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John Wiley and Sons Ltd What is Environmental History?
What is environmental history? It is a kind of history that seeks understanding of human beings as they have lived, worked, and thought in relationship to the rest of nature through the changes brought by time. In this new edition of his seminal student textbook, J. Donald Hughes provides a masterful overview of the thinkers, topics, and perspectives that have come to constitute the exciting discipline that is environmental history. He does so on a global scale, drawing together disparate trends from a rich variety of countries into a unified whole, illuminating trends and key themes in the process. Those already familiar with the discipline will find themselves invited to think about the subject in a new way. This new edition has been updated to reflect recent developments, trends, and new work in environmental history, as well as a brand new note on its possible future. Students and scholars new to environmental history will find the book both an indispensable guide and a rich source of inspiration for future work.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Anglo-Norman Studies XL: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2017
A series which is a model of its kind. Edmund King, History The wide-ranging articles collected here represent the cutting edge of recent Anglo-Norman scholarship. Topics include English kingship, legends of the Battle of Bouvines, ideas of empire, the practicalities of child kingship, and female rulership in Brittany. The volume continues in its proud tradition of source analysis: there are studies of northern French urban franchises, and Norman charters and a logistical take on the making of the Domesday Book, while narrative sources are represented in the vernacular by a study of Herman of Valenciennes' Bible and in Latin by the historiography of Robert of Torigni and Ralph Niger. Further contributions focus on the twelfth-century ecclesiastical officers Abbot Peter the Venerable and Archbishop Thomas Becket, and the volume is completed with an analysis of the concept of economic resources with respect to Normandy. Contributors: Mathieu Arnoux, JamesBarnaby, Dominique Barthelemy, Thomas Bisson, Scott G. Bruce, Francis Gingras, Frédérique Lachaud, Anne E. Lester, C.P. Lewis, Amy Livingstone, Fanny Madeline, Nicholas Vincent, Emily Ward
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Statistics for Aquaculture
Published in cooperation with the United States Aquaculture Society A strong background in statistics is essential for researchers in any scientific field in order to design experiments, survey research, analyze data, and present findings accurately. To date, there has been no single text to address these concepts in the context of aquaculture research. Statistics for Aquaculture fills that gap by providing user-friendly coverage of statistical principles and methods geared specifically toward the aquaculture community. Statistics for Aquaculture begins with an introduction to basic concepts such as experimental units and data collection, transitions through the fundamentals of experimental design and hypothesis formulation, and culminates with a discussion of experimental analysis and advanced topics in the latest research. Well-illustrated with examples from around the world, each chapter ends with practical exercises to better apply the information covered. Statistics for Aquaculture is a must-have title for students, researchers, professors, and industry personnel alike. Applicable as an introduction to aquaculture or a valuable refresher, this textbook is the first of its kind in this field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy
Does the existence of evil call into doubt the existence of God? Show me the argument. Philosophy starts with questions, but attempts at answers are just as important, and these answers require reasoned argument. Cutting through dense philosophical prose, 100 famous and influential arguments are presented in their essence, with premises, conclusions and logical form plainly identified. Key quotations provide a sense of style and approach. Just the Arguments is an invaluable one-stop argument shop. A concise, formally structured summation of 100 of the most important arguments in Western philosophy The first book of its kind to present the most important and influential philosophical arguments in a clear premise/conclusion format, the language that philosophers use and students are expected to know Offers succinct expositions of key philosophical arguments without bogging them down in commentary Translates difficult texts to core arguments Designed to provides a quick and compact reference to everything from Aquinas’ “Five Ways” to prove the existence of God, to the metaphysical possibilities of a zombie world
John Wiley & Sons Inc Insurance Fraud Casebook: Paying a Premium for Crime
Real case studies on insurance fraud written by real fraud examiners Insurance Fraud Casebook is a one-of-a-kind collection consisting of actual cases written by fraud examiners out in the field. These cases were hand selected from hundreds of submissions and together form a comprehensive picture of the many types of insurance fraud—how they are investigated, across industries and throughout the world. Entertaining and enlightening, the cases cover every type of insurance fraud, from medical fraud to counterfeiting. Each case outlines how the fraud was engineered, how it was investigated, and how perpetrators were brought to justice Written for fraud examiners, auditors, and insurance auditors Other titles by Wells: Fraud Fighter and Corporate Fraud Handbook, Third Edition Edited by Dr. Joseph T. Wells, the founder and Chairman of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), the world's leading anti-fraud organization, this book reveals the dangers of insurance fraud and the measures that can be taken to prevent it from happening in the first place.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead: What Every Business Can Learn from the Most Iconic Band in History
The Grateful Dead-rock legends, marketing pioneers The Grateful Dead broke almost every rule in the music industry book. They encouraged their fans to record shows and trade tapes; they built a mailing list and sold concert tickets directly to fans; and they built their business model on live concerts, not album sales. By cultivating a dedicated, active community, collaborating with their audience to co-create the Deadhead lifestyle, and giving away "freemium" content, the Dead pioneered many social media and inbound marketing concepts successfully used by businesses across all industries today. Written by marketing gurus and lifelong Deadheads David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan, Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead gives you key innovations from the Dead's approach you can apply to your business. Find out how to make your fans equal partners in your journey, "lose control" to win, create passionate loyalty, and experience the kind of marketing gains that will not fade away!
