Search results for ""author marion"
Mariner Books Classics Illuminations: Essays and Reflections
Mariner Books The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst
Mariner Books Classics A Room of One's Own
Mariner Books Classics The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl: A National Book Award Winner
Mariner Books Classics Difficult Loves
Mariner Books Classics The Baron in the Trees
Mariner Books Classics The Nonexistent Knight
Mariner Books Classics King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa
Mariner Books Classics Life of Pi
Mariner Books Classics Silent Spring
Mariner Books Classics A B Guthrie
Mariner Books Classics Time Out of Joint
Mariner Books Classics Radio Free Albemuth
Mariner Books Classics Valis
Mariners Museum,U.S. America's Cup Treasury
Mariner Books Classics Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Suzuki Recorder School Alto Recorder, Vol. 1 & 2
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Körpermanagement: Handbuch für Trainer und Experten in der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung
Gegen den inneren Schweinehund ...von Patienten, Kunden oder Mitarbeiter sind gute Argumente ebenso gefragt wie Strategien zur Verhaltensänderung und erfolgreiche Trainingskonzepte. Dieses Praxisbuch gibt Physiotherapeuten, Fitnesstrainern, (Sport-)Medizinern sowie Experten der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung das Wissen aus der Sport- und Ernährungsphysiologie und Trainingsmethoden an die Hand und unterstützt sie dabei, den 'inneren Schweinehund' nachhaltig und wertschätzend an die Leine zu nehmen.Es vermittelt Fitness- und Gesundheitsprofis aller Bereiche Praxisnahe Instrumente zur Leistungsdiagnostk, Planung und Durchführung von individualisierten Trainings Grundlagen einer leistungsfördernden Ernährung für Kopf- und Körper Psychologische Grundlagen zur Motivationssteigerung Fragebögen, Messinstrumente und zahlreiche Zusatzmaterialien zum Herunterladen unterstützen bei der Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Trainings und persönlicher Gesundheitskonzepte - zur Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Kunden und Mitarbeitern.
Bohlau Verlag Extended Views: Gesellschafts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Covid-19-Pandemie
Max Hueber Verlag Deutsch uben: Wortschatz & Grammatik B1
De Gruyter Ikonische Formprozesse: Zur Philosophie des Unbestimmten in Bildern
Unbestimmtheit in Bildern ist widerständige Störung. Subtile Schattierungen eines sich verbreitenden und stärker werdenden Farbtons oder die brandversehrte Oberfläche einer Bronze erzeugen Effekte abseits des Schauplatzes künstlerischer Intention. Die Genese des Bildes im Werk- wie auch im Wahrnehmungsprozess ist immer auch ein Rückgang ins Unbestimmte. Die Beiträge des Bandes diskutieren den Begriff "ikonische Formprozesse" und überprüfen ihn an Artefakten: er umfasst jene Phänomene, die Übergänge zwischen natürlichen und symbolischen Formen herstellen. In der Wirksamkeit von Kunstwerken zeigt sich diese Kontinuität; sie halten die in sie investierte vorsymbolische Qualität in besonderem Maße virulent. Das Buch liefert so Bausteine zu einer Theorie ikonischer Formprozesse.
Policy Press Rediscovering mixed-use streets: The contribution of local high streets to sustainable communities
Local urban high streets have frequently suffered from neglect in comparison to town centres and out-of-town retail. Yet they have the potential to meet contemporary policy aspirations with regard to sustainability, social inclusion and place making. Rediscovering mixed-use streets is the first in-depth investigation of local mixed-use high streets. Drawing on case-studies in three different locations in England, the report provides a wealth of data and findings produced from a variety of sources, both quantitative and qualitative. In particular, the report offers a comprehensive view of local high streets, from the point of view of transport, local residents, visitors, businesses and practitioners; provides a series of suggestions for their improvement and demonstrates how local high streets belong to future sustainable communities. Providing a significant contribution to current interest in mobility, urban design and social inclusion, the findings have particular relevance for 'Sustainable Communities', 'Cleaner, Safer, Greener', and 'Place Matters' policies. The study will be of interest to policy makers and practitioners involved in the making and managing of streets and those with an interest in regeneration.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Teaching Tourism: Innovative, Values-based Learning Experiences for Transformative Practices
Tourism as an activity is increasingly being criticised for its exploitative and extractive industrial approaches to business. Yet, it has the power to transform and to regenerate societies, cultures and the environment. The desire to explore the world around us is deeply embedded in many people’s psyche, but it comes at a cost to the environment and often to the residents of the visited communities. Much of tourism education has been closely linked to preparing students for future professional practice, but the challenges and opportunities linked to its consumption require that its future leaders must exhibit very different values and understandings to tackle ever more complex and wicked problems from which tourism cannot dissociate itself.This teaching guide brings together a compilation of values-based learning experiences that can be adapted to suit the needs and disposition of individual instructors. It aims not only to engage students in the subject matter but also deepen their understanding of its complexity and interconnectivity and help them become global citizens that lead lives of consequence.Academics and practitioners in higher education institutions around the world in many different disciplines will find the thought-provoking conversation starters and activities of help in encouraging students to take a multi- or post-disciplinary approach to explore tourism from a values perspective. Consultants and academics engaging community stakeholders in capacity building will value its practical, accessible information.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Teaching Tourism: Innovative, Values-based Learning Experiences for Transformative Practices
Tourism as an activity is increasingly being criticised for its exploitative and extractive industrial approaches to business. Yet, it has the power to transform and to regenerate societies, cultures and the environment. The desire to explore the world around us is deeply embedded in many people’s psyche, but it comes at a cost to the environment and often to the residents of the visited communities. Much of tourism education has been closely linked to preparing students for future professional practice, but the challenges and opportunities linked to its consumption require that its future leaders must exhibit very different values and understandings to tackle ever more complex and wicked problems from which tourism cannot dissociate itself.This teaching guide brings together a compilation of values-based learning experiences that can be adapted to suit the needs and disposition of individual instructors. It aims not only to engage students in the subject matter but also deepen their understanding of its complexity and interconnectivity and help them become global citizens that lead lives of consequence.Academics and practitioners in higher education institutions around the world in many different disciplines will find the thought-provoking conversation starters and activities of help in encouraging students to take a multi- or post-disciplinary approach to explore tourism from a values perspective. Consultants and academics engaging community stakeholders in capacity building will value its practical, accessible information.
