Sentance as an anniversary present for her husband, Clarence. The memoir begins in 1883 and details Ethel's early life in a small English village. Frustrated with women's social and political inequality, Ethel became a suffragette in her early twenties. She participated in meetings and rallies, sold suffrage newspapers, and was eventually jailed for breaking a window at a protest. In 1912, her life changed considerably when she married and relocated to the Saskatchewan prairies to become a homesteader and settler.Surrounding Ethel's memoir are chapters by leading historians and life-writing scholars that provide further analysis and context, exploring topics within and beyond those written about by Ethel. Together, the chapters in this book tell a compelling story of early and mid twentieth century social justice advocacy, women's and feminist histories, struggles for gender equality, and the farmworker and homesteader experience. At the same time, the book is also a story of imperialism and the British Empire, race and class, and settler colonialism.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Hundred Years War: 1337–1453
An illustrated overview of the Hundred Years War, the longest-running and the most significant conflict in western Europe in the later Middle Ages. There can be no doubt that military conflict between France and England dominated European history in the 14th and 15th centuries. The Hundred Years War is of considerable interest both because of its duration and the number of theatres in which it was fought. Drawing on the latest research for this new edition, Hundred Years War expert Professor Anne Curry examines how the war can reveal much about the changing nature of warfare: the rise of infantry and the demise of the knight; the impact of increased use of gunpowder and the effect of the war on generations of people. Updated and revised for the new edition, with full-colour maps and 50 new images, this illustrated introduction provides an important reference resource for the academic or student reader as well as those with a general interest in late medieval warfare.
Alfred A. Knopf Sea of Tranquility: A novel
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Worth Getting Muddy For!
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Cultural History of Marriage in the Modern Age
Spanning cultures across the 20th century, this volume explores how marriage, especially in the West, was disestablished as the primary institution organizing social life. In the developing world, the economic, social, and legal foundations of traditional marriage are stronger but also weakening. Marriage changed because an industrial wage economy reduced familial patriarchal control of youth and women and spurred demands and possibilities for greater autonomy and choice in love. After the Second World War, when more married women pursued education and employment, and gays and lesbians gained visibility, feminism and gay liberation also challenged patriarchal and restrictive gender roles and helped to reshape marriage. In 1920 most people married for life; in the twenty-first century fewer marry, and serial monogamy prevails. Marriage is more diverse and flexible in form but also more fragile and optional than it once was. Over the century control of courtship shifted from parents to youth, and friends, as opposed to kin, became more important in sustaining marriages. Dual-wage-earner families replaced the male breadwinner. Social and political liberalism assailed conservative laws and religious regimes, expanding access to divorce and birth control. Although norms of masculinity and femininity retain huge power in most cultures, visions of more egalitarian and romantic love as the basis of marriage have gained traction—made appealing by the global spread of capitalist social relations and also broadcast by culture industries in the developed world. The legalization of same-sex marriage—in over twenty-five nations by 2020—epitomizes a century of change toward a less gender-defined ideal that includes a continued desire for social recognition and permanence. A Cultural History of Marriage in the Modern Age presents an overview of the period with essays on Courtship and Ritual; Religion, State and Law; Kinship and Social Networks; the Family Economy; Love and Sex; the Breaking of Vows; and Representations of Marriage.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Modern European Intellectual History: Individuals, Groupings, and Technological Change, 1800-2000
This non-technical introduction to modern European intellectual history traces the evolution of ideas in Europe from the turn of the 19th century to the modern day. Placing particular emphasis on the huge technological and scientific change that has taken place over the last two centuries, David Galaty shows how intellectual life has been driven by the conditions and problems posed by this world of technology. In everything from theories of beauty to studies in metaphysics, the technologically-based modern world has stimulated a host of competing theories and intellectual systems, often built around the opposing notions of ‘the power of the individual’ versus collectivist ideals like community, nation, tradition and transcendent experience. In an accessible, jargon-free style, Modern European Intellectual History unpicks these debates and historically analyses how thought has developed in Europe since the time of the French Revolution. Among other topics, the book explores: * The Kantian Revolution * Feminism and the Suffrage Movement * Socialism and Marxism * Nationalism * Structuralism * Quantum theory * Developments in the Arts * Postmodernism * Big Data and the Cyber Century Highly illustrated with 80 images and 10 tables, and further supported by an online Instructor's Guidet, this is the most important student resource on modern European intellectual history available today.