The University of Michigan Press Performing Commemoration: Musical Reenactment and the Politics of Trauma
Public commemorations of various kinds are an important part of how groups large and small acknowledge and process injustices and tragic events. Performing Commemoration: Musical Reenactment and the Politics of Trauma looks at the roles music can play in public commemorations of traumatic events that range from the Armenian genocide and World War I to the current civil wars in the Congo and the #sayhername protests. Whose version of a traumatic historical event gets told is always a complicated question, and music adds further layers to this complexity, particularly music without words. The three sections of this collection look at different facets of musical commemorations and reenactments, focusing on how music can mediate, but also intensify responses to social injustice; how reenactments and their use of music are shifting (and not always toward greater social effectiveness); and how claims for musical authenticity are politicized in various ways. By engaging with critical theory around memory studies and performance studies, the contributors to this volume explore social justice, in, and through music.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Encyclopedia of Bioterrorism Defense
This groundbreaking reference marks the first time a publication has attempted to provide complete coverage in the field of bioterrorism. Articles review current knowledge across various disciplines within the context of bioterrorism, covering the most recent developments in areas including bioterrorism agents, biodefense infrastructure, biotechnology, preparedness, threats, threat analysis, and legislation. Relevant biological warfare events are included with a through analysis. This one-of-a-kind volume: Includes detailed coverage of such topics as: Biotechnology and Bioterrorism, Bioterrorist Attack--Stages & Aftermath, Detection of Agents, and Psychological & Social Sequelae Offers a user friendly style, with biological agents covered consistently across entries Contains over 125 articles Provides case studies, with discussion of lessons learned Comprehensively covers the field of bioterrorism, including related science, technology, medicine, politics, law and history Written by an international panel of experts in the field, this landmark reference supplies essential information to a wide audience of scientists, researchers, physicians, health care professionals, policymakers, historians, journalists, and students.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks
Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks provides an overview of the key features of the 5th Generation (5G) mobile networks, discussing the motivation for 5G and the main challenges in developing this new technology. This book provides an insight into the key areas of research that will define this new system technology paving the path towards future research and development. The book is multi-disciplinary in nature, and aims to cover a whole host of intertwined subjects that will predominantly influence the 5G landscape, including the future Internet, cloud computing, small cells and self-organizing networks (SONs), cooperative communications, dynamic spectrum management and cognitive radio, Broadcast-Broadband convergence , 5G security challenge, and green RF. This book aims to be the first of its kind towards painting a holistic perspective on 5G Mobile, allowing 5G stakeholders to capture key technology trends on different layering domains and to identify potential inter-disciplinary design aspects that need to be solved in order to deliver a 5G Mobile system that operates seamlessly.
Pearson Education (US) Presenting to Win, Updated and Expanded Edition
In this fully updated edition of his classic Presenting to Win, the world's #1 presentation consultant helps you connect with even the toughest, most high-level audiences – and move them to action. Jerry Weissman shows in-person and online presenters of all kinds how to tell compelling stories that focus on exactly what's in it for their listeners. Drawing on brand-new case studies, Weissman shows how to identify your key goals and messages before you even open your presentation software; stay focused on what your listeners really care about; and capture your audiences in the first crucial 90 seconds, even if you can't see them. From bullets and graphics to the effective, sparing use of special effects, Weissman covers all the practical mechanics of effective presentation. This guide's easy, step-by-step approach has been proven with billions of dollars on the line, in hundreds of IPO road shows before the world's most jaded investors. They'll work for you, too!
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Art of Combat: A German Martial Arts Treatise of 1570
First published in 1570, Joachim Meyer's _The Art of Comba__t_ is among the most important texts in the rich corpus of German martial arts treatises of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Meyer is unique in offering full recommendations on how to train for various weapons forms. He divides his book into five parts by weapon types: longsword; dusack (a practice weapon analogous to a sabre); rapier; dagger; and staff weapons. For each weapon, Meyer lays out the principles of its use and the vocabulary of techniques, and then describes a range of specific 'devices', attack combinations for use in combat. This rational approach, along with Meyer's famous and profuse woodcut illustrations, make this a crucial source for understanding the history and techniques of medieval and Renaissance martial arts. In the first ever English translation of this important work, Jeffrey Forgeng has sought to improve accessibility of the text. His Introduction is the first substantial account to be published in English of the German Fechtbuch corpus, and the Glossary likewise is the first of its kind to be published in English.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Hot in Hellcat Canyon
A broken truck, a broken career, and a breakup heard around the world land superstar John Tennessee McCord in Hellcat Canyon. Legend has it that hearts come in two colors there: gold or black. And that you can find whatever you're looking for, whether it's love ...or trouble. JT may have found both in waitress Britt Langley. His looks might cause whiplash and weak knees, but Britt sees past JT's rough edge and sexy drawl to a person a lot like her: in need of the kind of comfort best given hot and quick, with clothes off and the lights out. Her wit is sharp but her eyes and heart-not to mention the rest of her-are soft, and JT is falling hard. But Britt has a secret as dark as the hills, and JT's past is poised to invade their present. It's up to the people of Hellcat Canyon to help make sure their future includes a happily ever after. "Julie Anne Long's writing glows with emotional intensity and strong, passionate characterization." JAYNE ANN KRENTZ
The University of Chicago Press The Marriage Exchange: Property, Social Place, and Gender in Cities of the Low Countries, 1300-1550
Medieval Douai was one of the wealthiest cloth towns of Flanders, and it left an enormous archive documenting the personal financial affairs of its citizens—wills, marriage agreements, business contracts, and records of court disputes over property rights of all kinds.Based on extensive research in this archive, this book reveals how these documents were produced in a centuries-long effort to regulate—and ultimately to redefine—property and gender relations. At the center of the transformation was a shift from a marital property regime based on custom to one based on contract. In the former, a widow typically inherited her husband's property; in the latter, she shared it with or simply held it for his family or offspring. Howell asks why the law changed as it did and assesses the law's effects on both social and gender meanings but she insists that the reform did not originate in general dissatisfaction with custom or a desire to disempower widows. Instead, it was born in a complex economic, social and cultural history during which Douaisiens gradually came to think about both property and gender in new ways.
