Search results for ""author a""
J.R. Collis Publications Enclosing the Past: Inside and Outside in Prehistory
CABI Publishing Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals
The Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals, held in Northern Ireland in September 1997 comprises 85 original contributions by leading scientists from over 20 countries around the world. In keeping with previous Symposia in the series, held under the auspices of the European Association for Animal Production, this book contains papers which provide the latest research on the energy metabolism and other aspects of the physiology of a wide variety of farmed animals. Highlights include a comprehensive review of the current state of research on leptins and their potential applications in animal production, and a large section relating to organ and tissue metabolism, with major contributions from the USA, UK, France, Germany and Denmark. An important strength of the book is the diversity of species covered. For example, the sections on modelling and feed evaluation relate to pigs, sows, broiler chickens, laying hens, turkeys, lambs, beef and dairy cattle and fish. There are also substantial contributions on lactation and reproduction, growth, environmental aspects and maintenance. This book is essential reading for research workers in animal science, particularly those concerned with nutrition and feed evaluation.
CABI Publishing Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water
Phosphorus is an essential element for plant growth and its input has long been recognised as necessary to maintain profitable crop production. However, phosphorus inputs can also increase the biological activity of surface waters and this can lead to the destruction of such aquatic ecosystems. Advanced eutrophication of surface water leads to problems with its use for fisheries, recreation, industry and drinking, due to the increased growth of undesirable algae and aquatic weeds, and oxygen shortages caused by their death and decomposition. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of the causes and mode of phosphorus loss from soil to water, to enable the problems to be controlled and managed. This book has been developed from an international workshop held in Ireland in late 1995. It is the first comprehensive consideration of the topic, and many leading researchers in the area have contributed to it. It is essential reading for all soil scientists and freshwater biologists, as well as for environmentalists, ecologists and agriculturalists concerned with sustainable land management and pollution. The book is also recommended to fisheries managers, fertilizer manufacturers and biologists working for water utilities.
Springer The Dynamic Sun: Proceedings of the Summerschool and Workshop held at the Solar Observatory, Kanzelhöhe, Kärnten, Austria, August 30-September 10, 1999
Our Sun is the nearest star and thus an ideal laboratory to study dynamic processes which are related to solar terrestrial physics. The topics addressed in this book cover solar MHD and generation of acoustic waves, as well as physical parameters that are suited to describing solar activity and could serve as proxies for space weather forecasting. The influence of solar activity (radiation and solar wind) on telecommunication systems, satellite missions etc. is also discussed. In short, contribution reports are given on various topics in solar physics. The book covers solar physics from the photosphere to space weather influences. The intended level of readership is aimed at students working in this or related fields, professionals, and astronomers who wish to acquire some basic knowledge in the field of solar terrestrial relations, which is provided in the review articles.
Dover Publications Inc. Fundamentals of the Theory of Metals
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Higher Education in Post–Communist States – Comparative and Sociological Perspectives
How far have universities in post-Communist states adopted the practices and habits of their branded and consumer-oriented equivalents in the English-speaking world? While not assuming that university education in those states reflects in any mechanistic way the regulated, business-led system long established in places like the US, and now being dramatically realized in countries like Britain, this edited collection identifies some marked shifts in the direction of what might best be described as neoliberalisation, examining its particularities in local situations where establishment ideologies were, until the early 1990s, deeply alien to all kinds of commercially driven entities. Many of the authors are concerned not only with the linked issues of commercialism, instrumentalism, bureaucracy, and managerialism, framed locally and nationally, but also with the meaning and purpose of universities outside or against their status as efficient gatherers of income. The collection makes specific reference to Lithuania, Hungary, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Georgia, and Russia, and comprises theoretical as well as empirical studies of diverse but connected subjects, including the marketization of the academy, regional reactions to globalization as expressed in the representational rhetoric of specific curricula, the role and place of civic education, comparisons between educational settings, pedagogies for a critical and ethical consciousness, corporate and state demands and their effects on academic freedom, and the positive potential of new communication technologies. In all these cases, the system of neoliberalism, or rather an uneven process of neoliberalisation, forms a backdrop to the particular issues discussed.