Simon & Schuster Never Put a Cactus in the Bathroom
Fuel your houseplant obsession with this beautifully illustrated room-by-room guide to bringing the outdoors inside-perfect for plant parents everywhere!
MP-NCA Uni of North Carolina Diners Dudes and Diets How Gender and Power Collide in Food Media and Culture
In a work brimming with fresh insights about contemporary American food media and culture, Emily Contois shows how the gendered world of food production and consumption has influenced the way we eat and how food itself is central to the contest over our identities.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC An Environmental History of France
The French countryside is as beloved by the many millions of tourists who visit it each year as it is of French people themselves. But it has not always looked like it does today. An Environmental History of France instead presents the countryside in which people live and work and through which they travel as a human creation across 250 years of economic and cultural change, war and revolution. It is a book about the making' of the French landscape and an engrossing story linking human geography, history, agriculture and culture.Showing an awareness of the origins and nature of current ecological and social challenges, Peter McPhee uses a blend of environmental and cultural approaches to paint a vivid picture of rural France's modern history. From the aristocratic control of agrarian resources in the 1770s, to widespread mechanisation in the 19th century, through to the impact of the World Wars and an intriguing discussion about the uncertain future of French r
Alfaqueque Ediciones La pintura del monstruo
Patricio Almela, profesor de historia del arte y gran experto en pintura "tenebrista", arrastra problemas psicológicos desde la trágica muerte de su esposa. Muy a pesar suyo tendrá que encargarse de averiguar si un extraño cuadro es obra de Caravaggio o, por el contrario, se trata de una burda falsificación. Pero pronto des cubrirá que el cuadro es mucho más de lo que parece. Una hermosa mujer, una herencia enrevesada, un secreto de familia trasmitido durante generaciones, un ajuste de cuentas... Patricio está lejos de sospechar que el misterio que ese cuadro encierra va a poner su vida y la de otros en grave peligro. Mientras desarrolla su investigación, Patricio evoca diversos episodios de la turbulenta biografía de Caravaggio... probablemente el mayor psicópata de la historia del arte! (Fuente: Casa del Libro).
Ediciones Mundi-Prensa La sanidad en el colmenar
La salud de las abejas determina la productividad del colmenar. Por tanto, es importante saber detectar a tiempo cualquier síntoma que requiera un tratamiento o un manejo adecuado.;A lo largo de sus tres capítulos, este libro plantea, de un modo comprensible, las principales patologías que afectan a las abejas, su diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención, haciendo referencia a las bases legales existentes en la Unión Europea.
Publicacions Universitat Alacant Memorias
Alianza Editorial Diccionario de sociología
Este Diccionario, cuya primera edición se publicó en 1998, se ha convertido ya en la obra básica de referencia en el ámbito de la sociología hispana. Ello ha aconsejado la publicación de esta nueva edición, revisada, considerablemente aumentada y puesta al día. La continua expansión de las ciencias sociales, su función como saber profesional para la ingeniería social, la política social y educativa, las políticas del gobierno y las actuaciones públicas y privadas se refleja en numerosas novedades terminológicas, por lo que los editores han introducido o ampliado aquellos términos de mayor peso y vigencia. Por otra parte, se suman a esta edición cuarenta y tres nuevos colaboradores, entre ellos destacados científicos sociales iberoamericanos, dando cabida así a la comunidad hispánica más amplia.