Chicago Review Press Jubilee Trail
The history of California in the mid-19th century comes alive in this captivating historical novel. Garnet Cameron, a fashionable young lady of New York, is leading a neat, proper life, full of elegant parties and polite young men, yet the prospect of actually marrying any of them appalls her. Yearning for adventure, she instead marries Oliver Hale, a wild trader who is about to cross the mountains and deserts to an unheard-of land called California. During Garnet and Oliver's honeymoon in New Orleans, she meets a dance-hall performer on the lam who calls herself Florinda Grove and is also traveling to California. Along the Jubilee Trail, Garnet and Florinda meet kinds of men never known to them before, and together they make their painstaking way over the harsh trail to Los Angeles, learning how to live without compromise and discover both true friendship and true love.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Movements, Stakeholders and Non-Market Strategy
This volume brings together new research that bridges the domains of stakeholder theory, non-market strategy and social movement theory. Although these three research domains have developed via relatively distinct academic communities, they speak to a common set of phenomena at the intersection of business, markets, civil society, and the state. This collection sets an agenda for a more holistic theory of business and society – a theory that takes seriously the various kinds of stakeholders that make up society and have claims over business, that incorporates the goals and objectives of businesses to survive and thrive, and that places an important role on the process of mobilization and contentious interaction between actors whose goals inherently conflict. Using a range of quantitative and qualitative methods, contributors focus on a phenomenon at the intersection of business, civil society, and government. Examining markets shaped by heavy stakeholder involvement and contention, chapters explore topics such as markets for electric vehicles, medical marijuana, municipal drinking water, and cigarettes along with controversial business practice, including employment practices for LGBT workers and racial/ethnic minorities, and working conditions in global supply chains.
University of New Mexico Press A Field Guide to the Plants and Animals of the Middle Rio Grande Bosque
Extending from the spillway below Cochiti Dam, about fifty miles north of Albuquerque, to the headwaters of Elephant Butte Reservoir, near Truth or Consequences in the southern portion of New Mexico, the Middle Rio Grande Bosque is more than a cottonwood woodland or forest. It is a complete riverside ecosystem, among the more important in the world's arid regions.Every day hundreds of visitors to the bosque encounter flora and fauna they can't identify. Researchers and municipal, county, state, and federal resource agency personnel concerned with the bosque's management need to know how plants and animals are linked to their habitats.With descriptions of more than seven hundred plants and animals illustrated with color photographs, this authoritative guide is the first of its kind for the Middle Rio Grande Bosque and is an invaluable resource for land managers, teachers, students, eco-buffs, and nature enthusiasts. It also reveals the important role the bosque plays in New Mexico's natural heritage.
Cambridge University Press Introduction to Adaptive Trial Designs and Master Protocols
This practical high-level guidebook offers an in-depth understanding of the newly emerging clinical trial designs in adaptive trial designs and master protocols. Both concise and readable without shying away from technical discussion, the book introduces the most innovative approaches in clinical trial research such as adaptive trial designs, master protocols, platform trial, basket trial, and umbrella trial designs. Featuring a revisionist history of clinical research before moving on to case-study based discussion and practical considerations from collective experience. The book enables readers to understand the strengths and limitations of these novel designs as well as their application to individual areas of research and clinical practice. Supplemented by real-world examples from the recent developments in medical research efficiency instigated by both personalized medicine and high-profile diseases like COVID-19 and cancer. The first book of its kind, it is the go-to resource for medical students and researchers working in clinical trial research.
The University of Chicago Press Evenings with the Orchestra
During the performances of fashionable operas in an unidentified but "civilized" town in northern Europe, the musicians (with the exception of the conscientious bass drummer) tell tales, read stories, and exchange gossip to relieve the tedium of the bad music they are paid to perform. In this delightful and now classic narrative written by the brilliant composer and critic Hector Berlioz, we are privy to twenty-five highly entertaining evenings with a fascinating group of distracted performers. As we near the two-hundredth anniversary of Berlioz's birth, Jacques Barzun's pitch-perfect translation of Evenings with the Orchestra --with a new foreword by Berlioz scholar Peter Bloom--testifies to the enduring pleasure found in this most witty and amusing book. "[F]ull of knowledge, penetration, good sense, individual wit, stock humor, justifiable exasperation, understanding exaggeration, emotion and rhetoric of every kind." --Randall Jarrell, New York Times Book Review "To succeed in [writing these tales], as Berlioz most brilliantly does, requires a combination of qualities which is very rare, the many-faceted curiosity of the dramatist with the aggressively personal vision of the lyric poet."--W. H. Auden, The Griffin
Emerald Publishing Limited Voice and Silence in Organizations
Among the most fundamental decisions made by people in the workplace involves whether or not to express their ideas and concerns-or even if it is possible to do so. Are employees encouraged to speak up or to pipe down? Do they share ideas openly or do they remain silent in ways that are hurtful to individuals and harmful to the functioning of their organizations? Moving beyond the extreme actions of whistle-blowers, questions about having voice (can I speak?), exercising voice (do I speak?), the content of voice (what do I say?), and presumed reactions to voice (how will others respond to what I say?) are ubiquitous ones that frame the everyday behavior of people in organizations. "Voice and Silence in Organizations" is a collection of 12 original essays that address these and related issues from a wide variety of scholarly perspectives. This work comprises of chapters by highly regarded psychologists, sociologists and management scholars from around the world offer new conceptual insights and empirical findings that promise to become valuable contributions to this burgeoning area. As the first book of its kind on this topic, Voice and Silence in Organizations is poised to become a classic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Running, Identity and Meaning: The Pursuit of Distinction Through Sport
Over the last forty years, running has grown from a niche sport for a handful of committed club athletes into one of the Western world’s most popular pastimes. In Running, Identity and Meaning, Neil Baxter asks: What kinds of people have been drawn to running in such numbers? What do they seek from the sport? And what does running’s popularity tell us about ourselves and the society we live in today? Delving into the great paradox of running: that despite its low cost of entry and inclusive ethos, the sport remains riven by inequalities, Baxter showcases how gender, class, age and ethnicity influence whether and how different groups participate in the sport, and explores its role in the reproduction of social structure and the search for distinction. By considering running simultaneously as a technique of self-cultivation, a social field in which forms of capital and status are at stake, and an important source of meaning and identity for millions of people across the world, this book equips readers to understand the many diverse links between the sport, society, and individual identities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Molecular Dynamics and Chemical Kinetics