Welbeck Publishing Group My Mind Won't Shut Up!: Meditation for People Who Don't Meditate
Vagabond Voices Our Real, Red Selves
An anthology of three collections bringing three poets together around the subjects of birth and war. The styles of these poets differ, but their imagery and intensity echo each other.
Classiques Garnier Ecrire Pour La Jeunesse Et Pour Les Adultes: D'Un Lectorat a l'Autre
The Library of America H. L. Mencken: Prejudices Vol. 1 (LOA #206): First, Second, and Third Series
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Little Cat's Luck
Simon & Schuster Little Cat's Luck
Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Barcelona Plays: A Collection of New Plays by Catalan Playwrights
Barcelona’s theater has experienced a remarkable renaissance in the years since the end of the Franco dictatorship. Soon the Catalan language, suppressed for more than three decades, became a vehicle of expression for new playwrights who challenged performance groups. This collection represents outstanding Catalan playwrights from three generations.
Holiday House Inc In Like a Lion Out Like a Lamb
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Alltagsintelligenz: 24 Tools für Ihren täglichen Erfolg
Die üblichen Bewältigungsmechanismen reichen häufig kaum mehr aus, um den komplexen Anforderungen in Beruf und Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden und dabei die eigenen Ziele aktiv im Blick zu behalten. Dieser Ratgeber bietet neue Impulse für ein ganzheitliches Selbstmanagement und gibt dem Leser 24 leicht umsetzbare Lösungen an die Hand, um mit den überbordenden Anforderungen des leistungsorientierten Informationszeitalters zurechtzukommen und sich die Regie über das eigene Leben zurückzuholen.Die Autorinnen begleiten das Buch mit einem interaktiven Blog. Die Leser sind eingeladen, Ihre Erfahrungen dort mitzuteilen und weitere Anregungen für ein bewusstes und selbstbestimmtes Leben zu erhalten.
WW Norton & Co Healing Trauma: Attachment, Mind, Body and Brain
As we move into the third millennium, the field of mental health is in an exciting position to bring together diverse ideas from a range of disciplines that illuminate our understanding of human experience: neurobiology, developmental psychology, traumatology, and systems theory. The contributors emphasize the ways in which the social environment, including relationships of childhood, adulthood, and the treatment milieu change aspects of the structure of the brain and ultimately alter the mind.
Indiana University Press Gender and Jewish History
By revealing the importance of gender in interpreting the Jewish past, this collection of original essays highlights the profound influence that feminist scholarship has had on the study of Jewish history since the 1970s. Gender and Jewish History considers the impact of gender on Jewish religious practices and political behavior, educational accomplishments and communal structures, acculturation and choice of occupations. The book stimulates conversations on such topics as Jewish women's creativity and spirituality, violence against women, Jews' reactions to persecution in the Holocaust, and Judaism as lived religion and culture. Honoring Paula Hyman, one of the founders of Jewish gender studies, this volume shows gender to be an eye-opening entry into realms of Jewish history previously untouched by it.
The New York Review of Books, Inc The Curious Lobster
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Paul Klee, l'Oeil En Trop
Candlewick Press,U.S. The Stuff of Stars
Simon & Schuster Earth: Ready-to-Read Level 1
Learn all about planet Earth in the third book in this nonfiction Level 1 Ready-to-Read series about the universe that’s perfect for kids who love science and space!Our home planet is a lucky one. It’s unlike any other planet in space! Earth gives us life and protects us. Readers will discover fun facts about Earth in this Level 1 Ready-to-Read!
Simon & Schuster Moon: Ready-To-Read Level 1
Little Simon Little Mad
Little Simon Little Joy
Simon & Schuster Rainbow: Ready-To-Read Level 1
Simon Spotlight Sun: Ready-To-Read Level 1
Simon & Schuster Wind: Ready-To-Read Level 1
Cengage Learning, Inc Reaching Your Potential: Personal and Professional Development
REACHING YOUR POTENTIAL takes a holistic approach to helping students take control of their lives and improve their self-belief. The text is organized around the four areas of emotional, intellectual, physical and social potential. Through a process of learning and self-examination, students discover their values, increase their commitment to personal goals, and challenge themselves to grow and learn. While gaining practical knowledge and skills, students will discover their emotional, intellectual, physical, and social resources. This model, which is thematically integrated throughout the text, allows readers to emerge from their learning experience understanding the importance of developing each of these areas in order to reach their fullest potential. The text involves readers in active learning with self-assessments, activities that apply concepts to their own lives, questions that test comprehension, and case studies to foster critical-thinking skills.
Simon & Schuster Mount Rushmore: Ready-To-Read Level 1