Workman Publishing A Year of Gratitude Page-A-Day Calendar 2022: A Network for Grateful Living
John Libbey & Co Limbic Seizures in Children
Harvard Business Review Press Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence
“What does AI mean for your business? Read this book to find out." -- Hal Varian, Chief Economist, Google Artificial intelligence does the seemingly impossible, magically bringing machines to life--driving cars, trading stocks, and teaching children. But facing the sea change that AI will bring can be paralyzing. How should companies set strategies, governments design policies, and people plan their lives for a world so different from what we know? In the face of such uncertainty, many analysts either cower in fear or predict an impossibly sunny future. But in Prediction Machines, three eminent economists recast the rise of AI as a drop in the cost of prediction. With this single, masterful stroke, they lift the curtain on the AI-is-magic hype and show how basic tools from economics provide clarity about the AI revolution and a basis for action by CEOs, managers, policy makers, investors, and entrepreneurs. When AI is framed as cheap prediction, its extraordinary potential becomes clear. Prediction is at the heart of making decisions under uncertainty. Our businesses and personal lives are riddled with such decisions. Prediction tools increase productivity--operating machines, handling documents, communicating with customers. Uncertainty constrains strategy. Better prediction creates opportunities for new business structures and strategies to compete. Penetrating, fun, and always insightful and practical, Prediction Machines follows its inescapable logic to explain how to navigate the changes on the horizon. The impact of AI will be profound, but the economic framework for understanding it is surprisingly simple.
WW Norton & Co Sophie Crumb: Evolution of a Crazy Artist
Sophie Crumb's startlingly expressive drawings track her development as an artist from age two to twenty-eight. Sifting through dozens of their daughter's remarkable sketchbooks, our generation's most celebrated graphic artists have, with their only child, Sophie, now selected more than three hundred paintings and drawings that depict her artistic and psychological maturation. Revealing how an original artistic sensibility is both innate and nurtured, the book features six separate developmental stages, including Sophie's earliest drawings, the elaborate fantasy world of her childhood, her late adolescent rebellion, and her coming of age in the milieu of the Paris circus world and New York's "seventh circle of hell." The drawings from her early twenties—of tattoo artists, dangerous men—reflect a personal anguish that finally ends with her becoming a mother and creating a family of her own. Illuminating and intimate, this book is a dramatic yet subtle statement on the evolution of personality as seen through art.
Pearson Education Limited Level 5: The Prisoner of Zenda
Classic / British English (Available April 2008) Rudolf Rassendyll, a daring young Englishman looking for adventure, arrives in Ruritania for the new king's coronation. The two men meet by chance the day before and are shocked to find that they look exactly the same! A trick leaves Rudolf in the king's place while the king becomes the Prisoner of Zenda.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics
This book constructs the mathematical apparatus of classical mechanics from the beginning, examining basic problems in dynamics like the theory of oscillations and the Hamiltonian formalism. The author emphasizes geometrical considerations and includes phase spaces and flows, vector fields, and Lie groups. Discussion includes qualitative methods of the theory of dynamical systems and of asymptotic methods like averaging and adiabatic invariance.
Penguin Books Ltd The Nature of Things
One of a major new Classics series - books that have changed the history of thought, in sumptuous, clothbound hardbacks.Lucretius' poem On the Nature of Things combines a scientific and philosophical treatise with some of the greatest poetry ever written. With intense moral fervour he demonstrates to humanity that in death there is nothing to fear since the soul is mortal, and the world and everything in it is governed by the mechanical laws of nature and not by gods; and that by believing this men can live in peace of mind and happiness. He bases this on the atomic theory expounded by the Greek philosopher Epicurus, and continues with an examination of sensation, sex, cosmology, meteorology, and geology, all of these subjects made more attractive by the poetry with which he illustrates them.
Hodder & Stoughton Voices of Rome: Four Stories of Ancient Rome
Lindsey Davis has received the Crime Writer's Association Lifetime Achievement Award for her two immortal series of detective novels featuring Marcus Didius Falco and his adopted daughter, Flavia Albia. She is regarded as the finest living novelist of Ancient Rome. Here, for the first time in book form, are four novella-length stories written to illuminate her unparalleled output of the last 30 years.The Bride from Bithynia tells the story of Aelia Camilla who travels 1000 miles to Britain to marry Gaius Flavius, a Roman officer. But their relationship struggles, then the province explodes in the Boudican Revolt. Now, it will be up to Aelia to save herself from the conflagration. The Spook Who Spoke Again. Marcus Didius Alexander Postumus is an odd boy who has known two families. That of Marcus Didius himself and his actual birth mother, Thalia the Snake Dancer. Things begin to unravel quickly when he decides to emulate his adopted father and investigate a death in Thalia's troupe of exotic performers.Vesuvius by Night. Two men share a room but seldom meet. Nonius is a pimp and part time thief who operates at night, Larius is a fresco painter who dreams of artistic greatness by day. When the volcano erupts, one will begin looting hastily abandoned villas, the other will do anything he can to save himself and his family.Invitation to Die. When the Emperor Domitian invites the entire senatorial class to a banquet to honour the recent war dead, many think he intends to take revenge on his enemies. When the Camillus brothers enter the black-painted hall where the feast is being held and see their names engraved on monumental stones, they fear they will not survive the night...Four pivotal events, fact and fiction. Four stories which allow Davis's much-loved characters new space and the opportunity to take personal roles in tense situations, with moving results. They face villainy, tragedy, accident, confusion and fear - but each story is told with the wry humour, and underpinned by human wisdom, courage and love.