A comprehensive, in-depth presentation of theoretical underpinnings and mathematical techniques This is the first book of its kind to combine all the theories of molecular reaction dynamics and chemical kinetics in a single source. It provides a sophisticated treatment of the material that functions both as a professional reference and a high-level text for PhD and postdoctoral researchers. Advanced Molecular Dynamics and Chemical Kinetics offers exceptional, in-depth coverage and includes a complete discussion of the theoretical as well as mathematical presentation of techniques. It features relevant exercises as well as comprehensive coverage of: * Second Quantization * Semiclassical Theory * Quantum Theory of Reaction Rates * Feynman Path Integrals * Wavepacket Propagation and Grid Methods * Photodissociation * Molecular Properties of Solvated Molecules * Quantum Model for Electron Transfer * Electron Transfer Coupling Elements * Proton Transfer Reactions in Solution This is the ideal reference for seasoned professionals in molecular reaction dynamics as well as for younger researchers who may want to enter the field or simply wish to learn more about it. Also available: Introduction to Molecular Dynamics and Chemical Kinetics Gert D. Billing and Kurt V. Mikkelsen
Emerald Publishing Limited New Narratives of Disability: Constructions, Clashes, and Controversies
This volume explores questions about narrative frameworks in disability research. Narrative is a omnipresent meaning-producing communication form in social life that is both cultural and personal. Public understandings of disability tend to follow a medical storyline in which disability is a personal tragedy to be treated through professional intervention - a frame that disempowers and fails to resonate with many disabled people. Scholars in disability studies and the social sciences have proposed an alternative that portrays social structures, forces, and attitudes as the problems to be resolved - a frame that, while empowering, may neglect, or even repress, some kinds of personal disability stories. This volume seeks to answer the call for richer, more diverse understandings of disability. We explore how narrative inquiry can broaden perspectives on disability to include pain, suffering, chronic illness, and episodic disability, as well as the perspectives of family members and caregivers, while also serving as a platform for dismantling prejudice and discrimination in order to promote positive social change.
Hachette Children's Group Unicorn Magic: Rosymane and the Rescue Crystal: Series 4 Book 1
A secret world full of magic, unicorns and friendship! The brand-new series from the bestselling Daisy Meadows, author of RAINBOW MAGIC and MAGIC ANIMAL FRIENDS, and the most-borrowed author in UK libraries.Best friends Emily and Aisha are thrilled when they're whisked away on a new series of adventures in the magical Enchanted Valley, where good Queen Aurora rules kindly over the unicorns and other magical creatures. In this series the girls find out about the magical healing crystals which help to keep every Enchanted Valley family safe and well. But there's a problem - the wicked unicorn, Selena, has stolen the Crystal Unicorns' lockets! First Emily and Aisha must find Rosymane's rescue crystal, to help heal bumps and bruises - with help from Springer, a young kangacorn (a kangaroo with a unicorn horn)!There are four exciting stories in this series:Rosymane and the Rescue CrystalFirebright and the Magic MedicineTwinkleshade and the Calming CharmRipplestripe and the Peace Locket
Stanford University Press Governing China's Population: From Leninist to Neoliberal Biopolitics
China's giant project in social engineering has drawn worldwide attention, both because of its coercive enforcement of strict birth limits, and because of the striking changes that have occurred in China's population: one of the fastest fertility declines in modern history and a gender gap among infants that is the highest in the world. These changes have contributed to an imminent crisis of social security for a rapidly aging population, provoking concern in China and abroad. What political processes underlie these population shifts? What is the political significance of population policy for the PRC regime, the Chinese people, and China's place in the world? The book documents the gradual "governmentalization" of China's population after 1949, a remarkable buildup of capacity for governance by the regime, the professions, and individuals. Since the turn of the millennium the regime has initiated a drastic shift from "hard" Leninist methods of birth planning toward "soft" neoliberal approaches involving indirect regulation by the state and self-regulation by citizens themselves. Population policy, once a lagging sector in China's transition from communism, is now helping lead the country toward more modern and internationally accepted forms of governance. Governing China's Population tells the story of these shifts, from the perspectives of both regime and society, based on internal documents, long-term fieldwork, and interviews with a wide range of actors—policymakers and implementers, propagandists and critics, compliers and resisters. This study also illuminates the far-reaching consequences for China's society and politics of deep state intrusion in individual reproduction. Like Mao's Great Leap Forward, Deng's one-child policy has created vast social suffering and human trauma. Yet power over population has also been positive and productive, promoting China's global rise by creating new kinds of "quality" persons equipped to succeed in the world economy. Politically, the PRC's population project has strengthened the regime and created a whole new field of biopolitics centering on the production and cultivation of life itself. Drawing on approaches from political science and anthropology that are rarely combined, this book develops a new kind of interdisciplinary inquiry that expands the domain of the political in provocative ways. The book provides fresh answers to broad questions about China's Leninist transition, regime capacity, "science" and "democracy," and the changing shape of Chinese modernity.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Married Girls
An unputdownable drama from the bestselling author of The Girl With No Name. Wynsdown, 1949. In the small Somerset village of Wynsdown, Charlotte Shepherd is happily married and now feels settled in her adopted home after arriving from Germany on the Kindertransport as a child during the war. Meanwhile, the squire's fighter pilot son, Felix, has returned to the village with a fiancée in tow. Daphne is beautiful, charming... and harbouring secrets. After meeting during the war, Felix knows some of Daphne's past, but she has worked hard to conceal one that could unravel her carefully built life. For Charlotte, too, a dangerous past is coming back in the shape of fellow refugee, bad boy Harry Black. Forever bound by their childhoods, Charlotte will always care for him, but Harry's return disrupts the village quiet and it's not long before gossip spreads. The war may have ended, but for these girls, trouble is only just beginning. What readers are saying about The Married Girls: 'Thoroughly enjoyed this book' 'Three words: wonderful, captivating and enthralling' 'I am so pleased I found this author' 'Diney Costeloe at her best.