Mandalas Spanish Edition
Más de 60 motivos inspirados en la tradición hinduista para colorear a tu gusto. Rotuladores, pinturas, pasteles... sorpréndete con diferentes técnicas y deja volar la imaginación y la creatividad. Con el paso de las páginas, tu Art Book para colorear se transforma en un original libro de arte!Escoge tus más bellas creaciones y conviértelas en decorativos cuadros para colgar o regalar.
Atico de Los Libros El Mar de la Tranquilidad
Ma Non Troppo Técnicas Maestras de Piano
El viaje de Orfeo
Orfeo, hijo de la reina Ofelia y del rey Eagro, es un príncipe que nació del amor y de la magia. Maldecido desde su nacimiento por la bruja Lismena, creció con un don natural para la música. Pero su padre no le permite disfrutar de su pasión porque cree que el arte no debe ser oficio ni de hombre ni de futuro monarca. Años después, cuando se cumple la maldición, la bruja piensa que Orfeo merece una segunda oportunidad y le ofrece un trato al príncipe. Desde ese instante, ayudado por unos divertidos seres mágicos, inicia un apasionante viaje a través de un mundo en el que comenzará a sentir la emoción de aceptarse a sí mismo, descubriendo que la felicidad empieza por vivir según le dicta su corazón.El viaje de Orfeo, la valiente propuesta de Jonás Emanuel, rica en colorido y sentimientos, es una banda sonora de palabras resonando como campanas en una caverna tenebrosa, una aventura ilustrada que destierra prejuicios aún demasiado latentes sobre la diversidad y la libertad de elegir a qu
de Gruyter Basile de Césarée
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Pensee Et Etre-Soi: Lecons Sur La Subjectivite
Chicago Review Press This Is Really War: The Incredible True Story of a Navy Nurse POW in the Occupied Philippines
In January 1940, navy nurse Dorothy Still eagerly anticipated her new assignment at a military hospital in the Philippines. Her first year abroad was an adventure. She dated sailors and attended dances. But as 1941 progressed, signs of imminent war grew more urgent. Military wives and children were shipped home to the States, and the sailors increased their daily drills. Days after Pearl Harbor was attacked, the Japanese military assaulted the Philippines. When Manila fell to Japan in early January 1942, Dorothy was held captive in a hospital and then transferred to a civilian prison camp. Under the direction of Chief Nurse Laura Cobb, Dorothy and ten other navy nurses maintained rank and reported each day to a makeshift hospital. Cramped conditions, disease, and poor nutrition meant the navy nurses and their army counterparts were overwhelmed caring for the camp. In May 1943, a civilian physician asked Cobb if the navy nurses would consider transferring to a new prison camp in the countryside. The twelve nurses feared the unknown, but they could not deny they were needed. On the morning of their departure, inmates used the public address system to play the navy fight song, "Anchors Aweigh." The nurses were overwhelmed by the response. They had indeed been the anchors of the camp, who kept ill inmates form drifting. In the new prison camp, the "twelve anchors" turned a stripped infirmary into a functioning hospital. Despite their own ailments, they provided nonstop care for starving, diseased, and abused inmates. Over the years, their friendships deepened, and several of the women, including Dorothy, even found love.This Is Really War is an inspiring story about a young nurse who fought for life during a dark time.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Haemophilic Joints: New Perspectives
Edited by an orthopaedic surgeon who is a leading specialist in the treatment of the musculo-skeletal complications of haemophilia.The Haemophilic Joints: New Perspectives reviews the different protocols for the orthopaedic management of the haemophilic articulations. The book draws together, in a single volume, the more recent perspectives of all the orthopaedic methods that can be applied in the diagnosis and treatment of the haemophilic joints from numerous specialists worldwide. It will be an invaluable resource for all those treating the articular problems in people with haemophilia.
Random House USA Inc The Lola Quartet: A Suspense Thriller
Catholic Book Publishing Christmas Coloring Book
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Sonatas Fantasias Rondos 1 Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. The Württenburg Sonatas: Complete