Peeters Publishers Archaeologica, Arts, Iconographica, Tools, Historica, Biblica, Theologica, Philosophica, Ethica
Papers presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2007 (see also Studia Patristica 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49). The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford; they are held under the aegis of the Theology Faculty of the University. Members of these conferences come from all over the world and most offer papers. These range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The smaller number of longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers L'intrigue Dans Le Recit Biblique: Quatrieme Colloque International Du RRENAB, Universite Laval, Quebec, 29 Mai-1er Juin 2008
Ce livre constitue les Actes du quatrieme colloque international du Reseau de recherche en analyse narrative des textes bibliques (RRENAB). La plupart des contributions abordent la question de la mise en intrigue dans les recits bibliques a partir d'une approche critique des modeles proposes par les theoriciens de la narratologie, a commencer par celui qu'Aristote propose dans sa Poetique. En effet, si ces modeles sont utiles, la pratique de l'exegese narrative montre que, dans la Bible, l'intrigue reste le plus souvent marquee par l'incertain et l'inaccompli : les personnages n'ont pas a s'y soumettre aux desseins immuables d'un dieu, comme dans la tragedie, mais participent a l'elaboration d'un processus dynamique et ouvert en interaction avec le personnage divin le long d'une trame oA' des possibles restent ouverts, avec l'incertitude que cela suppose, mais oA' la liberte des narrateurs en appelle a la liberte des lecteurs.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Larciano: Museo E Territorio
Archeobooks Tell El-Farkha / Tell El-Farcha: 20 Years of Polish Excavations / 20 Lat Polskich Wykopalisk
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XXI Index Biblique, Patristique, Philosophique Et Scientifique
Oxford Archaeology 'In the Vaults Beneath'
Archaeological investigations, undertaken as part of a programme to restore St George's Church, Bloomsbury, to its original Hawksmoor splendour, involved the removal of 871 triple lead-lined coffins from within the crypt and monitoring works within the churchyard. The elaborate named coffins of upper middle class parishioners provided a valuable opportunity to greatly develop the new field of post-medieval coffin analysis, and to integrate historical, archaeological and osteological data in order to build a vivid picture of this population. Over 90% of coffins were named, which allowed a rare opportunity to blind test osteological methods on 72 skeletons, whilst analysis of documentary and osteological evidence has challenged some long-held beliefs in post-medieval burial archaeology. Disease patterns in the St George's assemblage were influenced by the longevity and affluence of this population, factors that also underlay the necessity for elaborate and expensive dental treatment, including very early examples of fillings, filing and dentures.
Temple Lodge Publishing The Wisdom of Teeth: Dentosophy – A Gateway to Health: From Oral Balance to Total Balance
What if our teeth are a reflection of who we are? What if dental problems such as toothache, decay and malpositioning illustrate the deep functioning of our true self? What if, by harmonizing our mouths, we could allay many of our physical and mental ills? After years of dental practice, Michel Montaud made a breakthrough that would change his life and work completely. Without being fully conscious of what he was doing, he engaged in a dental therapy which would prove to be remarkably effective, going beyond the simple framework of mouth and teeth to extend to the human being as a whole. This guided self-therapy, which he refers to as Dentosophy, is a true alternative to the drastic measures of extraction, surgery and orthodontics. From personal experience, the author states that this approach can even remedy ailments such as chronic rhinitis and otitis, eczema, allergies, asthma, back problems and sleep disorders. Montaud describes his personal journey of discovery, initially to help his suffering son. Now, after decades of experience and numerous eloquent clinical results, he demonstrates that this human-based approach to our mouth and teeth can stimulate, at any age, the extraordinary healing potential of our bodies. With case studies and supporting photographic evidence, he shows that Dentosophy improves the general health of patients, both physical and mental. This illustrated and accessible book offers an exciting new perspective on our teeth and their innate wisdom.