Triumph Books If These Walls Could Talk: Toronto Maple Leafs: Stories from the Toronto Maple Leafs Ice, Locker Room, and Press Box
Chronicling the Maple Leafs for 35 years, longtime Toronto Sun beat reporter Lance Hornby provides access into the Maple Leafs’ inner sanctum as only he can. From the heyday of the 1940s when Toronto won five Stanley Cups in Maple Leaf Gardens to the current star-laden era with Auston Matthews and John Tavares, this book provides a one-of-a-kind, insider’s look into the great moments and interesting anecdotes from the Leafs’ storied history. Read about how a lifetime pass to Leafs games was lost in a poker game; why Charlie Conacher dangled King Clancy by his feet from an open hotel window; how Mike Babcock learned he was related to Dave Keon; the wild times of the historic Gardens during the chaotic Harold Ballard era; and the legendary pranks of Doug Gilmour, whose sense of humour only was rivaled by his skill on the ice.
Oxford University Press Inc The Constitution of the War on Drugs
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. It is free to read at Oxford Academic and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations.An authoritative and first-of-its-kind critical constitutional history of the war on drugs that shows how drug prohibition was shaped by constitutional law, and how constitutional law was shaped by drug prohibition.The U.S. government''s decades-long war on drugs is increasingly recognized as a moral travesty as well as a policy failure. The criminalization of substances such as marijuana and magic mushrooms offends core tenets of liberalism, from the right to self-rule to protection of privacy to freedom of religion. It contributes to mass incarceration and racial subordination. And it costs billions of dollars per year--all without advancing public health. Yet, in hundreds upon hundreds of cases, courts have allowed the war to proceed virtually unchecked. How could a set
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Why Music Matters
Listen to David Hesmondhalgh discuss the arguments at the core of 'Why Music Matters' with Laurie Taylor on BBC Radio 4's Thinking Allowed here: In what ways might music enrich the lives of people and of societies? What prevents it from doing so? Why Music Matters explores the role of music in our lives, and investigates the social and political significance of music in modern societies. First book of its kind to explore music through a variety of theories and approaches and unite these theories using one authoritative voice Combines a broad yet theoretically sophisticated approach to music and society with real clarity and accessibility A historically and sociologically informed understanding of music in relation to questions of social power and inequality By drawing on both popular and academic talk about a range of musical forms and practices, readers will engage with a wide musical terrain and a wealth of case studies
Artech House Publishers Battery Management Systems, Volume I: Battery Modeling
Large-scale battery packs are needed in hybrid and electric vehicles, utilities grid backup and storage, and frequency-regulation applications. In order to maximize battery-pack safety, longevity, and performance, it is important to understand how battery cells work. This first of its kind new resource focuses on developing a mathematical understanding of how electrochemical (battery) cells work, both internally and externally.This comprehensive resource derives physics-based micro-scale model equations, then continuum-scale model equations, and finally reduced-order model equations. This book describes the commonly used equivalent-circuit type battery model and develops equations for superior physics-based models of lithium-ion cells at different length scales.This book presents a breakthrough technology called the "discrete-time realization algorithm" that automatically converts physics-based models into high-fidelity approximate reduced-order models.
Duke University Press The Politics of Kinship: Race, Family, Governance
What if we understood the idea of family as central to representing alternative forms of governance as expressions of racial deviance? In The Politics of Kinship, Mark Rifkin shows how ideologies of family, including notions of kinship, recast Indigenous and other forms of collective self-organization and self-determination as disruptive racial tendencies in need of state containment and intervention. Centering work in Indigenous studies, Rifkin illustrates how conceptions of family and race work together as part of ongoing efforts to regulate, assault, and efface other political orders. The book examines the history of anthropology and its resonances in contemporary queer scholarship, contemporary Indian policy from the 1970s onward, the legal history of family formation and privacy in the United States, and the association of blackness with criminality across US history. In this way, Rifkin seeks to open new possibilities for envisioning what kinds of relations, networks, and formations can and should be seen as governance on lands claimed by the United States.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cultural Hybridity
The period in which we live is marked by increasingly frequent and intense cultural encounters of all kinds. However we react to it, the global trend towards mixing or hybridization is impossible to miss, from curry and chips – recently voted the favourite dish in Britain – to Thai saunas, Zen Judaism, Nigerian Kung Fu, ‘Bollywood’ films or salsa or reggae music. Some people celebrate these phenomena, whilst others fear or condemn them. No wonder, then, that theorists such as Homi Bhabha, Stuart Hall, Paul Gilroy, and Ien Ang, have engaged with hybridity in their work and sought to untangle these complex events and reactions; or that a variety of disciplines now devote increasing attention to the works of these theorists and to the processes of cultural encounter, contact, interaction, exchange and hybridization. In this concise book, leading historian Peter Burke considers these fascinating and contested phenomena, ranging over theories, practices, processes and events in a manner that is as wide-ranging and vibrant as the topic at hand.
The University of Chicago Press Dwelling Places: Poems and Translations
Hailed as one of the best contemporary poets writing in the English language, David Ferry meditates unsentimentally, in many of these powerful and often wrenching poems, on the dispossession of people afflicted by madness, homelessness, or other forms of "wildness." The voices in all the poems in this book demonstrate how, for each of us, there is no certain dwelling place."David Ferry's Dwelling Places is a marvelous, extremely moving book, distinguished by Ferry's characteristic formal virtuosity, extraordinarily fresh and 'inner' translations, and a kind of driven anguished rage at both the social conditions in which human beings have to live and the mysteriously unchangeable tragedies of individual human lives. The translations amplify and deepen the contemporary scenes. I feel that in the future this will be perceived as a great book."—Frank Bidart"Not until I had read Dwelling Places several times did I see how ingeniously resourceful, ambitious, and admirably modest a book David Ferry has made."—Boston Review
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Such a Pretty Girl
In a gripping romantic thriller from Tess Diamond, an FBI profiler becomes a killer's deadly obsession...In Grace Sinclair's bestselling crime novels, the good guys win and the bad guys always get caught. As the FBI's top profiler, she knows that real life is rarely so straightforward. But her new case isn't just brutal-it's also personal. The victims look like Grace. And the FBI recruit assigned to her team is trouble of another kind. This isn't how Special Agent Gavin Walker imagined running into Grace again. Two years ago they shared one earth-shattering night, then she vanished from his life. She's brilliant, fiercely independent, and in mortal danger from a killer masterminding a twisted game ...The body count is rising. Entangled in the case and in each other, Gavin and Grace are running out of time and chances. And as Grace puts the pieces together, she knows she'll have to confront her own deepest secrets before the final, fatal move is played.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Trouble with Mistletoe: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel
If she has her way ...Willa Davis is wrangling puppies when Keane Winters stalks into her pet shop with frustration in his chocolate-brown eyes and a pink bedazzled cat carrier in his hand. He needs a kitty sitter, stat. But the last thing Willa needs is to rescue a guy who doesn't even remember her ...He'll get nothing but coal in his stocking. Saddled with his great-aunt's Feline from Hell, Keane is desperate to leave her in someone else's capable hands. But in spite of the fact that he's sure he's never seen the drop-dead-gorgeous pet shop owner before, she seems to be mad at him ...Unless he tempers "naughty" with a special kind of nice ...Willa can't deny that Keane's changed since high school: he's less arrogant, for one thing-but he doesn't even remember her. How can she trust him not to break her heart again? It's time to throw a coin in the fountain, make a Christmas wish-and let the mistletoe do its work ...
American Bar Association Mental Health and Conflicts: A Handbook for Empowerment
Mental health needs are universal. About half of us will end up having a diagnosable mental health problem at some point in our lives, and we all know what it is like to have a bad day. We understand that conflicts can be hard and that they can often bring out the worst in us. There are simple ways to be ready for when mental health needs arise during conflicts. Mental Health and Conflicts: A Handbook for Empowerment introduces different mental health perspectives, dispels common stereotypes, and provides tools for empowering mental health communication. After learning these skills, you will be ready to support anyone’s mental health needs in conflicts. This book is designed to help laypeople as well as professional conflict resolvers, people living with mental health problems as well as people with no knowledge of mental health, and those dealing with conflicts that are specifically focused on mental health as well as those facing any other kind of conflict. It includes case studies, personal stories, and takeaway tools to help readers apply the skills to the situations they face in their personal and professional lives.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Medical Transcription For Dummies
The fast and easy way to explore a medical transcription career Flexibility is one of the most enticing aspects of a career in medical transcription. Perfect for in the office, at home, or on vacation, medical transcriptionists can often create lifestyle-appropriate schedules. The transcription field also appeals as a part-time, post-retirement income source for ex-healthcare-industry workers. If you're interested in a career in this growing field, Medical Transcription For Dummies serves as an accessible entry point. With guidance on getting through training and certification and exploring opportunities within the myriad different kinds of employment arrangements, Medical Transcription For Dummies gives you everything you need to get started in medical transcription. Guides you on getting though medical transcription training and certification Includes expert advice and tips on how to approach complex medical jargon and understand procedures Plain-English explanations of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, diagnostic procedures, pharmacology, and treatment assessments Whether used as a classroom supplement or a desk reference, students and professionals alike can benefit from Medical Transcription For Dummies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Philosophy of Physics
Does the future exist already? What is space? Are time machines physically possible? What is quantum mechanical reality like? Are there many universes? Is there a ‘true’ geometry of the universe? Why does there appear to be an arrow of time? Do humans play a special role in the world? In this unique introductory book, Dean Rickles guides the reader through these and other core questions that keep philosophers of physics up at night. He discusses the three pillars of modern physics (quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and the theories of relativity), in addition to more cutting-edge themes such as econophysics, quantum gravity, quantum computers, and gauge theories. The book’s approach is based on the idea that philosophy of physics is a kind of ‘interpretation game’ in which we try to map physical theories onto our world. But the rules of this game often lead to a multiplicity of possible victors: rarely do we encounter a simple answer. The Philosophy of Physics offers a highly accessible introduction to the latest developments in this exciting field. Written in a lively style, with many visual examples, it will appeal to beginner-level students in both physics and philosophy.