Nonsuch Publishing Napoleon and the Invasion of England: The Story of the Great Terror
An account that traces the progress of Napoleon's plans of conquest from their earliest stages in 1793 through to his defeat at the Battle of Trafalgar, and the final collapse of the invasion plans in 1805. This book includes contemporary letters, prints and illustrations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Communication for Rural Innovation: Rethinking Agricultural Extension
This important book is the re-titled third edition of the extremely well received and widely used Agricultural Extension (van den Ban & Hawkins, 1988, 1996). Building on the previous editions, Communication for Rural Innovation maintains and adapts the insights and conceptual models of value today, while reflecting many new ideas, angles and modes of thinking concerning how agricultural extension is taught and carried through today. Since the previous edition of the book, the number and type of organisations that apply communicative strategies to foster change and development in agriculture and resource management has become much more varied and this book is aimed at those who use communication to facilitate change in agriculture and resource management. Communication for Rural Innovation is essential reading for process facilitators, communication division personnel, knowledge managers, training officers, consultants, policy makers, extension specialists and managers of agricultural extension or research organisations. The book can also be used as an advanced introduction into issues of communicative intervention at BSc or MSc level.
University of California Press Brain Physiology and Psychology
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1966.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Simulation with Visual SLAM and AweSim
This book presents a process for problem resolution, policy crafting, and decision making based on the use of modeling and simulation. Detailed descriptions of the methods by which Visual SLAM and AweSim, version 3, support this process are presented. The text is organized into four parts: Introduction to Simulation, Visual SLAM Network Modeling and AweSim, Simulation Analysis, and Visual SLAM Discrete, Continuous and Combined Modeling.
The University of Chicago Press Serengeti: Dynamics of an Ecosystem
Originally published in 1979, Serengeti: Dynamics of an Ecosystem was immediately recognized as the first synthesis of the patterns and processes of a major ecosystem. A prototype for initial studies, Serengeti contains baseline data for further and comparative studies of ecosystems. The new Serengeti II builds on the information presented originally in Serengeti; both books together offer essential information and insights for ecology and conservation biology.
Archaeopress Current Research in Egyptology 2022: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Symposium, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, 26-30 September 2022
The twenty-second Current Research in Egyptology conference was held at the Université Paul Valéry- Montpellier 3 on 26th–30th September 2022. From 250 attendees in person and online, young scholars in Egyptology from different institutions all over the world presented ninety-four papers and twenty-four posters. September 1822 witnessed a milestone event that marked the birth of scientific Egyptology: the young Jean-François Champollion from Figeac outlined the principles of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing in his famous Lettre à M. Dacier. 2022 also marked the centenary of another important milestone in Egyptology: the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun. For these reasons, the congress celebrated the history of Egyptology and associated research with dedicated sessions, making them a focal point of the event. The present volume collects thirty-two papers on various topics from the history of Egyptology to archaeology and material culture, from the Predynastic to the Roman period, through history and epigraphy, as well as new technologies.
American Center of Oriental Research The Petra Papyri III
The third volume in the Petra Papyri series, the scholarly publication meticulously documenting, translating and interpreting the information recovered from approximately 140 carbonized papyrus scrolls found during ACOR's excavation of the Petra Church. The scrolls had been carbonised in a fire and were thus preserved, although many scrolls were in a destroyed condition and could not be read. Such discoveries are exceedingly rare. The Petra papyri texts are dated c. 537 to 594 thanks to the law promulgated by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian to place the date at the beginning and end of a document. The scrolls vary in size from a single sheet such as P. Petra 6 (L. 28 cm), a list of stolen goods, to the exceptionally long P. Petra 2 (L. 8.5 m), which is an agreement concerned with inherited property. These documents deal with real estate transactions, disputes, contracts, divisions of property, marriages, dowries, and inheritance. The central figures of the archive are Theodoros, son of Obodianos, who was deacon and later archdeacon in the church, and his extended family and peers. The language indicates that the people in Petra at this time were speaking an early form of Arabic. A team of papyrologists from Finland conserved these sixth century texts in 1994 and 1995 at ACOR in Amman as part of a major effort headed by Jaakko Frosen. The original fragments were placed on Japanese rice paper and sandwiched between glass plates so that they could be preserved and examined for study. Some scrolls are written on both sides (and they could not be mounted on paper) but most are single-sided. As noted, many texts have been translated and published in The Petra Papyri series (Amman: ACOR) by scholars from Finland and the University of Michigan. Some documents are exhibited at the Jordan Museum in Amman.
Mousse Publishing Monuments
Pindar Press Collected Textile Studies
The late Donald King (d. 1998) was the founding father of textile studies in England. His knowledge of the technology and history of textiles of all periods across many lands remains unsurpassed. An erudite and yet modest scholar, he did much to promote the academic understanding of textiles, both in this country and abroad. His role as Keeper of Textiles in the Victoria and Albert Museum, allowed first-hand technical analysis of a large number of medieval and later textiles over a very wide range of techniques. This laid the foundations for his abiding interest in textile techniques, which was allied to his fascination with textile terminology as it appeared in documentary sources. Much of his museum scholarship found its way into publications such as the Victoria and Albert Museum Bulletin and Hali magazine. From 1977 onwards, as President of C.I.E.T.A. (the International organisation for the study of early textiles), he led a powerful lobby of textile specialists, including all the major museum keepers of textiles across the globe. His scholarship during this period was well represented through detailed and erudite articles of technical, art historical and contextual significance, published in the C.I.E.T.A. Bulletin. His twin role as scholar and textile keeper represented the meeting of the academic and the museum worlds across textile studies. This publication gathers together for the first time a representative selection of Donald King's scholarship, in seventeen studies written and published over the period 1960-1999. Seven of the papers are grouped to illustrate the wide range of techniques across which he was able to publish (woven IX; embroidered X, XI; tapestry XII; printed XIIIand pile/carpet techniques XIV, XV). Three further papers (II, III, VIII) illustrate his tremendous facility for close technical analysis of his materials, whilst his linguistic gifts, which allowed him to solve the intricate puzzles posed by textile terminology used in medieval sources, are celebrated in four further papers (IV-VII). Study II shows how he integrated these different avenues of approach into the intricate textile method that he developed. Two more papers have been included, to illustrate Donald King's notable ability to communicate his enthusiasm and expertise about textiles to a wide audience. The study entitled 'Magic in the Web' (XVII) was designed to engage the general public and it was received with tremendous enthusiasm both as a lecture and as a published piece. The paper on 'Early Textiles with Hunting subjects in the Keir collection', (I) served both the academic and the museum world, and it illustrated for the connoisseur what could be learnt by those engaged in building up private collections of medieval textiles.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Evaluation in e-Learning
Scottish Mountaineering Trust Arran, Arrochar and the Southern Highlands: Rock and Ice Climbs
Hebrew Union College Press,U.S. Dan I: A Chronicle of the Excavations, the Pottery Neolithic, the Early Bronze Age, and the Middle Bronze Age Tombs
Shambhala Publications Inc Yoga for Body, Breath, and Mind: A Guide to Personal Reintegration
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Aero-hydrodynamics and the Performance of Sailing Yachts: The Science Behind Sailing Yachts and their Design
This is a groundbreaking, technical analysis of yacht design, linked to the theory and testing of how a sailing yacht behaves underway. It is cutting edge - the author (a world expert in the field) has drawn his conclusions from years of research, analytical testing in wind tunnels and tanks, and his results represent the state of the art in performance prediction which underlies all modern yacht design. State of the art and with a revolutionary modern approach, Aero-hydrodynamics and the Performance of Sailing Yachts provides a systematic and completely up to date analysis, complete with colour photographs and diagrams throughout. An essential, and long awaited, work for all professional yacht designers, racing sailors and students of yacht design.
Orion Publishing Co The Red Road
Power, abuse, love gone horribly wrong - and a crime that stretches back two decades...From the two-time THEAKSTONS OLD PECULIER CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR AWARD-winning author.A girl who has seen more darkness than most.A Scottish lawyer waiting to be killed.A fingerprint discovered at a murder scene, from a man who couldn't possibly have been there.As DI Alex Morrow investigates the death of a young businessman, she uncovers a vicious network of power and corruption that reaches back to Glasgow on the night Princess Diana died. And to a fourteen-year-old girl sat in a car with a dead body, the murder weapon still in her hand.