The University of Chicago Press Book Was There: Reading in Electronic Times
Much ink has been spilled lamenting or championing the decline of printed books. In Book Was There, Andrew Piper shows that the rich history of reading itself offers unexpected clues to what lies in store for books - print or digital. From medieval manuscript books to today's interactive urban fictions, Piper explores the manifold ways that physical media have shaped how we read. In doing so, he uncovers the intimate connections we develop with our reading materials-how we hold them, play with them, and even where we read them - and shows how reading is interwoven with our experiences in life. Piper reveals that reading's many identities, past and present, on page and on screen, are the key to helping us understand the kind of reading we care about and how new technologies will - and will not-change old habits. Contending that our experience of reading belies naive generalizations about the future of books, Book Was There is an elegantly argued and thoroughly up-to-date tribute to the endurance of books in our ever-evolving digital world.
Stanford University Press Thinking Through Animals: Identity, Difference, Indistinction
The rapidly expanding field of critical animal studies now offers a myriad of theoretical and philosophical positions from which to choose. This timely book provides an overview and analysis of the most influential of these trends. Approachable and concise, it is intended for readers sympathetic to the project of changing our ways of thinking about and interacting with animals yet relatively new to the variety of philosophical ideas and figures in the discipline. It uses three rubrics—identity, difference, and indistinction—to differentiate three major paths of thought about animals. The identity approach aims to establish continuity among human beings and animals so as to grant animals equal access to the ethical and political community. The difference framework views the animal world as containing its own richly complex and differentiated modes of existence in order to allow for a more expansive ethical and political worldview. The indistinction approach argues that we should abandon the notion that humans are unique in order to explore new ways of conceiving human-animal relations. Each approach is interrogated for its relative strengths and weaknesses, with specific emphasis placed on the kinds of transformational potential it contains.
The University of Chicago Press Marking Modern Times: A History of Clocks, Watches, and Other Timekeepers in American Life
The public spaces and buildings of the United States are home to many thousands of timepieces—bells, time balls, and clock faces—that tower over urban streets, peek out from lobbies, and gleam in store windows. And in the streets and squares beneath them, men, women, and children wear wristwatches of all kinds. Americans have decorated their homes with clocks and included them in their poetry, sermons, stories, and songs. And as political instruments, social tools, and cultural symbols, these personal and public timekeepers have enjoyed a broad currency in art, life, and culture. In Marking Modern Times, Alexis McCrossen relates how the American preoccupation with time led people from across social classes to acquire watches and clocks. While noting the difficulties in regulating and synchronizing so many timepieces, McCrossen expands our understanding of the development of modern time discipline, delving into the ways we have standardized time and describing how timekeepers have served as political, social, and cultural tools in a society that doesn’t merely value time but regards access to time as a natural-born right, a privilege of being an American.
Unbound 21st-Century Yokel
'Glorious – funny and wry and wise, and utterly its own lawmaker' Robert Macfarlane'A rich, strange, oddly glorious brew' GuardianLonglisted for the Wainwright Golden Beer Book Prize 201821st-Century Yokel is not quite nature writing, not quite a family memoir, not quite a book about walking, not quite a collection of humorous essays, but a bit of all five.Thick with owls and badgers, oak trees and wood piles, scarecrows and ghosts, and Tom Cox's loud and excitable dad, this book is full of the folklore of several counties – the ancient kind and the everyday variety – as well as wild places, mystical spots and curious objects. Emerging from this focus on the detail are themes that are broader and bigger and more important than ever.Tom's writing treads a new path, one that has a lot in common with a rambling country walk; it's bewitched by fresh air and big skies, intrepid in minor ways, haunted by weather and old stories and the spooky edges of the outdoors, restless and prone to a few detours, but it always reaches its destination in the end.
Liverpool University Press Editing Medieval Texts
This book draws on a lengthy experience of teaching graduates how to approach medieval books. It leads the reader through the stages of the editorial process, using part of Richard Rolle's Commentary on the Song of Songs as the working exemplar. In the humane sciences, the need for texts is ubiquitous; they provide the regular objects of study. But far less prevalent than editions is any discussion of the premises underlying these objects, or the mechanisms by which they have been constructed. This volume takes up both challenges. First, in a preliminary chapter, it discusses what is at stake in any edition one might read; the persistent argument is that these represent products of modern scholarly decision-making, the imposition of various kinds of unity on the extremely diverse evidence medieval books offer for any literary work. This chapter also explains broadly various options for the presentation of texts – and the difficulties inherent in them all. The remainder of the volume is given over to a step-by-step guide to the process of editing (and eventually to a finished presentation of) a heretofore unpublished medieval text. The discussion seeks to exemplify the decisions editors routinely face, and to suggest ways of addressing them.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Moral Leadership: Getting to the Heart of School Improvement
"A vision of what could (and probably should) be. . . . The reader may want to revisit some sections for further reflection." --Educational Leadership "An excellent book that offers much to the seasoned administrator and should be on the list of required reading for introductory administration classes." --NASSP Bulletin Moral Leadership shows how creating a new leadership practice--one with a moral dimension built around purpose, values, and beliefs--can transform a school from an organization to a community and inspire the kinds of commitment, devotion, and service that can make our schools great. Sergiovanni explains the importance of legitimizing emotion and getting in touch with basic values and connections with others. He reveals how true collegiality, based on shared work and common goals, leads to a natural interdepAndence among teachers and shows how a public declaration of values and purpose can help turn schools into virtuous communities where teachers are self-managers and professionalism is considered an ideal.