Vintage Publishing Chinaman: From author of Booker Prize 2022 winner The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida
Discover the blazing debut novel from the Booker Prize winning author.'A crazy ambidextrous delight' Michael OndaatjeWhere is Pradeep S. Mathew - spin bowler extraordinaire and 'the greatest cricketer to walk the earth'?Retired sportswriter W. G. Karunasena is dying, and he wants to know.W.G. will spend his final months drinking arrack, making his wife unhappy, ignoring his son and tracking down the mysterious Pradeep. On his quest he will also uncover a coach with six fingers, a secret bunker below a famous stadium, a Tamil Tiger warlord, and startling truths about Sri Lanka, cricket and himself.'Bristling with energy and confidence' Sunday TimesWinner of the DSC Prize for South Asian Literature
Guernica Editions,Canada Arise The Dead I Volume 14: The Great War
This story – part memoir, part historical fiction – spans a period of one hundred years, from 1914 to 2014, with the main emphasis being on the years of the two World Wars. It concentrates on the lives of real people –the author's parents, the author, a young pilot from New Jersey in WW1, and others – as well as some fictional characters, who all lived through one or both of the wars and were profoundly affected personally by them. Arise the Dead I focuses on World War I where the author's dad took part in the Battle of Loos (September 1915) and where he was wounded.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Foundations Of Periodontics For The Dental Hygienist, Enhanced
Comprehensive and easy-to-understand, Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, Enhanced 5th Edition equips dental hygiene students with up-to-date, evidence-based coverage of periodontal anatomy, the periodontal disease process, and classifications of periodontal disease. Rather than presenting information in narrative style, the author—a leading expert in the field—uses a detailed outline format, making the information easier to read, understand, and reference. Rich with engaging learning features and student resources, the Enhanced 5th Edition has been revised and updated throughout to reflect the hygienist's increasingly important role in periodontal therapy and to help students confidently apply what they’ve learned to clinical patient care situations.
Oneworld Publications Tirzah and the Prince of Crows: From the Women's Prize longlisted author
'Spellbinding' Daily Mail From the award-winning author, a hauntingly beautiful coming of age novel set in the Welsh valleys of the 1970s Tirzah has lived a life of seclusion in a staunchly religious family. But when she begins to struggle against the confines of her community, trying to find her own way in the world, life takes an unexpected turn that ultimately teaches her that freedom springs from within. Written with an almost fable-esque quality and drawing on Welsh mythology, Tirzah and the Prince of Crows is an intensely immersive, layered and powerful novel about life forces and the healing power of love.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Inference for Models with Multivariate t-Distributed Errors
This book summarizes the results of various models under normal theory with a brief review of the literature. Statistical Inference for Models with Multivariate t-Distributed Errors: Includes a wide array of applications for the analysis of multivariate observations Emphasizes the development of linear statistical models with applications to engineering, the physical sciences, and mathematics Contains an up-to-date bibliography featuring the latest trends and advances in the field to provide a collective source for research on the topic Addresses linear regression models with non-normal errors with practical real-world examples Uniquely addresses regression models in Student's t-distributed errors and t-models Supplemented with an Instructor's Solutions Manual, which is available via written request by the Publisher
Human Kinetics Publishers Strength Training for Baseball
Baseball programs at all levels recognize the competitive edge that can be gained by their athletes through targeted resistance training programs. Every Major League Baseball team, most minor league teams, the top 25 ranked college baseball teams, and even some high schools (depending on the level and size) have a full-time strength and conditioning professional on staff. With Strength Training for Baseball, you will gain insights into to how amateur to professional baseball players are trained, and you will learn to apply those best practices with your own team to gain a winning advantage.Developed with the expertise of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), Strength Training for Baseball explains the value of resistance training for baseball athletes—backed by practical experience, evidence-based training methodologies, and research. The book will help you understand the specific physical demands of each position—pitchers, catchers, middle infielders, corner infielders, center fielders, and corner outfielders—so you can design program that translate to performance on the field. You will also find the following: 13 detailed protocols to test baseball athletes’ strength, power, speed, agility, body composition, and anthropometry 11 total body resistance exercises with 13 variations 19 lower body exercises with 29 variations 28 upper body exercises with 38 variations 23 anatomical core exercises with 11 variations 34 sample programs for off-season, preseason, in-season, and postseason resistance training Each resistance training exercise consists of a series of photos and a detailed list of primary muscles trained, beginning position and movement phases, modifications and variations, and coaching tips to guide you in selecting the right exercises for a program. You’ll also learn how to structure those programs based on the goals and length of each season and for each position.Backed by the NSCA and the knowledge and experience of successful high school, college, and professional baseball strength and conditioning professionals, Strength Training for Baseball is the authoritative resource for creating baseball-specific resistance training programs to help your athletes optimize their strength and successfully transfer that strength and power to the baseball field.Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.