Duke University Press Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene
In the midst of spiraling ecological devastation, multispecies feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway offers provocative new ways to reconfigure our relations to the earth and all its inhabitants. She eschews referring to our current epoch as the Anthropocene, preferring to conceptualize it as what she calls the Chthulucene, as it more aptly and fully describes our epoch as one in which the human and nonhuman are inextricably linked in tentacular practices. The Chthulucene, Haraway explains, requires sym-poiesis, or making-with, rather than auto-poiesis, or self-making. Learning to stay with the trouble of living and dying together on a damaged earth will prove more conducive to the kind of thinking that would provide the means to building more livable futures. Theoretically and methodologically driven by the signifier SF—string figures, science fact, science fiction, speculative feminism, speculative fabulation, so far—Staying with the Trouble further cements Haraway's reputation as one of the most daring and original thinkers of our time.
Stanford University Press Business Networks in Syria: The Political Economy of Authoritarian Resilience
Collusion between business communities and the state can lead to a measure of security for those in power, but this kind of interaction often limits new development. In Syria, state-business involvement through informal networks has contributed to an erratic economy. With unique access to private businessmen and select state officials during a critical period of transition, this book examines Syria's political economy from 1970 to 2005 to explain the nation's pattern of state intervention and prolonged economic stagnation. As state income from oil sales and aid declined, collusion was a bid for political security by an embattled regime. To achieve a modicum of economic growth, the Syrian regime would develop ties with select members of the business community, reserving the right to reverse their inclusion in the future. Haddad ultimately reveals that this practice paved the way for forms of economic agency that maintained the security of the regime but diminished the development potential of the state and the private sector.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Whole30's Food Freedom Forever: Letting Go of Bad Habits, Guilt, and Anxiety Around Food
The New York Times best-selling book, available in paperback for the first time. End the yo-yo dieting cycle . . . forever. Millions of people have successfully completed the groundbreaking Whole30 program and radically transformed their energy, sleep, cravings, waistline, and health. But after your Whole30, how do you make sure those new, healthy habits actually stick In this New York Times best-selling book, available in paperback for the first time, Melissa Hartwig defines "food freedom" as being in control of the food you eat, instead of food controlling you. The Whole30 helps you jump-start the process, but as anyone who's dieted knows, holding on to that freedom and creating healthy habits that last is the hard part. The Whole30's Food Freedom Forever offers real solutions for breaking the cycle of yo-yo dieting and the resulting stress, weight gain, uncontrollable cravings, and health complaints. In her detailed 3-part plan, Melissa shows you how to discover food freedom for yourself, no matter how out of control you feel; walk a self-directed path that keeps you in control for months on end; gracefully recover when you slip back into old habits; and create the kind of food freedom that stays with you for the rest of your life. The Whole30's Food Freedom Forever walks you through the Whole30 program and teaches you how customize your reset for improving and stabilizing energy, getting a handle on stubborn sugar cravings, reducing systemic inflammation, and fine-tuning your vegan diet. You’ll learn how to spot your specific triggers before they’re pulled and new strategies for dealing with temptation, strengthening your new healthy habits, and boosting your willpower. Melissa also shares advice for retaining your food freedom during holidays, vacations, periods of life stress, social pressure, and skepticism from friends and family. By the last page, you’ll have a detailed plan for creating the perfect diet for you, finding your own healthy balance, and maintaining the kind of control that brings you real food freedom every day.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #8: Amelia Bedelia Dances Off
In the eighth chapter book in the New York Times-bestselling series, Amelia Bedelia puts on her dancing shoes and dances up a storm! The Amelia Bedelia chapter books have sold more than one million copies and feature funny family and friendship stories with lots of wordplay just right for fans of Judy Moody and Ivy & Bean. All of Amelia Bedelia's friends love to dance. She has friends who are ballerinas, friends who do modern dance, and friends who tap. But Amelia Bedelia isn't sure what kind of dance is right for her. After all, if she is going to dance to a particular tune, she'd like it to be her own! Amelia Bedelia's funny search for the perfect dance fit involves friends, family, teachers, and pets, and it will have readers dancing on air! The Amelia Bedelia chapter books star Amelia Bedelia as a young girl, are great for building vocabulary, and feature a guide to some of the idioms and expressions introduced in the story.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Survival Analysis with Long-Term Survivors
The aim of this book is to suggest and exemplify a systematic methodology for analysing survival data which contains "immune", or "cured" individuals, denoted generically as "long-term survivors". Such data occurs in medical and epidemiological applications, where the intention may be to identify whether or not cured or immune individuals are present in a population, perhaps as a result of treatments given; in the analysis of recidivism data in criminology, where the intentions are similar with respect to prisoners released from and possibly returning to prison; and in many other areas where followup data is available on individuals, with the possibility that not all suffer the event under investigation. Both nonparametric and parametric methods are proposed and developed. The effects of covariate information can be assessed via a kind of generalised linear framework in the parametric analyses. The proposed methodologies are supported by asymptotic analyses and simulations of real situations. While these theoretical underpinnings are presented in reasonable rigour and detail, the book is aimed very much at the practitioner who wishes to analyse survival data with (or even without) immunes.